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Lindsay Post (1907), 28 Aug 1914, p. 5

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LLEY 3H u. S W1 FENELON FALLS The New Sweater Coats Ladies and Misses Coats The Ladies’ and Misses Suits YOL R MAIL ORDER The New F all Readyâ€"to-Wears for Ladies gisses and Chlldren The Post.) WW bani“; and Store hours daily m if sent to us. 8 a.m. to 5‘1). m3; Be 3111'26 ~n arriving in large Ship!)1(lll.9. The assortment is certain]; a ll one. All of the most attractive color combinations are here ll wool woavec. \Vc have an immense range of. these lovely for men, women and children. They 'come to 114 direct from he best Canadian factories and we are able to mark them at lat will please you beyond expectation. {let r is visiting Coulter, lcott of Tor Mrs. W. Mc Ball of Lindâ€" t the Falls had on Wed- Foronto. She cousin, Miss r who have 1 Kawartha r home in agent a few rancroft. n town. urned were in all the newest styles and lengths priced from $10 to $30. ‘ials incinde the new Gabardenes, Broadcloths, Serges and the soft, ~11bdued colorings of blue, brawn, greens, etc., that popular this autumn. eorge re ‘ tine- vancty. They usually show a Balmaccan or Polo ef~ n,» in the new heavy tweede and plaids apd ripplelctte clpths. vw cape effects in checks, bmmles, etc , are bound to be popuâ€" cniors are rich, but subdued, in shade»; of blue, browns, 1 black and white effects. Prices are from 7.50 to 30.00. of Pitts» eeks‘ outâ€" and of Inger- Winnifred flay from on Mon in Penev 28th, ’14. on of this nanvmc ; of Mr. 1(1 visiting visxting iriod and beautiful array, Never before have we had such _ highchiss range as this season. They are the best lines the fnur host garment manufaccurers. We have paid spec- !“ price“. :00. Extra good vulue in consPicuous in every we mer this Fall. Our prices are right, An inspection frzen visit to will be ushered in, bringing with it cold mornings and cool evenings, re- minding us that we are into the Fall season. This should attract you to the Sutclifi‘e store in quest of a new Suit orCoat, something new for autumn wear and we want to: say that we are well prepared to meet your i'c.1uii‘enierits with goods of style and quality at prices so reasonable that you will certainly Save Money by doing your Fall Buying at this store. Dr. H :1 spent 08$ 0 Ehter of To weeks S VXS‘ the Sadie last Mrs. Fred Jackett returned last week from a visit to relatives at Lindsay and Midland. Mr. and Mrs. .108. Cooper of Cambray are visiting relatives in The regular meeting of the Fene- lon Falls branch of the Women's Inâ€" stitute, was held on Friday after- noon, Aug. . 21st at the summer home 01 Miss Dickson,R os‘éfiale. The rooms were charmingly decorated with flowers, aSters and goldenglow, for the occasion. There was a good attendance, several visitors being present. The meetmg was presided over by Miss Bella Abbott, presi- dent. It was decided to extend an in- vitation to the Bobcaygeon branch to visut. our next meeting, to be held on Sept. 18th. The question of having an entertamment was brought up, and it was decided to hold a. dramatic entertainment under the auspices of the Women’s Institute on Aug. 27th, the proceeds to be in aid of the Red Cross Society. A circular was read by the president addressed to the branch, requesting contribu- tions to the Red Cross Fund, sent by Mr. Putnam, Supt. of Women’s Institutes. Exce1lent papers on the town. Institutes. Excellent papers on the 1abject, “Influence of Environment.” vere gii'en by Miss Abbott and Mrs. Ias. Lamb. A mandolin solo by Mr. Kenneth Newell was much enjoyed. solos (vocal) by Mr. Lumsden and Master Taylor were very much ap- oreciated. It was decided to hold the dramatic meeting at the home 01' Hrs. Minthorne, the squect for the sccasion to be “How to save expen- =es.” The meeting closed by the :ingiug of the National Anthem, at- ':er which refreshments were served. Dr. Henderson's an be purchased :an's and Higiflbo“ Brice 25c. 506: a“ Nervous troubles are, without a ioubt, the most discouraging form of :ickness to the sufferer. You are tired and ill but cannot say what is wrong, i0 pain except frequent headaches. rou are fretful, cross and irritable 'ithout a cause, no ambition or desire n nnnfinue your daily routine, you 0 continue your uauy mum“, ,v- ‘eel a picking or itching of the limbs )7 body and feel that the same ter- ‘ible calamity is about to overtake 'ou. cannot enter into your former .leasures and prefer solitude to the ompany of your friends. In such cas- s the whole nervous system is de anged and requires the most careful .ttention. Take one of Dr. .Hender- :on's, Herb Tablets every night or ev- -ry second night and if there is any endency to Stomach trouble take 119 Special Stomach Tablet three imes a day before meals. imes NERVOUS TROUBLE J. SUTCLIFF E SONS derson's Herb Treatment 'chased at Duncan’s, P.Mor. Higinbotham’s Drug Stores. 50c, and $1.00. 7...-“ say on business‘Monday. L Mr. and Mrs. lra Rehill were in Miss EIVa Thompson was the guest i}.- indsay on business Saturday. of her sister, Mrs. Watson of Cobo- i Mrs. Queerar is the guest of her conk, during the past week [:1unt, Mrs. F. J. Parsons. Mr. Weeley Deyell, of Toronto was 2 Miss Sarah Adams is spending her in town last week, renewing old ac- ivacation at her home in town. quaintances. : Miss Annie Stone of Lindsay was Mrs. Joseph Bradley and daughter ithe guest of her friend, Miss Greta MiSs Elva. were visitors to LindSay {Mills during the past week. on Saturday last. ; ReV. Mr. Rollins, of Peterboro oc- Misses A. Ivory and E. Robinson icupied the pulpit of the Presbyter- have returned home after a pleasant jinn church last Sunday, and it is holiday atGreenhurst. Lunderstood he has been engaged tor Mr. and Mrs. Robert McUonneu, 1:151 week. Miss ThirZa Currie of Carleton i: the guest of Mrs. 0. G. Williamson for a few days. Mrs. Arthur Parsons and children 01 Toronto, are the guests of Mr and Mrs. T. J. Parsons. Mr. Robert Adams was in Lind Miss Jennie Smyth has returned home after having spent ner vaca- tion at Beau Maris. Miss Amy Adams, of Lindsay. is the guest of her uncle,' ReeVe Mulli- gan, of O‘memee. on Saturday last. Rev. Mr. Rollins, of Peterboro oc- Misses A. Ivory and E. Robinson icupied the pulpit of the Presbyter- have returned home after a pleasant; i:1n church last Sunday, and it is holiday atGreenhurst. illnderstood he has been engaged tor Mr. ,W. H. Kennedy of Lindsay was Ethe coming Sabbath, both morning in town last week. jand evening. Mrs. S. Gr'andy was the guest of} Mr. Leslie Mills, of Lindsay was her brother, Mr. S. D. Webster of 3in town on business the beginning of Oakwood, recently. ‘the week. Mr. Charles McCaflrey, Jr. of Tor- onto, spent Sunday at his home In town. Mrs. L. Wilson and Mrs. H: Fee visited at the home of Mrs. S. Slug- gett of Mount Horeb, the beginning of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Homer and son, Master Russell of Lindsay Vis- ited relatives in ‘town last week. M13568 Lizzie Brien and Flora Mitchell of Pleasant Point were the guests of friends in town last week. The many friends'ot, Miss Gertrude Grandy will be'sorry to hear she is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy! recovery. Mr. Noel Clarke, of Omemee left for Valcartier with the D Company from Peterboro last week. Mr. Newton Brown of Fenelon Falls visited hIS parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, during the past week. ‘ Mr. Earnest MacPherson was in Lindsay on business last week. Mr. Thomas Ruth of Peteflmro was in Omemee last week on busipess. Mr. and Mrs. L. Moncrief took 111 the excursion to Cobourg on Thurs~ day of last week, (Special to The Post.) Mr. and Mrs. E. McConnell, of indSay visited the former’s parents [1: and Mrs. Robert McDonnell, last LINDSAY OMEMEE A Special Woo] Crepe at 600 Beautiful Fall Materials Now on Display in Our Dress Goods Section Special Line of English White Saxony F lannelette A Special Line of Cashmere Gloves for Fall Wear A Special Satin Ribbon on Saleat 15c selecti‘iin. Now is the time to pick out a, New; Fall Dress from our. showing. Never an autumn in our remembrance brought with it such a bountifu 'm'iety of lovely dress. fabrics, The quality of the materials, the Phades the combinations of cohvrsâ€"all are unusually attractive, as you will say yourself when yuu see the new importatinns now «Ii-“Played in our dress goods section. There is no time like the pwsent for making a 4'2 inches wide, \‘Ol'y nice weave and comes in all this seasons new shades. including old use, COpL-nlmgcn, tun, cadet, etc. Spemal 60c \':I!lle :lt......,.. ,,. .....oaonocyo-ououooenooovnol Ihoannool oooo-n-o cycle. This i-4 a quality that can’t he surpassed at, the price. It has just. come to us direct from England and is the best. timmelettc value possible. It is a nice iappy cioth, free from any filling of any kind. 30 inches wide i»- llc. 3-1- inches wide is 12%. These have this falls fvwshionable features including the fancy point idea. 'Iheyurciu extra good quality chumoisette and are 50 washable: in all colors. Special line: at ‘250 and ............... c Extra nice quality with silk back and good satin finish, 5 inch \‘Vidthg in the newth shades. Buy lots now at only per yard THE LINDSAY PET Misses Addie and Hazel Adams, of Lindsay were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. ‘J. Mulligan over Sunday. Mr. Mossom Magee has returned to the West after having spent a pleas- ant vacatxon gWith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wllliam Magee. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rehill were in Mr. Ira Gardiner, of Frank-kin Was in town on Sunday renewing old ac- quaintances. Mr. James Chambers, of the Frost Wood Company, Brantford, was in town on business this week. Rev. W. H. Smyth 'was in town the beginning of the week renewing old acquaintances. sts S. Lamb., of Peterboro, was the guest; of her sister, Mrs. J. Mor- ris-on, during the past week. Miss Parsons is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Parsons. Miss Mildred Mjcks of Peterboro, was'tbe guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Mulligan over Sunday. Miss Maye McConnell has returned home to vusit her: parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. McConnell. Mrs. Thomas Henderson and son of Moose Jaw, are the gueets of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos Henderson. :‘cw years was supposed to be incur- able. For a great many years doc- tors pronounced it a local disease and preswibed local remedies, and by constant failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has provcn Catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh (lure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney and 00., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It. is taken internally. It acts directly on the blood and mucous sur- faces of the System. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testi- monials. ‘ There Is more Catarrh in this sec- tion of the country than all other dis- “ases put. together. and until the last the onlyfoonstitutioneluc'ure, 33"iiié {we ”“51" that as youyrgo about your 1y surprised, answered in a ‘ market. It is taken internally. It acts -ldaily tasks and come in contact Wlth pleasing manner. The presents directly on the blood and mucous sur- faces of the system They offer one the various articles which 'you haVe this shower were very numerous hundred dollars for any £38.88 it fails received from this shower, that they all Very useful, Following this c to cure. Send for circulars and testiâ€" may serve to remind you of the more singing and music, after w‘ mouiais. true friends you have left at Zrion. a good lunch was served, in w} Address FJ. CHENEY. 00., T01- . . . min. 0. Sold by Druggists 750. Take We feel 8m?" that .311 present “ugh everyone partook W‘th zeal. Hall’s Familyfiills for constipation. the word Wipa'h mlght be printed on War is the talk here Just now. Except Saturdays 8 a.m. to 10 pm. You are invited to use the W 0- men's Institute Rest Room on second floor. REST ROOM With regret because we belieVe that wig will never again meet in‘ just the same relationship as we hear that it is your intention to take your departure from our midst. We know that we shall miss you ,rom our social czrcle, where your genial voice and happy laughter has always made a bright spot in our lives, and we know that it will be like taking a link from the chain that binds precious memories about us, to have you leave us. However, we know that time brings changes, and we cannot avoid them. We also know that we shall miss you trom our church work, where you have taken an active part in both Sunday 'School, choir and Epworth League, and we know that your going away will Cause a void that will not be easily: filled. And we trust that in the new field you arefabout to enter that you may be as successful in your efiortsto attain noble things. And Dear Miss Pethick,â€"â€"It is with mingled feelings o! pleasure and re- gret that we your friends and neigh- bors have gathered here this evening Pleasure, because it always affords us \a good time to spend an even- ing in each other’s company, and en- joy the goodiellowship which is al- ways an attendance on an occasion of this kind. A very pleasant evening was spent at the nome of Mr. Cecil Brown on Tuesday night when a large number of neighbors gathered together to spend a social time with Miss Ethel Pethick and to present her with a miscellaneous shower. During the ev- ening, after some singing and music Miss Dorothy Brown read an address as follows: (Special to The Post.) Mrs. ThomuSOn of Maple jLake, us visiting relatives here at present. Miss Florrie McNeVan is now vis- iting friends in Peterboro district for a few days. TO 31183 Ethel PethiCk. Mr. and Mrs. TownSend, of Camer- on, visited at Mr. Pethick’s on Mon- day evening. Mrs. Wm. Lassound and children, who have been visiting friends here lately, returned home on Satulday last. ZION 15c wwnménms WOODCOCK â€"PETHICK. Zion, Fenelon, Aug. 25.â€"A very pretty but quiet wedding took place at Fenelon Falls on Wednesday last, when Miss Ethel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pethick, Lion, was united in the holy bonds of matrimo- ny to Mr. Irwin Woodcock, of Cobo- conk. CHRYSLER-REED A pretty wedding was solemnized ‘ at Woodville, at the home of the bride’s parents, “The Elms," when in the presence of about fifty guests Ethel Alberta, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Reed, became the bride of Mr. Percy C. Chrysler, Toâ€" ronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Chrysler, Dalrymple, Rev. A. L. Brown officiating. The bridal party entered the room to the strains of the wedding march played by the ‘bride’s sister, Miss May Reed. Dur- ;ing the signing of the register Miss {Frances Staples sang “Until the End of Time.” The bride, who was given away by her father, wore-ivory charmeuse with veil arranged in Ju- liet cap. with orange blossoms. After the wedding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Chrysler left for Toronto and other points, the bride travelling in a naVy tailored suit with white hat. After their honeymoon they will reside at 67 Wheeler avenue, Kew Beach. The bridesmaid, Miss Margaret Manary, cousin of the bride, was attired in pale blue chiffon, and car- ried a bouquet of pale uink Carna- tions. Mr. Ford Tucker ably assisted the groom. Music was rendered by Mr. Carroll Day. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served in the hotel Benson, after which the happy gcouple left on the 8.15 train for Ca- ' lifornia on their honeymoon, accomâ€" panied by the best wishes and con- gratulations of their numerous Portâ€" land friends. Miss Pethtick, who was complete- ly surprised, answered in a very pleasing manner. The presents an this shower were very numerous and all Very useful. Following this came more singing and music, after which a good lunch was served, in which Miss Libbie Rogers and Miss Ag- nes Kemohan were among the teach- ers who passed their examinations at the Bracebridge summer school. Miss Gertrude Moynes than preâ€" sented her with a beautiful bouquet of ,flowerm GREERâ€"BARR A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized at the First Methodist Episcopal Church by the Rev. W. T. Kerr, on Wednesday August 12, ,at 4.30 p. m. when Bertha Gwendo- line, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Alex. and Mrs. Barr, formerly of Kinmount, Ontario, became the bride of Joseph Greer, Prince Rupert, B. C. The bride, ‘who entered the church on the arm of her brother. Mr. R. H. Barr, was becomingly attired in cream silk crepe de chine, elaborate- }ly trimmed with lace, and wore the icustomary wedding veil. She carried ;a shower bouquet of bridal roses and sweet peas. ' each artiCIe and that God might in the véry deed waecb tw1xt me and thee. Signed on behalf of Zion friends. Dr. and Mrs. Pogue motored through to Lindsay, accompamed by ‘dr. and Mrs. Thos. Trumbull, Mr. Prumbull having been taken to Lind- say hospital. Miss AliCe Oliver, of Boskung‘ is visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Dawd Richardson's. “Is your husband an artist ?" “Well, he is a Sign painter." ”That is hardly art.” “I am afrand not, because there is a good living in it.” Only the people of Ireland seem to be keeping cool. Rev. Orr Bennett,‘ of Ottawa, occu- )ied the .pulpit in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening, when a very large crowd assembled. On their return north Mr. and Mrs. Greer will réside in Prince Rupert, B. C.â€"â€"Portland Morning Oregonian. Mr. P. C. Watson made a business trip to Toronto this week. Rev. D. M. Stimson is spending a holiday at his home m Omemee. Mrs. Dowrey and her granddaugh- ter returned to their home in De» 1th on Tuesday, after a visit with the former's brothers, Messrs. John and George Graham. (Special to The Post.) Mrs. E. Noice and her grandson, Norman Craig returned from Toron- to on Friday after a few. weeks' holi- iays with relativ'es. Mr. Scott. is spending a holiday with his parents in Beaverton. MINDEN No Class Wlll Bflfllflfll H100 PRIBES [IVER CANADA Control of food princes will be ask- ed of Parliament by the government as soon as the session opens. Hon. Theodore Crothers is having a bill drafted along the lines of the Brit- 3ist «act. It is hehi'that there is no justification to be found in present conditions for some of - the advances wmch have been made in the prices of food and other necessities. ' Not everywhere, but in many plac- es dealers have taken advantage of the demand [which the war alarm cre- ated to raise the prices of flour, su- gar, meats, fuel, hay and many oth- r things which are essential for daily needs. The indications received by the government are that this movement upward of prices has just begun, and that if it were allowed to develop great distress might reâ€" sult. Therefo?e the government pro- poses to take control of the prices. INVESTIGATE COMPLAINTS While a. plan has not yet been worked out, it is understood that if Parliament gives the government the power asked for, and it undoubtedly will, the government will have in- quiry made into every complaint that prices have been unduly elevated. Where adjustment is necessary, the government will have cases passed upon by a judge, or in some cases a board or judges, and either their finding will automatically fix the prices of necessities or the report of the judges will be made eflective by an order of the government; It is not proposed that dealers, either wholesale or retail, shall be allowed to take advantage of as war to squeeze the people. STICK o'N WAR Txx. Financial legislation is being Ire- §pared for the session. The details have been worked out, but there has to be some additional machinery placed in the hands of Mr. White to enable him to raise the money. The revenue of the government from customs has fallen greatly, and will continue to decline. Borrowing has become almost impossible in the London market. Therefore it is expected that the government will have tomask for authority to im- pose a war tax. I i l STEWART . O'CONNOR, Solicitors for the Executor-s, Eliza- beth Rachel Shannon. Francis, Shan- non and Frederick Shannon. Dated at Lindsay, this 24th day of August, 1914. Creditors and others having claims against the estate of James R. Shan- on. late of the town of Lindsay, in the County of Victoria. merchant. de- ceased, who died on or about the 19th day of June, 1914, are hereby notified pursuant to R. S. O. 1914, Chap. 121. Sec. 56. to send in their claims duly erified to Messrs Stewart O'Connor, Barristers, Lindsay. Ontario. on or be- fore 14th day of September, 1914, a!- ter which date the Executors will dis- tribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Many crops in Europe have been ruined by moqiliZation, but the crop of widows and orphans will grow rapidly. There will be some amendment to the criminal code giving the authoriâ€" ties power to more efiectively deal with persons suspected or charged with disloyalty or designs against the safety of the country. This legis- Iation will be introduced by the Min. ister of Justice. Mr. and Mrs. Wllhiam H. McCaw, 01 Port Perry announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Marion Eige- low, to Mr. David Carnegie, of Port Perry. The marriage will take place about the middle of September. When 'the war in Europe ends there 'should be bargains in handsome an- tique thrones. Notice to Creditors Prod Vinegarâ€"Is over h stronger than XXX vinegar. a most desir able artiolo for nickling. etc. Per gallon 50c Gem Rubber~Made of best quali- ties or rubber. pint; and quart sizes, in white and rod. Per doz. 10c and 5: Individual Spicesâ€"All L 1nds Carlaâ€"All sizes and prizes Liquid Catcup Flavorâ€"~An extmgt 0f the host, Catsup spices. Save: time. labor and [mum-bu. ' Per box 25c Good Pickles and Preserves are best made} yith thy me of good ‘1 requisites such as Parowaxâ€"The cleanest and best wax for sealing hot! les. Per cakeâ€"15c Mixed Pickling Spice -The best mix . ture for maliing g_(_)od pickles Duncan’s Drug Store The REXALL Store AT PAGE FIVE if.

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