all men mar. â€NDSAY. ram“. ........... ’ .. _ _ _ cosr 0F llVlNG lFARMER’S WIFE THOUGHT â€m" {THE VICTORIA LOAN ‘0 5...... , t l! CANADAI ALMOST IWIIEcII WAS IE“ will and SAVINGS con wh...lt9‘Llnen E (Special to The Post.) d A .Zsâ€"T’he report of‘ . . _ lthlgoinzgi’ry 1ilrilzstitu’ced by the Home RCStOI'ed to Health by Lydia Peterboro, Aug. 29â€"Storles 0‘ 5‘11â€â€œ â€"â€"-â€"~ lGovernment into the cost of living E Pinlcham’s Vegetable vivors of the Turnbullstore collapse l 'N COR PORATED 1895 ‘ 'v' ‘ h : ___. were numerous today. but undoubtâ€" Iof the Working classes, whlch a Com ound Her _ . ~. . p edly one of the, best 1s that of Miss CapitaI and Reserve Fun“ é‘) i micrred to in a. previous '1'" . Ibo“ h :. ddit" t dealinv with Own StOYY- Ola Mulligan. daughllel’ 0‘ M" G- “7' $430 0!} )spatc ' m a 1011 O o , 11' h 's a brother of Mrs.i WHY NOT TAL , 0‘00 lconditions at home, contains some , _ M“ 1333' W 0 1 . K IT OVER .. écomparisono of prices in foreign London, Ontâ€"“lamafarmersvvlfe George Adams, Lmdsay, and Rec“: t h ' WITH' i t ' d Overseas Dominions. and avery busy woman. Last summer Mulligan, Ol Omemee:â€" } I you ave any mom?†to lm‘C‘it Call an?" 9-3. 0 ,coun rlcs an 1 was taken wrth Miss Mulligan who 83 narrowly,0ur Debentures bearing Interest 2:: rates r-a'?.f"“3:“err...- HO 5 per cent. are a sale and com-e is, ""1’617". : Enve 1:. morning. iolher lnvestmcnts, we can always gzt \‘(m s, ' of her ; men: and Mummpal Bonds. ' Bc satisucd mt". reasonab.c rates arrj pr“... l The chief feature of the report is :thc evidence it oï¬ers that the rise I . . , S m o .- i ' severe pains m g escaped death, was Interviewed by a lin prices is world-wide. The rise has‘ ‘ - that ' . bBCk SO bad press representative this could not get up or ' ’ scarcely move with- She gave a. thrllhng story. ‘ ‘ out pain, and my experience amid the fallmg build-I . . ' , periods were pain‘ ings. Her escape was nothing shortimoncfs With Irresponsible part ful. My husband of marvelous. Miss Mulligan was a§ Money to loan on “lortgageg .1: Turn: Tit: . EEHEd 3": 5:31:35; clerk on the swond {10013 In her ran . . y 1: ‘ â€_ his care for some descriptaon, she Bald 9' *0. E. WEEKS, KgV'ITON 885' time but he did me “I bad Just left Dolly .lsson (a; Manager “\LE ’ young lady who was killed) witbl1 ‘ ll Colored goods bright“. 1".1. Tea for Yourself. _.. {been greater in foreign countries, Zwith the exception of France, than iin Great Britain. The gneatest rise {has blccn in Canada, Austria-Hun- gary, the United States and Japan. lninet- 1900 the rise in Austria-Hun- lgary has been 35 per cent. Bel-l, W : . . . WW ~â€"- -, 1. Iglum 32 per cent... Germany 30 per' hale or no good. ccnt., Italy 20 per cent. of mine told me to whom I had been speaking She went .,. ‘_ . ' 7 7 7 ‘ _ a, .,, P LAR'S ‘BIG DAY AT 1 1n the same period the Bn'tish and try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable lover to the window, and I went to, n o z 15 per‘ Compound as she had been greatly my desk and was “Sing the teleâ€"l ~ “ ' French rise has only been . . helped by it- I began taking a and phone. I had just put down the re“ 3C3 ‘1 ‘ 5 cent. Canada oasilv tops thc list, . 7 ‘4 ’ 5 “ SUDDEN DEATH: CHRYSLER S FARM with a rise of 51 per cent. Australia :ï¬grifhggg.’ and my periods became ceiver when suddenly I was covered l THE EST ‘ Land New Z-enland show comparative 187a Death came With terrible sudden-g . nd cntal band or- increase in Canada, in fact, is the , Vegetable Compound is a medicine nesg last night to Mrs. Jaseph Ped-lgegmmt a reg?“ - - 0 largest for any part of the world. tmany women need. If you tlnnk thxs .rned home at 6 o clock this mormns; . letter will help other womenplease pub- I could not move.†. lish it"-â€"-Mrs. K. C. YovxcyTambling’S | "Then I heard moans and bowls of ‘1 â€"“" ly mod'cst rises of 16 percent. The \ ' l’f . L'dia E. Pinkham’s , lsowdl m my l e y ound me. and I 00Ҡ583 the SH? TWARD 131-, Fair Avenue, about 11.30 o’- i198? special G. T. R. from the historicI pcrfecthealth. In factlhave never felt lbish and timber were falling all ar- ’ The composite company of the 45th I “ throng-h the falling roof and floors. The compilers of the report admit clock. ibattlcï¬eld of Chrysler‘s Farm, ‘whére :21:th :eiorerézzf giirglï¬ifigris 5:3 . Comer, London, Ontario, Canada. pain and terror from almost every l EEPING a tank "co" The deceased lady and her husâ€" I‘ they participated in the ceremonies ,values from all parts of the Empire Womenwhosuftfoeiiï¬instglsssiilsgess; direction. Some of the yells were ANK pan-33123:? d Expensz“ ‘ v . tive 0‘ the one hundredth i- - . in ills peculiar mod 'f “'0 I'CO‘IIS Smother- band were awakened from_the1r commemora :into a general comparl-SOO. Their g . . iaE Pinkham’s m ~ as ‘ m pe †0min he reflections from the iannlversary 0‘ the battle fought at conclusions however if not abso- doubt the ablhty Of LYd . th '1- ng-" advantagd. limowatllcllilc?! slumbers by t Ithat placebetween the Lanadlan and ' ’ Vegetable Compound to reStOI‘e 9‘ T \UG T DEATH WAS VEAR I 6F @MWA I“ d [h . ï¬re in Mrs E E Sharpe’s stablelA 'c troops lutely reliable. are none the leasin- health. HQ H ‘ .azr, Eamoumapmflm . . . I men an t . ' H . l r:::: l5 or CV V . ‘ . . ,tcrestlng. th gh htestdoubt‘ I knew Just what had happened. P . command ‘ . The mckl the had an If you have 0. 8' _ , . 0c 108*- across the way y q (any? The Izayiiiatietrzaietedyand â€mt,‘ F0? inflame, taking 100 as an in' i that. Lydia E. Pinkliam’s Vegeta- Iand I made up my mind that my 2 gap“? OFFJCB “:2: I alaxgc “WNW: arose, and in answer to the s l enjoys. 11' nd will lon" ;‘c- zdeg; number, We find the following bleCompOundWill helpyouzwnt‘e ltime had come and I had to die. For, TORONTO w for assistance fl'Olll Mr- W- Sharpe, led nib: {Ezaoczasfon ° ‘ ichanats in the level of food prices] toLydiaE.P;n}rham;‘:cdlct1:legg. {a while 'I lay quite mm Then whcng - - ’m - . - ’ ' . ass. - - » - - '1 Mrs. Pedlar raised the bedroom Win-l . . . smce 1900: (conï¬dentla) lynm: 9 I realized that my limbs were umnw N . ore nad . - ~ . . T dow and shouted that her husband: The! 1:31)“): ï¬axfpï¬iir: A] (1:, 1900 1905 1913! vxce. Y3!" lofts-23111: baealzï¬zgg: lured and that the rum was settled. L I D S AY B R A N CH would be down immediately. Mr.lup ° ° ° ° 3 13' ‘ .U. K. .................. 100 103 115 â€a“ 3“ Emma.“ cogï¬dence. I freed myself Carefully, afraid to' s.ALCOR;\‘.r.Ianager. Pedlar lost no time in getting intoléaehngnt :f 3e A8331 “iii the ‘l‘rance ............... 100 97 11:3 and held 1n 8' l imove anything lost I should bring Branches also at Began-non. Bhael:gtoc;;,‘nrechzn. Scholar-tog; an,“ . . *‘ v .‘. l‘ e " Vef- ' _ l . . E l . ,'. ' 'td It‘ll- :R. . .1 L2, .1, .agch, ,l'cgz'; :9 15.: . ‘ E ' hie clothes, and when he left thelna:aée::mllert lGuZ-xds Ottcawa' Germany .‘ ........... 100 114 130 . the threatening timbers down. I bad: a “â€2" 1.. cmgmgq -Wig».Sif'lwimd‘udewizhff? Fur-mug hOUQ his Wife was Partly drama-10* R 1 t B kvflle. 4“ d! '1," S. ............... 100 113 .._--i ht . B iffllle'n clean through the {lwr. I! -41‘3‘33N-m7“wf","1~‘xdk:‘r0w-JJZI; «an- -;_;(; ("31... ‘1â€. 1“. She came down stairs and out on toiplgfth, 4§dmegttawar2§thl Lin (1:1; ‘(‘anada ............ 100 111 151; lg £1ng urns lcrawled the whole length of a room; " the verandah, returning to her mom £56m ’Prescortt- 59th ’ A1 exa'n (km. 1.1;; australia ...... ....100 101 117 i . . ito get out and while I was crawlâ€" ; __ _. 1L ,, ‘_ _ “my “.003 \... again and Watching the file from the7tr ' wer uhdcr th c mmand of 3. Zealund ......... 100 107 116i Barns In aqu img I hcard some poor man yell,e ’ ___ ' “ ‘ â€-7 ~ ,- «mus Children‘s (W _ oops e e 0‘ . As regards changes in the cost of; " lid y 2“}:‘01' Heaven‘s sake kid: that plank 3502M -- - ~ l . _ - bedroom window. -. 3Col. T. D. Hemming, Major S. 1). When Mr. Pedlar returned to his: . - _ . . Bennett and Malor Dunner, and mus- home after the fire had been cxtmw| . . . tered over 1,000 strong. gumhed he was surprised, when go-i Ing upstairs, to see Mrs. Ped-lar ly-I MORRISBURG, Aug; 29__Tht 111 comparison. ing on the bedroom floor. He called ; Chrysler's Farm Centenary celebra- . ___-_45.____ to her, but receiving no response, I tion was concluded yesterday under†' v ideal conditions. No more ï¬tting cli , . . . . I housing and clothing the informa- Ition aVailable is too limited and fragmentary to admit of internation- lout of the rOad.’ EF'E‘EFS‘ FA -,T ,. . 1 . ' Three barns on the farm of MM “I forgot just where I got 0111: Of; A 41% ' z E: infâ€"EDELLJXL Evans Storey, on the 3rd. Line ofEthc building. hilt it “'29 “931' the l l l I I 1 I 51:: EDMUND WALKER. unto 1.x. ., l I I l I I Emily. were destroyed by ï¬re Thurs-‘cntrance on George street and it day night alout 11 o'clock, following-I “735 MF- Kidd who helped me :a vivid lightning flash during thelthrough the opening by which I l g The ï¬re was ï¬rst noticed about Miss Mulligan, while she is na- tricd to arouse her, but she was: max could be. e be , , ’StOI'm- emerged.†. I v en conceivec ' ' NBC? Lush .1: :2); ‘. cold in death. _ . . lthan the stirring addresses of Rt , o , t' «11 d - 't ALBA General .‘vlanscor ) .. 1.12.: Mr. Pedlar immediately notified , Hon. R. L. Borden and Hon. R0? Ra‘se Its Rates 11.30, after a partlcul‘arly. sharp flash. hr“ y upset an nervous, IS on: c, . Chic! Bell. of the Fire Dept... who 9 dolphe Lemieux, M.P.. the review 01 i The barns were on an adjoining farm, wen. save for a few scratch-es about the arms, and her body is uninjur- C.‘1PITAL, $15,000,000 RE with Fireman Roberts laid the'body the massed ““93 under the com- ‘ the house of which was vacant. When _ . mand of Col. Hemming, the ï¬ring oI ‘ - oi the deceased on the bed until Cor-l several rounds from old cannon cap! (31380181 to The POSt-l Mr. Storey ï¬rst saw the ï¬re it was oner Dr. Jeï¬ers arrived. After learn- 3 tux-ed at Chrysler’: Farm, and the! Hamilton, IAug. 29,â€"After a long a. very small blaze. but when hereacb mg all the Circumstances, an inqueat! pyrotechnic dlsvlay at mzht. which ï¬iscmm may the delegates to the ed the scene the main barn was ml Wag deemed unnecessar , the latei pleased old and young alike. , y ' Ten thousand people were on thelC. M. B. A. Convention voted in fav- tlrely ablaze. The flames spread t0 Mrs. IPedlar evidently dying from! historic battleground yesterday after- lot of an mm . the , the other two barns, which were.ENG AGED To aDDoD exy as ares t of the exmte-l noon. The arrangements passed oï¬s 35° 1n ‘ insurance linked together, enclosing the yard on . ment caused by the fire. without a. hitch, a fact that speaks irates of the association. The Grand. three: sides One of the buddinvs was BE thR The th I be c mu ,- zvolumos for the committee. . x . _ sympa y 0 t om thl The appearance of the Premier a’ndf’remdent, Hon. M. F. Hackett, all-Ian 1mplememt shed. Mr. Storoy was 7:“ng 0‘,†to Mr. Pedidr and fam- l Mrs. Borden and Hon. Rodolphe Lem- bounced thatxhe had recuLved- a-n inducing in the residence on the adjoinâ€" 1 y in the-Ir slldden afl‘lction. Beardes- ieux upon the platform was the sxg- it" t' f h _ . . _ 1m lon rom t e Government Insur Ing farm with hlg mother each 0.: her husband, the deceased was sur- ‘ nal for a great outburst of cheering I . I Th 1' (rm {I th 1, d f \l'-~ I lance Department that the rates the farms being two hundred acres inI e m 1 ° 0 e ‘0 y 0 ‘ â€S 1 extent !Dolly Sisson, a relative of Mr. M. vived by two sons, one living in The seats upon the platform had been It is known that the season's crop H- Sisson, of Lindsay, was the last ,- , _ most judiciously distributed. 01c;would have to be increased. George 510mm“ 0mm“ and the “her 1†ladies and gentlemen. connectiné s. Lynchâ€"Staunton, K. c. explained Vancouver. links betwen the present generation 5 th ‘. t . ’ ' â€"â€"â€"â€"+â€"â€"â€" and the heroes of Chrysler‘s Farm, e H nation to the delegates. ThereIWas destroyed-with the barns, but ti: and saddCSt chapter Of the day's predominated. A striking ï¬gure was _WaS SOmC ODFOSithD ’60 the proposed contents of the implement shed am distressing incidents, in connection unknown. Some Of the â€3131313an bur'mvith the collapSe of the Turnbull Dam Blown up that Of Mr. Johnson Pandast 0f Hia- lincrease, but in the end a resolution ed. She regards her escape as won- derful and is'grateful for her Pro- Vi-dential deliverance. l . l l i The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to F;.-.::. l facility for the transaction of tier: 7:131:52: “ '1 l the discount and collection of sales notes. l are supplied free of charge c... a; 7:: ' l l l l l ll. A. Hï¬ih’éES, {damages li- was held by other material that ’ fell upon her. On: arm. outstretched, 7 watha, 3. eat- t- randson of Ca -, , . . ,, ‘ , , - .. . tain George Pamtgwho was one 31 has passed glx mg the trustees thclmed to the me, but they could do! more at Pe‘crboro The . c 3 . ., . - -~ sags-zoom. »- a o i ’ ‘ -. ‘ ,. - , " , .S - L ' . l -.. wlth D 't f' the heroes of the battle. Mr. Johnâ€" 1‘0““ to Increase the that the ln'notlung to stem its progress. The! , . 1m“ use 5 {.1 ‘ ynaml e} StOD Pandast wore tWO medals giver: ,CI‘EXSBS did not come irrto eï¬cct until :harns were partially insured. icrowd that filled the nearby Streetsg :. 3‘. . .‘ f 7 I to Capt. Pandast, one by King Georgf * January 1 1916. The trusbecs were rl-l ‘ ' were hushed when it became known '; ‘i .2; i 1 . I, III. and the other by Queen Victoria, ’ “ 1 “‘4“ l 7 3'; The wcrrc so far accomplished inf Upon the platform were also Canon,SO empowered to secure any necestsllryi - 'that the body had been recomrad. It; _: connection with the new dam has! Starr of Kingston, Judge McDonald legislation, ‘and to cmploy the best eteran in llay wedged in beside the iron beam i I\.(,(,1,“,,H.l.1,., f-.. “.1. x strickly speaking, been preparatory,§ $0311?IBVlllZldHlllgigisï¬gnorfobgigs†jactuarial advice. ithat had fallen, and on the other: ‘ ‘ Li , B ‘1; E ‘ “I _ a An 2535 .5 i- i«. ‘ . . t _ . . ' v ,' ' . . _ _ . ‘ rast- Sca~l$ g V ‘ : ‘ unless the (31111ng of holes in theé and one who came in for a tremen-i The ccnnctlcn closed thls evening N F. id Side Of her were several large tlm- “may , Heavy “0“: rock for blasting out a trench may dous reception from the crowd, name-gwith the election of the following 01-. ewspaï¬er le 1hers, and in this little tomb She I mam, " 1 be excepted. 1y, Trooper Mulloy. Hicers: Grand President, Hon. M. F. Mr. Andrew Broder read televrams; -. . . The water was shut oil the middle from Sir James Whitney ragga-mgIHackett'._Gl‘and Vice-ProSIdent, A- R-' Seafcrth Expressâ€"Another news-l . was ï¬rmly held and she was crouch- section aboVe the falls some days ago his inability to be present, from A. E. i Richard} Second ViceoPresident, B. paper editor whose record reachos far _ . , and the old dam blown up with dyna- De‘mm‘erv 1‘0, descendant 0f Capt’iO’Connel; Secretary. J- J - Béham. back bevmd that of most of his mm :d :Stï¬ :1: had bent forward m her. i ' ‘ as o ape. i Every description of Its?» l l ' ' ’cl _ i Delorlmier, who fell at Chrysler. J. W. McKee, ' . ' . irercs 15 W. M. O Belme, the able ed-l Only several yards away was the! ‘. l . l transacted. ba‘smga 0:951“ Branch. Branches in everv Prcvlm. .0 ' be Dr mite, several very heavy charges beâ€" Farm, and a list of 59 names of men lKingston; Treasurer, ing necessary. There has onl been a who were alive in 1875 and who hadIWindSOI‘; Marshal, J. J. CcStigan. - - . . : v Ntv of 3 y itor of the Stratford Beacon. Mr. 8901: where Mr. Shearer and Mr. mmmn’ every lmporam \ L301 raglan; u A 9 "" million, Newaunoland. Ln New Yolk, Chicago, etc: P ’d Ca ital...... .. $16,000,009 M m up p $16,000,000 Rest..............-- $802,000 comparatively small force of men enâ€" b99111 present fat £19 baééle- At EEG Montreal; Guard, J. W-ciner, Neu- , a . conc usxon o e a resses e .- _ . _ O’Eelrn h's t rt th , ,gaged 3° ‘3“ but a ganv 0* 1911?“ troops marched past the saluting “tadt' “muttee 0“ Laws’ ‘1' M“ . 6 made 1 S a on e to“ When the body wac found at thcl :8 expected any day. and a. budding base. The soldiers were a great :t- Phl’» F- J- Curran» 0- A‘ Farbelt' Whmh one†leads to tame b“ sel- f 0t i th Elbai ' ' has ll Dilt up for them south 0f traction to the people, and they fol- ‘Montreal; Auditors, P. 0. Shannon, dom to opulence in the ofï¬ce of the O o e rway on the ground! bee floor, the ambulance omclala en-l the L‘nd . lowed them all over the ï¬eld. I . . L' d; it P. Mur _ I say power house. There 15 a. Montreal, H. F. Edwards, Trustees, 1n ay EXPC’S 0r ( ray, pub shrouded it with a white sheet,plac- EShrimpton were rescued. lot of rubbish to clear away and oth- _____..¢_._.â€"_ J w Mallon Dr Germain Hon J, lisher) in the winter of 1869-70. and , , .. . ' ' ' ' ' ' editonastretcherandb u‘ " er preliminary work to be done before Chlldren Cry Eltlorissey, Newcastle, J. T. Halliscy, a few months later, when the Expos- crowd to i a lane to 3:22;: Undlwded Profits W , B real construction commences.â€"Fcueâ€" FOR FLETCHER’S and Rev. Father Fisher; Grand 'Soli- itor joined the staï¬ of the ILrIdsay,1 ance. A Cavanville w 11, who had, $32. ' Cltoi‘, George 8- Lynch-Staunton, K- P0513: under 0' Blac-iett‘ Roblnson, known Miss Sisson since h°r girl-l '“ lon Falls Gazette. C A S T o R I A lC. The convention renewed its pledges continuing on that paperaiter it was Ihood, asked permission for a last I -___..___.___. I . " icf loyalty and. devotion to the,$01d to: another well trained and cap-iglance before the ambulance movedl Church, the Pope and the Hierarchy7able neWSDaper man. Mr- C- 13- Barr- away, 1. Both 01' the PUDhShers 0f the P3015“! Miss Sisson was the daughter of t H. B. Black - MW. “at“ l g OFFICE HOURS : 10 to :I when, \ and the Clergy. e‘ , worked beside Mr. O’Beime in the I Mr and Mrs. George SiS’SOD, Of Cav_ . 7' w 1‘. ‘ ‘ v,« ‘_ “T . _ - . ’ ~59“? -â€"r..:.~*~‘ “ 0 Lindsay Expositor ofï¬ce and one Olian. While she Was gene-rally Called w. . .. .... . .. u ,, .. . †I isaD‘er to be them served under the famous BuCk-iDolly, her name was Dorothy Verâ€"‘i in-gham, in the ofï¬ce of the Strait-'0“, She had lived with her aunt} , n ,- The inquest was,.then adjourned 1m- has yet been devised to g I , FOR FLEICHER’S â€" tn Thursday Sept 4 at 7.30 o’clock, . . in the City Council Chamber. Cure Common, 1,118] C A 5.1“ O R i A l, Rigid! Investigatediiord Beaconâ€"also under C. H. Cull,;Mrs. Robert English, 287 Par-l: street. 3“: l ' y in the ofï¬ce of the Seatorth Express. 5501‘ almost eighteen years. Duringthol THE ' ‘ . . u...â€" .__._.â€"â€"-¢â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" 3“ , ' ' , s e o a . l The New Remington 5 The Stevens’ Repeatlno I . I â€t .me year “1’“ had be†emplol': R . cl} ‘__ ' 0 I Petcrboro Examlnerzâ€"Corcner Dr. At Can‘idaigua, N. W., Herman F.§ed Wlth the J. C. Tumbuu Cam-3 epeatlng " ï¬cgun l Shotgun iGrcsr opened an inquest into the cir-’Scbnirel, one of the four Republicans iDany, and was practically a head; 1:3 cc. 1.311.1"llllké". I: inc? l3 Ii shnis‘, 1:2 :9. {“31 choke icumstaucc-s surrounding the death of who voted for the impeachment oiidel‘k- Many of the women of the, GF 31‘4““ “"“â€â€œ'â€""*“ ‘1' i! llillillllt‘lll‘rs :IL éMiss Dorothy Si'sson and. the other Fulzer, was defeated ior rcnomina- Citv were acquainted with her-7 $27a00 1 $27.09 victims. at Comstock’s undertaklng tiOil- H- 33- Whec'lu '15 “Cw candidate. through associations while purchas- ..:,.; A c l '(Sta‘biiSbment Thursday evening. W qnué;1.:ts 1h; $5213". and 1191‘ sterling l A deposit of one dollar is sufï¬cient 1C 015“.“ “is A . nice ?’~9501‘C¥‘ll9'll' 0: â€WI {2922:1er shotguns fI‘nxn $9 to SI'LIZ!) The proceedin'rs were merely forâ€" y 1 19‘ a a 1 19183 as a clerk . _ 5 , - may bane-'5“ ‘ ' Some gm’ul value; Special value in good. single barrel shot- mal p C Meaahber testiï¬ed that the 91" M01086 8 generally acknowledged. With the Home Bank. Tm“ 8-6 Lil. . styled†, ,_ .,. ,. .1 ' ' ' 5 o 0 . . a . ia. ‘ guns M $5.00 MU. jury was Properly cmpauell-ed and lndlan ROOt pills In every respect she was an estim-i savmgs accounts m the Home Ban .1 irlereszaiic ed’ â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"_ Mr. Wm. Comatock identiï¬ed Miss are nota new and untried remedyâ€" fifiidyofmg lady, and had a 11061? M deposit of one dollar, Full compcun . 5 â€50" ‘ Ken. of '. “Store open until 7 pm. each evening" SiSSOD'S bOdY- our grandfathcgsfuigdéigflékggl:a Bible 5 1n the City" It 18 known that Hun omc: NTO JA E "a! I Mm ‘ l Coroner Greer reminded the jury‘ :ï¬gylhrrzre?:’sal:i: nearly cverydrd; fall was zigzag? to be mar had this a BRANCHESAT: TORO 6H - ’ M lag . that they were to investigate the or general store in the Canada of’that fromaihe ein er bOd.y was removed. BRANCHES AND coNNECTIONS THROU . , here J G Edwards C worst disaster in the history of thc day, and wen: the rccogcmz‘edcmem nd r’n If“ 11$ :1: Signiï¬cant dlam- , FFICES . ('1‘ - . - . , _ thoumndso omcs or onstlpatron, o 1 g emala on one of her ï¬n_ mu. 0 . and O O 0 'C‘ty and pointed out to dam ithe 1e Indigestion. Biliousness,Rh§111matllsm gers. L0 ‘ . Wok in Icess'ity of theiullest panel 6; nves iâ€" and Kidne and Liver Trou c5, 0. . . . Hardware, Phone 27 gatiom daythey ï¬e just as enemy-must as . “â€"â€" LINDSAY r" . ‘ and B , . reliable as ever, and nothing better Chll dren cry Two!“ PETER KENNEDY , .1 . .-.t~.'l m i " ..... ;-._ 1..