Clean icket the ,ttle, mnk of ‘hearâ€" rgaing ble FIRM -v.. 5 _ ‘ M A ~ , 1 r. i ‘ “(gm -. 2; * r.“ 'X \, . , V,‘ I; t? 1 x ‘ \‘A ‘é ' I V â€A“ v . g 4 .‘ ~~n~ ‘ a 1" 1 V‘ "a § . a, ‘5‘: IV: . :“H’ V if. ‘ I 7': #W p, Exc ales, etc, down in Dis lithumpi†and gm"d few tailway second brother Kin-n03†ck. 18!; the 31E Riches 3d after mend EARLY CLOSING pttems m Japanese Mattings fleet frnm h For yar .3? It close at 5 o’clock Ely except Saturdays this W Walter 75c and 500 Fancy Ratings at pelgyard 25c Mite Lg cm :ï¬gurec AClean-up of Wash Goods at 7c per yard (Spatial LITTLE BRITAIN You can save money guite easily here during this clearing event. All odd lines and remnants are being offered at special prices. The lines quoted here are onlyjorerunnezrs of the many values we are offering. 0W g! Fancy was an: lake 0Y1! 1,"..- meme and “P 36 inch with Muslin K‘ jet, nay). la ,d Delaincttc WC“ :Ia and .. vauey. last week. nlIivant and daughter, of ad his brother, Mr. Tom 8 Week. ‘ Hullyer spent a couple Lindsav he? Wbï¬" ‘1‘“ a. motton of Medicine are the guests of his 3W. Morton. Irwin is confined to Wi 1131)!) friend Morton are ‘ at Port )lac rtru 0“ The Post.) to hear that Miss roving nicely from encmea Regular \ I . - ' ' . ermr 3.:(3 In“ ._ \(-:lll chum- 19c mines and Voih variety of colm between L and 1! ‘i [PI Short and son IS spending a S at Sturgeon of Toronto, 1r village. ough spent a. cle, Mr. A. V. wife an Oakwood. was icpendent 0r iSt nmcse Mattings, assorted colors and illcd and “mum, splendid runge t0 li Fred Bernie, Visiting here, Hoover. S played here In mt] 500. pent Sund of Lindsay. M r. Richard rnt a couple t week the and Wilhel- ares 11 t1 (-ampm n'. AUGUST 7th. in our vil zrand again able ()lida)‘ “will M rs rm, Suizzngs in spot and fancy, .ml .‘lnslï¬rs, plain Rvpp Suitmgs ml brow», American Foulanls and l‘riccs rarzgml from per yard 12éc, Now i!†one price, per I11. Halibutâ€" ;b .“under returned spending \1 r. W.G. atiw )T .y, and Toronto. h 1t ll€ mvillc indsay Affecting all Departments, though We Quote Only a Few of the Specials COD pro- pro on, ID' x Messrs James Ferguson and (‘has. in Jenkins were. to Washbum's Island glast Friday. attending the ball game ' 5 between \Vashburn and Caesarea. The Iscore was 8-7 in favor of the former. at “Jimmy“ Ferguson did the twirling H .-H (HIL‘ putt, pm 7c H Clear at. pvl‘ 25c stration of Sociability,’ and the re-l At ï¬rst sign of illness during the port of hte recent convention held in Lindsay. was given. This meeting took the form of a picnic and was held in . the. grove. :hours he may be beyond aid. The Miss Jennie Yeo is spending a few gTablets will prevent summer com- (laws with Oshawa and Toronto plari‘nt if given occasionally to the friends. well child and will promptly cure these troubles if they come on 1 sud- denly. Baby’s Own 'I"ab1ets should be kept in every home where there are young children. There is no other Mr. and Mrs. Rustin and son, Oflmedicine so good and/the mother has Toronto, are spending a holiday in lthe guarantee Of a government an- town, the guest of Dr. and Mrs..alYSt that the)’ are absolutely safe. Vogue. ers. Edward Covell, Lombardy, Ont, Miss Lizzie Jones and her sister, ‘SaYSI “A mother Who nas 01109 used ('arrie, have returned home after lBaby’s Own Tablets for her children spending a few days at Hall's lake. will never fail to show her gratitude Mr. James Cain, of Toronto, has re- for tnem. They made a wonderful turned home after spending a couple change in the health of my little of days with his friends, Mr. W. J. ones.†The Tablets are sold by medi- Hartle. cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents Mr. and Mrs. S. Hogg, Mr. and Mrs. a box from The Dr. 'W‘iHiams' Me- Roberts, Mrs. Lang and Miss Ada. dicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont. ilmt weather give the little ones Baby’s Own Tablets, or in a few ' MINDEN : 33‘ (Special to The Post.) in ï¬gured and stripe rugs including white an 1 Among those from here who attend- ed the Firemen‘s and band tourna- ment in Lindsay last Thursday, were: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Yeo, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Deshane, Charlie Deshane, Mrs. Milton Groves, Albert Martin, Edgar Jones, Charlie Rooks, Geo. Heatlie, (‘harlie Jenkins, Stanley Dayton, Clarence Westlake. John Griggs, Mr. and Mrs. Bentley Faithful, Misses (‘arrie and Luella Avery, Moys Avery, Violet Dancey and others. The regular meeting of the Wom- en's lnstitute was held at the home of Mrs. Richard Avery on VVednes- day afternoon last week at 2.30 p.111. The program consisted of a “Demon- stration of Sociability,’ and the reâ€" port of hte recent convention held in Lindsay, was given. This meeting took the form of a picnic and was held in the grove. Mr. James Cain, of Toronto, has re- turned home after spending a couple of days with his friends, Mr. W. J. Hal-ï¬e. Miss Myla Sando, of Toronto, is visiting her friend, Miss Marjorie Morton this week We are pleased to see that Mr. Roy Glenny is able to be out and around Dr. W. Yeo, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Yeo. Mr. William Yeo, 31'. and Miss Jennie motored to Lindsay last Friday where they spent a few hours. Our baseball team was to Salem ('orners on Saturday evening. The more was 5-4 in favor of Salem. and Little Britain. The score was 14-1 in favor of Little Britain. Mr. Charlie Yeo. wife and children left on Monday to visit Rev. and Mrs Wiokctt at Fraserville a few days, be fore rdurning to their home in Torou t0 “Jimmy†Fer for that team 4-0 inches ‘ain Women‘s Institute Rest Room 2nd Floor J. SUTCLIFF E SONS f :gular Mr. AW. Moore. of Toronto, ar- rived on Saturday to visit his mother and other friends. Fl'i‘Z’PATRIUKâ€"On' Wednesday, Aug 30, to Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Fitzpat rick, Downeyville, a son. SUMMER BflMPlAINIS Klll llHlE UNES Mr. J. W. Scott returned on Satur day evening after spending a coupk of \‘(P‘t‘ï¬b at his home in Beaverton. Mrs. l’rm-man Brown. who has been uvntxy for a few months' visit in Tor (mm and other points. returned home on 'luesday evening. flux: 11 ave returned to their home in Toronto after visiting at. Mr. an i: H. Bakers. M id 11-19 of weeks '(rv. .I. M. White. 0f I-Ialihurton, w tnwn on Tuesday. a y razor Frank Welsh, of town. '5 ing his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Jus. Welsh, of Hall’s lake for a \V 8 W. H. Cunningham, of Pete:- vas m town on business on LINDSAY BIRTHS Satur- fclude the Name and; Address of the couple i breeder; the number of pure bred rton. l Tues- weeks 0011 in return 5 been n Tor home i . [animals of horsus, cattle, sheep and t0. ar- fswine owned; the number of male nether I . . izmd female; their ages, 1.e., under 1 year, 1 year and under 2, 2 years and under 3, 3 years and over; and the number [or sale this fall. The infornmtion thus gained will be published in bulletin form and distributed throughout the province. This will not only beneï¬t the buyers, who will know just where to go to secure what they require. but the breeders themselves will get a good deal of free adVertising, and this zhould result in more sales and bet- ter sales. THE [TNDS .\ Y PURE HRH] [IVE ‘ The Giornale du Italia says it un- le-ruands the Italian Government vill not change its attitude of neu- .rality. ROME, Aug. 5. â€"- Germany has made an appeal to Italy to stand with her, according to The Giornale du Italia. The newspaper says the at- tention of the Italian Government has been called to what Germany deâ€" ;cribes as hostile acts on the part of France. which the German Govern- ment asserts constitute a case coming with the terms of the treaty 0f alli- tnf‘C, even though, on account of hesu‘acts, the declaration of war mm from Germany. Those breeders in Victoria County who Wish to take adVantagc of this opportunity Bhollld supply us with the information mentioned above. We would like to have the list com- plete by September 15, 1914. Thes‘e remdunts have been produc ed by farmers and small breeders 8.1 over Canada. This is the statement made by an ofï¬cial of the National Live Stock Exchange, Limited, the head ofï¬ce of which is in Montreal. “The cavalr: horses which have been produced by the National Bureau of Breeding dur» ing the past eight years are now it great demand,†he‘said. The Ontario Department of Agri- culture 18 engaged at present in pro During :1 Pure Bred Live Stock Gen- sus of the ProvinceLThis will in‘ Remounts From Canada. MONTREAL, Aug. 5- â€"â€" “Arrange ments are being made to collect 30,- 000 horses in Canada should Eng land have need of them in the war." Dept. of Agriculture, Lindsay. Italy Stands Firm. Kent and; William Streets Size 6\ Reg. Price 80 7 Sale Price, Sc Japanese Mats Reduced Assortc] slencillel design Japanese Mats in as- sorud colors, 5123s suitable for verandahs and rooms. Buy them now. Less than the cost (’1' material is all. we ask for these Wash Dresses in a variety of styles, matormls, colors. etc, fashionably made, regular 2.95 to 5.00. You can this store for special prices A Big Cleanâ€"up in Ladies’ Wash Dresses at $1.69 Last Call on Ladies’ Light Dresses P( ‘h‘l‘ 3108K BENSUS Your choice while they last. 6x6 save nmnuy on a nice light 1 we are making a clearance Be sure and see these 8001:. They will receive our prompt attention. We prepay the delivery charges. SEND US YOUR MAIL ORDERS 6 x S) 1.3?) 1.1!) E Mr. and Mrs. A. Black and family in? Port Perry, motored out to Mr. i‘Ncil McLean's on Saturday. 3 Mr. Vet-mi Wright, Misses Carrie in’ight and Gertie Lowe spent the iweeK end at Mr. J. A. Wright’s. Mrs. H. Strickland and MiSS Va- leria, otCannington-t are visiting re- latives nere. ’ Miss Bertie Smith left on Satur- day for Montreal, where she will spend same time. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Wilâ€" frid McKague is on the sick list. Wessrs. Earl and Roy Moynes, of Islay, spent a few days at Mr. Neil McLean’s. Mr.‘ and Mrs. Fred Strickland and family of the, Glen, spent Sunday at Mrs. Thos. Smith’s. Misses Myrtle Brintncfl and Nettie Kievcll spent Sunday at_ Mr. Juo. Budd’s. A number from here attended quarterly communion service at Ma- nilla 0n , Sunday morning. Miss Ruth Smith is visiting her cousin, MiSS Winnie Gibson, of Sea- grave. McK‘aguc visited fr Road over Sunday. (Special -'tn The Post.) Mr. Elmer Copeland of Toronto, spent the week end at bistomc here. Messrs. Elwyn Brintnell and Earl requisites such as Parowaxâ€"The cleanest and best wax for sealing battles. Per cake-~15c Mixed Pickling Spice -â€"The best mix tux-e for making: good pickles. 2 oz. 5c Liquid Catsup F lavorâ€"An extrnct of the best Catsup spices. Saves time, labor and material. Per box 25c Proof Vinegarâ€"Is over 1‘; stronger than XXX vinegar. a most desirv able article fm- nivk'inQ’. Ltc. Per gallon 50c Gem Rubbeerade of best quali- ties of rubber. pint and quart sizes, in white and red. Per doz. 10c and 5c Individual Spicesâ€"All kinds Corksâ€"All sizes and prizes Good Pickles and Preserves are best "1:de with the me of gond BLACK'S SCI-IOOlIJâ€"MARIPOS A . Duncan’s a nice light dress now at a clearance of them at 9 x 9 2.00 1.6!) $1.69 Drug Store The RE XALL Store visited friends at Victoria S) x 10 2.50 1.89 9x12 Miss G. Webster, of Montreal and Wm. R. J. McLaughlin, Toronto, are zisiting at the home of Mr. S. D. Webster. Webster. ‘ Save yourself pain, worry and dis- Miss Grace Williams is visiting at eress by using the never failing Put- ,zer home in Sunderland. .lam’s Painless Corn and wart extrac- Mrs. S. D. Webster has been spend~ tor. 'It is reliable and acts quickly; Rev. J. E. Robeson, Palatine, 111., preached a very enjoyable sermon Sunday evening. Mr. N. Hill and family are moving ‘ovLindsay this week. We are very may to lose them but wish them ev- ery success in their new home. Miss Ina Brass returned home Mon- lay evening after spending a week with Mrs. Allen at Peterboro. Take in the excursion to Halibur- ton on Tuesday, August 11th, under the auspices of the Independent Or- der of Foresters, per G.T.R. Big prm gramme of sports, Calithumpian pro- cession, sham battle, and grand conâ€" cert. See time table and fares. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup oer was observed in the Methodist Church Sunday morning. The friends of Mrs. Dr. N J. Stev- ens were very pleased to see her home again after a serious operation in Little Britain. Misses G. and W. James, Lindsay, Ire spending a pleasant vacation with :heir grandmother, Mrs. S. Hughson. Mr. and Mrs. George Mason, Master Earl and Mrs. Mason sr, Toronto. called on friends here Saturday on their yvay to Minden for the week. Mr. C. James and Miss T. Abbott .vere in town on Sunday evening last. Messrs. C. Les Hodgins and C.1\' Stevens spent Civic Holiday in Tor 'mto. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson and daughter of Canington, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Webster are spending their vacation in Kingston, the guests of Mr. Webster's brother, Rev. J. Webster. Mrs. V. Richardson spent the holi day in Toronto. Mr. Sam Goad, Master Kenneth and Miss Winnifred, returned to Toronto Saturday morning after spending a pleasant week the guest of Mr. J. P. Goad. Miss Jennie Coad accompanied them home. Mrs. Harry Deyman and Master Harry spent the week-end with her sister. Mrs. E.G. Lytle at their cottage at Rosedale. flflVEHNMENI HAS IAKEN BHAHEE [If BABE ANl] WEHHESS SIMIflNS (Special to The Post.) Miss Alma Smith of Woodville, spent a few days here this week the guest of her cousin, Miss Pearl L. Goad. ' The Ladies’ Aid held their usual monthly meeting on Wednesday last at the home of Mrs. Alex Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Hicks and son, of Valentia spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hicks. Large crowds from here attended the Fireman’s Tournament in Lind- say last Thursday. . Mr. Fred Rook and Miss Ethel Prouse returned to Toronto on Thurs- day after spending a couple of weeks with Miss Grace Prouse here. Master Teddy Every is spending his holidays with friends in Toronto. A large number from Oakwood at- tended the garden party at Mr. M. Osborne's, I’eniel, on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E.I’. Rodman, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Lanc,, Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. E. Dobson as- sisted in the program. A few of the visitors 'in town for the holiday, from Toronto, were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gardner at Mrs. G. Prousc‘s; Mr. and Mrs. Orem Tor- rence and Master Bob at Mr. Robert Gardner‘s; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Halford and Miss Wilma at J. Brass'; Mr. and Mrs. J. Coad, Miss H. Coad at Mr. J. P. ('unnings: Misses Daisy Bailey Stella Coad and Mr. Clarence Hill at Mr. N. Hill‘s; Mr. and Mrs. G. A". Washington and son Andrew, with Mrs. Washington sr.; Mrs. George James, Miss Leela and Master Wal- lace with Mr. and Mrs. Hicks; Messrs. J. and P. Harcus, with their cousins. the Misses Harcus; Mr. Roy Phelp with Miss Lizzy Philp; Messrs Bert Brooks, George Maxwell, Emerson Goad and Miss (I. B. Mark, at G. J. '(Joad‘s; Mr. Doc Falls with his father. Mr. Joseph Falls; Mrs. Dobson and Miss Muriel with Mr. Dobson sr.; Mr. C. W. Whitby at J. C. Cunnings; Mrs. Wilkinson and Miss L. Wilkinson with Mrs. Freda Kemp; Mr. Thos. Spray with Mr. Edward Saville; Mr. \Vill Martindale with Mr. and Mrs. George Martindale; Miss Dames, of Toronto, with Mr. Ed Dames. Mr. and Mrs. J. Goad and'Mwigs Hazel (toad, Toronto, and Miss Viola Richardson, Oakwood, motored to Lorncville on Sunday and spent a very pleasant afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coad and other friends there. Miss G. Phillip, Lindsay, spent Civ- ic holiday with her mother, Mrs. L. Philp. OAKWOOD Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Webster and 'amily, also Mrs. Melville Gilson and )thers, attended the Sturgeon Point ~egatta on Monday. Civic Holiday was held in Oakw 09d on Monday. A, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Rennie and Mas- .er Claude, returned to the village on I‘uesday to bid farewell to their 'riends before leaving for Toronto on l‘uesday, thence to their new home in Fort William. x The London morning papers are giving plentiful counsels to the pub- lic to display a self~sacriï¬cing spirit, to refrain from excitement and to 'avoid selï¬sh actions, such as laying in large stores of provisions which would tend to raise prices and lead to hardships for the poorer classes. LONDON, Aug. 3.â€"Now the die is cast and Europe is to be plunged into a. general war which has been the ap- prehension of European statesmen for generations past. Many attended the baseball match 11 Little Britain on Monday. Litfle iritain vs. Lindsay. The only redeeming feature of the darkest prospect with which Europe has been faced for half a century is that Italy has declared her neutral- ity. But how long that». neutrality can be maintained is an exceedingly debatable Question. manager's fook charge of all the cable oflices in the kingdom last night. All code messages were prohibited even to Australia. Tehphonic communica- tion with the continent was entirely stopped. The Brussels telephone, which was the last line working, was silent last night. Crowd Cheered King and Queen. LONDON, Aug. 3. â€"There was a. scene of great enthusiasm outside Buckingham Palace last night. A crowd of ï¬ve or six thousand persons gathered before that place and sang the National Anthem and called for King George, who, with Queen Mary, appeared on a balcony and bowed in response to cheers given for His Ma- iesty. King George held a. Privy Council yesterday afternoon. According to The Press Association he signed a. proclamation authorizing the suspen- sion of specie payments. Mrs. J. P. Coad and Master Leon- er will spend the week-end with ‘riends in Toronto. Mrs. \V. J. Andrews, of Akron, Ohio. 5 visiting her parents, Rev. and Mrs. gimbert at the parsonage. The King issued a proclamation de- claring a moratorium for a month, and the suspension of the Banking ,Act to-day appears assured. Parlia- ment will probably pass a bill for a loan for defensive purposes to the amount of $250,000,000. A rise in the price of foodstuffs is expected to- day, although the Board of Trade has issued a reassuring statement that there is a wheat supply or four months in the country. Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, who was to return to his Egyptian post. is detained in London. According to telegrams from European capitals Great Britain’s decision on this point was awaited with the deepest anxiety, especially in Paris and St. Peters- burg. ,_ ng a. few days with Mrs. T. J. Web- ster, Taylor‘s Corners. Miss Jenie Goad is spending a' )leasant vacation in Toronto. Mr. C; Graham, of (‘oe Hill, :pending a pleasant holiday with leorge Graham. Miss Alma. Smith rcturneid'on Mon- lay evening to Woodville after a fleasant visit with friends here. The peace movement continues, but ï¬nds little popular response. The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London both spoke for peace yesterday. A number of Cam- bridge professors have issued a mani- festo deploring the possibility of war with Germany, while another mani- festo emanated from influential quar- ters quoting Premier Asquith’ recent statement that Great Britain had no understanding with France and Rus- sia which would compel her to join with them in war. The Socialists and a section of the labor union men are strong for peace. Peace meetings were held yesterday in Trafalgar Square and Hyde Park. The Times, in a special war edition yesterday, said that it is plain and acknowledged that the duty and in- terest of Britain, which consist in the support of France against Ger- many and the preservation of the neutrality of Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg against German inva- sion, must be fulï¬lled. “There is no room for difference of opinion,†The Times continues. “The prospect before the Government is that of having to ï¬ght not only for its honor, but for self-preservation against attack on the whole founda- tion on which the peace and civiliza- tion of Europe are based.†The Government has assumed con- trol of all wireless transmission. A spec1a1 Gazette announces this [act and says that the Government in the present emergency has taken over control of wireless telegraphy, and that the use of wireless by foreign vessels while in British territory wat- ers will be subject to such rules as may be made by the Admiralty. A number of processions were ormed late last nigdt and paraded he streets, singing and cheering. IF TORMENTEb WITH coaxs .v (Special to The Post PAGE FIVE dis- is Mr.