(Special to The Poet.) Miss Robinson is visiting friends in this community. 0:? farmers along the lake shore are busy these days picking their apâ€" 1:125, pears, etc. Fruit is a fair crop this season and excellent quality. t is reported that one of our citi- zens has a pumpkin which weighs ov- {at}; pounds. Who can beat that? '2‘. large number of our citizens at- -‘.r.c::3.:d the hot fowl supper at Little 'Rriirin on Wednesday, the 8th inst. ‘Vrie expect that the friends of Little ‘Bflidn will return the compliment on Thanksgiving Day and that our annual Fowl Dinner will he a‘decided 3811138688. a ï¬lm: Ir. J. E. Terrill has purchased the "in owned by Mr. Edward Wright, ‘Shile Mr. Edward Wright having HARTLEY. (Special to The Post.) Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Johnson. of‘ Seagrave, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist Church. i On Sunday and Monday, Oct. 26 and 27. the church anniversary wflll be held. There will be services on Sunday in the afternoon and eVening conducted by Rev. J. E. Bccklc, of 5 Beaverton. t Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rogers left for Arthur to attend the wedding of his sister, Miss Bertha Rogers. .. been the purchaser of Mr. Alex Mca Kay’s farm. On Saturday while cutting straw with a. cutting box Mr. A. A. Bitch- atd met with the misfortune of hav- ing one of his ï¬ngers crushed in the cogs of one of the wheels. A large number from‘ here attended the Presbyterian Fowl Supper in Oambray on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Birchard and daughter, Irene. spent Sunday at Mr. R. G. Webster's, East Oakwood. Mr. Alex HOrne, of Lindsay, called on fziends in our neighborhood on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. Hancock, of Woodâ€" vine, were the guests of 'his brother, llr. J. W. Hancock, on Sunday. Mr. J. T. Birchard is on the sick list this week. We hope he will soon recover. ~ Bliss Margaret McKay has been vis- iting Bowmanw'lle (ï¬ends. mss Rebecca Fowler, of East Oak- wood, was the guest of her cousin, Jim. R. M. Birchard. Mr. Alex Biz-chard motored from Undsay on Sunday to Mr. A. A. Birchard’s. M59 H. Rogers and mother, Mrs. Hazy Rogers, are at present visiting at. Port Perry. Hrs. Dr. Clarke and daughter, Mrs. Adams. of Lindsay, were the guests of Mrs. C. Knight on Thursday. was McKay, of Woodville. was in charge of our school during the past week in the absence of Miss B. Mc- mllon, who was away attendingjhe wedding 0: her cousin, Miss Mc- Earchan, of Woodville. the fawl supper held in Little Bri- CAGE mm (Special to The Poet.) Quite a. number from here took in Lb $10 to $20 LINDEN VALLEY VA E #TiA 75c to $54." TH Your Fall Suit DISTRET NEWS Your Ca]! Hat Always Snmething â€1' «war 17a}! "amrcoat 3.? to $1 2,} "vias Mrs. Weston Tompkins was taken to the hospital in Lindsay last Fri. day and stood the journey well. The annua’l fowl supper in the Methodist Church will be. on Monday next. A ‘cig crowd is expected. Mr. Gilbert seems to be very busy buying and shipping fowl these days. Mrs. H. Rogers 15‘ visiting her brother at Myrtle. who is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Channon, East Oakâ€" wood. were visiting iriends 1n the village on Sunday. (Special to The Poet.) Mrs. Byam, Minbrook, has been the guest of Mrs. Webster during the past week. " The Anniversary Services and Fo‘wl Supper on Sunday and Tuesday in connection with the Presbyterian Church was a great success. Miss Smith, Victoria. Road, is spending a few weeks -with her uncles, D. and W. Sinclair. All were delighted to see the rain on Sunday evening and more would be much welcomed as a number of wells are dry and others are nearly dry. The ground has also been very dry and hard for ploughing. Mr. Barker, of Victoria. Road dis- trict, has rented Mr Gillie McKin- non's farm south of Islay, and i_s now ploughing on same. Mr. Sam McLean has recently pur- chased Mr.‘ Albert Gilson‘s farm, which és about a half a mile north of Islay corner. The local branch of the W. I. met lat the home of Mrs. John Cowieson Font Wednesday 0! last week. There ‘was a fair attendance. Two very ex- cellent papers were given, one by Mrs. S. McLean on “Common Sense in Housekeeping," The other by Miss M. Avery “The Girl on The Farm." There was also a question drawer, which was interesting and proï¬table. The November meeting will be held at the home. of Mrs. Louis Moynes and an interesting programme is beâ€" ing prepared for same. All ladies are cordially invited to attend these monthly meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Greeï¬t of Tor- onto. recently spent a week at the home of his parents. (Specm‘! to tha Post. \ Mrs. Elford is at present visiting relatives at Oshawa. A number from here attended the fowl supper at Dunsf-ord on the thir- teenth< and as usual report a ï¬ne time. The masons and carpenters are busy at Mr. Francis Brien’s new barn at present. The contract was given to Mr. Jas. Hancock, of Lind- say, and he is pushing the work right along and W’i‘ll' soon have the timber ready for the barn raising.‘ The structure is 60 x 45 ft., with fourteen foot posts and will. be cov- ered with a steel roof. Miss Elizabeth Flynn, of here, has returned home after spending over three months with her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Hickey, of Toronto. (Special to The Post \ Miss: Margaret Graham, of Peterâ€" boro, was the guest of Mrs. E. H. Mitchell, of Riverxiew, for a few days last week. $18 $8 to $25 of al’ kinds 7 our pa ll curn‘shings PLEASANT POINT CAMBRAY Y 0112‘ Winter Overcnat ISLAY A number from here attended the fowl supper at Caxnbray under the auspices of the Presbyterian church. Miss Evelyn Cameron assisted in- the cvsn'ng’s program. Miss Stella Savinac heft for Tor- onto on Wednesday. after spending a pleasant holiday at her home. 96a expects to Nmain in the city mtil Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Jamieson and little son, of Edmonton, are VIS- iting at the home of his mother, Mrs A. Jamieson. Mr. Hugh McFadyen and family have moved from the farm to our village. Mr. Wm. Weldon, 0! Cam- bray, having purchased the farm some months ago. Rev. N. Graham, of Eldon Presby- terian Church, had charge of the “renaratory service in our church on Wriday last. A large number were «resent and a. splendid sermon was given in an able manner. Mrs. Brass, s'r., has returned home after a pleasmt vis‘t with her s'sâ€" t'er, Mrs. N. Callaghan, in Limi- say. - We are sorry tomaar that Mrs. S. Washington, P3120 is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Emerson at Nes- tl's'ton, is suffering from an attack cf typhoid fever. Rev W. J Smyt-‘ae, of Dunsford‘, will conduct t e senices in the Me- thodist chu1ch here, and R~v. W. Limbert will take charge of the Work on that c '.rcuit Miss Lillian Wehster is spend-Em: the week in Little Britain, the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Hall. 'Several from this neighborhood at- tended Mr. Fred Walks†sale of- farm stock, etc., on Tuesday afternoon at Litt‘e Britain. Mr. George Lambe, of Toronto spent Sunday at the home of Mr A. Wzalto‘nq ‘ Mr. George Hicks has improve-(1' the appearame of his property by laying a new cement walk. (Spedal to The Post.) Mrs. Steele, of Toronto, recently spent a couple at weeks the guest of her son at the Manée. Miss Lillie: M7arti'ndale, who has been in Toronto for some time, re burned on Saturday evening she‘haw ’ng accept-ed the position of bookâ€" keeper for Mr. O. Wakely. M‘ra. T. Williams, Master Murray and Frank, of Sunderland, visited visited Mrs. Dr. N. J. Stevens on Sunday. Mrs. Davies, of Estc‘van, 8391s. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs» F. R Cann for a few days. Mr. George Wilscn. of Woodville, visi-teï¬his fath'3r,»Mr. William Wil- son, on Friday. Messrs. 8. Fee and J. Neeley, of Lindsay visited our village on Sun- day. A Rev. J. E. Beckel,‘ of Beaverton, M-cupitd the pulpit of the Me®hudiet church, the pastor, Rev. W. Limbert, conducting anniversary setvic'es there] on Sunday and Monday. -The engagement, of Miss Zetta H. Limb'ert, youngest daughter of Rev. W. and Mrs. Humbert, to Mr. Wil liam John Andreusi of Akron. Ohio, is announcod. The marriage will take plaCe on Saturday. Nov. lstt Miss Sarah Davidson, of Lorne- ville, was the guest of Miss Leta Hill for a few days this week. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. C. W. Festsr, who is ill at the home of her father, Mr. Thomas Webster, is not improving as mpirf- 1y as her many friends wish for. Mrs. William Thorndike has return- c-d from Wiartonl after spending six “.eks with; Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce. Mr. Hirschberg, eye specialist, of Toronto, spent Thursday in our vil- lage. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Campbell, of Woodville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Coad on Thursday. Mrs. Clarke, 0! Undsay visited Mrs. P. J. Every recently. son, Misses E. Dobeon, L. Davidson, V. Richardson. L. Hill, E. Cameron. P. Prouse. E. G. Cann, A. Weldon, 3. SaVinaC, and Messrs. M. Cruees M. Rogers, M. Weldon. A. Frain, G. N. Stevens, F. Ferguson. 0. Oann, W. E. Benney, T. Webster, 0. Wakely, Stuart Cameron and R. James. They report lots of fowl, daintily served, and a good time. Mr. and Mrs. 'Aneon Walton were in. Toronto on Friday attending the funeral of thieir aunt, Mrs. A. Bell. (Special to Tm A number from here fowl supper at Little ] aesday evening. Oct. 8 were Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 J. Armitage, Mrs. A. and Mrs. M. H. Gileo: son, Misses E. Dobson ‘fl'nn 9y is 9 Lord loves a. cheerful giver, everybody loves a, cheerful loser. .day evening, Oct. 8. Am! re Mr. and Mrs. J. B. We? Armitavge, Mrs. A. Armii 1 Mrs. M. H. Gilson, Mis |, Misses E. Dobscm, L. I Ridmrdson. L. Hill, E. 1 Prouse. E. G. Cann, A. 7 is the root of all evilâ€"and a family tree springs there. ELENARM. OAKWOOD 19 Post) a attend-ed Britain on 8. Among B. Weldon Armitagxz, )2), Miss H them , Mrs Mr. . Gil- er which a social half hour was Spent and the usual refreshments served by the hostess. Misses E. Smithson and .F. Moynes were ap- pointed delegates to attend the An- nual Convention held in Toronto in November. Mrs. Bartheau and little daughter of Toronto, are spending a few make among friends here. (Speclal to The Post.) The P: V. Branch of the O. W. I. held a most successful meeting at- the home of Mrs. Wm.‘¢’oynes on the 2nd inst, with an attmdance at over- thirty women. The chair was very- ably ï¬ned by Mrs. Jos., Lee, Vice- Pres. The meeting was opened 1n the- usnal manner, and siter the necessary business was disposed with. a splen- did paper on "Canadian Laws as They Aflect Women" was given by Miss M. Cums. This was followed ' a piano solo by Miss Gertrude Moynes, which’was much appreciated Mrs. Jos. Maynes then read a paper on “Canadian Authors" whieh was both interesting and instructive, aft- er which Miss G. Moynes again fav- ored the ladies with a piano solo. The roll call Wasthe next item on the programme to which a number 01 the ladies responaed U‘y giving some redpe or valuable hint on house-keep- ing. Rev. Mr. Roe, of Cambray, was also present at this meeting at the close of which he made a. short speech compï¬imenting the ladies 033 the work of their society. The meet-; ing was brought to a dose by the‘ singing of the National Anthem, alt- The members of the Maple Leaf Hunt Club held a. meeting Inst Mon- day evening and deemed“ to have their Annual Hunt on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Mitshell is visiting in Acton, Ontario. Miss Mosgrove,.Miss W. Mstchell, and Mr. Charles Merry attended at dance in Beaverton last Friday. Miss G. McKay spent Est Wednes~ day In Coboconk. (Special to The Post.) Miss Maly McKenzie, of Winnipeg, visited Mrs. McFadden latt week. Mrs. Faed, of Cannington, visited her son, Mr. Fred Faed, this week. 3 Do not fail to 8% the excellent F1 Plath Towels in good ï¬eaVy qual- f' ii‘y'. grey and white check and i stripe effects. Price eacï¬ 25c. q Pure bIEach Table Linen, 70 in- ; ch‘es wide, in pretty floral? pat- : terns, time even weave. A beauty g at the price“. Per yard ......... 49c. yard ...........9¢. Ladies' CaSh’mePe hose. all pure wooI, overswe leg, elastic tons, Fine Huck Towefs, hemstitched, all sizes. Pcr pair ...... 50c. Ba. 23!; border, 81222 20x40 inches, Washed, ready for use. Price Good quality roller towellmg, 17 inches wide, pure linen crash, red border, gopd serviceaï¬la‘ cloth. Reg. Ilc. Value. Per each ...................... .. .. ..... Half bleach Table Lin‘en full 60 inches wide, in handsome floral patterns, an excellent cloth for everyday use. Per yard... 29c. The values provi ed by this sale are decidedly unusual tities of fresh new seas: nabTe merchandise are marked definitefy par value. LiNfl-ï¬ï¬y PLEASANT VALLEY. KIRKFEEU) THE WDSA? #61335. Linens This Sale which Began Monday Has An import} ant Bargain Message For You ' MANSE GROVEâ€"ELITQN . The Anniversary Services in connec- tion with St. Andrew's Church will be held on Sunday, Oct.‘ 26th. Serv- ices will be held morning and evening conducted by Rev. Mr. Fraser, of Uxbrr‘dge. and on the evening of Tuesday, Oct. 28th. Rev. Dr. Cleaver, of Toronto, will give his famous lec- ture “Jean Val Jean". The lecture promises to be a good one and all who attend may expect a rare treat. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Cameron and who, of Beaverton, called on friends here last week. ' ' Mrs. W. H. Campbell, who has been in the West, returned home last week. ‘ Mrs. H. Reid, who has been visit- ing in this community. returned to» her home last week. Mr. D. N. Smith; Mr. A. Fisher and D. McArthur were on a. business trip to Lindsay on Saturday taut. (Special to The Post.\ The remains of the latezMrs. Morâ€" rison were laid to rest in the Eldon cemetery on Saturday East. Much sympathy is expressed; for the ber- eaved ones. . (Enema! to the Post) Owing" to the: anniversary services being h'el’d at Ebenezer on Sunday 135*. my service were was withdrawn. Mug. J .. H- Jones had a. bee last week and got her house shingled. Mr.. A. StapEes was in the neighâ€" borhood‘last week with his threshing outï¬t. Among those who attended the an~ unwary services at Ebenezer ore Sunday last were Mr. and Mrs. W.. J..Faliis,‘ Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Carder-2 Mr. Thomas: Steward purchased a ï¬ne brood mare and colt recently. er..and Ira Gardener, Mr. and Mrs. A.. H‘. Veals, Mr. and Mrs. Thee. Thompson, Mrs. F. Veals, Miss Liiï¬e Thompson; Mr. Howard Windrem mad Miss Jean Spear, Mr. James N'able and Mr. Harold Noble. Al, were well pleased with the service. Rev. Htggs, ct Tyrone circuit, very ably ï¬ne-é the pulpit . Messrs Percy and Melville Stewart have returned from their trip to the Western provinces, looking pace the verse of wear. Children’s Casï¬mm H3598, plain pure wool, shaped Xegs, all sizes, from 4; to 65. Reg. 55:. Values. To clear at per pair 253. L-a‘dies’ pure wool Llama Hose, prrfcctly seamless, garter tops, all sizes. See these, 3 pairs Boys' ribbed Cashmere Hose, all pure wool, 2-1 rib, good ser- vic’eabIe hose for school wear, all si‘ze-s from 8'} to 10%. Special. 3 pairs for ...................... $1.00 Otdnlnovo Hosiery .................... $1.00 ouge shingled {ta stop for several days at a hotelv was in the neigh_:\e:'thout arous’p ng the suspicion of rith his threshingztï¬ose Whom be least (â€Sites to 3’" :cract. During Lrs stay he will find yard purchased 9.20111: how many calls are made dur- colt recently. ing the day by: the salesman in whom attended the an~ he is interested, and alsaunuch 0th.â€" at. Ebenezer cm or informati'se darta. Mr. and Mrs. W..‘ RINGS 4UP CUSTOMERS ï¬rs. Joe. Garden: Sometimes a detective makes a 181', Mr. and Mrs. ! point of ï¬xing up on tï¬e telephcne . and Mrs. 'I'aas.;certa.in cusaomers of the firm here- Vea‘ls, Miss Liiï¬agpreSen-ts to inquire whether the reguâ€"- 0N WRONG TRAIL Some curious incidents were reâ€" late-d to the writer by a drummer rem gard’n-g these detectivcs. One was re- cently sent to keep an eye on a traveller who was supposed to be do‘ng a certva‘n c‘tv on the Lakes. He‘ was furn‘sh-evd with a. complete account of the orouosed journey, to- gether with a list of ths customers. The detective searched most diligent- ly, but cautious‘v. everywhere, but he neVer so much as caught sight of his man, although h‘s nuarry’s ap- lwarance was, wall kgcgwxi t9 him Af- and, if the, decision is favorable, no- thing 'is said: but, on the other hand, the traveiler may be severely reprimanded; and even informed that his services are no longer required. The existence of the secret report, however, is seldom, if eVer, disclosâ€" On receipt or a» detectï¬â€˜b’s report, the head of the-firm weighs the facts which have been- ascertained .together with the ordtrs and inquirfles which have been sent in by the traveller, lar represmtatiVe has recently made a call as.-artanged. If" a visit has been paid: well and good; but ifnot, the matter is immediately reported to headquarters by ~ the @etective, who also sends along;~ any other in- formatiOn he may have acquired. Oe- casiomdly, however; travellers get an enhance tip aswto the whene- abouts of a detecmgve from a friend at tin h’ead ofï¬ce. and it is needless to say .that the sem‘ewbat unscrupub ous commercials are then exception- all y busy. IEHECTIVES SPY 0N DRUMMERS Ladies’ kid gloves, English Ladies’ wool vests am; make, fancy stitched backs, soft fine ribbed, vests with 0; “Fable gir‘nsr «1‘ sizes. in shades and long sleeves. Drax of tan and. wave; ?e1’ 1355', 50c or closed, natural or w es. Price each ........... Yadir's’ long: whit}: k‘id‘ gloves, fincv st‘fchnd backs: with but- Do not £8.51 to see ourexceu‘ent line‘ of woollen. heavy lined' kid‘ ami' mocha flows and mitts. ranging in rrice from 59c. up sale' Iver pair f’hns nr dome fautemrs. Soft and “’i'r'h'r‘ 7’1"? $1 .529 hair'- F'nr fhv‘: Ladins’ Carmakin gloves. gusset finwrs. fancv stitr'hed backs, shaped tips, soft pliable skins. A big bargain at 751:. paii". For this sale per pair" ............ 69c. continued 1mm page Gloves naif. F‘nr tï¬â€˜s . ......... SI.†Ladies' Pure wool (in grey only. open styles, 990‘ R1 9: (PA h‘n»- 039. ‘1 Knowledge of lost ep: comes with old ago I Attentdoz;1s dimted to the ,advertisement or the Do“ iLand, Building Savings 001 jTorontoL on page four. ThiS largest neal estate firm in today and’ in harming Queen real estate they oï¬rz' the and most profitable in the Domini-on today. '“ . served and studied the city markable growth, and were ï¬xeee the period when its would mean a quick rise in me. The Dowercourt Land. and Savings Co. is a rem Dany. and those doSToiï¬ 0f Toronto real estvafle see the Company's rap? Messrs. LaDp and (Barbou- Jensen House. All things are when one is taking fronts. closed crotch. high I Tong sleeves. All sizes, grev white. Per suit. _________ SI" Ladies’ wool Ves’ts and are! fine knitted vests with high ; and long or quarter 5161 Drawers open or closed, all s Price each ........................ 1 Ladies' fine knit wool and drawers, aiso fleecea‘ qualities, same styles a: above, in nath ral or white each , ............................. A short time ago an damn face was noted at a well know sort of knights of the bug. TE 1131 advances were made to stranger, and in due coarse, 1 tactful and friendly referencrsu nature of his busin:ss wasmadï¬ stranger apneared to gr-‘e even faintest indication of 21:9“11119. his conduct no: unnaturally certain suspicions. Wham he ‘ conclusior: was 31?in at Was a detective, and it #33- that everything should be unpleasant for tun as Much trouble was taken to do and among other tinge-Ht rang-ed that he should not DC at the time asked tor: A and! hour was substituted; E? was distmvened tliat he '85 new man, and than .he Wane for himself. He 'dld not quite stand the rovers.~ and he was rather bashful. .H Chance to Buy Toronto Ream tar several hasty commas: with headquarters, it was for the suspected traveller had shifted to another terrivor LINDSAY Underwear ï¬nial-i6 ' weol comb FREAY 5 anti ' mwm' ith open from; Drawers Open 01' White shad- a'650118. open commm l 111311 neck ter slam»: .60! awers te. Price sizes S I 6c. ‘0 and "1 appro vch Yd: 8t I“