K PAGE TEN Lei? Sioaéész Was Dislocated Mrs. Franklin, (1 Seattle. who is} the guest 0! Miss Macaulay, Glenelgv st, was the victim of a painful acciâ€" dent on Fliï¬ay. She was walking along the entrance to Miss MacauL ay’s residence when she tï¬pped‘and fen. Her left eye was badly cut and her left shoulder disloeated. Mrs. Franklin intended leaving for her home in Seattle today but she was unable to do so owing to the injuries ay’s rent chI. Her 1 her left Franklin home in unable to sustained. my a; €A30Ll§ thingtcn, Oct. sâ€"According to an ofï¬cial bulktin of the Agricul- tural Eupartment. entitied “Popcom for the Home," this faVOrite jzid-bit o! c‘rcus crowds and berthstonéga- :herings has cumsiderabl'e value as a ford. and whan properly prepared is “s:;“-*r‘icr to many of the breakfast €03.15 now on the market.†3:12? dï¬yartmcnt experts suggest {CV-31??! an a proï¬table crop on Enough popccrn to make -* “sh of 5 cent packages canbe \ u- crown on a plot of ground 40 by 20 and P0? RM 2:; (‘5 1‘51‘1‘3211 181' plan 9! the growing cm! and .-:-‘:-:. r'ng popcorn vex-7:. .-.-n 713 m: 1:120:13 0* 'is rrttxinfd in the l are r": xy phctogra'z 2‘11: 1‘32 02 ears, 1! 3.2:: 1113 bullet†:n c: an to the Div rain-ricn to the Dirisicn of \47. ‘zmns of the Dapartmgnt of Ci‘it ia fir. Alfred Birchard, 0! Linden Val- ! lay" met “1th an accident on Satnr-i (my whiie operating a corn cuttBr on} his :arm. A mi: he was wearing caugh; in the machine and hisï¬ngers of his left hand were drawn in. The! - I nrst ï¬nger was chopped 05 near that ‘91:. M. Johns handed the Post this morning a .copy of the New- foundland Quarterly, publishxl at St. John's. It is a 40 page publication. and among the items of interest is the history of baseball in Newfoundâ€" larsd. Th: article contains a cut of tho Wanderers’ baseball team. chamâ€" pions of St. John’s Amateur Baa:- bali League. A Lindsay boy in the perecn of Mr. A. Johns, son of Mr Joins, figures prominently in the team He is not only manager, but is al-so one of the best players on tzre -eam. Mr. Johns is taller in the Bank of Montreal, 8‘. Joï¬n’ 3, NM. ! Lindsay Boy i in Newfouaééaaï¬i pain The bzIE'i-atin Contams several re- ‘3, i {or popcorn confections. T:;":‘*v‘.'>.t:on on Choosing varieties :' 5‘3'32‘11 ic-r planing. on the cape E ‘54-? arching crop, on Mating ;‘:;:'ng bopcorz. on hand pop .nd xncthois of popping com ‘ (“L-1'2? in the bunetin. There r: “"52? phctographs too, includ- 1: €22.92 0;“ ears, kernels, and pop- -::- *hg bulietin can be had on a?- - ~ is the source of most sickness because drugged pills, syrups and alcoholic mixtures are uncertain and unsafe. Scott’s Emulsion .has been relied upon by physicians for forty years as the safe and sensible .- remedy to suppress the cold and build up the ' - - enfeebled forces to avert throat and luné troubles. Don’t tolerate alcoholic substiï¬ates, but insist on the conï¬ne Scott’s mum. One bottle usually lasts longer than a cold. Every draggist has it. 1375 A Carelessly Treated Cold WlTii 85,33? Em. Caaï¬er ERI‘AKEJAS'I L‘ Publica- Agricul- marriage took place at St. ngcs' iFechral volunteers captured at the church rectory, Fenclon Falls. of {fa-11 of the town. Those Were split up Mr. ï¬ettlezt Wellington Routley. oi Einto squads of fifteen, lined up one Cohoco-nk, and Miss Henrietta Woo-d, miter another against adobe walls, daughter or MI" and Mrs. Wm. W006 Eand shot to death with no ceremony of Fall's Station. After the. cere- Ewhatever. ; . t the: - which was pcrlorm‘d by would hardly be| mcny. I --Th~'a tragedy v Fm , t newl 7 . _ Rev..W. H' is. ‘t if); 11:0 th: I:wort-h recalling if it were not for marred co.1p.~e m u Etna fact. Somewhere down south of a "d 's arents, where a , . . home of tho brgr P per “$698†‘ivl’ze international line every week ‘ < [J 9 s V ‘ - , e sumptuous rd m“ up lseas on: 81118 or the other make 51â€" , , - -. lar e . ICJ' and was at‘bcndEd by a g 'mlilar history. Sometimes there are ‘ ~ ‘ 'ves and friends oi; . - Numb“? 0f â€â€˜3“ «as many as 300 lmts up; sometimes a 'nw c 1: 1e. Th bride wore a; . Egudiï¬e'dalage pdress :mer White silk. {only the survn'ors Of a. company. ’3‘ a. - Such: reports come so frequently :trimmed with pale blue silk and rose- . ac 58 he rdc 'h' W (1- s the buds. She was attended by Miss] r0 -t _b_o r t at no '3‘ ay '1 e. 8 rr e i t ed- iMary 'I‘ruax, oi Cobcconk, while Mr. ‘ ocal n w papers us at he rag . . . ii-s-s in a sentence. except of course, 'Eadwm Wood, brother of the bride, lï¬'h'ere one or mom indiViduals are ’assislbd the groom. The bride \ reâ€"Q . l , known by name or have once raided ceivcd many costly and useful pre« _ ‘ . l . in the particular place where the ’sents. Mr. and Mrs. Routley W111 re-, . . newspaper is prmtcd. Men read these 1 I i ‘ W l: â€"-(} ‘s‘de 1“ 0° on ' azette. sentimce obituaries, shrug their shoulders, and turn to the rest of WEBBâ€"VAN NOSTRAND the war nzws. It has ceased to mean \ l l I The Church of St. Mary the Vir- a ! Igin 6 . was the scene 0f 3 pretty lanything to those who live almost ï¬eddmg at a quart:er Past thrill Ewithin sound of the rifle shots; it; tWe-dnezday, when M‘55 Gretchen gcannot possibly mean anything tol ivan Nostran'd, daughter of Mr. and Eihe readers of a newspaper publish- ;Mrs. George J. Van Nostrand, wasted far away. ' ‘. o ‘ 7' -' I Enigma to :11le 82m? 1:! mud†The fact that makes the Gomez llc estsono -r. cogs . g R 1: t Th 5 _ w wedd' ir-ozacio incident worth meaning is é°f :‘ ‘n’ 03 ' h“ 9‘1.va as conâ€" ithat the sixty prisoners were boys. Educted by this Rev. Canon Marsh, of! . . ; . , _ :They were not your: man, but boys. zLindsay, a relative of the brr’de,r ‘ I l _ i'lhe youngest was about 11, not. :and Rev. Anthony-Hart. M333 Frank-s . , . I 3:512 f Oshaw 1 i th ddi “1111132, they say. Most of tnem were: g: ":0 The :13“ Pay n3 1 e we ng§11, 12, 13,14, 15 and 16., the age or}. muse c- urch chance was very â€be boys who are in the 10"“ ' w‘th chr t‘e d - l grammar i .V.) l Wan u mums 81) ‘50 IS Michaelmas daisies T‘hn bride who} and high “3110015 Of .thei was @an away by her“ father. worn snorth, still interested in tops. Just. a beautiful gowl of ivory satin and gshowinâ€"z themselves in real “baseball, -quuisite :- point 19.03 the l boys who 3.138 to stamp 1:01me into . rse ‘ ‘ ' . ace =sho house, sneak 03 in swimming 5forming; a coat edged With .med; brother and sister, .. , Th 11' d [quarrzl with !E:ie:f.st.h 1e 8 it was 3111:3129? to one ’ make tragedies out of pan‘ntal die- †“T’ “e Q“; ran lug r?!“ m. eipline, and perhaps succumb tor-g ,waist line. Her tulle veal, which she 1 their ï¬rst sweethearts in pigtails over her face, was arranged w r . 9 e and short dresses. twath wreath of orange blossoms, _ l - h ,_. X'C’t at that ;ar.-d she carried a 5.0» 2r bouquet of ircsas and lilies o‘ the vane . Her . .i , . . x .. . y .tied behind their backs, rammed upr icons 1:, Miss Efï¬e Williamson. of , st th‘ w ll d sh t lMontreal, as bridesmaid, Was gown- him? L, a d in; b o; v ,‘ {ed in pale yellow satin. the bodice'f‘nlfi squads an 9. er y 19. o E . . . =mdivxduals, who fought for sand sceevea and .dra;'3r.es of shadovV' ‘ the last} " - strivil‘ece of administerin'r flats. She wore a black picture hat, ;~ , . b ’ iwith bows of black shadow lace, and iShOt' the “to <16 grace- They tell icarried a bouquet of yellow ehrysanâ€" ‘fhgrihtfez StOOd' and 1: mat}; be “'1 ithamums. There were two flower-f“? "8 be†same yo ngs rs 1n :the sunrame moment braved it all ‘ 1 l 2. age these Mexican I Egirls. little. Mia: Jannaca Van Nos. ‘Ytrand. the bride's sister. and iClcmentina Wedd. the groom's little _I__ M' ‘ 185 l tlest of them whim'pered or. for mucy. -E wlmal I . ‘crré 1%-- "I : “I": res1 “P fail line: in am I At‘ Fr [IE B tell WilT Q'noys weremarchcd forth. their-hands [:11 L 03 by ; gins s rail the l W‘fl F his '1 the, the: t tan Ont =without ‘ flint-Ling. Not even the liti “'95 {wedd‘ng “Wodnesoay evening, Sept. ‘Zéth. wh‘m their daughter. Cora Granville Ferguson, became the wife iof Mr Gordon W. Ingram. of Sault :Ste Marie, formerly of North Bay, ,son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ingram, ,of Toronto, formerly of Lindsay. ' The ceremony was per'ormed by gl’e'v'. I. G. Bowles, pastor of the iNorf; in Bay Methodist church, in the .prescnce of only the immediate rc- natives. Mr. Ingram holds the re- sponsi'o: e position of chief electrical § inspector o: the Lake Superior Pow- 5ar Co. The bride has many friends, .won by her charming pcreonali‘tv, isnd the many Llnuti fui gifts 3 ttest é the ostncm in wbi ch She is held. Mr. {and Mrs. Ingram left on the Grand ï¬Trunk express for a trip to Toronto a. and taupe plush hat. On their re- turn they will reside at 86 Oxford atrect.â€"-Torcnto News. ‘ INGRAMâ€"FERGUSON The residence of Mr. and Mrs John Fegusorn, Main street, North Bay, was the Sam-e of a. quiet but pretty and American cities, before taking 111) house in the S9; . Egg} 1%. “BaLLS '3-de ‘5 ROUTLEYâ€"WOOD October 13!: the ' After the Mexican Constitutionalâ€"l 'ists took Gomez Palacio last sum- imer the first thing the visitors d'idI :Was to lead forth a batch of Sixty [Fedsral volunteers Captnrcd at the {fan of the town. These were split up into squad-s of fifteen, lined up one iaftcr another against adobe walls“ iand shot to death with no ceremony 3 whatever. W‘1â€"w“ â€IIâ€"u 3..qu 9‘! 891.93%. S 6F 333333360 2:3? Tare 5:13;â€: an; (lid .15: { upcn which the yanng engine-3r cast Sm. ,,r3 0. a cum 5 0 en 8831 fenvious eyes. He had been supplied the 12375 of civilized warfare. Duty 1 with a. home by the railway to mhï¬tï¬l’ disciphned and accremt'ed i drive over: the route of construction, to the irregular {one of the Mexican xbvt the animal was not of an amia- i‘i’eral “am they had â€53“ a ““3 Ema disposition. and Ross preferred 0! true: to eat-ice the enemy within to Walk rather than to drive it. He easy rifle ï¬re. Then they’had poured knew he céuid manage the poni'as forth volley afiur volley into their but to financn the bargain '- :ioas, “In“; and woundmg' many. {problem However he secured posâ€" irrhey Md fought ï¬esperatc,y i‘n the'sessicn of thy: ponies 0n the strength innal assault and.,after the flu-rt of thatâ€,f his note :2):- one year and a ban. iiown‘l the? (fire â€I: ï¬rst to pay the ‘and it took some scratching towoct â€rm‘ y 0 3 (â€at the oblitatjicn. Th's Was. perhaps, 3 W883 Men who have an accurate know- l‘c-ige of Mexican military strength, declare that them are at least 7,500 boys who are reguhrly enlisted sol- diers at present an active duty in the trek}, ow Bid: or the other. This means boys under the age of 18 and as young as 11, just old enough to have the strength to carry a rifl-e,. It docs not include the_ ’boy cadets of the larger cities like Mex- ico, Vera Cruz, Tampico, Chihuahua and the like, who have expressed their detbr'mï¬nation to join the col- ‘ors' if the hatad gringo comes across. These toys are now ï¬ght'ng, they are now undergo‘ng the lot of the sol get, accept? 113 hi 3 chances, reap- ing h1s glory, paying the only price in def-eat. They are visible in every camp, every town. They are with every camp, Coustitutiona‘ist. Fm- eral or band.t, and their number, lice the number of women in the forces, is increasing all the time. Jusn Dorsal 13193 lieutc‘nmt or chief cr Stlï¬ :‘or Pancho Vina. rebel comâ€" mander, 9am the other day that but for one thing he would rather have a regiment of boys than old men. Dozal himself is a prOVed iightex, and his word should carry weight. “They do not know What danger is,†he explaimd. “They will go forward against angthing, machine guns and artillery. up the sides of mountain-s, or down a. bullet swept street ju=~t as cheerfully as th-ay will return to camp. The only thing against them,†and Decal shook his head mournfully, “is they can’t shoot. They won't 31m and they waate an awful lot of ammunition." By the time a flirt gets tired .of the game th° re is seldom a man Worth having that she can get. Politeness, cleanliness and energy are three of the most imborbant things in selling goods, and none of them coat anything. PARADISE} MB 533.31%} rm £51?th tell of whem first they met. Mr. Ross. then 'a poor yozmg Scotch en- ginezr. was building the Victoria taiIWay, from LindSay to Halibut-born. William Eiackenm'e had; just landed his ï¬rst contract. th’s' building of the/ railway, station at. Omemee. here they became acquainted, Frank Wee- 30?! JAMES ROSS BLo;rap'ni:s of the fate James Ross tell of his associations with Sir William Mackenzie, but they do not ton. now town elm 4:: bf Midland, Ont, was then in the lumber busi- ness, and sold the lumber to William Mackenzie for the said station.- Am- m the lumbcrmaa‘s possmions, was a dapper Lttl'e pair of ponies, upcn which the Young enginezr cast BRISTOL. N. 13., )‘UI. ' 25th. 29x1. "I am unable io 53 venoug'n in favor 0'! “I"mit-a-tivcs†as It sand my life and restored me to 11:31:11, whcn I had given up all 110;“: and when the doctors had failed to do anything more fo: me. I had a sits}. 3 of Paralfsis in March , $910, and this hit me unable to walk or heXp mysc‘. , and the Constipation of the Lmvcfs \‘33 crriblc. Naming did me any goo“. and I was wretched in every way. Piszzl?;,r, I took “Fmit-a-tivcs†fur the Cossaiwdic-n, and 11: not on‘xy cured m: of 11:: tr mhh: but graduany his fruit. medicine toned up the: nervvs and mix-“112': currd, “Jae paralysis. Under the use of “i ‘mit-aâ€"tivesâ€, I grew stronger and sunny“ until all the palsy 11d weakness Icft 372-2. I am now we‘ll azaiz and attend my store cvcxy day but to finance the bargain was a problem. However. he secure-d posâ€" session of thy ponies 0n the strength of his note :31- one year and a ban. and it took some scratching to meet the obligati‘tn. Th's Was. perhaps, a bigger deal relatively than any of “Fmitâ€"a-tivcs†m the world that and touics. uuu LVAAaug. 57¢. a box, 6 for 9.2. soâ€"trial size, 25c. At dealers or smut 0:. mad; )t of price by Fruit-a-ï¬ves Limie -u, Ottawa. the mammoth transactions this great financier ever put throagh. â€"- Weekly Star. BOW BLANCHARDâ€"In Lindsay on Satur- day. OCt- 11. 1913, to Dr. and Mrs. Blanchard. a son. OUDERKIRK â€" At 31 Adelaidbst" acuth ward. mmay on Friday, 'Oct. 10, 1913,10 Mr. and MrsFred Oud-er‘aairk. a daughter. HAMMONâ€"At Auburn on Tuesday, October 7th, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. 8. Miles, Hamilton. a, daughter. “FPjit- a ï¬ves" Completew ï¬es cred New Brmsw’ssk Marsha at To Heaiih mm Y3!" small and as easy ta “than: saga-a g W“. a. tea... 3): uvhgqc’n. u a. 8 ~33 madam doï¬gpkgï¬c .m v.3. NmMmWhWMAM WWWWM P any...“ ï¬ww was: Bear Signature Gf gauge szces HEADACHE. THE LINDSAY POST. Ila. ALVA PHELUPi 11mm muLLIPs. Ecs†is the only remedy 111at isma dcof fruit juica mm, 7““ Wal- F68 ï¬ï¬‚iï¬iï¬ï¬g. FIR EIZZEE'IESS. F63 35119122385335 593 mam U‘v‘ER. F53 Gï¬iï¬Sï¬z‘Pï¬'ï¬ï¬‚fl Fifi} 35,;st SEER. F38 THEEGBSPEEXEBB 'zgpper 32307:. ’1 .. .6 U ‘ ragga mama“... a5 Frag; who died 4 years latzr. Mr. Van Ca'mp’ 3 fun: ral took place Monday. Sept. 29, service being con-ducted by her pastor, Rev. S. E. Di Ion. The pallbearers Were ï¬ve gran-M01194 y- 1i! Bundle, John Roy, Clarence and Allin Panfound', and a ï¬epl'mw. John Bahzr, Selina. The floral: oflerings consisted of a pillow from her chil- dren; sprays from Ebenezer W.M.S., and Mrs. M. J. Reynolds, anchor, John E. Pcnfound and others. Am- «mg the relatives from a distance were Mr. and Mrs: C. Burgess“ Mrs Mary J. Reynolds, Rochester, N. Y.. Mrs. E. J. Bundle, Meadvine, Pa.. Mr." Penhall and daughter. Port Perry, Mr. Amos McMullen and Mrs. Sheppard, Kendall, Mr. and Mrs W. H. Peam), Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kick; ard’. Miss '1‘. M. Pemound, Newcas: t1€.â€"Stat3~sman. Omemee. Oct. 8.-â€"'The sad news ur- rived' of the death of Mr. Wm. Mc- Adovo- about the 28th or 29th Sepâ€" tember, at his home at Picton. The deceased 'had been in failing health for some time, resultiï¬g from a ne- glected cold contrazmd while taking out wood and timber from the swamp in the winter. He had 11» ed for. seven or eight years at Mount Pleasant, where he had charge of the cheese; faztory. He Was a comparatively young man. a hard worker and well known throughout Gavan and Emily tawnships. The funeral took place £20m his mother's home at Piston, 311 Wednesday», to the cemetery of that place. Messrs Robert and J 03- eph Boyd, brothers-1m -law were pre- sent at the oasequies. Besidts a sor- {rowing wife,. he leaves to mourn his {early death a young and much loved 1;.daughter Bernice, to shom and a large (irate of other rdntives,, the been hit guide and emnpanion, who {had shared her joys and sarrows, whose kindiy words of advice and sympathy she would always remem- berâ€"her mothzr. The processicn moved on. The old lady returned for ‘anot'h'ar bundle of sticks. As she reached the same spot-(“again she reeled and sank to the ground. An- other young woman passing saw and lautqth. Her compan'iOn hesitated. â€Oh. come on,†she said. “What is it to us 1"â€" ‘wm: Iota Laughter and talk she paee~d on. She had no sympathy for the old, she had no thought of a mot-her. who had toiled late and ‘early that she might get her busi- noes course, who had worn the. 01d clothva that she might have the my. ! Hm ‘ street an om woma urvvw Islowly with her armful of sticks. s She tot Drad and Bank to the ground. It was the latter part of that ish-ortnest hour of the dayâ€"the noon hour. All kinds and conditions of men and women. handsome and iplain, young and old, were hurrying Sup the street. a seemingly endless procession, returning to their work. i. Down a-n alleyway leading from early death a young and much love (1} daughter, Bernice, to shom and 9.1 large (irate of other rdntives,’ the sincerest sympathy is extended. The Inhependont Order oi Oddfellowsl d which the deceased was a member‘- at tended. the iuheml. A young Woman passing stopper! and turned to go to hm- asslstance, but the old wmnan had risen to her feet again. Th5 young woman went on her way, but her thoughts went back to an old farm 110.159, and an- other grey haired womm, who had mothl'e that She might have» thn Haw. A mother who sat in the kitchen least she might shock her daughter’s friends in the parlorâ€"a moth}: who Was her slave and was despised. Was the mother to Mame ? MRS. SUSAN VANCAMP OBSWARY street an old woman WM. McADOO. Mr. F. R. Curry, who has been visâ€" iting Mr. and Mrs. DeZamer-e at C111! Cottage, returned to his home in Brockvim. On Sunday last the CO. 0. F. marched to the Methodist church, where Rev. J. M. White delivered an excellent addrzss and also ‘sang a solo, "Liï¬e'a Railway," A large number of brethren from Coboconk me Present: Mm. W. I. Darcy, oi Valentiai ac- companied by her little «iaughter, Joyoe. spent a couple of mats with be! parents, Mr. and Mrs; ROM. Gainer, Of town. Mrs. ‘Soward and ï¬fth aaughter, Kathlein, were in Kinmoutri: on Wed- uésday. Mr. Ashton Moore came hom‘e from Toronto last Monday evening. Mrs. Smale has mo: :d to her new' home in Toronto. A large number of people attended Mr. Larsen LaRue's auction: sale at South Lie last Saturday; Rev. W'. J. Rayner, whoï¬as been working on the Preï¬b'y‘berian mission In this district for the past couple ottyeara. has gone to a new ï¬eld at Craig'htan Mine, New Ontario. Messrs. J. H. Delamere and S. W. Welt-h attended the special sat-vices ;ccnductcd in St. George’s church, iHalibm'ton, last Monday. Rt. Rev. iaishop Reeve, of Torcnbo, and Rev. ’Pierm De Lour, of Haliburtsn Were t 399322-51. The Miném branch 34' the Women’s Inst t‘jte wi.1 meet :2: the town 1131! On Wednwlay, Oct. 15th, at 3 p. In. Mr. I). J. Hattie was in Lindsay gm: business last, weak. , The stores will he ciosed on Mom- { thy next, Oct. 30th (mnksgmng EBay.) -.ru ,Pete-rboro Ecaminer: It was reâ€" ported today that it was practically assured that the Rev. M. F. Fitz- patrick, parish priest at Ennismore, will go to Calgary to assist Bishop McNally. The latter announced in his sermon at the consecration 0! His Lordship Bishoa O’Brien, thét Bishop O’Brien 'had promised him a priest to help lighten the burdens of the Bishop of Calgary’s diocese. It is expected that the announcement will be made in .a. day or two. Mrs. J ohn Water» is visiting friends at Prince AIM. Mr. Clarence Anderson, of Sterling has taken a gamma! at Bit. Sowâ€" ard’s store. Mr. W. Pt. Davey and iittle danglr tex- Joyce‘ returned to their home in Valcntla after Mg 3 couple of weeks with friends in town. Diedâ€"Coulterâ€"In Hindu: township, on Wedmsdazz Oct. 8. 1913, Wiibert, aged 2 years and 8 dayl. m of ï¬r. and Hrs. Hugh Coulter. If every young man mum see the girl he is in love wit; eating her dinner when nobody is watching her, the crop of old hach'ehrs would in- FATHER FiT EATRECK FOR CALGARY 61‘3388 . Children's Day services vii}; when in St. Paul's church on Sunday next, Oct. 19th at 10 a. m. MRS. A. SAICH, or Cannington Manor, 321514., Writes :--“My brother suf- fered severely from eczema. The sores were very exten- sive, and burned like coals into his flesh. Zam-Buk took out_all the ï¬rc,.and quickly gave him case. \Vithin three weeks of commendng with Zam-Buk treatment. every sore had been cured.†For Infants and Children. ThaKind You Have‘ Always Bonghi Bears the Signature of CASTOR IA (Special to The Post} MENBEH SAICH, of LINDSAY, FRIDAY. WT “way 'm was m L: ceases†mes Barristers. Soï¬cftors, Nomi tors {at the Bank of Mon: ioan allowcst rates. Ofï¬ce South, Lindsay, Oat. Bran: vi 1c. G. H. HOPKINS. KC. RIG“. R. KNIGHT. Notary I’uhiic, Com: Successor to McDizm;i removed their business to positc Watchman-\\ a: dc: 4! . }nsumncc and R~ biancï¬ts. i, CORE pawn L SOHCilOIS for The ‘ Commcxcc. Marcy 9.010.: Ion-est nits. Ofï¬ces Win F. D. MOORE, K.C. ; McLAUGHLIN, PEEL. HINGE 8: STIRSOï¬ 818818328, SCU’JHEBS and Money to ann. Sp-CM van-,1 i'zvcstmems. Ofï¬ces, 1) mi u of “311235: and ~(2r.: 5'.- ~ it. J. IcLauSmin, Kc†A. 15. Fatima 3 James A. Pm . T. 9!. 81mm \Vuodvillc ofï¬ce (men (we: y 1’35“- m Ja'ors. Surveys of to, including Drai Roger‘s Blk , Griz} Phone 267. at; F. 3:1.ng A. Capital ..... . . Accumulated 'r‘um Invested in (2mm; Rates and premiums rï¬pcctable company. m is prompt and 12 ad standing of the ‘ nsurcd in it pexfcct sec «as Largest ï¬re insurance Office's {eed ï¬ler shmt and Beater in the most Improv :d Paui‘sry Sappjzics: HOPE-(ms H 3sz -{f Q Who is; 1 Q Your g ! Optician ? )fï¬ceâ€"Ridoul-st. . co YAVANA WATSON STE‘VART 8: O’C Dentistry :1 spci';;:u_\. , moderate. Piunc IL’T. uï¬ice a" residence (-orxwr R" ‘9†an Cambridge-$5. boom â€MO“ -¢“ FRED HOLM ES Agent for Lindsay DR. J. M. RICE. 1 ruptucu :ux\ Day and n tended. Honor gradna Vmeterinzuy Culh ate of the Royu lege: also of glue .«Nweneweww including :an knuis o: diseases amnng poa band Bane Cutters f BflRRISTEIis I; iDr. Neelands, Dani: minacn 1'0 v-_-r FIRE A3513 IzdFE ,, to ycur feature; 2:: a faizi ornamem. '1’ o yc; who 1:;- qui:e glasses the sexes: and most up-to date are preferred In out optical dcpsrzmecl eyeglass mounting 2.11 the ht- esl designs {9: comfzm and ehgaBCe, accurate ienses ’HB successul ï¬t 1i ng are m. ret of our succ: ss prices. Umw m BEAU. Bum-1:33, K 15!: class 111 all i' s JAMES KEETH :also of me it; 3} Med' 0 Vim-8t , 11:653., Ont Graduate Tam Iowa" for Vic 3. P. Railway FEES ECLMZ Welsman its br: L, 0171 {Drainage \\ the 9163‘ ,. Wiï¬DESS. L52! t l‘Hnemes 7 70;: v 252de ii STARK; (D 668 ham Va 711i} $0012. 2 We!