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Lindsay Post (1907), 30 Oct 1908, p. 3

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mankind food ma- bundance. . g new in . They d for un- varieties aese have Chinese, Isianders. dwellers - of seaâ€" september season‘s t to the ow-boats, the end of attached. - of has- from .ke them . t to dry taken to ded. and u r and diet can- - erg who taste is esp can- udding‘s it terialS oi- ”TTLE BRITAIN. e Mantle Aush‘ is (In #3 “OTHER BIB DPNBTIIIITY II lllllES’ 00118. /â€"â€"-â€"~â€" women’s Coat‘of Heavy- weight Imported Cheviot PRIE $5.00 To emphasize the advantage of having at Wakely’s, we have selec- ted this heavy imported Cheviot. This coat is single breasted, collar cf same material, elaborately trim- med with black silk braid, loose. fitting style. sizes 34 to 42. Price $5.00 $7.00 All-wool Kersey, fly:front Mantle, ,- inches long trimmed Wltl'l fancy scanning and stitching, in black only. Price $7.00 $8.00 . v ‘ W213 SC‘l $10.00 ill wool Double breasted KCTScy Mantle, 47 f strapping. This is a very effective garment. DIRECTOIRE coat J inches long, trimmed In black only. Price $8.00 0 In both double and single breasted styles, lined to waist, trimmed with s: rapping: of self and silk braids, assorted sizes, black only. Price $ 0.00 SEE OUR READY-TO-WEAR SUITS. ’ R a ,. . . ‘l .. . I. \ '1 III ‘ I‘: .. . , ,. .. ' a . . , I 'v . ' . \ . . Q ‘ ,7 .' . . l 1 \ . . .. , . . . ‘ .‘ “I . , . ‘ l ., \. ' \ ,. . . . , , . . McCall Pattern No. 2423 BRITTON BROS, Foot of Kent-st. - LI N DSAY. Watch Chains for Gentlemenâ€" These goods are of fine quality and guar- anteed to give heavy rolled p satisfaction. late, in all styles and patterns. PRICES 81.75 to,815.00 They are made of Watch Chains for Ladies- These are made in all bright Roman and bright platinum and bright gold and have heavy, gem set slides. , . PRICES 83.00 to $15.00 VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME. THE SUPERIOR QUALITIES or \3" are the men who have Put them to the hard- est tests in the rough- tst weather. CN'lfihe o ' incl Towers fisfimnd mode since 1836 “mac na- m mraam “‘ “No-- to summon-no am We have a full assortment of FALL and WINTER SUITINGS. at the right prices. PANTINGS, woos-r- EDS, SERGES. Best in the market. 5. J. RICH, Herehant Tailor, - ONT. The meat Uterine Tonic. any safe eflectual M run which women” BROAD 61. N VETERINAR IANS, unauv, - - curmo. Graduates of the Ontario "eteriaary College. Calls receive prampt attention day or m . 80110.1. OF FINANCE is now one of the leading schools of prac- tical education of Canada. Attendance doubled in three years. “£60 pays board, room, tuition, elec- tric light, use of baths, gymnasium, all but books and laundry to twelve weeks, longer- period at reduced rates. $30.00 pays tuition alone for entire scholastic year. A stat! ct experienced specialists give individual instruction in five distirot courses. An evening class FREE for all ”restored students in this department. Grad positions. _ Penelopâ€" S. S. No. 7 ............... ........... Cambray ...................................... , a o a ...... ...... ...-.- Ioaoo ... .- l ..... s .u. . ....o .. u .. ... ...... .... a. .- .. alaaoa ...... .. ... ...... ...... .. ... ...... ...... a ......................... ...... ao-ooo ...... ...... ...... .... \ a... o ‘ i e o ...-.- .. I ...... Hughes is Again Returned -_.._.__._l.â€"._...â€" [HORNY 10120151115 majority W111 11‘ About 815 People Again Handsomoly Ea- Comparative Statement of This' and Last Elections as far as 11cm! From The election is over and Sam Hughes has been elected, proving again the utter futility of the Liber- alsinplacingamaninthefleld in the last few days of the election and pitting him against a man who has canvassed and nursed the riding con- tinuously for (our long years. During the day, despite the cocoa- ional rain which fell and the conse- quent muddy roads, the workers on both sides worked with great anima- tion and throughout there, waa man- ifested the best of- good feeling be- tween the contending partles as they worked to their utmost capacity each for the success of his favorite candidate. Early in the evening it was appar- ent that Col. Hughes’ reâ€"election was assured, and there was consequently Polling place. Lindsayâ€" East Ward 1 ............................ East Ward 2 ............................... South Ward 1 ............................ South Ward 2 ............................ South Ward 3 ..................... . ..... South Ward 4 ............................ North Ward 1 .................. North Ward 2 .................. ... .. .. North Ward 3 ......... Opsâ€" Hussey's .................. Sand pit .................. Township Hall ............................ Hartnett’s ................................... Reaboro ..................................... Cheese Factory ............................. Emily- McGee’s ...................................... Lang's ........................................ Spencer's .......................... Dowueyville ................................ Salem ....................................... King’s Wharf ............................. O’Donnell’s Cardenâ€" Walsh‘s . .. .. Dalrymple . Daltonâ€" No. 1.......... . No. 2 .. .. Eldonâ€" Lorueville .. . . Hartley .. . Balsover Mariposaâ€" Fingerboard .. .. ' Valentin ...................................... Little Britain ............................. Oakwood .................................... Manilla ...................................... . 96 ‘ 76 1 ......................... 8‘2 . 34 24 . 30 91 ...... 61 ‘29 Brown’s . Black’s Eden .......................................... Woodville . Omcmee ...................................... . Verulnmâ€" Dunsford ..................................... Red School House ....................... Bethcl ......................................... Lamb’s ...................................... Ingram's ..................................... Devitt's ....................................... Bobcaygeonâ€" No. 2 Grange Hall .. Cameron ................... r .................. No. 5 ......................................... Fenelon Fallsâ€" No. Somervilleâ€" Burnt River .. . Kinmount .................................. .37‘ .106 . ......... ooooaaaao ...-u... ... n... 2 ............................. . .......... much jubilation on the part of his supporters. This happiness '88 very shortly dampened, however, by the returns which came over the wires showing that without doubt the govement of the day would be sustained, and that Sir Wilfrid Laurier would be enabled to finish the great under- takings in which he is engaged for the development and betterment 01 the country, and very shortly all the light in the Conservative committee ”rooms were extinguished and the en- thusiasm of a few moments before was much subdued. Corresponding cheerfulness grew more and more manifest in the Liberal committee rooms as the news was flashed over substantial majority with which to carry on the business of the coun- 1 try. So far as obtainable, the figures for Victoria and Haliburton are as ' follows : McLaughlin McLaughlin Hughes E -- 58 .. 110 -- 113 .. 145 1:20 ...... 115 ...... 108 35 ...... 84 71 75 h) ....................... a ........................ ~ ~10 89 49 a ........................ . 16 . 19 ll . 97 . 19 . 45 ......................... Kirkfield 20 57 48 67 w .......................................... o 67 38 ........................ o 38 ........................ n ........................... . ...... ...... ...... ...... .......................... . "can on a an". - 28 Coboconk ......... . . .. Bexleyâ€" No. 1 ........................................ Victoria Road ........................... Laxton, Digby and Lutterworth . Anson and Hinden ......................... Blairhampton ........................... Snowdenâ€" Gelert ........................................ Maple Lake ......................... .. Monmouthâ€" Tory H111 .................................... Cardif! ........................................ ...... "Quebec ......... ' North Toronto. 15l ...................................... 835 ...... ‘27 18 39 ...... 59 ...... 16 .I access nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ......................... 37 36 ................. 16 38,"... 22 .. cocoon . Minority for Hughesâ€"873. Q W at. John a‘yp Dr- M 100.01 M Guest - Look here, =waiter, oysters that you have servedl me are ' 1 1 those 1 It watts $50 to (loin the Montreal Board of“ Trade, a 1:11on body whose doroo Sir Wilma, THE PLURALITY IS FIFTY Government Will Have Majority In Every Province Except Ontarioâ€" Slandorbund Moots Its Death Blow With seven Among tho Hasâ€"Bunaâ€"Maclunzlo King Victorious In N. Waterloo. Toronto. Oct. 27.â€"The following are the returns of yesterday’s elections, Wrdlns to provinces: Libs. Conn. 39 51 11. 11 Ontario Nova Scotia .......... New Brunswick ...... P. E. Island ......... Manitoba British oéiumbu 13 y 50 Elections to be heldâ€"7. InQuebec the elections resultedina condition of as you were. The Lib- erals and Conservatives each gained _five seats. The net result of the poll- mg really was the dianging of a few seats from one column to the other, and the defeat of Mr. Bergeron, one of Mr. Borden’s lieutenants from that province. The most remarkable reVersal of the verdict of 1904 took place in Nova Scotia. That province returned “the solid eighteen" an unbroken delega- Biuunawwqfih E E Wad, not!“ ocean-o'o'o’od: M. M ........ oooo‘too! Salt Coats, Miller Prmoe Albert. McKay (acetic: later). Alberta. Calgary, McCarthy . . 66 Medicine Hat. Magi-all: ......m. mo British Columbia. Vancouver, Cowan ......... ...». Vctoria, Barnard ...... ......“ 5 New Westmnatet. Taylor ....... soo West Middleoex, Calvert ...... North Middlesex, Smith ....... West Northumberland, McColl. . South Ontario, Powke ......... Ottawa, McGiverin ............. ” Sir W. Laurie! .......... North Oxford. Ncobit‘t South Oxford, Schell ........... North Perth, Dr. Rankin ...... South Perth. McIntyre ......... West Peterboro, Stratton ....... Prescott, Proulx ............... Prince Edward, Currie ......... South Renfrew, Thoe. Low ..... Russell, Hon. G. Murphy ....... East Simcoe, Chew ............ Stormont, Major Smith ......... Thunder Bay. Jas. ()onmee ..... North Waterloo, King Welland. German .............. North Wellington, Martin ...... South Wellington, Guthrie ..... 619 115 Q Q 50 300 327 100 375 136 tion of Liberals in 1904, while this ‘ Wentworth. Sealey ............ year the figur of eleven Liberals and seven Conser- vativcs. The other Maritime Pro- vinces make up for this loss by a reused representation of Prince Edward Island, which returned three Conservatives es indicate the election . I and a Liberal in 1904, this time sends ' three Liberals and a Conservative. New Brunswick gives an answer to the campaign of slander waged against Mr. Pugsley and his suppor- ters by returning eleven Liberals and only two Conservatives. From the Muitime Provinces as a whole, therefore, there are 25 Libâ€" erals and 10 Conservatives. The Ontario Turn-Over. The totals for Ontario are 39 Liber- als and 47 Conservatives,precisely the some figures as when the House of Commons was dissolved. The gener- al malt is the same, but there has been such a shaking up of seats as few expected. Here are the Liberal and Conservative gains in this Pro- vmce: Liberal gains-Brantford, Cornwall and Stormont, West Kent, South On- tario, North Perth, Prince Edward East Simcoe, North Waterloo, Went» worth. Totalâ€"9. Conservative gainsâ€"South Bruce. North Grey, West Hamilton, Nipis- Sing, North Ontario, Parry Sound, East Peterborough, North Simcoe. Centre York. Totalâ€"9. These are the results so far secured from the various oonstituencea. The assured Liberal victories will be much greater: CONSERVATIVES ELECTED. Ontario. West, Boyce ........... South Bruce, Donnelly ........ Carleton. Borden .............. Duflenn' , Dr. Barr .............. Dundas, Broder ................ Durham, Thornton ............ . East Elgin. Marshall ......... 3. West Elgin, Crothers ........... Frontenac. Dr. Edwards ........ Glcngarry, Mchgor ........... Grenville, Reid ................ East Grey, Dr. Sproule ......... North Grey, Middleboro ....... Haldimand. Lalor .............. Halton, Henderson ............ Boat Hamilton, Barker ......... West Harnilton, Mayor Stewart East Hastings, Northrup ...... West Hastings. E. Guss Porter East Huron. Dr. Chisholm West Huron. Lewis ......... East Lambton, Armstrong ...... North Lanark, Thoburn ....... South Ianark, Haggart ”a”; We, T‘ylo: a.-oa‘1 ccccccc 77... nnqx and Addington, Wilson ' coln, Lancaster London, Major Beattie East Middlesex, Elson ......... Muskoka, Wright .............. Nipissing. Gordon .............. Norfolk, McCall ................ East Northumberland, Owen North Ontario, Sharpe ......... Parry Sound, Arthur: .......... Peel. Blain ... ........ _ .......... Rad. mm Scxsmxtb ...... North Bentrew, White ......... North Simcoe. Currie ........... South Simcoe, Lennox ........ Centre Toronto, Bristoll ..... .. East Toronto. Joe. Russell ..... . G. E. Fasten... South Tomato. Macdouell West Toronto, 01 Victoria and Haliburton, H all 200 800 500 1% 500 115 700 mo 31 M ...- 63 South Waterloo. Clare ......... 21 Centre York, Wallace ...... . . . South York. Maclean ...... .. . 700 150 L'Islet, P not ................ 3Q It!) Sherbrooke. Worthington ...... Montreal, 8t. Antoine. Amos Montreal, St. Annes, Doherty .. Charlevoix. Forget .......... Quebec West, Pnce Soulauges. Lortie ........ Terrebonnc, Nantol .. Champlain, Blondin ........... 10 M 74 130 130 46 o ccccccc ooo ack ............ South, Maddin tanflold .......... ., land, Rhodes .......... . , 1m ...-OIOOOI-C...‘ . ' (1). Borden aa.|if.x ' (:Iw’ no ..... 0.0... ml" Brunswick. 131 'uaoooaooaooaoovofl York. W ooooooooootd 900 l or I E E North York, Aylocworth Quebec. Beanharnois, Papineau ...... Beauce. Beland ............... . Bellechasse. Talbot ........... Berthier, Lecrement .......... Brome, Hochelaga, Rivet Huntingdon, Robb ............ Joliette. Dubcau Kamcuraska, Lapointe ........ I.aprairie Napierville,Lanclot 394 L'Amomption, Seguia. maj.notgiven. Laval, Wilson 70 Labelle, Major Levis. Carrier Lotbiniere. Fortier Maissoneuve, Verville ......... Maskinonge. Mayrand ........ Megantic. Savoie Missisquoi, Meigs .............. Montcalm. Dugas Montmagny. Roy .............. Montmorency. Parent .......... 4(1) Montreal. St. James, Gcrvais .. 1,593 Montreal, St. Lawrence, Bicker dike Montreal. St. Mary’s, Nicolet, Turcotte Pontiac. Hodgins .............. Port Neuf. Delisle ............. 500 Quebec Centre. Lachance ...... 800 Quebec East. Laurier .......... 21110 uebec County, Turcotte ...... 150 ............ 1,100 1,00) 450 Richelieu. Lanclel Richmond and Wolfe, Tobin .. Rimouski. Ross ................ Rouville, Brodeur (acc1.) St. Hyacinthe, Bcauparlant 620 Sheflord. Allan W0 Stanstead, Lovell. maj. not given. Temiscouta, Gauvreau ......... Three Rivers. Bureau .' ......... Two Mountains, Bthier Audreuile. Boyer ............... Wright. Devlin. maj. not given. Yamaaka, Gladu St. Johnspl'berville. Dcmers (noel) Nova Scotia. Annapolis, Pickup ...... Antigonish, Chisholm .......... Guysboro. Sinclair ............. Hunts, Black .................. Invernees. Dr. Chisholm ....... King’s, Sir F. Borden ...... ... Lunenburg, McLean ........... Pictou, Macdonald ............. Richmond, Ky'te Shelbumeâ€"Queen's, Fielding Yarmouthg Law ............... New Brunswick. Carleton, Cmil Charlotte, Todd ................ Gloucester. Turgeon Kent, Leblanc .................. King's-Albert, McAllister ..... Northumberland. Loggia ....... Restigouche. Reid .............. St. John City and Count, Hon. Pugsley ................. Victoria. Michaud .............. Sunbury-Queen'sâ€"McLean ..... Westmoreland. Emerson ....... 1. Manitoba. Brandon, Hon. C. Sifton ....... Linger, Greenway .............. Provencher, Milloy ............. Saskatchewan. Assiniboia. Saciff ............... Humbolt, Dr. Neely ............ Mackenzie, Dr. Cash ............ Moose Jaw, Knowles .......... Regina. Martin ................ Saskatchewan, McCraney ..... .~ Alberta. Edmonton. Hon. F. Oliver Macleod, McDonald ............ Red Deer, Dr. Clark ........... Strathcoua. McIntyre .......... Victoria, White ............... Prince Edward Island. Prince, Richards ............... Queen’s, Warburtou ............ Queen's, Prowse ............... British Columbia. Nanaimo, Smith ............... Defer-rod. Kootenayâ€"A. L. Goodeye. Smith Curtis, deferred. Comox-Atlinâ€"Dr. Stone, deterred. Yale-Can'booâ€"Martin Burrell, Dun- ”Random R. Offices. Montreal, Oct. %.â€"lfire broke out earlyiastove ' lnonupperflatof the new Grand ticket cacao. which they have ncently occupied- mummngoMnnder-W u'olandlittledamazemm 371 214 156 160 113 63 148 150 Quinan, William i l ! \ I I l E Many Strum Will Take Soot: in the House. . ‘ STALWARTS BITE THE BUS! New Faces Will Be Seen Instead q Retired Legislators and Defeated: “when -â€" Misfortune Overtakoe Lefurgoy and His Partnersâ€" Gaina Resolved Themselves Into a Matter of Exchange. Toronto, 0a. 27.â€"â€"â€"The new Housu oi Commons will show many changa. old members gone and strangers elect ed to seats that have long been iden- tified with others. Of the WV.- tive leaders many are gone and cord of the Liberals, too, are missing. The result summarized is: Conservative “Members Detected. A. E. Kemp. R. A. Pringle. Peter Christie. G. O. Alcorn. W. H. Bennett. W. F. COCkshutt. M. Avery. A. F. Maclaren. Liberal est-Members Defeated. Adam Zimmerman. Dr. P. D. McLean. G. D. Grant. W. P. Teliord. R. J. Watson. P. H. McKenzie. C. A. McCool. Conservative Gaina. Bruce Southâ€"Donnelly. Battlefordâ€"Morrison. Cumberland, N.S.~Rhodes. Champlainâ€"Blondin. Cape Breton Southâ€"Madden. Cape Breton Northâ€"McCormack. Digby. N.S.â€"Jameson AGAIN CANADA’S PREMIER. Dauphinâ€"Campbell. Grey Northâ€"Middlebro. Halifax (llâ€"R. L. Bordon- Halifax (2)â€"â€"A. B. Crosby. Hamilton Westâ€"Stewart. King. BBLâ€"Fraser. Lanark Northâ€"Thobum. Montreal. St. Anne’sâ€"Doherty Nipissingâ€"Gordon. . New Westminsterâ€"Ta lor. Ontario Northâ€"Sh . Peterboro Eastâ€"Sensmith. Portage la Prairieâ€"Merchant. Parry Soundâ€"Arthurs. Quebec Westâ€"Price. w" Simcoe Northâ€"Currie. ‘ Selkirkâ€"Bradbury. Soulangesâ€"Lortie. Terrebonneâ€"Nantel. Victoriaâ€"Bernard. “‘innipegâ€"Hoxgart. York Centreâ€"Wallace. Liberal Gaina. Brantlordâ€"Harrie. Beauharnoisâ€"Papmm Dorchester-Roy. Huntingdonâ€"Robb. Kent Westâ€"Mchg. Laval, Que.â€"W1180n. Ontario Sontbâ€"Fowke. Prince Edwardâ€"Come. Perth North-. in- Pontiacâ€"Hodgms._ Prinve, P.E.I.-â€"Richard1. Queen's. BELâ€"Prawns. Stormontr-Smith Simeon Eastâ€"Chew. Waterloo Northâ€"King- New Faces In the House. T. W. Crothers. C. J. Thornton. Lloyd Harris. J. J. Donnelly. Dr. Edwards. W. S. Middlcboro. Mayor Stewart. Alex. Smith. George Gordon. Alex. McCall. Sam Sharpe. F. L. Fowke. Hal McGiverin. E. W. Nesbitt. James Arthur's. Dr. J. P. Rankin. J. A. Sexsvith- Hon. J. R. Stratton. Dr. M. Currie. M. Chew. Currie. R. Smith. Russell. Joseph _ . Mackenzie . King. W’. O. Sealey. Captain T. C. Wallace. A. B. McCoig. Hon. Charles Murphy. A. B. Crosby. . uebcc. Oct. 2.7â€"Sir Wilfrid Laurâ€" ierQ received returns at the Chateau Frontenac. surrounded by thus'asti~ friends. He mad eret 1of his pleasure, but had no state- ment for the cOuntry last night. _______.__-â€"-â€"- New Hospltai. 26.â€"A magnificent hm» Govern- licre yes-- neoul. Oct. pita], built ‘ry the Japanese izicnt. was formally opened _ . terday. his one of the finest mstatu--' school of medicine. _____________â€"â€" Insurrection Ended. Tokio, Oct. %.â€"The so-called in- surrection in Korea is practically and ed. The troops are still on active» duty. but the insurgents have dwin- dled to marelv a disorderly; element. _____â€"._.â€"-â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€" Windsor Man Gets 015cc. depend. Sold in three W 0‘ strengthâ€"No. l. ; ho. is 8th, 1908 “:83. ' w p232: For illustrated Calendar. address (2 Son , all M . . fiufiéfia Afifitfi ran-nut mau.a.a.,s. 'ohie' duty is. 00.311“! cabinet minis- .but te:s where there should be another 'orâ€" iharbtir shed. is it Mort]! the mine}! â€"Tcrol\tu New‘s. , g Q . ; 3 . , i had. ' « l... Waiter â€" I know that, air, gave you three, more thong you dered to make? up for. it. ‘ . . ; w W:€.T‘a.?1°‘..:;:::::::::. , la Prairie. Meaghan ’ Mm ...IVOIIOOOCIO MW III‘DIUCOI’I'OCfl. l l tirms in the far east and includes as . ' m .

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