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Lindsay Post (1907), 18 Sep 1908, p. 9

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nufaa whicl and atom for In" Pumps! Pumps! PumPS! nod and Iron wiih Brass Cylinder, Having secured a first-class experienced Pump Maker, “‘8 prepared to supply first-class pumps promptly. YLVESTER M’F’G Y .LNDQAY Rapairs will receive careful attention. Progress Brand” Clothing mm" "a““ztoaurzl m-mwmsggfi Ntmnmnoumnotmomyw “”4”” or a“ wfiwuugudr-fi ‘ ’ a“ u. , mmhmmm moo mmyou.ncums Eve 5w, turnkey?“ my wonkg‘é, ,ou. Sum- h“ 'mcmgglkuWhat “ward???" nu flaw," I .kwmnxom" «m’w - at _.__ _I.’A" "gunâ€"I â€"- “I“ DIM ““003 noon: due-nu. AGED HERâ€"1m M. J. CARTER. â€"keep the “ Progress Brand ” label firmly in mindâ€"and you have the knowledge of where and what to buy, that is a power to save dollars and bring lasting satisfaction. 3N0 NMfi'S USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSDU'. Confined to His Home for Weeks. find the dealer who handles Knowledge Is Power! allteary and Dentistry I» Sold and Guaranteed by LY ros'l‘. LINDSAY. FRIDAY, sap: KWGdy. u chad uk'en tmt from them they were square 1nd skillful. I mm men And got T‘u'nlm. My progres- m somewhat flow sud during the first. ‘ used. However. ‘. GILSON :ntist. If you are losing business a small “Display columns will he Advt.” in these 1p you find it. The Kind You Have For Infants and Childreh. TN! CCWAUI ”.‘Il'. I“ ”M ORV. ADVERTISE 2 > on}: you 40 Kent St. Detroit, Mid‘: 13 It is understood that negotiations are in pmgmss with a, View to extending this railway tromxtbe point. of junc- tion with. the “G. '1'. R. an: Kim. mount, to a point. on the Georgian Bay, and tromfflhe mascot. terminus mar Bird‘s Creek to Montreal. We are advised out .the negotiations have not; yet reached a point. when a definite nnnguncement can be made. a lrondale Bancroft and Ottawa Ry. Negotiations Under Way to Extend The Road to Georgian Bay The .Baélway and Marine .World has the following item of interest; Last session of the Dominion Par- liamenc, the subsidy voted in 190,6 for a fine from. a point at; or near Bmp- tiste, easterly t-o Benn-cw, not em- ceedfin! :75 miles, «vm rented. Bap- tiste is the name of a station hen the present terminus of the I. B. and o, Rae'jway, and! Rainbow 05 the point where no terminals; in” to, .be situated to contour! W’Mlt'he hubsidj Note 0 m ammo Leerfilatune- ' a 2 o . The I‘eterboro Examiner says {hit passengers on board the steamy Water Lily on Labor Day had L112 Opportunity of witnessing a. clever and heroxc act on the part of a. son towards his father. The two Were isilors freni Montreal and they took in the trip to sway. Lake. 021 the reunn voyage while the boa': was. in the canal, the fathen fellott the Xedgc surrounding the hull. 11? a son, who is only about :20 years of age, was on the upper deck: at the time, as man as he saw“. the perilous plight in which the father, who couldn’t swim a stroke. was in,he dived and succeeding in 9.000319- lishing a daring rescue. A Drowning Accident Prevented by Promptness of Young Man any means. .It and not (is function to reform crimilmlp but to warn others. The [act that'this was metyliooner'a first offence would receive considera- tion, and he would take a lenient view of the cape. 'l‘bée accmed had been ably represented by his conn- zel. and he hoped he would realize the enormity of the offence. «The peopie of Canada will not. tolerate: the use 015 the knife, am! in th‘p in- stance it had been used delibente- ly. Whateve; customs may ‘prevail in primer'a country, regarding. the use of the We. His Worship remarked it. Would not be' tolerated here. There was little necessity of his giving a moral lecture. and he would there‘ fore Sentence him-to three months in the county jaéllhtl hard labor, his. sen- teLCe to date. from August 313:: last. Nettletol! took his sent'gnoe quite coolly, and seemed to realize the fact that has sentencd .wns a flight one - somewhat lighter probably, than he had expected. I . . . Son Saves Father from Drowning Mr. F. A. McDinrmid, in: ndadreesins the momma, askedJslhat m. =Wor‘- sh'np take into consideration the (pro- vocation the accused laborgd under when the crAme was comfnitted. (He might have acted differently than an- ing his kniie, whichl pmcgice mustme deprecated, but the conditionswre- vasling at the time of the struggle should, the thought. she considcfed. That the Females: youths got no more than) was coming to them «who the general opinion. He ‘felt that the time the accused hadglrewdy spent Jim jail should satisfy justice. The hcoused had no money. :to may a fine. He was a stranger and; a mere youfih' and be asked the oounti to exercise leniency and commit 11th youth to the county iail {or a Khort (time. ‘- His ‘Wtorshdzp. before passing 'sen-. temc, stated that he could hardly- credit the statement; mat: the accused was only fifteen years of age; To his mind (he appeared to "be «fully mm: yeans older.‘He carefully reviewed the evidence of the prisoner concern- ing the fight. and stated taut! 'hisflac- flow during the struggle showed coolness and deliberation. His attack on Barry was mexcusable. He could not that flbe offencems a mutilat- tor. The knife came dangerously near penetmténz a vimlyqpot and causing death. It 'Mmt a bgyés'h freak by .Cou'nty men‘ Attorqey M}. ‘A. (P. Devlin', looked aitefl'tihe interests of the crown. At last Thursday session of she county pol-Lee court the Detroit youth Nettlebon, We was toupd guilty of stabbing Ibwo Fene'lon Falls youths. John Barry and Samugl Nick-011:5 on Aug Bist, me up for. sentence be; fore Mr. F. D. Moore K. 0., county magistrate. ' . The Yong: Detroit Knife Artist Will Do Time far Bis Rashes: Three Months' Jail for Nettleton ‘ An {mtortuna'te Ensliahlnan WHO is a victim of the bcuttmg sin of -in- temperance. appeared/Ln the police- oour! cu l'hursday morning before lice Maximum Jackson to an- awerto n ‘dharge of drumkenneua. mhc accused, Who is “id to be highly con- meotcd, has a mite and “mil: in the old country and in o! noodé education. He in: recently been employed uh Fenelon 1113. The magistrate annealed him $6.60, which includes fine and OOSLS. Apply glycexflne to a scald directly the accident happens and cover it up with strips of rag soaked in the same liquid. It the glycerinc is not on hand appjy salad oil in the 5am.- way. ' They ml) come by C.P.R. and, will be furnished mth tourist. sleeping cars. so that they may hava an op- pomunity to get some sleep ca the way up. If such a thing is possible with a train load 01 yomg- men mt 801' a gcod tune. A despatch receiVed this morning announces that the '45th regunen'. which has been in training tori Lh-z past ten days at. Battlefield common:- will .‘eavc there to-night and arm-Ev.- in Linda! about mue o'clock ts.- mouow moxnmg. BMW! Soldiers Will Arrive by the C.P.R. at 9 an 45th Regiment Returns Tomorrow papeed in 1907 the payment of the subsidy for. the eastern extension of the line was extended to 1910. The line extends, from I. B. and 0. June. tion on the, G. '1‘. 8. line to Halibut- bon, via, Irendale to Baptiste. near Bammtt, 60 mace. -‘ . Smoke Filled the Air and Many Stores ~Nomeroos Rumors Many Guesses Were Prevalent a muck fire on the [arm of Mr. 5w ter in West Ops, alth‘cwo [mics from town. The fire has been amosid ering (or some time and has burned the sod [or a considerable distance. The premxiing dry weather has work ed to its advantage and the wmd to- day carried the smoke into the town ad in fact, all over the district. The town Friday was envelorzd in a heavy cloud of much as( thick as: a London fog. At tunes it- was sc- deme that it Irritated the eyes, and chn filled the scores in town to such an extent as to almost; neces- sitate the closing of the doors. Many rumors were afoot ecumen- ing the cause of the smoke. One hai it that a severe fire was! ragmgout near Oakwood, another that the woods nna swamps near Cobcconk were a mass of flames. with power to construct a railway from a point on he Georgian Bay to Ottawa. In 1884 the name of the company was changed to the Irondalc Bancnoft and Ottawa. Railway, Ind: its powers have been' confirmed and extended (mm time to time. By one statute is was provided that the ter- minus oi thel line should be at Ben. new, and one of the subsidy grants provided for the construction of the lime from Bird's Creek. the present terminus. easterly, either by the I. B. and 0.’Baflway or. by (the Toron- to, Lindsay and Pembroke Railway, By an act of the Ontario Legislature Investxgation, however, revealed the fact that the cause originated from The Tommtp and; Nipissing Eastern Extension Railway was incorporated by the Ontarilo Legislature in 1880., "hm Six-sixty 0 :5 :H 3? “d9 2:: Front View of Main Buildingâ€"Lindsay Central Exhibition be the brightht mind: in the uydi- :ncl profesuon to-day then is m u l.‘ manner. Thus terrible econ-go of the bum- en race has been known for up; 2but. its true nature and its calm;- :we still wrapped m the deepest mys- tery. Some behave It is due L0 the action of a germ; others. that it .‘s a growth of embryo“: ”2!: mine): were torgoucnasit were no.1 I left behind when :1: ebody was orig- inally hunt, and which lane been stif â€"'l'.hc finest leave: (mm Ceylon 'l‘cn plantation! no 911th in “SIM" Ten. , It fl! ”fled in Denied ludt packm to gym-nerve {its delicious: Ham-or and noun. Sold by all grocers; never .by peddlers. or in bulkâ€"70. l A , l . x ' Youth! Companionâ€"There (s cro- bobly no other disease. not own up cepllng tuberculosis, the study of mmch is being more actively purau-z-l and the bnlthr cahnly went back no at home. book down the dining room clock. and went. of! mm a timepiece Mgr. cab um. out. of outer. too,” the antler acid. "de1.11 I lake tint as mum asked the polite thieu'l'hc omr assented. on the frond deps. Not pt :11 tnkcn think. he exflnmed abut be was mk- ing the timing. room clock may to repair it. "The dining room clock is ing the best clock than: the drawing mom Wpiece. As he was going out of the home he met the. Occupier ANmyBoulnr A but!” NEW: a name of humor recently npent a profitable ten min- utes in a. house at 'Beddmgwn, Eng. Haviné famed 'an‘ entry in the own- er’s whence he mflofly tilled ghio pockets m a mmben o! and! port- able amides, on) concluded by tak- The Highland Ranchiwill this yen- be an exub'tonat the Linchny exu- b‘tion of some fine heevy' colts. a herd of line Pulled Angm mile. some of wh‘dh are English. mad Scotch prize Winners, also a. young herd of Yorkshire swing. a list of "Qseens .who smoke" “Nth has Just been publushcd, and explains that she has never put! 1 poem: thought into wntxng wick- out.‘ that best of per-we aocthera. the mgalc.te. bcthen her lips. 1'thth anger Empreas of Rama, Queen Am- elia, of Portugal, and the Dowager Quern 012 Spain are also among: 11).: smokers: and of the younger gen- crstmns the Empress of Russia, who had never. smoked a cnghrctte berm: her marr'age. 13 now probably 1h? one whose daily ailowance of sign- ertes is the largest. But the'ladlca' cigarettes" in Russia, are of. the rely wildest kind-almost as mix] as chocolate imitations. After Many Years Old Citizen Returns Mr .lesell left Lindsay about. 27 years ago. we datc,t.:hat sawthe de- partue of so many of chtc-ria Joan- ty"s sons to the black hills 0! North Dakota. Mr. Russell's many friends are giad to see him in his old home town which he states has grown ooaa'd- erably smoe he lett it over nanaru-r of a century loo. Mr. Jas. E. Russell of Deadwood in Town after 21 Yam. Absence Mr. Michael Russel, ed Deadwood, .\'. 1)., and ms son, Mr. James E. Rus- sell, of Wilmington, Delaware. an, in town, the ggests of Mr. ‘1', Brady, L‘ndsay street . Somehow it seems unimaginabw: that Queen Alenndn. or the agr- mnn Empress or the Queen of P.0- nnn'u. should have taken to the :34:- arettc habn. to which most of the yocnger consort: (I European ral- ers confess. Yet Carmen Sylv‘a 390:: It's Red Tickets They're After IMMUNITY FRO! CANCER Th: 0m Who Smoke Mr. Ralph Spencer Puget. 0.31.6" Envoy Extraordinary at Bangkok. Slam. [or the mat six yegra, who iu mentioned n being likely to w:- awd 8;: Heard Lnuthcr a! British Minieter ac Morocco. appears L'.‘- b:- nealined. it one may believe the cablv dot-patches [or I parttoularly warm plnce. M'e mean that to the diploma- tic sense of warm. Mr. Page: comes of a firmly long connected thh.thc diploxnamc service. as well as wuh tle army and any. A youngen so.) of the Inc Slr‘Augustus Berkley Pa- get, formerly British Ambtuaulo: in Rome gnu \‘lenm. he himself in: had twenty years 0! expcrlence 0! clip- lomntlr work in Vienna, enrolm- xabu, .Washmgton. .nd Constant“:- Ople. among other plum. Hr. Pa- nel‘s mnutnce to his young km: womnn. mu Lain Pmt. only douchtcr o! Generll Sir Arthur 1';- xet. tho Litmufiter d tint noted Vutorian oouticr, General Lox-v! Alfred Puget. took 'phce in U!" autumn 0! lat year. Both Mr. nor! Hrs. Met can claim a. mixed: dua- cent. laterally Mrs. Puget. is of American cxtnctnon. Remove old paint by wetting it nth uptha. It one application is not enough repeat tall the paint it “01'“. L.‘ .,.,,.. Count de la. sVaulx guarantees tint them-b dbon'q will be u nimplc as culinary spatial balloon» and that. an we wall cost no more anon wnh the Spherical. Ordinary gas is u. be used. and a mun of one hundred miles without stomiog will be poa- Iiblc. . , , . Acrinl Inflation on o Commercial Basis The Count de 1- .Voulx, o sneak on- thomy on dirigible balloons, Io so convinced thus in. a short time any- one niah- enough! to treat himself to a 40 lung pchr motor car tint be and n to" of :lfls friends have formed a company, Wain $100,000 copitd, to sumly [he 0011113l demand. The com- pany will often vwo limb of ditigk bios-who {inst a;bol_loon for one pu- wager, we motor two cylindered and the one 800 cutie metâ€"reg; price in working order $5,000; me :5ch for plfistnsel'l, {our cylinder-ed botor and 1,200 cubic metem; price 37.200- Certain dog! .100 have been ‘Iotmd to enjoy an immunity of the nunc port; nlld it. it.- been hand thnt by means at tranauhon of blood. the immunity can he tratumitted zoom- emâ€"n fact of very great importance The experiment, Inn been: Innde ‘ of bleedm as dog with cancer and than replacing the loat blood by transmis- sion [10m an immune dog. ,and 'n some instances the result an been an apparent cure of the diseasel‘nc same thing has been even tried in men. with seeming benefit. but c'hc case» are too recent to enable cat-.- to say positively that a delinitc cur-.3 has been obtained. Some "believe that it is a purely lo- cal dense; obhtra that (t igdpe to: a flatltutional taint. the localization 0f -‘.:e tumor 6;;- one or another part be- 132 den rmined by an irritation or in- jury. In rp :c, however, of .311 this uncerta aty an-l Beoming confusion, plagues: :3 being really: made in the direction c.’ -. Solution to lbe enjg- One of the things that have been learned recwtly as a result 0'1 the study of cancerous growths in mice; is that some animals are immune to the disease tins immunity bemg citu er natural or «gained in consgquence of recoVery from i prawns tumor. mulated to overgrowth by the Injury 0! a blow or by thl pciaoonous ac- tion of waste products cf theq :ndy no( promptly eliminated. Ewn if moccasin! this would be be a diflicuit mode of treatment. for it would be neceunry to disBover an immune personâ€"one who had had cancer and recovered spontaneously vâ€"nnd then to persuade him to; gévc his biood {or the patient. But the diuovergj oI the [act of immunity is in itself most significant. and rais- es the hope that a feasible way wui ere long be lound to prevent create this demanding disease. Going to a Hot Place Gullah” of the Curie "storing College. 0311: naive prompt stunting day or Mt. ' ' OFFICEâ€"46 Pool I‘., batman. 8.. 41.- Bomb 3nd Carlin; Rink. BROAD NEWTON VETERINARIANS, um". - - ammo. is I. urge, popular, progressive school, with broadly educcted, widely experienced expert-in 0! Commercial, Ston- oguphy tad elegnghy depot-manta. 0 non from outai cIthc city get u free ticket to all privil. gee of Y.M.C.A. Poll term from Sept. let. Enter any dcy. Im'ividncl instruction. Write for beat?» (:1 analogue. Everyone is guilty of an offence and luble on summary aonviogion in the cue of a tint offence to barre» primanded, htbecasepfaeecomi loin-nee to a penalty opt exacting [one dollar and angle m of a third :0: subsequent. offence to a penalty not exceedlng (our dollars; who 'be- ing under the age of 16 years, smok- «:2 or chew tobacco on a stn‘et or public place, or purdlnSes or has in his possession, whet/her [or his own- usc or not, any cigarettes, cigarette paper or pnrohaSes or {has in Mp0!!- acssion for his own use tobacco intnr other form than cigarettes, and if. stall ‘be the duty of the jnstucexo examine upon oath or: affirmation all persoma {row before It‘ll) who are found guilty of violating dis section a!!! a refuel tn she information as to where tohceo was “and, shall be deemed a Will)". of com. r Depart! out of Public Works, mun, September 3, 1908. Nempcpon will not be 1:06 for th'n adverfiseuent it they insert it without uthority from the Departmentâ€"61's. EALED TENDERS “timed to the undmigned, sud endow-ed ‘Tendor to: Public Building. Whitby, Ont," wil, be received a. this « flee until (.00 R!- on My, Sepumbor 22, 1908, for the compaction of 3 public building u: Whip Per-on updating an notified thu toi- ders will not be considered union made on the printed form supplied, wd signed with their usual signgtn es. Each tends: must be mpnnicd by nnnooepugl cirque on n durum bun), nude pnys‘m; to tho’order of the Honour- nblo the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent. (10.53600: the snout of the under, which be forfeited i! the person tendering decline to enter into n contact when culled upon to do so. or if in hi! to complete the work contacted for. I! the tender be not wcepted tho ch:qno_will be rotngnod. . . . .1 A- Tie Deputmom doe: nct bind itself m accept the lowest or any tonden By Order. NAP. TESSIEB; PETERBORO Peterboro college by Ont. f’lnnn nnd moifla‘ionn an ho one: uni form- orteudcr obtninod nt thin do cigarettes in the possession of any ”moo under afixteen years when he finksmoking or chewing, mm or about to make or draw tobacco .in any street or public mince. It is the duty of any oémtable to seize my cigarettes. cigarette papers or tobacco in my cube:- form than Thv. penalty for furnishing «Amoco to persona under we age of 16 years 'n a fine not exceeding ten donuts for the first offence, not exceeding twenty-five doling for a sech of- fence and not exceeding one hundred dollu'ls for 5 Chin! offence. - Chief NW desires to call tbs attention of merdn‘nts selling tohac. co and vignettes, u wpll as parents and gum to an act to restrain the me of tobacco by young persons. Constables Should Cofifiscm then When in Possession of Those Under. Sixteen W. G. DUNOON. Local Agent. Cigarette Law Strict Regulations GEO. SPOTTON,P1incipzl. FOUNDED 1887. «pt-In

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