u«99009090oooooooooyoooooooocoooooo~oo ‘ WILLIAl-ST.. Ontario Marble and Granlte Works. Dealers in 311 kinds of Foreign end Do neeï¬o Mable end Granite Monuments em, of the leuet deeiane and beet week- mnlhip. A cell solicited. Intendin purchuere an interview Mr. W. W. J when good will is still MOWOW‘ Agent Canada. Life Assurance Go. For Lindsay and Victoria County. o¢+ooooooooooooooooooooooooo09999990. 0 O O O O ï¬e basin... Int-st, um, 09m mo unrw W. H. CRESSWELL, Prop. porooooo-oooo no claim an Boon comaâ€"The Canada Life has a record of sixty years of honorable dealing, during which per- iod no claim has been contested on account of a technicality. In fact, no record of any such action appears in the ‘entire history of the Company. 8115 For Every .8100 Pnld libâ€"The Canada Life since its inception has paid or credited to its policy-holders $1 I 5.00 for every $100.06 paid by them. This is conclusive evidence 3f : uccessful ma nagement- "1E (ANADA [le ASSURAME (0. Fordorly Crumell J 02581}. OUR STORE IS BRIM FULL OF NEW FALL GOODS AND EVERYTHING IN IT IS A GOOD BUY AT THE PRICE. We direct your attention to our new Dress Goods for Fall and Winter. A beautiful line of Broadcloth Suitings in navys, greens, browns, wines and blacks at $1.00, 85c and 50c. Colonial Flannels for house dresses and blouses, all colors, and a big assortment of patterns at 12 r-zc or roc. Flannelette Blankets in all sizes ro-4, 11-4, 12-4, in either grey or white, with pink and blue borders, at lowest prices. All Wool and Union Blankets, nice white, thick lofty raps, full weight, full size, cleanliness and purity, blankets will guar- antee for service. All prices from $2.50 to $8.00. Visitors to the Exhibition will ï¬nd some special values in Roller Towelling, Towels, Table Linen, Napkins, Fancy Table Covers, Linen Centrepieces, Side Board Scarfs, etc. FURSâ€"Superior quality and style are the strong points with us. We will have more to say on the Fur question later. In the meantime come in and see them. 0’Loughlin Melntyre IMPORTANT FACTS 3‘" ~“m M â€M oppooltotho â€but! Opposite St. Andrew’s Church. P. 0. BOX 217 CASH AND ONE PRICE. R. WIDDESS, --CO} N CERN IN Gâ€" Our regular stock is complete in high class new good: at very right prices ard tome and in addition we re anxious to clear 1 Km Piano, regular $350.00 at $245.00 1 Ram Piano, regular 325.00 at 225.00 1 Bell Piano, regular 325.00 at 230.00 These are not second-hand goods but slightly marked through being out short times. 10~por cent. discount 10: cash. 1 [1311 Piano at $100.00. 2 Hi2 -grade Bicycles at cost. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines 2 High-grade Bicycles at cost. 'ABREN SVSRIS Elbow Two Criminal Cases for Assizes Wlxlt‘. v u--.. - There are two cases to be tried. There are the Fenelon township wocd case and_the Fenelon Falls Italian stabbing agtny. Besides these tin-re nre the civil Jury. cases and- two county court cases as follows; . Nictoria McCallum vs The Ontario Accident Insurance Co. Hopkins and Hopkï¬ng for plaintiff, Stewart . d: 0'- Connor for Wendants . _ John Palmer and Mary Ann [’11- mer vs. Langton .Wilson. Hopkins Hopkins [or phintifl md Hoe-re 8: Jackson for .ddendnnt. Emory Gatchen, an infant under the age at 21 yarn. and his nzx'. fncnd John Gatchell vs The Kennedy Dans Milling Co, Limited. Molnar;- mid 8*. Weeks for plaintifl. and Stewart O‘Connor for ddendanc. ‘ Norman L. Martin. asaignee for tag beneï¬t d Caracadden Mullen Vs. J. G .Corran.‘ McDiarmid Week! lfor plnmtlï¬ and G. H. «Hopkins. for deft ndant. Ir. JusticeIWill Also Bur Seven Civil Cases Next Week . The fall when will open at. an Cont House, Lmdshy. on Sept. 2d. before Justice Britain. - n u j IWilliam Geneveckou vs. Gran! Trunk Rallway Co., of Canada. I. E. Weldon [or plaintifl W. H. Biggar for defendant . . ‘COUNTY COURT CASES Mary E. Wessela vs David Gilles- pie. 1. E. .Weldon Itor plaintiu; and .Hopkms Hopkins for; ddlenda at. W. H. Silverwood vs Wm. A. Weesa Stewart a; O’Connor for Quintin Add Hopkins 8: Hopkins for ddendant. 1" im are Raging In the North ‘ ffhe last two named cases will!» tned before Judge Harding. Fire hmded Graphite line Prom and Exploded Dynamite . Grand Union Hotel Sold ‘ Manning Bros" proprietbu of we Grand Union Motel, 'bn‘ve 'declded to leave Lindsay dud have llis'posed of their business tb Mr. F. A. Sweat- mmn, of Trenton. who; move in Nhort- ly. The Grand Uué'on' {has been ‘ re- cently fluted up and in considered to be 1 tum-61m Weaserry- 1,4 l - . I Mr. ‘VVElliam O’Brien, of Reterboro, traveller for the Imperial ,I'l‘obaoco Co ux'red L1 town Friday morning from the north- country, which he say; is all ablaze from fordï¬ fires. He fwas m Khmount mursday and reports that a fierce fire is raging; about half a mule from the exhibi- txoln grounds l In fW'i-lberiorce on Uhle 96h MEL, Mr O’Brien States that fires were rag- ing on all sides and penetrated the property of Matthews Cunniungs,‘ gramme miners. The flames ignited the sheds in which' the dynamite was stored amd Uh-e explosion which 1101- loWed entirely‘wrecked “he plant and the surrounding Ibuildings. [‘ storehouse Caught Fire But Very Little Damn It: Done The ï¬remen and hose were quick- ly on the spot, but the prompt ac- tion of the watdhqum. and first oom- ens together with plenty of water from Cameron Lake, whï¬ah is close to hand, had extinguished the flames when they arrived. A1! alarm of fire was sounded about half-past four o’clock . last F riday morning- It Was foo-Dd “but the store house used for storing acetate of lime and belonging to the Chemical Company, was on ï¬re. x Quite 'a crowd of' peapie turned out who were glad to find that the tire was mnder control. me cause of the fire is unknown, but it is supposed that it was caused by‘a spark from a passing enem- On mhnmday Mr. Edwrlln- Wood. ag- ed 74 years, who has been a sufferer for some length of time, was remov- ed to Uhe Ross hospital, Lindsay, His many 'fmendp 'here hope for his re- covery. The tire in the vicinity of the vi]- [age of Bancrgft is assuming suaK proportiom_ that the settlers are fighting it day and might, and on W'cd'needay the village the brigalde and engine 10118th the fire which threatened 'to swap the place. i The condition of Mm. Ann McDonâ€" ald remains unchanged. The aged Indy wlho .Buï¬ered'a great deal at times beats he! affliction patiently -and considering bet advanced age, is do- Fire at the Falls Was Extinguished mg as well as could be expected. The I'az'nh Workers of St. James church propu'Se holding a harvest home fes- tival in the near future. ._ Mm. Frank Rutherford and M; as Aleem Kerr left on \Tuesday for Boston. Mass.. on a visit to relatives in «that city. . V ReeVe Jvo'ndall of Libdï¬ay was at the Falhs on My. V Can the "glory and th‘ and the men who "rejoice ed moat :n. this cm?†What was the general 1 various captivities and n {01*th of ancient Israc Veme'M â€"- To what 4 the longevity of an indi‘ a nation, depend won mo JJJJJJ JJJJ J’JJJJJJJJJJ‘JJJ‘JJJJJ‘J .33.!†['6 J7 ï¬ï¬kï¬ï¬kï¬ï¬ï¬kkï¬ï¬ “%‘%‘%%3‘3%%333ï¬.§.3““ . ‘ r 9 A J nibf.;..1 The Post has unused to conduct a branch of the Interméiou- :1 Newspaper Study Club. The qua- done will appear in this depnnmcnt every such. :nd :11 are invited to write out their gnawers and send them in to thin office. Any inlorma- hon regarding thc contest will 3130 be gladly given at any time by show who ask {or it. It costs nothing to join and the prizes are well worth the winning. Suggestive Questions on the Sunday School Lemon by Rev. I the International Newspaper Bible Study Club SEPTEMBER 27m; 1908 Temperance Lesson Isaiah v,;11-23. Golden Text â€" Wine strong drink is raging. Verse 11 - How many men do you know an this community whose moral portrait. is drawn in this verse; that is, W who are-habitual drunkards.‘ Are 'tzhere stall those whose chiei ambutio‘n its (.0 get drunk .9 What are the chief "wow" of the drunkard 0.. To ‘hamself. 2 To his family. 3 To the community! Verse 12 â€" 19' it a fact that drink- ing men still like string music, and. is a mocker 'Prov xx;1. that a man given to dunk, can also "'Iegard the work of the Lordï¬" d of knoW- Veme Iiiâ€"Upon “that kin "“fl- I'll-An §1h- .nI-ndnerity 0f 831 in i- Vense lacâ€"Upon what k] ledge (Lace up: 'prosmerity vidual, or of a. people, I! mom! and spiritual, or 5: commerciak! you“- w, take up this month‘s course herein outlined. barring only ordained 6:2." gymen. We haVe the systematia-zo operation or the latter, but it isnu'c cossidered fair to have them com- pete lot the prizes. Sunday school teachers, Bible class scholars_ and church goers generally. belonging to this Newspaper Club. alvo none- chul'ch scars of all shade. of opin. ion. .All auqh who have nou joined are warmly invited to do so. and to compete for the prizes. EXEsâ€"EEE EE THE EEEEE LEADERS We are prepared to show you the newest styles in Suits and Overcoats for Fall and Winter, every gar- ment fresh from the big 20th Century and Progress Brand tailor shops in Toronto and Montreal. They are full of qualityand style, the kind of style that lasts as long as the garment lasts. We guarantee a perfect ï¬t and full satisfaction. Suits put c alts In stock ready to rt on and take home THE BIBLE STUDY CLUB . J. CARTER. raging. vProv xx :1. w my men do you munity whose moral ‘ in this verse; that habitual drunkardu those whose chic: ml cause for the autumn m escgpc the natural results Ld national mis- of wrong doing! . , Israel? 'l‘h'JS question must be answered 13 mt extent docs writing by members of the club. individual or 0t i fches 20-21 â€" 1|! 0. man does what moral conduct! Which us essentially Wl‘m'lg, .afnd : the multitude" he thinks it is right, does but opmon 50109" bei . : my with quuor :1on For allugcrauoy, a mother ng- ATTENI British Am Buclnooo 0 Y. I.‘C.A. Building, T01 but “mention ud tho I bub... all thorthsnd In noreaS- Change the nuturnl results of th'e while. Qt; hoe. '1'. IL A1380) 1e, most dependv or scientific and 1908 In mere any need to eXperknenb with or put to the test. the moral creceï¬na of the bible, seeing they are W “Pin the experience of mankind and the wisdom of the aged? kiteveljpouï¬ï¬‚etorammoru mm to acgpe the nptural result! of wmng doing 3 and mu uhere be any difference In the effeCt upon the two mend Verse '16 -â€" Im’mnt respect are the "judgment." and the “righteousness" of God “exalted" or, seen. in the ter- rible results of the liquor traffic! Verse 17â€"W‘hnt la the ditferenoe in the economic results of money made by tum-“jig. and money made in the liquor traffic 9 Venice 18-19â€"18 it ever polsible for good pemonal results to conic from bad deeds? ‘ being freely sold, or made:- prombis tion'f , New “â€"1! a â€mean" man, that is one of poor ability and little influence indulges in drink, and it a "mighty" man, that in one of great ability Ind influence indulges in drink. What will be the effect, of such indulgence. .M {can aha-e be any difference in 4. Boob mgr must have the name and uddreu o! the writer :t the bot- tom of autumn so u can be iden hfkd. giving 3 numbe}, registered; and then the name cut! of! so the ex- am’wcr cm knpw {t by the num- tor paper. size about 14 inches. Each medal will be aiutably en- graved. givmz the name of the Win- ner, and for‘ whet it iskuwerded and is like manner each bible and! book will be inscribed. All who can write and have ideas are urged to take up these studzep regardless of the degree of their ed- ucation. as the papers are nod valued from an educational or literary standpoint. but from the point of View of the 003m! 01 their reasoned "5. Sum. mad he cucm to understand the question before an- swering. To do um the lesson next. must he need and especially the verse or verses noon which the question 6.Ihe question from the Local 010 t most badeliv'ered to this ofï¬ce and. they will be collated at! then!!! of the canted; and forwarded to the bud quarter! of the International Sewn-pope: Bible Study Club for in- dependent. examination by competent examiners. The prizes will then be awuded “cording to the highem number of marks. and those won by! members of this locd club will be: given out. from this office. THE PRIZES. Fu‘at aerleIâ€"A gold medal to .33th of the [not five contestants. : Second seriesâ€"A silver medal to each of the next. five contesmnts. i .â€"-... L‘l'ly- u' .- l’ilth seriesâ€"A developed mind, (m expended imagination, a richer ex- perience wd a profounder knowledge of the Bible. and 0'! life. to all who take this copra, whether winninzn prize or not. ideas. tea‘tanfl. Third seriesâ€"A ‘tcacher': price $5.50. to each of th‘ contestants. Fourth seriesâ€"The book. "The Heart of Chriltionity." price $1.50 to each of the next th‘J’ty-tivo ~con- (Miler-coats In stock walt- lng for you to make a choice. $6.00 to $500 or 11;!er proï¬ibi: . Dr. Linscott {gr 8 1-2 inches by er '3 Bible the hen the Y. I. C. A. Building, Toronto, for the but “mention at! tho but results in nine. uï¬ohqnhnng ruining. Enter 6‘ ATTEND British Americar Business college FOR. SALE â€" The following valuable parcels of land. the property of Mrs E. Stephenson. are offered for 5311-: Lots 804 N. Rfdont-st.. Lindsay. and dwelling tv'berenn; lot No 4 S. Kim: 8L. Omemee; park lot, [-2. A!!!)n-stu Omemee, oonm'ning 6 acres; the farm property in the village of Omcmce adjacent. to 1'1; lway station minus about 65 acres; the W. 1-2 No. (58 7 open. tow Emily, 100 acres. For further part: culara apply to THOS. C. STEPHENSON, Omenee.â€"w1. FARM FOR SALEâ€"1CD acres. bang ‘ ('0de of lot 10._ gon. 7._ juri- as her. babe. m the'night, pruniq aci,d (linking it to b; cantor oil. Verses 22-23 â€" How would we eat:- mtg the moml character of those who hell Warming liquor. us a bev- erage I " ' A--- â€"Drive rbemm our. of the blood with Dr. Shoop'o Rheumutio Remedy and nee how quickly pain will deport. Rub-en‘s never did touch the red dheeue. Rheumatism isn't in the skin. It's deep down â€" it’- cou- ltitutiunul. Getting rid of the pain. 'I utter all. what col-ls. that is why Dr. Shoop‘o Rheumatic Remedy goes by word of mouth from one to moth- er. And here'm lies the popularity of t-h'd remedy. It is winning defenders eVetywberc. Tablets or liquid. Sold by ull dealers. . FOR SALE â€" 9; gen: ram (or Bale. at law. in the townshxp of Fem- elcn. cood log house. partï¬y plau- bcrcd 1nd partly burdcd inside New franc bum 50 x 65. with Stone wt“ Ind Itlb‘o. extra Well ï¬nish- ed. Ghana to about nod bilgckanlth shop, 6 mike- trom Ccmbrny Stab tion. Cameron and Grasp Him. 4 Inna from Cambray. 3 miles from Gin-ham. Will be sold cheap and on good mans. Wart to ad! 1t once. Apply to Elia: Bowel. Bail We agent. Lindnu.â€"wt1._ FARM {FOR SALE - But 1-2 lot mm. ! township or Feneloo. gbont One hundred and seven (10?: acres. ,40 acre. dated 15 urea Jonah buture. a“ needed down: balance of (at we“ unmet-ed. part :1 which is splendid cedar. Watered humming. creek crooning comm- of loci situated in good rand and on- â€; .2 nfle tram school. 2 miles Inuqhilhge of Glenarm. Will be ' sold" gt a bargain it odd imme- diateln “My to 'R. A. Smithson. Box ‘51. (Hanna Ont.â€"w8. Lesson for Sunday David W the "I II Sun. vi. \ FOR SALEâ€" Lot 16. con. 3. Ops cou- tuning 99 acres more or less. the or Wiiliun H. Shine. s‘xtuv- «ed on the Little Brittin road. Three miles from the town 0! Lind}- pose. the property of Samuel Than: A good two storey brick house. a frame barn. 86:60 on atone won cement floors in stable. framcdr ‘- mg ehed. 28x40. orchard. a'l cleared. two miles from Mariposa station. one ot the best grain in "1 send markets. ConVement :o sclnol. church. post ofï¬ce ates†mils: 'rom Lindsay. Wants :OM'U all at once. For further particnu'e apply to Elias Bowen. real est...» agent. Linday.- wit. mu“! clotted. Good {rune tune (with [hut-elm cellar and wood- ahcd. Good lag barn and stable. Good trains driving lined and box pen. Land I. clay loam. well fenced. Good well. around. For further panfloultn apply to Elias Bowen. real estate agent. Lindsay.â€"wu. ’ ARM FOR SALEâ€"1m acres more or less. composed of lot 4. con. 1, Fenelon. 1-2. mile from Cambray; 1 (rune barn. 60:40. with stone stablmg. one barn 30x0 with driving house attached. frame house l18x24 hrge kitchen and woodsbcd attached. Our 100 apples trzcs bearing. never failing. stream of water; hard gnd soft water at We. Apply to '1'. R. James.ag.eut Cambray.â€"w1. MISCELLANEOUS 'ATBON, Prit otptl. hy Oct 4th, 1908-â€" u‘k to Jerusalem-â€" Agent- Goa. 1, Hydro“, t William P. Rogers; 15†“1 m eight urea hard"! and bhck uh swamp, b“ m 110 urea extra 80"" f†brick house, K°°d. 50:“, stone stcbling. P‘l driving shed 24x40. ‘ newt-uning Ipring W bun. Schwl church W“ ient. smith Ibo nil on'Pn lulu. EEIAS cBo“.' 200 â€RE Fm FOR: rich, and oven nail, no EU .41 ti'lshlo. A we ch“ first clan um cheap 8116 For prim and terms “I BOWES. red estate 81:61! F2331 FOR SALE ATl (mum)...â€" SASKâ€"Comaimngl -2 W “ Sable a“ Good House, BU“. Guiana, new the thrivingtono dull. hlvinn 5 mentor. Flour Hill 9‘ Eleanor, 4 Churches and ï¬nd: clmsci" 15 an. Inn. Gnrden at: My“ well (need with Page wire {Tea .w 3‘" 1: when: st barn and house. plowed I!I W “137 59 acres fall 1‘0 are! When and Us; stubble. “mg: 30550, with s 12-foot lean mum “12., size of but; : 50 mâ€. 3P? p63!" an 1111: "HI. School, church, 3501'?! ghopo, post omee, grain mark will ad nilroad nation, 811' â€and mm. Eight miles f and the same from Pension chance to punch†. well sit For further pu-ticnlsxa appl gowns, Real Estate Axe! 1;); ran SALE-Tu Jogging the village 0? 50 um tillsble, h lane home and kitchen 1' tom. 75 cloned, 7.. 1113.blé,15wu pasture. bahnco second growth mind wood. Prune and log barn with ' : good fume how; small orchnd; feuoeflund Inez-ed by two good well: Ono nulo from school and church, duty In. from Little Brimn, ï¬ve from lsy 2, 1907.â€" tâ€"runo house, good bum on stc tion. with subling; null or: drivirg shod. never-faiiing x Mined 3rd fenced, con venien shout two miles from the thri‘ of W, where there ' and suck market: sail a or furtho psrticulaxs up 1y NW3, Bod Eaute Agt., Liz FARM FOR REXT â€"- Has; 1} 1d. 21, con. 3. Rem-ion. for W! to More Jackson L‘ or A. GIDCHRIST. may, A13, FARM FOR SALEâ€"100 acre- of Lindsay. good building clay soil. Tex-nu to suit pup â€We of John. Arm; or . Pd.â€"'Wtf. um: pony guyâ€"m 100 ACRE FARM FOB SALEâ€"Int o con. 10, Township of Ops, ï¬n property of Alex. Nngent. All cloud. washout house. two {rune barns, {nib from â€had, 3 miles from Resbou Gui! Mt, Store. Post Oï¬ce, Chm-chasm, 10 miles from Lindsay. Sold at s lupin u the proprietor not: it sold before his return to India» Soil, clay loom. In as?» further particnlm sppl] to BOWES, real estate agent, W FARM- FOR SALEâ€"To clone a a. NI. con. 11 Emil?v township. 1. scream urea under calcium 10 .cm tare. remainder dandy voodï¬mzrac swamp. Put 4!“ pm; ï¬ll-agood goodfnme barn In: Mind. good well ad â€I: orchtrdn -Addresa Luke Mum. Union-Ct» fl’etel'borough â€"m FOR SALEâ€"Brick house 3nd low: silhge of Cambra) With brick kitchen and wood shed attachgd. First-class stable and dr rings“ and poultry house; good water, boch hard and soft. W111 be will cheap. Also frame house and um:- ares of land with flood sxgblingni driving shed; buildin. 's all new. Can ARK FUR SALEâ€"Bei the north but of lots: 7 “pan, known as the stand. Thereis about 1‘ enltinï¬on, good building Pulplo'ingdldoue,1â€ac Burn Alnke 3nd 8 ac! sown. Pone: sion liven full puticnlon npply 0! ortoG. H. BOPK1\S.I 'QQALITY" be got cheap. A agent. Cambray IARI FOR SALE:- RH FOR SALEâ€" MISC/£1414 Oahuâ€"WA“ \. Illum- D Lh half of lots 23 and 24, on. ,known as the Minimum- rein about W) acres at good buildings and will :tfldoue,1na.ch-‘d1m to and 8 acres Rod Ch! wrsion given at once. F: L11!!! apply on the pain HOPKINS. Modalâ€"nil! E FARM £03 SALEâ€"u: q . 10, Township of (ï¬n, h Alex. Nugent. All chad, “126. two fume buns, {lib [gem-ton. For m » Jackson. [£11de 51', May, Alaâ€"u: E.â€"-100 um um od building all .1 to “ï¬t . 1. Arm; or at: he up»: “I I†Agent, minâ€"m. 150, 3nd 10H: '. With hick shed attachi- nd dnvingsu ;¢ood um. . W111 be ma p m, w DOG MM! ad ‘24. on. WW no (LED QUAI V020 hvo