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Lindsay Post (1907), 28 Oct 1910, p. 9

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Winiam. $1.. Oppusite Pxesbyte: Church. Phene 131L. P. O. Box Counterfeits, Imit n_‘«';IIXDIIt§ that trif GENUINE The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been er 30 years, has borne the signature of in use for 0" - and has been made under his pet- flm sonal supervision since its infancy. , ’ Allow no one to deceive you in this. All CounterfeitS, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but that trifle with and endanger the health of Experiments . ’ . Infants and Children-Expenence agamst Expenment. 'I-wâ€" -â€" -"‘;. . 8 . “A- Cadoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- gorio, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It «mains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic ,ubsmnce. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and alluys Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Fiatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panaceaâ€"The Mother’s Friend. What‘janASTORIA yuyuucu §V I“. CONSULTATION REE. BOOKS FREE. If unable to can write for t Question Blgnk for Home Ttemgnt. Dns.KENHEDYKENNEDY All letters from Canada must be addressed N‘l OTICE to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- â€" ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medial Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: 6 ms. xmnmy a: KENNEDY, wanam. Ont. .wfifa for our private addzxss. {and bonthuefifio so. w treat .1 our vmcose vans. NERVOUS om. 31.0012 AND 13min cofipmafis. KIDNEY AND swam 0159.355 and allDueuu peculiar to Mu!- ~ ,-__. _- ._ A n ,l. , l--- Aa__;!__ Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold SL, Detroit, Mich. z. OCTOBER '28. Oppusj In Wt un‘rnun cognnv. -STRONG AND 5 'Qecond-hand Buggies La CASTORIA OURES GUARANTEED OR NO FAY For Over 30 Years. Ill ll 21': Give us a call fbeforetf on buy. 17 MURRAY STREET. NEW '0"! cm. Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines, Etc., Etc. \Ve carry the highest-grade mats}- cal instruments and we are not ifin- erent pedlars on commissinn but know the real value of the goods that we of fer you and can therefore give you closest. prices an 15!: quality goods. In Sewing machines we handle and sell such well know and high-grade mak es as ‘W’fifl‘ifi” “STANDARD” "NEW’ HOME" and "RAYMOND” andlguarautee all goods. STYLISH F or Sale Cheap ALWAYS 1 ('4 J. G. EYRES TALKS TO POST OF HIS TRIP 10 THE WEST: ' “Yes, I met a lot of Lindsay peo: ple out at Saskatoon during my two" i lmonths’ stay. Mr. J. Irwin, now susi iperintendent of the C. N. R., has his 1headquarters in the city of Saska toon, and I can assure yo: WE imaster of his situation exceptionally capable and well liked. Nothing aris- ‘tocratic about our “ain John,” but L l glad hand for all comers, m fact a... typical big hearted mesterner. Then 1 there is Leon Koyl who so ably held ‘the laurels for us as a hockey play- ‘er. He is now equally famous as a ' ‘real estate dealer. It would astonish I (From Thursday’s Evening POSt) This morning a. Post representa- tive had a most enjoyable and pro- fitable interview with Mr. J. G. Ey- res, who has just returned , from a trip to the great Canadian West. That gentleman, it is unnecessary to state, is enthusiastic over the great possibilities of this part of the Dominion and very kindly devoted some of his time in answering the scribe's interrogations. “I suppose you came across Quite a number from your home‘town," said the reporter. your to see the piles of letters the firm of McDonald Koyl receNe from enquirers and purchasers from this Dominion and the United Stat- es, which is undoubtedly the direct result of their fairness \and integrity, and also their judicious selections for their clients. “Well. Mr. Eyres, what do you think of Saskatoon ?” m, Bummn POWER comm WANT PATENT 1‘0 mum's LAND {hm m2! News 93m: A Success A3 Mum Star: A deputation headed by J. J. Preston and J. H. Devitt, two members of the Legislature, waited upon Hon. Frank Cochrane, Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines, this morning, to ask that the Central Ontario Power Company be given a patent to 26 acres. of Government lands near. Burleigh Fall's. This company has received from the Dominion Government a concession to develop power are Burleigh Falls on From Saturday's Post Mr. Freemont Grendel]: and son Freemont, in, left this morning via C.P.R. for Prince Rupart, where they wilI resume their work on the Grand Trunk Pacific 250 miles east of Prince Rupert. Mr. Gran-Jen says the building of the G.T.P. in the west is very mu CH delayed by lack the building of the G.T.P. in the west is very mu CE delayed by lack of labor, which is very scarce» and the contractbrs are using every ef- fort to induce the B‘l'itish Columbi’a government to allow them to im- Port Oriental labor to 30:39 ”am out. Children Cry run rmcnm’s CASI_OBIA of Lindsay 1380* { operating ram: during my two 'to £0110W- . Irwin, now su-n c N R., has his; : city of Sanka.’ , assure 70‘_I unfifi" set apart for “It is going ahead at a wonderful pace. Remember, it is not outgrow- ing itself. Every condition is equal to the occasion, Why, in 1903, just six years ago, its population was on- ly 113, and just before I left, census returns showed a population of a little over 16,000. This phenomenal increase, being 154 per cent. greater than the combined percentage In- crease of 11 of the leading western cities for nine years, being a fifty per cent longer period than the ex- istence of Saskatoon, whose actual {percentage was 10608 per cent. in six years, and there is now nine difierent loperating rachgay outlets and more {to follow. ‘ l .. set apart for the grounds. “Arrangements are being completed for om: of the best power plants in the West through the immense. and rapid flow of water in the big Sas- katchewan river, which passes through the city. The grain crops of Saskatchewan surpass anything in e west and while it is the young- th of the three prairie provinces the gain yield for 1909 amounted to $112,539,242 being considerable Sover thé total produce of Manitoba and Alberta combined and one-eighth as much wheat as the entire United States. “We certainly hold the fort for‘ the most gigantic wheat protfuc- ing areas of the world.” the Otonabee River, at the head of Stoney Lake. The land in question is immediately adnoining this water pow- er. At the present time this question of ownership is in dispute between the Ontario and Dominion Governments, and th’ereiore the Minister of Lands, Forestsxend Hines is in favor of a re- lease. The -"bompany, however, desires patent rights. It promises cheap pow- er to Cobourg, Port' Hope, Peterboro and surrounding towns. ngmeDSAY 1305': then there has been a deluge of orders for further supplies. There .‘s a gener- al consensus of opinion among those who have used the new fuel that it is cheaper than coal. The results of the first year’s operations of the: gow- ernmenlt plant at Alfred indicate that there is an immense field for commercial explo.tation in developâ€" ing’ the very large peat deposits scat- tered throughout central Canada. uy. She had - been Campbellford and Buckhorn, and in the former place met her betrayer. - - 'â€" LL- ALL.â€" “ICU LAVA â€"--,V_ The young girl had been in the city but a short time and not having any acquaintances or friends with. vvhom she cou‘d spend the night, took the course stated above. 'She was given the direction as to d a. local institution where g-ine has new of Mr. Philip to run his chi-nerY- .The 9.59 a short time ago. fersity and agricultural be a credit to any city over 1300 acres of land 31‘58 power gasoline en- . installed at the place Northcott, of Cameron chopped and other ma- mofor was supplied by all, of the Lindsay gar- Engine Installed CREW“ TO HANG Close of Great Murder Trial in London London, Oct. 22.-Dr. H. S. Crippen was this afternoon found guilty of murder by the jury, and was at once sentenced by Lord Alverstone to be hanged. The Jury, after being addres- sed by the judge, retired at 2.42 o’~ clock, and returned shortly after with a. verdict of guilty of murder The court room was crowded when the case was resumed this morning. Dr. Crippen was, as usual, carefully-1 dressed, and to all appearances, un- ‘ worried by the seriousness of his position. A sensation was created in court when the judge, first asking the jury if they had seen yesterday’s Ev- ening News, directed that an order be issued for the attendance before His Lordship in the court of the day of the editor of the Evening News. His Lordship, addressing Mr. Muir, chief counsel for the prosecution, said he had received a great many communi- cations, some of them entitled to re- spect. Fatal Accident Namwly Averted On Thursday evening there occurr- ed at Haliburton What might have been a. fatal accident. A traveller who was staying: at the Watt house was looking over his gun preparatory to going for a hunt He put the gun up to his shoulder, and sighted it out of the window, and not knowing it was loaded pull- ed the triggerand it went ofl, blow- ing‘ a gole through the plate glass window and passing through the fence into Dr. Soady’s building on the ouposite side of the street. Mr *Watt, the proprietor of the hotel, ‘was sitting in front of the window, and the ball just missed his head by an inch or two. Review: Around the year 1880 a young lad came to Peterboro junior clerk in the old Bank of Com- merce, situated then at the corner of Brock and George streets. Today that grown to manhood, after years 8.53 ‘boy. of faithful and diligent service, is manager of the bank in Peterboro, Such is the career, in brief, up to the present, of Mr. Dunsiord, who arrived in the city last week to ac- cept the. position as manager of the Banv of Commerce. ‘ --,J qua v v- Mr. Dunsford will be remembered by many of the older residents of the city. His father was the late Mr. Martin Dunsiord, who practiced law Star ............ in. Peterboro in the year 1860. He Dunsford ......... served in the bank here for two ‘Mariposa ,,,,,,,,, years, before being moved, and (Omemee ,,,,,,,,, :since that time he has been. constant"j North Ops ........ 1y transferred from city to city, each. iReaboro ...... move being a slight promotion, unâ€" !Bobcaygeon ...... til now, in middle life he has been [Maple Leaf _______ appointed manager in the same city lRed Rock ......... which saw tne commencement of his lNorth Harvey. banking Career. ‘ Mr. Dimsford is a nephew of the 1 late George Dunsford, and 3130 at the S d- ! yn tca 'late Mr. Hartley Dunsford, registrar of Victoria. Mr. Dunsiord will, in a few weeks occupy the residence vacated by Mr D. Hughes, Charles, 748 Water street The following ded .â€" Bowmanville In Toronto, on October 13th, was solemniZed a. pretty but quiet wed- ding, wheo Miss H. M. Lane, young- est daughter of Mrs. J. Lane, of Ha- liburton, was united in marriage to M- m We nnxsee. M. A., of Peter- 'bOl‘O'. Immediately after the ceremony Mr Doxsee was due to leave for Calgary to bake a. position of school teaching while his young bride received a tele~ cram! from her mother to return gram from her mower w new... home on account of i'llness. Mr. Doxsee is well and favorably known, as is his bride, and congratu- lations are current everywhere in town. (Special to The Post) heal. met" 2'”- °°""'- w“. . 3%? W. W. Doxsee. LANEâ€"DOXSEE 222322222222 :2: 20m PERRY 2; I AND LINDSAY wmiwm «g; Review: Mr. J. H. McClellan, sup-1 erintendent of the Trent Valley Ca- nal, returned yesterday from an in- spection trip of the waters between Lindsay and Port Perry. He was accompanied on the trip by mem- bers of the council of Port Perry, that town being greatly interested and thoroughly alive, in regard to the waterway problem, that now, and for some time past, has been confronting it. € When Port Perry was at its height ias a lumbering centre a railway was- bonused, and a line built from Whit- by to that place, and later a junction Was built, which gave the town ac~ cess to Lindsay, just as did the Scuâ€" gog riher and lake. Transportation by Water, however, gave way to the railway, and as a consequence, the dam and locks erected by the On- tario government, which kept the water level normal, fell into disuse and out of repair. évgcnsr (swag m OPEN mm}: m THE TRAPPING 0? max Toronto Mail: A large deputation was introduced at 4 p.m-. yesterday to the Hon. Dr. Reaume by Messrs. W. D. McPherson, K.C., M.P.P., and John Shaw, M.P.P., representing practically all the prominent fur dea- lers in Toronto and Northern Ontar- io, requesting an amendment to the game and fish law by having the open season for taking mink changed from the lst of December to the lst of No- vember in the Autumn and the close season limited from the lst of May to the lst of April. The dealers were represented by Mr. M. H. Ludwig, K. i 0., and Mr. J. H. Hammond, of Oril- guy on ”J v‘. v- wvvfi Among those present were 3... BIT. ance With the request at the mt“ George Monteieh, of the Monteith 510“ 0f the 1198151311“. ' ‘ , Fur Co ; Mr. George Dale, represent- Last year, and as far bad: a;1% of Wagner, Bras‘Ier Co. ; Mr. Geo. 08 Inspector WV, 111 hast-M 12‘ E. Gillespie, of the Gillespie Fur Co. suggested the following War: Mr. Chas. J. McKay, of the 0mm “That mink 13¢er he? chug» Hide Skin Co. ;.Mr W. C. Gonett of May the_1ef. of Ham "'3‘ . , of Orillia; Mr. C. W. Dineen, of the each year. 115%} MW;”" iW. andD.DineenCo., and Mn-DG wwmfimndatmn had been A-___. .3 5|... lia. The cheese board met t] at 10 o clock, bidders Gillespie, Brown and F] present. Cheese sold at 1‘ ald bought all? but )1 Reaboro at the quoted 1Flavelle taking Maripo boro output. The following factories Dunsford ........ Mariposa ....... Omemee ......... North 095.... Syndicate For Expioiting Powes Bowmanville Commissioner erboro phoned were power fa Bowmanville Review: Monday the‘ W“ “““b”“.““" ‘W' . . . ‘ M. I. COFFM. Commissmner of Industries for Petâ€" C 01 dw at or erboro phoned the Mayor that there “My daughter was ’ with Dr. Miles’ Restc Nervine, after having afflicted with fits for five ) PETER McAUL Springfield, “For a year my little b4 spasms every time he got . cold. Since taking Dr. Nervine he has never 1:: of these spasms.” MRS. MYRTLE DAG Rocheste “My daughter couldn’t walk from St. Vitus’ Seven bottles of Dr. Nervine entirely cured ht MRS. NANNIE L1 Eth “Until my son was 3 old he had fits right ale! gave him seven bottles Miles’ Restorative Nervi has not had a fit since i on the fifth bottle." ilities in that district were power fac that could be cheaply developed and suggested that the several towns form a municipal syndicate Bowmanville at a cos $15 per horse power. Ameeting may be held in the near future. The Toronto Telegram says : â€" I “Eastern Ontario stands waiting the this Commission. guiding hand of e for What the Commission has don Ottawa ‘in securing for the citizens of the capital electricity at 015 per h.p. it must also do for Whitby, Bowman- ville, Kingston, Brockville and Corn- wall. Power must be had from the waters of the Trent Valley Canal and from the other rivers and falls ‘ of Eastern Ontario to:stimu1ate the mâ€" MRS. R. DUN'l dustnes of these cities and towns, Wanton and to revive? the flagging commercial Price 31.00 at your mu. liie of this, the oldest section of our “'9", “Lyvéwfifi: “" m" on. um 0‘ .’ Province.’ 5 Held Session ..-o-o. .o...-oo-.. -..o I 'd met this morn ng Mr. T. ‘ bidders Fitzgerald , purchase? a flock of geeee, is not and Flavelle being ‘ mourning the loss of one of the old at llfic. Fotzger ‘1 number. ‘ but Mariposa and? On Saturday the mm was duper:- quoted price. Buyer ing itself with the other numbers a Mariposa anfl Reaâ€" the flock when it suddenly took a -u 1 AA__I- 0...... f‘kw-VA’A “m LI i J. Spratt, who recently .. once-o... 0.00.0... -~ ....-..-- coo-o...- rtation There have been many Wyn to the about the low water in this Inta- the ‘course, but the dam and locks at 011- Lindsay is now fulfilling its mm ‘t the and besides being buoyed, the river: disuse and upper Scugog will receive other attentnon by the department. I were ...... 13S d towns, :ommercial tion of our saw the possibilities before the to... it connected with the canal Since the erection of the new and locks at Lindsay by the D! ion government, and wh'wh has recently been put in operation, water is again at normal level thn the rise has come corms! ing benefits. The fish have come back to t 01d haunts, and this in itself 18 great asset to Port Perry 36 a i mer resort. Then, too, the facilities in conjunction with anal will allow of cheaper tr: tation to and from the town. 80 165 65 85 60 99 57 signatures of the following members of the House: A. C. Pratt (Salli Norfolk), R. R. Gamey (Manitoulin 3. John Gama (Parry Sound), JuneaR‘ Tudhope (East Simcoe), A. EM son (Centre Simcoe), A. A. M (Muskcka), T. Hum: (North Yarn,“ ..K McNaught' (North To- ronto), W. A. Preston (Rainy River), W. R. Smyth (Algoma), T. R. White. side (East Toronto), and '1'. E- Brut- ‘burn (East Peterboro). The Minister heard the deputatino which. presented the detail“! reset. for the proposed change, MW On Saturday the ‘citd was dl‘por‘ié’ ing itself with the other members (K the flock when it suddenly took a wild streak, flew Skyward, aid stun-k ofi - in the direction of the 913?. round house. Back again it came and circled the ‘ flock several times, Eml- ly strikmg out towards the pump house. It was afterwaeds notiued by a citizen striking back again, but Tom thinks she is “a gone goose.” What caused her to leave the flock is a. mystery. It is thought thatthe- bird was given a. hint that there was a scarcity of turkeys, and it took flight in order to save its head- Epi.1<=:g:e3‘E , Spasm St. Vitus’ fiance “I suffered for many years from what some people can epilepsy. Dr. Miles’ Restora- tive Nervine cured me, and you can imagine how thankful I am.” M. I. COFFMAN, Coldwater, Midi. “My daughter was cured with Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine, after having been afflicted with fits for five years.” PETER McAULEY, Springfield, Mass. “For a year my little boy had spasms every time he got a little cold. Since taking Dr. Mile! Nervine he has never had one of these spasms.” MRS. MYRTLE DAGUE, _ Rochester, Ind. “My daughter couldn’t talk or walk from St. Vitus’ dance. Seven bottles of Dr. Milcs' Nervine entirely cureci her.” MRS. NANNIE LANE, _ “Until my son was 30 yea: old he had fits right along. We ve him seven bottles of Dr. Milcs’ Restorative Nervinc. H: has‘pot had a fit since he began 1"“- CA -LL‘- ” At} ,9 ; . r5 PAGE 9 Wild Streak .' 'R DUNTLEY. \Nautoma, Ethel, Ind. H's”

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