stylish Coats and Skirts for Women _/â€"â€"â€"â€" most suc A to be an event . Just real'bargams. Newest /, - Men’s work shirts, four patterns, the best yet ...... ' Men’s silk-lined gloves in grey and tan, sl‘ sons- Fownes elbow length kid gloves, dome 2.00 ............... . .......... . pestry rugs 11: yds. long 50c, 50 3 yds. long ....... ...... gï¬tener-‘v reg. 50 :3 b11538: ~ ff Kni Our special sale of Ladi ll irts. ’ ruse . hd in Lindsay. That’s all l shades and 1.75 850 special ........ weaves so ooooooooooooooo ooaoasssoeIsoaaea Stylish Coats and Skirts for Women . es $10.00 Coats has been the cesstul in our history. Our patrons have found not 1,: the lowest prices but the best selection at that price to be ’VISII Our mantle department. ful week-s sale on the two above items, coats and Make your compar- in .fall veilings. ooooooo sessence-.seevent's-sass... Inspect our 500, 75c and $100 linesin men’s fall gloves. tedIJnder- Blankets and Dress Goods 1 mm Bush Fires This will 50c 1.25 â€"â€"â€".â€".â€".â€"___ Na. die Unchanged Near Peterhoro Smith are Ahlm ’â€" From reports received the country on every side oi Petaboro is being ravaged by bush tires. Close to the‘ city. Mr. J. J. McBe-ln's property in Monaghan is report“1 burning. the ground being rather mucky even it it n on are. It was learned that an. wasstartedbyasmellbrushpue, which was being burned aiter the woodwas cleared oil. Seven or eight men on Tuesday alternoon were tight- ing its advance with water, and by other usual means. About seven mu- es down the river road in Otonabee on the farm iormerly belonging to Mr. W. J. Hall, but now owned by a iarmer named Hogs. another are is raging. It is understood that this are, which is in a swamp on this property, is being vigorously iought. Up in 'Smith between Young‘s Point and Lakeï¬eld there is a big ilre in a marsh near the 18th concession. P’s Will LihcnlslsszinaSestorSo St. John, October 18.â€"Eight Lib- erals and Eve Conservatives repre- sented New Brunswick in the last Parliament. There is not a single reason ior supposing that the Liber- alswillbeanyworseoflintheHouse tobeelectedonthezethinst.They may be much better aflgor all the indications are that ii changes come atalltheywillbeiniavor oi the party oi Sir Wilirid Laurier.. ’ Many men oi both parties incline to tbebelieithattherewillnotbe a single change in the province, and that every one oi the thirteen repre- sentatives oi the last House will be re-elected ior all are seeking reâ€"elec- tion. The constituencies represented by Liberals in the last Parliament were Restigouche, Gloucester, Northumber~ land, Kent, Westmoreland, St. John County, Carleton and Victoria-Mada- The Cash Store J. Smcurre a Iiail Orders Filled. SONS , moms-mu... LINDSEY AND OSHLWA Specials The prices quoted here are but a fract- ion of the many specially priced dress materials .you will ï¬nd at this store. . The mere factâ€"“that- you may want a dress,†or the important oneâ€"“that. you do want oneâ€â€"and the materials we are offering at attractive prices, is a strong argument that you should come here ï¬rst. That we can save you money is assur- Priestlys buxton cheviot in- visible stripe in navy, green and brown, special at ....... ..50c a yd. All-wool Venetian, 44- inch in brown, navy, and copenhagen and edâ€"that you will be well pleased is another factâ€"our large and well assorted stock of correctly bought materials provides for your every need. Now we trust you will not overlook these important savings. These are only a few oi the ï¬res which are raging on all sides oi the city. A Magistrate waska. The Conservative seats were York, Charlotte, Queen's-Sunbury, King's Albert and St. John City. Both parties have now iull tickets in the ï¬eld in all the constituencies excepting Victoria-Madawaska, where wear Comforters 1,3122% 1th Children's Corset 10-4 grey and white Blankets For?†_- ...................... 40c special 90c; 11-4 1.25; 12-49 ..1.45. .2. aï¬m- .md grey, 250, 3.75 Wool Blankets for 3.00: with drawers to 4.50 line for 3.98; 6.00 line for Hits :lic. ,ï¬llr‘. match. with Al 99 Black Iii.“- F1 :1. match. .imv v . :1 .311?“ log 1.1- ~20 . ...-~- 4.68. 1.60 Comforters for 1.40; Children! \\-~:< 130. 20c, 25c, 1.75 line for 1.50; 2.10 lines...1.85 Carpet samples. 1; yds. long, «'3;ihlrcn's and Lad- suitable formats, in Tapestry 40c, 500, 60c; in Brussels 75c, 1.00; ~1' l'ndorwcar 31, Union Carpeting 25c, 35c, 50c. 5‘“ a garment Carpet Rugs, 3 x 2}, 6.00 for 5 00; green, regular 85c, special......69c 50 inch all-wool selfstrippod Suiting,all thoroughly soap shrunk unspotable, special at.........1.00 2 tone effects in Wail Serge in 't lengths only, 8yds. for 7.75 All leading shades in Beaver 1m in Corsets, reg- 3 x 3, $9 for 7.50; 3 x 31, l0.50 Cloth Coatings, 57 inches wide, 1.1: hilli‘i ‘11 _‘. .l' _ molt.» 4-H ‘ .lllt‘. Si ('.a~lum-i'c Killliilv‘1‘w. colored and black, 790. W , ,... 21126. ltiii 9:90 ................... ‘r'Llil A ‘. mo . lilLL. 1 . . . .1.?0 ~-I. navy and brown :.. Ii specials, 13, 180 and. ................................ 23c' Ha: Pills. I} .‘pL‘CllllS, 2 for 5c. 10c and ......................... . 150 Back CV‘llllln. 100. 15c, 25c, 40c 36in. F:;\'.‘.ilcit‘ile, reg. 13 for 10c leper cent. off all Hosiery Friday and Saturdays . ,, W. MCGAFFEY in . Held at Tory Hi1 l1“? dMeeting __.A._ 1.11} tic Gathering for Willson at lunar Conservative Stronghold is enthusiastic meeting was held Tory Hill on Monday evening Mercer: oi Dr, \Vilson. in There '- 3 large turn out and the feeling iiested in favor of 4; surprise to the friends â€its. he the that: doctor of. was occupied by Mr. ‘aS'aea, of Wii‘serforce, and the '_ 598‘. address. as delivered by. Mr ‘ Austin. wigs hgld the closest at- " Hughes and .. slon of the meeting A; a- ‘.11’1i"I‘.C€ as he ‘ the du;.11:;:y and falsity, ~ his claims. â€-‘Ae conclu enthusias: oi The Hughes Called for three cheers ex- of facâ€" ‘ for 55' LLmsclf and another . Austin said thaty "“good enough and he called for .1 Cheers 501‘ Wilson, and the re- '1'13 a hearty burst of cheers Y“ 30814 be hard 3. long jvay oft. ‘7 H121 “"511 gi-"e a good. vote for â€m on Monday. - ‘â€" ‘- it'llonaiions to the Hospital ‘07â€"â€" , ' “our: and Their cm: to the 3* Ladies Auxiliary "‘r '. l c 3033 Memorial Hospital . â€Name. 1 “d- Armstr ‘ orig ............ ~Allen Quarts. 2 . lam. Willard .-..... ' Mrs. Goulais ........................... l 1 l t 5 . c i l .................. .40c for 875 spcclal................ and W001 131- .................. 50c Men's 80c Overalls for 65c;1.10 lines for............ ........ ....85c 2 Specials in Men’s Pants, 2.00 for 1.50; 1.50 for ..... . ........ .1.20 3 Specials in Men’s Underwear 45c; 65c and ......... ......95c each Men’s Neckties, hook-on, 20c, 25c: bows 10c and 25c; four-in- hand, extra special, . ......... ..25c Men’s heavy Wool Sox, 18c, 25c and ...................... 35c I0 per cent. off all Curtains, regular 15c, sale .................. 10c a 5km rm oi ï¬ve years standing, Blinds and Garpets County friends ..................... Mrs. Dundas ........................... . Dunsford ........................ J. G. Edwards ............... Mrs. Eakins ........................... Mrs. J. Ellis ........................... Mrs. T. A. Fisher ..................... Mrs. J. D. Flavelle .................. Mrs. A. E. Gregory ............... 1 Mrs. Gilbert ........................... 1 . Mrs. J. Hore ........................... 2 . Mrs. C. Hooper ............. . .......... 1 l Mrs..Alex. H'Orn .................... 2 Miss Harding ........................... 1 Miss Harry ........................... g Mrs. Sid Johnston .................. 1 Mrs. w. W. Jordan ............... 1 ; Mrs. F. Knowlson .................. 1 ; . J. B. Knowlson ............... 1 . Koyle .............................. 3 . Jas. Killen ..................... ll v i 21 3 1 1 1 1 3‘s» 2i ll 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 . Robt. Lytle ..................... . McCrimmon ..................... . McLennan ........................ . J. McLennan .......... _.;‘ ......... . Donald McLean ............... . McLaughlin .................... . McIntyre ........................ . L. McIntosh F. McDiarmid ....... ,1 ........... . Mills .............................. . G. A. Milne ..................... Mrs. Middleton Mrs. J. Moynes ..................... Mrs. P. Mitchell ..................... Mrs. D. Moynes ........................ Mrs. Maxsom ......................... Mrs. C. H. Marsh ..................... Mrs. Maunder ......................... Mrs. H. Noble ........................ 1 Mrs. G. Nursey ..................... 1 Mrs. L. V. O’Connor ............... 1 Miss O'Neil ............................ 1 Mrs. J. Pearson ..................... 3 - . of the Ross “Mrs. K.‘ Penrose ..................... 1 ed hospital Eratefully ack- Mrs. J. L. Perkins .................. 1 ' :8 the ionowmg donations of Mrs. Wm. Pym ........................ 2 Mrs. Reesor ........................... 1 Mrs. Ross .............................. 1} Mrs W. M. Robson .................. 1 Mrs. Robt. Sylvester ............... 1 Miss Stewart ........................... 1‘ Mrs. G. W. Sheppard ............... 1 Mrs. Sparling ........................ 1 Mrs. Sootheran ... 1} Mrs. Squier ........................... 2 Mrs. G. H. Stevens ............. 1 Mrs. ‘1 he use... cloaooeos Mrs. (Rem) Welch ...... ........ Miss Ward .................. ‘ ............ eu‘eu «one... Mrs. Winters ...... ...... :Mrs. Mrs. . Lamonte ..................... ... 1} Mrs. ........32 ayd. Black, green, cardinal, navy, brown, cream and white, soft spun Taffeta Silk, special at ...... 50c yd. 2 Specials in black Satin at 75c and ..... . . ......1.00 yd, All shades Tamoline Silks, sale price.. .......... . ..... . .47c Children’s Wool Toques, 25c, 35: and .......... .. ............... 50c Wrapperettes, 36 inch, 4- shades aeeIOIseIoas s Men's Cardigain, 81, 1.25, 1 50 Opp. Terry’s Restraunt Mrs. Walters From Little Britainâ€" Mrs. Avery ........................... Mrs. .E. Broad ...................... Mrs. W. C. Cornish .................. Mrs. J. F. Dix ..................... Mrs. J. J. Glass ..................... Mrs. C. H. Netherton ............... Mrs. F. Netherton ................... Mrs. Richard Oliver .................. Mrs. A. Rodgers ..................... Mrs. Thos. Western, 31'. ............ From Oakwoodâ€" Mrs. J. Armitage ...... :Mrs. F. Brass ........................ : Mrs. 'Mrs. Jos. Goad ...................... A. Cameron, sr. ............... Elliott ......................... R. Ferguson .................. T. Hardy ..................... A. O. Hogg ..................... F. Jordan ................. . Lownsborough W. Lane ........................ G. Munroe ..................... E. Martiudale .................. A. J. Mark .................. Jas. Pascoe ..................... G. B. Rennie‘ ..................... Raynor .1. V. Richardson ..... . ............ Webster ................... i .. ...... Mrs. M. 'Webster ..................... Mrs. W. H. Webster ............ ‘. ..... Mrs. R. G. Webster .................. Mrs. James Webster ................ Mrs. Woolrich ........................ Mrs. E. Walters ..................... 2 Mrs. J. B. Weldon .................. 2. Mrs. G. A. Washington ............. 1 Will Build the Vault 7, Mr. Joe. M. Chalmers has been awarded the contract by the directors oi the Riverside cemetery ior the er- ection oi the vault and chapel at the cemetery. Mr. Wm. Blackwell, archi- Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. ltect oi Peterboro, who prepared the plans ior the structures, is in town to-day, and it is understood .giste and stores sell at 50 cents Investigates lam-Bull â€"-â€"+â€"â€"-â€"-â€" Seys ii is a Wonderful dealer and 0m More than is Claimed ' for it â€"â€" No household remedy in cxinicncd has Won such gloWing tributes from {coplc in high places as has lem-t Buk .Mr. Roger F. Perry, justice oi the peace ior British Columbia. test- ed this inmous helm. and this is what he says oi it; . . "The Pavilion, Goldï¬elds, N. B. "To the an-Buk (30., "Gentlemen, â€" After. a very fair trial I have atrovld Zam-Buk emin- ently satisfactory. In my case it cured winch no doctor lhad been able ,to do any good ior. : "i would certainly encourage any ierson to keep Zam-Buk in their homc. It truly does even more than you claim for it. For my own Tart, I would not, be without it in the house. Yours very truly, (Signed) â€Roger 1?. Perry, "Justice oi the Peace Ion B.C.†Zam-Buk differs from ordinary sal- vcs’und embrocations, ior mime these, mostly contain animal oils and iats,‘ Zara-Bolt is purely herbal. It aoothes and heals cuts, soresrulcers, erup- tions, boils, eczema, chaï¬ng sores, etc. In the household it is the ham _ (Lest possible remedy scalds, children’s injuries. 1"- instant: this spring when. the whole province ior born: 15' cleanse-«s any wound to rwllxich it. is nailed. prevents festering, inilamznag it re-elected the Liberals. ten or blood poisoning. It cures piled! varicose ulcers, and iistula. All drugâ€"i a box. or from tlhe Zam-Buk Co., _ To- ronto, ior price, 6 boxes Lor _$‘...:3.’). Correspondents’ Newsy Letters Continued from. last page. : ledgement, of conVersltm, and works to show the christian spirit. The a deep impression 0 nine minds of those present. All lhgpe to have the on'uriunity oi again listening to the eloauent Rev. E. Gregg. r - Mrs. A. Gilli! and Mr. J. Golden have returned ‘irom the west. Her many kinds will be pleased to learn that Miss Cora Gillie is recovering ai- tcr a brief Hines, Miss Marsh, 0! Lindsay, friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Sims, of Cameron. were in the neighbor-110d gafly this week. . Speaking oi the tearful proclama- tions oi graft charged bur prominent Conservativae at this riding, we are reminded cl a {passage ir_om-' the im- mortal Slmkemeare; “’T'm a tale told by an idiot, full of mirth and fury, and signifying nothing." ‘ 3‘ Funeral of “drew G. Houston The funeral of the later Andrew visited the retirement oi Col. Baker, M.P.P., has made it necessary ior the Conser- vatives to and somebody willing to carry their standard. It matters little who they name. ior the pres- ent Liberal member, Pierre Michhud, is sure oi his re-election by a sub- stantial majority. Victoria-Mada- waska is the constituency long re- presented by the Hon. John Costi- gau. and he is today the active ught- er ior the Liberal candidate. Any opposition to Mr. Michaud is purely ior the good eflect it will have else- where. MR. EMERSON SAFE. Another absolutely sale Liberal seat, and one in which the Opposition is because it is necessary to have opposition, is Westmoreland. Hon. H. R. Emmerson is expected to have a very large majority, anywhere irom 500 to 1,000 and perhaps more. The Conservative candidate, F. W. Sum- ner, a iormer M.L.A., is a wealthy lumberman, and ordinarily a strong candidate, but his position is weak- ened by the fact that only a iew months ago be publicly announced his intention oi supporting Mr. Emmer- son. Besides this the constituency is Liberal. Mr. Emmerson is popular, and the people are strongly in sup- port oi his policy oi government con- trol oi the branch lines. All that means a bigger and greater Moncton for it is the head and centre oi the Intercolonial system. Restigouche elected James Reid by a large majority four years ago, and turned against the local government, Nobody entertains any doubt that it will again give Mr. Reid a substantial majority. CURIOUS COMBINATION. Gloucester county gave Mr. Tur- geon more than a thousand majority and it elected the Liberal ticket which be nominated last spring. de- feating both the local Government and the Opposition tickets. Now both these factions have combined to tight him, and have nominated T. M. Burns, who was one oi the local Gov- those â€â€™0 5335’ viz., Public acknow- 'ernment ticket. The combination is a strong one, but Mr. Turgeou will win as he did beiore, and Conservatives sermon was well delivered and! made recognize the last. and admit it. Kent county has been represented ior some years by Hon. R. J. Le- blnnc, a veteran Liberal. At the last election he had a hundred major- ity over the late George V. Mclner- ney, the strongest man, the Conser- vatives could name. Now they have nominated a young and unknown lawyer, and it is not believed that he has any chance oi success, even though the county voted strongly ior the Hasen Government last spring. St. John is two constituencies, the city represented by Dr: J. W. Daniel, Conservative, and- the city and coun- ty, represented by Hon. Wm. Pugs- ley, Minister oi Public Works. Oi Mr: Pugsley's re-election there is not the slightest doubt. Ex-Ald. A. M. MacRae. who is running against him, is not the unanimous choice at his party. In fact be secured the nomi- nation against the wishes oi the party leaders and oi a majority oi that Gdden Houston “‘0“ 919'“ on TMYS' but one vote over the man the! Mr. Chalmers will commence opera- day from the {sandy residence, 28 wanted. Mr. W 13 strong with tions in the course of a few days. Enter the school of. "Railway .Tele- granny†at Lindsay new spring yomwill be able to 'aCcept good‘lpaying position. Thousands oi operators with knowledge of train orders, signals, etc., will be required. Mr. Paton is ‘the founder and grin. Fuss Ceator heavy the Mr. A. E. Webster, eimal oi the 'school and known work from start to limit, We promise to lindpositions ior 19.- dies in commercial “1,:ng ofï¬- ces as soon as conï¬dent. . Terms reasonable. Address , . i I iv A? He Pith!!- Pnncigal National Belnol at Tole. m. binds-y- : ~ . ‘ entries in the aboVe class. and when Si. Patrick-st. and (proceeded to tine. G. 1!. R. depot, thence to Norland, interment taking (place in the {Pine Ind by Grove cemetery- Mr. Williaim Ohannon, of Oakwood, has handed over the hilver our:~ flic- nated by the «Victoria Leah Bav- draught teams. to Di Oakwcod. There was 'a misunderstanding be- tween. seme;oi tlseicfliciah oi the Lindsay contra Hair end Mr. Casino's: regarding the time "limit in making that gentlemen learned enema m: the Orange element oi the party, but he will lose the support oi many oi its most representative men. Hon. Mr. Pugsley’s election is a lore- gone conclusion. Hisimajority may be 1,000 or more, ior the snort he is putting iorward to provide increased harbor iacflltiee and to thoroughly equip the port are daily winning him strength. DR. DANIEL-'8 CHANCE. His colleague is Mr. James Ponder, a sneeessinl and W , has W unusual strength as a W and had 1.100 madority at Dress Goods at 25c yd. A few odd pieces of plain, fancy and tweed effect dress goods, good weight, leading colors, suitable for children's warm dresses and odd skirts. Regular 40c to 50¢ a yd. To clear at only 250 Wool Dress Goods at 480 yd. All wool tweed dress goods 44 inches wide, colors of brown. navy, green and grey, plain and popular weaves, all fashionable colorings. Regu- lar 50c and 75c values. To clear at ............ Wale Dress Goods 50c yd. The new two tone Cher- eron Wale dress goods, in colorings of navy and green, red and black, green and black, brown and black, etc; all wool qualities. Extra ' l ' 1 t Elfin??? â€T? if??? 500 Chcreron DresstGoods at 75c Plain Chereron dress goods 48 to 50 inches wide, colors of navy, brown, green, black. This is a special imported line and extra good value at this price. Special per yd 75c e-ee ll ll J. SUTCLIFFE G: SONS LINDSAY AND OSHAWA Dr. Pugsley is making on his behali may result in winning the seat for the Liberals, but on the lace of things Dr. Daniel seems to stand a good chance of going back to parlia- ment. Carleton county. represented by F. B. Carvell, is the scene oi a battle royal. His opponent is B. F. Smith, M.L.A., a prominent merchant and mill owner, and a man who is pretty close to the people all over the coun- ty. There is more oi bitterness in the contest than in any other in the province. Both sides are straining every eilort ior success, and it is a toss up which will win. Mr. Carvell has the advantage oi a lead oi over 300 in the ï¬ght four years ago. and the impression is that he will win out, but he has the hardest ï¬ght oi any oi the old members on the Lib- eral side. CON SERVA'I'IVES DI VIDED. W. S. Loggie, in Northumberland, is being opposed by Hon. Donald Morrison, Speaker oi the Provincial House. Mr. Morrison was chosen candidate oi his party over James Robinson, the former Conservative member. and a very wealthy and pop- ular man. Mr. Robinson has not thought it worth while to remain in the county to help his party, while Hon. John Mornsse’ y. the local Min- ister oi Public Works, and the only liberal in Premier Hasen’s Cabinet, who it was hoped would oppose Mr. Loggie because Mr. Loggie opposed him, is remaining inactive. This gives Mr. Loggie all the advantages in a ï¬ght that otherwise might have been most diflcuit, and there is little doubt oi his success by a substantial majority. The Liberals are attacking the Con- servative stronghold with vigor, and while on the iace of it the indications are that Messrs. Fowler, Crockett, Ganong and Wilmot will be returned, it would not be surprising ii one or more oi these met defeat. Mr. Ga- nong in Charlotte has as his oppon- ent W. F. Todd, who lives in his own township, so. Stephen. Mr. Ga- nong has always won his election there. The Liberals hope this year to divide the town and to hold their majority outside. Whichever wins, the contest will be close. merchant». Col. H. H. McLean, who is opposing R. 'D. Wilmot in Queen'sâ€"Sudbury, has the best - organization in the whole province. He is trying to up. set a majority oi 300 in a small con- stituency, and it is not by anymeans certain that he will not succeed. He has got Mr. Wilmot and his support- ers badly scared, while the Liberals are more jubilant than they have been in many an election in thissec- tion. In York, where O. S. Crockett had a substantial majority four years ago, the Liberals have nominated N. W. Brown, a former school inspector, who was dismmsed’ by the Hazen Government. Mr. Brown is a magni- ï¬cent campaigner, and has put up a whirlwind canvass oi the constituency that has won him many friends. Crockett, who announced that he was going to stump the province for other Conservatives, has not dared go outâ€" side, and is working night and day to hold his support. His vote will show heavy 10m, and the only ques- tion is, will they be sufï¬cient to el- ect Brown ? The summary of the province shows that the Liberals are reasonably sure to hold all the seats held by them in the last House. In fact Carleton is the only one in which the contest appears at all doubtful. They are alsosuretomakelsrge gams’ in ev- ery one oi the Conservative districts, and it may possibly be will capture -In an account oi a division court: case in laSt week's issue oi interest to Woodville residents, the name McRa