£3 $31 Th‘anks to the splendid orghnizatiou diected by the Citizens' Committee a. splendid com :1 Volunteer workers took it upon thanselves to get out the vote. and notwithstanding the dis agreeable weather. worked faithfully and earnestly, on behalf of the fran- \Mu. SEYMOUR FRANCHESE BYLAW EARNED DUBWRS HAD 1» ON FRIDAY BY A MAJORITY OF 617 GIVENIJPAllHflPE CONSERVATION 0F Division No. 2 ..... ..... .................. N W 7 Division No. 3 ........ W ............. 90 42 48 SOUTH WARD. Division No. 1 1... . 88 13 70 Division No. 2 ..... . ..... . ........................ 83 27 56 Division No. 3 ....... . ..................... . ....... 7 21 58 Division No. 4 . ................ ........... 156 32 124 EAST WARD. _ DiViSion NO. 1 Iconic-0 ..o.-u-> bOCDI‘-‘l‘ 76 31 45 Division No. 2 .,.. ~ . 106 ~11 65 889 272 Majority for By-law, 617. MW The zutizens of Lindsay by their verâ€" dict at the polls on Friday declared most emphatically in favor of grant- ing a franchise to the Lindsay Light, Her-t at Power Co.. which will be ac.â€" qnired ".\y the Seymour Co. The ma- jority in favor of the by-law was (‘17 out of a total vote cast of1161. This is a remarkable vote when the weather conditions urevailing on 1 day are considered. Never, in the history of the town was such an interest manifested in a measure as was taken in this tran- ehise proposition. The question has teen prominent vefore the citizens for some months, and the diflerent m‘eet. hgs held ’by the Council and the citi- zens for the consideration of the mues- tion in the initial stages of the cam- pign were always largely attended. As evidence of the deep interest ta- ‘ken in the outcome of the vote yes- terday, it might be mentioned that at 'the Town Hall, North Ward, twenty more votes were recorded than at any 'mï¬ous election in the history of the town. The by-law got a majority of 139 in the North Ward, 308 in South “3rd, and in the East Ward, where it was thought by many some oppo- m‘tion existed to the franchise. the handsome majority of 110 was 88' _ the were which tee room on Kent street was Mecca of a large nurr'ber who anxious to hear the returns, were all in at 5.30 o'clock. During the past week the were Elven ample opportunity to hear the two power propositions discussed and explained. On Tuesday evening Hon. Adam Beck, Chairman of the Hydro-Electric Commission, and Mrâ€" Lyons, of Guelph. a prominent expon- ent .of municipal ownership, address- ed a mass meeting in the Academy of Music in the interests of' the power purchase by-law. Both gentlemen deâ€" livered very able speeches and their remarkt seemed to have met with the approval of a great many present. designed to sway the electorate from Mr. Beck's speech especially being their support of the Seymour propo- sition. ‘ At the citizens- mass meeting on Wednesday eVening the large audience were treated to pronouncements on the power question replete with hard, cold facts, and delivered in a fair and convincing manner. The utter impos- sibiiity of the town assuming owner- ship of the local plant with the lut- ure uncertainty of the power supply was pointed out by the diflerent spea- Ears. Mr. Beck's speech was stripped ___,AL _‘ citizens DRAUGHT HORSESâ€"Brood mare gnd foal, 1 Richard Dale, 2 Amos Ar- mitage; Colt two years old, 1 Wm. Downer ; Colt 1 year old, 1 A. E. Web- ster, 1 Wm Downer; Foal of 1911, 1 E. L. Metherell, 2 Amos Armitage‘ Pair horses in harness, 1 Time. Wal- dron, 2 John Wylie; Foals got by Silver Chain, 1 Frank Graham, 2R1- chard Dale, 3 Wm. Channon and son. AGRICULTURAL HORSESâ€"Brood mare and foal, 1 Geo Whetter, 2 Alex. Cameron ; Colt two years old 1 Thos. Waldron, 2 John Cory ;. Colt one year old, 1 Wm. Fowler, 2 Frank Graham; Foal of 1911, 1 Geo Whetter, 2 J. C. Goad; Pair of horses in harness, 1 Michael Caughlin, 2 J D Copeland. GENERAL PURPOSE HORSES. r- Brood mare and foal, 1 Wm Channon, 2 G. A Washington ;LCOlt 2 years old, 1 J85 Cornish, 2 Geo. Whetter; Colt lyear old, 1 JW‘ Hancock, 2 Geo Whetter ; Foal of 1911, 1 R. P Hill, 2 Alex. Cameron; Pair of horses in harness, 1 Neil McLean, 2 J D Cope- land. ROAD AND CARRIAGE HORSESâ€" Brood mare and foal, 1 J W Hancock, 2 Malcolm McArthur ;~.Colt two years old, 1 Frank’ Graham, 2 Wm Rich; Colt one year old, 1 J W Hancock, 2 Wm Moï¬att; Foal of 1911, 1 Elmer Lillico, 2 Percy Brown; Pair Car- riage horses, 1 Jas Grant. Single» driv ing horse, 15} hands and over. 1 Wm Roddy, 2 W E Stewart ;. 3 John Gil- lies. Single driver under 15} hands, 1 W H Robert, 2 Rich Hawkins, 3 Da- vid Tait. Ladies' driver, 1 Mrs 0 Lindsay 32 Mrs W H Robert. Gentkmen's turnout, 1 Wm. Foddy; 2 W E Stewart. †SHORT HORN CATTLEâ€"Cow in calf or evidence of. 1 and 2 Messrs Cul: lie and Lane ;. Heifer, two years old 1 Tnose opposm to the measure had no organization whatever. and 9. nm bet expressed themselves as being con- ï¬dent of an adverse vote against the Mfrom Pure toad and Linseed Oil "!‘hm was great interest taken in the election, and at the o'clock, when the polls closed the Citizens’ Commit- THE CANADA [0"! “=2: " f g .‘ . ,£.-$ . L' .4 -. 51>- fl PAGE 19 Division No. Division N0- Division No. Division NO. Division No- Division No. Division No. BRAND REABY Mix DEE: ' PAINTS HOW THE VOTE STOOD . oust-o0. pa.- NORTH WARD. mun INSPECTION OF m ure uncertainty of the power supply was pointed out by the difletent spea- liez‘s. Mr. Beek's speech was stripped of its embellishments and a number 0: his supposed arguments shattered. Those who were carried away by his gspeech on Tuesday night were suppor- Eters of the Seymour proposition att- 'er Wednesday evening. :Butler for Lindsay, arrizing there T-rst night. They will be joined at I indsay by (301 Sam Hughesl, M. P., 2nd proceed to FeneIOn Falls, where : they will remain until Saturday morn sing, after which' the party will pro- jceed to Lake Si'mcoe, returning on Monday. designed to sway tne elecmrate Irom Wm Moï¬att; Foal of 1911' 1 Elmer Mr. Beck’s speech especially being Lillico‘, 2 Percy Brown; Pair Car- their support of the Seymour propo- riage horses, 1 J35 Grant. Si nglo . driv sition. ing horse. 15; hands and over, 1 Wm At ’6‘" citizens' mass meeting 0“ Roddy, 2 w E Stewart ;. 3 John Gil- Wednesday evening the large audience HES. Single driver under 15; hands. were treated to pronouncements on 1 w H Robert, 2 Rich Howkins, 3 Daâ€" the power question replete with hard, vid Tait. cold facts, and delivered in a fair and Ladies' driver, 1 Mrs C Lindsay 3 z convincing manner. The utter impos- MrsW H Robert. 3“th 0‘ the town assuming owner- Gentkmen‘s turnout, 1 Wm. Foddy; ship of the local plant with the int: 2 W E Stewart. - Mr. and Mt’S. Thos. Stewart 1811: this morning on atrip to the Pacific coast. Mcssx‘s J. E. Peake, and J. E. '1"..o::pscn.o ochronto, are :2..is:~:r;d at the Benson Home tb-‘day. carried out in good spirit, and last night when the polls closed and the vote was announced, those who took an active part on either side shook hands as true and loyal citizens should do. HIS WORSHIP SATISFIED. His Worship Mayor Beal, who stood out for the purchase of the local plant, was at the Citizens' Commit- tee ,‘ooms when the vote was announc- ed. He stated that when the proposi- tion ï¬rstecame up in the Council he announced that the question should be given to the people to decide on. They had expressed their verdict and 1 and z A A Birchard. GRADE CATTLE .-â€"â€"Cow in calf, 1 J W Mark, 2 John Wylie; Heifer two years old, 1Wm Chan-non and son, 2 Cullis and Lane ; Heifer one year old, 1 A J Mark, 2 J W Mark. Heifer calf 1 and 2 Cullis and Lane. HEREFORDS.â€"A. E. Webster ceived 1 and 2 for cow in calf, heifer calf and1 on bull calf. CO’I‘SWOLD SHEERâ€"One- ewe hav- ing raised a lamb, 1 G H Mark, 2 Jas Murray; One ewe shearling, 1 and 2 Jas Murray; One ewe lamb, 1 G Hi Mark, 2 J39 Murray; Ram aged, 1 J Murray, 2 G H Mark ; Ram shearling re- also Although the excitement waxed hot. Rich 2 John F' ain and son; Bull during the Past week on the question caif, 1 Cullis and Lane, 2 Nelson Sel- between those in favor o: the franc don. chise and the antis. the campaign was HOLSTEIN SAT’I‘LE.-Cow in calf he was satisï¬ed. The people must 1 and 2 J as Murray; ram lamb, 1 and rule, he said. His Worship still main- 2 G H Mark. . tained that the citizens had made a LEICESTER SERVEâ€"Mr. John mistake and time would tell. Howevâ€" Cullis recieved 1 and 2 in one ewe, 1 er He Was not ï¬nding fault, as the ewe Shem-ling 1 ewe lamb and ram people had expressed themselves on lam-b, also 131: in ram aged and ram the question. sh-e-arling. ‘Malcolm McArthur received MR. MULHOLLAND'S VIEWS. second in ram'shearling. The Peterboro Times of Friday says: Mr. J. H. Burnham, M.P., accompâ€" anied by Mr. J. H. McClellan. super intendent‘ of the Trent Valley Canal, left on the noon train for Lakeï¬eld, where they embarked on the Bessie MR. MULHOLLAND'S VIEWS. Mr. Mï¬lï¬olland, or the Seymour Power (30., who was in town during the day, received the returns at the Citizens’ Committee rooms and was well pleased over the result. Y He as- sured His Worship Mayor Beal that the Company he represented would carry out their agreement to the let- ter and felt conï¬dent that the rela- tions existing between the town and the Company would be of a most har- monious nature and of lasting beneï¬t to the municipality. For By-law 132 P l THE TRENT CANAL Against Byâ€"law 27 33 Thos. Stewart lea; Electric Restorer for Men Maj. For Byâ€"law 105 46 PRIZE LIST OF MARIPOSA FAIR GENERAL PURPOSE HORSES. w; Brood mare and foal, 1 Wm Channon, @ 2 G. A Washington ;LCOlt 2 years old, ‘ 1 J85 Cornish, 2 Geo. Whetter ; Colt; lyear old, 1 JW~ Hancock, 2 Geo ; Whetter; Foal of 1911, 1 R. P Hill, 22 Alex. Cameron; Pair of horses in i harness, 1 Neil McLean, 2 J D Cope-E land. } ROAD AND CARRIAGE HORSESâ€" Brood mare and foal, 1 J W Hancock, 2 Malcolm McArthnr ;-.Colt two years old, 1 Frank Graham. 2 Wm Rich; Colt one year old, 1 J W Hancock. 2 SHORT HORN CATTLEâ€"Cow in calf or evidence of. 1 and 2 Messrs Cul- lis and Lane ;. Heifer, two years old 1 and Z Ctfllis and Lane ; Heifer 1 year old, 1 Cums and Lane, 2 A J Mark: Heifer calf landZ Cums and Lane: Bull, aged, 1 Cullis and Lane, 2 A J Mark; Bun. two year old. 1 John Wylie; Bull, one year oid, 1 Edwin Rich. 2 John Frain and son; Bull calf, I Cullis and Lane, 2 Nelsen Sel- POULTRYâ€"Bantam, black red game 1G Savinac; Cochin, any variety,1 E L Metherell; Hamburg, silver spang led. 1 and 2 David Stevens; Leghorn brown, 1 E L Mather-ell, 2 David Stev- ens; Leghorns, white, 1 and 2 Frank Weldon; Minorcas. 1 and 2 B Cameron; Orpington, Buï¬, 1E L Wetherevll and David Stevens; Plymouth rock, bar- 1’-.1, 1 and 2 E. Metherell, Rock,. buï¬, 1 and 2 E L Metherell ; ‘Wya-ndottes, silver, 1 G Savinac; Wyando’ctes white 1 and 2 Frank Weldon; Ducks, Pekin, YORKSHIRE WHITE SWINEâ€"Sow aged, 1 Wm Manning and son: Sow un der one year, 1 and 2 Wm Manning 6:: son; Boar aged, 1 Wm Manning and son; Boar under one year, 1 Wm. Manning and son. BERKSHIRE SWINE. â€"â€" Sow aged, 1 and 2 G H Mark ;L Sow under one year, 1 D J McPhadden, 2 G H Mark ; Boar aged 1 G H Mark : Boar aged 1 G H Mark ;, Board under one year, 1 and 2 G H Mark. sulu “Mailed oawaddrms Thu écobennrur’ "“5 "' ‘1' ""w'“ ' "’ L V‘ N. kambutuemo'l‘ LDrass :or a. child, - T7" 2 ?' mp. 1: Ioldw't meansbotth'l a“; item. G A Washinrton' 7; v: 7‘ wcrk, restores every nerve in the body PhOSDhOIIOl to its proper tension; restores vim and vitaluy. Premature decay and all sexuai weakness averted at once. Phosphono! wiil make yr“; :1 new man, _ Pnco _$3 a ï¬ox‘ ordtgvo for SHROPSHIRE DOWNS.â€"One ewe having raised a lamb, 1 J R Kelsey, 2 E L Metherell; One ewe shearling. 1 and2 J R Kelsey; One ewe lamb, 1 and 2 J R Kelsey ; Ram, aged 5 J R Kelsey. 22 Geo McKague; ram shear- ling, 1 J R Kelsey, 2 Geo McKague; ram lamb, 1 J R Kelsey, .2 E L Methâ€" ersll £1 G Hibbert, 2 Leslie Mark, 12 ears l : sweet corn, 1 Mrs King, 2 D. Stevens. 2 ROOTS AND VEGETABLES.â€"â€" s ;beets, long blood, 1 Robt Dobson, 2 §Jas Swain; Shouts, turnip 1 Leslie :Mark, 2 DaVid Stevens; 12 Field car- .rots, white, 1 John Wylie, 2 G Saw : im‘tcn '6 Garden carrots, orange, 1 Rob Dobson, 2Geo Mcanue; 6 Garden :currots, shortborn, 1 Wm Fowler, 2 G ‘ Savinac; 6 heads celery. 1 Harold Jen ikins, 2G Hibber‘t; 2 cabbage, red, 1 G Hibbert; 2 cabbage, white 1 G Hib- g bert, 2 Geo McKague; 2 Cauliflowers, '; 1 G Hibbert, 2 Wm Fowler, 2 Cucum- ; bars, 1 G Hib-bert, 2 G WcKague; Main :goldt, long: red, 1 and 2 Wilford Short '6 Mangolds, yellow. 1 J F Brass, 2 Harold Jenkins; Pickling onions, 1 g quart, 1 Leslie Maxim Potato. onions 1 épeck, 1 Robt Dobson, 2 Mrs- J E. ETerrill; 12 onions from: seed, 1 G Hib- Ebert, 2 J M Swain; 12 onions from é top. 1 G ,Hibbert, 2 G McKague; Pota- : toes, burbank, 1 A E Rich; Potatoes, :early rose, 1 AE Rich: Potatoes, [Rural New Yorker, 1 Geo Mc- 'Kague, 2 G. Whether. ,. Potato-es, any other cariety. 1 éSwain, 2 G. McKague, 8 Pinstripe, ;1 G. McK'ague, 2 Leslie Marks; 2 ipumpkin 1 Fred SaVille 2 G. Savinac; isned peppers IGHibbert 2 Fred lep; 8 Winter Radiashes 1 G Hib- bert 6 long radishes, 1 G’ Hibbert; 2 SSouash, 1 J. M. Swain, 2 G. Hib‘bert 0 Turnips, Sweede, 1 John Wylie, 2 G‘. :Savinac; 6 turnips, any other kind, 3] G. HiUbert 2 Harold Jenkins; 2 veg- :etable marrow, 1 G. Hibbert, 2 Fred : Saville. J. M. k . . . . . ’. ' " ‘ 40;. .,.:;..... The doctors gave me up to die as the stomach trouble produced heart freak- ness and I was frequently unconScxous. I received the Last Rites 0f '1‘ he Church. At this time, a lady strongly urged me to try ‘Fmit-aâ€"tives’. When I had taken one box, I was much better and after three boxes, I was practically well again, and had gained 20 pounds. I have taken 13 boxes in all and now weigh 150 pounds and am well. †Madame ARTHUR TOURANGEAII. “Pruit-s-tivm†is the only medicme in the world made of intensiï¬ed fruit juices and always cures Indigcsuon. soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size, age. At all dealers. or from Fruit- M Mrs. Kemp, 2 Mrs. G. 'A. Washington; Dress for doll, 1 Mrs. Kemp; Dollies for table, 1 Mrs. Kemp, 2 Mrs. E. L. Hetheral; Drape, fancy, 1Mrs. Kemp; Embroidery in silk, 1 Mrs. Kemp, 2 Mrs. Llllico; Embroidery in muslin, I Mrs. R. G. Webster. 2 Mrs. G . A. Washington; Embroidery, cross stitch 1 Mrs. Kemp; Embroidery on linen, 1 Hrs. Kemp, 2 Mrs. Lillico,; Embroi- dery, bar-danger, 1 Mrs. Kemp; Guiâ€" puro work, 1M5. R. G. Webster, 2 Mrs. Kemp; Head rest. 1 Mrs. Kemp, ers. Dundas; Holder for whisk, 1 Mrs. Kemp; Holder for slippers, 1 Mrs Kemp, 2 Mrs. G. A. Washington; Huck aback work, 1 Mrs. Kemp, 2 Mrs. J .0 Good; Luce crotchet, wool or cotton, Mrs. Kemp and Mrs. Dnndas; Lace crotchet, linen or silk, Mrs. Kemp, .Mrs. G. A. WxawalvV‘"Jr =71, 1 “1'? K6!!!) 1Drassfor achild, 1T7“. I'm mp ‘ Mrs DAIRY PRODUCTSâ€"10 Prints of butter, one lb. each, 1 Mrs. J E Ter- rill, 2 Mrs. D. W. King; Crock of but- te-r, 101bs‘., 1Mrs.Jas. Cornish, 2, Mrs. Thos. Webster; Crock of butter, 20 1‘13, 1 Mrs. Terrill, 2 Mrs. G. A. Washington; Loaf of home made bread 1 Mrs. Lillico, 2 Mrs. Terrill; Pan of Lhome made buns, ers. T’hos.Web- 'ster, 2Mrs. Wm. Fowler; Collection of canned fruits 1 Mrs. H'. C. Kemp: Fruit jelley ers. H. C.- Kemp, 2 Mrs. L. Fund-as; Quart of Honey, 1 Mrs. Kemp, 2 Mrs. Wm. Fowler; Maple- syruo, one gallon, 1 Mrs. J. E Terrill 2 Mrs. J. M. Swain; Collection of pickles, 1 Mrs. Kemp; Tomato catsup 1 Mrs. Kemp, 2 Mrs. Leslie Mark. , LADIES WORKâ€"Any new original fancy work, 1 Mrs. Kemp, 2 Mrs. R G Webster; FanCy apron, 1 Mrs. Kemp 2 Mrs. G. A. Washington; Pair horse blankets, 1 Mrs. Dundas: Pair of Llanâ€" ' kets home made, 1 Mrs. Terril, 2 Mrs Dundas; Berlin wool work, raised, 1 Mrs. Kemp, 2 Mrs. R. G. Webster; Ber lin wool work, flat, 1 Mrs. R G Web- ster, 2 Mrs. Kemp; Braiding, 1 Mrs. Dundas, 2Mrs. D. W. King; Fancy !Baskets 1. Mrs. Kemp; Button hole work. ers. Kemp; Batting work, cotton, 1Mrs. G. A Wash'n‘zhcn; Bas- ket for wall,1 Mrs. Kemp; {Burnt work 1 Mrs. Kemp; Carving in wood 1 Mrs ,Kemp; Coverlet, woollen, 1 Mrs. J E. Terrill, 2 Mrs. J. M. Swain; Coverlet] cotton. 1Mrs.. Kemp, ZMTS- D W- King; Cu.c shion fcr pins.1 Mrs. G. A. ‘fancy, 1 Mrs. J. C. Goad. 2 Miss B. iDale; Cushion, crazy work, 1 Mrs jKemp, 2 Mrs G A Washington Cush Passapertoute work, 1 Mrs. Lillico, 2 Mrs Kemp; Quiltrkvnitted, 1 Mrs. Washington; Quilt log cabin 1 Mrs Dun das 2 Mrs Kemp Quilt patchwork 1 Mrs Kemp,; Quilt, any other kind, 1 Mrs. Kemp, 2 Mrs. Washington; Robe for infant, 1 Mrs. Washington; Rag rug, ers. Dundas.2 Mrs. Kemp; Rug Yarn, 1 Mrs. Dundas, 2 Mrs. Kemp; Shirt waist, 1 Mrs. Kemp; Shirt fine 1 Mrs. Kemp, 2 Mrs. G. A. Savinac; Sewing by Machine, 1 Mrs. Kemp; Socks, woollen, 1 Mrs. Dundas 2 Mrs. Kemp; Stockings, pair, woollen, 1 Mrs. Kemp, 2 Mrs. Dundas, Slippers, fanCy, 1 Mrs. Waitington, 2 Mrs Kemp Shawl, crotchet, 1 Mrs. Kemp; Sten- ciling, 1 Mrs. Kemp; Tea Cosy 1 Mrs. Kern-p; Teneriï¬e work, 1 Mrs. Kemp, 2Mrs. Washington; Table centre, 1, Mrs. Kemp, ZMrs. 13.1.. Metherell, Tatting, 1 Mrs. 'Washington, 2 Mrs. Kemp; Toilet set, 1 Mrs. Kemp, 2 Mrs Dundas; Underclothing for ladies, 1 Mrs. Kemp; Woollen yarn, 1 Mrs. Kemp. FINE ARTSâ€"Crayon drawing, 1 Mrs. Kemp; Pencil drawing, 1 Mrs. Kemp; Painting on velvet, 1 Mrs Kemp, 2Mrs. R. G. Webster; Paint- ing cn silk or satin 1 Mrs. Kemp 2 Mrs R. G. Webster; Painting, water colors 1 Mrs. Kemp; Oil painting, landscape 1 Mrs. Kemp; Oil painting, any sub- ject, 1 Mrs. Kemp. Mr. J. B. Bruce, of Lindsay showed some beautiful harness and received ,the first prize on a set of single harâ€" «:Washington, 2 Mrs. Dundasï¬ Cushion 3 ness as also on a set of double har- ness. , The speeding in the open Compe- ltition was won by James Thorndyke, ion, Berlin work, 11m R G dester :Miss J. J., and second by Mr. Park's :2 Mrs. J E Terrill, Carpet ha2,1 Mrs' L. Dund'as, 2 Mrs. G. A. Wash- ington,; Carpet, wool, 1 Mrs. G. A. .Wa-shington, Dress f or la ties, Neddy P. Great interest was shown in the tug of war, which was won by the eta]- 1 iwarts from the south. being opposed GRAIN.~Bush barley, Growed, 1 J E Terrill, 2 G thbert ;‘ Oats black, 1Geo Hibbert; Oats white, 1 G90. Hibbert. 2 G00 Whether; Peas, mum- 1 L M t ' - G t ‘ , - E e herell, 2 G Savmac, “88' ’ RIVIERE A PIERRE, 92., May 9, 1910. Toulouse, 1 E L Metherell; Geese, “I look upon my recovery as nothing white emden. 1 Geo Whetter; Geése. short of a miracle. I was for elevqn African. 1 G SaVinac years,consta.ntly suffering from Chrome __ . M- _ , _' - A ___J ‘ 7 Dyspepsia apq Endigcstion. 1 j__A.-_‘ nâ€"a‘ 111?. 1 Geo Hibbert; Peas Mafrowat, 1 Geo Hibbert; Peas small kind, 1 E1- mer Lillico, 2 Geo Whetter; Fall wheat, red, 1G Hibbert; Fall wheat white, 1 G Hib'bert; Spring wheat any variety, 1 J E Terrill, 2 G Hvibbert; Clover seed, alsike, 1 John Wylie. 2 R P Hill; Peck Beans, white, 1 Elmer Lillico, 2 G Hibbert; Beans, any kind, 1 G Savinac; 12 ears corn, 1 G Savin- ac. 2Leslie Mark; 12 cars pop corn, FRUIT AND FLOWERSâ€"12 Fall apples, 1 J. K Parki‘n Zand‘ 3,. J. M. Swain; 12. winter Apples, I J. M. Swain, 2 J. K. Pat-kin. 3 Elmer Lillico; 12 crab apples, 1 G. H. Hibâ€" bert 2 J. M. Swain, 3 Mrs. J.E. Ter- rill; Collection of apples, 1 J. M. Swain, 2 J.K Parkin; 2 ce-trcns, 1 G. Hibbert, 2 Leslie Mark; 12 pears 1 and 2 J. K. Parking; 6 Tomatoes; I J. M. Swain, 2G. Hibbert; Collection of tomatoes, 1 G. Hibbert. 2 Leslie Mark; 2 Watermeiom, 1 Leslie Mark, 2 J. M. Swain: Coll-action of cut flowers. 1 Leslie Mark; Variety of plants in bloom, lLeslite Mark; Fol- iage plants, 1 Leslie Marks. THE LIND§AY POST The speeding in the open compe- ltition was won by James Thorndyke ‘Miss J. J., and second by Mr. Park's ,Neddy P. Great interest was shown in the tug of war, which was won by the stal- warts from the south, being opposed by the follo‘vinz .gavyweights: Messrs David Yr‘rev. David Stevens. Herbert Rhavet Ch" s. Q ï¬rm“. Chas. Sweet- Mrs. Kemp; Lace Battenberg, 1 Mrs. Kemp, 2 Mrs. G. A. Washington; Lace Point or honiton, 1 Mrs. R. G. Wein- ster, 2 Mrs. Kemp; Mitts, pair, wool- Ien,.'1 Mrs. Kemp. 2 Mrs. Savinac.; Matts for table, 1 Mrs. Kemp, 2 Mrs. Dnndas; Montmellick work, 1 Mrs. Kemp, 2 Mrs. G. A. Washington; Net- ting, 1 Mrs. Kemp. 2 Mrs. R.G. Web- ster;, Pillow 811211115, 1 Mrs R.G. Web: ster, 2Mrs. Dundas; Panel, fancy. 1 Mrs. Kemp; Patchwork, silk, 1 Mrs. Dundas, 2Mrs.; Kempp‘ Patchwork, crazy, 1 Mrs. R. G. Webster, 2 Mrs. Kemp; Pierced brass. 1 Mrs. Kemp, Passapertoute work, 1 Mrs. Lillico, 2Mrs Kemp; Quilt..kvnitted, 1 Mrs. Washington; Quilt log cabin 1 Mrs Dun das 2 Mrs Kemp Quilt patchwork 1 Mrs Kemp,; Quilt, any other kind, 1 Mrs. Kemp, 2 Mrs. Washington; Robe for infant, 1 Mrs. Washington; Rag rug, ers. Dundas.2 Mrs. Kemp; Rug Yarn, ers. Dundas. 2 Mrs. Kempf Coed; Lace crotchet. wool or cotton, Mrs. Kemp and Mrs. Dundas; Lace crotchvzt. linen or silk, Mi‘s. Kemp, and Mrs. 'Dundas; Lace, knitted ,woc-l cr cotton:, 1 Mrs. ï¬undas, 2 Mrs G. Saï¬nac; IaCe, knitt1d, limn or éilk, be an. I...“ _â€"_\.-°-_,-, I was treated by several doctors and they simply did me no good. During the latter part of my illness, I was so thin that I weighed only 90 pounds, and I vomited everything I ate. “Fruit-Hives†saved my lite The doctors gave me up to die as the stomach trouble produced heart weak- ness and I was frequently unconsdous. I received the Last Rites Of T he Church. At this time, a lady strongly urged me to try ‘Fmit-aâ€"tives’. W'hen I had taken one box, I was much better and after three boxes, I was practically well again, and had gained 20 pounds. I have taken 13 boxes in all and now weigh 150 pounds and am well. " Madame ARTHUR TOURANGEAU. “Fruits-ï¬ves†is the only medicine in: the world made of intensiï¬ed fruit juices and always cures Indigestion. see. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size. 25d At all dealers. or from Fruit- i {A few yeags ago the old ROgers§ 242< idea: was washed away, the cause-5 L'NDS‘ quence being that the basin above :‘V'AXJ‘EK 5:11:21 {the ducts almost dry. When the logs came down tobe washed through it: ‘ means a serious waste of water. ; JAMI This will now be provided (or, and! cuau new: the Water will be saved. This waste i Best 313‘“ ‘ Glee: care :9 me . of water has meant the frequentf it) nan <- !shutting down of several of our large; mm 1 1 industries, which means a big ices ta i am- ;them. Every effort wiil he made tof [’1] ) ’correct this state of affairs which lhas been allowed to exist much tco I F H N I.ylong. The consarvation of the waters 1) \ h“ : gbyaseries of dams, chutes, and oth- (){l}, _,,, ]\ :1“ Eer experriients will he proceeded with, 5‘ ‘ n’ m I’w'ith renewed vigor, and what ought: ' â€ft. m- - 4:. 2 to have been done years ago, it is con.‘ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" i fidently hoped will now be done ;.rop-_ DR. ( erly. 1ILITTLI; um f Ald. Bradburn and Aid. Edgar haveï¬ .fhzuluatcof ’I 'been interesting themselves especial- "““5' â€1‘“? “" -"‘ tun: and wing»: ,ly to securing a dam for the city, 1 0m“ hmâ€; Q ! possibly NO. 4. We are on the eve in: p.111†u! an}- I ',Peterboro of developments in connec: ltion with the river, which itis to be} U}: ‘hoped will do away with the intense l ‘ dissatisfaction. I D 0 CT! , After. the usual. congratulations [were extended. the wedding guests. {who were the immediate friends of ithe contracting partia. repaired to the dining room, where a dainty wed- ? ding dinner was partaken of. man, Harry \Bcach. Thou. Curtis, George Davidson. John Clark and J. K. Wilacn. ' Reviewâ€"Mr. J. H. Burnh 1m and Mr. J. H.McClellan made await to the old Roger dam yesterds'ay to make preparations for the building of a new weir dam, so that ?he water which now has to be used at me Quaker Oats Co.. dam to flush the ‘2 g9, nay be saved Last week’s fair was the twenty- ninth annual show held under the aus- pices of the South Victoria 1g ricul- ‘ I tural Society. It was In point of tendance, number and quality of exâ€" hibits easily the most successful In the history of the Society, and a. large measure of credit is due the ci- tizens of the Town of Lindsay and surrounding country for the deep in- terest they conï¬rms to manifest. "-‘he ofï¬cers and directors wish t 1gb the medium of the Post, to e mess appreciation of the patronage efl ndâ€" ed and assistance randered and say ‘ that their efforts inbuilding up and keeping the organization as perfect as they know how would tail were it not for such assistance. In converse. tion this morning with President Carew the Post was told that thi ! i S 1 was Lindsay Central' 3 bung-year .‘ and that the oï¬cers and directors , ' were busy planning (or thg l "yr betterment :‘ ihi 9 _rent . n. ’ 'v 2 Q i. Mr. Burnham and Mr. McClellan will shortly tour through the whole consesvuion system. with a View of becoming thoroughly acquainted with conditions and with the end in view cf prosecuting the conservation of the water inanumbet 0! 1:31:05 not heretofor attended to. with all das- iThe happy couple left in an auto for the C.P.R. station, where they took the train for Winnipeg and Son- ris, after which they will occupy their residence in Harding. The bride traVelled in a. tailored suit of old was with hat to match. She was the recipient of a number of handsome wedding gifts, among them a lodely Cabinet of silverware tram the pupils of the Harding public primary room during the past two school, where she had charge of the FMR DIRECTEERS JAKE APPRECIATIVE in the holy bonds of matrimony to Angus F. Spence, of the ï¬rm of Spence Bros.. general merchants. of Harding, Malt. A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the residence of Mr. Geo. W. Reid, 3rd at, Neepawa,Man. on Sept. 27th. when his youngest daughter, Mina. Gertrude, was united Prombtly at 10.30 o'clock the bride entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her father. to the strains of the wedding march, played by Miss IAIlian Rutledge. The bride wore a dainty gown of white net ova- silk. and her attendant was Miss Shirley Reisberry, who made a pretty flower girl and ring bearer. The ceremony was performed bythe Rev R. E. Spence, of the Methodist Church, Neepawa, under an arch of evergreens. patch. THE TRENT WATERS WEDDING BELLS SPENCEâ€"RETD. I LITTLE mumm- “309798 GROSS LINDSAY. mmâ€, ‘\\n‘ lul \tlk . loan at lowe. Capital ..... . ........ Accumulated Fund». .4 Invested in Canada . .. Rates and premiums as ‘ respectable company. T losses is prompt and “hem and standing of the com' insured in it perfect securiw Mu: icipai Drainage W. ., 242 or RU, Gnu: care is used 1 to name an Member RDyal Coikgc Dena! 513%., On All modern method; in :b: diff-den: d: panmcnlsofdentistrv sacs-54‘: y pram.“ Everything up-m-date m Dcmisuyâ€"Xa um! Teeth Preserved. Cman andBn'dge “lock, Specialty. Spicndid 5:5 in miï¬t'x teeth. PainICSs extraction mauled. Prim madame. G. H. HOPKINS FRED H )1.“ 1 HEL‘VEIPOOL LEIGH R. KNIGHT. Inrrister, Soï¬ciu. Noury Public. Commi-sxoner, Etc. Successor 10 MCIJiarfllhl 5; “itch, hung tcmovcd their business to my own otï¬ce. op posit: Watchman-Warden Kcn: btrcct, Phone 41. Insurance and Real £2.1ch in all as branches. We gr: prepaxed to n: and farm property fun: c cumming companica, a~ 'n sums to suit borrow 8:3 leges. You ma} {3} increase in rate «f m: czc: stalmcms payable a: mu: South. Lindsay. ville. Baxristcts. 501i ton for the 1‘ MCLAUGHLIN, PEEL. FULTON STINSON SABBISTERS. SOLICITURS and rectum Money to I van. “1' ‘ in} s' :2; :m giwr. :3 "vestmcms. ‘J‘nn ~. 1‘ 1.1:. ;. FL u. 3 CORE JACKSUS arms as, Ea. Solicilms for T1: Can» mn‘Bank d Commtnoc. Money to ann :m mouagesu ï¬veper cent. Ofliccs Wmanm“ Lmdsay. F. D. MOORE. K.C. ALEX HCKSON .AND SURVBYORS Axu ( Seed merchant and 5 Best Binder TWinc an 31:13“ '-'M° nan-v- ;. Ofï¬ce nearly opposite Simpson Hoe Lindsay. AVANA 5: “'ATS‘JN. ‘) , mimon Land 51: vc»~x~. uators. Sun'cys of 9' car tn. ‘including Drunage ".\ Roget’s Bu: , 0mm, Om. Pnone 267. Hopkins, Week ;; “09â€"? MWEV T0 LOAN AT LGWES' CURRENT RAIES “vestmcms. U‘ï¬ux. 3‘ 1.2:; :1 14118. C1} .2:. of “Filling: uni .\v:.: :‘wy‘. knew: I. J. Mshfln, x.c.. A. ll RIMS! Agent {or Lindsa; J. G. Edwards .thy are bettex th'ln “mum“ and screws, for when "We ap- plied. you simpl) hams: you!“ sash from the W“ No din" mg. No ladder: necesv‘u'Y- T hey sell at 10¢ per pair on with our N E w PEERL§§§ SASIâ€"I HANG; DRS. NEEIANDS 81 IRVINE Put your LINDSAY, FIRE AND up; l aroma! as... -4 BARRISTERJ Etc SI‘EWART as; (L: NNOR STORM SASH Ilium-St , Lindsay. out, Dentist, L ndsay Noel. Moo Lune" ‘ susmmce cognac“ a.“ nouns on “H.371 DEA" T1 51' '1: DEN TISTS H .. Wlpnass ONTARIO OCTOBER i. la l08H. Th Rt). 30:: z muons us and!“ “gm Univ; .uuo Val , 9L 5 0 Dent, whdéd £0801 LT 25ml 14m Sux‘ 016' n?