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Lindsay Post (1907), 2 Oct 1908, p. 1

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. . I Too Loom POST M- rhlrd Yearâ€"No. 38 o â€"_ % fl THE DAYLIGHT STORE ~ ...DOLLARS FOR YOU... There are dollars waiting for you here, Sirâ€"come in and get them. We’ve cut them off the prices of our Suits and Overcoats for the next thirty days. The way to make money is to save it, so they say. The . way to save it is to well, the. best way we know is to buy your Suits and Overcoats at Lang Maher’s. while we are giving 10 per cent. off all Suits and Overcoats up to $12.00, and I 5 per cent. OH the higher priced lines. Remember this is only for thirty days commencing Sept. 19th, and ending October 19th. Square Deal, Isn’t It. Come in, select your Fall Suit or Overcoat, deduct, 10 per cent. on lines up to $12.00, and I 5 per cent. on lines over that price. - _ Every garment shows style, grace and quality all that good taste can require. Not a clumsy garment or a hint of degraded tailoring in our lines. s MEN’S OVERCOATS Men’s Black Beaver, Melton and Tweed Overcoats, with the best of linings, etc ...................... . ...................... $10.00 Less 10 per cent. 05 ............... ...... . ....... . ........... 1.20 ’Price now ........................................................ $9.00 MEN’S SUITS Men‘s Tweed Suits in Brown fancy checks and plaid, good Farmers satin linings, well made, at .................. . $8.50 15$ 10 per cent. off .............................................. . .85 Price now ..................................................... $7.85 _ Men's fine Blue and Black Worsted Serge. Tweeds and fancy VV orsted Suits, beautifully tailored throughout $10.00 .ess IO per cent. off ............................................... 1.00 greys and black $12.00 1.20 Men’s Fancy Overcoats in browns, Style and workmanship perfect ................................. Less 10 per cent. ofi .................... - ........................... Price now ................................. . ....................... $10.80 ______________.____________â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" If you wish to invest in a 815.00 Sult orrOvercoat. Take 15 per cent. off that during thisfiDlscount Sale. # Price now Illen’s Fine Tweedand W'orsted Suits, in all shades and linens. Men who study style, like these lines ......... $12.00 2.85810 per cent. off ............................................ 1.20 Price now ................................... . .................. $1 0. 80 pocket with an opportunity like this con- Don’t let your money lie idle in your figures and money refunded if not satisfied. fronting you. Everything marked in plain CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS TO MEN WHO KNOW. «9.411 “orgy“. ‘ East of Benson llouoc' LINDSAY. LANG _ MAHERâ€" ---..g __â€"1 ~.__â€" .“Hence«oooeeeuweceecceece .. l lltws or lfll DISlRlCl l‘ h Interesting Form by tho Brlght Correspondents of The Post at the Various Centres. “Nun”;ooooeeeocoeeeoeoeeo l onto spent ’a few days at the lHoteI l A curlers’meeting is called for Fri- . IKawantlha this week. - :day erreznjggy and other Signs of ‘ an O ' Mrs. Geo. H. McGee returned on early winter are noticed on all sides. 0 l Saturday accompan’ed by her childrenl . . , ' , l The many (fiends of Mrs. Ann Mos- . 934155. Olive and. Master. Frank, from Donald will be glad to heart thatlahc 0‘ Collgns Inlet, “there. they spent mostI is gaining strength- rapidly and is 9 0f the summer, ‘ 5 i much improved lately. . 1’ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Van Loon . of; The Pepper Bros. Company $ch .00.: :Torolnto, axl‘eyfiitln'g Mr. and Mrs. toilnment on Tuesday chning was a ' lJa‘fi‘Brgilil mAEuftxi‘Zlonbf K'nm unt decided success. The illustrated songs . . d M" W""50n. Who "’1 3’35 1 l 0 "I Were u -t0-dat‘ and much n'o -d. ‘Pmmii'mi'd intizddnfromsilhe :ifEctls of Spent a few days last week at . lhcrl p L o J yt " Stf‘h pkos r ' ‘~ , l home here, . - :4. lion-5 “‘9 5 0° ‘ ' . ‘ "1d in? Mrs. W. J. Heard spent from Sat-l Ln the 311* interesting servrcegasdj; morn urday t;ll Wednc$ay at Toronto. I 'v " i u v - . . ‘ t 0v” 9 S Sad”; S Shuzlizhldonmor: especiallyt MPS' JOhn Aust-n 1e“ on Wednesâ€" H33 Lordship Bishop O’Connor. of who 133 lRSto ‘3 “as "31 but was en- day for Kmmount. Pcterboro. made lhlils pastoral visit to I" "he ”mg 9”" 9’1 th even-“g! M'fis Dorothy French: 0f Lindsay. Victoria Road and Kirkfield garish all presegibnexceelhent ser- Collegiate Institute,slpent Sunday and Saturday and Sunday last. 11:5 Lord- 1' lpreache The anniversary ‘ Monday at .319?- home here. ship said the early mass in Kirkfiold - on-m id 0.!!- Sunday, ' Miss Nelh e Heard, Who has been and gave a most. gpractical instrch' _ :;.--=~.‘,l:c- servfies are to be . e 0 90th- ,_ spending part of the ,summer at 'tion. . k ' r Northey . 02:. 18th» and TWY' it,” E? e home, left on. Wednesday forl Toron- At 10.30 a. miroumr O‘Sullivan .2“. is run' Don’t forget the three Fight. eiihe to, Where She has -'accepted a 52°59 Said high mass. after ‘lw-hich the. ‘ “in?“ ‘0Q Falls. F333 and dont forge! It tion. ‘ ' f . ' l‘obshop preached I: most eloquent oer- _ . so that date. Oct. 6 amid 7. torremfie‘, ° The Lodses Aid of the Methodistjfnun Jams to, his text. ”Be not :.i<.i- the cloth- be the best eyer, no 001119- ‘nd enJoy church W holding 3' bazaar inidecei-ved; God is not mocked. for I": full force a the day. :. - ' Jordan’s store, ”en. door t° D1“, whatsoever a main soweth that shall hand asses Peatl and Baby “5- Gould’s drug store. 101 the afternoon he also reap." Gal. :6; 7. one; the oeeeeeg VIQTORIA ROAD. (Special to The Post.) "ill: Nor-l -' rtcrrical (joyed by dump f the pasto .- which man on prdhibiti " LI l‘n- r LINDSAY, ONTARIO, Fmonv, ooroaen 2, 1908 “formsâ€"01.00 per Year in Advance ! I L;nden VaTln-y. on \Vednesday. Oct. 7, 7 at 2- o’clOCk p. m. An ,invitntion has been extended to the Oakwood branch to lurn'fih the programme forithe owning. All the members ‘are or- ;t-Ctod to br- frt-Scnt and make the 3 end with 1101' aunt. Miss Mary \K’hito, East Manllla. Graham, wh'xh was {olbw'ed by the children who I THE cons. see ~5Aw l confirmation of fifty On Thursday night, Sept. 24th (he marched from the Presbytery to the church filming "Come, Holy .Ghost." membem 0‘ P931191 choir 355°“)wa The more girls looked Very sweet in at the home of Mr- and Mr“ “5"“ their wreaths and veils“. Stone to bid them good bye {mu (UV! Benediction or the Blessed .socroâ€"l a good web fall weir mourn . in WV nucmsrulvvenmv. ment atl o'clock p. m., at «which Fae their new home in 'Orillia. Afton 'w. Gilbert. merchant. is open to ther O'Sulli'nn addressed the chil- muss endgames 'hlld been indulged in buy any quantity of live chickens drcn. - {v . . . . the aboLr. leader, Mr. :Rich Osborne, hens. etc. Brim-g them to the store read the follow“ addreSs, -’ while any do ynnd get tine highest prices. Mr. Geo. Squires and Rich Osbornv {:15er the gifts, two handsome?! framed pLoturefl; _ To Mr. and Mrs. Stone and. - (Special to The Poet.) Loretta; . . ; E ; “’0 are pleaSed to learn, that the We, the members of [PL-2111 choir {:.nl;ly of-Mr. Sporian. are all rl-(‘ov- have assembled hene this evening to ermsr from their long llllnl-ss Iroml typhoid. l . Mr. Richard James, who was re. cenrly married to 311,03howa lady: spent a few days with his Cousin, Mm. George lchks this week. ’ MESs Cynthia “'arner, of .Lindsay. was the guest of the Mfisos Calm re-i Contly. ' ' MER L. Erery. of Toronto. 1: :[wlld- img .1 “volt will!) friend; o2... Mrs. Rambo, of 00}thngch is Visiting 'hcr brothms, Mosr‘rs. A. and L. hll'Pl’u “‘01) here. M'ss Pear! Thorndyke. Spent the past .1 no mo-nlm ‘lrieuds i.i Sutton and Toronto OMEMEE (Special to 1311c Post.) The welcome n33 ia,,cheering ev-i cryone being helpful to clhe root, crops, and more cuter ‘18 well for the stock an! easier. plowing. The Rev. Mr. Welshman)“ preached a. temperance Sermon in the Metho- dist church on Sunday .acccptably. Rev. “Mr. Teeney occupied his own pulrlt last Sunday. . : It was dhildm's day at the Prea- bytcrinnchurch. the service being conducted by Mr. Jardine and Mn Blue. , All of thofle who attended the Llndo as)" central came home on Friday. about. 150 and on Saturday about 200 actor and your finance ”1” Certainly “H well pleased. conlsflermg it one create a blank in our midst that we 0‘ the best shows ever hvld‘ m Lmd'ilshall feel for. a long time. Especial- say on every respect. Our Eh“ C' “mâ€" ry in the Service of sonwa shall miss lflms‘m' the veteran (rate “mindful you. for you have always been willing says he had to so yabout 10.000 word-l. ‘10 help and We behe‘v'e that: the nor- each day to the happy pubch. Our local volumeer cpmpa‘ny -W'Jl have a ltflle mulch {0r prizes thelnst OAKW'OOD Miss apiece our regret at your intended, removnl from ulnar-gm us. and,. at the some time. to hope that happi- ness and {prosperity ma yattend you in your new home. We at all times shall be pleased to hear of your Burmese and sancrcâ€" ly trust that in your new home you may meet with pleas-ant surroUndings. Your Butcrcoursc with us fins 31-. ways been 01 0h: most pleasing char- l having?- with; re- tumod home on “'c‘dnewdaj- M‘ss f-Lailes. of Little Britain. spl-n'c vice of souls is a. very 'potent (aetor in B. with the “oi-k the {zm-st of Mrs.’ J. “'0 Rim}. bringing our hearts into tune our lienronly Father’s will, and is wry acceptable in His ‘Slflllt. M1.“ Lmnm wam. 0.; Darllzrlzlon. \Ve ask you to accept Lht'st' sz'flsâ€" visilod h.-r uncle, Mr. \V. J_ McCuL not for. 1110;1’ intrinsic vane. but asl Ioufl'll (luring fair time. . a sight token of our. esteem and as ).y,-_ “”1 Mrs. J. Emmerson. of. a. oouvenJ 0‘ Pom“ choir, and “'9 Neslieloxt. and Mr. and ,Mrs. Wx further ”115‘ that when 50‘” onrth- W'ufihlmo'ton. of Toronto, visited. at; ly career Shall be finished, and your Mr. S, zW'eehzlflon’s this Week. labors here ended; you shall be Mm. 1““:tu and Maflcr frank. conned worrihy to secure the re- oi Sundrrland. Spent a few days “in “aid of the faithful and hear the like A. CameroL. 8,... recently. .‘Jaster‘s “Til done; Signed on be- M158 C(‘(clla King “â€"33 called. ‘0 hull of Peniel choir. G. L. Squires. Canninfl’ton “figs “90k. OWinrr to the Mrs. West last Satulfiay. Miss D. Scott spent Friday last ' in Lindsay. . ' : Mr. W. Scott, of :ngston. Called on triandc in the village on Monday and. Tuesday. . R H 05me ( serilus illnisc‘fi of her niece. DickSJn Jun“. . ,â€" Mr. Reginald Rennie spent Sunday last or his home here. ’ M“. and Mrs George Hardy Peniel Wore guests at Mrs. \V. Hugh- son’s on Sunday. Mash-r Victor Eil'iott had the mic- f Hula, to lal; from a tree on Saturn day and had his arm bndTy sprained. Continued on last page. # lllllGlllAllD Rllll(ll ' Offer for 8an l LARGE YORKSHIRE SWINE r Boar, 1 yr old September 12 Bears, ju't weaned. 20 young sows. POLLED ANGUS CATTLE. Bulls, cows, heifers and calves, Above stock are all prize winners or- descended from highest quality of prize winning stock. Write for full particulars. S- STEWART, Proprietor Mnsn Dr “'hllxe and. chl‘lden are F6191” Mr. Stone, on behalf of lumsolf and famlly. made an appropriate reply. Attcr refreshments were served the party broke nip. â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" ______________â€"___. I-SLAY (Special to The Post.) The September meeting of - \Nomen’e~ ‘Ingcitute. held at home of Mrs. R. McFadyen. largely nttcndcd. me d'ftrict presi- dent, Mrs. Frank “Webster, of Cam- bray. was present, and ’gavv a very interesting and instructive address on "The aim of the Institutv." \ Mrs. McElroy. oi. Cornbray. read in: excellent pug or on "How to Ga ll the Cord-$19000 of Children." and 'MrS. MCFndyen gave a b‘h'or’t (zl'k on: "Bread M11313." Music was xlrovidlfd. The October met-13m: will be held at the home of Mrs H. Stone on) the usual date. the second Thursday. All the membcm are requesctcd to he prosi‘m at this out mecctinfz. as an interesting prcfrram is being irre- pared and Borne important lynx-5'47 ( matter L5 to be discussed. 1 â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" CAMBRAY (Special to The Post.» The social owning of the Cambrayli \Voma'n’s Institute will be held at | the home of Mrs. James BchhardJ Wlllll llMlS ARE PROSPlR0lJS visiting Mr, A. Clarke '.of Falls. M’fis Carrie Train, of Petcrborouflh last visited her home in the village, of week. . . l _ bliss Eva Cornfield returned tol Toronto last week. _ .’ Mrs. Ghee. \Vellstood returned on Tuesday from a pleasanggvisit witllr her daughter, Mrs. J. Fiske, at Bal- sam vae. - z . . his Glatb's Brown :eturned do To- ronto on Friday last. 000 0 , M2138 Robertson is staying with her sister ,er3. F. Herlilhey. ' ' MLSSQS S. Whitefield. and B. Barr were vbioora at Lindsay last Satur- day. . r . M135 Ivy Gilmour, who is attending the collegiate in Lindsay, spent a few days at her. home here last week. Mme A. “Fritters/and. son HerbZi-I returned from Lindsay on Tuesday. Mbss Pearl Hopwood 9(pr Saturday :1 Lindsay. , We are glad to see Mrs. H. Hopkins and Miss Cora Simpson ~able to bcl out agam. # the 2310 “'3 7 81h, PENIEL. (Special to The Post.) Mr. John Mclnn’ls of Toronto is apend'n-g a .few days with. her father Mr. A. Mclm’JS. 7 Mr. and Mrs. George 'Hardy spend Sunday with Oakmod friends: Mrs. no. Arksey Io visiting. Bind- say friends this week. . Mr. Perkin, of Fenelon Fella. spent a couple of days wmh lhic fisher; Mrs Week Ln October. I KINMQUST (Special to The Post.) Merton Force Hopkins B Molyneau and R. Young returned. from uhc Uphill r. 0., om. ' ‘ to r~-move un-' m an. visions Miss «Mwnayev at and evening “Twila? and Wednes- sermon His Lordship said 'he was 1'13“»: who saw what was I WoodVi'nfo - I ' l l lei-.gsjn‘? lb“. “glance" Mrs. J. J. hammer. WM 1’” been “heir. ”rein to.» shock she for. several weeks visit-ins ' Toronto filgmgh “m km; the cause returned roll? the torty on _ ,. t she must, be ill, three the xvi-re . : i ' )enjoYed, excremely. ' ' i 0F to release air. and lira, J“: 0, Grace of Tor. 0 day, Get:- fair. 'nhere wiluv useIul ’ _ made bakingdmiere will be no mission iee‘ohlmged. . I, : , The armors. lborealas presented ”giant spectacle illlli'1.“. dance. ll!" 5 amid 7’ the date: of the i very much delighted at the improveâ€" be offered f” sale meats made since ‘his last visit'to the and “my mm”, and home _ porno ond 'highly appreciated the inâ€" . ad"xzumercble efforts put forth by the ' ‘ . lpastor, Father O'Sulfivam, and spake a in most pniacworflhy terms of o ' ‘- r and the ' ondm aldnmredl by all w-hb' Otiéebmizugrbh. . . Wan” Wfl' ”rm” "5' da'i Mano Gallagher one the h-‘gh’mm cold. inns. haw-“1’93“" m evi".Solus merchant“!!! rendered 'br . - Miss Widow, ,_ed by me- moses-k Ham-Mulch“ on Tuesdayl l Geo. Gillsoln. ‘ l l M3155 Lucy Fare, of Salem, sperm Sunday wiflh Penile! frieub: "The TWthlh, Brown‘s" young peo- ple gu'e Mr. H. {Kin-nee a surprise party m Wednesday lost. ‘ Qlfle a. number from this vicin- 3.: attended Linda] rain .on Friday and Sotmidiy of last wk and report ”the but even". .- ‘ ' ' advantage should be taken by every one to save part of his earning, a it is not what you earn. but what you save that makes wealth. Don‘t let this week or month so _by without opening a saving: account with THE DOMINION BANK the

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