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Lindsay Post (1907), 28 Oct 1910, p. 12

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9' PAGE 1’2 i. _ E’fhls being in is curious business. It usually commences in a subtle hion, almost unconsciously. Yet it you do not check your illness, it grows and grows. And one fine day you find you‘re ick. g x I! 1K ,The greatest scavengers of the body ' the white corpuscles, or phagocytes These White corpuscles attack and ‘ that in- i That is when they are strong enough 3nd in sufficient numbers. If they're not strong enough, then hey wage an unequal warfare until ey are finally overcome by their ore powerful enemies. F The body becomes steadily sickel A - ,m “t...“ Menage sets in. e w‘uchcmGIDuU-u -..- -m 5 It usually commences in a 50th 111°“, almost unconscxously. Toâ€"day it is making remarkable Yet if you do not check your illness, cures. It grows and grows. , , : , In the interrm, millions of bottles of Wind one fine day you find you 1‘8 Psychine have been sold. 1c I .33. fig * 3* Hundreds of thousands of peeple made .well and kept well. ,‘The greatest scavengers of the body Wh , . ' the white corpuscles, or phagocytes y. . Because Psychine is largely made up in the blood. . These white cox-pussies attack and of those herbs that scientists now know hat it.- increase and strengthen the white cor- at 11 every germ of disease . p" ‘ ,_ puscles, the phagocytes. F Now. we have had all sorts or so- alled cures. ”"And a great many people have seri- usly endangered their health ex- ~merimenting with them. La. Bu). years agoâ€"before even science iwas able to tell we had the right treat- ment for diseaseâ€"-viz., herbs, nature‘s town remedies. 9'? Now that science can ten to an abso- hute certainty, w ' herbs cure disease. EX Because they strengthen and in- rease the white corpuscles or phago- cytes. 'A resident of Haliburton, who ar-I rived in town this morning, tells aK very strange story concerning the al- ' leged appearance of what is supposed to be a balloon in the north country. He states the strange craft was i seen by several settlers, floating at a: great distance in the air on Wednes- day about dusk and also on Thurs- day morning. His informants are, he claims, thoroughly reliable and I trustworthy residents of the county, 1 and their statements are corroborat- ed hymembers of their family. ' Some seem to think that the strange object is the balloon Helvetia, in charge of Colonel Schaack and Paul IArmbruster, but such is not the case, as these gentlemen landed in Pontiac county Wednesday at 6 p.m. The balâ€" loons Dusseldorf, Azurea American, and the Germania are all floating ovâ€" er this country, and it may be pos- sible that one of the number has been seen by the parties in question. Stran- ger things have happened. The following despatch received to- day goes to show that the balloons are hovering over Northern Ontario : Haileybury, 0nt., Oct. 21.â€"There is little doubt that the balloon Germa- nia, which was last seen at Little Current, Manitoulin Island, has gone over into unexplored Northern Queâ€" bee, and so sparsely is this part of the country settled that it may be some time before it is heard from. The last seen of the baloon was as it was sailing above Lake Temiskaâ€" ming on its way into the Northern Wilderness. Its course was plainly northeast from Little Current, Mani- toulin Island, pver Sudbury, Wahna- ‘ cent bottle of Psychine from your druggist to give you to cure your indisposition and prevent WOrse ailments. has been the horseman’s standby for4oyears and is used all over the world. Wm H. Dorm. Keep your horses sound as a dollar. Get Kendall’s today and you will have it tomorrow if needed. $1 a bottleâ€"6 for $5. When you buy, ask for free y of our book“ ‘A Treatise Ono‘i‘ge Horse” or wn'te us 51 i.lllllllfl€0..lmhlbfll. It works while the horse works â€"takes away the painâ€"reduces swellingsâ€"makes legs and joints sound and strong -â€"1ea . es no scars or white hairs because it does not blister. Kendall’s Spavin, Splint, Curb, Sweeney, Ringbone, Swelling or Lameness need not prevent your horses from working. Simply use Kendall’s Spavin Cure. ‘ Bums, Ont. Sept. 10th 1909. "I have used Kendall’s Spavin Cute and it cures Gill Stilton Bases.” Spavin Cure sorts of IL“ Now we don‘t asklyou to take our he tremendously beneficial in- word for t go- effects of Psychine. Fill out the cou- pon below, mail it to as and we‘ll give 'A third of a. century ago maderemarkable cures. To-day it is making 1‘ timonials. that's why we can “afford 320 buy and give away hundreds of thousands of 50-cent bottles of Psy- e‘nine. that’s why Psychine benefits these diseases: éi Sister Andrian: !. Laid To Rest La Grippo Bronchial Coughs Bronchitis “‘eak Lungs Hemorrhages Weak Voice Sore Throat. Spring Weakness Anaemia Early Decline Female ’Weakness Catawba! Afl'eetions Indigestion Catarrh of Stomach Poor Appetite Night Sweats Chills and Favors Obstinate Coughs Sleeplessness and Laryngitis and N ervous Troubles Dyspepsia After-effects of Pleurisy. Pneumonia a: La Grippe A number of Italians who were workâ€" ing on the Little Keely Mine were greatly astonished as it came over. FIRED 'AT BALLOON French-Canadians hunting in the early morning saw it and were equal- 1y bewildered. One of them fired at it but apparently did not hit the mark. No one spoke to the aerial craft. Some miners at the South Lorrain Development Company saw it Just before it went over Lake 'l‘emiska- ming, which is nothing but a nar- row strip of water. They say that it did not much more than clear the high blufi overlooking the lake. The captain of the steamboat, Silver Lake, saw the balloon disappearing in the mists of the morning into the unexplored forests in Northern Que- bec. Examiner: The funeral of Sister Adrian, who died on Monday morning in St. Joseph’s hospital, asa result of an operation, took place Wednes- day morning at 9 o’clock from the chapel of the Sacred Heart, Mt. St. Joseph. The ceremony was very touâ€" ching and impressive. Presiding in the Sanceuary were the Rev. Father McGuire, Downeyvi‘lle; Rev. Dr. O’- Brien, 'Sacred Heart; Rev. Father Kelly, Norwood; Rev. W- J. McColl, St. Peter’s Cathedral ; Rev. Father Toner, Rev. J. McAuley, Sacred Heart, and Rev. Father Casey, St- Peter’s Cathedral. Solemn Requiem High Mass was offered up by Revs. Father McGuire, with Fathers Mc- Auley and Kelly as deacon and sub- deacon, and Rev. Dr. O’Brien master of ceremonies. The chief mourners were Sister Aquinas, North Bay, Sis- ter, and Mr. Jas. Noonan, Mount Forest, brother. Dr. McNulty, Inspecâ€" tor O’Brien, Mr. W. O’Brien, Mr. Gir- oux, Mr. Letellier and Mr. Picard acted as pan-bearers. The 'boys of St. Peter’s school attended en masse. Rev. Dr. O’Brien officiated at the grave. In a long discourse after the ‘absolution, Father McGuire touching- 1y referred to the deceased one of the best friends he ever magma ex- tended his sympathy to the bereaved community. . ' It may be a very serious matter if they land far back in the forest, as there are very few settlers more than a dozen miles back and the country is heavy bush. ’Wfi v »~â€"-- makmg remarkable you free 0-1158. Psychine your (yugg‘ _ ALA _A'- ,- x st an thousands people Psychine. And we confidence . ,, _ tion. your druggist an 'order (for which we pay him the regular retail price) for a 50-cent bsttle of Psychine to be given A confidence that has been based on our 30 years’ experience with this splendid preparation. with a full know- ledge of the hundreds of thousands of curves it has made. ,...--. -n---..- --.- Recent Meeting Of Presbytery The Presbyterian: The Presbytery, at the September meeting transacted with characteristic despatch, a docket containing much important business. Rev. C. S. Lord, moderator, presided. Mr. H.‘Young. Mr. Wesley, the mo- derator, and several elders reported their attendance at the Assembly, and expressed admitation for the statesmanship of the fathers and breâ€" thren of that August court. Syn“ clerk of the Presbytery, Rev. Mr Best I The congregation at Kinmount and Easse'ciated stations are prospering Egreatly under the ministry of Rev. John Terry. A new church is to he built at Coboconk, and it is expected ;the dedication will take place early ! in the new year. The Presbytery ex- 'pressed its hearty appreciation. Mr. :Terry has been called back to‘his old ghome in Outlook, Sask., by the seri- 'ous illness of Mrs. Terry and two of ‘their children, who are sufiering from ityphoid fever. We are pleased to heart: that all three are slowly con~ : valescino. .. I accept your other to .5912 wave of Psychme (proncum Si-koom at éour expense I have not had a 50c. on}? of Psychine under xhis plan. Kindly advise my druggtet to dcin‘er this bottle to me. Children Cry run rLEIcHER’So. ‘CASLTORIA My Name...... . Town.... thy was expressed {or tY‘e. esteemed and Mrs: Best in the recent loss by death of their beloved child. The dis- cussion of the Church Union Remit is to take place at the meeting, the morning sederunt to be devoted to the matter. Campbellford, Oct. 20â€"A large ga- thering of the Masonic fraternity took place here last night on the oc- casion of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of .- Golden Rule Lodge No. 126. Amongst the many distin- guished brethren from all parts of the province were Judge John R. Harding, Lindsay; H. H. Post, D.D. G.M., Wellington; W. H. Walkey, P. D.D.G.M., H. R. Kenner, G.J.W.; W. S. R. Murch, Kingston, 8. number of W.M." and many brethern attended from the neighboring towns. The work in the Fellow Craft Degree Was ably exemplified by W.M.A. C. Wat- son and his omcers. Mr. Stewart Ciok as the only representative of the lodge fifty years ago, was presented with a gold headed "cane, and Mr. C. Monsley with a P.M. jewel. After the. ceremony a banquet was given, when speeches and singing helped to pass away a most agreeable evening. Over a hundred guests were present. Street and Number My Druggist's Name. . . . . .. . . This coupon is not good {or a sombotfle of P5) chime if prcser.u-d to the druggist â€"it. must be sent ueâ€"we will then buy the 50c. bottle of I’sychinc from your druggirt and direct him to deliver it to you. This offer may be withdrawn at, any t‘me without. notice. Send coupon to-day. The Presbytery's augmentation committee are making a determined efiort to bring all the congregations with its jurisdiction, up to the in- creased minimum of $900. To that end an exchange of pulpits has been ar- ranged for in the near future. We exâ€" Pect to report success in every case. The people are willing and able, and of the need of the increase nobody doubts. ‘ wage Haidégg At Campbeéflioré ‘o the Dr. T. A. SLCCUM, Ltd. 193-195 Spadixn Ava. ‘-.. -_-,--......â€".‘ trcc.and.\ \umbcr......... w.ill undoubtedly buy and dis- -in this manner, hundreds 01 nds of these 50-uent bottles of COUPON No. 32. 5'1 do that to show our entire in this wonderful prepara- gloooontllloi ...soooo' .- ..-.oo--ulo been based on 11m. msoN m. INJURED IN \ RUNAWAY Accmm ON FRIDAY (From Monday’s Fest) Dr. Mason, M.P..P., of Fenelon Falls was the victim of an unfortunate sc- cident \on Friday. In company with Mr. Erskine, Li- cense Inspector, he was driving "from Dorset to Minden. A dog ran out on the road and hit at the horse’s heels, with .the result that the animal bolt- ed. Mr. Erskine, who was driving, jumped to save himself, and received jumped to save himself, and received a severe shaking up. The doctor, how- ever, got caught in the wheels and was seriously injured. Three of his ribs were broken, and he sustained Lother painful injuries. He was taken to Minden where a physician attended him, and at Kin- mount Dr.thite was called in. He afterwards left for his home in Fencâ€" ‘lon Fails, where he is resting .annd as can be expected. His Painful ACClaem I Lost A Toe in Launch Accident the, 031m Day ._..â€"â€"- l Mr‘ Wm. Brown met w;th a serious accident the other day when running his launch, the Betta. down to Still" geon Point. During the trip while he , was acting engineer, some one asked him to close the window beside him on account of the cold wind and! in r rising from his seat to do so, 11:8 left foot slipped and became entango 5'1 as led in the engine coupling. In an in- ! friends stant the large toe Was wrenched off % He was taken to Minden where a :physician attended him, and at Kin- mount Du‘.gWhite was called in. He afterwards left for his home in Fencâ€" ‘lon Fails, where he is resting as good as can be expected. His friends will regret to hear of his accident. lon r'aaus, WDUI‘B He 15 rcawug, no 15“ Lu luau. “-wa ~-r_ good as can be expected. His friends stant the large toe was wrenched off! will regret to hear of his accident. and the foot began to be torn by ___+______,_ the bol s which were rapidly rev 01- Ving, Mr. Jos. Brown who was steer option on StOfiey 3mg felt the engine slow down. and ‘ Q looking around saw Will lying on the floor. At the same time another Lake “teamefs member of the party shut off the isteam. Stimulants brought the un- Review :â€"-â€"Rumor has it that the. fortunate young man out of his Canadian PaCihC Rail-way is negotiat- :scmi-conscious ‘condition and the in“ With “13 Stoney Lake N8Vigati0n ’wound was temporarily dressed. The Company With the object of rnakinf"I launch was headed at full speed for 8 big change at Stoney Lake atom, the accident having occured in One story has it that the railway ,the bay and bedical assistance ob- ‘lnnc canny-ad an nnhnn in the hoats :tained in town- Review:â€"-â€"Rumor has it that the Canadian Pacific Railway is negotiatâ€" ing with the Stoney Lake Navigation Company with the object of making a big change at Stoney‘Loke. One story has it that the railway has secured an option in the boats of the Navigation Co. and also on. Thompson's Hotel at Mt. Ju ian; and the hotel at Oak Orchard, but so far as the latter business is concerâ€" ned, the Review is informed by Mr. Perry A,exander, that he proposes to retain possession. Another story is to the effect that, the deal is practically closed with the Navigation Company. However 'no positive verification :e at hand. There is no doubt that if the "railâ€" way stretched out as stated above, Stoney Lake as a summer resort would receive a great boom. Big Conventian on Tempemnce After the service at the Presbyter- ian church last evening a meeting was held of those interested in the advance of temperance and it was decided to hold a convention of tem- perance workers from all parts of the county in L'ndsay on November 17th for the purpose of forming a county association for the advancement of tempera rice Peterboro Cheese Prices 'Fhe regular fortnightly Inacting of the Peterboro Cheese‘Board Wednes- day morning was featured by the purchase of the entire board by Ald. Gi‘lcspie, of 3,147 cheese. The bidding was opened at 11 cents by Mr. Wat- kirs, and raised to 11-1-16 cents by Mr. Morton. Mr. Gillespie went 11 1â€"8 cents, and.in his selection called ev- ery factory. term 9: Moving Near Lindsay Mr. Albert Pogue, of.Bury's Green, has recently purchased the Davey farm near Lindsay and has commenc- ed plowing thereon. Mr. Pogue and family will be pretty well missed in our neighborhobd, and other many friends wish for their success and prosperity in their new home, They do not move till spring, and that data itself is too soon to lose good neigh- horseâ€"Independent. A Big Power Company. Ottawa, Oct. 24.â€"The Manitoba Power (30., with a capital of five mii- lion dollars, has been incorporated with headquarters in Winnipeg. Reject Proportionate R cpreaentation. ieme, Switzerland, Oct. 24.â€"â€"â€"Swit- zerland has rejected the constitution- al amendment, providing for a system of proportionate representation in the elections for the nationni counr‘il. The vote as announced is 232,000 to 233,. 000 against the amendment. of Canada OPPOSITE POST OFFICE . The FARMERS BANK THE LINDSAY v09"? CHARTERED BANK GORDON DIGKSON, Manager Lndéay Wm. Brown’s 1 Painful Accident ‘\ ! Packet: It is safe guessing that afâ€" ter the advent of the C.P.R., the Grand Trunk will not long remain satisfied with its present station. The Question of improved passenger faci- l {lities, is indeed, now under consider- 'ation by the officials of this divis- . ion. One proposal which has been made is to make the new line which the C.P.R. is builhing to replace the . ;old Northern, the main line, instead I 1 l 1 i 1 lot the old Midland line. which is at 1 {present in use, and to build a new lstation at the corner of Front and King streets. This would do away with the need for crossing over the Y in order to get into the station yard-a present source of danger and annoyance to passengers. The new line also has a much better grade than the present one. It would also eliminate the curves between Orillia. and Atherley This plan is probably the real reason why the G.T.R. in- sisted on the C.P.R. .building a new line to replace the portions of the old Northern, of WhICh they Wished 1 to make use. It will be quite 9. time before Mr. i :21?! moi-:11: itbewmazlst 1?er :2? i' T H E (ii-1A N A El] £91? BANK O C 0 CE fine him to his room closely for a long time. ._ -A c Acn Ann nnn “-_-4_~ A, --_ Oriliia And a DR. H. H. CRIPPEN. Who will go to the gallows on Nov- ember 16th. qulckiy stfiorpws gregays: the throat and mud:- flflaéfé 6mm New Station id“â€" ;th a serious when running own to Stur- trip while be me one asked cures colds. ihea‘h ' ° - 85 cents UNDSAY miADVERTISE IN THE ‘ Executors and Trustees are auth ilaw to deposit their funds with this Co 011261} by mPany. Bo 1rd of Directors : WM. FLAVELLE, President. R. J. MCL’AUGHLIN, K. C , W H CL AR ' ‘ .. KB ‘7 ‘ Presidents. ) “l .. CHRISTOPHER CHITTICK, H. J. LYTLE w ., um o V . H. STEVE\§ F. C. TAYLOR. JAME" “ a Low, 3131139”. BANK 0}? E232 GETREAL $27,081,561 Branches of the Bank in every Province of the Dominic. A general Banking business transacted. Savings Department at every Branch. omceHomâ€" H. 3. BLACK. 1°t° 3 o’clock, manner: LINDSAY Em Saturdays, 10 to 1 o’clock. Ff)! sums up to $§U our Bank 313,13" O'é conyement gnd mexpensn'e. For larger amcfiq15‘,,'r§ are Drag: or 31115 of Exchange. Money sent at “0:: Issue ill! . v 1 ”v . ‘h' ' 0 an ban g [)0 In the world by Te‘eékafinc o, Cab‘: Transfer. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch, finds? branch: D. F. Loosemore, Mama Little lat-Rain Branch: C. S. Thomps0n Ari-i? M I ng gr: Branches also at Canningio-s. Wood - ‘ I Pofioruw. Buckie. Sunderlsnd “:3 1;} 393'?!» Arrmeernents have recently been completed under which the m of this Bank are able to issue Drafts on the principal m in the following countries: Austria-Hungary Finland Ireland Russia Belgium Formosa Ital y Sen'ia Brazil France Japan Siam Bulgaria. Fr'ch Cochinâ€"China Java South Afi-ia Ceylon Germany Manchuria $1,333 Swim China Great Britain Mexico Sweden Crete Greece N o rvg'ay S “1th Denmark Holland Persia Turkey Egypt Iceland thapzne 1513an West Indie: ,3 Fame Islands India. Roumania and dsewém DRAFTS ON FOREIGN COUNTRIES Austria-Hungary Finland Ireland Russia Belgium Formosa Ital y Sen'ia Brazil France Japan Siam Bulgaria. Fr'ch Cochinâ€"China. Java South Afi-ia Ceylon Germany Manchuria $1,333 Semen: China Great Britain Mexico Sweden Crete Greece Norway SWiizerland Denmark Holland Persia Turk" Egypt Iceland thapzne 1513an West indies ,. Farce Islands India. Roumania and m " a DELAY m assume. rum. PARTICULARS ON Appucnm Established I873 Victoria Loan and Savings An a CCOllnt m . . v ay be 0981166. With the Home Bank'in the nemes at two or mom perscns, ::;::;nvm: the privilege of withdrawing 0" In the cafe oney over their own signatureo . of the death of one of the paffi” to a Jomt Account the balance remaining 9“ deposit with the Home Bank may be with drawn b ' y the sumvor, or survivors, without delay or appeal to process of law. . A. B. McGlLL, . Manager Sub-branch at Janetvlllo open every "w““m' . HOLMES, Manager Lindsayeranci LINDSAY BRANCH, 0PF33 ‘t’E Undlvlded Profits . . .. .. . A. B. McGILL, . i873 OF CANADA m TRANSMITTING mam, .00... .0 II. 000-... o...- 10M ACCOUE‘E‘S ESTABLISHED 1895 ESTABLISHED 1817. $50 our Bank M LINDSAY, FRI s::,:00.000 12,000,000 651.56! Manager

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