913'. BE fiï¬ï¬ï¬hï¬ill sweater Con 15 631:5 ,_‘__ N‘O an: 2'0â€â€œ snap in the , \Seather that brings to our minas 3f winter arid (zeep snow: Our stock of Furs vefl' (.0311).th and buymg as we do, from the [reliflblc nmkersfl we absolutely give you the {gt-mans“? and quahty for your monéy. There gets and separate places in Mink, Persmn 3:00,“ wuif, Mole, Hudson Sta], Fox, r. [adi15’ $50.00 Fur Lined Coat ï¬ves in sses MoiorHoodsâ€"An ideal cold S‘ KNITTED GOODS “"33 Maude Laidley, who is at‘ “3141?. the normal school at Petrrc “0. cit the week end with her ":r m, Mr. and Mrs. A. Laidley. â€"3. L. W. nfl'im and sister. Ame. T- ‘mi *h w: re visitors to PM“) â€- rm: the past week. “11W P. Goulding, of London. “‘33 ‘11 toWn on business lat week. ’11 H her friend, Miss Jessie Nichols. Mrs. Watson and daug'ï¬ter. m“ Dean, of Coboconk. are the M01 ‘m parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. N- Thompson. Miss Lulu Bushnell of Manchester. Fy‘é‘flt the holiday with her wants. Mr. and Mrs. J88. Bushnell. Mr. Clifford Mulligan, o! Toccata. -‘-'as the guest of 11’s parents, Mr. ,nd Mrs. R. C. Mulligan. Mr. N. A. Smith, 01 Toronto W88 town on basine'ss last week. " :1 .‘Jrs. F. Fee visited friends in Pe- §ment exercises. rf oro during the past week. and diplomas ‘fr. (:has. Ivory. was in many jun: successful p -. business last week. ymen tal examine Z‘Ir. Wm. Adams is visiting his date. 2%.: 2-. Mrs. Thos. Henderson. g Mr. J. 0113‘ fir. J _.s Begtty was in Lindsayi was in town la! ‘ fluxes last week. i Mr. W. Step1 " Victor Fowler, of Lindsay. {to Lindsay last are? tiroug'h town On Thursday! Mr. David Th .‘Jr. Stanfey Sluggitt was a. visit- ? to Peterboro on Saturday. Miss Herbertson is the guest of ade for us and is the be miity rat linings. E m Sable collars, semi: r'fully good coat for LS, Mr. and-«Mrs. Fame, as; Mrs Staples. 0: L n‘xl :1. during the past week ggu'est of Her 81:8 er, essie McQuade was a. viSBtor son. Z‘e: rL cro cn Saturday. . Mr. Conner, of L': .Ir. L. A. Primeau. of Lindsay. -the home of Dr. and s in town last week. ‘c-n Sunday last. .. "£6 A‘s‘.) (-4 r. (‘ecil Mills, of Lindsay is viaâ€" g his parents, Mr. ad --'5. a. Henry of Peterboro was the of friends in town on Mon- '. Rois-t Thompson and sister. Annie. of Torontom Sun- : their home in town. 5: Grace Laidley of Bridge- t. .was the guest 0! her parents, sLula Balfour of Lindsay was quest of her friend, Miss Bertie 5 our Sunday. re pleased to hear that Rev. Thornton, of Barrie, Ont. an ~emee b 3:, has mceived a. call Paul’s Presbyterian Chureh at This Store ()IOI‘S. q place if M rs max-st McCaflrey epent the it): her sister. Miss Addie mge in this wi "* “‘4‘- “ “'0'va Extra good value A. Laidley. 11 you desire quali tj' 9:00:15. Styles the Knitted Hats inter headgear, is verv E 50.00 very newest - Mr. David Thornton of Peterboro. :spent Monday with friends in town. J Miss E. Rehiil, of Petsrboro Was gthe guest of her cousins, Misses A. gand L. Parsons, over Sunday. i On Sunday, Oct. 19th the Rev. Mr. :Cannon of Canton, Chfna, occupied Pthc pulpit in the Methodist church, 13nd delivered two very interesting 5gnd enthusiastic addresses to large; hand attentive conzregations, both 3morn3ng and evep’ng. The church iwas beautffulyy decorattd with flow- ‘ers and fruit. On the following eVen- ging a supper was served in the 'SChooI room of the church. under "v auspices of the .Lodies’ Aid, which proved a. great success. Largo crowds I ,gathered to enjoy in Popnhr aflair 1 25c . f Mr. J. McCaï¬r y, of Toronto spent gSunday with his father Mr. Chas. McCaHrey Er. and Mrs. IrVine, of Lindsay, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs Wm. {Earle over Sunday. ; Miss Ida Nugent. or Toronto spent Sunday and Monday with her par- Jents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Nugent. Miss Carrie Poaet, oi Junetv lle spent the holiday with her parents. ;Mr. and Mrs. Richard Poast. 5 On Friday evening, Oct. 24th a »concert will be held in the Corona- tion hall under the auspices of the SOmem-ae high school. A play entitled 5â€le pudding, " drills and music! will be given, also the commence-1 ment exercises “hen the certifi castes.I gand diplomas will be presented to; the successful pupils at the depart- . n . imeatal examnatzons. Reserve the. f 10.50 mental examinations. new“... date. Mr. J. Chambers, of Peterboro. was in town last week. Mr. W. Stephsnson was a visitor _ Mr. A. Winslow, of the Bank of; Toronto staff, Omemee, spend: the; 1 holiday at his home in Millbrook I Miss Maye Bannan of Bury's Gran was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Batman, 0%: Sun- day. Mrs. Staples, 0: Lindsay, is the guest of her s;s';er, Mrs. J. Sander- I'ICCS L'nisay visited at nd MES. Thompson Pure wool hosierv, slippers, toqucs, - 1.111 mars. etc Ladies and Chiklren s E; 221 Underskirts 6% Spegg’glqvaiues inLinoleums for beziuning omrationq at ttie m-i'll that one of the emDTov'am was pre- narinz for wor‘t. and turnï¬d the. vine sud-dm‘y exploded, thus 151-3114,- 3an onerations .‘to a standstill, and necessitating all hands laying on my“ Maire w-- made. ' Fenelen Falls, Oct. Zlâ€"The employ- ass of Mick} e and Dyment’ 3 mill had an enforced hol-‘day cn Tuesday, owâ€" ingto an early momma accident. It appears that shortlv before the hour Rev. Mr. Earle was a business vi- sitor to Peterboro on Sat'drday. EXPLOSIDN AT Miss Thurston of th'e Public school staff, visited her parents at Duns- ford over Sunday. Mr Thomas Shaw, of Toronto was the «nest of Mr. 8. Skate over Sun- day. ' Miss Jennie Smy‘th spent Thanks- giving day with her brother, Rev Wm smyth o'l Dunsford. guest of her brother, Mr. S.Conne11. Mr. and Mrs. George Adams, of g-Lindsay, were the guests 05 Mr. and ngs. R. J. Mulligan on Monday. ' Rev. E. Rolland, of Enterprlsa is i'spending a few days with his par- fents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Rolland. { Mrs. Vanduser, of Grimsby is the l i I Mr. B. Palfry, of Lindsay took in {the fowl sllpli'er at Omemee on Mon- May even '.ng Mrs. P. S. Nugent and children of Lindsay were the guests of relatives in town over the holiday. Miss Grace Bench, of Lind-say, spent Monday with friends in town. Miss D *zidscn, assistant high :chool teacher, smut the week end at her home in Torczito. Mr. Gear; e Morrison, who has re- sided in Peterboro for the past few months, has returned to town. Our stock for “inter is W..-“ “156 111 buvmor vnnz- cnvm 2111 the waiters were ker't busy {tom 5.30 until almost 8, after which a short programme and intensely inter- est‘ng lecture on “Four Months Ex- perience in a Western Mining Town†by Rev. Mr. Bamforth of Port Ferry At .151, $2, 2.7-3 and $3 we are nel materials, made 11p with 5 ‘All Idea] Pnn] “'an1\¢« no-L:‘1_ tractive coats Siltelifl'e garments have been season. Our styles embody the cloths are in the newest weaves a m (he diHerent prices. “’2‘: are m ideal cool weather article reasonable prices. w: ..y that}; wears weil and at my†â€1".“me mitts. gloves, bedroom avxation caps, Clouds, Hum 101' wmter IS new very co- uplete You will be M mmw up...“ buymg your supply hem P91 garment ~A M PENELON FALLS Ladies’ Flannel Shim: Waists LADIES’ UNDERWEAR guL’Cb. Hf are at economy prices 0 SC to 500 N “e are showing some beautiful flan- up \\ ith soft collar and cuffs and pocket. ‘“ ._VA 1 Knitted U 053’ 2.23 Mr. Forest has bought the properâ€" ty formerly owned by- Mr. King, and will take possession this week. The funeral of Mrs. W. Tompkins was, very largely attended on Sun.- day. Rev. Steclse, of Glenarm, con- ducted the services. Mrs. White and Mrs. Webster were zuests of friends in Campbellford for the holidays. been particularly popular this Mrs. A. McDonald and little daughâ€" ter, Ethel, Hamilton, spent Thanks- giving with Mrs. Gilbert. Mr. T. Wood and son. Harry, spent the holiday at their home in the village. Mr. and Mr s. Kemp, Peterborough were the guest of Mrs. Austin for Thanksgiving. Mrs. 1W. F. James visited 'her uncle of Myrtle, for a few days this week Misses Kate and Nettie McInnis. of Toronto, spent’Thanksgij‘lng under the parents} roof. Miss Nellie Smith spent the holiday. at her home in Uxbridge. Mrs. Jas. Gordon and Mrs. F. Gor- don and Bake spent Saturday in Toâ€" ronto. I Mr. Foster Hoidge, of Toronto; japent Thanksgiving with his parents mere. 3 Miss Grace McKay is Spending a {week in Toronto with relatives. Mr. E. B. Eleon, of Toronto, spenthhe-V report a. good feed ’5†the week end in town. lent entertainment. Mr. Clarence McKay spent the week M188 McFarlane. W110 rem end in Toronto. turned from Sask., now of '. The Misses Walsh spent the holiday ICED-8d on friends here lately. under the parental roof. i ._._.__.¢.____. Mr. John McMillan, oi Queensville. and Mrs. Cowleson, of Lindsay, are visiting their sister. Mrs. Alex Fras- er. .; days in Beaverton last week. E Kiss 8, Arhuckle. cf Toronto, [spent the holiday with Miss Lily §Boynton. me. as 1:: Were, a large gap left in T C 6. ' " 1 r The Maple “ea. Hun. (7111., ‘1 1 {the circle of people among WhOm she their Annual Dance and Oyster sup-g . ., . move-fl, and a gap whzch W11 not per 111 the town hall on Monday eve- lsoon be ï¬lled Hing. AUout seventy-ï¬ve attended and} .h h b d d h'ld an enjoyable time spent by all. I "lib-e Sl’tFr’ er us an an e 1‘ ’ hc very latest modes and the : and; of the best qualities at nowishowm g some very at- A specml I at sale at 5C sizes at (39c 9.1 mm“. 11d blue colors {\F'S‘Q‘: 1:6sz 32“!“ 85;» {Hi CAMBRAY . EIIU r7 31-?7 Egldll? .43 .IL '33 1 szlle .argcr . I’ixilc Messrs Smith, McArthur and Fish- erwmade a. business trip to Lindsay a week ago last Saturday. Our pastor, Rev. G. Graham, vis- ited at his home one day last week. Mrs. H. Reid, who has been visit- ing friends here, returned to her home the week before last. On Tuesday evening, Oct. 28th, Rev Dr. Cleaver, of Toronto, will give his celebrated lecture on “Jean Val- jeanâ€. The lecture W’ll begin at 8 o’clock "and promises to be an excel- lent one. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all to come and spend a proï¬table and instructive evening? Admission 25 cents. The anniversary services in connec- tion with St. Andrew’s Church win be held next Suuday, Oct. 26, Serv- ices will be held morning and evening conducted by Rev. Mr. Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Cameron, of Beaverton. ‘ visited ftiends here the week before last. (SpectaI to The Post) Mrs. W. H. Campbell who has been in the West, returned home the ï¬rst of the month. l1 The sister, her husband and child, .of Mr. Wilson Hamilton of here, who ghail from the Eastern parts of Ontar +io, spent the holiday in these parts. Miss McFarlane. who recently re- turned trom Sask., now of Toronto, A large number of people from this corner took in the fowl supper at Dunstord on Thanksgiving evening. They report a. good feed and excel- lent entertainment. 1W6 ,_ ~ ' â€"‘ â€WW Peter’ccro Oct. Zlâ€"Reï¬'. P. K. Day- ! en. foot, superintendent of Sunday ' school wank presented the report 0: PLEASANT POINT the Sun-day School Board to the Baptist cchenticn this morning. The i j 1 I (Special to The Post) enrolment of scholars is ammo. an I The people of this corner join With, ,increase Of 1'988' teachers 6 0?" th Ops and the country; goers 5. 586, an increase of 552.1119 garound in extending to Mr. Jno. 3 total number Of 58110018 is 11‘ 788' an ‘gBurnette and family their deepest 'increase of 509, and scholars baptized 'sympathy at this, the time of their numbered 1,,606 an 1ncrease Of 234 [sad bereavement. Mrs. Burnette, who .The “110015 contributed t: missions passed away on Saturday after al$14,700, an increase or 81’ Do. They lengthy illness, was highly esteemed fgav e $975 to the board and expended by all who knew her and there Will; for school purpcs: s $34, 158. 97 an inâ€" lcrease of 5 081. }be. as it Were, a large gap left in i those of Nor Miss Eva Mills, of South Emily, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Mitchell, of Riverview, thls week. Owing to the holiday, and crush' of matter, correspondence from Wood- ville, Cannington, and Eldon Council proceedings are held over until next week. many years of sincere happiness. A pleasant evening closed by sing- ing “God Be With :Us Till We Meet Againâ€, after which the meeting end- ed by Wishing Mr. and Mrs. Mathison CRGWDED OUT they were given. - As District Superintendent Mr. Burgess pointed out that Mr. and 1 rs. Mathison had secured two 1i.2htS‘â€"the lnmn an a Lint.‘ 1- 4.1.1- Mrs. Mathison had secured two lights-the lamp as a light in this world, and the Bible a light to the world above. F? I mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mathison. 'We. the “Superintendents and Teachâ€" !ers of our Sabbath ’School, deem it a duty as well as a pleasure to meet at your home tonight to acknowledge our appreciation of the services renâ€" dered by you as Secretary and Treas- ‘ urer in our school and the kindly efâ€"J {forts you put forth in any doings! connected there with. We ask that; ‘ you accept this Bible with prayersJ' ‘ that you may in the future as in the f ‘past continuein your master’s serv- 1’ jice. We also ask that Mrs. Mathison I1 I 1 I: ,both may be spared many years to] , us and in years to i: come when you view this precious} lvolume you will have some pleasant!I Erecollections of the past. When some e of us may have heard the voice sayi c it is enough, come up higher, Rith H: the wish for you both a long and I; happy wedded life together. ’ ’c Signed by the Superintendentsfancll ‘ (2 Teachers of Balsover Sabbath School P C Mr. Mathison made a suitable re- III ply, in which he stated he was not ‘c expecting any reward in this world! and deemed he had only done his du-l ty. He was glad to know his services.‘ were appreciated and he accepted the! presents in the same snim’f 4n «rim-k: n t: a s: MANSE GROVE-ELDON . The Superintendents, oiï¬ teachers of Balsover Pres Sunday School met at the iMr. and Mrs. Oliver Mathis< [their recent marriage and n [following presentation, the gbcing read by Supt. James N 1 Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mathis we: the Superintendmâ€"wa 0...: the same spirit in which 0F THiS ISSUE Balsover Presbyterian of the services reg- Secretary and Treas- 01 and the kindly ef- At Balsam at the home of {did not discover it until the third Mathison, after i search, not expecting‘such an unusual an-d made the i Shot at that range- v ofï¬cers and 1e address When the Nichols:-â€" ,given, th‘ :Condï¬ments grate of ten miles an hour. Hg was Ibadly bruised about the body, but his injuries are not serious- DWYREâ€"BROWNâ€"At Kimount. (n Thankegavmg Day, Oct. 80th 1913, by the Rev, E. F. Hockley, of St. James church, Margaret Almeda Brown. of Uutterworth conduit). That wil gwi e _,‘ reater 2 5: 'u Tone up the w and Show his fen SECTIOL. HAND and Tonics for Stock v at Cresswell, had a narrow escape a. few days ago. A hand car )assed to Thou: Ontario. THE STOi KM} N'S STORE Mt. Calford, a, Bettie]; BAPTIST SL‘NDAY SCHOOL STATESYECS Raga: Furpie Supnï¬es Kenny’s Sandman Pow- tier A change of time table on the C. P. R. will become eï¬ective on Sun‘ day, Oct. 26th. The only change of local importance is on the Port Mc- Nicoll sub-division. The morning train from Haveloc‘x. Peterboro and Bethany will arrive here at 10.20 a. m., depazjting for Bethany,’ Peter- bore and HaVelock at 5.20 p. m., arriving in Petcrboro at 6.87 p. m. Bitter lfck International Suppiies {disses Supplies Pratt’s Suppiées EARLIER TRAIN ,,___â€"vâ€"\. [Rifle range at Vancouver, B. 0., be- atween the teams of Oregan. Washing- !ton and British Columbia, Lieut. IHunter made the high individual I score with a total of 217 out a! a. !possit1e 225. He scored 22 bum-eyes 1 in this shoot. Speaking to the Post, regarding Monday’s shoot, Llent. Hunter said, “We certainly are phas- ed with the treatment we have re iceived .in Aberdeen, and will try to 1’shoot hard enough to be on the team that comes back here a year from next fall.†On being told that it was the American idea to fraternize with Canadians in a joint defense, Lieut. Hunter said, “If we are to keep this continent a white man’s continent, it may be necessary for the two coun- tries to stand shoulder to shoulder. and that is the general feeling on our side of the line.†i DRUG STORE VERULAM BOY IS CRACK SHOT Continued from .L'l‘v‘e your hor John Dwyre. of Lindsay MARRIED AT BADLY [Mu RED bulls-eye it T0 E'EYERBORO hi3 ftihd. me sxswm vim hand living Pago one. PAGEFIVI' :3?