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Lindsay Post (1907), 2 Sep 1910, p. 15

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The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- WM- sonal supervision since its infancy. : 3‘ Allow no one to deceive you in this. All C ounterfeits, Imitations and “ J ust-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Childrenâ€"Experience against Experiment. \Ve carry the highest-grade musi- cal instx'mnents and we are not itin- er ent pedlars on cmnmissinn but know the- real value of the, goods that we of- fer you and can therefore give you. (-‘osest prices on lst quality goods. In Sewing machines we handle and sell such well know and high-{nude "like" as “\VHITE". "STANDARD" "NEW' HOME" and “RAYMOND’ , 1m wâ€"v -«â€"-" -â€"«- "W 9‘9“”“5‘ ‘P‘f"‘»'i- ‘ Toronto this week. W .haaiflven thm fie, and Miss Burns, 0!] Toronto, They are doing‘ firstcfa Mrs. Randolph McDonald, of Rose- several? «:2? the farmers lssed through town ‘on Tueqday on follow Wi‘l’s example.. TB’DS‘AY’ ”e ‘15 personan - ' Io . . 3 can at our T -Lmenu “:1 our ‘W’inflm The Kind You Have Always Bought 'l'ite for NEWES, LFELESS GENUINE Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, DIorphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panaceaâ€"The Mother’s Friend. DRS. KENNEDY 8; am- private address. vv VAAL} , nu KENNEDY, um.“ auunluutnv (fill H|7Uu30 . Oppmire Pxesbyterian me BIL F. O. Box 21" Give us a. cal! before you buy. What is CASTORIA In Use For Over 30 Years. DEBELETATED MEN ”: CIN‘I’AUI COIPANV. 77 .UIRAV STREET. N" YORK cm. CASTGRIA f All letters from Canada must be a: n to our Canadian Correspondence 3 ment in Windsor, Ont. If you< BIedical Institute in Detroit a: mo ano- _ _ -..â€" ---â€"v -.-v-v ovuvvwflw may the victims of early indiscretions and later as cases. who are failurw in lifeâ€"you are the ones we can restore to manhood and revive the spark of energy and vitality. Don‘t give up in despair because you have treated with other doctors. used electric belts and tried various drug store nostrums. Our New Method Treatment hm snatched hundreds in :n the brink of despair. has re- smred happiness to hundreds of homes and hasma;2e successful men of those who were "down and out.“ We Emescribe specific rem- cdics for each individua case according to the symptoms and complicationsâ€"we have no patent medicines. This is one of the secrets of our wonderful success‘as our treatment can- not fail. for we prescribe remedies adapted to each idndividual casea Onlg' curable cases ac- cepte . We have one usineu throw Canada for over 20 Years. READER Are you a victim? Have y hope? Are gou Intending to Has your blood been iseased? Have: weakness? Our New Method Treatm cure you. What it. has done for other: (10 for you. Coagulation Free. No who has treated you. write for an afiinion Free of Charge. Books h’fsoyhood.‘ Manhood. Fatherhood." (11 ed) on Diseases of Men. CURABLE CASES GU OR NO PAY Are you a victim? Have you , hope? Are you intendinv m m- YOUNG MEN ANgagqupmAcgp MEN. 1.) \‘iu'ivna nf cor-h- . VII-n... -,_ _, "NEW' HOME" and “RAYMOND’ and guarantee ad] goods. Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines, Eta, Etc. which are foriiégr'regiaoggé 1y. Address all letters as iNEDY, Windsor, Ont. 'xcum': gave you lost on intendmg to marry? iseased? Have you any ll _ Al ‘ "' mdence new}- If you des_i1-e to :1 Treatment win for others it will "33- No matter :6 for an honest ALWAYS adgre53¢d and trait --‘s (Illustrat‘ us no... .‘ww’m »- _ h...-.¢. .a.... Miss Joan Keith, head bookkeeper, of the Perry~Davis Coal Co., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. The anniversary dinner provided was a dainty one, and the tables were suitably decorated for the occasion. PRESENTATION At the conclusion of the dinner, a very pleasing ceremony took place, , when Mr. Alex. Keith read an address from. the family, while the little grandson of the honored couple, John Mac Keith, presented Mrs. Keith with a handsome cama gold brooch and -Mr, Keith with a rose-wood gold heaâ€" ded cane. In the year 1873 Mr. and Mrs. . Jas. Keith .took up their residence in - Lindsay, and the venerable couple have enjoyed what may be termed a . union of unalloyed happiness. H. , FAMILY REâ€"UNION. ,' The family re-union held yesterday i was a; delightful affair and must have brought alarge measure of joy and happinness to the venerable couple. - Dinner was served at the family re- sidence at four o’clock, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith were surrounded by the following members of their family :â€" Miss J. J. C. Keith, of Lindsay. Mr. Alexander.Keith and Mrs. EKeith, of 192 Delaware-ave, Toronto. Dr. Jack Keith, Mrs. Keith, and. Ison, Master Jack, of the Canadian 1 ; Soo. EVENING FE STIVITIES In the evening Mr. and Mrs. James Keith held a reception, when a large number of citizens from town and vicinity called at their residence on Francis-st. and extended their conâ€" gratulations. Among those who cal- led were Rev. Dr. McMillan and Mrs. McMillan, of Halifax; Rev. Jas. Wal- lace, His Worship Mayor Begg and Mrs. Begg. The evening was ’ very pleasantly spent in music and sociaJ intercourse Mrs. Jackson presiding Mr. Jas. Keith replied in a neat speech. Miss Margaret Keith, teacher at Renfrew, Ont. Miss Keith, superintendent of Shoal Lake Hospital, Manitoba. Fifty years ago in the town of Whit- by, Rev. Kenneth McLennan, cousin of Sherifl McLennan, of Lindsay, um- ited Miss Joan Patterson and Mr. Jas, Keith in the holy bonds of ma- trimony. an event in their history called forth sincere and fervent good wishes on all sides that they might long be spared to still further enjoy each oth- er’s company in their journey through. life. Yesterday Mr. and Ma‘s. Jas. Keith 10 Francisâ€"st, celebrated their gold- en wedding anniversary, and the Post joins with their many friends in town and district in extending to them the heartiest congratulations. Both are honored and respected residents of the town, and the observancf of such §MET EIGHTEEN LAUNCHES SUNDAY 9 AND 0m om: CARRIED LIGHT MR. AND MRS. J. KEITH EELEBRATED GOLDEN WEDDING we ucumuc 0.1 mr. Joseph Cooper, met eighteen launches and oniy one of that'large number carried a light A number of them were trailing ca~ noes and they cruised along reck- Lessly and with apparent indifference regarding the danger of accidents. A short time ago a. narrow escape from a) drowning fatality occurred on There are a number of launch own- em on the local waters who are disâ€" regarding the law requiring them to carry lights, with impunity, and the persistency mth whtsh they evade the regulations is nothing short of criminal. A tragedy will assuredly be recorded if the authorities do not step in. and put a, stop to such prac- tices. Sunday eVening last, Mr. J. I). Fla- velle. who was bringing Dr. Caven of Toronto from his summer cottage to the bedside of Mr. Joseph Cooper. A HAPPY UNION. The worst habit that boys can fall into is that of loafing around on the streets at night. It is then they cast their lot in slippery places when at any. moment they are likely to fall from grace. All good and noble V les- sons taught them by their mother are there counteracted and nullified. They learn nothing that is goodâ€"but ev- erything bad. The boys who spend their evenings in the sacred precincts of home, with good books for their companions, are the future hope of this republic; they will fill our legis- lative and congressional halls and sit in judgment upon men and measures while the boys who run our streets, will fill our penetentiaries, almshous- es and lunatic asylums. Parents who are responsible for these broken laws of decency will have broken hearts and bowed down heads in the awak- ening years that Will inevitably folâ€" low. Daggers of in Aberdeen, her father being amem- ber of the legal profession. They are both ardent and loyal children of the heather, and love the land of the im- mortal Wallace and Bruce. 0 at the piano during the evening and rendering many excellent numbers. NATIVES .OF SCOTLAND Mr. and Mrs. James Keith both first saw the light of day in Bonnie Scotland. Mr. Keith, who is 73 years of age, was born in the parish of Longside, Scotland, and Mrs. Keith, MR. JAMES KEITH.’ ' Who celebra’cd his golden wedding anniversary on Thursday Mr. Flavelle Informed the Post that he would personally prosecute each and every launch owner violatq ing the law, against Whom he could secure evidedce. Sturgeon Lake, when a reckless launch owner, with no lights burn- ing, came within a few inches 0! run- ning down two young ladies in a canoe. This is a serious condition of af- fairs and calls for Prompt action on the part of the authorities. Ignor- ance of the law would serve as no excuse if a launch owner was sum- moned to appear in court, iecause notices regarding the carrying of lights have been posted in conspicu- ous places and the newspapers have I from time to time published the sec-1 tions of the law dealing with the matter in question. I Children Cry‘ run FLETCHER’S THE LINDSAY POST STORIA Street Loafing An article in last evening’s Post to the effect that it was difficult in get- ting financial accommodation in our local. banks has been called in ques- tion by several of our financial in- stitutions in town, who-state that it is not the case, as they were prepared to advance a reasonable amount of money to any manufacturer or indus- try in town where business possibili- 1 ties warranted such investment. Last evening Mr. W. M. Robson, grocer, received through the mails a box of heather neatly done up in bunches and tied with ribbon. It was sent from Scotland by Mr. Frederick E. Robson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Robson. He is at present touring in old Scotia. having recently been married at Middlesbrough. Every member of the family received an asâ€" sortment of the heather, a card being attached to each bunch. Banks Wining to Give Aid Heather From Bonnie Scofland ; But after this plain talk about iwoman and fashion-3, Ye: us be strivt- 1y honest and answer the question-- How much more independent, is her lord and master in the same direc- tion? Criticize rm Le ml and gut-he fun as may at what {ashinn (carers for the feminine, and at the mrek submission 'of the sex to fashion’s dictates, is be much, if any, better of! ? Every man who thinks any-thing of himself believes in dressing well, but to how many men does “dressing well” have any other meaning than that he should he attired in fashion ':‘ And how many me; are there among the well dressed crowd who would feel restful in their glad rags if those glad rags were other than the latest cut, style and pattern ? Fash- ion rules and her decrees are as bind- ing upon the one sex as the other. ‘size that has been fashionable this ‘summer ? She knows it is a nuisance to everyone she comes in contact with, as well as to herself, and ‘1: she could have her own Way Would have none of it. Yet here comes the maker of fashions with a declaration that the next lot will be larger 3: l!â€" veritable monstrositiesâ€"aml, as usâ€" ual, lovely woman, who usually has her own way in all thinxs else, will inthis case bow to the inevitabie, while mere man wlll prenare to dodge the side swipe of the broader brimâ€" and pay the bills. From the standpoint of mere man, there is something decidedly amus- ing in the whole subject of feminine fashions. We know that Women, in the majority, are generally out of sympathy with the incoming style, either in dress or headgear, whatever it may be; but we know, too, that much as they dislike the new effect, it is only a. matter of days beltsre they “come to it.” Where is the wo- man, for instance, who would admit that she honestly desired a hat of the 038 and exits used by the fair sex. As to the colorsâ€"aesthetic sense has been outraged already to such an exâ€" tent that a. little more of the same thing makes but slight diflenence. { The declaration of the arbiters of feminine fashions in headgear is that for the coming season hats are to be larger than ever, and that colors are to be loud enough to deafen. The decision of size ought to be interest- ing to railway builders, railway managers and others who are respon- sible for the construction of entran- Mch is the Declaration 0f Arbiters in Feminine Fashion Ladies Headgear Larger Than Ever After years of hard work Mr. 8371- l and where is the money to come vester has perfected the best combinâ€". from to make them ? The Sylvester ed plowing and threshing machine on } firm at PTesent is not able to un- the continent.‘ dertake their manufacture, and acne This machine has been working at 1 0f the banks in Lindsay are disposed to come to their assistance. Is the Mr. D. Dunoon’ s, and has satisfied ev- 'town of Lindsay going to loose this erybody who Witnessed its work business ? Mr. Sylvester controls the There is no doubt apparently after patents and no doubt can ge" capi- this test but that the machine will tal to manufacture, bUt promoters suppl 1n the ‘ ' ' meet the requirements. Mr. Sylvester probaiiligty wan?:ne§m::efi: line {all is thoroughly satisfied that this ma- 0 a mu ' ' Mr. Sylvester for some time has been chlne Will do as good work as the endeavoring 1’0 reorganiZe Oi" sell the best machine operating in the North iaCtorY out but so far has not- suc- West. The engine is running perfectly ceeded. A company has been formed well and is well balanced, and there is in Winnlpeg to take over the parents, no vibration. It is easily started, a Concluded while Mr Sylvester is in man with a couple of half turns of a the West. There have been no threats crank is all that is necessary; both made With a view to holding “P the the engine and separator are doing 3:: Thai has not been hinted at- y ves er appreciates the pri‘vi- ii 5 Q: g E? ”i a C 3 perfectly satisfactory work,, all weak points being now overcome, and it is vester Co. Mr. Sylvester claims that only a matter of building the mach- {hi8 company is being 11615 up by the ines. Mr. Sylvester is now loading the banks Now what is going tobe the machine for the West, and with some result ? It appears that if the banks of the men from the factory will go Will not render Tea-801181318 aSSistanoe there with the necessary fittings to to deserving- manufacturing indus- complete the two machines that are tries they are not working With now there, and will have these three proper Spirit in the interests of the machines working this fall to demon- town Lindsfiy must stand behind the strate to the public .their reliability, imustrieS- The Post and the citi- which no doubt will be accomplished zens 0i Lindsay highly appreciate the This machine is a much greater un- success Mr Sylvester has brought dertaking than anyone is aware of, this machine tO- and sincerely hope traction and thresher, for at the it will make one of the leading in- time Mr. Sylvester undeRook this dustries in the town. Mr. Sylvester scheme, very few, in fact, no gasoline certainlydeserves all credit due to traction engines were in use, and sta- him. tionary gasoline engines were not out â€"-« ‘-â€"â€"- of the experimental stage, but Mr. Sylvester had in view the advantages of the gasoline power for the North West and conceived the idea of mak. ing the combination to travel through the fields threshing from the stock, thereby saving labour, in fact cutting the cost in half. Since he undertook the manufacture of this machine great developments have taken place in the mode of farming and no machine has or lie on left side, and any little come to the front as rapidly as thei exertion would cause palpita- gasoline engine for all purposes, espe- I tion. Under advice I took “For two years I had pain in my heart, back and left side. Could not draw a deep breath Ciany for “mtg ML Sykes“: had Dr. Miles’ Heart Remedy and in the view the idea of taking the Se- , _ _ parator Cd, and using the traction lVeerne. I t°°k abOiit thirteen for plowing purposes, This idea, has bottles, am» in better health than developed into an important factor in I ever was, and have gained 14 pounds.” this machine, making it doubly ,ad- vantageous to the Western farmers. thS. LILLIE THOMAS, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. While in the first make up the plow- For many years Dr. Miles’ ing was not considered of so much importance, but the traction plowing Heart Remedy has been very successful in the treatment of has developed so rapidly that some important changes had to be made to heart troubles, because of its tonic effect upon the heart take care of this end. nerves and muscles. Even in Two of the plowing machines were tested last season'with the result In the firs: place the‘combinatlon oi ‘ severe cases of long standing it of this experlence 1n the field. It _ has enabled the makers to over_ has frequently prolonged life for come all weak points, and the maâ€" many years after dOCtOI’S had chines will go- in the field in as given up all hope, as proven by Perfect 3 condition as any made thousands of letters we have re. on. the continent. :I'he demand . for ceived from grateful people. this class of machines 15 prac.2cally PH“ $1.00 at your away!“ He should unllmrted, and' thousands can be wpply you. H he doec not. w price sold in the Northwest. The question to us, we forward prepaid. . is where are they going to be made, 93- Mfl-Es MEDICAL 00-. I“ SYLVESTER AUTO-THRESHER AND E’LOUGHING ENGINE GREAT SUCCESS that wash day is like child's play. There is nothing in it but pure 803;)» 3 It cannot injure the clothes 'and given A. z, the sweetest czeanest results. To wash the Surprise my Q) Surprisefl . A to deserving manufacturing indus- tries, they are not working with proper spirit in the interests of the town.Lin-dsay must stand behind the industries. The Post and the citi- zens of Lindsay highly appreciate the success Mr. Sylvester has brought this machine to, and sincerely hope it will make one] of the leading in- dustries in the town. Mr. Sylvester certainlydwerves all credit due to “For two years I had pain in my heart, back and left side. Could not draw a deep breath or lie on left side, and any little exertion would cause palpita- tion. Under advice I took Dr. Miles’ Heart Remedy and N ervine. I took about thirteen bottles, am in better health than I ever was, and have gained 14 pounds.” Upper Sandusky, Ohio. For many years Dr. Miles’ Heart Remedy has been very successful in the treatment of heart troubles, because of its tonic effect upon the heart nerves and muscles. Even in severe cases of long standing it has frequently prolonged life for many years after doctors had given up all hope, as proven by thousands of letters we have re. ceived from grateful people. and no doubt arrangements will be concluded while Mr. Sylvester i's in the West. There have been no threats made with a View to holding up the town, that has not been-hinted at- Mr. Sylvester appreciates the pruri- leges already extended to the Syl~ his company is being held up by the banks. Now, what is going tobe the PAGE I 5

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