E3?! Mrs. T. C. Ivory has remrncu home after a pleasant visit :with To- ronto friends. Mrs. William Brandon is visiting her mother in Picton. Mr. and Mrs. Melvil'lc Corneil and family left. last week for their home in Beaten after a pleasant vacation spent with their parents here. A large number of our citizens at tended the Lindsay Exhibition on Saturday last. Mrs. A. Irwin. oi Sharbot Lake,’ is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Carey. Mr. and Mrs. A Lang to Lindsay on Friday the Exhibition. Mr. L. Southworth was to Peterboro on Saturday tended the Exhibition there. Mr. and Mrs. Hllghan, of Lindsay, were. the guests of the latter’s sis- ter, Mrs. John Foe, on Sunday. Mrs. T. C. Ivory has returned home after a pleasant visit :with To- Mrs. H. Colwell was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. P. S. Nugent, of Lindsay, during the past week. Mr. Chambers, of Peterborough, was in Omemee on business Satur- Miss Elva Thompson has returned home after having spent some time with her sister, Miss A. Thompson, of Toronto. day. Mr. and Mrs. daughter, were and Mrs. George on Friday last. (Special to The Post.) We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs. Samuel Endicott, who is at present under medical care at her home here. The Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist Church pgrpoee holding a tea in the basement of the church on Thanks- giving evening, Oct. 12. Reserve the date. Mr. Norman Wilson, of Janctville, wma visitor \in town Saturday. Miss S. Rea. 01 Toronto, is the guest of her sister-ixrlaw, Mrs. Dav- id Rea, King-st. Mrs. Harold Homer and son, of undeay, were the guests of the for- mer’s sister, Mrs. D. Magoo, during the past week. Mr. O. G. Williamson was in Peter- borough on Friday. (Special to The. Post.) Miss M. Thurston has returned home after a pleasant visit with Mount Horeb friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. Stinson were vis- itors to Duusford rcccntiy. Mesdames Robt. and Frank Ruth- erford. of Fenelon Falls, and Mrs. (Dr.) J. W. Brien, of Essex, Ont, who is returning to her home after spending the summer with friends in Boston, Called on friends at River- view on Tuesday last. A large number from here‘took in the Lindsay exhibition last Saturâ€" day. Bobcaygeon fair is the next an- ticipated pleasure of the young peo- Mr. Eng-Lash. of this Corner, was ratheg‘unfortuuate in losing a. ï¬ne horse a few days back. The severe heat is supposed to be the cause of its death. . The recent rains were much needed and are greatly appreciated by the ploymen of this corner. PAGE FOUR. Men’s Wear The atest. You"! fall for them. ED. (3. ARMSTAAAGA The Men’s Wear qtm-e†There are styles and styles. Some of them have style all our styles have real style and lasts as long as the Suit 0r Overcoat. PLEASANT POINT Suits and Overcoats for Men and Young Men $8.00 to $20.00 Hatsâ€"Neckwearâ€" New Collars. The atest. You’H Raincoats for Boys an d Men $4.00 to $18.00 Boys $3.50 to $10.00 OMEMEE \ Lang were visitors Friday and attended ‘tne guests of Mr. Balfour of Lindsay, Robert Balfour and 388. 8 visitor “1d at- Boy’s Wear Epworth League Was held on Mon- day evening in the Methodist church, instead of Tuesday, owmg to Oak- wood fair being thaf. day. A special prqgramme took place. A large number from here. were in LindSay last Friday and Saturday, attending the Lindsay Central. Messrs. Sam Hooper and William Heatlic are busy at present with thei'; engines gnd cnsilage cutters ï¬lling SllOS. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tremeer, Mrs. J. Jenkins, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barrowclough motored to Osh- aWa on Wednesday of laSt week, and attended the fair. Rally day will be observed in the Methodist church next Sunday. Several of our citizens attended Oakwood fair on Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Yeo, sr., celebrated his 81st birthday on Thursday evening last, when anumber of friends and re- latives gathered at his home ‘ to spend the evening. After a dainty lunch he was presented With a num- ber of presents. Games were indulg- ed in throughout the entire evening. Don't forget the fowl supper which will he held in the Methodgst church on October 8th. Further barbiculars later. Mr. Maurice Woolridgc, of the L. (3.1., LindSuy. spent laSt Thursday evening with his grandfather, Mr. Wm. Yeo. sr. Mr. Orville Heatlie returned home on Wednesday evening of last week. after spending some time in Toron- A number of girls met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oliver last Thursday a'iternoon and gave Miss Pearl a kitchen shower. The pres- ents she received were numerous and costly. Quite a number from here attended the play at the ACademy of'Music in Lindsay last Saturday evening. The Albany ‘Herald’ says one :baby is born in Germany every sixteen seconds. He must ï¬nd it very tire- Some.â€"-‘Columkia State.‘ Mr. Garfield Heatlie was quietly married at the Falrbank manse in Toronto, Sept. 15111 to Miss Stella Savinac, of Oakwood. We wish them a long and Happy wedded life. Mr.John Sproulc and stuff of men from Lindsay, com’ï¬letcd the brick- work at the Christian church this Miss Luella Avery, 0! Lindsay Was under the parental roof 3 coupl? of days this week. (Special to The Post.) Messrs. W‘llton Glenney and Jacob Whitcsidc, of the 1;.C.I., Lindsay, spent thc.wcck end at then‘ homes here. day last in Toronto. week. Address: F. J. CHENEY, £3 CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all druggists, 750. Take Hall's Family pills for cnnstipatlon. Mr. $100 REWARD, $100 Samuel Hooper spent Satur- LITTLE BRITAIN Rev. C. S. Lord, Mr. Wm. McAr- thur, and Mr. J. H. Brandon reâ€" turned on Friday from Valcartxer. Lindsay. Mrs. J. H. Stanton and Mrs. J. (f. ‘Welch are in Toronto this week. Mrs. Lqu Jones and Miss Birdie Archer, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred McNeil], of Red Rock, Vern- lam. Mr. Grover Kerr, of Hastings, is visiting relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rutherford. of Fenelon, attended the I’etcrboro fair last week. Mrs. Hunter, of Glasgow, who has spent the summer months visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jno. MacKay, left on Monday to wait relatives in Regina. Mrs. Dr\ Brien, of Essex, is visxtâ€" ing her aunt, Mrs. E. A. McArthur. Mr. A. W. Spence, of Petcrbom, spent a few days in town on. business this week. . The annual fair of the Fenel-m Agricultural Society was held on Wednesday and Thursday, Bept. 16 and 17. While the fair was above the average in point of excellence, the attendance was not as large as usual. In the live gtock department Mrs. Dr. Sims, and. Miss Wright, of LindSay spent Thursday the guest of Mrs. M. Mayhoc. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pollard and Chll‘dl‘C‘n of LindSAy motored to the Falls on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. M. Sharpe. Mr. Bi'dwcll Burgess and little daughter, of Rochester, N.Y., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and other relatives here. Mr. Barrett, of Los Angeles, 0111., is renewing acquaintances in town. Mrs. Dr. Gould left on Wednesday fur Haliburton, where she acted as a judge at the fall fair. Mrs. Hctcn left on Tuesday t0 viz-tit her daughter, Mrs. Gallagher, of Cobourg. Miss Awnes Potts, of Lindsay, is the, guest of her sisters at Sunny- brac farm, Cameron Lake. Mrs. L. Townlcy and Miss Edith ToWnICy spent a few days in Torom tolnst week. Miss Ada Gillis spent Saturday in Mr. and Mrs. Bert, Robson of Lmd say, spent the week end in town. a good display was made, some Very (1 ï¬ne animals being shown. In the 1 main building, the ground floor was the. repository of a fine assortmentl of fruit, flowers, vegetables, dairy products, home made preserves, Jel- lies, pickles, and plain and fancy, baking. The. display of ladles’ Work and fine arts upstairs was, in the opinion of Competent judges, :1 och? superior to that of former years." murmg Thursday afternoon a base: ball game on the fair grounds held 3 the attention of a number who at: tended the fair. On Thursday cVen-l, ing an entertainment Was given unâ€" H der the auspices of the Agricultural ‘; Society in Dick50n's Hall. The enâ€" tcrtainmcnt, which was advertised as ‘f patriotic, musical and dramaticfl! should have attracted a large perâ€"i ccntage of all classes of the. com: munity, particularly members of the Society under whose auspices it Was given; who with afew exceptions were conspicuous 1‘by their absence. Rev. C. S. Lord ably ï¬lled the po- sition of chairman, and gave a briefI address. A solo, “The Boys 01 the! \01 Brigade,†was sung in excellent; voic'e and style by Mr. Jack‘ Gorâ€" don, followed by a solo, “0 Can- ada,†by Rev. W. H. A. French, which was much appreciated. Mr. Cormicr delighted the audichc by the solo, “Madeline," and receiving an encore sang, “Indeed.†A bur- lesque entitled, “Sister Masons,†was given by‘a number of ladies and created much amusement for the, : audience. A solo, “Killarney,~ my‘ 3 home o’er‘the sea,†was given by ; Miss Doris Townley. A popular ; young vocalist, Mr. Cormier, in the ; solo, “Goodbye, Sweetheart, Good- : bye,†gave a. splendid rendition of . the song, ,and won the hearty ‘ap- plause of every music lover in the audience. By special request he sang l“0 ;Canada~†in the French,language, [in which his fine voice was heard to advantage.- Instrumental solos on the piano were given by Miss Lillian . Corbett and Mr. Armstrong, both se- , lections being very much enjoyed. A l lduet by Miss Ruby Austin and Rev. p , Mr. French Was also much appre- l sciated. An entertaining farce-comedy by a number of local amateurs was cleverly acted, all the performers Mr.D. Merr’ium and Miss E. Mer- rmm spent a few weeks with friends in Buffalo and Toi‘onto, returning on Monday. Mdss Annie Stanley, of Fickering, is tho. guest of Mrs. .138. Graham. Mrs. Graham and daughter, Miss Gertrude, have returned from 5; Visit of several weeks' duration with Whitby and Pickering relatives... Mrs. 'I-‘hos. Rednor, of Pctcrboro is the guest of Mrs. Rcdnor, of the Falls. (Special to The Post.) Mliss Windrum, of South River, is vxsiting Mrs. Wesley Fugue. FENELON FALLS takmg theu‘ respective roles. admira- bly. An address, by Mr. Isaac hay- lor, the sec-treasurer of the Agri- cultural Society, was then given. Mr. Naylor spoke of the excellence of the programme, and expressed wish that the attendance had been larger. The singing of the National Anthem closed the proceedings. Mr. Heten, who lives on Bondâ€"st. east, accidentally swallowed a. tea- spoonful of Carbollc ac-id on Tuesday evening of last week. He took it in mistake fot medicine, and it requirâ€" ed some eï¬ort 0n the part of the doctors to rclic‘ve him 01' the effects of the poison. ' A disastrous ï¬re fruman unknown cause occurred on Sunday afternoon last on the farm of Mr. Thus. Gur- tis in Vcrulmm. A ï¬ne large. barn with its contents wins burned to the ground. Several head of Vultmbic cattle and hdgs mgcthcr wl'ch farm inlpléxxxcnté and about. $90 worth of iprcsscd hay were lost in the ï¬r». iMr. Goodhand, the teï¬zmt, will be at [5013112 Exceptional Values In The Ne“; I F all Wearables that. are Winning Favor Mr. Eoodhand, the toï¬zmt, will be at a conï¬lderable loss‘ as it is under- stood that he owned the stock 'zï¬md implements, etc. Dr. and Mrs. Guuld returned last week from Toronto, where they atâ€" tended the wedding of their neiCe, Miss Mabel Loose to Mr. Page, of Toronto. Mrs. Swanto-n left on Tuesday far Los Angeles, Cal. The regular meeting of the \Yo- men’s Institute was held on Friday afternoon, Sept. 18th at the hnme of Mrs. A. Mi'nthurne, the chair be- ing occupied by Mrs. Dr. Gould, dis- trict president. After the opening esp ercises and the reading. and adoption of the minutes of the last meeting, Communications from Miss Susie Campbell, of Brmnpfon, Ont, and Mrs. .106. Thurston. sec.-treasurcr of the Bobcaygeon branch, were read by the secretary, and iscussed by the members present. ‘ An excel- lent paper on the subject “How to Lsave expenses," was contributed by \Mrs. Walter B. Jordan. The meeting closed with the singing of the Na- tional Anthem. Mr. Orville Culbert is visiting To- eonto Iriend's. ' ‘ Amongst those who attended'Lind- say Central Fair last week were Mrs. Jas. Damels, Mrs. R. Mitchell, Mrs, E. A. McArthur, Mrs. M. McCaxlum, Miss Elva Maybee, Mrs. Chas. Gra- ham, Mrs. 'J. J. Lee and Mrs. C. W. Burgoyne. Jas. Daniels, Mrs. R. Mitchell, Mrs, E. A. McArthur, Mrs. M. McCallum, Miss Elva Maybee, Mrs. Chas. Gra- ham, Mrs. ‘J. ‘J. Lee and: Mrs. C. W. . Mrs. A. Cameron spent a few days lfrionds in Uxbridge ‘m Sonderland visiting friends. Mrs McFadden . l) J M L h . - » , . . . c4‘ac r. MMr. and Mrs. W. J. Washington, Mrs. McKay, Miss Touwh (‘ Rflj‘ rs. G. Washington, and Mr. and man, and Mr A Boyntgn’ were Y‘â€"“' - - . amâ€" Burgoyne. , iMrs. Alex. Anderson motored to 0911 . . ~ - on , Mrs. Carley and MISS Allie Carleyi awa on Wednesday an attended the tioi 13:10:? who attended the exhibi- visited Peterboro friends on. Friday. fair. . Mr oronto last week. W. A. Munro is Visiting his SMART STYLES IN LADIES SUITS FROM $110.00 UP Handsome new Fall Suitsin 'l'wvmls, Chovi- nts. Redford Cord. 80112;“ “zabardines. ï¬ne Boneles and plain cloths. 'l‘hc shades are myrtle, navy, grey, taupe. brown and fancy mixtures. All the latoï¬ styles All Sizes. Prices .. .. $10111) Just arrived: a ship- ment of the newest waists in Crepe dc Chimes. Ninons and Silks. Suitable for wear- ing with suits or for.- dress occasions. A .big range to choose from in all the newest colorings. A‘ll sizes. Piiees $3. 00 to $7. 50. ‘ NEW WAISTS - 11E LINDSAY P9512 $10.50 and $13.50. Ladies Sill; Dresses in soft, rich paillcttc silk. in Shades of navy, black. brown. myrtle, cop- cnhngcn and tun. made in the latest, tunic and «,ll'zzpcry styles. Ruffled lace collars and cuffs. All sizes. A good choice at HANDSGME SILK DRESSES AT 10.50 T0 13.50 Ladies and Misses Full and Winter Coats in Baubles. Plain and may; Blanket. Cloths.~Friez- es and 'I‘WCCdS. madb, in the lat- est three guzn'tcr lengths, kim- ona 01' svt-éin sleeves, high or low collars-z, lined shoulders and sleeves. All {size Very Special . . Mrs.‘R. H. Brown, of Omno, and friend, were the guests of Rev. W. and Mrs. Limbcrt aver Sunday. Miss Annie Pcnrosc, who husvspcnt the summer in Toronto, rctï¬rncd home on Friday. Mr. an}! Mrs. Owen Terrence, and Master Bobbie, Mr. and Mrs Roy Gardner, motored down from Toron- to on Saturday, and visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gard- [101â€. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Bowcs, of 'Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Lindsay, spent Sunday w1th their Ems. s. D. Webster. daughter, Mrs. W. F. WCbStCI‘. Mrs. MTS. (7‘_ C. Pcrrin is enjoying 3 L’OWCS. W110 is quite unwell, “3 “3' visit with friends at Bewdley. maining With Mrs. Webster. Miss IVa Marshall. of Rosamount, Mr. and MFS- Russel Giles 0f Lin- is the guest other sister, Mrs. A. (1811 Valley, spent Sunday with Mr. v. Austin. and Miss Gilee- . Mng Ham Ci‘nnn nf 'anm 1': The rally day service held on Sun- day morning was largely attended, and the excellent program thoroughâ€" ly enjoyed by an appreciative con- gregation. Miss Leona Barnard, o! Builticboro is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. C. C. Perrin. Misses Lillian E. Davidsdn and Viola Richardson were the guests of Miss Leta Hill, Lindsay, over Sun- day: Mr, C-larcncc HodginS, of the Bank of Montreal,‘ is at ‘prcscnt enjoying his holidays at Toronto and 4ch.‘- market. ' Rev. H. Cameron and Mrs. Camer- on. of Lamont, Alberta, are visiting his sister, W. 1). Parliament. Mr. Cameron occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church very acccntably on Sunday CVening. Mr. E. C. Stevens rendered the solo, Thy Will be Done, which was greatly appreciated by a large congregation; The school fair, Wthh was held on Tuesday, the 15th, was exceptionalâ€" ly good, and was attended by a large crowd of people, who were de- lighted with the ï¬ne exhibit shown in the various classes. Much credit is due to both teachers and schol- ars for the splendid display. BEAUTIFUL COATS ' AT 12.50 WHAT ABOUT YOUR NEW FALL HAT? If you have not. yet selected it don’t fall to see our charming range of the Smart, Stylish, new Fall Hats, all the latest creations in sat- in, fell, fur and silk hats are here and the styles are particularly becom- ing. We are showing some exceptional values in New York Hats im- ported direct by us and the prices are most reas- onable. The hat you want is here. llmdaégflairéks OAKWOOD izcs. $12 .50 S‘z‘v House 0“: Qualitq} ' Mrs. William. Basactt, Pctcrbuto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Martin. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Francis, 0? Mariposa Station, are enjoying a ,wcil earned holiday with friends in Chicago, Ill, U. 8. Mr. A. Payne oi Seagrave, is taking Mr. Francis’ po- ;8it10n' during his absence. R. J. McLaughlin, K.C., of Tur- onto, and Mm. McLaughlin spent 'Sunday with her parents, Mr. and hire. 8. D. Webster. Several from here took in the Fenelpu Falls fair on Thursday last. Rev. W. Limbert cht on Tuesday to attend the General Conference at Ottawa, and will be absent about three weeks. Rev. G. Reed, of' Vic- toria College. wdl occupy the pulâ€" pit 1n his absence. Miss Hazel Gilson. of Sonya. is spending a few days with her bro- ther, Mr. Melville Gilson. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gardner 0! Kinâ€" mount, spetit Tuesday with his broâ€" ther, Mr. R. Gardner†and attended the fair. ‘ Mr. B. Graham has purchasec from 1 Mr. T. Spring the 5 acre field on1 the north side of King street, in the Village, adjoining his farm, for the price of ,5600. The Maripom Township Fair hold on Monday and [Tuesday was a grand success, as the gate receipts show. The‘ parade of the SChool children with their teachers was a particularly interesting feature, Litâ€" .tle Britain school winning the prize. The concert in the evening was well -attcnded, and the peals of laughter {which rang throughout the hall gave evidence as to it beim; thoroughly enjoyed. All those taking part per- 'formed their work to the satisfaction of the large and appreciative audi- .ence. (Special to The Post.) Mrs. Hector Mclnnis in Torontn last week attending the funeral of her (brother. \Iiss Vera Campbell is visiting friends in Uxbndge. Mrs. McFadden, D. J. McEachern, Mrs. McKay, Miss Tough, G. Ryck~ man, and Mr. A. Boynton were am- ong those who attended the exhibi- Infants Coats in Bear Cloths. Boucles, Chinchillas, Serges and Friczes, in shades of cream. (-0- penhagen, navy. scarlet and tan. Lined throughout. fastened up close to neck, reversible collars. good, cosy coats for little folks. Prices $2.50 to $6.00. ‘ Never before have we shown such a handsome range of Coats for‘girls‘ in the fashion- able materials and'styles, in- cluding all the new Bomlns. Corduroys, Tweeds, Blankm. Cloths, Chinchillas, etc... in all the wanted shades. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Bring your girls in and try them 011. Prices $5.00 to $12 In all the newest ef- fects. in Silk, Satin. Moire, Silk Poplins. Stockinet and Silk Eoâ€" lienne Underskirts, in shades of navy, brown, myrtle, Paddy, grey, tan, mahogany, copenhagen, pink, cream. black, mus- tard, etc. The largest and prettiest range we have yet shown. Prices $1.25 to $6.00. ELEGANT VALUES IN UNDERSKIRTS GIRLS COATS 5.00 T0 12.59 INFANTS COATS 2.50 TO 6.00 KIRKFIELD parents, MI Among th fair~ were M D. J. M( McKay, M. Finneyi Mr. Kearns, Mr: MaCLca‘n Miss : ltin beer falo on Mot time, rc Rally byterim 30ccur hast. l ceas vice wnll Morn $abbath address her hon ï¬eld Belk daughtt to k oritc at vived by sister, Mr and tw 0 and For LINDSAY Miss Uain, Kirkfiol t The 11 nity is Miss N per con Mi )0!) Lot; 22, (‘0 OpS. Good situated 1 Pomssion 1 13115 apply t Linda“- MISS Tb< wooo PRICES A1 you can ml fashionahlv Select your length our]; our expert makers am to have u: onngs 1 inspect i¢ est Silk; many selected rics for from m ect sin: that is games. ' ford C01 elines. Q: if?“ OVS I'PIN‘ if )m( FAB I'V YT suds her H MOB} da! 11a? w‘vu . ‘ ! ‘t their h SPLEN weather (Special Andy M wax-ton Send U Var fund able 3} The? LDR El Thesi- had 1' ‘o 896! were “it {Ezwzv RI. $OV deci