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Lindsay Post (1907), 5 Sep 1913, p. 12

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all men mar. ”NDSAY. ram“. ........... ’ .. _ _ _ cosr 0F llVlNG lFARMER’S WIFE THOUGHT ”m" {THE VICTORIA LOAN ‘0 5...... , t l! CANADAI ALMOST IWIIEcII WAS IE“ will and SAVINGS con wh...lt9‘Llnen E (Special to The Post.) d A .Zsâ€"T’he report of‘ . . _ lthlgoinzgi’ry 1ilrilzstitu’ced by the Home RCStOI'ed to Health by Lydia Peterboro, Aug. 29â€"Storles 0‘ 5‘11”“ â€"â€"-â€"~ lGovernment into the cost of living E Pinlcham’s Vegetable vivors of the Turnbullstore collapse l 'N COR PORATED 1895 ‘ 'v' ‘ h : ___. were numerous today. but undoubtâ€" Iof the Working classes, whlch a Com ound Her _ . ~. . p edly one of the, best 1s that of Miss CapitaI and Reserve Fun“ é‘) i micrred to in a. previous '1'" . Ibo“ h :. ddit" t dealinv with Own StOYY- Ola Mulligan. daughllel’ 0‘ M" G- “7' $430 0!} )spatc ' m a 1011 O o , 11' h 's a brother of Mrs.i WHY NOT TAL , 0‘00 lconditions at home, contains some , _ M“ 1333' W 0 1 . K IT OVER .. écomparisono of prices in foreign London, Ontâ€"“lamafarmersvvlfe George Adams, Lmdsay, and Rec“: t h ' WITH' i t ' d Overseas Dominions. and avery busy woman. Last summer Mulligan, Ol Omemee:â€" } I you ave any mom?” to lm‘C‘it Call an?" 9-3. 0 ,coun rlcs an 1 was taken wrth Miss Mulligan who 83 narrowly,0ur Debentures bearing Interest 2:: rates r-a'?.f"“3:“err...- HO 5 per cent. are a sale and com-e is, ""1’617". : Enve 1:. morning. iolher lnvestmcnts, we can always gzt \‘(m s, ' of her ; men: and Mummpal Bonds. ' Bc satisucd mt". reasonab.c rates arrj pr“... l The chief feature of the report is :thc evidence it ofiers that the rise I . . , S m o .- i ' severe pains m g escaped death, was Interviewed by a lin prices is world-wide. The rise has‘ ‘ - that ' . bBCk SO bad press representative this could not get up or ' ’ scarcely move with- She gave a. thrllhng story. ‘ ‘ out pain, and my experience amid the fallmg build-I . . ' , periods were pain‘ ings. Her escape was nothing shortimoncfs With Irresponsible part ful. My husband of marvelous. Miss Mulligan was a§ Money to loan on “lortgageg .1: Turn: Tit: . EEHEd 3": 5:31:35; clerk on the swond {10013 In her ran . . y 1: ‘ ”_ his care for some descriptaon, she Bald 9' *0. E. WEEKS, KgV'ITON 885' time but he did me “I bad Just left Dolly .lsson (a; Manager “\LE ’ young lady who was killed) witbl1 ‘ ll Colored goods bright“. 1".1. Tea for Yourself. _.. {been greater in foreign countries, Zwith the exception of France, than iin Great Britain. The gneatest rise {has blccn in Canada, Austria-Hun- gary, the United States and Japan. lninet- 1900 the rise in Austria-Hun- lgary has been 35 per cent. Bel-l, W : . . . WW ~â€"- -, 1. Iglum 32 per cent... Germany 30 per' hale or no good. ccnt., Italy 20 per cent. of mine told me to whom I had been speaking She went .,. ‘_ . ' 7 7 7 ‘ _ a, .,, P LAR'S ‘BIG DAY AT 1 1n the same period the Bn'tish and try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable lover to the window, and I went to, n o z 15 per‘ Compound as she had been greatly my desk and was “Sing the teleâ€"l ~ “ ' French rise has only been . . helped by it- I began taking a and phone. I had just put down the re“ 3C3 ‘1 ‘ 5 cent. Canada oasilv tops thc list, . 7 ‘4 ’ 5 “ SUDDEN DEATH: CHRYSLER S FARM with a rise of 51 per cent. Australia :figrifhggg.’ and my periods became ceiver when suddenly I was covered l THE EST ‘ Land New Z-enland show comparative 187a Death came With terrible sudden-g . nd cntal band or- increase in Canada, in fact, is the , Vegetable Compound is a medicine nesg last night to Mrs. Jaseph Ped-lgegmmt a reg?“ - - 0 largest for any part of the world. tmany women need. If you tlnnk thxs .rned home at 6 o clock this mormns; . letter will help other womenplease pub- I could not move.” . lish it"-â€"-Mrs. K. C. YovxcyTambling’S | "Then I heard moans and bowls of ‘1 â€"“" ly mod'cst rises of 16 percent. The \ ' l’f . L'dia E. Pinkham’s , lsowdl m my l e y ound me. and I 00“” 583 the SH? TWARD 131-, Fair Avenue, about 11.30 o’- i198? special G. T. R. from the historicI pcrfecthealth. In factlhave never felt lbish and timber were falling all ar- ’ The composite company of the 45th I “ throng-h the falling roof and floors. The compilers of the report admit clock. ibattlcfield of Chrysler‘s Farm, ‘whére :21:th :eiorerézzf giirglfiifigris 5:3 . Comer, London, Ontario, Canada. pain and terror from almost every l EEPING a tank "co" The deceased lady and her husâ€" I‘ they participated in the ceremonies ,values from all parts of the Empire Womenwhosuftfoeiifiinstglsssiilsgess; direction. Some of the yells were ANK pan-33123:? d Expensz“ ‘ v . tive 0‘ the one hundredth i- - . in ills peculiar mod 'f “'0 I'CO‘IIS Smother- band were awakened from_the1r commemora :into a general comparl-SOO. Their g . . iaE Pinkham’s m ~ as ‘ m pe ” 0min he reflections from the iannlversary 0‘ the battle fought at conclusions however if not abso- doubt the ablhty Of LYd . th '1- ng-" advantagd. limowatllcllilc?! slumbers by t Ithat placebetween the Lanadlan and ' ’ Vegetable Compound to reStOI‘e 9‘ T \UG T DEATH WAS VEAR I 6F @MWA I“ d [h . fire in Mrs E E Sharpe’s stablelA 'c troops lutely reliable. are none the leasin- health. HQ H ‘ .azr, Eamoumapmflm . . . I men an t . ' H . l r:::: l5 or CV V . ‘ . . ,tcrestlng. th gh htestdoubt‘ I knew Just what had happened. P . command ‘ . The mckl the had an If you have 0. 8' _ , . 0c 108*- across the way y q (any? The Izayiiiatietrzaietedyand ”mt,‘ F0? inflame, taking 100 as an in' i that. Lydia E. Pinkliam’s Vegeta- Iand I made up my mind that my 2 gap“? OFFJCB “:2: I alaxgc “WNW: arose, and in answer to the s l enjoys. 11' nd will lon" ;‘c- zdeg; number, We find the following bleCompOundWill helpyouzwnt‘e ltime had come and I had to die. For, TORONTO w for assistance fl'Olll Mr- W- Sharpe, led nib: {Ezaoczasfon ° ‘ ichanats in the level of food prices] toLydiaE.P;n}rham;‘:cdlct1:legg. {a while 'I lay quite mm Then whcng - - ’m - . - ’ ' . ass. - - » - - '1 Mrs. Pedlar raised the bedroom Win-l . . . smce 1900: (confidentla) lynm: 9 I realized that my limbs were umnw N . ore nad . - ~ . . T dow and shouted that her husband: The! 1:31)“): fiaxfpfiiir: A] (1:, 1900 1905 1913! vxce. Y3!" lofts-23111: baealzfizgg: lured and that the rum was settled. L I D S AY B R A N CH would be down immediately. Mr.lup ° ° ° ° 3 13' ‘ .U. K. .................. 100 103 115 ”a“ 3“ Emma.“ cogfidence. I freed myself Carefully, afraid to' s.ALCOR;\‘.r.Ianager. Pedlar lost no time in getting intoléaehngnt :f 3e A8331 “iii the ‘l‘rance ............... 100 97 11:3 and held 1n 8' l imove anything lost I should bring Branches also at Began-non. Bhael:gtoc;;,‘nrechzn. Scholar-tog; an,“ . . *‘ v .‘. l‘ e " Vef- ' _ l . . E l . ,'. ' 'td It‘ll- :R. . .1 L2, .1, .agch, ,l'cgz'; :9 15.: . ‘ E ' hie clothes, and when he left thelna:aée::mllert lGuZ-xds Ottcawa' Germany .‘ ........... 100 114 130 . the threatening timbers down. I bad: a “”2" 1.. cmgmgq -Wig».Sif'lwimd‘udewizhff? Fur-mug hOUQ his Wife was Partly drama-10* R 1 t B kvflle. 4“ d! '1," S. ............... 100 113 .._--i ht . B iffllle'n clean through the {lwr. I! -41‘3‘33N-m7“wf","1~‘xdk:‘r0w-JJZI; «an- -;_;(; ("31... ‘1”. 1“. She came down stairs and out on toiplgfth, 4§dmegttawar2§thl Lin (1:1; ‘(‘anada ............ 100 111 151; lg £1ng urns lcrawled the whole length of a room; " the verandah, returning to her mom £56m ’Prescortt- 59th ’ A1 exa'n (km. 1.1;; australia ...... ....100 101 117 i . . ito get out and while I was crawlâ€" ; __ _. 1L ,, ‘_ _ “my “.003 \... again and Watching the file from the7tr ' wer uhdcr th c mmand of 3. Zealund ......... 100 107 116i Barns In aqu img I hcard some poor man yell,e ’ ___ ' “ ‘ ”-7 ~ ,- «mus Children‘s (W _ oops e e 0‘ . As regards changes in the cost of; " lid y 2“}:‘01' Heaven‘s sake kid: that plank 3502M -- - ~ l . _ - bedroom window. -. 3Col. T. D. Hemming, Major S. 1). When Mr. Pedlar returned to his: . - _ . . Bennett and Malor Dunner, and mus- home after the fire had been cxtmw| . . . tered over 1,000 strong. gumhed he was surprised, when go-i Ing upstairs, to see Mrs. Ped-lar ly-I MORRISBURG, Aug; 29__Tht 111 comparison. ing on the bedroom floor. He called ; Chrysler's Farm Centenary celebra- . ___-_45.____ to her, but receiving no response, I tion was concluded yesterday under” ' v ideal conditions. No more fitting cli , . . . . I housing and clothing the informa- Ition aVailable is too limited and fragmentary to admit of internation- lout of the rOad.’ EF'E‘EFS‘ FA -,T ,. . 1 . ' Three barns on the farm of MM “I forgot just where I got 0111: Of; A 41% ' z E: infâ€"EDELLJXL Evans Storey, on the 3rd. Line ofEthc building. hilt it “'29 “931' the l l l I I 1 I 51:: EDMUND WALKER. unto 1.x. ., l I I l I I Emily. were destroyed by fire Thurs-‘cntrance on George street and it day night alout 11 o'clock, following-I “735 MF- Kidd who helped me :a vivid lightning flash during thelthrough the opening by which I l g The fire was first noticed about Miss Mulligan, while she is na- tricd to arouse her, but she was: max could be. e be , , ’StOI'm- emerged.” . I v en conceivec ' ' NBC? Lush .1: :2); ‘. cold in death. _ . . lthan the stirring addresses of Rt , o , t' «11 d - 't ALBA General .‘vlanscor ) .. 1.12.: Mr. Pedlar immediately notified , Hon. R. L. Borden and Hon. R0? Ra‘se Its Rates 11.30, after a partlcul‘arly. sharp flash. hr“ y upset an nervous, IS on: c, . Chic! Bell. of the Fire Dept... who 9 dolphe Lemieux, M.P.. the review 01 i The barns were on an adjoining farm, wen. save for a few scratch-es about the arms, and her body is uninjur- C.‘1PITAL, $15,000,000 RE with Fireman Roberts laid the'body the massed ““93 under the com- ‘ the house of which was vacant. When _ . mand of Col. Hemming, the firing oI ‘ - oi the deceased on the bed until Cor-l several rounds from old cannon cap! (31380181 to The POSt-l Mr. Storey first saw the fire it was oner Dr. Jefiers arrived. After learn- 3 tux-ed at Chrysler’: Farm, and the! Hamilton, IAug. 29,â€"After a long a. very small blaze. but when hereacb mg all the Circumstances, an inqueat! pyrotechnic dlsvlay at mzht. which fiiscmm may the delegates to the ed the scene the main barn was ml Wag deemed unnecessar , the latei pleased old and young alike. , y ' Ten thousand people were on thelC. M. B. A. Convention voted in fav- tlrely ablaze. The flames spread t0 Mrs. IPedlar evidently dying from! historic battleground yesterday after- lot of an mm . the , the other two barns, which were.ENG AGED To aDDoD exy as ares t of the exmte-l noon. The arrangements passed ofis 35° 1n ‘ insurance linked together, enclosing the yard on . ment caused by the fire. without a. hitch, a fact that speaks irates of the association. The Grand. three: sides One of the buddinvs was BE thR The th I be c mu ,- zvolumos for the committee. . x . _ sympa y 0 t om thl The appearance of the Premier a’ndf’remdent, Hon. M. F. Hackett, all-Ian 1mplememt shed. Mr. Storoy was 7:“ng 0‘,” to Mr. Pedidr and fam- l Mrs. Borden and Hon. Rodolphe Lem- bounced thatxhe had recuLved- a-n inducing in the residence on the adjoinâ€" 1 y in the-Ir slldden afl‘lction. Beardes- ieux upon the platform was the sxg- it" t' f h _ . . _ 1m lon rom t e Government Insur Ing farm with hlg mother each 0.: her husband, the deceased was sur- ‘ nal for a great outburst of cheering I . I Th 1' (rm {I th 1, d f \l'-~ I lance Department that the rates the farms being two hundred acres inI e m 1 ° 0 e ‘0 y 0 ‘ ”S 1 extent !Dolly Sisson, a relative of Mr. M. vived by two sons, one living in The seats upon the platform had been It is known that the season's crop H- Sisson, of Lindsay, was the last ,- , _ most judiciously distributed. 01c;would have to be increased. George 510mm“ 0mm“ and the “her 1” ladies and gentlemen. connectiné s. Lynchâ€"Staunton, K. c. explained Vancouver. links betwen the present generation 5 th ‘. t . ’ ' â€"â€"â€"â€"+â€"â€"â€" and the heroes of Chrysler‘s Farm, e H nation to the delegates. ThereIWas destroyed-with the barns, but ti: and saddCSt chapter Of the day's predominated. A striking figure was _WaS SOmC ODFOSithD ’60 the proposed contents of the implement shed am distressing incidents, in connection unknown. Some Of the ”3131313an bur'mvith the collapSe of the Turnbull Dam Blown up that Of Mr. Johnson Pandast 0f Hia- lincrease, but in the end a resolution ed. She regards her escape as won- derful and is'grateful for her Pro- Vi-dential deliverance. l . l l i The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to F;.-.::. l facility for the transaction of tier: 7:131:52: “ '1 l the discount and collection of sales notes. l are supplied free of charge c... a; 7:: ' l l l l l ll. A. Hfiih’éES, {damages li- was held by other material that ’ fell upon her. On: arm. outstretched, 7 watha, 3. eat- t- randson of Ca -, , . . ,, ‘ , , - .. . tain George Pamtgwho was one 31 has passed glx mg the trustees thclmed to the me, but they could do! more at Pe‘crboro The . c 3 . ., . - -~ sags-zoom. »- a o i ’ ‘ -. ‘ ,. - , " , .S - L ' . l -.. wlth D 't f' the heroes of the battle. Mr. Johnâ€" 1‘0““ to Increase the that the ln'notlung to stem its progress. The! , . 1m“ use 5 {.1 ‘ ynaml e} StOD Pandast wore tWO medals giver: ,CI‘EXSBS did not come irrto eficct until :harns were partially insured. icrowd that filled the nearby Streetsg :. 3‘. . .‘ f 7 I to Capt. Pandast, one by King Georgf * January 1 1916. The trusbecs were rl-l ‘ ' were hushed when it became known '; ‘i .2; i 1 . I, III. and the other by Queen Victoria, ’ “ 1 “‘4“ l 7 3'; The wcrrc so far accomplished inf Upon the platform were also Canon,SO empowered to secure any necestsllryi - 'that the body had been recomrad. It; _: connection with the new dam has! Starr of Kingston, Judge McDonald legislation, ‘and to cmploy the best eteran in llay wedged in beside the iron beam i I\.(,(,1,“,,H.l.1,., f-.. “.1. x strickly speaking, been preparatory,§ $0311?IBVlllZldHlllgigisfignorfobgigs” jactuarial advice. ithat had fallen, and on the other: ‘ ‘ Li , B ‘1; E ‘ “I _ a An 2535 .5 i- i«. ‘ . . t _ . . ' v ,' ' . . _ _ . ‘ rast- Sca~l$ g V ‘ : ‘ unless the (31111ng of holes in theé and one who came in for a tremen-i The ccnnctlcn closed thls evening N F. id Side Of her were several large tlm- “may , Heavy “0“: rock for blasting out a trench may dous reception from the crowd, name-gwith the election of the following 01-. ewspafier le 1hers, and in this little tomb She I mam, " 1 be excepted. 1y, Trooper Mulloy. Hicers: Grand President, Hon. M. F. Mr. Andrew Broder read televrams; -. . . The water was shut oil the middle from Sir James Whitney ragga-mgIHackett'._Gl‘and Vice-ProSIdent, A- R-' Seafcrth Expressâ€"Another news-l . was firmly held and she was crouch- section aboVe the falls some days ago his inability to be present, from A. E. i Richard} Second ViceoPresident, B. paper editor whose record reachos far _ . , and the old dam blown up with dyna- De‘mm‘erv 1‘0, descendant 0f Capt’iO’Connel; Secretary. J- J - Béham. back bevmd that of most of his mm :d :Stfi :1: had bent forward m her. i ' ‘ as o ape. i Every description of Its?» l l ' ' ’cl _ i Delorlmier, who fell at Chrysler. J. W. McKee, ' . ' . irercs 15 W. M. O Belme, the able ed-l Only several yards away was the! ‘. l . l transacted. ba‘smga 0:951“ Branch. Branches in everv Prcvlm. .0 ' be Dr mite, several very heavy charges beâ€" Farm, and a list of 59 names of men lKingston; Treasurer, ing necessary. There has onl been a who were alive in 1875 and who hadIWindSOI‘; Marshal, J. J. CcStigan. - - . . : v Ntv of 3 y itor of the Stratford Beacon. Mr. 8901: where Mr. Shearer and Mr. mmmn’ every lmporam \ L301 raglan; u A 9 "" million, Newaunoland. Ln New Yolk, Chicago, etc: P ’d Ca ital...... .. $16,000,009 M m up p $16,000,000 Rest..............-- $802,000 comparatively small force of men enâ€" b99111 present fat £19 baééle- At EEG Montreal; Guard, J. W-ciner, Neu- , a . conc usxon o e a resses e .- _ . _ O’Eelrn h's t rt th , ,gaged 3° ‘3“ but a ganv 0* 1911?“ troops marched past the saluting “tadt' “muttee 0“ Laws’ ‘1' M“ . 6 made 1 S a on e to“ When the body wac found at thcl :8 expected any day. and a. budding base. The soldiers were a great :t- Phl’» F- J- Curran» 0- A‘ Farbelt' Whmh one” leads to tame b“ sel- f 0t i th Elbai ' ' has ll Dilt up for them south 0f traction to the people, and they fol- ‘Montreal; Auditors, P. 0. Shannon, dom to opulence in the office of the O o e rway on the ground! bee floor, the ambulance omclala en-l the L‘nd . lowed them all over the field. I . . L' d; it P. Mur _ I say power house. There 15 a. Montreal, H. F. Edwards, Trustees, 1n ay EXPC’S 0r ( ray, pub shrouded it with a white sheet,plac- EShrimpton were rescued. lot of rubbish to clear away and oth- _____..¢_._.â€"_ J w Mallon Dr Germain Hon J, lisher) in the winter of 1869-70. and , , .. . ' ' ' ' ' ' editonastretcherandb u‘ " er preliminary work to be done before Chlldren Cry Eltlorissey, Newcastle, J. T. Halliscy, a few months later, when the Expos- crowd to i a lane to 3:22;: Undlwded Profits W , B real construction commences.â€"Fcueâ€" FOR FLETCHER’S and Rev. Father Fisher; Grand 'Soli- itor joined the stafi of the ILrIdsay,1 ance. A Cavanville w 11, who had, $32. ' Cltoi‘, George 8- Lynch-Staunton, K- P0513: under 0' Blac-iett‘ Roblnson, known Miss Sisson since h°r girl-l '“ lon Falls Gazette. C A S T o R I A lC. The convention renewed its pledges continuing on that paperaiter it was Ihood, asked permission for a last I -___..___.___. I . " icf loyalty and. devotion to the,$01d to: another well trained and cap-iglance before the ambulance movedl Church, the Pope and the Hierarchy7able neWSDaper man. Mr- C- 13- Barr- away, 1. Both 01' the PUDhShers 0f the P3015“! Miss Sisson was the daughter of t H. B. Black - MW. “at“ l g OFFICE HOURS : 10 to :I when, \ and the Clergy. e‘ , worked beside Mr. O’Beime in the I Mr and Mrs. George SiS’SOD, Of Cav_ . 7' w 1‘. ‘ ‘ v,« ‘_ “T . _ - . ’ ~59“? -â€"r..:.~*~‘ “ 0 Lindsay Expositor office and one Olian. While she Was gene-rally Called w. . .. .... . .. u ,, .. . ” I isaD‘er to be them served under the famous BuCk-iDolly, her name was Dorothy Verâ€"‘i in-gham, in the office of the Strait-'0“, She had lived with her aunt} , n ,- The inquest was,.then adjourned 1m- has yet been devised to g I , FOR FLEICHER’S â€" tn Thursday Sept 4 at 7.30 o’clock, . . in the City Council Chamber. Cure Common, 1,118] C A 5.1“ O R i A l, Rigid! Investigatediiord Beaconâ€"also under C. H. Cull,;Mrs. Robert English, 287 Par-l: street. 3“: l ' y in the office of the Seatorth Express. 5501‘ almost eighteen years. Duringthol THE ' ‘ . . u...â€" .__._.â€"â€"-¢â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" 3“ , ' ' , s e o a . l The New Remington 5 The Stevens’ Repeatlno I . I ”t .me year “1’“ had be” emplol': R . cl} ‘__ ' 0 I Petcrboro Examlnerzâ€"Corcner Dr. At Can‘idaigua, N. W., Herman F.§ed Wlth the J. C. Tumbuu Cam-3 epeatlng " ficgun l Shotgun iGrcsr opened an inquest into the cir-’Scbnirel, one of the four Republicans iDany, and was practically a head; 1:3 cc. 1.311.1"llllké". I: inc? l3 Ii shnis‘, 1:2 :9. {“31 choke icumstaucc-s surrounding the death of who voted for the impeachment oiidel‘k- Many of the women of the, GF 31‘4““ “"“”“'â€""*“ ‘1' i! llillillllt‘lll‘rs :IL éMiss Dorothy Si'sson and. the other Fulzer, was defeated ior rcnomina- Citv were acquainted with her-7 $27a00 1 $27.09 victims. at Comstock’s undertaklng tiOil- H- 33- Whec'lu '15 “Cw candidate. through associations while purchas- ..:,.; A c l '(Sta‘biiSbment Thursday evening. W qnué;1.:ts 1h; $5213". and 1191‘ sterling l A deposit of one dollar is sufficient 1C 015“.“ “is A . nice ?’~9501‘C¥‘ll9'll' 0: ”WI {2922:1er shotguns fI‘nxn $9 to SI'LIZ!) The proceedin'rs were merely forâ€" y 1 19‘ a a 1 19183 as a clerk . _ 5 , - may bane-'5“ ‘ ' Some gm’ul value; Special value in good. single barrel shot- mal p C Meaahber testified that the 91" M01086 8 generally acknowledged. With the Home Bank. Tm“ 8-6 Lil. . styled” , ,_ .,. ,. .1 ' ' ' 5 o 0 . . a . ia. ‘ guns M $5.00 MU. jury was Properly cmpauell-ed and lndlan ROOt pills In every respect she was an estim-i savmgs accounts m the Home Ban .1 irlereszaiic ed’ â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"_ Mr. Wm. Comatock identified Miss are nota new and untried remedyâ€" fifiidyofmg lady, and had a 11061? M deposit of one dollar, Full compcun . 5 ”50" ‘ Ken. of '. “Store open until 7 pm. each evening" SiSSOD'S bOdY- our grandfathcgsfuigdéigflékggl:a Bible 5 1n the City" It 18 known that Hun omc: NTO JA E "a! I Mm ‘ l Coroner Greer reminded the jury‘ :figylhrrzre?:’sal:i: nearly cverydrd; fall was zigzag? to be mar had this a BRANCHESAT: TORO 6H - ’ M lag . that they were to investigate the or general store in the Canada of’that fromaihe ein er bOd.y was removed. BRANCHES AND coNNECTIONS THROU . , here J G Edwards C worst disaster in the history of thc day, and wen: the rccogcmz‘edcmem nd r’n If“ 11$ :1: Significant dlam- , FFICES . ('1‘ - . - . , _ thoumndso omcs or onstlpatron, o 1 g emala on one of her fin_ mu. 0 . and O O 0 'C‘ty and pointed out to dam ithe 1e Indigestion. Biliousness,Rh§111matllsm gers. L0 ‘ . Wok in Icess'ity of theiullest panel 6; nves iâ€" and Kidne and Liver Trou c5, 0. . . . Hardware, Phone 27 gatiom daythey fie just as enemy-must as . “â€"â€" LINDSAY r" . ‘ and B , . reliable as ever, and nothing better Chll dren cry Two!“ PETER KENNEDY , .1 . .-.t~.'l m i " ..... ;-._ 1..

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