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Lindsay Post (1907), 22 Aug 1913, p. 2

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-€‘.£G‘D TWO 3 95139 permanent EEE‘m’DSAY POST $155?» per yaar; $1.03 if paid in advance direct to publiSher we have my laid on Kent and William-e these‘ thoroughfams have been ' Mecca seach evening of many an i-sts who motor up and down their on sweet will. A? “E 030311.?) AND HE PEDESIRIAN Three Coileg'iate Institute pupils. G. Hardy, J. M. Clark Kirkconnel], have fortnight hcncr and fame to Wit 31‘ :33. mater by their record in t Queen‘s University and Toronto Unfiâ€" -.~ersit scholarship results published :51 another column. The Post desires to heartily con- gratulate the trio. Their success is a triumph for themsdves as well as a. fistinct tribute to the Principal and 21:33 at the 1ocal Collegiate Insâ€" "Jnlcssws W. md Watson utz.‘ . which has had a. necord this year unemaned by any similar ins- ti‘ ‘tiOn in the province. We have ev. er; reason indeed to be proud of our I o? legiate. Dunoons The only way ‘50 :u-ifing is to Dania! 1:) this way will a :-:cssings have been emmnmeu, unu :‘rzérafore the danger of being run 110%.. bf; an auto incomes gnaw. While the maicrity of 10031 autoâ€" ..nza exercise due care and flifixgence in handling their cafs on our sate-eta, there are a. number who, in t‘xi: Zeal for rapid transit let their can; out at a speed that is not only 1.}ang8rous, but unnecessary as well. «41.4,. :1- awn“? the cam on some Deg. -vae Dobeon at the last meeting of the Council wanted that newly to try and collect poll tax from the sons of Sunny Italy who have been working on the pavement contract. It was pointed out, howâ€" ever. that mesa laborers were not remflents, and therefore could not be compelled to pay the tax. If the representative of the east wand '15; gal-ions to replenish the ciVic trem-1 nty (and we know he is) let him in- gist. on the town coll-acting the poll tax from an MW" of Young man Who i-hzwe neglected to fulfil this obliga- tion. There are many of them earn- mg good wages and enjoying an the-,privileges the town aflordfl. with- out contributing a cent to theCiVic edicts. The tax ($1.00) is a. man amount. but if collected from every 5153!! EXCELLENT COLLEQIATE SAY, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22nd. THE Ohil dren Cry‘ we Hansen's x 3A 3 T O R I A COLLECT lNG POLL TAX DRUG STORE a 1: a: XALL $10.91.; PS“ prir LOTS - Iimanl 8t eliminated. and .We H Ln at It is generally supposed that there is no man more criticised than an editor. No matter how he conducts uvuâ€"r _. V plc. If he is seen around on the streets, he ought to be at home getting up a good sermon. If he calls on some very poor family he is playing to the gallery. If he Calls at the home of the rich, he is an aristocrat. Whatever he does, someone could have told him how to do better. He has a fine time livin’g ofi donations which never come in, and promises that never mature. Next to being an editor, it is the moat awful life.” '1‘ in Post was informed on ‘Satura day by reliable authority that im- portant durations were to be made at an early date to the Pas: Office, incnluc-ing a large addition to the rear of th': structure. The changes do not include an ex- tension to tire tower and the inn-allâ€" ation of a clockâ€"two mtters that sun-um hare been attended to besorc that; Tme, the town council by resem- tiou has memorialized the Depart- ment of Public Works in connection with this matter. but nothing has been done. It does seem strange that Peterboro and oti‘er centres are able to secure new wz‘mes, etc., while Lindsay, the home town- of a cabinet minister; is obhgefl" 60 beg and plead from mt to year for trifling im- provementl. We feaz'the thbhc ha been in past that our council' and other pubâ€" lic bodies have not men g-gressive enough in pressing our claims upOn WATSON KIRKCONNELL'S WCESS Perseverance has its ”Ward. The moon! achieved by Watson Kifliconneu, son of Principal Kirkâ€" connell, in the University scholar- ship results is a. triumph for that young stud’ent as well as am keen» tive and inspiration te: other stud- ems to apply themsehres assiéuousâ€" 1y to their studies. The Poet con- gratulates Watson Kirka'oanell on his ' achievement. He has bmught honor and fame to the local Colle- giate and to’his heme iWn, bringâ€" ing it prominently before the people of the ProvinCe as an important edu- cational centre. 94 DEGREES Thursday 88 degrees in the shade. Friday 90 degrees in the shade. Saturday 97 degrow in the shade. Sunday 94 degrees in the $113.62. This was the record of the past {our days, according to Bean‘s self~ registering thermometer. the only ac- curate instrument in town. Women’s Institute Of West Ops The regular monthly meeting of; the West Ops Women’s Institute \Was held at the home of Mrs. F. Cosâ€" tello on Wednesday af-berhoo-n, Aug. 13th, with over eighty ladies pres- ent. The following programme was rendered: An instrumental solo by Miss M. Connolly; a. reading by Mrs 3M. Williams; Miss S-horey gave an excellent paper on the topic of the day. "Simple meals well cooked and nicely ‘ervedf’ and Mrs. Roeen vas- sisted by Mrs. Geo. Mills gave a} demonstration on table setting, first a. dinner table and seCcm-d a talkie set for an afternoon at home. At the close of the meeting a 80019.1 half hour was spent over refreshments, served by Mrs. F. Costello. Mrs T. W. Curtis. Miss M. Costello, Miss N. Costello and Miss A. Murphy. The non meeting will be held at ‘the bone of Mrs. Geo. Dario an Sep- tember 10th. Topic, Canadian 83th" 0:9 and roll call, a. quotation from“ sommnhmwiththename. POST V OFFICE IMPRG’YEMHTS HARD LIFE INDEED ma: 3 fine time livin’g hich never come in, that never mature. an editor, it is the 0N SUNDA' THOUSANDS 1;“; 611111 7111111111 MONTREAL: Aug. 16.â€"â€"-(Can. Fresnoâ€"J‘The Conservatives may put of! an appeal to the peopleâ€"they may delay from day to day, from week to week, from month to monthâ€"«but the appeal must come; and the longer it is put off the more bitter will be the ‘ retribution, the more glorious the‘ triumph and victory of the Liberals." Thus epitomized is the clarion call which permeated the utterances of all the speakers at a. monster demonstra- tion organized at St I-lyaclnthe‘ on Saturday in honor of Right Hon. Slr Wilfrid Laurter, leader of the oppo- eltlon. Slr Wilfrid was in fine Iettle, and despite the heat he spoke for upwards of an hour and twenty minutes be- fore a gathering of over 8,000 persons on Latramboise square. St. Hyacinthe was overrun with the incoming visitors. who came from every point of the province on special trains. The streets were fesaooned with flowers and hunting. special arches of greenery being thrown i across at various points. In the latter ;llttlc girls dressed in gala attire sprinkled fresh cut flowers on the roadway as the leeral chieftain pass- ed. Addesses were read 'on behalf lot? the citizens. as well as on behalf of the various Liberal clubs repre- sented at the demonstration. FEr \Vilfrid, who gave all evidences of having profited by his repose of the. past few months, made a, speech which was described by several of his followers and colleagues in the house as one of the mast vigorOus and elo- quent in years. There was something of tho old resonant voice and grace- l’lfl WNW which were characteristic oi, tho‘l;~uricr 0:? the 01d duvs. _Sil' “'llkld took up the Inwal quea- tlon and in rounded sarcasm dealt \vllh me position of tlm Nationalist “patriots," who 53nd been. he said. traitors to all thelr Dre-~’{.ectlt_\xx prank)“. LI--u.3el'vatl\e- otw Iren;;.~l.~'. rm ti""lfH--tl. Were made up of the 11m» ':‘ Mflfl Wu...“ ,4 ml in." one slde and the ROYAL DRAGGWS Silas Duclos and‘ F. 15 Botsseaur mm- sided. Following. the speech or Vela-0mm- by Mayor Payan .zhe omer‘speakern. wave-z .snmmd Boissea'm representing thermg Liberals; T. D. .sbucherdp ELLA” of. am Hyaeimhec. Ihd- Simmer fiemuil'ena read from J. Lockie Wilson. in which he stated he would atmnfii the fair if possible. President John Carew.‘ B. L. Mc- Lean, Joseph Hickson‘ and Joan A. Williamson were appmnted as- cam- mittee‘ to arrange i531- bringzng: the Royal; Dragoons to (:39 Far. Measrs John Carew, J. Hickmn, J .. A. WtHiamBOn. P.sHawk~ins, J .« Bush-r nell, R. Thurston; WHH. Cufi-s,.J..R Kasey, B. L. Holman; W. Charmer». S. St'ivnson, G. H..Mark. H. Fee, J. H; Ashmore.. Judges were selected during- the afternoon and a communimubn was .1 meeting of" the alt-estate of tire Camel Fair was Held on saturCag. with the follbwing membexu present. ORCHARD THIEF Sunday afternoon several young' men accompanied by young tallies-,3 paddled” south on the Scugog, and' when south of the Riverside cemetery pulled their canoes up on the bank. and proceeded ten. W‘s-2t a. nearby orâ€" chard. The owner detected them help- ing themselves to the fruit, and ord- ered them from the premises. He; followed them to the river, when one of the young men produced a “shoot- ing iron" of the repeater type. and threatened to shoot. It is said the young man is- known, and he will! probably be asked to answer {or . ‘s [conduct in the courts. Ci-EAMPION COW DIES 0F SUNSTROKE “De K011 Mutual Countess,” the three and four year old world’s champion Holstein 015 Mr. G. A. BPe‘bh-in’s pure bred herd at Nor- wood, died recently as a. result of sunstroke. She'Was valued at 3,000 and was insured in the General Ani- m-al Insurance Company for $2,000. Br. Johnston, agent and inspector for the company, states that not on- ly is the weather causing more or less distress among the people, but it is having the same eflect among horses and cattle. and the doctor suggests that owners 0! animals should remember to take good care ‘of them these is”. Mr. Brebhin's Holstein was tn? champion milk and butter producer of the world‘ FOR THE ma PULLED A GUN wal quea- dealt with “patriots." to all thelr i Saturday “as a big day an ‘cotmgers at Cameron Lake. ery one turned out to thei regatta which as usual was INVERLOCHLIN . The two sons of Mr. H. B. Black, of the Ban‘: of Montreal, also did reâ€" mar"ably well. Both Bethune and Smldmg were contestants in some I gead races, 3on6? befides Carrying ofl g3 first, each were; able to show sevâ€" gem) second prizes {or their after- ?noon's sport. 652m. Hamilion on ‘ Eanadian Miliiia Miss Aileen nu number of events 5 than three very 53‘ tested races. She/£0 Single Canes an"1 U and with a friend Doubles. Gamcrcn Lake Regatta is getting better every year and is always greatly enjoyed by an who'~ attend. mumoox, Aug. ISâ€"Tbe barn i» longing to Mr. James Eastcutt, a farmer living one miles south of Car~ mel‘ church, was struck by lightning during the severe electrical stem 01 Saturciay night. and was burned) to the gtound with all this am an’s Crop- All his grain had been taken in: except about {out or five The permanent corps as an ins-twe- vional boo}? and its functions,. and also the mfl’ltl‘a on the peace and war basis, are-dealt with at consifiemablb (length. DfiASTRflUS FIRE Ottxvo'a, Aug. 14.4m-r'eporx of! Gen. Fri? Ian Hamilton on ti‘ia Carla-3 dian Militia, in the light at m‘s reâ€"; \ cent :‘rxpecticn. has been weaved by! We 110““ that Col. the Hon. Sam Hughes, .minis‘ter of mxmm. The minister will act make it public just yet, oruubil be 131131?- J- M 0‘3” 53.3 1130‘. 3-,; opportunity to more m1: 3rd. class honors in peruse at” 3rd class honors it The inspectorâ€"genera! deaiw very :sitio'n. fully witfr conditions obtaining in: the 2nd class honors in difiemnt units of the mifirtia, mm» 3rd class honors i cry, cavalry, infantry and subatdiary mum. service, and his conclusions nae! um, Pass in French. derS‘tood' to be distinctly favorable Pass in Libemtum. to the tome. .‘ 2nd class We 2 MATERIAL GOOD. The material is found to be good and also ‘23:: esprit de corps, but‘ the need of training is particm-arly' emâ€" phasized. With that end in View “ad- dit-ional facilities for the turning out 3f property qualified officers in a- larger number than is now possiblb, are strongly favored as an essential‘ condition to efficiency. acres of oats. Everything else was: in the barn. The storm was an ex- ceptionally severe one. sweeping a wide path between Mi'ufbrook and Lake Ontario. Following one of' the vivid flashes of lightiog, Mr_ Bast- cutb's barn burst into. flames, and the puny efiorts made to fight it were useless. Nothing: could bacion~ {and the Building wave a total loss. It is understood that it is Partially covered by insurance. The house was a safe distance from the ham, and only the outbuilding was lost. There was a, little rain {all here, but reports tram south of ‘irne Vil- lg-ge state that the storm was a generous one, and seveyal otfier barns were destroyed. A young. lawyer who has recently hung out his shingle here, was remain- ed by a. criminal with $5 and a. Very poor defense. “Well. you get a case, son," said his proud father. “Yes, dad." your client?” “After 11mm to his history. I collected what money he had and ad- vised him to retain a more experi- enced lawyer."-â€"Kansas City Journ- ”ANNâ€"WALT xxx-Am ,u what [advice did you give l..l l..-'._a-i...-- NEAR MILBROOK Good Advice big day among the experi- Mrs (Col) Sylvester has just re- Journ' turned from 11 tm washa’ Visit with L], Wave and Bowmanrfille friends. SCHOLARSWS FOR COLLEGIATE BOYS Composition. scholarship nesults wick appear to- day, two of our L.C.I. boys figure Iatgfcly. J. M. Clark-baa 3rd. class honors in Latin :Authom. 3rd Class honors in: Latin Compo- tuition. 2nd class honors in. Greek Authors 3rd class honors 1::sz compo- First class honors in Latin Com- Prodtian. First class lioness in Greek Auth- Ist class honors in 'Pdg'enometry. lst class honors in Physim, lat class honors iuB'otany. Ist class honors in Biology. Ist claw honors inthemistry. He wins the Prince of Wakes Schol- ws‘m‘p in Mathemam‘w, Chemistry, and Physics of the Wine of 3160. Watson Kd'rkconneifl obtained First class honors In Latin Auth- position. Second class tracts in French Au» First class monors in English 3:11:- erature. First class hcmors in German Au- thors. F‘irst class hms in German Com- Position- First 013.)! honors in Eaglish Compositiom First c138: honors in Botany. First claw honors in Zoology. First class honors in MsetfiaMt-al History. First câ€"imes honors in Modem Hia- tory. First :zlass honors in Algebra. FirSt class honors in Geometry“ FirS‘L: class honors in Trigomm- 1etry. He wins the McLaughlin Scholar- ship in Latin, English and German, of the value of $225, with “the! honor of the Registrar's valued at $200, which is gum for proficiency in Latin, English, Histon'. mamma- tics and German‘ Dr. White, and a student at L.Cv.I. during the 13381: year, divided the first and second Edward BIake Scholarships in Classics and Mathe- matics with J. B. Bre‘bner, who had edited standing. ‘ These echolmhips are of the value of 3325'. 00. At the Toronto University Schol- arship examination, of which re- turns are also out today, Mr. W. G. 2nd class honors u-«Compoetuon. let class honors in Mod. History. 296 class honors muod. History. let class honors in Algebra. 3rd class honors in Geometry. We ‘ notice that in the Queen's Second class: honors in French «Fezhaays: Overalls” , a. nephew 0f our.t0wn9m'an, class bonus in Beach, was burned. with its conâ€" tents. including two home. clown DigsandISQfowh.mtemntiea hoary loser. having only $500 insur- ance. Adelugedmbninthe BARN ANDCONTENTS TOTALLY DESTROYED Port Perry, Aug. 18-15. fierce el~ ectric storm passed over this sec- tion of the county on Saturday eve- ning. Lightning struck a number of bufldings in, Port P6117 and Vicin- itY. AbarnbelongingtoR.I-Iar- rington, on the 12th Mon 01 Clothing Department A “Heart to Heart” talk about 6m c001 serviceable 2 pc. Men’s Suits. thu save your dark clothes from the heat and dust of this season of the yea: and give you 100 $3 of comfort and hard service. Priced $7.50 to $15.00. Get Yours today. Saturday All of our stock of Boys‘ Wash Suits on sale at “Half-Price.” ”YARNS! DU 98,5 P033 Men’s $2.00 and $2.50 Straw Sada; Hats on sale at 50¢ each. Men’s $1.50 and $1.75 Straw 5;; Hats on sale at 25:: each. Dundas Havelles Clothing. Dept. '. FRIDAY The local Midland Grain Traffic Unusually HM Elli fie Mter lot that! km behin WY. U“ m have “:2: “on guard m to fight. 4 The Ian's h m tram the “Skull; '4 m the mate “I! the (MG 5e”; with 2%] “a savage lam-ted at 0 km h time éle-d 09h- dam. 19‘ ”an uliw fior her. 1 too- its raw 2 M God! no“ p “self firs‘ #12:: cm w fl‘fi W014: 3’ m green 1ha r" ‘ $112111 1‘ be! m 1 (.6 m,“ we. .' 1m silhc Miss 55 not “181‘ shank! 19?

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