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Lindsay Post (1907), 29 Sep 1911, p. 5

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tan: in V auw I Victori Seattle Portlal Spokal l FROM LINDSAY isciumed. are Dem; i agents to f pip of violenc: again The sir :5 had :neix me yesterday except to V" Spanish Premier Warns Rioten of His Determination. c a K's T SPECIAL RATES Many huhr‘: i.;.~c been search- arms man and the prisons; “Lad mfg; in .;'.:(a. ~‘usnects and rrs. The Km; remains in the Misses’ Coat of Cheviot. made in ,mifitting style with military collar ”d trimmed with velvet. A we" ”do coat and lined with self material. The colors are grey. navy and brown; $3.11? 2111;? 1.8.. Ti' 6.95 -â€"â€"- MA'N‘i ETT. (‘3' A cut 0 ANDER‘KON. DeflfitgAgen‘c ‘ ‘ '33”. Sept. 15th to Oct 13!: mrtionate rates from Ontarm 3"“ Throuzh train Toronto ancouver 10:5) p. m. daily. “‘_, W ‘ ~35 Yes :s READY TO SHOCT. inc J; ; Record. 75 Out $5.95 2mm 11w provxnces re- entra; gnu-non through. it)“ at»; cla‘scly censored, r: in: :;:; prompt and Adapt-x1 by the Gov- hawk-«z ‘in anything like pianos -.»:' industrial sc- m;5.:: g-xtvelop into a J:- éuapuctz‘fi persons. in- iepuogcaz‘. and Socialist um»: c--;..~tant surveilvf ....â€"â€"â€"...gâ€"â€"o *â€" A -‘4‘ ‘- A‘---‘.N 1 ' hkl.‘ the capital in t d acting under the au- 3 Impetus! decree sus- In-t::u:;u:;ai guarantees. 3: ;= max :uaining a. firm.l i the labor leaders who. are being used by revo- 123 to further a cam: 18: agent»: the state. and ram: usual appear- 7 except for the pres- sdhzng p: wet duty. and TO THE FRIDAY. 'fai.'.2wrd “4.5 de- c:; brukc out about. may morning. Loss â€"«'I1':-.- men employ- tndes of this city rd-‘r, and quit. work: :‘nouaand men are 36..~Pavef Macca - month» in the Vancouver Victoria Seattle Portland Spokane t know: 1g why ,- night that u-spect the‘ :2 to strike so wfui methods, ': uuzpluyes of Work withouk ice, summary ~31. Tklc first , in: 23211, the L) use their .1: can t. That :21» ex_ Ration wivcd .nother 21m! : zen his ' 7207.1: .1. He kupyir'; a cell L‘ d‘..l€‘d2 for all to s (.1 revo- 1 'da “Lil-)1“: $1,200 ali- uion) If“? ¢ Y comfortable coet at the ex- 5 tremely low price .. .. . Misses’ Coat: with converto collar and made of fine Wale Cheviot in colon navy and grey. This 12 is a nice gument nt only . Child's Coat of Cheviot, trimmed with braiding and half lined with nelf material double breasted; colon navy and brown. A very warm and This Coat $5.00 This is the greatest disaster that. has ever fallen upon the French navy, and in magnitude is almost without prece- dent in the annals of the world's hting ships. te last night. the naval authorities declared that the number of victims is greater than at first supposed. The loficial estimate is now given as be- ' tween 350 and 400 dead or missing. I At. 5.35 the first explosion occurred. ‘1: was followed by three others at ; one -m; nnte inten als Then came the .final expl osion the terrific rexerbra- tion of w;h ch shattered the windows of the Whole (in and was heard for a iradius of many miles. The Liber'e Was rem, asunder. Her bows were thrown high in the air and then the ‘vessel slowly settled down, and in fnineteen minutes nothing was visible , but [he 30:) works. ‘ Fire Break: Out In Battleship Liberte and Spreads to Magazinesâ€"The Crew Fight Desperately to Stem the Dia- uter But Are Finally Permitted to Escape When It Is Too Late -Other Warships Suffer. Toulo-n, France, Sept. 26.-â€"The bat- }{leship Liberte was torn 8 art and fiotally destroyed by an exp osion ot ‘fiw magazine yesterday. Three hun- dred oflicers and men were killed. The ; battleshi Republi ue was badly dam- écged an the batt eships Democratic and Verite also sufiered severely from ' the masses of twisted iron and arm- or-plate that were hurled upon their decks. I l l l mony. Sir J amea was handed a silver trow- ' .el by Hon. W. J. Hanna to “well and truly lay the stone.” The stone was , inscribed: “This corner-atone was laid by the Hon. Sir James Pliny Whit- ney. Prime Minister of. Ontario, the 25th September, 1911.” The box plac- ed in the stone contained coins of the realm, the current newspapers of To- ronto and Guelph, and a Canadian Almanac, which latter, as Dr. Gil- mour blithely remarked: “contained the names of those who were members of Pariament." . Sir James pointed out that. while the idea being Worked out by the Government at this institution was not a new one, it was with a desire to ameliorate the mnditinn: nf than» WARSHIP BLOWSWTP The pogifign B'fwti'ie fire made it im- poesxbk- to flood the magazines at mding oficer, realizing that the lhlp was doomed, ordered the bu 18.? t9 bound the “Sauve qui pent” t hm save himself who can), and shout- ed to the men to jump for their lives. in the morning. It was preceded by and was the result of an outbreak of fire. The flame: spread rapidly in spite of all effores to master them. and reached the magazines before there was time to flood them. The 111 azines exploded with tremendous vio ence, sowing death and destruction in every direction. The fire was first discovered at four 8.111., and the buglt‘s immediately sounded the alarm. The crew rushed to quarters and icught desperately th}? spreading flames, but it was soon ev1- dent that the fire had obtained a firm hold. Signals of distress, were flashed to the other ships. and these despatched steam pinnaces _ and launches at full speed to assist m the Work of extinguishing the flames end rescuing the men. But their servzces were of little avail. 7 ‘ sucked down m the maelstrom. . The explosion. which wiped out one of France's newest and most powerful battleships, occurwd at 5.53 o’clqck Those still on deck were hurled sky- ward amid a shower of iron and steel. The boats of the rescuers were sunk and serious damage was done to the Republique. which lay at anchor c105e by. Two of her decks were stove in, ad one of the Liberte’s armor-plates were hurled against her port side and demolished the cabin of an absent en- sign. For a few minutes' after the final explosion an intense black cloud of smoke hovered over the harbor. “’hen it shifted, a. horrible spectacle met the eyes of the people of Toulon. who. awakened by the first. explosions, had hurried to the shore. The twist- ed upper works of the battleship were protruding from a mass of formless wreckage. unmetâ€"g which struggled the Sewn'm Iran! IJ‘." r;-sr"inz boats hut THREE HUNDRED ARE KILLED French Fighting Machine Shat- tered by Explosion. (Exactly like illustration) ing point of view. With three large stores to provide for and especially our very large trade in Lindsay, we are able to buy directifrorn the very best manufacturers and at the very clos- est prices. This means a very big saving to our customers. You will benefit if you see our values before making your purchases for Fall Lindsay’s Most Ascessible Store Get Your Share Of These Values At The Sutcliffe Store \Vt‘ are showing: YD" Shin“ \‘pry atfiractive lines of new Fall Dress Clouds {9nd yuu will lw making no mistake when ynu come here for yum- new Full dress. The materials me particularly attrm-tiVe this y. m- and have weight enough in thvm to give that waxm appeal-mum that xns‘ures genuine snxsfuctinn in your Full or \Vintm- garments. The styles are The fact that the executi es of the Amalgamatad Society of Ra: way Ser- vants are Englishmen has not tended to make the spike order popular among Irishman. The Strike In Ireland. Dublin, Sept. 23.-â€"The first fruits of the declaration of a. gsneral strike of the railroads of Ireland by the Amal- gamated Socié'ty of Railway Servants were not particularly promising from the standpoint ni the union. Only about tErEr-‘y Hf the luCal stuff of the The trains of the Great Northern system were being operated as usual yesterday. The strike on the Lireat Southem Western Railway contin- ues to be the mainstay of the gen- eral movement. Queenstown has been cut off from railway communication with the interior. Urvu’. Noam-Tn 14:1.Lway I'f‘Spqulle ‘I-) the call and the local men of the Mul- land Great. Western refused to qmt. Luncheon 'as served in the new Trades Building. at. the conclusion of which further inspection of the big estate was Ina-JG. The Prime Minister then called on Hon. W. J. Hanna. Provincial Secre. tary. and father of the, new provincial prison scheme, to review the' history wf the movement, and to give the gathering some idvla of the progress that. had been made. SUTCLIFFE 6: SONS “As regards these men, the inflic- tion upon them of that just and neces- sary-punishment which our law. and the law of all civilized nations re- quires, and which is required by God’s law, shall be inflicted with due regard for their future welfare and happi- ness," said Sir James, who then point- ed out that it was the aim of the Government to 3m: to it that these people who had been the victims of misfortunv. slmuld, when they regain- ed their liberty. carry as slight a handicap as pasmble. Ordinary con- siderations of common same and ele- mentary fair play required that their lot should not be made any harder than necessary for them to redeem tliemselves. not. a new one, it was with a desire to ameliorate the conditions of those who had come within the criminal law because of small infractions. ney. Prime Minister of Ontario. the 25th September, 1911.” The box plac- ed in the stone contained coins of the realm, the current newspapers of To- ronto and Guelph, and a Canadian Almanac, which letter, as Dr. Gil- mour blithely remarked: “contained the names of those who were members of Pariament." Sir James Whitney Speaks at Prison Corner-Stone Laying. Guelph, Sept. 28.-â€"Sir James Whit- ney’s speech at the laying of the cor- ner-atone of the administration build- ing at the new provincial prison near Guelph yesterdey was brief. He made no reference whatever to the political situation, though it was the great topic of discussxon all day among the party which gathered for the cere- mcny. The New Fall Dress Goods GbVERNMENT’S AIM. 10nd The Sheffield Independent says with the Conservatives in power “there will be such a tightening of the grip u‘ ad Cannda’s throat as will prevent h-r :rom breathing. Laurier’s policy brought prosperity; his rival’s will in- evitably cause a revulsion, ultimately meaning the free exchange of naturtl. products.” _ Steamer Rammed and Sunk. Port Huron, Mich., Sept. 23.â€"â€"Th‘e steamer Joliet was rammed and sunk by the steamer_Henry Phipps early yesterday mormng in the St. Clair nver. ‘. ”N T’..e Westminster Gazette says: “For our part we never saw in reciprocity any danger to the Empire, because that would mean the Empire depended on a. tariff wall which is the keeping of the United States.”- The possibility of the appointment of a royal commission to investigate the spending departments is being discussed in Ottawa. The Conserve, tive opposition moved repeatedly for such a commission and it was refused. Another suggested move by the in- coming Government is the rearrange- ment of portfolios with the Depart- ments of Commerce and Labor amal- gaiiiat='>d. and the census added. Praises Laurier’s Decision. London, Sept. 26.â€"-The Pall Mall Ga- zette says the cancellation of Laurier’s ultimatum, reciprocity or retirement, was doubtless prompted by his chival- rous regard for the plight in which his followers would otherwise find themselves. With a leader like Laur~ ier, Canadian Liberalism will be far from being an ineffective critical force. "’ffié crew of: away on pieces 0! wreckggga; .A.._§§YX 19‘ Erevau'ed. ,_ -.-~-â€".. . A. - Leaders Meet. 0:: awa. Sept.26 .6..â€"â€"Mr R. L. Borden and Sir Wilfrid Lauri er met for the first Lime since the election last night at. a. dinner tendered the Governor- Gen‘eral by the Rideau Club. Both leaders supported the toast to His Exgellency. Russell’s Majority. Ottawa, Sept. 26.â€"-The majority of Hon. Chas. Murphy in Russell Coun- ty is 1,008. There is talk of his elec- tion being protested by J. W. Vincent, Conservative candidate, on the ground of irregularities. The majority of Hon- ore Achjn in Labelle is 98. Neely Is Safe. Winnipeg, Sept. 26.â€"â€"Latest bulletin from Humboldt, gives Neely, Liberal, 4.000, with twenty polls still to hear f rom . In Chicoutimi-Saguenay there were four candidates in the field, the victor being J. Girard, the lane member, who was first elected as a Conservative, but who supported the Government in the late Parliament. Mr. Girard's majority so far as heard from is given In Gaspe the latest returns indicate the defeat of Hon R. Lemieux, Minis- ter of Marine. by Dr. C. P. Gauthier, who is leading by 558. Mr. Lemieux will, however. be a member of the new House, as he was elected last ’l‘kgursday ixchuyille. Montreal, Sept. 26.â€"The two defer- red elections in Quebec those in Gaspa and Chicoutimi-Saguenay, took place yesterday and resulted in the return of two members who may be added to the majority against the Govern- ment. THE LINDSAY POST UTCLIFFE’ Minister of Marine Will, However, Still Have His Alternative Seat In Rouville and Will Sit In the House For That Ridingâ€"Vincent Talks of Contesting Hon. Chas. Mur- th's Electionâ€"Earl Dined. Conservatives Carry Gaspe and ChicoutimEâ€"Saguenay. TWO MORE RIDINGS HON. R. LEMEEUX DEFEATED H}: ONE PRICE STORE LINDSAY YOU PAY LESS HERE vv '5‘" :‘3 In keepimz with our many previous millinery displaya we have endeavored to be their equal, or better, and we think the latter is the result. Our new millinery parlor provides :1. place where you can take time and «'clvct exactly whwt you want under the mmt favorable conditionsâ€"gold light-â€"â€":unplo display space --â€"-:i. pleasant department in every way. Come. in now and see this important showing while it is most enm- plete and you will see a display from which you will he :mlc to select your Falloand \Vinter Millinery. Correct Styles in Fall Millinery We always have maintained a most complete stock of House Furnishings, but this year we are carrying a greater assortment than at any previ- ous time. Our new department provided ample space for our extending and we have taken full advantage of it. No store can offer you greater values than this one. Our unlimited buying op- portunities in the best markets help provide savings that could not be made any other way. ~ “These letters to be mailed. They don’t knowd am in Rochester, and if you send a. message do it. quietly, for my sister is not strong and they will tell you what to do, if they want my *emams sent or not ” Montreal, Sept. 23.â€"Antoine Cro- teau, a. boy of sixteen, met death un- der the wheels of a street car at the corner of St. Denis and Ontario streets yesterday afternoon, when em- ;loyes of the Montreal Light. Heat ower Co. rolled a pole, which they were about to erect, against the wheels of the wagon which. he was driving. throwing him from his seat on to the trucks. London Woman's Suicide. Rochester, N.Y.. Sept. 22.â€"Nellie D’Kane, 31 years of age, of London. Dnt.. committed suicide yesterday at- ternoon by taking carbolic acid in the yard of a residence on East avenue. An empty catholic acid bottle was found on the ground near her. In er purse was a letter written by er, addressed to Jim Downes, 527 Greggs street, London, Ont... Can. A note was found which read _a.s_follg_ws: Another mesage from Chunking. received late yesterday afternoon, a. ported the arrival from Chengtu of Rev. A.'C. Hoffman and family and Miss Hall Speers. “Serious disturb- ances here; communication with Chengtu very uncertain; excitement abating; government efficient; all are well,“ read the message. Mr. Sher» {vols wry much relieved, as the resyonsibibzy of the mission- aries in China. during the recent riots worried him very much. to a. telegram received at the Metho- dist Mission rooms yesterday from Chungking. The message also report- ed the arrival of W. B. Albertson, R. E. Taylor and C. W. Baldorf from Chengtu. Twenty-three of the Vienna food riot- ers were condemned to serve jail terms amounting to ten years and seven months. Stone-throwing was penaliz- ed with a. year at hard labor, while persons accused of tripping up police' msn got two years. Dr. J. C. Clarke, an amateur aviator of New York, “ho was to try for his license today, fell 260 feet in his Queen Bleriot monoplane, sustaining such injuries that he died at 7.50 o’clock last. night in the Nassau (Long Island) Hgspital. 7 A. E. Shank leaped in front of an engine and knocked eight-year-old Wm. Hayes out of the way, Shank‘s escape from being struck was almost miraculous. | Chinese Conditions Better. Toronto, Sept. 23.~â€"Conditions in West China are imprqving,_acgqrdjng 7 Hon. 9. N. Parent announces his resignation of the Chairmanshig of the ll‘fatiogal. Transcontinental ailway Hon. Sir Lomer Gown tedicts the early return of the Libera s to power, in an interview given in Monti-ea) ye_s_terday. Three thousand Jews who left Kiev following file assassination of M. Stolypin, fearng that they might b9 the victims of racial riots, have re- turned. - Mr. John Waldron, returning officer at Washago, was brutally beaten in his house and the ballotâ€"box was stolen. Commission. The front of the building at 184 King street west, Toronto, fegll to the street ad one man narrowly escaped death. Sir Donald Mimi: expects'tzzgglthe completion of the Canadian Northern transcontinental line in two or three years. A movement is on foot by Ameri- can manufacturers for reciprocity wig; gountg'ies other than Canada. Snow fell at Montreal yesterday morning. -’ Capt. Bemier and the steamer Arc- tic have arrived at Quebec. The Methodist-s of Canada raised $650,000 last year for missions. Entrances Kent and William Sts. BRIEFS FROM THE WIRES. Killed by Street Car. Gen-lany’s position is a Jeli'cate one I as she is bound by an alliance so Italy j and by friendship to Turkey. Italy ls Amused. Ghiasso Sept. 26,â€"According to the 13.1.5273; gifvifces Axeceived here the whoie i _,â€"â€".._.. Germany advocates as a. solution of the question Turkish recognition of Italy’s special interests and her aban- donment oi opposition to the economic development of Tripoli by Italy and also of the recognition by the latter cogntry of ATurkish sovereignty. it would probably bé followed by an outburst of the Balkans, into which Austro-Hungary and the other powers might be drawn. Country Is Now Roused and Demand: a Speedy Occupation of North Afri- can Provinceâ€"Germany's Effort to Stem Tide of Hostility ls Caus- ed by Fear of Resultant Dis- turbances In the Balkans. Berlin, Sept. 26.-â€"Althougl1German_y has not ofiered formal plans it 13 known that she is exerting her best efforts at Rome and Constantinople to bring about a. peaceful settlementp of the controversy between Turkey and Italy over Tripoli. Germany regards hostyilities between those two countries _as a. menace to European peace, since ITALIANS WANT 'TRIPOLI Germany Endeavors to Pacifyi Italy and Turkey. ANXIOUS FOB PEACE W. R. WIDDESS, Canada Life Assurance Co A big range of colored and white Curtain Musl' in; for curtains, new designs in scrim effects. Theze curtains we will sell 10 at per yard .............................................. ‘ ............. BE SURE AND VISIT THIS SPACIOUS DEPARTMENT These shades are genuine oil opaque quality in green: creams, standard size, complete with fixtures. Regular value but some are very slightly imperfect so we place them on ‘ sale at only .............................. . . l A Window Shade Bargain These rugs are extra quality imported Tapestry in a great many patterns and new colorings. Nowhere will you find such real good quality for the money. Size; to suit the general sized room. Special ........................................................ 12°50 Extraordinary Rug Values Curtain Muslins, 10c Yd. “It pays to have in The Canada Life.’ Canada Life policies are ex- tremely simple, safe and pro- fitable. They are world-wide, indisputable after one year, automatically non-forfeitable after three years in force un- til value is exhausted. They provide for 30 [days’ grace without interest for payment of premiums, and contain generous loani'and cash val- Best§on§the Continent. ming in a. creek near Bolger. He had' dived 06 a boat and became entangledI in the weeds. Inspector McClelland of the provincial police and J. C.‘ McMuikin of Toronto were standing‘ on the bank and noticed his distress. The former cut the rope of a canoe. which was near and Mr. McMuikin jumped on and went to the rescued He was just in time to haul Mru Savage in by the hair of his head at was going down for the last. time. , Parry Sound, Sept. flr-Edwatd Saw. age of Toronto, aged_23, had a. narrow escape from drowning Awhile swim- In the meantime the Italian Gov- ernment is taking the present oppor- tum't to experiment In the partial mob ization of the troops. Thepu entire fleet is now ready for war, including the smallest and the oldest ships. The coast fortifications have been strength- ened to meet any attack. Sixty swamp ers have been chartered for thye trans- port of 35, 0(1) soldiers, war material. aeroplanes and dirigibles and Red Cross workers. The contingent of soldiers kept in service after their time had expired. with the reserve called up. bring the standing army to 50,000 above normal. The troops intended for Tripoli an chiefly in the Naples, Sicily and Tap mam Barracks. King Victor Emmanuel has express- ed a. chance to review the troops bo- iqre thengeave _for Tripoli, but defi- nine décision has nBt Vyet. reached. Socidists argue that Italy is not suflio ciently prepared to stand the he“; grpenses to enter colonial compen- of Italy, wxm me exceptfoEZr a seca tion of the Socialists now demands the gpegd; occupation of Iripoli. The A Narrow Escape. PAGE 3 29c

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