“ â€â€™ “’"W‘ r11‘1I11ewnw-n".r,u.- . - 4-1... «‘33.? ‘ ' ,v W~ {woeww-m._.:_... “semits-npflt- w. . 1 sponsive reading and the roll call. Mr - The Churches â€- Services Held in the Various Town Churches Sunday. ...â€"â€" ST. ANDREW’S ;',, { R-:V. Mr. Wallace occupied the rul- lit inSt. Andrew’s church on Sunday morning, and took for hifl text, Gen- ; "Wilson the fowl came ‘Abraham drove them away." . , . In the beginning of this chapter 'Je‘hovah cornea to Abraham to en.- ccurage him. Abraham was a man who interested himself in the welâ€" fare of others. .W-hat is greatly need- ed Lo-day is a few more men like- Abraham who will interest themsel- ves in the welfare ,of their neigh- bot. ‘. ‘ God made a covdnalnt With Abraham ; and Abraham showed his faith by- lmzucdiately building a sacrifice. The {on ls of the air, however. swooped dow: upon thS sacrifice, but Abraâ€" 11am rose up and draw them away. M'hat the public of this world need. to do is to rise up and drive the birds away. 7 This sacrific‘: which Abraham made! was an approach unto God. Some sac--i :rilim is necessary that a man. might. embi- into the fulness of life. The ' that the people of olden l (â€121.21 1c lEuics followed was right, but their, method “.15 wrong. ‘ The brds oi the air are many. They,f nSent the destructive means of lifc.l They are always looking for an op- ptn unity to su'oop down upon us. May we with a mighty effort rise up, and drive them away. 1 Yecitenlay afternoon woe children's: 'day in St. Andrew's Sunday school, : and a large number of children and, parents gathered in the achoolroomi for the service. Special programmes; had been printed and were distributed, among the amï¬enoe. The programmei consisted of old familiar. hymns, re-, l l 'J. P. Donald delivered an address to the audience on Our Gifts, which was well received. . A special collection was taken up“ for the benefit of missionary 'work.‘ ; , ST. MARY’S I _At St. Mary's church Sunday Vein Archdeaconflasey read a circular let- ter from H39 Worship Bishop O'Con- nor dealing with the Golden Jubilee of H223 Holiness, Pope Pius X. A. col- lection will be taken up in every church of the diocese next Sunday} _ the offering to be presented to the {head of the church inhonor, of the “fiftieth celebration of this ordination to the priesthood. l The October. de'Votidns' will comâ€" ‘ mehce the first evening of the month at 7.30. ‘ Von. Archdeacon Casey preached a. powerful sermon Sunday on the text, “Thou art Peter,†etc. .The discourse was a splendid review of the trials, struggles and triumphs of; the church from its beginning to; the "present day. f I Cheese Boyd at Peterborovgh â€"+â€" i Another Advance is lode in the Price of this Product l'I‘he price of :he-‘ge went up an- other notch Wednesday at the Peter- boro cheese board when 12 9-16 cts. board. 'Bhe make. however, has cun- szderably decreased, which explains to a great extent the increase in price. i were obtamed for almost the entirei . l l as compared wmh. 3,985 at the last sale, “(latch was three; Weeks ago. On Sept. 1361:, 1907 there were 2,929 box- es boarded, the best price being 1‘2. 5â€"16 cents. I f .' Before beginning (the business; Preï¬hdent Coughzlin welcomed the re- turn of Mr. Whitton, buyer, who has been ill for some time. The follow-Eng cheese were boarded; Keene ...... 2: .............. ‘. 150 Warmlznster 85 Shearer .... Central Sm;toh ........................... Selwyn tuners.-. ..'. . “'3.er ..\ VV'estwood. ..1‘... . .. Oakdale .. Daisy D. l Altogether 8,486 boxes were boardedl DR. A. ADDRESS TO THE ELECTORS. To the free and independent electors of the riding of Victoria and Haliburton :â€" Gentlemen :â€" In accepting the nomin present Reform Government, I have he position, although I have been previous- to it on more than one occasion. 'dingâ€"in the village of Fenelon Fallsâ€"for 30 years, and have during that time not been asleep as to the of the chief actors, and of the role tak- as I have never sought 1: ions conditions of things, en by them in the political drama ena Dominion. If elected as your representative the 26th day of October, I pledge principles of the confederation of the her own local aï¬airs of government, I promise to support any meaSure the beneï¬t of the peopleâ€"of the Dominion gener V ing particularly. I favor the policy of the present G closer 11 as their methods of extension of trade ish preference, and the the British Empire, as we and the reduction of the tariff with foreign nations, reduction may beneï¬t the Canadian consumer. of the Government in the opening up of the western and the great north western provinces by the con- struction of the transcontinental railwa I endorse the policy and their emigration policy I admire the he; ment, the department of public works, e canals, in the deepening of the St. largest vessels to load and unload at Montreal. and diverting nearly all of the Western grain trade through Canada to the markets beyond the Atlantic. In the Post Office Department I delight to draw your attention to the great beneï¬t it has been to the people of Canada by the re- duction from 3 cents per letter to gratefully appreciated by every citizen 0 have not only reduced the cost of postage, but are now preparing to put in operation in some thickly populated parts._ the rural mail delivery, which within a few years will have become system- atically established all over Canada. In the Department of Agriculture I admire the action of pening up avenues of trade with Britain and for- harbors, the deepening of th Lawrence river, permitting the Government in 0 sign countries, in providing cold that is, a militia of defence and danger of drifting into militarism like the nations of Europe. Believing that I can be of hen a member of the House of Commons, both in the matter of general legislation and in watching and people of Victoria and Haliburton, I conï¬dently solicit your votes and your influence in the election Yours obediently, ation as candidate in the interests of the foresight and business ability of the govern- ships for the preservation of those perishable exports as butter, cheese, eggs, fruit and fowlâ€"dressed and undressed. In the Militia Department I am satisï¬ed that the Hon. Sir Fredâ€" erick Borden has built, is building and will build as good a construc- tion as the foundation built by the past governments will allow, WILSON JUDDDUIDDIDDUIU DUDDCIUI no apology to ofler, inasmuch :l cted on the stage of our fair to the House of Commons on myself to ever stand by the provincesâ€"each controlling and all united in one great DDUGDDDUDDE‘UILH that I may consider to be for allyâ€"or of this rid- IIII:I:I:II overnment-ï¬rst in the Brit- relations of Canada with wherever that yâ€"the Grand Trunk Paci- in connection therewith. by the improvement of our 'DDDDDDUDDUUUUDDDDI “Ill: *L'l 2 cents, that has been no doubt f our Dominion. They storage in warehouses and steam- JClEll'l [HBUUUDDDDDIJUUDI protection carefully avoiding the eflt to the people of the riding as UUDDDDDUDD caring for the interests of the now pending. ARCHIBALD WILSON. DECIDE! DC} m K21 larney . ............... L ............... ‘105 l The buyers present were Meessrs. Cook, G. A. Gillespie. Riddell Fitz- Wedding Bells I am: a. «ram 1, 0.. 2mm com ,1! drove to an M of the bud." m, who. a â€motto-o voiding rem ... WI 0!, ud when they no tendered we to». gradations of their trio-ls. The brfdo’o popnlu-lty was attach .y “10 my costly wedding. ; nuns em. - received. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson left ~ the 5 o'clock C.P.R. train» on I "ed-ling trip. altar which they will take rp residence in London, Ontario. * KIRLEYâ€"MCGEOU 3 cl. St. Mary's church was the '2 of a very interesting event. at 8 . 'ook Tueeday monalng,. when Miss Lily Me Goough, youngest daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McGoough, of. Gas" was ‘united in marriage to Mr. Frank. Klrloy, of the. name _townsh1p,. the. nuptial knot being tied by Von. Arch. deacon Casey in. the presence of a. ' large number of. relatives and ftu‘ondm. The happy young couple entered the church to the strains of a wedding. march. The bride was attired in. a gown of white silk mull with black picture hat to match, and was as- sisted by her sister, Miss Lucy Mc- Geough, who was gowned in pale blue mull with hat to match. Mr. J. Flurey acted as best man. After the nuptial mass was cele- brated the happy couple drove to the residence of the bride's parents. where a wedding breakfast was par- taken of. The bride, who is extreme- ly popular throughout the district, was the rbcipient of a large number of beautiful wedding presents. Mr. and Mrs. Kirlcy left on the 6.20 G.T.R. train this evening on a wedding trip, after which they will. reside in Ops township, where many friends will wish them a. happy life of connuhial bliss. â€"â€"_â€" BEARDMORE -- MACKESXIK The marriage took place in 81;. Ba- sil's dhurch, Toronto, WM morning of Mice Katherine Mackeno ale, fifth daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Will'uun Mackenzie. to Mr. Walter Wllliamq Beardgnore. third son of Mr and Mrs. Beordmore. The church was decorated wool: quantities, of palm: and flowem, the guests' pews henna marked with large bouquet» of lily of the valley and euchantress carna- tims. while the high (altar, mused with smiled pink roses, lilacs and term and lighted by uinnumeruble candles, made an exquisite beeke- grouml for the brhlal ,party, which entered the church to the mm of ab: bralgl chorus from "Lohengrin" played by Dr. :Vogt, ,w‘ho rendered soft music throughout the ceremony and Dr. Nicolai, ’oell'ï¬t, played Ave Maria. Mr. Mackenzie gave my his daughter, who made a most charmâ€" ing little bride in her Parisian. gown of creamy tinted salin‘ with border of beatniful mother 0’ pearl passemen- terie and trimming! of Brussels lace. The veil of Brussels applique wan caught with orange blouoms and hell about her. piqqu face in meat; be- coming folds, 'Dhe chow'j'; bouquet was of lily of the valley~ mange, 1Ҡform The â€L! ornaments worn were among?! pearl drop earrings. the gift of â€the bridegroom, and Mr. Mackenz’x'o wedding present, aneCk- lace of who]; pearls. The mail .of . honor, Mills Grace Mackenzie, was ex- ltremely pretty in an Empire frock l of sun-ray pleated chiffon with sored border of satin. and old gold and blue embroidery on the bodice. With it was worn a wide but of pale blue and pink satin with lace trill under the brifn and a wreath of roses, smoth- cred in pink and rblue tulle, which use also used as germs. tied at one side and falling to the hem of the dress. The bridesmaids, Miss Na- din: Kerr and Miss Ethel Mitchell, the bride's cousin, were attired in blue frocks and hats similar to the maid of honor, all three carrying Ibouqueta of shaded Killarney roses and wearing heavy gold chain brace- lets, the gill: of the bridegroom, who gave diamond andpearl scarf pins to his best man, Mr. Clement, Pepler. alhe ushers, Mr. Clement Beardmore, Mr. Joseph Mackenzie, Mr. Charles Fellowee, Mr. Britten Osler. Mr. Norman Gzowski, and Mr. Stanley. Kerr. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. M. :V. Kelly and the llcv. R. McBrady, who looked most impressive in their. gorgeous gold vcstmcnts. After the ceremony a. large reception was held at Beaver:- uto, where the always beautiful roume were transformed into boaters of fragrant flowers, orchids. roses and camntions predominating, and an their , # ver vases. After luncheon the bride changed her wedding dress for a tra- relmg gown of palthgx-ey cloth, in Princes Directoire form and a large satin hat. of the same shade; in Which she looked even prettier than or. her bridal attire. On the way down stairs she threw her bouluet, which menught byMiuSaundem (ade- butante of this season). Mr. and Mrs. Beardmore left for a abort stay in the country before going to. Italy. where obey will remrj‘m for some mommies hire. Mackenzie “'85 wearing 3 K'an and long Wt 0‘ 3‘1“" “at ".1 folds and emu- broidexy over 'while chiffon and a blackh at ‘u'Ltl; paradise plumes and carried a bouquet of mauve orchids. 5":me Very Mautislul cwtumes were 'wm, and among ulcm wws notlctd that of Miss Meagher, who wore a pink chameme picture dress and hat to match. LYNCH - BRADEN A quiet but. pretty wedding took place not Friday at the residence of A. Forresg, Elgizn avenue, when bliss Amie L. Braden, formerly of Lindsay, Ont... beecma the wife of L. nymph, of Brandon. Mr. and Mrs. Lynch leave on the 6.45 100111 .for Brandon, where they will .mide. â€" Peterboro Review. a a Dr. Wilson is Popular Referring to the nomination of Dr. Wilson by the Liberal connection the Penelon Falls Gazette has this to 583'; "Dr Wilson needs no introduQion to readers of the Gazette, nor does he need any recommendation. He has been a resident of the (Falls for thirty years, and has always merited the very nghest esteem of his fel- low-citizens. He has held‘ many municipal offices, being at Tt'he upte- rcm. tame ahmr‘ man of the run M? roar. \ l 'Tlll: maxim of «V‘thn in doubt blame the This is unfair. LINDSAY. FRIDAY 1°"! n \ \ . (3%.... many housewivc. - .y 15: SOLE.†If your baking goes wrong, lFT‘»‘C§:i2-atc â€"â€"ï¬nd the cause. Lo ok to your 520% V0, ' l .12' yeast, your baking methods. If you succeed in pinning the .Oublc down to the flourâ€"if you clear veggdf then take up the fl carnmt. our question 1:1 dead Consider that flour, to be succwful 50.1 a baking standpoint, must beï¬m t: product light bread or pastry, pure to make the: bread or pastry wholesome, to make it nourishing. The good hous and rig/1 1:. :.,;:_~§...,.-, ......“ cwivcs 2:: country are learning that mm» Ix» Drugs“ that 1113ch for made only from -ll'.n;f.’v:./>.z 1’1’.:"‘ Contains the highest Pcfccnlu'rc Royal Household hands, never disappoin guarantee this and glad .u F<]‘\vyr - . “., t5. d’vll." ly furnish 2:; 0gilvie Flour Mills 03., limited Montreal. pare September with previous Sep- tembers that one is led to regard it as one of the driest of the dry. In the first twenty-three days of the same month lost your 2.75 inches fell, or five times as much as during the present month. The same period of the your previous gave a little lessâ€" 2.34 inches. Out of those twentyethree days last year, there were fourteen on which rain fell, and in 1906 the days of rainfall numbered ten. There were three damp days this month. The rainfall for September for the last twenty years, it may be added, runs about. 3.30, or over six times as much as during the twentyâ€"three days which have passed in the present month. STUBBORN lNDlGESTlON â€"+â€" One Who Hall Suffered for Years Cored by BLWilliams Pink Pills - The symptoms of stomach troubie vary. Some victims have b raver»- ous appetite. while others loathe the eight of food. Often there is a feel- in; as of a weight. on the chest. 3 full feeling in t thhoat. ers there is an intense pain and. feel- 1:3 of llama after eating. Some- times gas presses on the heart and leads the sufferer to thmk he has heart disease. Sick headache is anoth- er frequent and dLStress'mg symptom. Mr. Alex. McKay, McLellan‘s Mountain, N. S., says; “For years. I was '4 cued?» sufferer from Indigestion. which was gradually growing worse and some. and it would be impossi- ble for ice to tell how much suffer)?! I endured. At d.‘.fferent timm I had treatment from three good doctors, but it d.d not help me in the least. oohool Then I began trying all sorts of ad-, medical ‘health officer and associatelages of one medicine specially intend- county coroner. He has a large busi- ness connectionin the north country where h: popularity is as general as it is in his home town. Taking It all around, Col. Buglhes will find himself in this contest â€up against" baud. President Of the board at trade] "(Itï¬cd medicines and took ton hack} Co MM UNICATION‘ I ll -:-f .:'w. -» Twp contend “och. "Dr Wilson: was born at Lifford in the township of Manners, on October 26th, 1852. E‘lectLom day will there- fore be his birthday, and his friends ed for dyspepsia, but wimh no better results. I had practically come to regard myself as incurable. and to. feel that I 'would 'be a continuous r sufferer, when due day I read in a newspaper of the cure of indigestion Phhs, and I nude up my mind to give: them a total. I had used nearly fivol boxes before they button to help men; but ldo not wonder at th'ï¬ as my C3303: Was so bad. I used in all a dOZCn' cured. W'it h of h- was probably t‘Lo: largest 2:;5 .. ,. and the market ta; was crowded til nearly noon. The prices ._.‘ as follows: Letter. 26 nd 27: eggs, 20c ; chzclzezs, 30c. 70c, 80c, .s. hens, 70¢, ducks. 5‘. ; turkeys, 15c lb; cream. 15c Lie, 30c; apples, per bag; hay. SD; 1; $14;1;veu. l“.50 to $6.60: it each. itcrmelons l-lc has, r‘;'f‘".:~. Newman vs Rivers His Hons...“ .Z‘.:;v 31:51.33: -court at Fem; :. Pals Thu-sch. Only one case »,f 1.17795: was tn This was a cast- 8 farmer 1213:: 3. his wife, against man of the K;r.rr..-‘;:'. Cooperage“ and the sazd c mpany, for $23 ' balance due the :La.:t.£s ful' hay» and delivered ‘. 11.6 defendants. for $3.90, baiazce of wages due - plaintiff. Jesse Newman, for wall the shanties. Tie defendants pet a counter-claim .’c-' :25. alleging they had in the, year 1902, p -- a block of startling amber from ' plaintiffs, paying therefor the m 325, the understand'rg being M' defendants Would have ï¬ve you“ remove the same. The plaintiï¬Ã© mitted the sale 1.! the timber admitted recezvzsz tze money. denied that the ..rft-zdazts l’18d ’ t; remove ' .IJE‘ms'f e--«-- S ‘mervillt \le Rivers, 6... years within whzt timber, and commie: that this " lod had been exit-746‘; ï¬rst for ' year and later ftr a further pei'm‘i six months. After consume-.919 er; en there was _“'..1-.'ITZP:1’. given for ' plaintiffs for S; 3:: costs, . the counter-char; .f the defend†was dismissed. L. V. O'L‘o:r..: :.;'peared for plaintifls and l} A. Sortâ€"13:10? defendants. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-==‘.â€"’â€"-""" deuce '85 'l,a l o .r [of ID! reï¬t. “'0 do 21:â€. opinion: 1 1 EXAMINE’. (To :hv Fri ' S r. _ 11'. '1, ‘. Cl'fll'ï¬malus 1-..:. .Za} 2h.“ they h'n‘. \ Cw". lm‘F have 013‘ " Huxlm-x to «>x-.::1'1- fnrv . :23; :1; orchestra. played in the palm room. . , . , . The many beautiful presents display- 1"†1’0“ ‘0 see “f“ on themwnmg ed in one unmo- room incluled “.Zapgti-ctymh: w’" mm" beautiful Set of diamond aqua marine ' r ' ' 0111:1111th from Mr. Roderick ~Mac~ boxos of the pills and they me completely. 11.6611 now eat thin-g we raise on the farm, for man? 1-) cat and have no longer the pa us; kenzie; a 1' et 0‘ table silver from September is a Dr! Ion“ and. discomfort ‘I m endured for }ca!s. It is seVeral years now 331%: I Mr. and Mrs. Beardmore. an emerald The month of September of the . .- . J .. p". “'35 ° ‘ ’ mm... .litif‘hi’°“i.i‘; .22. "â€21â€â€ "“1 ‘° m we 41’“ $333535??? ‘1‘ . “ Alec. Mackenz’ve a silver tray from 031 rd “Story 8-! one Of the driest on “c†known an m: locality and . I: Mr. George Bedrdmore 'a silver to: 2:00 . In the three weeks "hmh'flre ‘qultte at‘libertv to use w‘thI service‘from Mr. Alfred Beardmorc. tnv; passed scarcely more an“ ‘ say i!!! (die ‘hOf’e lint it “â€"1 'Wne'it and a diamond brooch from “rd†fallen omit“: †inch 0! rain has srmc ohheraurfferer." “ I itl-ev held onl ‘- Lom am 3.; Kent: Fran lust 1'“ h ' 8' a 19-11 a week also Ali medicine dealer; sell Dr. Wil-‘ ‘1; 4: anv .(«ondor 0†01 a toad shower llams‘l’mk Pills. or you can get†' ' Long tables were set In the: dining ‘ . . â€1'00 ed on the point of radiation, them by mail at 50 a box bub are in circumt room and sinner tabled to seat four the r . ~. mic ' (All 0 cc 1 counter. .( were am “we the mm- M at", stopped “art with the mug» Six boxes for 3250 from The Dr. W11- 2‘ ep 5an room for it: luncheon which fol- â€unï¬t; 33. Ww llama M’ ‘ , Co., Brockville, Ont. lowed (the reception the bride" t†mouth of August, with ' . “3 Ions dry do - the wetting cake. m _ 7'. 10“ Baptcmber In an; arranged mi. mauve .mnmg w M- M n- . only study and lily of one valley. while - '1’". ‘ Iluughout the mouth, m Manning’s market-was very loath .mufl- m were ,deoorated with “hm 0! Ltd-Inch... Rudy attended. The number of W pmwmtflflln'kmr-‘hl"1tu'uwmwmmh‘mmaflmprodm ‘ WILKINSONâ€"SHEA. A very pretty wedding was solemn- ized at St. Mary's church at seven 12 centrs. It was ragged by the fol- o'clock Tuesday morning, when Miss lowing bids; Fitzgerald 12 1â€"8; Mgr- Elizabeth Shea, daughter of Mr. Jas. ton 1-2 1-4; Wear, 12 7-16; Fitzgerald . Shea, of Ops township, was united in 12 1-2; Gillespie 12 9-16. 3 marriage to Mr. William Wilkinson, 3 Mr. Gillespie at 12 9'15 secured prominent and successful dalryman of Keene, Central Smith, Shearer, Sel- London, Ontario. “’3'“. Bel-1510“. Westwood, Villiers The nuptial mass was celebrated by T;::v;r;; 5:32“: 3:11? . Kgigard‘g; Rev. Father Collins, and the service ward. Myrtle. Ormonde. 1 ' 3:2: attended by ‘ large congrega- Mr. Weir at 1-2 9-16 secured coon-i m bride who was “anomaly “bee “Union, Pine Gm", Young's 1 gownod in a'costumc of brown serge Point, Oakdale, Lang, Maple Leaf, Wm mam m to mm, ,m â€1 South Burleigh. _ At 12 943 Mr. Fitzgerald took l3?“ â€Km“ 3- WWW °" ' :* Fro-erville,‘0avanville, Fleetwood. who 'h bfcdrfutle; gift; “3:. :3: Mr. Gillespie at 12 1-2 cent . - g .V' ' ' ‘. ed D333, D., Norwood, in; tame of creponu: line um lent. to ’ match. Mr. James Albert Sm, tro- Brickley, Shani-oak, Kimmy, m. . , Bummer, Stony Lake “d 0“ “author of the bride, acted in the our unity of but man. The board “foamed for m week-.1 gerald, Weir, Morton and M'lhitten. THE BIDDING 9,3,, 3. ma, -_. Mr. Cook opened the bidding at Iakef'peld. ... Pine vae ...... r ..................... King Edward ........................ 100 Otonabee Union, .................. "‘50 hiaple Leaf ..... I ..................... 125 Myrtfql... ...' . .. .' C100 Ormonde ..( I140 Young‘s rPoint ..1 ... '70 Lani; ............ ' ........................... Fraser-ville.... . North Dummer .. Eaflt Emï¬aly ..... .\ Trewcrrl‘ ..l... . . .. .. Be-nsfort .. . .. Middle tn} ..... . .. ... Stony Lake . ~ . Cavmgiille .... .. .. Cram b" ... ... ... .. u... .. ...... Norm'ood s ............................. ‘ Flectwood ... Oak Leaf . South Burleiglh Briokley ...... Shamrock ... .. .. ... the etrcngcof. man “he has ever had to, through the use of Dr. “'31th Pink 5 Non l’ o w li-rs :1.» 3* man - ~- . y .111} l.) l‘i‘Ir-rfhv 11'..." ' » “Vina .‘1 you." ‘ ‘ no Cert;fic.1:.- L111 n-enwd 1.0 zoned, 1. - have OCCllI‘I‘Ml _:. “ ' ‘ inuznl for thrw (â€theme for the county of ‘, Â¥ . . .9; per-N." mans-{mm -. when u mum .. our ... can no «nu-u... .....................