m% mmtuun. r11 , Was Amputated ._, .‘ Sep',13."A tr â€"â€"-â€" .h-liw * ’ .. Eve; 7:} .1»; $6,. i' t:- “.14 hr“ The post was informed seday that I_ ~. pg,- ", :..s 59.: VI ' ““' ‘ 7.1. White bTakeman on the G. T.R. If")? ‘9 vmifest. who was injureé at Belle- oils-.I .1113 on Monday morning. has suffer- r . ml the loss of his left lot: at Belle- .- ' milk: hospital. His many friends in town will regret to learn of his misfortune. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"+ Sault Ste Marie is preparing for a d are being circulated. Bur broke into the C P. R. .st Itions at Moï¬at and (‘ ampbellv sous time (llil‘ingb n'unday night. I‘la 1‘ 3 adtes’ F all Mantles Ladies’ es’ Knitted Under- Men’s and Boys’ Caps and Felt Hats M .__..._.___....._ ...__..__-_.~ lac-Al option Campaign and petitions illelthe G T R, and had his skull Ir 1 reiettes and Wrap-I ’Wool, Cashmere and Lisle Hose; 1n sssonrmsur of LADIES’ NEG R BELTS GLOYES and HAQNDKERCHIEFS Our Store When You’ I. W. McGAFFEY CHARGED WITH High County Constable Thornbnry was in BeXley township on Tuesday land brought with him to Lindsay a gyoung man who is charged serious offense The accused furnish- Lied security for his appearance at a county Court session on Sept. 24th. The complainant in the case resides‘ near Norland. The young man feels Ihis positing keenly. m While walking on the track \Vil- Iliam H Peward liVing near flaw nee. was struck by a train there In -rush- ed. Childrens, ladies, mis- ses Sweater Coats Price 75c to $5 ices at McGaffey’ s? Lind- «‘ 1393 ts to the Ltightest and best Pair evet held C H j;:::ral is acknowledged to be one of the best held in Ontario Panama Skirts _ lllgiclc and navy. l ) mum were $1. Just the thing -. :3 $9 SINZII‘ ‘ni {my h,,us,,.‘\.n,.k. x“ \ ‘‘‘‘‘ $2 - IIIIIIIIs' lmierskit‘ta lilili'ix 11ml I‘nlnl‘< 1 'J‘III'I'II‘IIII-uv. 11m; $17.11, sale $1.23 82. $1110 ............ .l.75 KISSES 4‘1) CHILDREN S I.;:«!I~I\' llucix 5111mm :znllm'skirts int.- 1‘., 71-. $1.37, CO.1TS 4T REASON- III†.<1 St “I inâ€; .1; ................... $3.433“ BLE PRICES mic-x ;111-i LILHII; sailve'n > ll'iN 11f ............ ,, . e (Thiltlren's II‘elt Hats and ‘ D1 12.1m- Bonnets. ' ‘0 Children's Coats in and Bear Skin. I re in Town SERIOUS OFFENCE tinuing. On Monday Cambray, Cam- Hartley schools met in competition ing and flowers; K kins, Lindsay, judge oi sports; ‘Serge Carrolls at Bryson S. Isecond prize, following closely GALWAY FAIR hibits the Feature The brig ht clear weather, terday assisted to make Kinmount Fair the sucaass it was, large num- Ib'ers of people coming by train and buggy frorn long distances. AlthOUgh this season has been exceptionally dry, there being only two rains of any consequence all summer, the ex- hibit of grains and roots Was good, and in some cases exceptional. Shortly after dinner the crowd beâ€" I l I I I | Igan to stream to the grounds, tobe I met there by the lively music of the ‘merryâ€"go-round, the insistent bark of the spielers, with old and new games, and the patent medicine man. Everywhere was excitement, hurry, noise. But people as 9‘. rule head for the exhibits first and leave the money spending until later, so we will take Iyou throngh exhibition hall, I where the surrounding hountry’ s produce IWas piled high Downstairs is the grain and root exhibit and also the [dairy and flowers display, while above the ladies‘ work pleases the artistic eye. The grains are fairly heaVy, with a sample of probably the finest oats seen in the north Country, taking ï¬rst attention. Black oats, was, flax seed, timothy and beans are of clean and free from impurities, show- ing that Cal‘e had been used in pre- paring the exhibit. Mr. J. Robinson, and Mr. Turnbuli of ‘xlinlen wer among the main e..hi:1ituis andtoo '(l‘nl prizes_ A large display of roots lined one side of the building. large smooth DutilCOZS, fine, clean carrots, good ileffs‘ feuttire ts, Reeve Alex. Morrison The Rural Scnool Fair work is con F011, Bryson’s, Eden, Islay and Mr. Henry Tomp- ay Was awarded to Miss rd’ 3 school at Cameron, With Mr. which Iile .played 03 the following teams conâ€" testing: Cameron, Bryson' s, Cam-I bray and Hartley. Bryson’ 8 school won out in a final game, and each boy on the team Was awarded prize. A program of races was run off as; The total result was that all held were pleased and am attempting to which Miss M. Hoadley and htss E. make next year 5 fair even a greater: su it well. 8. I J. C0853. -.. A GOOD SUCCESS Large Crowd and Good Ex-I Man Blows His Head Off; Band of Looters OperatedIResultofInqit-gt at Peter- ot yes- I :1an tremendous mangolds were' and . art of buying and selling right. Hon- Icsty in dealing with customers _and good service to all will be the Of this store. opened up for business in March, al- took as through this poliCy many ' been A jum‘or baseball tournament Wag through the word-ofâ€"moutth advertis- ing of satisï¬ed customers. An vention, Durham and Victoria Counties, wa..; Ifrom St. Paul’ s Sundays, ’NOTHING AHEAD With Gun (SpeCial to The Post.) nutmuvmi... 'Sept. 17. I I BU_T TROUBLE Louis E LIN < SAY POST . L'NDSAY, ONTARIO. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 19 1913 ~ Vol 24 FOUNDATION WALL BADLY BUILT BONDED FREIGHT THIEVES CONFESSa I On Big Scale (Special to The Post.) BRIDGEBURG, Ont., Cept. 17.-.; boro Tuesday Peterboro,§ept.16â€"â€"'lh3 adj-t1. ..... u s I I I I I i I . . ;in:1ucst into the cause of the death Juby. aged about 35 years, rcsnlina , The wholesale theft of merchandise q. . ‘_ In Sidney Township, Monday comâ€" from bonded cars in the Bridgebur.‘â€" ‘01 Hannah . 18800. one of the 1.1111111 suicilo by shooting himself. In Fort Erie yard has assumed an inter- victjms Of the “7.1131,“. 0,: the Turr- -1?1c afternoon a relative found a note , . _ . . 1.11 Ard upon the stable door, which national aspect. 'lo-day a score 0f bull building on the mornmg .2: Aug wad as follows “Seeng ahead but wmk and trouble, you will ï¬nd my body near the well in the lane.†An immediate investigaiion resulted in the. finding of Juby’s body ‘ at the place indicated by the note. The unfortunate man had, in a mo- ment of mental abberration, taken his. life. The victim’s wife was buried a year ago or the date he took his life. Two young sons survive. Juby was in comfortable circumstances and ap- parently in his usual health and mind on the morning of the 'ra'tndv. â€"â€"__â€"â€"â€"+â€"â€"â€"____. LINDSAY 'S HUSTLING MERCHANT The latest addition to Lindsay's list of enterprising business men Mr. Ed. (3. das Flavellcs, Dl‘ietor of the New Men's Kent-st. Mr. town Limited, and pro- Wear Store, Armstrong is well known in district as a hustler, slogan is "Service, and and as his business aim ' ‘F. - __ 3".“ -- 3.11545, lit, 330 and ........................................................ 530: ,at Cambray. The large attendauCe Mr, Arm-strong recognizes the fact; . . :11 SIAM. Silk Hose ................................................... 2 Iand high standard Of the exhibits de- ‘ that A man has no DIaCe in busineSS ‘~ It. gunk. III11.1_ black, tan and cream. at pm pail ........................ 5C Inoted the great interest which has 'unless he knows something about it, ‘4 fine and .................... . ............................................ 35¢ per plan ,becn taken in the work during the and in the men.3 wear he has had LII gridim â€.230. 3.1" and ............................................................. 5 C isummer. The officials for the (lay considerable valuable experience,‘ werazâ€"E. S. Hopkins, B.S.A., Nor‘ which should serve him well while in 'wocd, judge of vegetables and fyuit; business for himself. In branching' DRESS GOODS J- G- Tagtgart, B-S-A., Syd-enham, cut the first; consideration was 10- . , ‘tn’lze of vegetables and fruit; A. A, cation. and havingr secured the lease Ladzes’ H 001 Dress Goods in Colors and Black. ;Kni;Iht, B.s.A., Lindsay, judge of of the store next to the new Beall I 1 .. .,.,I .vy-.\,n SclllllL' at 1101' \‘I:1‘II ....................................... 50C nature collectionS; Mrs“ MCPhayden, building, he secure? one Of the best . f If. 7 . can... I11- to! Him ........................ 50c Lindsay. judge of Sewing. baking. 1“ tow†Aft†making arrangements \‘ “ “ “'1 ""II' ""“"“ ' I 25c fsnl flowers; . rs. J. T. Birchard, of I01" the INIFI‘h'aSIUS: of his different - - "L' ;: 1m}. jvttnl ................................................................ ,LinItlen Valley judce of sewing bakâ€" lines Of goods, Mr. Armstrong then; Mr. , though occupying the store. a little R. Hare, Lindsay, referee of earlier. I IsHports; Mr. Ernie Tompkins, Cams Mr. Armstrong having "Service" bra}. referee of baseball as his slogan. and allrvice means ‘ The price for the best school disâ€" thinking first of the customer in ev- Langs- cry transaction, has already exper- nccd a steady and growing trade, h-ave brought. to trade with him +â€"--+--â€"-â€" Local Delegates Present Anglican Sunday ,School Con- of the Rural Deanery oi I I yesterday in Milbbrook, at I I I Kenny, attended, as delegates hool. nothing isi Armstrong, late of Dun-; n. as 36 degrees. war? and: :The additional evidence given (2::ng Iaround that presented at the sitting, to the eï¬â€˜ect that the C ‘of the CollaDSe was the Ceifctlu foundation which reCeived the Cox. centrated character of the basement, private detectives, with many rants, are scouring Buffalo Bridfel urg in search I? the ringlead- ers of the gang whose extensive op- erations have startled the district. or twenty men, against whom chrges are one, ï¬ve have already pleaded guilty to charges of theft. They will appear for sentence to-day before Magistrate John G. Rathvon. The ust 28th, was resumed here tonivht. f'zst '1 M’ .11 chars, who are alleged to have been 1Wall thrust of the pillars used to tplicated in the thefts, will be ar-él‘eplace the party Wall which was r._ raigned at th: same time. .mot'ed to throw tw0 Shops 1111.. 011.. Following the appearance of thei - j , ‘ accused in cour yerterday disclos-; JI'P‘Y DOE†DOT FIX BLA-‘Ib - ures of a startlinrr nature are predict-I The jury retire-d at 10 5.10;}; an 1 ed by the detectives working on themtmr an absence of an hour case. It was stated last night that b If retur d ' I .. -- about ï¬fty people. anumber of whom ‘1 m a â€1"“ flat I! are railway employ es, are under sur- nah 5159(11 Came to her do tn 139.3,: veillance, but the no ice will not di- the CollaDSe of the Turnbul‘i budding vulge the names panding fugtheirtde- {and that the evidenCe was not 5 .m- vclo ments. Accor ing to 3 e ec-I _. . tivespand policemen, the loss sustain-guent to determine the Demo}? icd jointly by the Grand Trunk, the :sons respons1ble for the COlia..‘S€ Vabash and the Michigan Central the building. The jury FCC()lllIT‘.E‘ZI~if-w Railways will be in the neighborhood Ithat the city council provide ’40 000 ' O y - , _ Iinv inspector whos dutie~ wr 1:11 The detectives mm a decoy for the. ‘5 e ° ' ' culprits and some of the railway cm-, :ployes under suspicion neglected to hedge themselves around with all ~I. : . .1 : r prrâ€" r ,‘. 1.. (1 ,..1 clude the inspection of buildin:t 1:124 dergoin: alterations. VERY BADLY BUILT. I l ‘prccautions. and eventually stepped" _ . .into the trap. Realizing that they The Principal Witness was G '1‘. were caught. red~handed, amoral (;0ujnl()ck, i‘roVinciul (20,3233.-. abandoncd their ‘posmons and ii: d Architvct sent down bv the -‘I.::~:> )el'or') the deter-.ives obtained war~‘ G l . -.-.. . rants for their azrcs 5.1 While the ï¬ve Il'CV enerd S l. epartmen: to litmw , men under aircst, two of whom arr the situation. He 93:1?‘1IT‘1'Rl the G.’l‘.l‘.. “znpioyes. have admitted their . guilt. they stoutly refuse to disclose f the full details of their method. I The majority of the cars robbch here were brokin into and the con- tents ransacked at H. office terminal, a mile and a. half from the town. No. 91, a fast merchandise freight s, dation Wall, and found that been ï¬ery badly built. â€"-â€"..-â€"+â€".____. LARRY FALLON r , . . . . WA » {EURED wear lperettes Mr. Boynton, Uf meollnt. 5- Rob- which passes through here daily b’e- S.F .Il. ‘ _q . 1 n . v . ' “If. â€"_ Inson and Mr. 'I‘llrnbull of Mindcn tween nine and ten oclockm 1 _ H ‘ l , j A, . .. ,7 .n . 1 Mum th chef . . ' 'v ‘ QV,'Onillg. was usually the train from~ Pie 9 m P :.«+ < .1 .- ‘ _ - ...\ . . ..Il.nr~ .1\I.i\. .i- “All, I ‘1, 1-3t and ................. 5t .‘ . . .8 1» prize Winners 11'! tins which the thieves made the SU('C€SS-. a-d « Ohio, ..C. L - â€"~ .. . 50k I91""‘â€"I""9 I‘IIIWII‘IL'S 1““ 130. 15" â€WI 28C di\'1s1on. . ful hauls. At ll. terminal the conducâ€" Tut-say list while drivinr t2“: 3. . . 7. .\" 3.1 , I I_.', \Yx'ut'qtcl'I-Ifos 1012 2.;c 11nd .................. 151 in tne. “woof the room were theI , tor has to wait for running ordersmiem (If t“e (,Hse The .1“ \- ~: ~ v ~ ~ 15¢ _Hc. .‘31. Kimono Ijlmh 13C. 2m- nml ...................... 25c flowers 0f many I :l~"-' annugtf. .t‘. a ' arid %9('251?:131:YS£?€ passerâ€"n .91‘ trains? . ‘ My a \ ‘ " ‘ “ “““ . . . . . flint LL 1 l 3 u 0 1:01" 1', '\ m, 3,7 IA .- . ..50t‘ (-Iwy .1!in whttc Ilanclcttc Mice-11113;, Iloulilc mlIl, neat, attractive manner, that - l'i’ ‘ _ .' $09,, as ’(c zgngutorfl half ' i c“ “ r-‘r _" ’j 3 ,‘f : Si 111. ..................................... 75c Ilmuflht out the diï¬ercnt lines to ï¬nished examining: the seals, 1210011"g 3"- outrit at if“ perfection. Considerable fruit was , thieves started their operations. The ‘Farm. Mr. La'rv FallI n, (f L'.- s: shown, and a very noticeable point loot would )0 thrown Into .mpty coal .. .~ ..I “v f a . .- , M or T I) ~A ‘ "Q i ‘,' ... ' (‘III'S and subsequpntly snluggled .“rls L139 \iCciil‘l ( a Sal-it’d) 3-1.. . - L l\ ( Z5 {1 a anC “‘18 that although theâ€? “'88 no - e 111 hot or. The cars enterw‘ - - ‘ ‘ {yino' f . 1 th f - 9“"0 5 e d 0'" y The syn-ital horse became f.;_ht~ - “‘7 \ T v) 7 »‘ y s l r. 0 (App 93 9 Nut Was as I \were 11105â€? ‘rou,pd for ingofii *li- , ' .11. Plot 1- \. - ~11 LADIES FL R 1 RI M MED CO A I Snip could be. Insect parasites .outs and 0...... inert. n 1...... ed at the a... sum ,- . -- . : . - . .. e5- . H. I,,\ - a - W . A t 7 1 ‘IO HUt annoy the northern fruit ..'1lndsor. According “21.91â€â€œ 31‘“ Mr. Fallen tried to stop the ' ’i- i 5 I l ) [<4 I4 I R I I\ E ) CO A l S . - a . , -. l"' s, between Sixty an sweatyâ€"11c W'AL‘ l '\' I“ I'§ Oil ‘3‘ I S J A ‘ brower. Mrs. 1" HUInhee, 0f hm" ca‘rs wm'e broken into and valuable but while doing so one of 11.: 1 Is n-ount, was one of the lurgcs ex- .merchandise abstracted. some 0: yr I- my.» th“ “(I-“1‘ ~h ' "r 'I “‘ ' hibi‘tors 0f flowers. 13D' C. AVIMRTRODG ~ which the, never expect to recover. " "â€9 "“‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ “ I Bill: the diiil'V department. W11. t ’1 The loot has been in most instanc-Is tdffli‘d Silt/Y» O~crtHIth t-.e _â€" I ‘e " ins an in 8 ed (Late of Dundas F1;1\'€l':cs), no“ ‘ .~' . 5-,. -~,,, yd ,. 1,, i, , ._ w n.,-, â€˜ï¬ r \' r. ,1 n ’ ’ fine 1)nttez, ns‘ltly pack ed and Of I ‘0 \.l(lc*l_v (IIFLL‘IIUJi't ti «L1t " ‘ (ind p-C-11 1L.1..u.- .lI‘. X‘UnA'J.‘ . ,ur, {.HL G . . of the New Men 5 Wear Store. 3 Itves are e-xpé-I..1(.Ino.ng 111 v1( . dil. Icult_.- Ito the ground. The 9121131215.". F l 1 1 l “ "bur “‘13 â€him†The“ blead, In recoverma; 1t. It 12:13 reported at + 1 . , ‘ IN!“ I\‘\- 7* .\‘ ‘ . a .- . â€"-â€"- .. , ‘ . - ., . .n 1:. .7 . .t :1: Ir so, 11;: < r"“ I 9 90 1“" I ‘ â€mil“ lN‘I' PHI! '1‘“. - 0". luns and oth.r SIICh tnumphs were . . . A ,Iico headquarters last night that C‘ [1.6 ff '1 I“ L e C ( .A . c: ‘1 S'" 5"" 5 <1 <1 -iâ€", .1â€! 31,50 nearby, tempting jellies, and jams It promises to be 3 magnet that “"111 _ several cases of shoes and Silks had (1.13 t i drive back to Town. T: :~ ~-’ ..-,~ l: .11. "; ‘.<I.\' .\ ' ' ‘ ' """""" ' and preserves No Wonder the norâ€" attract hundreds who look for fair' been found In a hold on the 011175112? 3" 125s 3.311.. shat-3:1 Iâ€, ,,,,,, 1 w ‘* - 1" . . . . . -. of Bridgehurg. In a numbcr of cases " , 7 . ‘ : .n .. , . - ._‘ ,\II 5.1.. $9 Scrims, Curtain Nets and Mus- therners are h..le and hearty With (ledhng and good talue for their people who had received stolen shoes. harness broken )3 3.3.111 “13w- ,, . .. I' V.,.\ "‘I'. f} \’ ‘ .', . . . . v . ’ A , ' ..‘ ‘ â€3-.â€- rn‘,‘ , . 2. ‘ 1““ ' I‘d" ‘\ i 9'" lins 11'0111 per yard we to ....... 3.10 S’ICh wives as prepared the exhibit money 'etc., voluntartly prod-ccd the goo-ls the \. Irrle ..1....r .s. s lette . 'â€"' 5"" “I" ----------- 38-90 at Kinmount Fair. Ed. 0. Armstrong, of the new 11‘ police headquarters when they 'might have 1.99,, expxgel, , . r I . - ‘ - (i The ladies’ sec‘ion 111s -‘ ., Mgns wear store 15 well known to 193‘39‘1 $111919 d‘tC’CII ‘95 “917 ‘ . . ., - .‘ r , -H .. . , L i LIIFS “‘18 lb 1' 1k (f t ’ 1 C t (1 about to {\ICQ uto sparch wart? .015 Mr. and .Vlrf. “11.1113. .J.-C:.>.I,_ a? L ‘ H y ' V ' (’ \ '.. ';' . ~ , M ’ . C -â€" . e 0‘ o own am oun ry, «in Special oliicors w ere sent to V‘ ind- Miss blit- 11.11:. all of > _Iitith':-::..ly o 5' 7 ‘v " ' ' ' . ' ‘ . e . . . . . . .. . . ( HJntlnu d on page 8) mos establishing 1n Lindsay one of 50-,- and Detr01t last night. 1)} .tn spent Minday 1.;tn friends in t;;;.: V: the best and most untoâ€"date men's railway companms to 1n1"fl!gatc and ' it . WWII 'wr 'Irtl 77c wear storeS, he naturally looks for clear up the .)per..txons at that“ ‘ ‘1 ‘ 11 ’ \ 1 a... .. r .. . I. I ......... ......... .................................... . points. ;s ‘ 3 ‘V -_. ‘Vi 11.3011. :11. . -,I..- “,c <1 Im <1 1-, .md $1f50 a large patronage. IIaVIDg been con-. Dr. ('0 0:, 1 ‘1; 'H * ‘ t - . . .. , .. ,, ._ _. . ................................. . upervis r I. 7 - ‘M. .7 m, v , , , i t S to. 1 tile (S: (azltdh “ml ' - I~ w 12 ‘."*'.1:'.<. per ,L'm’mcut. ............................................. 25C nected 10“ the 15151: 819‘ en years With, . _ ‘ , . ' ' ' I' . I v ' ' V ' I - D ' , ’ A" #1 l .i_ U one .W-I (â€mom _________________ 35c the clothing and gent s furnishing , A cold mate is sweeping throllgg â€19‘ “I Brien ““159 1'1 tr‘lrlm‘ f - ‘ ' ~l‘ 4,-1- I l’II‘In“ In! Immtx “shims IIIIIIIIII 69c department of the D. F store, he I Southern Alberta. and at Edmonton 1113 I‘O‘Dital all of Lindsay, motor- .ll.‘1 I - . AA A! . ‘ ............................. n. I ‘ v 1. ‘4 :D is well versed and experienced in the the thermometer registered as low 8d here on Mink} and Cd-Lu -...r a ,few hotrs at the latter's home. THE DOMINION BANK 8m EDMUNDB. OSLEn. M9,. PRESIDENT. w. o MATTHEWS VICE-PRESIDENT C. A. BOGERT. General Manager. Capital paid up 85 000, 000. Reserve Fund $6,090,000.1‘ota! Assets 575 000.000. Don’t Risk Losing Your Money by carrying it with you. or hiding maywipc out the say: ngs of with the Domini it at ho: ne. ailfeti me '22.: * f2" :1: n: on Bank, thi _. ti :5 is av Fire or raftery "‘ If Cejc izsd .7: v a. w .. U. 'n :31.- LiNDSAY BRANCH: PC‘E’ERT ROSS, Manager. FOR SALE GUARANTEED F nsr MORTGAGES, To Net Investor 7 per cent. Interest. \VRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS RED H. STEWART Co., Ltd. General Financial Brokers, Manitoba Farm Lands. Winnipeg Real Estate 100 STERLING BANK,2WINNIPEG.