33 SW [sum it '\\ ‘1 length of time, itmnay be tame factories‘of the 60111!- â€be compelled to close down gm of theweason. The lght (c: this time of th } ‘ mpasturage has been bum ; the water supply has bee . Ii: many sections or at lees ' inserted. It is feared thal d the cattle my be drinkin ’ 4 aim has mamth‘dy reduced h 0! milk. particularly durin pt tI'o weeks, and suppli at tar-caries have been ex an â€we at the conclusion of the F 371.33 accident was 11" on Saturday, the 25‘ Winomo’ofles nearly k W): at the north k mike at Fenelon Fa] 0' ï¬e Southbound ca: “33‘“: his ‘0 Aceident 5"â€le Averted } in may 34.40113 or at less; Unless rain (3113 in the near tu- fl' 19:21:20 It is feared tha itm‘e.‘ the 1083 to tb: country W111 M the axle may be drinkin .mn mt° big ï¬gw' Inï¬ndofwatfr. and if this ‘ NO GRAZING FOR CATTLE my. contammaticn may ï¬ndv-it ; Anetta: distressing feature is the ybtheqnahty of the chem. In fa“ that t1'1"»‘0133'htfl‘1t the Country Man, the make of cheese is gozthare is practically no grazing for ‘9 be h; In dumg the presen .9033 cattle Sheep and cows are eat II. an: win require a gym ins: weeds and shrubs they would Him to restore condition scorn ordinanly But the 81‘3“ is an; the county to their nor scared and brown, and there is no {aka-â€ï¬ner. Mar-native for the cattle. Springs ._ , around Mind-cu are dried up, and river water has been used by the 11> I. summer :idcntf. In some Cases cattle have teen driven four and five miles for G d Ch . ~13'2t81', and when they reached ‘home [an an '11 again their condition was almost as had as when they were driven out :ght Cripples Cheese Industty km. of Norwood. in religion will be Sister 2;†Eighth Year M3311! sent drought continues ““1352 the 26th4u1t., are hoping and praying for rain. obiles nearly ran in- Minden, Aug. lSâ€"The methods 0‘ It the north end 0 fighting the fire are Princmfllly by I Fenzlnu Falls. The‘ digging tmohes and throwing up Juth‘uouad car tortu-- t1); earth to break the Path of the Wheel 3. quick turn,‘ ï¬re as it runs through the grass. It â€'0 11D on the 510;" is an arduous task, and owing to bridge. bending the'the rapidity with which the flames ’3 0r fuur inches, HQ spread it is orwen unavaiï¬ng. for 7‘11 the other car. they work around the tuna! earth. 5'3 10 have‘been go- Reports lrom Haliburtonï¬ns morn- “ m“98 an hour, and in: are to the effect that the progress is 'm both of ‘them. ofltbe ï¬re on its inroads “wads a†i. out it Was a new chemical plant at Donald h.“ been Pday there Will be a stayed, thanks to the splemhd work Fhe neighborhood of of the ï¬re ï¬ghteTS- ' g, when m: young 18- b, habit of the Sister- Lodge session in “ are made ' they are safe- W. Simpson. ' parsimonious W. Pnstlethv ‘ proving costl 3231313321. A. afford a loss. ; G. Messen- Lakehurst, :lncardinez 0. urn h)w ‘ "Gazette lplln ). I). F. 1913-14, ssion in Y‘. F. 3L, 1). Warden, Seer?- s;; (1. ,, Tur- mm; 1}, :nnvill"; Kmr Aimpson. ‘nitlothv 'place-d Upon campers. There are "“‘“ ""’ """" “V This is the season of the big again their condition was almost as? sneeze, and those on whom hay fever End 33 when they were driven out for a .lrink. settles are about as delighted with Th;- whole situation is creating dis-€138 as a seasick passenger three tress for the settlers.,To drive eightq'days out from land. miles through dense smoke is noth-P One of the ironies of this disease, in}: unusual these days. ,if such it can be called, is that it The blame for the outbreak is | Spread sitsclf most extensively am- ong city dwellers. and the big popuâ€" few bush rangers, but they are en- latiorn centres in the United States timly too few to cover the country oï¬er a. big enrollment to the Hay ..... .with any degree of thoroughness. Fever‘Association. This north country has been badlyi Many Americans delay their vaca- nerleCted in this Respect. and the tions until the middle of August, parsimonious" policy employed is and then hie themselves to Muskoka. proving costly for many, who can ill Maine and other sections. Rice Lake. :2: Children Cry ea! FOR FlETcHER’S c A s T o R I A Th3 worst, it is hoped, is now over at this point, although there is no telhng’what may happen if rain does not set in. The ï¬re is now one milezfrom Gelâ€" ert, and the people in that section are praying for rain to check its PTO‘ gress. Lakehurst, Aug. ISâ€"Berry pickers are blamed for the fires that are raging about two or three miles north of here around Ball Lake. Fires lighted for dinner are believ- ed to have been neglected. Today. the breeze is a little stronger than usual and the smoke that has hung O'ier the settlement ha511ifted. The fires are receiving opposition, buttt is with little success. The residents are hoping and praying for rain. .‘Jinden, Aug. lSâ€"The methods of :i-zhting the fire are principally by digging trenches and throwing up the earth to break the path of the ï¬re as it runs through the grass. It In Minder: recently ashes tell on the streets and fields. and at night the clouds are iliumined by “die dull red refleCtion of the fires. flames into sections where they are .sel'domseen. and a few days agoan gunnsrmlly largw wolf was shot in Anson township. A large Part of this country is but sparsely settled. and in several of tin townships wide beaver meadows and hardwood brush 'pron'ded the driest of tinder for the fires. Added to this is the hardwood brush and the trimmings from the wood that has been cut. This is the driest of fuel and invites the flames to do then- worst. At Donald this morning a black- smith wit-h his wife and family were removed with their effects to a point farther from the flames. lthe the bend begu- éescription. +me fail in an endeavor to port- gray the extent of the conflagra- ti-ons, the damage done, and them- 2m: ‘co’nditicns. associated with the fadVanCe cf the 38M ‘ A11 tbn employees of the Donald iChemical Works, situated on the G. :T R. «L‘etween Hamburton and Gele'rt, :have turned out to tight the ï¬re, {which is but a mile and one (mar- fter from the company’ a plant. 3 ’At Moore's Fans, below Gull Lain; even the women haVe taken to the Womb to Mat the fin: fig-ll'bex‘fsmrd1 the supply of shovels in the north icountw is exhausted. At least an 'Anson, it is simpiy impossible to estimate the section of country that is swept by £12.80 extensive is it that deer, beam. skunks and urea Wolves have bean driven before the IHE LlNDSA v POST ‘- 15â€"«1‘he ravages AT DONALD the near fu-l . ’ - country will! Mr. Elgzn Coulter, of North Vern- ;lazn. met with an unusual accident a R CATTLE Eshort time ago. He was cutting grain feature in the with a binder, and somehaw‘or other the country the machine was turned completer » grazing for over. In thc upset he got Ins arm cows are at broken and was lucky he Was not ‘ they would I killed. a crop. Potatoes looked very good about 2 weeks ago now the moflt of them are drying up, even the trees in the woods are dying for want of water and a great many farmers have to drive thehr cattle to the Lakes.â€" Independent. . Hay fever is no joke to its Vic-5 time. The sneeze is only an externw At Gakwood recently Mr. and Mrs, al manifestation of the inward work- , S. D. Webster, celebrated the fiftieth ing of the strange mal.‘.ly. Yourianniversary of their marriage. After nights may be sleepless. your breath ‘Iunch they motored to the old home becomes so short that you feel you L Where, fifty years ago. they went as lare missing respirations and youfbl‘ide and groom. In the afternoon iteel that Your heart is likEly to stop gand evening- they were at home to Eventing entirely. Your eyes are Wn- their friends and about seventy took 3terv, and there is a general feelingiadvantagve of the opportunity to ex- ‘o'f elissedness that is not the least t2nd Congratulations. A very pleas- ill effect. No, hay IeVer symptomsjfing fact Was notiCeabBeâ€"the comg deserve pity rather than that theyf-Dlete family was present. The be made the Subject of a joke. fdaughter, Mrs. R. J. McLaughlin, of lToronto, Mr. LICIJaUghlin and fam- C 0 ‘1 k . my, and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley woo {Op 0 0° flster and family of Glandine; Miss; , xMcLaug-h-lin, Miss Anna McLaughlin,‘ In [Hal‘burtonfand Miss Ro‘detta McLaughlin were, yin charge of the tea room, The deâ€" icorations were of golden rod and The farmers are all through hayingismilax. Among those from a disâ€" it has been a very light crop indewlfance who were present were; Mrs. there is not ““1011 more than one? John Hoar, of LindSay (the brides- tenth as much hay cut this year asimaid of fifty years ago); W. W. there “'33 20 YWS ago. Some Of t:heiDorwu, of Bowmanville, Edwin Down farmers who used to cut from 70 toi of Oshawa (brothers of Mrs. Webâ€" 100 tons 0f hay this year have on'l'y’sfaer, and their Wives, W. J. 6 or 7 tons. We have very hot and! Webster and Miss Webster, of dry weather, the grain crop is about Montreal; Miss May R. Robih- ruined and the corn will not behalf son, Hamilton; Miss Lewis, Manta, a crop. Potatoes looked very good Mana Mr, and Mrs. Addison Reid, about 2 weeks ago now the most 0f .Torr Mrs. Parkinson, Miss Ma- them are drying up. even the trees bel Parkinson, Okotoks, Alta; Mrs. in the woods are dying for Want oils. Grandy, Omemee; Miss Martha water and a great many farmers havei Johnston, Toronto; Dr. A. E. Vroo»â€" to drive their cattle to the lakes.â€"â€"'man,, Mrs. Vroomen, ‘and Miss Independent. . V , . Whiteside, Lindsay. The farmers are all through haying it has been a very light crop indeed there is not much more than one tenth as much hay cut this year as there was 20 years ago. Some of the farmers who used to cut from 70 to 100 tons of hay this year have only Many AmeriCans delay their Vaca- tions until the middle of August. and then hie themselves to Muskoka. Maine and other sections. Rice Lake and the Kawartha Lakes receive' a fair share of these suflel‘ers, and some of them remain until the mid- dle of September. Hay Fever Has Began to Work Verulam Binder Turned Turtle made“. and tenders the remainder or' jthe change, when in fact, it is the bill presented by the advance crook that is found in the till. As yet no. complaints have been made about: the crooks operating here. but a! word to the wise is sufï¬cient. Thai public should beware of the man‘ who protests about not getting his! correct change, and who oï¬em to } tell the number of the bill in ques-g tion. ; ed when he is informed what the number of the $10 bill is. and ranges a hullabaloo about the register ‘and see if it is not there. Sure enough. a bill Hearing- the numeral mention- ed is in the register, and inVariably the proprietor arrives at the con- clasion that a mistake has been This is later, another person enters and also makes a purchase, tendering a $1 bill or one of Small denomination. When the change is forthcoming the customer expkaine that he tendered a $10 bill. and raised a hullsbaloo about being rotibed of his proper Change. The proprietor endeavors to convince the man that no mistake has been made, but he is dumioundâ€" the crOOks is as follows: The flim- flammers Work in couples and one enters a. crowded bar room or store and makes a purchase, tenden'ng in Payment 3 $10 bill. He receives his change and leaves, but a short time The police at a number of meat-(by cities have stumbled over a flim- flamming game which has left along list of Vietims in its wake, and which is ingenious and novel in the F LIMF LAMMERS WITH NEW GAME method mployed by LINDSAY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. AUGUST 22 1913 Lindsay Guests Were Present Ottawa, Aug. 14â€"001mm] the Hon. Sam Hughes, on account of his de- partmental business here, has been obliged to decline the invitation to attend the reception to Private Hawkins, at Torozzto tomorrow night. He has forwarded to.th'e win- ner of the King’s pI‘iZe a letter of congratulation, accompanicd by a check for $50. The Minister in his letter of congratulation notes that Private Hawkins and Private Perry, the two Canadian-born winners of King’s Prizes, are natives of his own county, and were born within three miles of each other. i S m. ’ Unt., .A . IFS , . ' ""J ""“Aug, uuc HUB: lbtl nag . a m 11g. arma lstto be salt to Little Bob again, this i r k. B k . . 1" ° ° The a“ 0‘ M‘mm‘“ hasltime the ï¬re being in the isolated . , 1 . .9 irequc-d to alow the town any more:home that had 1 set apart for money for local improvements, m Ehocpital purposes 1'! the occasion fact, the mumclpal account is sadly' o wâ€. Therefore, the town :aroae. It. was beyond saving when imust stick its hands in its empty water “as got on. for the electin- 'pockets for a while. No more local lcian. Mr. Clark, had to run to the improvement work can‘ be done he- } village with the alarm. Clark while cause it cannot be paid for, at imamâ€: t0 the ï¬re ha“ thought be m xm‘tll the town. daddies canEBa-W the constable near the barber’s. make a mint mm. Some 315- CI‘OS‘W the street? he jumped “P 000 worth of- waves-works debentures the high Sidewalk and as he did 8° have been sold. but the buyers have someone standing by purposely trim» not produced the cash. ed him, and he fell, severely cutting- .hia knee. The pump recently install- â€"â€"â€"-â€"4 COLONEL HUGHES’ fed at the power house came into .2001 use, for while the bone: could GIFT T0 HAWKmslnot be saved there was danger of Ithe fire being spread again over lthe old sawdust banks, and into the Ottawa, Allg. 14-430mm] the Hon. broods. Good work was done by Sam Hughes, on account of his de-ithose who were there, Reeve Bottum partmental business here, has been staking charge 0! tin operations. On obliged to decline the invitation togFr'idny another call was made, fire attend the reception to Private f having gained headway in the saw- Hawkins, at Toronto tomorrow ldust and woods, and again Reeve night. He has forwarded to .the win- Bottum ï¬lled â€Ch? gal). and With me ner of thc King’s prize a letter of aid of a few volunteers g-ainod con- comrratulation, accompanicd by ultra}. It, is hoped that rain will soon check {or $50. The Minister in hisécome and an end be reached 0f the, letter of congratulation notes that 'Sires. for the village has had asur- Private Hawkins and Private, Perry, ,feit for the last two months. â€"â€" Inâ€" the tWo Canadian-born winners of { dCDB'ndC‘nt. 33min Gets Broke Advance Refused expect to remain umil the 13th, when we sail from Liverpool for home on the steamer Victorian. Trusting you and yours are well, with kind regards. where there is much to interest and entertain; It seems 31mm to be a world of itself, and makes you wonâ€" der how all the D001“? live. They are certainly a 'busy people, and keep up a perfect whirl of excitement. We are nogv in the county of Cheshire, "me of the most picturesqgm and for- tile of English counties. Here we We have been enjoying ourselves very much since we arrived, the weather has been very ï¬ne most of the time. and the Ill-acne of interest so numerous that we have been kept busy every minute of the time. Most of last weak was spent in London, I np‘pmciate very much the visit 0f the Post in this land of my birth. Miss Beatrice and myself are ner‘badniy glad to peruse its new†columns. Frodslnm. England, . To the Editor of the .Post: The Post is in receipt of the fol- lowing imgténg letter from Rev. Mr. Limbcr‘t, of Oakwood, who with his daughter is visiting in Great. Britain: LETTER FROM Sincerely yours. W. LIMBERT. REV. HMBERT 4th. Mr. W. J7 Hudgins, of Haliburton had the misfortune to receive a. se- ‘vere cut in his hand, whi-le helping kill a beef Monday night. Owing to the serious nature of the wound, Dr. Frost acCompanied him to Lind- say for special attendance there. ARMOURâ€"At N'okom-is, Sask.. uni Sunday. Angust 10, .1913 Io'cn Ar-j mour in his 78th year to .nerly of§_ Victonia Road, and Jarvis, 0n: ario,’ since whsn he has been teaching the schools of Lindsay in the histor department. He is the son of a Meth odist mini-s~ter.â€"Globe. Mr. Gordan Manning, B. A., of th Lindsay Coflegiate Institute, has bee appointed instructor in history the Univergity Schools, succeedin Mr. W. E. Macpherscni B. A., wh has tecome Professcr of Education. Kingston, while Mr. J. B. Wallac" has received therappointment of in structor in Modern; in the place Mr. G M ercer, B. A... who goes \ .mcou vcr. Mr. Manning is a gradllate of Vic toria University, Taranto, and is specialist in English and History He achieved distinction in the Facul ty of Education some four years ago Lindsay Teacher For University! Important changes in the Univers' ity of-Toron'to Faculty of Educatio were announced yesterday. ‘ iBobcaygeon Has 1 Fire Epidemic nocmtal purposes it the occasion arose. It was beyond saving when water was got on. for the electriâ€" cian. Mr. Clark, had to run to the vinaze with the alarm. Clark while to be mt to Little Bob again, this time the ï¬re being in the isolated house that had been set apart for hospital purposes 1'! the occasion The dances, they say, are quite harmless if executed properly. but when the young people make use of them in the wrong way, it is High time they were stopped. The threat to stop the Saturday night music for the dancing will doubtless have some effect, but it will not ai-lay the prac- tice altogether, as for instanCe, it,is the intention of one of the rezozdents of the lakes to give a tango dance at her residence tonight. ' Examinm-z-Jl'he tango dance and the! Port Hope, Ont, Aug. 1!’>.-â€"I<‘rarnk-;i Yesterday afternoon at about three 1 turkey trot have caused mate a flurryf Hn Dixon, who was arrested on a' o’clock a drowning fatality was narâ€" r at Stones“ Lake this season. Mr.,R charge of perjury in obtaining 3 marâ€" 1'0wa averted at Sturgeon Pcrznt, Henderson. President of the 800118 I rjage license, swearing his would-be through the timely assiStazce of Mr, Lake cottagers' Association, has to . bride. Catharina Clara Satlcr. 0: Harold H0317- bidden these dances, and says that Pcterboro’, was twenty years of age,! R?“ Mr- Watts, Presbytzrian mirr- they are continued, the music f0 when she win be only sixteen next ism" of Oakwood- was attmding an Saturday night dancing: at thesJunipe month, received his preflminï¬ry hearâ€" 0min: 0f the Lindsay branch of the Island pavilion will be cancelled. Th ' ins» here last evening before Justices Women's ham“ “mm was Ming committee in charge also take Mr 01 the Peace Saunders and lLomg, 30- held on MW’ A' 0' Hagg's lawn, Henderson's View, and are determin flag in the absence of the police mng- I “M “h?“ Innch was 0"“ he decided ed if possible to stamp out this (:13 ’ istrate ant was Committed to jail to 10' “he a (“7’ in the “‘01 rake 5“ of dancing. Most of the young peop { stand his trial- veer at hand. H's is km to b»:- a look on this action as being out of Mr. A- 3- Armstrong 0‘ C0b0u1‘87powerml swimmer, and so although order, ' and think that the dances appeared for the Crown, and Col. H. be “‘33 am“ one hundred Fm“ should be allowed toloontinue, as A- Ward, ex-M. P., acted for the deâ€" from the shore no anxiety was felt they see no harm in it, but the older fendant. Dixon claimed to have bee. for me safety. M1" Hex-01d H053 Maple register serious objections_ I born at Bewdky and says he has “v-1 hfippencd “to 'bc swim-mg about. The committee in charge in short ed at Mill‘arook, North Bay and Pet-2mm. hls canon nearby, and was are so determined in their efforts orboro'. He induced 3t!» girl to dome: 100m; at him. whm he suddenly that they mean it to be stopped. al- to Port Hope from Pebefbom‘ while EMF and presently â€ng!“ t" m“ together. her father Was absent at Niagara, surmce and began calhng for help. The dances, they say. are (1111“ Falls. and preparations were in proâ€".1:i was 23"“ to bake-w, that so 20;. harmless if executed properly. but W8 for the marriage, rim-minister th 3 "1?“: “S m “wax. pm!’ when the young People make use of twang the hcense when in walked a “â€0 y 8‘3â€â€œ m â€8‘ _ . . . . :plight before be 331114: again, cryino t - - Chef of Pohce Gurmmsrson d nter-J ' '“ hem 1n the wrong way, It ‘6 h'igh an 1 iout that he was drowning. Instant- time they were stopped. The threat rupted the ceremony. x4 __ Thursday evening Exami'ncrzâ€"d'he tango dance and the turkey trot have Caused {quite a flurry at ‘Stoney Lake this season. Mr..R HendcrsOn, President of the Stone ‘ Lake Cottagers’ Association, has fo 1 hidden these dances. and says that they are continued, the: music to. Saturday night dancing at the [Junipe ' Island pavilion will be cancelled. Th ! committee in charge also take Mr; Henderson's View, and are determin! MUST STOP TANGO AND TURKEY TROT Brought to Lindsay DIED ning the hose reel had Little Bob again, this '54 Kinmount Family Burned 92%? 'Pain is much needed not only to 5’ (heck the ï¬res, but to help the crops :which are suffering f‘rbm the contin- g'ued draught. â€"Gaz¢tte. ‘ " ' Bush ï¬res are raging in the north- em parts of the country, and the air :is full of smoke. Indaan Point, ML; J. H. Carnegie’ 5 property on Balsam’ Lake.†is x'eported to be on ï¬re, and fthere is said to be ï¬re in behmd’ ?Cranber ry bay, on. Cameron Lake. Bad Fires near Cameron Lake Mucn interest is manifested in the outcome. of the visits of the repreâ€" sentatives of the patent ofl‘ice. Last night ï¬re destroyed the resi- dence of Mr. Fred Spenceley near the fair grounds, Kinmount. The family was in bed at the time and had narrow escape. Not a thing was savâ€" ed, ax‘d there was no insurance 0 house or contents. ' Mandan, N. 1)., Aug. 12-â€"Ja.nes :Kennedy. a. machinist of this city, :who claims to have solved the prob- ;lem of perpetual motion beyond the shadow of a doubt, has received Word that the United States patent ofï¬ce has sent two representatives to make personal inspection of his model in operation. The model he sent to Washington is said to have revealedi startling re- sults. Konnedy has had his machine on exhibition here, but the inventor claims in order to protect himself,' he has left 0!? the vital part of his mechanism. If Kennedy's invention is P a success, it will mean a fortune to him. Kennedy is-a man. up in the? forties, an ex-engineer, and up until a few days ago, was employed in; the Northern Paciï¬c shops. Claims Solution of Perpetual Motion trate Bumble, of Peterboro, stating that Dixoa had appeared before him on April 22nd of this ycar on a: charge of abu-ducting Clara Saddler. but. the charge was dusmissed upon1 Dixon prams-mg to pay no further-f attention. to the girl. At that time; Dixon gave his age as 38 but to Mr. Henry Reynmde issuer of marriage Yicense, he swore last Saturday that he was 28 Mr. Saddler, the girl’s father stat- ed that Clara Was born Sept. 17th, 1897, and would not be;16 until next month. Dixon was aware of this fact as the witness had tol'd'him the girl’s age. The bride to be, was present in court last evcm‘ng and cried all the time. It was qute evident that 5113 Was in love with the prisoner, and when he‘ was taktn back to the cell she followed down and 5told. her fathr er and brother she did 1131: Want toi be interfered with. In the witness box Clara told of having hem, com- pany with Dixon for him years She was with him in Port Hope on July 12th. He vi; ited Peterboro two weeks ago and invited her to come to Port Hope. He ha d always treated barf k 1nd1y. ‘ I F I PERJURY OVER MARRLTXGE LICENSE letter was produced from To Mrs. T. J. Tilly, falls the hon- or of having captured the largest fish caught by any lady in this dis- trict. Yesterday afternoon while out fishing at the mouth of the river she hooked a monster maskin- onge which weighed close on 18 lbs. The big’ï¬sh put up a grand tight, and Mrs. Tilly had all she could manage to get' him in the boat. She is justly proud of her prom. Lady Captures Monster Lunge An epxdemic of typhoid fever has broken out in Bethany. It is of a bad type and will. take a. lot of stamping out. One chili, Gladys Driver, sucâ€" cumied to the disease after an illness of two days, and the case was diagâ€" nosed by the attcn Ling dsctor as walking typhoid. The district Health Ofï¬cer was in the district and looked over the sanitary conditions in the vicinity and recommended some changes, including changes to the slaughter house. There are a. number of cases already reported, but every possible means have been taken to prevent ,the disease from spreading. There will be some 200 ï¬nd in Brantford, about 150 in Petal-bore} and Lindsay, besides a number 1:; (London, Windsor and many other '; places. Altogether there will be some 300 ï¬xed on various posts in the dif- Ifcrent sections of Toronto. Tbeusigns fare being made with black letten'ng «f on a yellow- foreground, and Show up F conspicuously. and was severely burned about the neck and breast. Mr. and Mrs. Sims drove hurriedly to the Falls with the Child. Dr. Johnstone attended to 112:- injuries, and faVOraltle progrcss is re- ported.--~Gn..1ettc. Typhoid Fever Around Bethany Motor League to ‘ Fix Road Signs Severe" Burned On Friday morning a young daughâ€" ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Sims of Fenelcn, a child thrse or four years old. upset a pan containing hot grease thzt was on the kitch'n stave,~ The Ontario Motor League are now buy preparing road direction sign: for the use of motorists. and it is ex- pected they will be completed within the course of a few weeks. Much credit is due Mr. Harold Hog'g‘ for his courageous reset», and the Valve of being a good swimmer when another is in danger of drownâ€" ing can be realieed. All this time great excitement preâ€" vailed on shore, a, large number of women fainting at the thought of the apparently impending tragedy. This morning Rev. Watts came up on the Lintonia, and left for Oakâ€" wood, feeling fairly Well after his narrow escape. inter at hand. H‘e is known to be a Imweriul swimmer, and so although he was about. one hundred yards for his safety Mr. Harold Hogs: happened lto 4bc swimming about {with his canoe nearby, and was [looking- at hi,rn when he suddenly sunk and presently struggled to flu suTEnCe and began calling for help. iIt was hard to belie“: that so not- r‘d a swimmer was in actual peril that nobody 81W his seal plight before he sank again, crying out that he was drowning. Instantâ€" ly Harold swam to the rescue, and holding his head above water, 190%: him over to the canoe. and then with this support, made for the shore some distance 03. The violent: cramp thCh had paralyzed one leg and one am left Rev. Watts before land was reached, and he was able to walk assisted to the house; }DROWN1NG WAS AVERTED FRIDAY PAGES 9 T0 12 and so although hundred yards anxiety Was felt Harold Hogg swimming about