trout. Date that ‘ould At â€5, W and} W111 LIL“, ‘ Va nu: the?! crowning aboutthemoond week ‘ †in 01.,Octdber is one of the best in the 'It is a red Mick structure am all Roman stone trimmmgs and I Ehas accommodation for 300 children, NATE fincluding six classrooms, two ‘ecre- ation rooms teachers’ room. board AI PORT PERRY room and basement, and four tnilet iroams. The building stands on an 5" 3 gacre of ground, which will be used I. 112' 18‘4WQ1-‘r-AS a playground. †~ liddtod Will 4 mu 5‘ Drop in and look them over. G. Edwards Co imdgydonotdmw the temper. sharpen'tools 53319531157 grindsxone, leaving a keen smooth a; 2332.:ng with steel worm gears. On display now. intheufliceof Gen- pen Your Tools With a Luther Grinder in)“: Hardware, Phone TB DROP MEN W WAma WMWA WWW We present, and (1 today at the r31; MK and )l' Should An important ‘Vâ€"vv-bv. te‘ndeuts present. and cucms mmwastaï¬dflvqmch- m and the old Fairbank school Will were! :alï¬o be under his supervision. Mr. Gum ts Smith has had many years’ exper- â€gm in Ontario schools. The new 3 gschooi, which will likely be Nady away yester- eating his Malounge open unti 38513 flaw of Port r'n the" Peteflboro Times: As previously inâ€" )N, i time-ted in the Times, forest ï¬res are â€I ‘S 13'»;ng in the north country. The 'er hu .WorSt part of these tires, as said, 3513““ are in the township of Cavandieh i suflep and Anstruther. In the However, Jumbo Dam on the 3 health Burnt River has been destroyed by rarelygï¬re.'l‘heDee1-Lakedamonthe alsobeensentforthoaam! tosqna'lVandBarkl-UMI. Canal. haqaentgaagsof men to Highneer, Eagle and Gun manta gLindsay Teacher New Principal The abOVe refers to a brother of Mr. Jphn Smith, of Lindsay. The new principal has been teaching at Cornwall. DAMS ARE BURNED BY FOREST FIRES Toronto World: "D. D. Smith, of My, Ontario, has been appointâ€" ed principal of new school. He will . (-512 ch evening" . m «V w A! dermaa 8mg 18 ' Home From: West purpose Ontario \Department 0! Ammun- Orchards aflected have hot been , _.__a NICHOLLSâ€"In Lindsay on Friday, Aug._16, 1913, town. and Mrs. m. Nicholla. Durhamâ€"at... ’aaon. A number of cases 0! Ban .1093 scale have been discovered in MM- dl-eeex county by Mr. Neilson. of the or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams‘ Medidne 00., Brockville. Ont. was told of a farmer with nine‘oows who, for a. week or so. hard onlygo‘t half a pail af milk each day. There was a promise of rain on Saturday night, but the storm covemd the country only from Whitby to Port Perry. Still in a. land of lakes and rivers, wide ‘stmtches o! farming country are dying of thirst. More little ones die during hot wea- ther than at any othartime of the year. Diarrhoea, dysentry, cholera infantum and stomach disorders come without warninz, and when a medi- cine 15 not at hand to give promptly the short-delay too frequently means that the child has passed beyond aid. Baby's Own Tablets should always be kept in the home where there are young children. An occasicnal dose of the Tablets will prevent stomach and bowel troubles, or if the trouble comes suddenly the prompt use of the Tablets will cure the baby. The Tablets are sold. by medicine dealers BABY'S GREAT DANGER DURING HOT WEATHiR Mr. Newton 53er returned home on Saturday awning from a six ;weeks' business trip to the West. in che intemati at the Victoria D031: :8.- Savings Co. Mr. Sam): says the Warmers of Saskatchewan will have .a M wheat crop. bat oats are ‘mthec light. He says the farmers The Toronto News 8313: From Lindsay to Bobcaygoon there is a stretch of Country that has not had a Show of rain for six weeks. The meadows are literally burned bare of any sign 0! growth. In many fields hardly a green blade of grass appears. Much of the grain iszvery short in the Stalk. It is pathetic to see the cattle eating the dead grass Only weeds. and they are not very numerous, seem to be thriving. One FARMING COUNTRY DYING OF THIRST am Learning the advantages of good farming- ttn's 863.9011 as lover before, as all who properly prvepared their land befone sowing have good crops, whï¬e those who sowed on stubble making them leave town lot 'specu- lation alone, which would be a good thing for business generaily. haw.- poor returns for their labor. Speaking of the money stringency, be said that it'was not Mg McINTYBE â€"- FERGUSONâ€"At the Presbyterian Manse. Woodvme, 0ll ‘rbday, Tuesday. Aug. 9th, 1913, Margaret m. Ferguson. 0: Woodvil.o, to Andrew 3 m. n. McIntyre. of Argyle. ‘ foreBt fines. 001. Chandler, of the SaIVation Army. Toronto, Came down from Halibnrton' this morning, and in con- versation v’vith Capt. Cranwell of the local corps, stated that. the si- tuation Was a critical one for the settlers! Wm. Cole, a former Lindsay resident, who resides three miles from; Donald, lost his house and Last night about 11 o'clock resi- dents of Donald drove into Bali-bait- ton Village for shovels to ï¬ght the fire. The situation, they stated, was alarming. : Reports from the north country :thia morning brought the informa- ltion that the bush fires were mu graging near Gelert and at utht-r points in Haliburtan county. A rumor was in circulation this ymoming that the village of Mind-3n ‘had been swept by fire. but this ‘proved incorrect. A bush ï¬re is mgr ling weSt of the village. The ï¬re and smoke is so severe that tourism have been obliged to break up camp at KushOg Lake and return home. Fire is now sweeping through the Donald limits, and yesterday the Chemical plant was closed down in order that the men might fight the flames. Large Cinders carried b7 thebrea'ze are dropping into Haliburton Vil- lage in great. quantities, and while there is no great danger of the vil- lage being enveloped by the forest fires, still the villagers fear the cin- ders might start a. conflagratiou at any time. This statement was made by a gentleman from Halibunon to a Post reporter this morning. The north country was enveloped in a dame cloud of smoke, and if, was impossible to see ï¬fty yards from the train. “Unless a rainfall sets in today, the Chemical plant at Donald is doomed." FIREECREEPING min. 32 4 4 211’: 8 3 base Mtsâ€"Garew, Hickman. Stol‘ en basesâ€"000mm 2, Garew, Langdon Holgms. Bases on bang-Harry Kes- llck 4, Howard Keslick 1, McElroy 2. Hit by pitcherâ€"Suggitt 1, McElroy 3. Struck outâ€"By McElroy 15, by Buggett 1. Harry Keelick 7. Double playâ€"Harry Kesh‘ck to Langdon. FOREST; FIRES S'flLL BURNING Left on bakeâ€"Lindsay 8, Cannington 8. Umpireâ€"Butler. Time 2 hrs. 15 IN ON DONALD were swept away by the MARRIED ABRHPOAE m IRSAY POST. W'm " "xiiiâ€" ‘OéL. 'IE‘LTYM " "" "7.3" Mn u- “ Enhbounm'o «on 01;st Van's Female Pm: A rehab]. V-raich minor; never has. Than medias?! ruin] can. Mï¬wd "feelégvtatm- “ï¬g: “â€" Haze-9- ' ‘37:. 55171-3; so u. 7-. any; Q? -3552? '3' Another attempt of- the militants to take Premier Asquith's house by storm was frustrated by the police. size of a new half aollar and your native city the dimensions of a tu- berculosis 5 cent piece ! This pam- phlet was gotten up in Toronto. It ho'wever, some months ago, caused the Lindsay papers several spasms of wordy hemmoragee because they thought the work had been placed with this oflice. Peterboro Timeszâ€"Mr. W. Rudkias of this city,.who has made a little better than good as Lindsay’s Indus- trial Commissio“er, has just issued a dainty pamphlet descriptive of that bustlinn; h’ttle burg, which nestles on the banks of the stump fringed Scuâ€" gog River. The pamphlet gaves full descm'ption of Lindsay’s mercantile, business and manufacturing indus- eries. In the pamphlet is a folded map, showmg Dindsay’s geographical position and hat railway connections. But, Fi Billy for making Lindsay the As Barnum stepped aside for the mmmxan to drive mto the grounds he heard the graves cruncn beneath Thaw's feet. and looking up saw the madman flash publ him with the speed 01 the wind straight for the waiting car. W'lth a shouL Barnum started in pursuit. but :1 flying leap landed Thaw safe within the car. The great wheels were slowly turning before the keeper had fairly reached the roadway. They were throwing up a. cloud of dust beâ€" inre he had can; twenW-flye Jean... ï¬ade Lindsay Main Squeeze A six-cylinder black Packard tour- ing car of sixty horse-power. followed by a limousine. uloo black. loated lazily along the road ah the mllkman drew near the gate. Thaw standing a few feet away. apparently unconcerned. waited tlll Barnum unlocked the gate 2:: swung if. V“? to let the milkman enter. A} the same moment the two cars drew up on the further side of the road opposite the gate, and the touring car stood still. its engine throbbing. Long years of residence at the asyâ€" lum and repeated declarations by Thaw that he would never attempt to obtain hls freedom exot-pr. by legal means had establishzd the nmdman's status as a "trusty." There was llttle out of the ordinary in his appearance, even at so early an hour, in the courtyard. and 11 Barnum saw himâ€"as to this no one save the hospital authorities could say tonight 1nd they retused to talkâ€"he raised no question. HARRY K. THAW. Siayor of Sanford “’hite. gains liberty by a. daring ruse. room this morning. He was fully dressed. The milkman's cart was rumbling on the road outside as he walked thru the storeroom and into the outer court or yard of the asylum zrounda- Barnum, sole attendant at the rear gate. was pacing back and forth whaa Thaw closed the storeroom door behln] him. and apparently did not grasp the signiï¬cance of Thaw's eafly rising. HARRY THAW 'l‘omght he was stlll at large and the hospital authorities felt certain he was outside the state. Once beyond its boundaries Thaw is free. Only months. perhaps years. of litigation can bring hlm back to Matteawan, and then only in one event-«that he be ad- judged insane in the state to which he has llcd. Five confulerates manned the car in which 'l‘imw escaped, and a big black limousine whlch trailed it past the asylum gate. The pollcc have their descriptions and the names under which they registered at a local hotel Friday night. and are seeking them. The 8111103 ‘« mitories qmd :1 their 500021.! :31 A reward of $500 for Thaw's appre- hension 1: as been offered bv Mr R. F. C. Kei b. supexinte .dent of the asylum. Howaxd II. Barnum. the .1;tci.dant a; the gate-past whom Thaw flashed in his bra IL for freedom. is under arrest. and 01 her :u: w: s axe expected to fol- iov. . i\I.-\'i"l‘li.-\V.-'.-\N. N. Y.. 'Aug. 17.â€" (sz. I'ress.)â€"â€"ilarry K. Thaw, the slayer of Stanford White, escaped from~ the Hospital for the Criminal In- sane here at 7.45 o'clock this morning. A dart for liberty thru an open gate. a dash in the open 'door of a powerful automobile that stood quivering out- side. and a flight, like a rocket tor the Connecticut slate‘ line. 30 mil); away, aL-coznplishecl his escape. The hospital authorities believe that Thaw has fled to the shore of Long Island Sound and boarded a yacht waiting: with steam up, to rush him to Europe. were drawn in the dor- hs- ixmmtes were getting 0 \p when Thaw left his AT LIBERTY Don’t think ynu‘ll want to pay the repairs Vrm oamplicuted howls, for you won’t. Not much! Tubular. Well. I’m selling the Tubular. Bring your wife to see it. show you why it’s the best. se'para or made, and how 1b muy double your butter money. Old Separators taken in exchange. We sell the Sharples Mechanical Milker. Don’t think your wife will want to wash the heavy complicated kind, for she won‘t. Not by a jug fall ! She’ll want the Tuuular. mmsmwmzm DON’T I 42:3th 12%lbs. 8m AUG. 13 »-â€"From Kingcton, Sharbot Lake. Rerf cw and cast in Untarioand Qua-bun All stations on the Canadim Northern QdclLC 823'. at and including line St. Jerome to Hubsrdcau, and all stations on the Qua-bee and Lake St. John Railway. Alli. zitâ€"From Tomnto and Rose ialc on C.N.O.. and from station; in Southwes- tern Ontario on and s: tub of Grand Tianl.’ main lme, Trromc to Sat-i2. AUG. 25~â€"From Toronto and all C. N.O. statior s e rst and South (vi Sparrow Lake ; all stations on Central Ontario Railway and stations on Bay of Quinta, including Kingston. also p int; on other lines north of G. .R. Turmo- Sarnia line, and cast of. and including Sharlrot Lake and Ilcnfxev. SEP'l . :â€"From Toronto, all C.N.O. stations east and south of Sparrow Lake; an Central Ontario and Bay of Quinte statioris : also stations; on other lies east of North Bay in Ontario and Quebec, includino all stations on the C.N.Q. east of and including line 5:. jcrome to mimic“, and Q. a L. St. J. Ry. stations. SEPT. 5-From Toronto to Sparrow 1.3er on C.N.O. ; also points on other lites Toronto to North Bay, Sudbury and west thereof. thmhmumbsembym cam lather-n hil- way. Thedmdformaxongmumelemym “nauseous-Nuns“ Write for IIomcscekcrs' Guide, showing 35,000 free homesteaés awaiting the settler For lull information apply to Réturning, balfâ€"a-centa mile from a}! points on C NR. to Winnipeg. $18.00 from Winnipeg to original starting point in Ontario. DATES OF SALE Choice of destination left to the excursionixt. Haifa-cent a mile fun Winnipeg to Regina, Saskatoon, Wilma, Swan River, Edmonton, and to othexf points on the Can dian Northern Railway. w, v. .7 u. guy.- Accrtxï¬catewillbeissuedemit' purchaser to e second-class ticket 2006 t0 "‘2'†{rorn any station on the Canadian ciï¬c, Canadian Northern. or Grand Trunk Pause Rallquys in Alberta. Saskatchewan and Manitoba as: of NacLeod. Calgary and Edmonton to ongmals’arting point by the same route as travelled on going journey on or before November 30th. 1913. on payment of one half cent per mile (minimum ï¬fty cents) uqto Winnipeg added to $18.00 from \V’innipez. provided the holder deposits the certiï¬ed: mm the tivket agent on arrival at damnation. and works at last thirty days at harvesu'ng. 1’9; {mmrticulars see nearmt C.P.R. Agent. or writeâ€"- mum mm m mu. n sow to ma; om One~way aeoond class tickets to . Winnipeg only will be sold. Each ticket will Include a veriï¬mtion ceruï¬cace. with an extension coupon. When extension coupon has been dined at Winnipeg by a farmer. showing he has engaged the holder to work as a farm laborer. the couppn wnll be honored “D to September 30th for ticket at rate d one-half cent permit (mixumum ï¬fty cents) to any station west of Winnipeg on the Canadian Paciï¬c. Canadzzn Northern or Grand Trunk Paciï¬c Railways in Mmitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. but not west PE Edgnonton. Cfllzary or MacLeod. Ala. GOING DATES AUGUST 18!}: â€"-g:::_all Ration. mutton to Renfrcv inclusive not! «at the»! In [0. AUGUST 22nd ...Fro:n Toronto and We» on Grand Trunk Main Line to Sarah Maire and South thereof. AUGUST 25“: â€"â€"me Toronto and North-Watern Ontario. North of but not including Grand Trunk Line Toronto to Sarnia and Ear of Toronto to Kingston. Sharbot Lake and chfrcw. including these pornu. _From Toronto and all stations in Ontario East. 0! but not. Induding SEPTEMBER 3111 Grand Trunk Linc Toronto to North Bay. SEPTEMBER sagâ€"Fromm“ stations on Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bayindusiw. and West,thcrnof in Ontario. including C.P.R. Line Sudbury to Suit. Ste. Marie, Ontario. but not including Azildz and West. we: 3.... Plus hutcent per mile from Winnipeg up to Macneod, Calgary. or Edmonton. "come. TRIP WEST.†" RETURN TRIP EAST." $10.00 TO wmmpzc. $13.00 FROM WINNIPEG JOHN BRADY - OAKWOOD R. L. FAIRBAIRN. Gen}. Pass. Agt. C18. Nor. Ry. Toronto. Oct T. C. MA'IUHLAT. Agent. 1.11m 40,000 FARM [ABORERS WANTED F_03 HARVESTING m WESTERN CANADA to Winnipeg $1000 40,996 Harvesters Wanted EXCURSIONS it"! M. G. MURPHY. D.P.A.. C.P.I.. PM but cent per nilctron .11 points.“ of mm. (hiatry or Edmonton to Winnipeg r’hune l3 any one of that. You’ll preï¬x ï¬e Of course you intend to get a cream septum»:- won. Befnm you do. just Show this picture to your Wife The. three light. sim ple bowls on the right are the popuhr Sharples Dairy Tub-llama) r e a n Separator howls used excleiVeVy in Sharplcs Dairy Tu bu Ear O r e a m Separatms -â€" and the four- fearfuiiy c 0 mp! icat ed. heavy “b u c l: e t bowls,†on t he left. are samples of the kind used n on‘iumy sep- raters. PAGE Q EV“,