HAKBLY’S DAILY ST 0 R B N B W S E. E. W. McGlFFEY, mm off Men’s and Boys' cum-g. ilk regular 4. 5,sale ............... . ........ 3. 25 Black and white only Silk Tucked Blouses, ngulsl'3..00 sale .......................... 2. 00 and blue Cashmere Blouses, regular 010 Redspecial ............................... .....l. 75 White Lawn Blouses embroidered, regular 160 special .................................... 1.25 White Lawn Blouses, insertion trimmed, White Silk Waists, tuqked, sizes 32 to 40, â€gala: 350, special .................. : ........ 2.75 White embroidered and tucked, thh lace and ‘-_ any have “0t had the Opportunity of participating intour Discount Sale W3 Purpose to continue it to the 14 inst. 15 Per Cent. 03 Gloves, Hosiery and Collars. .' 15 Per Cent. Off Silk and Lawn Blouses. 15 Per Cent. ofl Dress Goods and Silks. Per Cent. of! Carpets. Rugs, .Laoe Curtains and Window Shades ‘5 15 Per Cent. Off Prints, Cretonnes and Art Muslim. . 15 Per Cent. of! Table Linens, Towellings and Ticking; As IT! seat 3°18 Agents for McCall. Patterns mu" -- for, ... ..... .10: 38' ch white 1 1cton§ Lawn, reg. 13c for 10¢: 51)“me white Fnlled Net, spotted and M regular 30c and 35¢. on sale for ...... 20c ' Luiies’ white Lawn apd Cotton Night Gowns, anbroidery and lace tnmmed, reg. 1.10 for 95¢ w, 1.15 for 98c, reg. 1.55 for ............... 1.35 Very special 4c, 5c, 8c, 10c, 12%, 15c and 20c Corset Cover Embroidery, reg. 20c, now 15c; mim- 25c, now 20c; reg. 45c, how ..... .35c “TRY WAKELY’S FIRST†S tted Muslims, small spotgrog. 15c for 10¢ Kite 27 inch Lawn, linen ï¬msh, regulu-gï¬ cuv vvv rfor .......................................... 75¢ Stvles Men's Braces, regulï¬' 35c for 25¢ .601] PM No. 235 MOON TOILET†huslin and Lawn Scrims, L999 egg-wing Fancy Striped WW WE? Men’s Overalls “Heaxy Tweed Pants; regular 1.,25 Black Overalls, regular $1, sale 75c Lawn Blouses embroidered, regular cial .................................... 1. 25 Lawn Blouses, insertion trimmed, .50, sale .............................. 1.00 Embroideries re. " p seated, 2!. me Blouses ST. , LINDSAY. FRIDAY BERT. .-...ooooo¢- too...- .................... 3.25 506 One of the best dress fabrics for fancy costumes, shirtwaists, or linings, light weight, soft, bril- liant ï¬nish, an excellent cloth to wear, very effective style in navy, browns, gwens, greys and creams, fortyâ€"three inches wide, regular 1.25 per yard. Big value at Black Taffeta Silk ........ 1.00 15mm, oï¬CarpetsudOiklotls. ClariIngCapsatï¬cpu-mtoï¬. Silk and Wool 85c cards for... 2 Cards Hooks anti Eyes ............... 5 Bunches of Tape for .................. 3 Papers of Pins for ............ . ...... 2 Cards Safety Pins for .................. 3 Pairs Boot Laczs ........................ Translucent Collar Supporters, per set ......... 4 Bone Hairpins for............ ...... Back Combs, stone setting, 25c and ......... 3 3 specials in Hat Pins; 10c, 15c and . . ....2 White, black and tan Cashmere Mending, Corset Covers, embroidery and lace trimmed, reg. 26c sale 22c;reg. 38c for 32c;reg. 55c for 47¢ Ladies’ full size Cotton Drawers†lace and embroidery tucked, reg. 55c sale 47c. reg. 38c 3816 32c; regular 43c sale. . . . ..............350 White Undemkirts lace and embroidery trimmed, three specials, 75c, 85c and ...... 1.00 Cietonnes, 10c for Se, 12§c for ............... 9c Lace Curtains 25c, 40c and .................. 50c Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3} yds. long. 54 Ins. wide, reg. 1.25 sale Q5c, reg. 1.65 sale 1.40, reg. 1.75 sale 1.50, reg. 2.25 sale 1.85, reg. 3.50 sale . 275 ' Write Marseilles. Bed Spreads, full size, reg. $1, sale 75c, reg. 1.10 sale 95c, reg. 1.65 for 1.40 Special 3, 4-, 5c and.... Pillow iaces, 4c and 5 patterns of Art Mnslins, reg. 11c, sale...8c White and cream striped Scrim, reg. 12;}, Lace Insertions Ladies’ Cotton Underwear NOTIONS Nettleton Guilty Benton Acquitted Magistrate Unfuonbly Impressed with lemmaâ€"Remand: Him for Sentence (Special to The Poet.) Fenelox: Falls. Sept. 9. 'â€" Yesterday afternoon the adjourned trial .took place of the two Detroit youths, Net- lcton and Benton, Whlo were chirg- ed w"‘1 Stabbi 13 a couple of Radon Falls boys. who hmm before Mr. I". 1;. Moore, K. 0.. county mag- istrate. and was,quite exhaustive. The pr'aonners who had been conï¬n- cd-JnLindany jail were brought. up to the Falls ngnd mm defended by Mn. F. A. Mcharmid of Lindsay. Mr. A. The trial took place. in Twomcy’e 'hall and the place was crowded to the doom with“ a: most eager and in- ter¢s€ed crowd of spectators. P. Devlin, of Lindapy appeared for the proSecution. , The evidence both for. and agaiixst the accused my; takendaï¬d, beginning about two o’dlook, took up so much time, that at anuartcr to six an ad- joumumnt wag mad; till 7.30, from which time it contihucd until about 9.30. me the evidence udduced it was found that Benton «was not guilty and he was Wed. Nettletun, however was convfzcted, nnd was re- manded for sentence. The insolent bearing of. Nettleton in giving 23ti c'vi- dence created a wery-mhvomble im- pression upon the magistrate. \ He was locked up here 311 the lo. cal lock-up ovver night Waiting Ben- CO MMUNICATIONS RAISING SCUGOG WATER (To the “HOP The PCs†Dear Suâ€"Yonr evening 155““. of August 31M: contained a report of the call made on Hon. Gco.. 1’. 62-“. ham at Penelon Falia by a duh-:34- uon from Port Perry when nix-31.11 of their grievances. OI course.Lmlâ€" My helped them some. The statemcn.‘ was made to the minister thak only sewen‘persoue were injured or pro- teated against the. raising of m: w“. ter. Now. Mr. Editor, the people: 1,: â€,1 district have been misrepresent- ed by the [slim statements that ham been made rat-pearly half a century Only seven personal. Let us see. In the arm history of Only seven 7 .Let us see. I: We no.0.oono do not hold omelvu responsible to:- the opinion. of our corrapondcnu, NEXT TO PHILIP MORGAN, Draggist aQIOOIOCC‘I ooooooooo ....5c .- Now. sir, I will “car I an get _ten cellars within one mile of me that. were injured by the hlEfl wat- er of last spring. The railing at the Senses river means raising the tri- butary creeks. How many, of our farmers hue spent their time, mon- ey. and toll in trying to make gene- ceu of their business when high wa- ter hes rendered it all ineuectanl and then we hue to grin and bear it. .nntil Providence dried our land, al- though we have are“: hundreds of dell-n, and some eren mom of «ohm for this purpose. I tie-irate m to the (mere to be alive :to their interests in this matter. It means a greet deal to us [or we have: vet-v short season to grammar crop. To be held bpck nine week‘ in the spring means a dig. draw‘baCk to the grain in the harm“. _ ' . v Now. Mr. Wt. the farmers .2er got hill†play in this matter. Your re- port aid on]: aeVen were ducted. I cum lately any h mdrgds o! farmcm have been {Injured by the flooding of their Linda 1mm the Senses or it: urbutariee-«a Brut ngmbet seriously I twat you will cxmc me tor tres- (To the Editor of The Poet) . Dear Sir-Allow me a space in your valuable paper to ‘let ,tha peo- ple know how I am interested. in the raising of the water in the 3m- 303. Now. air. this is the time for ,Ior the tarmcra to spent. for I think there are n lot 0! farmers nut- {ering from high water and it in too had to. have a man's property: so?- ered with water utter chopping and tagging it. 101' Itthink that it I: the farmers that are the bacb bone of the [air town 0! Lindsay. and not the few pleasure seekers. I think it is unfair for any mm or body of men to build a dam. or try to fair!" the water to injure the farmers o! Ops. Yours truly. PM on younqzowbut. Ixeel I hue not been strum enough in this matter. You: eta, I. . .-l;. is outflow for some people that they drink mtyhmg celled ten. Othcm meter a standard band Lke “Sainds,†M'hzch has a reputation for being good. Il‘he Latter get more enâ€" )oymcm out of life. I41 buying ten for the Bath-{notion you expect to set from «it use it ,will pay yoqxo pun chase “Salads". ‘Avoid tinting 'just Lindsay dun a. bod! 0; runners went down and out the dam .nndi let. dab logs go down, and on twqumerem o-‘casuon the bracket boards w“... thrown in the river since tum, Some seVen years ago the .Recrq of Ops. Mr. McLaughlin, and ‘Seuator M'cHugh were sent tO'OtLaWa with a petition signed by 130 ("mum praying that these boards be remov- ed. In fact, Mr. Editor, high Wu“ has been a source or anstantrwar. (are between the farmer. south of Lindsay, and the mili companies at Lindsay, but it seems the motto ;, "Tuck it on the ï¬rmerâ€"he can best it." , . as good." Imii poor ‘unlityf DR. 0 H. BBERETON Many of our readers will regret to learn of the death afï¬x-.13. H. Bren- ton. who pmwmd medicine tw- many years at Bethany. Be represent- :d: Fina}. Durham ~formavax'a.l_.yeata in the Ontario Icgislatnre us a suppor- ter of Sir. W-m. Meredith. from the death of the hate John Bosevear' 'm the early caghtiec mil 1887. -He\ was a memo! strong convicï¬bns and decided action, and hadunnny friends in Manure. , . -'Ihe annual excursion [torn um- lsnd to Port Hope. under the auspi- ces of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Midland Methodist church will cake place on Saturday. Sept 26. The. ex- cursion will be by the regular morn ing train returning up to the amm- ing of Saturday Sept. 28. Tickets is- sued from Cambray. and Lindsay. which are good returning on the 2611: only, Ticket; from Lmdsay 95c children 50c.-â€"w8 Penelorn Township Council met at Cameron, all the members being pre- sent. The minutes 01 last regular meeting were read and approved. A letter was milled from James Thurston, nuns council to cause the fence put up by Jas. Daniel across the road between concessions the fence put up by Jas. Daniel man, and several others, was pre- sented by Mr. Goodman asking coun- cil not to pass the by-law leasing J. G. Pal-kin a. part of con. 8 road for miniï¬s purposel- Application for collector rates was received Item. '1‘. H. Smitheram. The different amounts to be levied on the township for school purposes were Cook'sCoMRootCompomï¬. A PAP-MEI! FROM WEST OPS dam on bod! 0; runners went 1d out the dam .andi let thb down, and on two‘ï¬iflerent the bracket boards wzr: in the river since then. van wars ‘80 the .Recvc. of Imitation. are invariably oi “NEW“ COUNCIL Obituary uJ. CLANCY m tailoring motions were pul- od: loved by Mr. Haynes, and se- conded by Mr. Tolmie, that Mr. J. G. Perkin and Councillor Palmer cell on those ratepayers at Rose-dale who object to the mining by-law to hear their objections and report et a spe- cial meeting on Monday at. 7 p.m.. at this place. boat, 84.88; Wm. huh, extra. work on his but. 35. z W. H. Powlea. {or pastas and “timely. “.61 ; Geo. Kandyflwork on hi- hnt. 82. ;‘J. Graham, work on his boat 84. : «no. Cm. coast 1or D. Sinclair, for bridae. 312.09, and 1"..Noruny lo:- ecnent tile. 838.75: P. Evie, ï¬x- ing bridge nod road, 82.50: Wm. Chambers. mm to bridge on 2nd lino. 82.75: J. B. rum, culvert on con. 4. ï¬atm lows and 6, 87.00; D. Spence. {or bridge- on concessions 1 ad 2. 957.80; I. W. Hoyt-u, conclusion on nbove bridges, 32.30; rr. Christian, each: to: shove bridg- 6 near Baum Lube. within one month from data. Wanâ€"flat the follow-inc bill; be paid : To councillor. u (can, 812.90 ; Ed. m {or 95 loud: gravel, $4.75: Wm. Amok. road work on his best, 810.00; C. Ken-It for hinting u shallot 500: Jon. Welt, for pan. of day's mdwork, 75c; .J. C. Parrish. 6 load. gavel, 80c; R. Ewes, 107 loads grave. $5.85; Mm. Ellery! 10 loads gravel, 50c: Join Eula. 15 load: gravel, 75c; M. Hayg'urth 10 loads. 50c; Dan he'll, 28 loads, 81.- 40 ;_ John Pom. 27 loads. $1.35; Geo. hm. 80 loads, 84. and road trupus, 81.; Tom Bowie, 12 load. 60c; John Wag-m; culvert on his Pdmerâ€"Moynesâ€"‘I‘hat T. H. Smi- thmm be tppointed collector of rat- eu for 1908. at a sultry of 880, and that I. by-hw be introduced cont-m- in: this swoihtment and «hon-12b; an levying of the m1: rates. The by-hw m punt! 111.1313 nun! manner, It. Crag: in the chnir. Tobie-Omit“ Ju. Daniel nunovethetencethtuodtherocd allomoo Mm concessions 5 and ee. 821.20; T. Perkin. ensuing with H. Eyre: u to :9de on his but 81.00; D. 'I‘olmle. seeing to re- pcirl on Long Point bridge. $1.00; clerk, {or during Cooper deeds, :4. n. Home. use of mu. 82., and tel- ephones, 40c; I. W. Haynes. meetâ€" ing Eldon council, 75c. Council adjourned to meet at Cum buy. Oct. 12. received tram the trustees. KINIOUN‘I’. (Special to The Post.) Mm. Kelly 1nd Min Btu-y Ken! «turned tb their home in Linda, Tuesday morning titer .a pleasant vsit .with relatives in the village und vicinity. 1 2.13:: M. Cameron. of Toronto. who .lma been the guest; of Mn. 8. 1A.; White at Miner-'- Bu. returned to Fenelon on Sunniâ€. hut. .. . Mr. and Mrs. Mohcbern 1nd ram- 37 are spelllilg I few days at tile exhibition thi- week. I Mr. WEI} Wield. o! Brmtbl'd. i3 visits wan tyne here. a - Mal Edythe Well-hood. is visiting Mp: Bond. of Bulimia. N. Y.. in visiting Mrs. A- Waiters. hire. 8. “twig o! Beavertom V eateryhody is presume to: the Kimount fair on. 'Dhnxadu 1nd Fri- dny, the 10th all 11th of September. e Kin-VI». w- “I. and 3113. M. Litllcton. oi Fen- elon Falla, spent Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. James Powlcs. at Mxyuc Awnue. .' . ..~ Mr. Walter Day 13 pending a week holidays at his home here before .‘c- turning to the ().A.C. m. Bert Sims Owen Sound. pl v-vâ€"â€"- _-,, Cl-agr'lned over not being ably to attend the Labor Day calcbruiou in Lindsay, bone of our [au- maidens ueurmiucd to hare a celebxauou oi their own. they wanted a couple of barges and deeded to hold a. parade. Cash'ona, lelows, and bags gravid: ed sullable saddles. However ow.- borao shamed : tendency .to st int.) gateways. and “0h: Horrors?" one of the riders was precipitated in p, hoop on tern Ill-ma. Returning noun the chemist: borne was led by .1 km? little binder cord. and we are glad :0 tellte, no Other accide'nt happened. 11:. J. B. POWIGC tnd daughter un- Mr. Walter Day 13 spending a w holidays at his home here belorc turning to the ()..AC. Muse Owens um Miss Anders were 11: the neighbomood. on S Mr. J. E. Powlea anu anuzmu ua' gel â€mulch to attend Tpromq .x {htbitkflh . . ‘ Congratula'thm to Mrs. E. Jchn- gton. who WI! successful in winning one of Terri! Bros) [roe tnps‘ 0T0- Ionto exhibition. 1 no he“? whoa! 76:3 floated an [other not so: the am Lime, left Saturday ‘0' Miss Andersnn “hood. an 5-m- for for The Loadlng Package D!†v . a lower margin of ' proï¬t than ‘ most stores can aï¬ord to consider. ' Pay our dress goods section a visit and become well vcncd in styles, colorings and ‘valucs in particular. Opportune Showing {of New Fall Dress Materials nu is often a season for Wu" ening up old fabric: or mgking 9'“ old clothing um may be as 8°°d :3 new except for fading. and dya m “1°â€? ““3“ Easy to use, you}: as goods as well as fathers. sible shades. EiLI-z 5m. 19. '03 20Horsu,sllclsssssinlot. lblsck Hons, 4 12001110. 1 Grey Hm 7 post. 1 lbs. 1 Brown Golding, 1300 lbs. 1 ems msdsur by Kos- wisk, shows 3 minute clip. 2 ï¬rs:- elssu Colts, rising 3311. 1 Buggy, nssrly new. 1 set Emma. and] now. 1 Mckugmin Rad Wmn, nest-l lag;l 1 sscond-hsnmt Cosl nus . l n ' t 8â€",er ,sndpipos. Ithol- bomb 1001203912. 1 Gsl Ins. A. HIGINBM‘HAM 5.91, Oppodto Penance. Li 1.; .11... ml good. 4 new lined Ragga. mdoto a: dash. 4 at! Tbe xeliable sorts here in all pos- Dou’tmill till! his «10. tom '1' J. SUTCLIFFE 8 SONS I LINDSAY AND OSiHAWXI L-hsnd or Express chutes to your nearest mm on the 6.1.8. or 0.9.3.. on m purchases of $85 sad over. £0 restric- tion as any can of merchandise. Get your Heads to club their orders. hsve sllssnttsosssddresssnd get the bene- n: of this offer. _ .; FARMING The Cash Store. In! Order: Filled. 8mm oponnnï¬l 10 .n. sunning. Other dsys until ' 6 lull: up,“ Juwy ht. ye money savers Color alborts 0' '. Sutclg'fle (9* Sons Ned for bright' The heavy requisition for these goods warrants the immense range and apparently endless variety of dress fabrics that we are noted for showing. Years of experience and value selecting has brought this particular section of our business up to a very high standard of excellence. The ever popular price materials are al- ways here in abundance and your selections cannot be made equally as well in any other retail store. Buying right in the old land mar- ketsâ€"right where the materials are madeâ€"bring them right to our store by our own shippers, makes it possible to sell them at I. B. ANN lS, Oph. D.. ‘OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. â€"DR. 61 W."HALL Lmu: BRITAIN - ammo. mm a Tomato and mum Uzi vanities. Bpoeidaflenhonw Ill ‘0:- o! rupture und‘ophgod “(W)- Oflroohnrlinol‘s.‘ 23†p..- 7to99.m..orlnyumby Wit. 3090090900090090093 Advertise in The Port "mm m 92 Kant-st. (0m Neal's Shoo acre) Linda". mummy-cities. omidum in our charges. unolldinourheiliï¬u.