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Lindsay Post (1907), 9 Oct 1908, p. 10

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. fit; iwwzmmzem; Sit-swam e 1“» ‘ .- x , . . , , _ ‘9 fer as he noted her. fledtothiswindow to “add a very dangerousone. .-. "What girl?” she questioned-888111. : whenewmetm'ehandthelookthati ‘0: Glenister’s speech. 3.12m won’t marry her," said Cherry . fishy. “I don't know who she is, ‘ I won‘t let you marry her,” . Sheroseandsmoothedherm "ifi .. . __‘_ 9 “It's time nice people then! going now." She said it with a sneer at herself. "Take me out through this . croWd. I‘m living quietly, and I don't. , want these beasts to follow me.” : As they emerged from the theata' the morning air was cool and quiet, while the sun was just rising. The Brow Kid lighted a cigar as they passed. nodding silently at their greet- lng. His eyes followed them. while his hands were so still that the match burned through to his fingers: then when they had gone his teeth met and ground savagely through the tobacco so that the cigar fell, while he mut- tend: ”So that’s the girl you intend to mar- ry? ,Wezli see, by God!" , CHAPTER VIII. , E water front had a strong at- ' traction for Helen Chester and rarely did a fair day pass with- out finding her in some quiet spot from which she could watch the shifting life along its edge, the cups to him ln“spite' of herself. but when hebadgonebaekoametbedlstrust, thew gwhflelwasgonaandnthweean’t f-vin'thiabere this summer. what makes me look so ornei'y." He said the last not in'. the spirit of apology, for rarely does your frontiers- man consider that his self'lndulgaiefl require palliation, but rather after the urveying news of mild intereatashewouidinformyouthat .â€" ...-........â€" . his surcingle had broken or that he had wimased a lynching. “What made them jump your claim?" . “I don’t know. I don’t know nothin' about it. beamse, as I remarked pre- vious, I ain‘t follered the totterin' foot- steps of the law none too close. Nor do I intend'to. I simply draws onto: the game feraspell and lets them- at anchor and the varied incidents of the surf. . memorablgshesatinadorypulled high up on the beach. bathed in the bright sunslnne and staring at'the rollers. while lines of concentration wrinkled her brow. Elbe wind had blown for some days till the ocean beat heavily across the shallow bar, and now, as it became quieter, longshore- men were launching their craft, pre~ . paring to resume their traffic. ! . Not until the previous day had the news of her friends' misfortune come . her, and although she had heard no hint of fraud, she began to realize that they were involved in a serious tangle. To the questions which she anxiously put to her uncle he had replied that . their difficulty arose from a technical- l ity in the mining laws which another man had been shrewd enough to profit by. It was a complicated question. he said, and one requiring time to thrash" out to an equitable settlement. had undertaken to remind him of the , service these men had done her, but. . with a smile, be interrupted. He could ‘ judicial attitude, and she must not enâ€" deavor to prejudice him in the dis- charge of his duty. Recogizing the justice of this, she had desisted. ' i For many days the girl had: eanght scattered talk between the judge and McNamara and between Struye‘ang his associates, but it all seemed foregn and dry, and beyond the fact that it here on the litigation over the Anvil creek mines, she understood nothing and cared less, particularly as a new. interest had but recently come into her ‘ :m'lam correspondence school, he is fittedam- pletoteachusnativesathingoz two, Aler in spite of his‘ ridin' blb’o'mers an' pmuchle eyeglass. He ain't never had noacmalexperieoce. buthe’s gota Henry Thompson Seton hook that tells him all about everything from field mice to prriilys. “We’re troubled a heap with coyotes them days, and finally this party sends home for some Boosbian wolfhounds. I'm fer pisenln’ a sheep carcass. but he says: “No. no. me desh man: that's not sportsmanllkc. We‘ll hunt ’emâ€"aye, hunt ’em. Only fawncy the sport we'll have ridin’to hounds? "”Wewlilnoh'saysI. 'Iain‘tgoin' todonoslmonugreestnnts. Italn’t man's size. Bein' English. you don’t ‘Uncle Tom's Cabin' dogs. however, and he had 'em imported clean from Berkshire or Slbeery or thereaboum, four of ’em, great big blue ones. They was as handsome and imposin’ as asst of solid gold teeth, but somehow they didn’t seem to savvy our play none. One day the cook rolled a rain bar'l downhill from the kitchen, and when them blooded critters saw it comin’ they throwed down their tails and tore out like rabbits. After that I couldn’t see no good in ’em with a spygiass. “ They ain't got no grit. What makes you think they can fight? I asked one day, ‘ “Tight? says H’Angllsh. ‘My deab man, they’re full blooded. Cost seven- ty pun each. They’re dreadful crea- tures when they’re mused. They'll tear a wolf to pieces like a rag, kill . bears, anything. Oh, rully, perfectly dreadful? ‘ “Well. it wasn't a week later tint be wentovertotheeastlinewithmeto mend a barb wire. I had my pliers ~ and a hatchet and some staples. About a mile from the house we jumped upl ’ a little brown bear that scampered off :when be seen us, but, bein’ agin a bin! .where he couldn’t get away, he climb- ed a cottonwood. H’Anglish was aim. ply frotbin’ with excitement. . “‘Whatamisfortunel Neythergun “He raised her all right and caught Mr. Brain in the uncut What follow- ed tbereafter was most too quick to notice. for the poor bear let out a bawl. dropped oi! his limb into the midst of them ragin', tnr’ble seventy ugged 'em to death. like he was doin’ a back oi! a long trip, then, dmppin' the last one. he made at that younger son an’ put a gold filling in his leg. Yes, sir; most chewed it off. H‘Anglisb let out a Siberian wolf holler hisseif, an' Ihadtostepinwitbthehatchetand kill the brute. though I was most dead hisn, I'll step in an' do business on a common sense basis." “You talk as if you wouldn’t get fair play," said Helen. ' “We won't,” said he, with conviction. “I look on all lawyers with suspicion. even to old baidfaceâ€"your uncle, askin’ your pardon an' gettin’ it, bein' as I'm a friend an' he ain’t no real relation of yours, anyhow. No, sir. They're all crooked.” Dextry held the western distrust of the legal professionâ€"comprehensive, measoninghdeep. “Is the old man all the kin you've got?" be questioned, when she refused 1? 9W 9-": gutter‘ . ”He iiâ€"In {$57. 1 have a brother. erhopeIhave, somewhere. Koran the Klondike, home. When father died, I went to live with Uncle Arthurâ€"some day, per- haps I'll find my brother. He's cruel tohidefrommethisway.forthereare onlywetwoleftandrvelovedhim always.” She spoke sadly and her mood blend- ed well with the gloom of‘her com- paniomsotbeystaredsilentlyoutover thsheavinggreenwaters. “It'sagoodthingmean’thefldhsd a little piece of money ahead." Dairy resumed later, reverting to the thoufiit that lay uppermostinhismind. mcause we'd be up against it right if we hadn't. Theboy couldn’t have amused himseifnonewiththesoeou'tpreesed- ings,becausetheycomehigh. Ieall 'emiuxnriealikebrandiedpeaehesan' silkunderflnrts. “Idon'ttrusttheeeJimG-owbanks no more than I do lawyers. neither. No,sirreei Iboughtaironsafean' hauleditouttothemtne. Showman 1,800, andwekeepourmoney up there. We’vegotafeller Johnson watchin’ it new. Wei-l,hardly.'nieyuan'tbust witheutasti of‘glant'whichwouid rousee infivemneaan’they can’t lug her 0! bodilyâ€"file's heavy. No. It’ssafer than placerowof. nereain’tno scondin’ cashiers an' all that. Tomor- rerrmgoin'backtollveontheclahn au’watchthisreoeivermantillthe ’ again. When vehicles passed from the comparative solidity of the main street out into the mot-amen that constituted the rest of the town, they adventured perilously, their horses plunging, snort- ing, terrified, amid an atmosphere of ofCod liverOilwlthHwO' ' should always be kept in the house for the without further question. the ed back toward the empty theater and out of the back door. He moved nouchalantly till he was outside. then with the speed of-a colt ran down the narrow planking between Stampingthemudfromhisshoesand pulling down his sombrero, he saunter- ed out into the main thoroughfare. Dextry and his companion hadcroes- ed to the other side and were ap- proaching. so the gambler galmid a fairviewofthem. Hesearchedevery indiofthegirl’stseeandngurathen. asshemadetoturnhereyuinhisdi- rection. he clenched away. He follow- edhowever.atadlstanoe.tillhesaw themanleaveher,thenonuptothe big hotel be shadowed her. A half hour later he was drinking in the Golden Gate bamom with an ac- quaintanoewhoministaredtotheme- clinical details behind the hotel counter. "Who'sthegirl I saw come injust now?" be inquired. - f‘I ess you mean the judge's niece. Bothmenspokeinthedeadre- strained tuna that go with their call« 1 “What's her name?" = “Chester, I think. Why? Look good ‘ though the other neither spoke nor made sign. the bartender construed his and coutin “Bah! . suddenly, With an inflection that star- tiedthe otherfromhispreening. Then, ashewent out, themanmused: ‘ “Gee! Bronco's got the worst eye in Makes me creep when be He acted like he was jealom.” At noon the nextday, ashe prepared to go to the claim, Dean-y! partner burst in upon him. Glenister was dis- heveled, and his eyes shone with in- tense excitement “What d' you think they've done now?’ he cried as greeting “I dunno. What is it?” . “I‘bey’ve broken open the safe and taken our money.” . “What!” Theoidmaninturnwaaonhlsfeet. the grudge which he had felt azainst .1 W in the past tcw days forgot- ” In this common misfortune. “Yes, by heaven. they‘ve swiped our . money, our tents. tools, teams. books. how and all of our personal propertyâ€" . They threw Johnson oil, everything! and took the whole works. heard of such a thing. I never the claim, and they wouldn‘t let 122-2 : go near the workings. They've got every mine on Anvil creel; guarded the same way, and they aren't going ' I went out to : straightintheeyesoncathenlknov whatcourltto follerinmy dealh’s." “Yo-m find them both." said Glsnb' her, “for McNamara rode lnt'o m to glance the miner knew were the two be had come to see and that in reality he had to deal with but one, the big man who shot at him the "We are engaged." said the judge: “very busily engaged, sir. Will you call‘ again in half an hour?“ Dextry looked him over carefully from head to foot. then turned his . back on him and regarded the other. 3 Neither - nor McNamara spoke, but their eyes were busy, and each instinc- tively knew that here was a too. i “What do you want?‘ McNamara in- quired finally. i “Ijustdroppedintogetaoquainted. my name is Dextry-Joe Demâ€"from everywhere west of the Missouri. An' . ournameislicNamara, ain’tit‘l m mtmckonisyourlittierrench poodleâ€"eh?" indicating Stillman. i “What do you means?" said lcNa- Amars, whilethejudge mus-landin- Matty. “Just what I say. However. that :ain’twhatlwanttotalkabout. I 2' ’ttakenostockinsuebtruckas' ljndgesan’lawyersan'ordersofeourt. They ain’t intended to he took serious They're all right for children an' east- :erners an' non compos menus people. . I s'pose, but I’ve always been my own I judge, jury an' hangman, an' I aim to continue workin' my icgislatif, execua tif a'n’ judicial duties to the end of the string. You look out! My pardner is ' young an' seems‘to like the ldee of lettin' somebody else run his businés'i, ‘ so I'm goin' to give him rein and let him amuse himself for awhile with your dinky little writs an’ receiver- | ships. But don't go too far. You can rob the Swedes, ’cause Swedes ain't ' entitled to have no money, an' some ’ other crook would get it if you didn't, l but don't play me an' Glenistcr for '1 Scandinavians. It's a mhtake. We’re ' white men, an' I'm apt to come ro- mancin’ up here with one of these an' bust you so you won't hold together durin' the ceremonies.” With his last words he made the . slightest shifting movement. only a ‘ lifting shrug of the shoulder, yet in his palm lay a six shooter. He had slipped it from his tnusess band with the ease of long practice and absolute surety. Judge Stillman gasped and ! backed against the desk, but McKa- i t' mars idly swung his leg as he sat side- wise on the table. His only sign of in- terest was a quickening of the eyes a fact of which Dextry made mental note. “Yes," said the miner, disregarding 3 the alarm of the lawyer. “you can wear -' this court in your vest pocket like a Waterbury, if you want to, but if you don‘t let me alone, I’ll uncoii its main- spring. That's all." no replaced his weapon and, turning. f walked out the door. To be continued. ___-__â€"-â€" to let us come around even when they : clean up. They told me so this morn- ins-L‘» ‘ “But. look here.” demanded Dcxtry sharply, “the money in that safe bc- longs to us. That‘s money we brousht in from the States. The court ain't got no right to it. What kind of a damn law is that?" “021. as to law. thcy don‘t pay any attention to it any more.” istcr bitterly. “I made a mistake in not killing the first man that set foot , on the claim. I was a sucker. and now we‘re up against a stir: came. Baroda: are in tho sumo fit too. "0" us last order has left them groan... “I don’t understand it yet," said Dextry. ' y. it’s this way: The judge has issued what he calls an order enlarg- . 'X'Bie; ing the powers of the receiver, and it , authorizes McNamara to take posscs- . sion of everything on the claimseâ€"tcnts. tools, stores and personal property Of all kinds. It was issued last nil;ht without notice to our side. so thton says, and they served it this morning I went out. to see McNamara, (1 him in open.” “ ‘What does this men then he showed me the “ ‘I’m responsible to every penny of this money. ‘and for every tool on the claim. In view of that I can’t allow you to so near the workings! “‘Net go near the working? 5“” I. ‘Doyonmeanyouwon't-letn'”; the amusemenosrfifl-me n?’ I said. And new order. the court The ' 'said 0;. said Glcn- ‘ GURE Fink Wcridtrlsc and relieve all the mountain!- . den: t-‘u bxiiuns state of the syricm. such as ' 2's". Nausea. Dmusincs‘. Disu'crs after .'-..‘1.i:. l'rzinin .hc 911‘ It; While their twat rust-1' ' Lu: buses; bushland shown in caring SICK fimdache. yct Carter's LittEe Liver fills art! mushy valuable i n ( occupation. curing and pre- v man; this, aiinc.-in¢romplgtev. u'tn‘c I'u‘yn‘po rt rrn‘ i; 2:615 inicmctilmuiomu n. stimulamthe ii. -.-. r and mgulnze the bowels. Iivcn ‘l'thcyau, aw ' urge tiger wouidbealmatpricshsstothosawu miner lrom this discussing safi‘plnint; but!“ nacclytheirmldneesmh than wm oncc try teem will firdtflulifiic pills vain- l able in so man 5 ways thatthoy will not be wil- ling to do Millennium. But ,r’tcralisickw , CHE £5.69” 133331 so may ilvguthat hcre is wm ‘ ”cm"“°¥fi§h 1.1 :ms very. «:1: and - ver are l murmurs Onset-two mahadoea. s Mmsulct‘i‘hrvqemble do not or harsh but by genus aerial please who no monumental. his use use “an" at Sea. Our-oil‘s. R. L. . unhi- 0. huh". m c.1033; m nuns roar. auteur. FRIDAY, 00mm 1. ES El E. El as. ii .M I SCELLfl JVE 0 U S rue llVERPOOL no LONDOI are ates tarmac: courauv. a FIRE ANDILIFE. the Largest firs Insure ios Office In the lorid. Capital ............... sm.eoo.ooo Accumulated Funds. . .. 11.6%!!!) Invested in Canada. .. . 900,000 Rates and premium as low as any other respectable company. The settlement of losses is rompt and liberal. The resources and stan ing of the company adord those insured in it perfect security against loss. W. B. WIDDESS, Agent for Lindsay and Victoria County. Farm Loans IIIEY To In! on lortgags or any term from I to 10 years at lowest cur- rent rate of interest, with privilege of re- payment in instalments when required. Expenses kept down to the lowest notch. All business of this nature kept strictly private and confidential. Come andsee me i! you want money and get u y terms. J.H.SOOTHERAN, Land Agent, 91 Kent-st. Lindsay, I M 0900900000000000000 Q . often means so much. e meant success to thousands of 9 6 young people who note {or our ’ Catalogue as the first step to- . ward at good salzried position. . . Take the step to-day. Address 9 0 . Central Business College, 395 e e Y onge Street, Toronto. t I. ll. anew. President a 9090000000009000000 _â€"â€"â€"'â€" - â€"..-...-â€"._â€"-- BUCCIES F irst-class home-made Buggies, Wagons and Democrats for sale at reasonable prices- Also some good second hand Buggies and one good second hand Democrat, cheap. Come at once and get a bargain at the City Carriage Works. BHRIS. ’McllHARGEY McLennan ll 00. Curtain Stretchers Horse Clippers Poultry Netting Bird ' Washing Machines cages Clothes Wringers Slip Ladders Alabastine Kaisomine Prism Paint Floor Wax Glazed Sewer Pipe Portland Cement Fire Clay Fire Brick M. ~Illtlllmun 60. um Coal and Iron. Works in the Conny. lowest see the pneumatic tool. prices before buying else “Till Evening Post is for sale each Great care is listl to $1:- : w and farm property , . persons or icaning Compaq“ desired, and in sums to 2-3215 with special privileges. . tr Wants without increase in r8 interest. Interest and ins“ able at our oflee. -!.-'._.â€"â€"â€"\ a. 1". am NCH.AFu\ Graduate Toronm .. . Coroner for vseugg‘vcfim-l Ofliuâ€"Ridont-si., my Kenimy’ say-ate, (iormor r;.gd(,,‘,.e VQGLM. Kempt.) ' ‘ “It Dr, \ ‘Felcphcne 4;. a. J. w. #3051. c : ‘ . . ' 30 Bond-slatefigstxdro‘frefiegt Oflce 211235;: -8: i 9316: @952 C2 12rd; 7 to 8 p. m H ‘- 03. wt. heartily 31 Cambridge-St , 1.an5”, All calls 'Attsnded row" . , o, -â€"-___-__â€".-_-â€"-\"""' DE.i‘f],sfl{y\ TX on. POGUE. DENW Nearly Opposite Post time. Special attention .vw « ~ Teeth. é ‘ 'C Czede‘ez's 13,280.13 \' pow-L 7'7 :IWDSwI-LU us. assume 3:112va BENTISTS ’ Everything Cp-tC-Iih‘i ;_‘_ beh‘3r Natural Teeth Premww-i “may- Bridge Work a Special": in artificial teeth. 11.3”“. . assured. Prices modnme 7 “mm": 05cc nearly LE'I’C‘.U‘ :zz-M» .. - Lindsay. ‘0 7" 110.“, DOCâ€"Twat? GRTSS Dentist - Lindsay Member Royal Coiir-rn Dev .1 Cu ~“fl"[ o All mcdern remix-n ' 'r : 70L d: artnents ' I“ u“ “5"?" (. «:m’w‘r" " 'm p , c .. . s .‘ 2655511.; practiced. ROOMS 0N KENT-8T. DR. F. A. WALTERS DENTIST, Ll ‘ ' II' 'v ‘r (.i.u‘1.7t" " v 'I'H: A“:f.4-14'r~1;.l.iltl?;"- , .: r) careful]: Ilvr’vitllnvl 'l '.'- .r'hr OFFICE itl‘v-r (,rpgnr} . _- ‘ _. __ Ken: and \i “jinn-st: ’ '~ A \.- , . \ Adv-fl, l . ”Wins; 4â€"» . l .4, C. DE. ii. A. NESBETT, 3.73.10? llrsrxr, 4 Graduate of the Royal Collect: of Dem Sur of Ontario and How.- Gradual of oronto University. Three veers e:- perlence, a 12 modern improvement Gmcezâ€"Uver Canadian 88;}; ' f Somme-re Telephone 272. 0 3.4312151); ‘ £50. DORE JACKSON. .' arristers, Etc Solicitors {or The if? -."..u lvxrk n! (Yin: metre. None} ‘ ‘ .. r. r: -r: V ~ five P9? cent. (Jlfi"r~‘ W'Il; V I niugufi i. F, I). MOORE K c. um. .‘ rakes A HIGH ii. KNIGHT, Bernster. Selicip J or, Notary Pubic, he; Estate. Etc. Representing “'sterioo Mutts. Fire 1:- surance Company of Waterioo. the Fed- eral Life Insurance Company of liars;- ton, and the Dominion of Lands Guaran- tee and Accident Company cf Toronto. Ofice of Weldon 6; Hzxgr. Emailed: Lindsay. Am_'_____ McLAUGHLIN, PEEL and FULTON. Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries. OFFICE: Corner Kent and Williamsts. (Over Lominion Bank. Luisa): Honey to Loan on Real Estate. ILJ. Icmzhlin, no, A. in. Fulton, M. James A. Peel. â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" B [7513 '1555 (11’ 131/." __________â€"‘-’ SMITH 8!. SMITH Lash Bt'nvm'ors A‘s; Caz; £54,352 Municipal Ikainage Wcr-t s Sgt-Gilli??- Phone 242 or P. t“ LINDSAY, ONTARIO. \v‘ F-c-x if. WALTER Emmi. or. > ‘ - _ g _;-:, Lapses. ____/ “FIOPKINS HOPKINS Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries‘etc. 59- licitors for the Bank of -iontrea... : toloanatlowest rates. (:3- ‘ ‘ at. South, Lindsay, 022. G. B. liopxixs, K. C . FRED 1101,3939 Horst». BA. ,,_ ,mc/ ‘ I F. U'BOYLE, (95.; of the Manic:- . palily of Ups. Intense Agent- Fire, Life and Accident. “zest compare? ‘ ‘ other funds at lowest rates. .. . ' Real Estate Agent, E _ . Ofice: Opera Home Br. 3:. J. ANDREW ROBERTSON Teacher of Music Pupils Pioparrd for 'f‘ rcrtc ton-‘97” r‘a» tory of Music examn; 11:31.. _ ‘ t Studio connected “‘17:- 57" 935' r :E * KEITH er in JAMES Seed Merchant and Deal 1 Res Binder Twine on tiarkeA _ ' ext-J 3,...» 7“ .floj . '..,...., true to name and c _ "imam-8t. Lindsay, cnt. Wheel Barrows HONEY To LOANAVAT LQWEST CURRENT RATES flu 7» ,, . *v 7' .. 92’0“ We are Prepared .otfigaeeiioggf 1’5““ . as at“ 9" Y .n lineal! P‘F‘ STEWART O’CONNOL Barristers. Linus" ,J/ The only CP-tc-érzw '- i prices and Let weir: k at “'th- where-

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