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Lindsay Post (1907), 2 Oct 1908, p. 8

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, Correspondents’ Newsy Letters Continued from first page. Toe many friends of Mr. D. “7.. King Will be pleased to learn that the operation performed by Drs. Dale and Hall on Saturday last has been ' very successful, and al'l.join in Wishing: ‘her a speedy recovery. ' . Mrs. Jane Goad, who has been hll for the past few weeks, died at ’her home oln Tuesday morning. .She was the widow, of Mr. James Coad, ' who predeceased her some sixteen years: ago. and had reached the advanced age of 86 years; She leaves to mourn her has two sons and two dang-1H tors, her sons being Mr. William Goad of. Louisville and .Mr. JoScplbl Goad of .Oakwood, Mus. Thormdyk'e, of Winnipeg, and Mrs, R. Anderson, of Lmdsay being daugh- day afternoon to the .Oakwood cem- etery. The Service was conductede lby Revs. Munro and Ellilott and . following gentlemen were poll-boa ers; Messrs 1‘ S. Mark, B. Dobson’, G. B. Rennie, S. N’Valterls, ID. Dundas, D. .W‘. King. The large attendance showed the high esteem in which the ‘ deCeased was held. We extend our deepest sympathy to the bereeav ill-1911a?! . l , ; _ ' c but fall fair on Monday and Tueécl day yam-la decided success, in spite of the cold weather, The attendanCe was very large and the horses and cattle exCept-ionally good. , - l . The concert in the evening was one ‘of the best ever. held. inpur Village, the hall being crowded. The prp‘e'eeds amounted to nearly $100. ' . The infantohild of Mr. and Mrs. Savville died very sulddenly on Mon- day last while its parents were away from home, and was Wind on _"_Wed- nesday. . l 1 ' We were pleased talseo so many l I 3, Lindsay people at the fall fair." on 1 Tuesday afternoon. ‘.. - ~ . E -. . ‘7’ Mr. and Mrs; G. 'H. Thomas, ' of ‘33 BBracebridge, attehldthh'e fair and were glad to repew, their acquaintan- 095. l , . l l | l ' (From another Correspondent) The Oakwood fair this year was a huge success. The receipta from the gate and concert were the largest ever taken in. The ball game be- tween Manilla and Hartley helped to draw the crowd. Hartley won the cup, which was held by Manilla. A mistake was made last week in an announcement from here which stated that the Oakwood Institute ( ‘hfiallv ‘ .. ..L a 4 i‘ f': ‘5’", b»: .. .94... s r >, ‘3. ' ' ., ... rt...” , .;-.. - l, ' ,. “ «mafia! . was invited to Mrs. Birchard’s for Wednesday afternoon, Oct: 7. Just 3 those taking part in programs on i the evening of Oct. 7 in connection i with social evening of the Cambray Institute, which is held at Mrs. J. Birchard’s home, are expected. A large pumber from town were in our burg yesterday attending the fair. We regret to hear of the death of Mrs. J. Good. The women’s auxiliary from here expect to visit the Little Britain auxiliary this week. . . . A. , " .r ' ' . .fi ”Btfifl‘vm'ha‘ If," OMEMEE. (Special to true Postj. The visiting parties to the central show came home well pleased, and everyone of the same opinion â€"- the best ever held. Alex. C. Williams believes there was never a show like Lindsay; so many kinds of expressions from 20,- 000 visitors during his three days’ attendance as gateâ€"keeper. The coun- ty of Victoria. beats all other counâ€" try shows. Our soldier boys from camp be- lieve they can beat any other com- pany in the 45th at sharp-shooting, with half practice. Capt. Fee and Sergt. J. J. English are now mov- ing"in a match about the lst of Na.- vember, but will ask prizes before the election. They are pleased with their last camp military instructor. Stephenson and Brooks are putting a new foundation under their flour mill, and other improvements. Henry Laidley’s new house on Stur- geon-st. will soon be completed, and will be an ornament to this street. Mrs. Dr. Snelgrove presented the doctor with a new elector (a son). Both are well. The Methodist puplit was occupied by the Rev. Washington of Stoufi- ed ence and Gladys Moore; also ._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"___â€"________â€"___â€"â€"â€"Fâ€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"’-_'"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€" Jackson's Point on Monday. it Miss Pearl Brown'spent a few days this week with tflends in town. Mrs. Aljou Anderson and children were the guests of the Misses Staples this week on their way to Toronto. Miss Thompson has returned to her home in Sunderland after spending some time with Mrs. J. Ruan. Miss Fannie Suklofl, of Kirkflald. paid a flying visit here on Friday on her way to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Brown and little Lulu of Little Britain, were in town on Tuesday. .. Miss Mary McCallum, of Riverview, spent Sundavaith her parents. here. Miss Dora McLeod spent a few days last week with friends in Lind- say during the fair. Capt. Neil Patterson and Mr. A. E. Staback attEnded the fair at Oak- wood on Tuesday. Mr. Forbert and lamily have mov- Edwald ed into the house lately occupied by I" Mr. w. Eliot. msses Ethel Thomas and Alma ters- Thefumsral took 913% °n Thu“? Smith attended the millinery open- ings at Lindsay on Friday. Miss Ada Campbell has gone to Toronto, where she intends taking a course in business college. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Thomas were the guests of Mrs. Edward Wright, of Cambray, on Sunday. Wm. Moore and Misses Flor- Miss S. Moore and Annie Smith attended the Sale at Lindsay on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. D. McRae, also Mr. and Mrs. J. Murchison, were at the fair on Saturday. A number from here attended the fair at Lindsay during the two days. Among them were Messrs. W. Grant, Frank Leas, D. McRae, Allan Law- son, Will Green, R. Thomas, J. Tre- bell, J. Thomas and others. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ruan attended the fair at Sunderland on Wednesday. Miss B. Currie spent Saturday in Lindsay. A number of our “True Grits" were at Jackson’s Point on Monday to hear Sir Wilfrid Laurier, and all re- port having a good time. A baby boy has come to stay the home of Mr. and Mrs. Prousc. * MINDEN. (Special to The Post) Mrs. Dean returned home on Fri- day evening, having spent a pleasant holiday in Toronto and Washago. Mr. Will Hartle returned to Toron- to on Saturday. He was accompan- fed as far as Lindsay by his brother Harold, who spent a few days there. Mr. Brace McKelvey left here on Wednesday. Mosces Jennie and Maud went to Lindsay‘ on Friday to tend the fair. Mr. Francis Peeks went to Trenton on Monday. Mrs. W. S. Munn and her daughter Vera are visiting friends in Haliburt- on this week. Dr. Bowen was a visitor in Donald on Thursday. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mortimer went to the Lindsay fair on Thursday. Rev. E. W. Rowland is visiting in Omemee. Messrs. E. B. Munn, W. S. Munn, S. W. Welch, W. S. Curry, and F. Hetherington were visitors in Don- ald on Sunday last. . Mrs. J. H. Delamere returned on Friday evening, having spent her holidays in Boston, Mass, and Buf~ falo. at John at- Rev. J. Austin left here 1.3.- A1- berta this week. ‘ Hewettâ€"Coulter. â€"- At St. Paul's church, Minden, on Wednesday, Sept. 23, 1908, by Rev. 8. Lloyd, of Maple Lake, Mr. Albert Hewett of Bos- king, and Miss Sarah E. Coulter, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Coulter, of Henden Hill. â€"A' paim prescription is printed up- on each 25c. box of Dr. Shoop'q.P£xi-ll; Pain Tableds. Ask your. doctor or druggitst if this formula is not com- plete. Head lpajnls, womanly I. pains; pains anywhere get instant. relief from a P3101: Pain 'Tablet. Howse ‘ issue-tracked on account of distance or -so-c.alled business colleges- neared home. Young lad’es get free tickets to Y. W. C. A., young, men to Y. M. [0. A., or. T. A. A. An: interesting ad. 'vertifiemem may be s‘eecn lin anot'h- er column. COM IW the FEM. flflflEllWEllll greatest Hair Goods Artist the world has ever known, is coming with HAIR GOODS OF TORONTO ville, on Sunday, who gave an ex- cellent temperance sermon. (Special to The Post) Mr. Beecher Downer is not leaving us; he only dispOsed of his house: hold goodl. . Percy Feed is attending medical college iii Toronto. A large number of Woodvme people attended the hauler reception at will be at the BENSON HOUSE, LIND‘ S’AY, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17th- . Children’s. services were conducted Daring this visit we nil; be showing the in the Presoyterian church by Mr. very latest Parisian and New York styles, Jordan, superintendent, and Mr. and you are particularly invited to inspc ct Bryce. “all? _on My 2111 these or: :tio: s, . _ 0 give you s same e oi e so’cction Rev. M11 Teevy occupied his own and satisfaction as you would cget at our pulpit at the memorial service of Toronto establishments. In a ward, we the late Canon Carmichael. r bring "1." Store ‘0 your door. Prayers were oflered on Sunday in SWITCHES some of our churches for rain, and POKPADOURS DORENWEND'S PATENT the welcome request was granted on CLUSTER-CURB TOUPEE‘ ‘ Mondayâ€"everyone rejoicing. CORONBT-BBAIDS. for gentleman who are bold. is a masterpiece of Belon- ---â€"- “Halon-mm 3.935.“.lizzimalzrwirv." snu- ”s: ' O P. I WOODVILLE. WAVES, W168. ETC' Metastable. ' oy protect you M Golda, . Noumlgio m. «emu-use I m 10 M’nu‘or. Overcome?“ our Web are newts m. mltmnom than. '- oonuwnn cc. =m¢.. m. 10H” m If. ...-“w“ _ _, _.._. _._ t oring, of guaranteed pure wool fabrics and equal to the most ex- lZacting demand. These suits are beyond question the finest tha have ever been shown at anywhere near the price. You can’t make a better investment, dd Corner Kent and William hidfifiddtfiddfifid Additional Personal: S dfidééédédégfiéhfififidéfififififififi%%9E%%%% ‘ m wan! roar. nmnsu, mm”, M M. At 7 O m... as nunsnaeaeaewe Eggs, rrm,per'doz...z.. 019 to 0.80 Butter, per lb...;.. ..... 0:26. to 027 Lard “"1 ... ”Inc‘su M 3.3 015 to 016 Ducks ........ 471.13": ........ 1100 to (11$ 4 .“mel‘e the Good . . . ,. ,, ggfws P“ m - """ ‘ :77: I: 0,, Clothes Come From 4 ..... . ... ..a )3] .5”... 2 . Turkeys, 'per lb. ......... : .. ms to 015 g (“mun”) Best Manitoba Pat-e. .‘( . , . ent flour. ...- ........ . "(Ml-3‘5 to 325 ‘ Straight rolled flour... 245 to 265 Peas, small, bush ... ... (so so 080 " Oats ...- ............ _:..........a. 038 to 040 g Who‘ltc oats ... 036 to 040 . ’ «any, new t..' ........ . ..... 3 10!.00t01400 Straw. permon ;..5 .... .,. 31.00. to! .7 00 Bummmq‘m’ "" 35° “'- “5 r Butchers’ meadow cows 276, to 350 a . - Export cattle ... 5 00 to 300 Beef tattle N... .. ... ...' 200 to 350 8.9ckers’ "cattle good... 300 to 4 00 Malohcorws ... . ..... ... 300G to 6000 Calves... ... ..:«..,.. 300 m 310 g Spring: Jambs ,.,~ ...... 350 to 350 d f 1 h h . mm m. ... 8100 to 860 g The thousan s o peop e w 0 ac H ,1' lects, ....... .cs'zst 675 ° , ' ° 32:, £36.?.-_......... soc t: sea “81th Lmdsay 5 Falr dunng the 22.23 filegifymiéfig” 333 f: :33 a past three days have not overlooked “’wlv‘lmflhed .... ----- - ”8 t° 009 the well-known fact that thls store .WOOL'waShed ...: 013 to 015 . Potatoes, new, bua_ ..... . 0:30 to 080 g 18 the Headquarters for Apples, per. bag ... 050 to 050 , ' l VVat-ermel'on; 0110 to 010 BOYS and Ch1ldren S Citrolns ...... . ........ '...'...r (K05 to 005 ' ' Cream ...... ..-... .._.. (115 to 030 % Furnlshlngs. Hats: Caps and_ Fur5° S We have been m busmess 1/ years -â€" tomach troubles would more , quickly disappear if the idea of treat- and In the past \Veek “'8 haVe had is: the cause, rather than the effect a b - - would come into practice. A tiny, in- the greatest usmcss 1n our career. side, hidden nerve, says Dr. Shoop. ' 80...... and We. strength ,0 ..., g We attrlbute our success to the stomach. A branch also goes to ' the ' heart. undone b0 the kidneys.) When g Straighdtforbva-Iid d b . th t these inside nerves fail, then the or- us 1n 3 as _ guns mmt falter. Dr., Shoop's Re- g met 0 S emp Oye y p storative in directed specifically to rec- thCSe failing nerves. within 48 hour, We are well pleased, and to show on; apph d we, Starting the Heston“... map ration of the Enormous Business we are a men: patients, say they realize a we have decided to give the pubho the same saga. Sold by all dealers. % Values for this week that we ofl'ored last. A 80“” In In ‘1‘be“ g . Men’s Suits A {“33 man. who MS from 5”” ew 6 "Its, A most handsome presentation 18 "“195me Lmy' appeared I?” g of creations from America’s finest fore Magjtrate Bumble at Poke artists in the clothin craft Court, Pet'erboro, this mornington a T 0 C 0 a t S E ' . , h l ufii d . charge at be“ drunk. ‘He pleaded: 9 .very smtin t e at wo . ocre- . . h finest custom tailor and guilty and. was mulcted to the extent 0 A dlt to t e , of 32, Whihh be paid- promptly, ' and g R alnco ats t some of the more extreme models departed, am-‘Jdmewarnings of the contain all the little style kinks magistrate to let liquor .alone.â€"Ex- $15 that will be seen in New York and “mine“ i ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ A splendid presentation 0f the com- leading fashion .centre A com-‘ I . A . ing season's correct styles, WOSVBS plete presentation of the coming It!!!“ “all"!!! and efl'octs from the 001111th S fall and Winters correct style, - Farmers and «fliers wishing to best makers weaves and effects. See them this bun pneat in large quantities Md week. fiféi??§l.§§.fi‘§aliԤl§ €311 Men’s‘Black and Blue Suits M 9 Fall 0 find’ lit is (better. than buying , on s Yer- through the ring. G. H. Calvert At All the new models in standard 0 0 at S Son; ‘Academy Block Lindsay.-wtf. and extreme novelty sack suits 1n . sizes from 35 to 44, made from Everyone of the overcoats in Not the Hm % $8 high quality blue and black this lot is as strictly perfect in con- The farmer who lost the wagan" in serges, one of the greatest offers. struction as ific were made by the McConnell-’6 fire last mpg]; wis‘h’es us g .. At finest custom tailor and you paid to state that ‘he ’was not the man Men’s Suits $25 or $30 for it. The showmg found fast asleep in the hay, as he embraces all the new styles and was not on the premises at the time. This line will arouse interest ‘15 includes all of hthif nfw shade]? in mono Lindsay’s smart dressers. young manms e 9c 5 as we JaS MN.“ 08050! I” m g A v , ° . the best of the more conservatlv by,“ applications,asthcy mm mm, the t hey or before has. such cleyemess forms . C fiagdgfilgfiggf’“fimiug° “ 11;}: gene in style and tailoring been put ln- ' :1, égieégui guinea; lcfinuééig “"XKE‘E to'a suit at this moderate price. All Erwnwgfi 3311.: 33:30:; inked yogdhavehe: g - $8 the new weaves andficolounnfigs are Men’s Fall Ovemoats . had-s. w * ° ‘ ‘t a cures . . . 21:11.? €l?m€“£.’i.‘m. 3: included 1n 81288 to '5 At . Authoritatively correct creations fiifiegmglgwmgaygg % , . for this fall, tallored from the lat- :3fiwfiwah it roams-n , Men S Suite $8 est fabrics. and colors, all sizes for mng‘imf Lyn mmamocm a: % This line has come in for un- men an young men. his“: Agcngxw'c'mrmdw ' stinted praise from everyone who Take Hall's FaulilyPllhforcomtlpationH g At has seen them' The“: onglnéhty Men’s Fall Overcoats and correctness 0f. styles, high- This line merits the attention of A Great School % («iradptgorkmanfsmp mat“; this: At the most critical dresser, moder- ensl 0 93’“ e "‘05 are t 1 ' d b tit is full of t'l For almoatéaguarter of a century $1 a , , .. , a 8 Y price : u S 3 e 'the Petcrboro Business College has. g (Sift; tattle: eaves aud €010” to 10 and good looks as expert desxg- lstood for. one best .and highest ' .in ‘ ' ners and tailors produce all the business education. Young people new materials. 'know‘mg thatgtbein future Success de- Men’s Suits ”A. , _ -. my ---- _, _.,,._ . -,-,.-__ pends upon attending a saline" 1 with - _ 9 a continental reputation. ' are not Absolutely right to fashions M811 8 Fall OYfil‘Ooa-ts most rigid dictate, perfect in tail- These coats are absolutely cor- rect in point of style, perfect fit- tingand hand tailored throughout. Nothing so wholly satisfactory at the price has been offered to the $12 public, both extreme and conser- monlon. Alta. Tuesday morninm vativamodels are shown in the newest weaves ' J? anus I I treats .- ] .1113. M. 8. Boone: deft for 3.4.] .11... 1.1.0.er and sunny. 0“ .. . I, 0050‘“! are vipiltilng friend; in tou'n " “I Men’s, Clothing", sound business ' amusements Special Sale This Week of Suits and Overcoats $10to 812 Men's Suits 5.95 v Two hundred and fifty'of 1:.»1 ..:.:. .â€" somest suits you ever laill your on. They are samples fruxz. . I; house which we Secured a: :. l-‘i' vi)»- The materials comprise tum-vi. worsteds, tailored in sing) double-breasted styles wk}. ': , shoulders and well tallcrv-i These suits were made to 91" Fr?â€" I ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammamammmmmwmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmm season at from $10 to day they are to be clean-‘1' 9.: . ., 5.95 $8 and $10 Topper Coats 5.95 Toppers and ltaincmu an 3- in this lot in the popular liacl; _:' 5 ~. tans, fancy checks, and emu-r: ~ good tailoring inside and strong feature in this lot. up.) the very newest models nil-«25v this season regular 35 and S to be cleared Friday at ......... 5.95 Boys’ Seasonable Clothes Norfolk Suits 2.50 to 4.00 In all wool Scotch twee-71x _ tweed and serviceable;- Worstl: E~ ‘79? f I and blues included. sizes Tweed Suits 3.50 to 6.00 Made of all wool Canadian an: ., = three piece, in single breasted styles, sizes :28 to >14. Black and Blue Suits 3.95 to 7.00 Three piece styles in fine _ . worsteds and serges, single . ~' ‘ breasted sizes 28 to 34. Lindsay 4v â€".\r;~. 0mm '1 1' Cbo‘itol‘ of Tol‘of‘l _ . . 1 wwfi'to‘xrimfic .0! [WMVJ e0 TM!“ J. H. SW”. ‘6‘ Feuelon -urc Jam' mur‘. left -Tueada§ ((3..ch l] 10“,} ( B‘r(', i P A {a I Hmu'flk F6113. Woo-alt! ”“11 Monday. mm for Top-mo .nd Niagara. _u‘1r. u. 1\(,1(.)- .‘Jl‘fil‘l'll ,0; “I“; w; “St 'n‘ummml ° , ...Mr. Rona Wheeler, of. Toronto Fella. . , “on a. c” ... mm. “M. ;‘ guts. of Portland is «no Mto'n Tm" ' “M7" “Vb" Hmvllle, of Pitta-4 (fiu‘dn in l0“ll~ . . Term” ‘r‘ 611195 ’1. .31. . -’ ll â€"Mr. M ‘W. “‘ an‘mto Mfg ,lu ‘ 3‘9“ 0‘ '31“ 8am Filmy, â€"Mr. Frank Col-W" W: .‘ . ar- "fltm friend. in own. was was EntoWn anodny- . "39“.“ to last Tue-day “ l“ E‘ . z.Mr. W. 01mm, of Tamale. salt. 8. 'H. Walters. at Toronto. 5"" a!“ Hook}: left on Monday'crptcd a mjlavn 1 ‘ ”my bum“? 3' | I ' We! mbown Tuesday. . , WNWMQth at the Jar. 13m 1:... -“ “ .mlhl' ”ml ‘1 A. film» 0: M‘- Cal‘lmri ' WW. < . , for Toronto ulzu l- "" .._: ' i use m in town '1‘li l * ‘9‘“! (”’9 “mi °‘ ' “”9“” 4n. n. n. mu '0: the n n 1 out i .4}. ...... . . shims ids cm was litmus. 0! Nil. l" mm m“ “l W“ Kw «at: at-Wt it. I; M a"? an n:- u. u of ”l" W “ ' j. l .l .. a. , l‘. , 3)., ‘3 Ema. visited MI mead: on Dual 4th 0: Mich. 0‘ “WW“UN Emotes» day. mm» ”(1‘ “an.“ Mm. ... ....rw day. lll‘,l|lll.‘l .mm “'anan ,. ‘~l caning,“ ... l l l l’» Hounds). W

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