saving in prices. With our immenseoutput we aim at close prices and your e' . continued patronage. _ Be sure and VlSlt this big store when in Lindsay. l Your Parcels l Checked Free m nml free, delivery of all your pm' _E chats ‘SltHlll trains '3 mils. llnii-ls, Hl‘ anywhere in town Meet Your E Friends Here; â€.'.:,.v ,- , ‘i" ‘ . In ..t\ llf‘ inn-2 mat-:11 ('Jll'lnt‘ili\ Jll’lll .,lz lILt‘l'x'Tuv1:J:n~ Nv-uml l‘luoi' A iii/iagnificent Range of Ladies’ Coats and Suits These Misses’ Suits and Coats Are Extra Value wuutaczmtb .l’ivella The‘inost attractive showing of :. . ‘ ‘ ‘ .. , . .. . ‘. Ladles bu1ts and Coats that “'6 They are. “I a lat-gt and (Ettractlve Tamellne , . Flannels ever offered are here now. They range thfft 13 sure $0 Stilt all personal . . , has: (in: will are very attractive and among ideas as the style, fit and workmanship Silk Specnal ., 3 i‘er: with: ory. them you will find one that suits The prices are equally pleasmg. _ . _ . . . _-. .. 7 03in?" a popular 37911.1.†every detail. DuringEx- _ 20 inch Tameline Silk in ' . â€.2 , ‘l for" Blouses. hlbltlen week all the new. lines Misses’ Coat Special $6.93 blaCk 311d Wh‘te“‘50me ,0 f. . 0mm); cooleven- Will be on display and.we inVite . . . more White than blackâ€" ,rf;;" \1 m5 Shirts and your inspection. Prices range .TlllS is a very smart Coat in the new others the oppOSite. Spe- :3 it is 30 inches diagonal boucle cloth, colors of brown adeand comes in all the 2.35: popular col- 0 "rings. Per yard C A Glove ‘ . Special Tease gloves are in as- £‘5‘3???:??.i‘3fifi.ffi $10.00 14 .. $0.05 20. Very special at ............ Ladies’ Suit of New Serge in . , black and navy blue. Smart Coat A Girls Coat for 353,95 in new length and trimmed with 11 f h '11; This Coat is made of heavy-weight ggdagigingseigycosllor $15.00 Cheviot: half lined with flannel, colors Special Value In New Serges cial price during , Exhibition per yd. 39C! ‘3‘ f . 3 An extra heavy pure navy, brown and red, neatly trimmed Il)3otany yarn serge in l ‘ ‘ . . . - - 14 ears, r lack and navy, splendid . - ’ . Sifted tan shades and Misses’ Su1t in new two toned Sizes to fit 6 to y 3 95 worsted finish which give : . s . . -,_ . Very spec1al at each ............ . . . . . me fastener. Sizes 3-; to boucle. Coat 15 smart new length . _ it extra wearing qualities ,‘3. Extra quality with collar of pretty silk, very Other lines at from $5.00 to $10.00 Onsale during Ex- izperpair ............ 75C stylish Skirt, colors $ hibition at per yd. 60C blue brown and grey 20-00 Ladies’ Coat of two toned heav - , . , ’ V y o fleOILadles Hand Bags diagonal tweed, collar that can be See These Silks 7_ Tim are 3 cpecial Do not forget our Millinery open- fastened close to the neck and cuffs. of , 'Bulgarian Silks for . grenase of neat Suede ing. It is on all during Exhibition fancy .pressed PIUSh fastened With *M‘iï¬ï¬‚lil’ig; / evening wear, small floral ï¬gs. colors. black. tan, Week. Be sure and attend. The large 511k frog and fancy $15 00 ’ §ll . designs, cream ground, Ereen. navy. new styles are very interesting. bUttOHS, 31393131 ---------------- o . . 24 inches Wide... on W at.†c ................................ 75c fladies’ and Children’s Sweater Special Exhibition Week Display Buy Underwear At This Coats New Fall Suitings and Coatings _ Store g . ‘ WNW“ uh»... - V... " -. - C a: i ‘ ' " ‘ . I ‘8 - .. .. .. . . _,_ ._ .. -.. ,..’ . i........ ,. .. . , . , mâ€"_â€"__ .â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-fl-_â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" The New Sweater Jackets are The newest and most attractive range of materials you Our .stock' of Ladies’ Misses’ -. ver attractive in colors and will find are here, Attractive in value and newness of and Childrens Underwear for fall \- * y - ° f 1 r'nos The weave and coloring. You will find it easy selecting from and Winter wear ‘5 now complete. ‘4‘; - Av combination 0 C0 0 1 ° ’ . . . . . . We can offer you exceptionally s "“=\’ * "all" qualities are extra good this this immense range and we inVite you to see them. good values and you will do well 5. __ _, 3 . - ' s eareoffer- to et 0 rs l . mem‘w “ Snegltlfliglil] 2116:5511ch (lime you to New Fall Velvets Now On Sale g y u "pp y here E__--. l buy a new Sweater Coat and be New two tone velvets which are very fashionable, are $1130 Garments for 79¢ E jg, comfortable during the cooler included. These .are the famous Ellis .="’-.V" ': is? weather. Purine, EXh‘kltlon Our 27 inch one in tans and blue shades is very promin- a??? spéénqg {1132252 “ageidhltndeg i: week these lines Will receive a ent and decidedly new. The price is only, per unshrinkablgth y tg 131} ’ “4'3“ 5 ecial showing. Be sure and yard ........................................................................................ 7 C e ey are par icu at Y 72 D _- o . good for the colder weather. We ,3 see 1t- Corduroy Velvets in a big I Brocaded Velvets in lead- cleared these at 3 5933131 price _ e " . . . . l C t range of popular colors and ing colors are shown here from the factory and are therefore g :: , ;: Exhlbltlon 5139051 oa. full 27 inches wide, extra in 24 inch. widths and are able to save YOU money. 79 ' "â€" 52 75 quality and special 5 C extra quality at Regular 31-00 value for.... C HEPEN-ANGLE THE OTHER ' at per yard ........... ' ..... 0 per yard, only I. . This is an all wool heavy ‘ Heavy Ribbed Hose 25° 50c Cashmere H059 39C weave Coat 1iln good fittggfgf SUI: Kimono Blankets Heavy \Ivfoletn hï¬se of f This is the Penman Com- and high co ar, many .1 eren . __ , - extra qua i y, 0 se as a ort Hose with heels and colors and color combinations. In Sizes 66 x 18 and 72 x 90. The later Size comes fn a leader at this price, only 50 toes extra spiiced with lin- neck cord. The prices are $3.75 and .................... 7 our special price ........ $2 7 5 bordered design and complete With girdle and $2.75 ....................................... . dozen .so come soon 25 en, reg.50c value, but Per pair ........................ C on sale at per pair ........ 39C 0 o “\â€" Millinery Opening--Tuesday, September 16th, Continuing . O O . Cl»: WAS HIO‘lO'l'it direct from the Manu- During EXhlblthH. and we are able to show you exception- Special Showing of the very newest approved styles in Millinery for fall and winter This iS a good weight, full 34 inch flannelette "fil‘goo . o . . ° h' ton, to which we invite 0n. 'n light and dark colorin s combin‘ Lit-s? dilallks in bed comforters. You Will during EX ‘1" l y various patterns. Very spgcial per yérrlg 10c » . re l(Smith them and particularly as the . ‘ “3 rangin from $10.00 . â€1.:“052'00’ $1.39 angd ........................ $1-00 SU I ‘ l IFFE SONS 100 P Ieees Of New Wrapperettes 3-. [dues in Wool Blankets . i ' i; l ’3‘ I In thefbest qualities procurable and the nicest .. [a ' ran e o . ° 7 mm you smum come to this Store for we oï¬â€˜er g patterns and colorings we have ever - an??? Values obtainable. Special lines will be Women’s Institute Rest TWO Enfrfmce‘“Kent and Shawn, HOW on sale at Der Yard 150: 12%5 10 sang the Exhibition week at the follow- $2 85 Room 2nd Floor William Streets .- an ..... .- ............... .. ....................... . ..................... c m $6-00 sown, $4.50, $3.75 and ...... ' ' ‘ .nâ€" _... _ .- '4' a» " i. " n J