0 no» oon’ounuuoun-wo n ooununneoo .k WEEKLY rose..- LINDSAY. smear. NOVEMBER 09 38",", The Standard Bank pays Interest {gur times a your on all Sevlngo Bank deposits. 0 LINDSAY BRANCH. l‘. I‘. Loooomoro. Manager ,wcnu ALSO AT CAMERA? AND WOODM OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1881 3. g. WALKER. President 1113- LAIRD. General Manager A. H. l- ELAN D, Superintendent of Branches smashes throughout Canada, and in the United States and England A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED commencm. AND FARMERS’ PAPER DISCOUNTED SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT st . Deposits current rates and paid quarterly. Rest, - - â€" of S1 and upwards received; m deposit. lllTflRIA We Provide the Best Place in Which to Carry Savings Deposu, BECAUSE or rate of interest is much the highest AND Our investments are almost exclusively ï¬rst mortgages. C) with the home company. Open from 9 a. m. to 4.30 p. m. JAMES LOW, NEWTON SMALE, litem'aank it cinnamâ€" I LITTLE BRITAIN OF CANADA, Inooporated by Special Act of Parliament. learners of The canadlan Banker Association and'l’be Toronto clear- lng House. Chartered by Act of Parliament 1882. This Bank. with its 123 branches and Igoncies in Canada, United States and Great Brizain, is in a position to meet story rï¬qu'rement in the line of legiti~ mbmzng. Savings Department. â€Bank DepaunentthomcdionwiflullW 10 p 'THECANADIAN BANK Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 . interest allowed at _ . The depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the Withdrawal of the whole or any portion of LINDSAY BRANCH. - - W. C. T. MORSON, Manager mm Sivmis cow. a When in need of a loan you will ï¬nd it to your advantage to deal Assistant. FARMERS’ BANK HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. DI RECTORSâ€" Rt. Hon. Viscount Temple- Depodts of 8:30 and upwards received. ten, Hun. President; W. Beanie Nesbiut, upon which interest will be paid or co - ! President; pounded four times a year, at the highest President; current rate from date of deposit to day W. G Sinclair. o! withi‘rawal. i-Menzie, Bnrflge Gunby, A. Groyee. Farmers’ Business receives special attention in the line of . , . easing o.- collecting 3.1.. notes mski g . K- C- 8-. (4- b. I- 0-. Henry 112881118. some... for tse purchase of stockers, etc. W. R. TR AYERS, General Manager. Robert Noble, Allan Eato ln soliciting your patronage we can assure vou ot‘ courteous treatment and prompt attention to your business require- rents. C. S. THOMPSON, Manager lllKllMONlRtAl ESTABLISHED 1317 ‘ DR. 0. VETERINARIAN. imital Paid Up 314.400.00.00; lest - - - $1,000,â€. Lillivlled Proms $598184 lllil Assets - $|68.llll,|23.001 LINDSAY, - - College. ht Phone 92. is drawing near and you are begin- ing to think of what Santa Claus will bring or what you can get for youririends. Have you a young lady or gentleman friend â€who is "-020, Spokane, Mexico and ‘lewin‘lDd‘land. fond 01- Post Cards? What wouli they Wish better than a nice Every desr'ri tion of a Bank- . . i p Post Card ï¬g business transacted. Album Interest allowed on deposits. and compounded quarterly. Former cusromcrs of the We have a special line of Christmas Albums now in stock and are selling them at very cheap When down street co not Outario Bank Branch Will be or (.8 l in aidpnce goods. It costs iI=I3()Im.'n0da.t.ed as heretofore. you 11.001138- _______._____ 000000oocoec0090000099000too lllNlll BROS. :mflflook - :................. â€0- H. J , LYTLE IANAGER LINDSAY BRANCH. W 08. POGUE. DENTIST, loom M not om- . 8m attention ‘i‘“ w W" o A s T o a I A Mb. â€the HAROLD V. W I D ., no. a . m CoL James Munroe. Vice- 39 John uilchrist, R. E. Louver: Coxxr'r'rsrâ€"Rt. Hon. Via count lemplotOu, Sir Chas. Euau Smith, I-I. NEWTON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Gulls receive prompt attention day or ma . Temporary oflice, King Edward Hotel. W O o. +| ! ‘ ......00.0000900090§§§§§§§§...§ mxanimmmw mm, the Socialists, do not mum, : Some Remarks on : M E D l 6 AL AUTHORITIE ~ fly that eight pot-noo- oot of 0 . - 9 ; Hung; Ill Genera; 9 ""' 0 -. By “n“ "1.0““! : ten cufl'er not some time or other 0009000000000090990 frompllce. WhethcrthOpilosor-oblood- in . and protmdinn. or Itching or To moi. of rum the: ideas of railroad [building in nimm‘ly that of layingt runs from one (town to another. rub a cost ct no meaty plumes par mille- This in tho idea (that poi-memos cum nog- “ lind,†Zena-But gives Immediate one. ZAM-BUK CURED THESE. Mr. Noll Devon. Webbwood.0nt. unabated wltb ollce alcbt garl- A low :0. of Zorn-link cured Ii . Ho since up: “I hove bod norotu‘ n of the trouble on that 0 know I on! Fem-non!" cured.‘ lis'irwo bodies. in their 13m» Ito Itha use. a rat. [.onnoxvlllo.P.0..w1-ltcc: . s . .i - - "than red hurl!“ o no“ cure for “’“ â€mm“ “7"- †â€mm mm†°" Pllcc (â€:1"th x «and unholy no: u “ï¬nd. and so many dollum 01 money. [on on...“ D lac. Wei-It. Hampton. are: “M you gran-“so much for Zen-Bob It cured in o hewotPllo-cndmycon o! in’ui'. olntl or the mu- m m cations. Try I Bunnie. Free. Send In. to the Zen-But Co. Toronto. to and lo will upon mile to ibclp them build the mad. In days when the wuntnn Wadi now- no doubt this was the principle IN- turo ol xuialroad building . for the roads. on in mule, made the . :bowns, pay poo nIIInp bow and it did not cost them much Ito got ï¬gun‘ï¬u‘egb “'m Don't .an-Buk cures Cuts. Chow Hands. all like ground they wawtndi Ion stu- tlon-s and yards». As the count-mad- vau-ces, however, and we «Min! to grow cities such as Montreal. Tor- onto and Winnipeg. nbhc terminal Izaâ€" oi'lities Tequimd take on a very large . '7 'r w. Shara 0f the BXPW’ amid" "Vim w new Lroads wnntmz entrances. into - . . w Ema ' . “in! ' ' . them. We thus use one mad lbuym.‘ r021: of :E‘LMthjy y otfmu‘i’eï¬llsatelkire up. mother Md and paying: a. good are so (loud in remission to want t: price for it, simply to secure «the ter- “'Jdlish As the at h It minal [militias tint llhx smallerroud “' ‘ l . y . . We ? 13.16 1' some llrmr . . . . clean the sate at one abhor. they . . .. .. Dn2. on}. Thin in as, ‘ could not do {better than olwn a lint!» notzlbly the case where the Lineman tlo m“ at n time. and. lay and bv 1‘03“,ch thought the balm gt; John they will be murder!!! at. how little road in order ’to secure their :Quebcc will remain to be done Let us loom. Cit; lpl‘opcrty. It M'mzzld have cost at a few “we“, . ‘h" “"95“ â€â€œ1" mm“ t“ 6‘“ '1 5“" rmm a bushel of 22min the ammo: able entrance into Quebec tunmthoy izels [our gallons oi whiskey id . 4 ' " ‘93 f0“ “1? ““0““ m- ‘ . . . Which details m;...... ...... ......smso (1‘an quatm 01 terminal facilities The tumor 818W - 4:] is Morning 8. very mucus [30:011th Govein maggots .............. \4‘40 with all reads. A railroad is not yfl‘hc ‘lmnd company gets """ ..80 of much service now-u-dsys. that. The utueturer 1,0,3 :00 m1) , ......... . Ulcer-3.811111 . Bore LOCI. About-0: Polo- conod Wounds. Bulls. Fauna and skin troubles. Rubbed well In It II o splendid cm- Ncunlxla and a nd the brocatlon (or Rhea Sciatica. etc. we. a box of all d storesorpostpaldon mcdptof price ZAM-IBUK GO simplyémmehes â€in â€Dufkm '0’: a. “the dauymmi gets ............. «guy. stamina 30: 1:: Orr? “0°“ The retailer guts 7.00 4 e a b 4.1011 In 1: cont .9! the The W936 .................. d run): at: or they, nrc non m._ .‘t M‘i'th w“ The With 'MS 11ch and promhly 'clwc methods there (in no nation that “1:. ' A: meat. in met all. w I «trauma at tho meta-hi- thdt the colonic: hate to 01th, are raw materials. and us Great (Britain wllowu ilk-w (to come in Hoe. it neon-molly (lollauA that the only way a optt'etorcnco could loo give!) would b- '.)y the British'tnx- in; Humming «1 than raw miw- triads ior our beneï¬t. It sound: very nice when the matter is spoken o! by a ermoth-louzuod onator. but when it trots into cold {stints and. to “AIM out by tho mm. id» drummed: rwï¬l 11m hold water. As in matter at (not. W Britain [zeta not: our ly the cream d everything that: in em. but it gets in: on tthc ground “00' I! mouth price. "cry time. A.- G- maneucc. the British workman eats German. French or llc‘ligianmh get. and pays Ion for it than ache. woratimn who mak- o’t. lie cabs Canadian a" American Meme. butter of flour. and gets it up chew. um thrice cheaper. than the natives d. the country that. urrodooo them. no can (buy Amenioan nails [or a lcent a pound [less than the American has 990 (pay hit them at tho lavatory- Cl‘c’any. relisamzble man. it would acorn, to be an act 0! marines! to hmmrpcrin any may the «privilege he has of buying in tho obempcst market. The British nation was duooal. )3: Nauzoleocn a nation of aliup-kmrwml. and today he might add. manufact- urers. ’l‘bcir vory existence as m arugmsivo “mile depends-s on their ability to turn out their goods m, the very dawnst ï¬gure. and in ï¬ll-V 11110 when“ they have adopted: UjD-tOv can touch them. Whenever they. have {sullen :mhind. the reason in mm- tly traceable b0 luck or fortnight in begin; ur mith other natiom. who hav- adopted newer methods. Whit: 1.1!.) have clung to them: ftlu't an; obsolete. Australia as ;n-iprmntdd 'ov Mr. Doakm. mus very: annous to have Britain to; horse†{or the hen- _â€"_- â€"â€"__-â€"-â€"â€"â€". .â€" | THE ARC-LIGHT 8H0! STORE. DON’T FORGET The Great Reduction Sale at The Arc-Light Shoe Store BEGINNING TUESDAY, Nov. 26th. Store open from 7 am. till 7 p.m., during the sale. The reliable store for best quality and low prices. FRANK FORBERT, THE PRACTICAL SHOE IAN, Directly Opposite the Post Ofï¬ce. A Blended Flour (of Ontario and Manitoba Wheat) Makes the W'HITEST BREAD (‘ (( LIGHTEST BISCUITS “ “ TASTIEST PASTRY ‘( (C DAINTIEST CAKES road that have: It was not. so very long ago that the New York 01331de had no station after leaving [the Cell- Ln} Depot, until they crossed. into the state. although there. Wat. Irom two to three hundred rthrmsand peo- ple iiv'mg at the upper and of the island rwbo had to xgo anywhere from 5 to 1o miles tq get ï¬olocuc. (L [sleek eye. ,1 The children got ...... rages Now. the only thin; that: is residue I,- ;.rodu:oed hem trom natural is the emu. [or «which the farmer gets ‘45 cents. {The nufflmnd and drnvmam looLuctm than. get 95 thd, and .no dooot give value [or than. money. The. Tin“ distiller gas $4.00, which ena’qles‘ him eï¬t of the mimics. 'Thcrc one. :1 party in Britain (halt were pix-par- c" to take an: the cry of preference. and see if they could: not win on it. When Mr. Bodkin got home. his yor- litzmeut immediately took up 3 Keri“ 11mm and in oviduwly "socket!" it to Lbe motherland in such :1 mannerl as to disulpalo any notion the pro!- BLENDED FLOURS are TWO flours in one. The famous Bread and Pastry making qualities of Ontario fall wheatâ€"are combined with Manitoba spring wheat, which adds strength and nutriment. BLENDED FLOURS are not only the has all bum altered. 33Ԡnow; the“) in live like u prime and leave money are ““11Ҡlungâ€"up station, 1113"! ,Ln his children loo make fools- oi than: M ould do credit «to any" city. .thcrq when with. (the retailer :21.“ $7.00. more there “"3†none. 1“- ‘5 very and the some remark applies- to him. recently that :the great Pcnnsylvan- you“). in ;i “is“. dorm. rrno «people. mu. T0911 renamed that â€"3" would ithrough their government. gelt $4.40. have to get mm New 1'0rk"§"m~h “-19-“ and have to add anotlierl $4.40 to it trains. ins-Lead oi icrrym; the mu» «m maintain gym Jails and unn- ple over from the Jersey] shore. and lums with which too "3;.â€th and: today all?) ‘1"? upon-dun; ML" m-l- house the Victims; But this is not lions. tunnelling and Staten building. the «oigeest (1053- Leaving out “h". w accommodate their prutmns. 1-“ moron aspect of the cm ailtoguther, our own land, our WW3†IWd~ tho 'tne aetuml many (loan to the coun- I Canadian Northern, is finding it very try by the distal: habit can hardly†creation party may have had of put- ting up any decent kind at :1 fight. No colony can be blamed [or look- ing. utter number om. We believe the loest inflate of the Empin- as it whole can roe [unlined by culifart o! the Outer qunm doing what in 10051. {or the individual orâ€. irmupoc- live not its effects on. the othwï¬partn‘ of the same. This dcml not mom». however. that it is wry to [:0 lax. or its may to arm-chilly hurt an- other part. We believe tint Canada has eat and example that might. pro- cmuy procuring proper terminalzk In be estimated in dollars and cents. 1t ‘titalolv be folmwcd ,3}. “1. other" um i'lbl’onto they have t0 5011.? .wholei a. man who earns. any $3.00 a day, or blocks of buildings {to secure. :1 home $900 a year. when m:- or .in his to dwell in. and thouonly for their rig-ht mind. is Winter! oyd'rink. freight. \ There is l going on in .To'ronto to have .3331 thé’sew. Who can estimate it? trucks ' g the Esphmade elevated. -We ball a great dead about thozwro- and. we would not me surprised to 11W in Mains mil“ that! it. does hear that each of the three reader not prohibit. Here are some fi- wouid have to {put up a million dol-llgunos to think. over. Maine limit: lars. and the city as much. more. or ' year had two muodem. In Alabama. | a total of Isix ruinous... to have the with twice the mulaltgon. they have work done. {rhea there is a station had, in how.“ wean, 1381 cases come 3 to ...;o up that may cost ,‘Uwo «millions. to around trial; 328 rwene not eon-vic.L l and. (Toronto is only :1 300,000 city. ed; 78 were 860'th on dealth; 330 Even in Ottarwn, which bus about asit‘wvioted in the ï¬rst degree; 4-100! many people as «word [our 1:: Toronto. : manslaughter. In 1906. 1133 of Ale :i'otuna‘s convicts more in prison (or the redhead: are [0 build a le.ion and a (hull: .XTnion Station. and the G murder or attaniptcd murder. Al- '1‘. R’y a (two million dollar hotel, 111- I ammo that; 2600 conviom; Maine has tar getting the ground. for noLhirxg.;18b. The mtunul conclusion Mould All those huge expenditures should. ‘lou that prohibition does prohi- mxhc us «ponder, because after aim, we. nit. (there is no doubb out. that in are the [people M‘hO [may for. them. not the “ne'er wrung If 53mm uliquort the stockholders. The man who 09-“ L78 hndâ€" the timid Will see to that. could have planned out Whilit Was mm but there is ‘1 movement on to have united, when the moods werc punt, Commas- :pass a law allowing any would have been thought a 1001‘ then. .mm '00 Wabbit the importation of but now a {prophetic genius- 1 ‘ 55411107, in any My ___. dots. NVANITEDI ‘ done. so that it 'u-l'ollmastl imami‘ale 100 Boys for New Customers. Most to calmâ€"y Wt pro-limited! m 12mm of Our Old Customers are Rapid- leenires 0‘ WW†3)’ Dropping Out. . Our modern! will W have for- 10 committed suicide last week. gotten the tank there “m, at tho 1m. 20 are in jailâ€"8 are in the chain [cried motorcade lately held in Lon- ismz. loan. abou‘ preferential trade rm..- 15 more amt «to the poor. house- one leader on the side of preference (with was hanged- ‘n quid pro quo) mas I’mmie: Don- 3 were sent to â€the i951†4.3)1111111' i bin. at Austraflh, .wlio waxed veryl Most of the balance ain‘t wontlh- foolâ€" eloquent our!" what the colonies m; withâ€"they've 3°“ no money. .would and could do. Were: the moth- .Wo are just ooliged to have new oust- erland so microns as to' give. them Or we will «have to shut up shop. Don't make any difference whose boy ' w“... YOU. ......m... ...... We Guarantee If you 0113“; get startedl ’VVilt'h Us. Ma m cure your cough or cold are sure. Como eerilyâ€"«stay late. ; tomem--fresh young blood. I ~â€" â€" you. emcâ€" guarnloc to Mid you. Our goods Ope'lika Swioons. Proprietors." Fâ€" No “ifs†or “buts†â€"just a straight statementâ€"Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough or cold and do it quicker .‘rhe above is n Is-am'p‘ld pastel: they are using down in Allu'oamn. where the flight is on foriproh'mittions. than anything you .Whabever (rise We may hnvq inguinal t . d dru . t the Scum, there is no doubt ithey a-rc . eVZer ne ’ or your ggls taking tibia lead in prohibition on this: “nu return the purchase price. Get a bottle to-day, comment. (There are several .rca- and cure that cough or cold. mus advarced as to their! reason for this, one lacing their deï¬ne to 3pm passions aroused and committingmbe Sh'l h, cure‘ “id. fowl deeds with which he isobar-god. l O. 's and cough This my my 311d M W is; â€*â€" may one or the many reasons that Shiloh's Cure inasafeandsuie . can loo put Mob for the abolition oi cough and cold medicine {or this mwtul high? on £116 835500. We, children. It has been effecting wan MW why i. as M W? cure, for “years, All drug. (rate their We on m mm“: "m gutsâ€"35c? soc.. and $1.00. do: “wwmmmrwwâ€" Lions 0! our cormlidntion. It .will be admitted that by our outgrew» to Britain we keep those manufac- _ wenutonlytbay for we .mltp' of m‘ltux‘m bonding to kw? up with 113.; u very sedate: :tgititiowdnnk. {out 'we lose the product alibi-3' process‘on. who come in contact with it. 0! m they (picâ€"id. the Jflby- not. and ask (or more protection, «out as Britain is now ouyirrz [rem usl three times as much as slu- is Mullins: to m. we can hardly. With a good grace. cut of! any more. 11 it dot-a no worse than ken: aim monumeâ€" turem 1mm falling cola-q). or imag- ining that they own the country. the fleiemnoo will have proved a. blow» in; to no. Speaking on Cansdiana. we would hall with delight a radar- cm a: wlmat and flour and other of our products that :10 over them. but me “ould inure to admit (sub- nosa) they were aoltias {or giving it. It is Wishing how even our moot rabid protectionist manufacturers smut their own unw material (we. and object. as Strenuomdy as the bi-- gcst tree-trader. to any duty being, placed on it. fl‘his was strikinzly seen in our last parliament. whore Kemp. M.P.. who Wtufl'w tins, loaded a deputation: azainst boom-ling a. shoot t'LL‘ [oundry (it Morris'our: by protectï¬mt. # The look" Globe from the we- cont date to Doc. 31“ 1808. (about 15 month») and The look- ly Post for 1908 for 81 25 totbooo paying In covcnoalilln now and best for all home bakingâ€"{hey are also the MOST ECONOMICAL. They yield MORE brad, cake and pastry to the pound than any other Try it, and you will use no other. “ Made in Ontario " J Think" ole Bhdld nu .C§ aï¬cï¬ï¬ @GQGQ. ' e eyesight testing. The above, coupled ‘3 8 8 8 ‘2 8 8 8 8 8 Lindsay’s New Ground Floor Optical Parlors. ______________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" We are pleased to announce to the people of Lindsay that our New Optical Room is now complete and We have every known device (that is of real use) for de- tecting error: in the eye and our education in this branch of science is the highest that can be obtained. with our ten years experience, to- gether with the fact that we are here to stay, sufï¬cient guarantee of satisia :tion. Remember we absolutely guarantee every pair of glasses turned out by us to give perfect satisfaction and our pnccs are as low as the lowest. Free eyetesting daily. MORGAN, - Optician 0@@3 @9993anch 8 8 ready for ought to be a 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 got the blggoot newspaper bar- t'mk’s totem Root Compound. gain over often by The Post. i A DWnotIon without a Dlflm. "Cane back [or methin; you've tongotccn, as usual?†said the lax-oth- d‘. \ , Poultry Themes at '06:. Evening Post of Nos. ‘.';_' . Light-fingered gt-ntry are Operat- ing with some success in the poullr;. hOUP‘n'.‘ of South Ops farmers. Li“: 1 Monday night Darth-s were soon luv - ing the Uuiry form with n 101'! of fowl. the thieves drOpping thrt‘c sluu'l _lirds in their hurried. (exit. Mi. .lis. l'oguc. on the .\Ic.\rt'.iur farm. near Robinson's schoolhouse. is mourning l the loss of thrcu plump geese. which disappeared tlw same night. (Mr. James Ball found that storing his low" in the cellar was no protection. and Mrs. Hall learned to her sorrow that the maraudem spared not the widow and the orphan. they havinr abstracted eleven (at. ducks from the flock she had been feeding up [or Christmas. Spring guns are now be- ing. placed in position. and the min! extents may receive their dean-us one of these nights. ~ 1110 out Uterine Tonic. and on" sale elfocmal Monthly Wso’rlldwtglcb wonder: our ’3 ct s'mngthâ€"-No. 1 1'. 5‘9. 2 '( Edema-w strange: ‘ 20. 8 ' $5 per box 'a] canon. Sold all dmgrists. or sent if t of price â€â€38?“le dies, ; TI: An Important Judgment. Lost “09k. In London. Sir “'liliun Muiurk «Wldblisllcd :1 legal probed-‘1); in the judgment which. but gan- Ln :i non jury Cul§\‘ that came before nim for :iljudirnlion. A Protestant luv. bani brought action to restrain his wile. who is a Roman Catholic, from sending their children 10‘ :1 squint: school. dilb lordship ruled. basing his u-usiou partly on a judgment. given by Justice Anglia two years ago. thru- the armband had a right to say who- ther or not his children should go to a school where religious teaching, objectionable to him. was given. The judge also ruled that a expanse school was a religious school; and therefore the courts. or authoriiiw, had no right to send any child there, and load no jurisdiction in regal-l to than as they had iol regard to pub lic schools. This decision creates a -__â€"â€"â€"- I :tain best results. Eye Reenonslblllty We‘realize the responsibrlity laid on an Eye subt Specialist. We realiz that the wrong glean-cs will ruin night, while the right glasses strengthens the sight. Real- mug these thine: we cannot cflord to be careless or inaccurate. We pride our- selves on our csre and mcurcey and ob. See us tor any eye ' tron ‘10 or for new Glasses EYES EXaMINED FREE from 'now until Christmas. ' H. B. ANNIS. Oph. 0.. IVWCIT mm" 92 Kent-at. (Over Neill'e Slice Store) Lindsay. ' of the education of children. when; pneedaot. that will have quite an I "I? 000 Pam!“ is a [resonant an: important bearing upon the question the other a Roman; Catholics . ‘