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Lindsay Post (1907), 22 Aug 1913, p. 5

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3311137 ger 1’" ' 3m caught 5 to mamas '5: i: hsrselt. .1 m put it 0"?! In! Rim-view, this white Honeycomb Bed Rater Jackets. Our ‘55 very complete. g M shoulders. Fine hi? colors of Cardinal ._ Very Special at 50c fid Parry Sound. cau- in this vicinity before tethePoat) M t are the main top- Parental Tor of these early these days POINT ’hiidren's New indee d is this advance showinor of new models it; New Fall Suits and coas .T he materials 25,933, made m fashions newly sanctioned styles. The prices are Very leasonable so come and select new from this excluswe showing “333 with her is an extra few of these their over Mrs which i this sea Children k of fish. may I 19 E days. 3 Dr. Galloway andjgmflytmotored ito the Rake whenxhey spent a. few . A-_.. Mr. Symmel has moved from our fill-age to New LisL-axd. i A number of our citizens journeyed 'to Beavertcn on Wednesday to see H.210 baseball game between Beaverton iand Woodwflle, which reamed in tavâ€" .visiting her cousins. the Miss Town- iands. mng in the excursion. McEachern. I ’In the Hahburton district fire has The Church of England Sunday Miss McEachern, Eldcn Staticn, um mm for eight days. It W a ' h . u 1 ' q: ' . . at 2?: : “5;“;sz 3:23:82“; m w m we .0me m a meme down at t . a y 4 ‘ r. a- .' t . a ald, the first aha; _ below Ha,- ahd hope there W111 be a. good turn; Emma. are visiting at Islay. out. ' Miss L. Ego. of Peberboro, is visttâ€" lihmrton. Several farm-era residing Mr. and Mrs. Taylor‘ from north 05 ing- fdeuds in Woodva'lle. between Donald and Lochlin were Kimzzmmt, visited with Mr. and; Mrs. W. R. Butler'and Mr. Fred forced to abandon their premises, Mrs. Handley. sr., {Cr a couple 02' Stuart, of Flint, Michigan, are visit- large chemical works at Donald days. They report fires very badi ing her sister, Mrs. G.(Pnouse. were closed down 1 or a time, after ground where they live. : We were very much. surprised toilosin-g 15,000 cords of timber, but Mrs. Adans and her daughter, Mrs.' Learn that on chnesday night 0mgwere able to msuma Work yesterday, Prust, have returned home after I. :taticn had been broken‘into and “19' while at Hamburton tWO large lum- pheasant visit with friends at Hunts-J safe blown up, luckily they got only her mills were compelled to close ville. While visiting there they took; ; small amount of money, down. a trip up the beautiful waters of the} Mrs. J. McLaughlin, Canningtcn, A serious fire is raging in a Lake of Bays where a great numb-er; ififed her mother, Mrs. Leers, onlnortherly direction between OPIllia of tourists spend the Summer months. :‘Friday. and Gravenhumt, one wing of which Miss Carrie Shuttleworth rzturned3 “H‘- Geo. Ellis and Miss William- is moving in the direction of Hali- e‘rom a pleasant visit ht Linésay. éson. Lindsay. visited at Mr. Dennis burton, which is situated in a val- Miss Harper who was visiting her sistér. Mrs. J. Brisbin, has gcn’ back to Rochester, N. Y. Seven} of the young men of this place are going to start for the West on Friday next. Mass Bushine, Fred Godwin, '1‘. Burton and others intend mug in the excursion, The Ch":ch of England Sunday Schco': intend to hold. their annual picnic down at the flat by the river and nape there will be a good turn out. Mr. Harold Hogg. Toronto, Messrs Archie Cameron and Bert {Prouse and Miss Pearl Prouse. Oakwood, motorâ€" ede: to Web-thine cn Sunday. Of (Specia! to The Post.) Mr. Cave, Beaverton, was in town on Monday. Mrs. J. W. Pliouse, Miss Eulalie Prousa and Mix Cora. Adair spent a Couple of days this week in Coboconk and Norland. Miss E. Oliver, Sunderland, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. J. J. Ruan. Miss Dolly Green and Mr. Clarence Ritdne visited in Fenelon Falls this week. Mrs. Rutherford was in Toroa’ this week. Mr. J. J. Leas returned to Wood- stock on Thursday‘aiter visiting at his home here for three weeks. 66 x 84- Linen Table cloth a‘. $1.69. This is a very great cloth, hemmed and bordered, good quality. A}! linen. A few at $1.69. J. SUTCLIPFE Women's Institute Rest Room 2nd Floor WOODVILLE Mrs. J. McLaughlin. Canningtcn, , i~i+ed her mother, Mrs. Lccrs, on fFriday. ' Mt. Geo. Ellis and Miss William- (S pccinl- to The Posni Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gillis, of Lindsay spent a couple of days Vis- iting relatims in this vicinity. Mr. A. C. G “eenaWay, of Cam- bray spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Powles. Mr. Walter Day and Mr. Jas Fell have had their barns reshingled. There’s not much chance for poor Quite a number from here wok in the celebration at Fenelon Falls 1391; Tuesday. Are doing everything they can To trample the farm-or down. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Glasspeu, spent Sunday at Mr. aod Mrs. Jas. Hardy’s in Ops township. Mr. Geo. A. Powles, of Chicago, occupied the pulpit here last Sun- day. for rain, Miss Hattie Powlcs is spending a coup3e of weeks with friends and re- lati ves in Toronto. Mrs. E. Campbel'l, Winnipeg. is vis- iting her sister, Miss L. Ray. MI. Geo. Ellis and Miss William- son. Lindsay, visited at Mr. Dennis Hawkins on Tuesday. While moneyed men in all. how v w..- _ , Atalablfl-rench Maven-(ails. The“ pin: are-exceedingly fired“) fin regulating "at main portion of t {castle system. Rufus: all chap imitauonn. v Dr. do Von'n an sold :3 ghogort‘hmtot 10. Mailed couyadd 300‘») mm ‘10.. St- Marinas s "or do gt Mum‘u “on Mm. M. J. Stoddard has been vis- iting In Toronto this week. Mrs. J. Jewell, Linden Valley, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. H. McEachex-n. Miss McEachem, Eldcn Station, is visiting at Mr. G. McEachem's. Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Groom and Miss Emma. are visiting at Islay. Miss L. Ego. of Peberboro. 15 visit- ing; friends in Woodvme. Mrs. W. R. Butler and Mr. Fred Neat Electric Light Shades in Mission styles, now on sale at 18c, ’2 for 35c. A very neat shade for room and don. New Skirting Flanneilette at 10c, 12§c and 150. LINDSAY POWLES CORNER TH. LINDHD A serious fire is raging in a 'northerly direction between omma and Gravenhurst. one wing of which is moving in the direction of Hali- burton, which is situated in 3. Val- l‘e'y. Another fire is demolishing a ‘large, well timbered forest, the pro- perty of an English syndicate. The Esize of this forest. which is likely to {be completely destroyed, my be gathered from the estimate that it -will take between fifteen and twen- ty years to cut the timber in it. The latest advice-8 from this dis- !tx'ict state that the wind. which was taking the fire toward-s Halihurton, Vested two nights ago. tumdxgg its path from a northerlg to a southâ€" erly course and aWay from Halal-hur- ton. TO PULL WATER DAMS. As a result of practically the whole district being under fire it has only been DOSSi'ble to bring in temporary supplies of provisions: to the lumber camps. The conditions at the head waters of the Gull River are so bad that the omci-al caretak- er, William Roberts. of Harburn, has been notified to pull the dams and let the water down to servo the mills. Wild game haw, been forced to fly from the fire to the neighborâ€" Blouses'. Men’s Shirts. Pygamas etc. 30 inches wide 8 60¢ yds scorched. A number of trappers who went into the burnt district found the ckeretona and charred remains of game. such as deer. foxes and wolves. which punished in the flank east of which some deer have Men White Shadow Vciiing, sul- ling at 25c a. yard A3<orted neat. patterns in tine light weight. FIRE RACING A BURKE!) BEAR On Sunday a bear. with the hair Kent and WiLiam Streets EIGHT DAYS New Velvcts and Cords just received from England. This doth i; the beer. that can be procured. Covers in all the best shades. 27 inches wide. Prices are 50c, 60c, and 75:2. New “ynlla Flannelsâ€"J‘This famous clmh is here represent- ed here in many neat, patterm and colors suiiade for Ladles A Sale of Sample Hand}; erchief Among this lot, are many very neat designs all at, about half price. The intense heat of last week has rend-Bred bush and fomet as' dry as tinder, and only the sli-gh'testba‘eeze is necessary to catty the devouring element over a fresh tract. Last night Supt. Doan, of the Bell Telephone Co., imbervie'w-ed the coun- cil in reference to a proposition sub- mitted by that Company for the in- stallation of a fire alarm service in the homes of the firemen. Some idea of the strength of the fires may be gained from the fact that for a. distance of between twen- ty and- thirty miles around the fire zone the atmosphere is dense and smoke-laden, resembling a heavy fog. The fira flows hit-her and thith- er under the influence of air cur- rents created by the heat of the fires. Submitted Fire Alarm Proposition Mr. Dean had three schemes for submission to the counollâ€"the ir stallation of a telephone, the placing of an extension bell to ring a signal or box alarm. or the mechanical gong The total cost per ammm for eleven phones was $165, which included in- stallation and maintenance; $88 for the extension scheme and $275 for the mechanical gong. Cotourg had in- stalled the phone and it was tound to work admirably. They would be all on the one circuit so as to en- sure a. common ring in case of fire. This also gave the firemen the use of the phone. Its great advantage, how- ever, wae that the firemen would Tfie lumber camp. are not sending horses into the fireâ€"swept districts, and just enough supplies to serve the gangs are avail-able. Trails are being opened and “caching” has know where the fire was without go- in; to the hall. A resolution was adopted referring the propositien to the committee ap- pointed to deal with the question at fire alarms at a previous meeting. It is ten years since this dietriCt was last swept by fires.â€"-Globe. burned of! his entire body. Vanda-ed into Hammrn. Everywhere creeks and springs are dried up and large numbers of far- mers report the loss of cattle and sheep which wandered iu search of Water. Ilhluw' .ILLU '7 i J. represent - l bushel u patterm The for Ladxcs warm Cords just dim“ 1nd. This 2:53: .at can be M:- in all the Mast; cbes wide. spendi md doc. homes ‘ In Mr. and Mrs. Rev. A. H. Here and Master Harold. oi Strathcona. are spending their holidays on the old hometead. In the absence of our pastor, the Rev. J. U. Robins, who is taking his vacation the pulpit of out Methodist Church was ably filled by Mr. Spar- ling of town, whose practiCal and. in- spiring addness was much appreciat- ed by those present. Mr. Sparling is - not a stranger in this vicinity, b [always receives a cordial hearing. The trip by boat from Bolsover to Barnie last week was a decided suc- cess. The Bible Class is to be given credit for their management. 81100888. per acre. Messrs John A. Swain and iJ. K. Parkin recoived about five [bushels of alsike clover per acre. The weather has been very dry and warm of Late, which makes flowing difficult. A large acreage of fan wheat will be sown if rain comes in time to prepare the soil. Rev. 8. McLean, of St. Mary’s, is at present visiting his mother in the village of Kirkfield and us to preach in the Presbyterian Church, Kick- field and Bolsover next Sunday, Aug. 24. The Trent Valley Canal is going under certain repair here which will be of great bcnefit to our town. Mr. James Routley, of Nortand, paid a visit to his brother in the village this week. Owing- to the continued dry weaâ€" ther, water is getting very scarce in these parts. __-..-vw -‘v-a GU“ Mrs. James Hancock and daughter Babe-Ha 'I‘um‘bull of Toronto. Was the glleet of John and Jennie McCr. Clarke for a few days this week. turned: from cam} Mrs. Currans. and two children. of Point. ‘ Toronto, spears; the past week with Mr. and Mrs. her deter, Mrs. R. Burton. (Special to The Post.) The farmers of this vicinity are nearly through with their harvest. and the bum; ‘the threshing machine can be heard. It is reported that Roy Steele and John Cox-vie are about getting a. threshing machine. We wish them Miss Coad, of Oakwood, is the guest of her cousdn. L. Wood this week. \vycu-‘u to In? r057.) \ Mr. and Mrs. Blight and son, of Mr. (Special to The Post} and Mrs. Leo Proctor, The num of the threshing machine is heard again. and the grain is turning out good. The trustees of our North Ward School have given Mr. Wm. Deshane of Little Britain, the contract of } painting the exterior work of the- school houae. which will add much to' its appearance as Mr. Deehane is an} excell'ant painter. A number of the campers are at- riving home, and all report having a. big time. The intense heat on Sunday eve-n- ing kept a lot 01 People away from the Methodist church. Query, what's wrong with the lights ? Mr. Philip Mark's new clover hulier Is doing excellent work. VALENTIA. (Specml to The Poet) Miss Vivian Glassford of town, is spending a. few days under the par- ental roof. The two Misses Clark. of Oshawa, are spending their vacaticn with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Patna, of Woodvilla Farm. Miss Davey. of Salem, is visiting her uncle, Mr. Wm. Davey, of the South Ward. A number of our enterprising farm- ers have finished harvest which is much earlier than usual. The straw is rather light but the grain is well filled, and the crop will be fair, but threshing which is now in full- swing will not last long. Alsike clover as a. rule is a. light crop. A great deal 0 it will not yield much over a. bushel \Vhether you are one who has just Caught the "photo fever" and wish a. camera, or an experienced amateur who only needs supplies, you’ll find a. splendid stock of fr.th reliable goods here from which to select. Reliable Photo Goods Our superb stock of cameras in cludes neatlv every member of the Kodak familv~they range in price from $1.00 to $35 OO-and the best plate camerasâ€"Frames and Gen turys. Our store is headquarters for vis- ltors who take pictures and for local amateurs. It is also the place to learn of new things photographic. Come in whether you need goods: or not. A. HIGINBOTHAM Nearly opp. The Post Oflice (Special to the Post) BOL SOVER. CAmsflAY Mr. Eckm-em. of the Standard Bank is away on his holidays. Mr. Arthur Lynde, of Toronto, is Visiting friends “in town. A number from town took in the league baseball match between Wood-ville and Cannington, played an Woadvme last Monday. Results were 9â€"2 in favor of Canning‘ton. Mr. W. Vallentyne was Visiting friends in Toronto for a few days this week. Mrs. W. G. Smith spent last Friâ€" day in Beavert-on. Miss Vera Rancom. of Toronto is visiting her cousin. Miss Bertie Mul- MR. MCWATTERS Mrs. D. Francis spent a tow days in Toronto last meek. Mrs. (Dr) Blanchard and son spent Sunday in Sunderland. Are some of the men employed on the tOWn's permanent sidewalks pale! at the rate of $1.50 per day? At last night’s council meeting Dep-‘Reeve McWatters stated that ho had “been informed that some men were getting that wag-e, which, he stated no working man could live on- starting in Sept. Mr. Charles Put-via is Visiting friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matthewsleft for Col‘poy'e Bay this week where they intend to reside in future. ReV. and Mrs. Miller, of British Columbia. Spent last Friday with Mr. and MP5. H. Hart. The pay roll was looked up while $2.00 was the scale. mm! were paid $1.50. No information torthcomi‘nz as why they we:- ccivin; the iow Wage. Mrs. G. J. Hoyle motored to Ofilfia last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Edwards were at Hamilton 1881: week, taking in the) festival centenary. and Jennie! McCrimmon haVe re- turned {roan camping at Dukeiow's Point. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. H. Woodward, Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Cummer, and Miss Islay Houston, of Toronto, is visiting friends in town. Dr. and Mrs. Doberty of Canton, Mich, are visiting her Ethan, Mr- T. H. Foster. Mrs. C. Grogen Was in Sunder- !and last Thursday. Mr. and Mn. Stacey and chfldm Visited ~Mrs. W. J. Cowan and Mrs. L. Bell last week. Mr. Murray Wilson, fox-merry of Gammgton, has accepted 9. P0615011 in the public 5611001 at PM Al- bertl Sask. Mrs. Wm. Sackville. from Port Hope. spent: neutral day: East use: With her brother, Mr. W. R. Valian- visiting her mot-her. Mr. Harry Fairflseld, of Spokane, Wash., and Mr. M1Chael Um??? of Ud-ora, Visited friends in town last week. Mn. '1‘. A. Wibon and Mrs nuke:- spent last Wednesday 111 WWW. Mrs. L. Wesley, of Wroxter, Mt. for Ofill‘ia Monday night, after spending a few days with friend- in Dr. and Mrs. Ereyerton who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Ross, left for their home in Camdufi, Sash, on Wednesday. Ohio. fl visiting friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. WW5“! motored to Manta hast Satur- day. runaway last week, is improving. and the doctor says will ho abie to sit up in the course of 2; Milan. Miss Dal-lie McCrimmon is visiting friends at Woodville. Miss Norma Edwards has rammed after spending three weeks at Beavâ€" erton. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson at Beav- ertcn hast Tuesday. Rev. and Mrs. Cummer and Mrs H. Purvisl at Beaverton last Triesâ€" day. .A Miss Ruth Beck has mm afâ€" ter spending two weeks with friends at Sturgeon Point. We are phased to repo‘fl that Mafiter Clarence Stuart, Who had both his arm and leg broken in a Miss Bessze Halward is visiting friends in Lindsay. Mrs. C. Bick at L’mésay last Thursday. Messrs. J. Shier, N. D. McKmno-n, J. Grant, J. Umphrey, Chas. Gowâ€" an, N. V. Piper and L. A. wagon motored to Beaverton last Tuesday to take in tha banbal-l match beâ€" tween WOodvine and Beavenoa. Miss Evelyn Grog-an has been enâ€" rged to beach in Cobocwk. term CANNINGTON AND LOW WAGES i. Martin, of Toronto is I Almeda Beam. PAGE m

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