I gm BECAUSE it is a 1cgular prices. BECAUSE we bou \Vith these sound here for your wants. M Corsets, Belts, Gloves, n‘s Silk Belts. 25c styl , $1-50 styles, 75c. ‘. '.w:‘.:::1s Gloves. ~ 3 large Lace Cape Collars at Silks and All-over 1. green Broadcloths, 98c. green Panama Cloth, 98c. 1. o, 1.25 and $1.50 Tweedsat :5c and $1.30 Lustres, Cashmere Crepe de Chenes etc., all at 49c. (ll 0 O i U? ‘J/ U) . 0 U1 75 white and navyand M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Q C 0 O O O O ‘0 O O O 0 i0 .0 l9 .0 .0 ‘0 :0 .0 .0 0 i0 _0 (O ,0 .‘fl 0 Q E 19 '0 O ‘Q Q ‘0 C '9 3“ E it o ,O Q r. 9 Q 9 O O ‘0 O O 9 O O O O O ’9 O .0 O O O O 9 O 9 O O O 9 O 9 O O O ? ’ -O ,. '9 Q .4 v 9 ¢ 4 ~¢ 4 Q .4 O -O 4 0 .§ 0 i Q C 1‘ Q 4. O O O O O O C O O Q C .0 O O O O Q ? §< _- 1101131; TO cusorrorrs. P. .3.- .‘o' manor of tire EjLzlr' a! CLAN/1' 5.531124 Kl), 122:: of ti: T071031"? cf .I:~.:r:i.w_ z, beamed. ‘ herc‘o 'ven: purruant to . . .597, Chap? 1%, Sec. 38, mean ' rs and persons having claims attains: the estate of thesaid Clan: Bir- mï¬rd, who died on or scout he 23rd day of Oetober '1 D. 1907, are requested on ’0â€"0 Ofbcforc the Twenty-m2: Day of ~Boccmlsor’. A. D. 1907, ‘ 7" Sand by post. prepaid or WT†to tho “flier-sigma solicitors for the-Executors 01â€.138 estate of the said diocesan“, their â€:68. 11(3er as and description, full 95531331333 of their claims and accounts, .13 .,-. ... , r 13. R6 the nature at the securitiee, it any. . 395i 5y 7:16:21. é“ funny, 312w notice that offer the ’ ,, ' 't dw r.:‘ ï¬awmber, 1907, the said nectar? 25.111 proceed to distribute the met: 01' :ite said deceased omocg the ï¬fties entitled thence, having :38er .5“? to ï¬re alums of which the? 31573 3%.". ns‘vzled. and wornothbe a??? 1’0; ‘39 ~3id Lss-P's or a: Lt 9 e0 3.1.1 397332 (3" versqg' if, ï¬tO‘O clai'n nocce 3‘31 30: {we been received Dy 11193315: in lime of such distribmn- . Qatad at - .indsay this 27th day 0‘ NW1 m6er. an. 1907. .- McDIARMID 8 WEEKS: or the Ton of Lindsay, in the point- ch Victoria, Solicitors for W 3. Dale, waudcr McKay'snd 10:†351', Executor: d‘nrd Em. ~w ’ r: WAN ranâ€"norms â€and k or third class certiï¬cate, for}. 3* 1 Salary â€50.335 to M15 to .3 W". E ' . “Jan 3rd. slum Aw’rm uAIL]: , Hood nil, Uphillâ€"wad“. just for instance judge us by these items. you could see you would come through mud, rain or snow to share. ____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€"________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"_Tâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'-â€"â€" Who Wouldn’t Buy'iFurs at These Ian's, Umbrellas ate-s a" Great- Greatly Reduced Prices. Iy Reduced. , $1.50 Kid 'Glove=. 080: 25c “ ‘32....re Gloves, 19c; 50c Cashmere Gloves, 39:. Great Bargains in Dress Goods $3.75 â€White or Cream all-over Laces at $1.19. 30c and 35c-‘japanese Silks, assorted colors, at czc. c raw Silks in green and navy, also black and white check, 'i‘aï¬â€˜eta 811115 at 49c. in ï¬re W] of Virloriu. lllllSAY. ONTARIO. EIIDAY. IOVEIIEI 29. 1801. l i i l Ford’s Big Bankrupt Stock Sale llï¬ers You Most for Your Money. W HY! genuine sale. BECAUSE every article in stock is selling at 20 to 50 percent. under~ ght the stock at half price. BECAUSE we are going to sell the entire stock out. BECAUSE it isn’t a sale of a few articles that’s all over iaa few days. BECAUSE it’s the unusual that’s happeningâ€"winter goods at cut pI'lCCS in November. Prices are as low now as they will be next spring. A Word to the Wise is Unnecessary. veacnns laid before vou. Lace Gol- es, 1:: I-zc:» 69C. Lace. Women's $5.00 to $7.50 Cravenette Raincoats 67c. 1:31.90, 5. T weeds. \ odes, 4- styles at $4 90' Infant's $2.00 no You Want Male .15 or Female Help ?- l 1 will take applications from those requiring t‘arm' help or domestic servants. The help «3's expected to come mostly from England and Scotland. Any person Wishing s‘o adnance part {are 'for respectable Scotch or English girls will please ad vise m. Johns, at his pesrdence, 99 Lindsay-st. â€"â€" NOTICE The Davidson Grist Kill is now open to the public. . 5 for ï¬ve cents a bag, for: cleaned grain, GEORGE DAVIDSON. â€"wtf. Little brizsin. . TOTICEâ€"All ones MUST BE PAID i ‘ on or before,!.he 14th day of Decom- 1)., ANDREW KARSHALL, Collector for Opsâ€"'3 , = UTIL Eâ€"A meetimz or the sharehoders for: on Tuesday, ; to Immt general tends co is requested. G190. Presidentâ€"wl. and patrons of the Roaboro emcee - nutter 60., will be hell in the Inc-- Dec. 3rd, at 1.30 p.111 , business. A full at.- E. REA, manslocely 'bushtenmilea from W. 1.3., Mrs. Annie Valentino “Wamwmedlozapan- ‘IWs~lz.1il'1!1' They are bargains, that 1 $7.50 and 10.00 qualities :3: 4.90, , . man Otter Stoles. Astrachan Ruffs, Electric Seal R1135, Mink Marmot. Caperines of black Coney, Black Astrachan, “$18 50 Alaska Sable Scarfs, $13. 50. ' Men’s $30 black Dog Coats at $19 00. ‘ Men’s $20.00 Cub BearlCcas at $13.50. Mee’s $70 00 Racoon Coats at $55.00. Women’s $35.00 Astrachan jackets, $24 00. Women’s $25.00 Fur Coats at $15.00. The Greatest Sacriï¬ce Prices on Ready-to-Wcar Garments Women’s $7.50 to $12 Cloth Coats, all this season's Children’s $4 00, 5.00 “696.00 Coats at $2.50. Misses‘ 33 and $4 Tweed Skirts at $1. 50. Mr. Morgan Johns, Canadian: Government Employment Agent, - fl Chopping done :‘ vou surelv will come f including Ger- Blabk Oppossum and cub Bear. Red Eiderdown Coats, at 98c. Women o 845 Cloth - Coat: with Sable Collar at $31.50. ouooot o ' ““66Mouuououowuouuo»“nuns-u“on“o“noun...“«noououuuuuuuuu«nououuuuuuuwu «coco»ooooooouooocouco 3 SALE DEG. 7, ’07 17 Homes. mixed lot, workers and driven; 2. Colts, coming 1 yr. old and well mtched;.34 young Lows, all due ‘oelonc to 131.01 cpril and come due in January and win-min; 1 new Milker, 4 2 y - did Steers, 1 Pony Uut~ ï¬t, cum, common. robes, no re servealporty Mono fmhur use for tuem ; I set numsilver-plsted driving on ness; 1 cert double drivin Barn- ou, nearly new ; 1 wt sing a noose in good repair; 1 sett, single plough Hotness; I don. 11,4 Hutton, any prices, don’t miss some; 1 nctt sin 10 Ranch only used chorr time ; 2 new Tndho e Cutters; 1 s.tt light delivery Bob .leighs, pol- shaft. and but; 1 set. new a ring survey Blanks. 2 416001111- hand utters, l oett driving Noéyokes, 1 pr. horse Collars, . early new ; 2 s. cmd-hand Robes, onlv 38rd 1 yr; 4 new Electric City Acketman Robe-8; 6 biahoo R1bes, best make; 2 602.411 Horse Blankets; 2 dozen 'Surcinglm Swewpuds; 1 full earlood young Cows, Don’t mrss same. TERMS-43 per cent. 01! instead of 7 per cent. _ W A. FANNING. I l Wood nu. Lights shone might tram the .win- down of council chamber Tuesday ev- wing. while inside all weani'rl'handl laughter. * It was the occasion at a sprint» mm given by a couple otl Lindsay’s popular young men. Amour one lnmdlrod and fifty were preconti . 'Wudinz a number tram Potato†. While on her-way to yids n'naiagh. and m planes. Prof. B 'gk'n' WW mm.mm. mm were served. by, Caterer Christmas. a'aslm'. ol the B1; so, 1" - lHl Pill lllllllllllllllllll' lilll l l l l ( The Pev. 1111'. Wesley, of Sunder- .Presbyterian church here nexr. Sab- bath. ' ‘ _â€"â€"â€" Christmas goods. and has his store nratly decorated. ' ‘llu- school children are busy pro- â€"â€" -__.___._ : LITTLE BRITAIN. [ (From Our Own Correspondent.» One to! the pioneers ‘of eriposac {cycled mvuv this Wei in the pcrsarm of. Reuben Walter Roach. The fun- ‘ rral? sun-icon were conducted by .Elâ€" dcr Hm of Ithc Christians church. (ï¬nal). R. Clare, B.A., B.D.$'prcl:1c :- cd in the Methodid: church here Sun- day. Rev. J. E. Moore. Ph.B., took his allow at Athcrbcy, preaching mis- sionary sermons. Cur learnt. mm‘busy Ircpar'urz [or Ih-‘Zi annual concert on Christmas night. 111'. Hughes. oi .V-ulent'n, has mov- ed into our village. lie intends o;- onimg a shoe {retaining shop. Mm Florence Dix has returned; home otter visiting relatives in Bow~ mnmillle and Haydon. The School Board has «gnaw! i teachers [or another year. ' mr. G. W. Promo. having. sold his farm and (13de of his «back. n:- qx-ots in the near lutum to move to Lindsay. where he expects to waldo. Mr. and lira. Promo will be greatly missed in this lmality. lacing active workers in church and Sundnyuohool work. 1 ( DENTIST -â€" One of the firm of ~ NCl‘iJDd-‘i Irvine, dentists. Lindsay; will be at Mr. Morton's. Little .Bri- tnin. on Tuesday. Dec. 3rd.-w.l. .___.â€". ‘. DIGBY. loin-om Our Own Correspondent.) “Hat’s the meter (with Diagayl It'e all right. but our correspondent! has gone to sleep. (Rho tumors arâ€" ound. bars have all that: root! stored awzyumd most of them plomghing done. I ‘ Mina Martha Armstrong visited friends here on My. / Mn. '1'. tb'itzgoroild. who has m on the sick list for game time, is. nine to ho out 1.;a'm.1, Most of the boys around here are gone .to the north comic). Our school haauopcnod again with 3. beige attendance. Some 01 our pooâ€" ;le do not realize what an import. an. influence upon their children :1. school touch-r may have. 3106.th us flunk that 511'. children Ii‘om L9: is a. little Radial. wr.:'1n.: and. :zfztluncric. \Vc never stop 00.1- ;‘ulcr how her nasmintion will influ- (‘L'Cu their livm. We never think of the direct she has on them. 1110111“)! and socially. but as a matter of {not 90;“;ng it is perfectly qxwiolo for. a sslicol \\.. noucc from reports of J... teacher ‘00 do more harm; than 3’00‘1‘ Iltummg parties that in some our-s unless her moral 11nd social influence let-r .uc plentiful. r1113 has nor 31.1 -11 “1‘00. the children is at the right hard. 'so in this p.111. l‘arlgca who qu .-1 You want. [or your children om- M be north of Here (om-opt in Lougrau} notmly ins B good education. but ' nport dwr .13 being very sonar. is also in Bymcnfliy with tuners-1 and. ' some parties who hunted the who-c. arm life. School teacher: Who Molar-.mon not even getting one vii-:3. continually giving the! pupils pearly ' otlwa um; one, whilst others mow: vision: 0! city 1.110 and running down fortunate got ilreir full communism. tho ham. are one o! the greatest ml 'llu-rc is some talk or asking 111.: gov- nraiievila with which lumen: have emmoul to prozribit hunting of .1058: to W up. See than your distinct f in the northern part 09 Heron: for has an mm m .‘ When can 1.1 number of years in. order to K7?†.wm m†the wintry and. who wml tiw deer from becoming extinct nu impure in your children a law for “-l“ iUNI-131- ‘ it tool 1: they don‘t: lovo it. now. in- vite her my our home. tint you my! know by. and she. may know you-n . ohiidimn better. hag) her in- sympathy {mm m “1° â€â€™7 W“ i†"3’†Some or our 901113.; 11120511" 1-31194 at. 11 youcnn get. this kind 0.. u. . _ ' 4 teacher, and .will mt her .in the Oalkmood â€a, 6w} _ , .. . Mr. C. S. J‘rckaruu. of . Lilnliu)’. \ right way, 5110 u Lil have or. 11111110033 , _ _ W good upon your children. for a“ netted than bun; on Sunday. your! Murat you have ever laden- rc- l clued a. teacher could have. 5 ___+_.â€" ‘ . maximum (From Our Own Cor respond-1:1.) ' Mi» Brown‘- recital on Erma, List “.1.“ vcr; much (anyoyc'l by those prr- , sent. The children all acquitted. themselves very croditubly. The â€at gram deserved u better how. ' Inc concert on Saturday c-vcnmg under,tlie auspices of the Presby- tcrmn church was well put. on. The program (ODSlSted of local and in- rtrumentul music and a. way. \Vc un- derstand the receipts netted .51.;3. ’l'twKirUmld Club are giving dance in the town hall on Friday evening nest. An enjoyable time is looked for. I‘m: dog that had been killing 511.240 in this vicinity was capturcl aid chow. lust week. The young people are enjoying; a state on the ice in the opcru The much tullu-i 01' skating rink rs nor. to 'miuerializc this winter. Jrigc Harding. of Lindsay. here last Monluy and Tuesday. . Mrs. Merry. sr., .1111 Mrs. W. .l. ‘ Mricilellipent :1 few days in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Cox visited Mr. mm 1.1:. \vee'. , . , , . Miss Ste-010, of Balsovcr, is :‘isit- 133.51%. Sloddarrl. a [6“ days “'9' ing Mrs. Maci‘ndden. ' . Qurte a nu'mberol young" people ru- tendee the temperance concert av Balsover on Thursday night of last week. and report a $604 time. Mr. Hugh Chisholm, of Winnipeg, formerly of this place. ‘spent a. fear days here last week with relatives and renewed friendship with many old friends. lr‘x‘tnlumcnt. “inch no doubt .vih he i :1 delightful treat for young and old. _....___ - VICTORIA ROAD DENTISTâ€"Dr. Bowcrman will 1:.- ut ‘mi Patric house on “Trauma-1.. i 1m. Mb. .111 day. and at Chirpaw‘. l Victorm Road. on Thursday, Ur". 'IILEI -â€"\\l .â€"â€"._â€"â€" l.l.\'Ulâ€"3.\' \ALIJLV. Al!â€" I". E. White. of “illbl‘lll'. in}; . 59/110 has been on .1 visit in nix sis- [as .\lr.~. l). \V. Terrill. .1111 Mrs. l:.' 1". lVrliKHl. loft Tucsdiv morning lo. Trenton :nl Stirring. “lit-1‘0 ii." “171 mun-l .1 month before rvlurnirxg in like “'est. ._......--â€".~ . ('AMBILAY '. (Special to The Post.) 1 .1 1111.01ng of the Woman's lusti. tutu “'1“ be held at. the home of Mn. “1'3. you on Dec. 14:11. at ;: u'cluk 1.. in. Discussion on “l‘rcpir- i111: forClniatmus" ‘by Mrs Rod): and r1 pdpd on "lncxpt‘nsivo Cllrislmis gifts. bv M‘uiocs McKay. Bagxhuw, Shirt and Sinclarr.'.tll are cordial} to attend those meeting... _â€".â€"_._.,‘ . l’I’HLLL (From Our Own Corrcxpondcnl.) Tins plloc was favoured last. wrck will: .1 visit from his honour .luluc Hurling. accompanied by County Solic2lor .\!cU1.11mid. and our own (801).) ’ll. .7. McLaughlin. hornet-r, etc. oh 0! Lindsay. The reason of the uncvpcctol visit was in connector: it would nppvar won in count-CLQOL vita 1hr troubl: arising ou-r.1h.- idt'.‘ valuation of the county. “Incl: .-.-.1s lyprfllr‘i against by :1 number of 1-1-- norllu-rn townships. and wlncn Hiq Honor is trying to adjust. and in o'- dcr to do so intelligently;deridwl '0 see the gvnerai clmracti-r or the norll; wnnships. I! WAS :1 vr-r) mm- nu-n'lablr- undertaking. but .1 3.11m: ions on: for Judge lllrdxmr. ' xvii. 1113 honor 30‘ch in chin, lrix drive greatly. ’llic “wither l1u< been funr lutcty for 1311.5 mason oi which “Lil :hurtcn 1119 .rrtu an.- (NHL. “311'“ is or ,1‘ \ u lD\lll d ill)“- unusuuli,‘ Lu: .‘U‘G “lull-f 5021.6 31111101121301 this \~;1.1tc~r. bt’si'if‘s ..'.1 w. ‘.'L-‘ in; ivt‘t‘l.i‘: .1 gnarl clumu- 10 3012.11.1Iv {.111 punching :111-1 01111 :‘ 11s- v.01 k. 'l'...‘-‘ collcctors are 1111- order 01' .:1~ -l.1_\. Ilrty ll-‘ubil: :11 . 1.) LI. 11' ( HES-1‘) import little r F .woonvuus. .2 (From Our Own Correspondcm» â€"Jlr. J. J. Cave visited our 1 an! My. Quito :1 numx-r tram litre uni-ad- od Cunninzton anniversary .-(1‘\.. on Sunday and Monday. Don‘t forget Lbs Scotch concqr' m be given on Mommy. Dec. 2nd. under the am 01 db Pails d...br‘.1ry.l Everyone come min enjoy a good time. .Mr. LFaild. bunker. has moved. to the lhouoo lately occupied by Mr. 1 Ed. Bragg. Mr. Gmigg has moved to the W Wet the atom ' Mia; Lily Gilchrist had :1 manner ’ ind“ pairing bee on frhumday. last.- .Tho costumes «were rvory antique and New. \ On My night last a nunn'aor of our town £01k cnbaltalincd. Among those were Mag-1. C. H. Camly. Mm. D. Mdl‘aiggan and Mm. 1Wm. how man. ‘ '. Mr. John Hughes has moved .to tho house label; occupied by Mr. Johnl Ovens . Mrs. L. Bawio has returned utter spending the summa" «with her put cuts in Hartley. 1“ A memorial :1ch ice «will he he 71 1d {on tho inmnt son ot MI. Rcwoen Th0mn$ in the Methodist. church on Sunday morning not, Dec. lst. l “'71)†We are phrased to see Mr. Sta'aack ‘ around again after lacing 12.1.1 £32101 ( 'rscmo time with thwmoltiam. Mr. John Caminu. "Fair-view 1ch" has returned from Toronto. utter warding some time with h:- rwile. who is in the bonito". . W0 home tot he: speedy recovery. DENTIST â€"- Dr. Bower-man's next visit will in on Friday]. Dec. 611:. an. land,- will occupy the pulp“; of one the Quecn's hotel. 0A.... .. .. _-_.....s... “a illihllldlllllkllkl‘ll w w“ .4683: The merchants are preparing ’lor. ‘ m. Feud. uuggmt. cape- csctly, u melanc- 5 good in OAKWOOD. (From Our Own Corrtsponllontl Martin‘s church. Livinrhtonc, I St. dirt; on the afternoon of .507. 20th: \\ hut Miss Minnie May whomdykc. dun-Inter of Mr. -Willinm Thorndykc. o! (kikvwood. was married to Mr. Arâ€" thur Hugh Gunn. Cgowiey. Alta,1l1c ructor. d1; Rev. NV. ll. van't, offi- ciJinlg. (Ibo wide. intern-d ‘Ulr' church on them 01! Mr. ll. 0 S‘Jtclll.‘ inn-l looked very pretty 111 :1 eman. travelling suit of navy .1!ur-..oroaldâ€" cloth with hat to match. Lworc :1. handsome sot of mink furs. and car- ried :1 Taoquct of white 1050*. The ondmmoid. Mists Evorldc Blythmnn Wat! attired in a :murt tailurodgown and carried a magnet of pink roar. The (bridegroom was rummrtcd by his brother. Mr ll. .11. Guzm. Altontlic ceremony a reception was held e at Hillside ranch. the rrridcnct- 01’ the .3room‘s parents. Alter receiving congratulations and ;00d M‘iihesMr'. and Lint. Gunn lclt for u whortwod ding trip east. 1 WM), Novomlxr the 20thwn< (in; some 0: u very pretty wedding. a: the home of MI. and Mar. 620. .W', Mimic. when their oldest daugh- tor. Ida A'lzocrtn, was united in mar liege to Mr. M'illinrn Ball. of Toron- to. Pram; tly at 3.150 the arid: ('11- terai the parlor to tho ctr-«51:» 0‘! the wedding mans-h played by «Mica, Carrie Moore. cousin of the bride. tho and» was becoming‘ly attiucd in “him silk and carried a Donn-at of cream m She was attends-d by. in." sister. Miss Maude Mnrundaic. who was attired in a gown oi whit»: silk and corned a Tooquct at pink {Or as. The groom mam attended by his v... VIC‘I’ORIA ROAD. '. - (From Our Own CorruapOndentJ. Everyone enjoyed the social evening Writ“! for a Christmas â€064101 Ofl- -«\ll-1. was the W of a pretty wod- which was given at Mm Duvofï¬â€˜ home last My. under the aus- MOI the Ladies’ Aid Society. Miss Sam and Jamie Skid-(H am at qrcscnt visiting them)»: in P1489)“- ro and Mount Pleasant. . if this weather minnow we also“ have skating: soon on the Victoria. rink. \Ve are patiently waiting, “MK hustlm; in the meantime, . Businau has form so lactation: with Mr. Ryckmm amt. he has M to add smother (.9 his altoâ€. Anni!- or swinging the anvil. Mr. Cameron has mod up :1 mar ?Jlacksmith allow in town. Wr- w‘uh him 6%. - . There is a new banner in town. Hr. mu, of :1»: (a: \Vcrct, inn oï¬mnd a much-notiï¬ed shop. Mr. E. V. Mount. 01 Mariam-o. was. in the villax‘c m Madrid's ind: m. Mia! Ella Kyckman spent a (WW-k 'with friends in Nortonnt :‘ 1M4†MW m 54% horns; a!â€" ! tor mmdimx a month with from“ l l 1 friend. Mr. Joe Short. the marriage . ceremony Tou'ng performed by the llov. ’1‘. Brown. rem 'thï¬ par’takcu oi. the lmpp) Alter :1 sumptuous: l couple 101; on the cumin: tr-riu for 3 {0191.5 «vast. Tho brides 12d“; awry 1 ‘ ll, suit warn of navy blue .ludice’ cloth. \HLh hat to match. The prcs‘mwi \\ are numerous and costly. groom‘s gift racing u road nun-r (1-,. I ‘ . «‘21v.‘ .11. .\l:.1'~i. 54111.: .- mrv‘uce. Mr. 11nd Mm. Dual! 'will 111mb in lToronto. Mr. “'hitlock. of Ui(‘\r’.,‘i.llld, '111 the Methodist, church Sundux 31:15 .v’ 0310;. and h'u winging was «£30314 5 {320 i l l :.ll. ,liis :nlo rut-111:, “Jesus .Luvgr :1 My Soul.†311... A. o. 110;; and ma. 1.1. aw: visiting their [dand- Mrs. )1:C'1111._\,‘ 01 Bollovdllc. Mrs. Mong'in Lewis. 0‘ Lindyâ€. visited [floods in Oulnvoai Tl‘xul‘~'l‘1) Just. Mr. and Mrs. M'oodï¬ey. of Tyron-u» attended the M-Mnrh’ndalo ding on Wednesday at inn war-k. Minus McLeod and Faunsoo. 21nd Mum Franco and MoCr-immon. oi .Wcadvillo. and Mr. quindd Rennie. 01 Lindsay. more guests at Mr. N. B. Punk‘s on Sunday. . Mrs. Gum Pram and daughter Zena. o! Woodville, apart My and Saturday but in our village. 1, Mr. and In. F. Kant,» «have outnc to inside in our villagu. Chcy are! occugcyin; the house {ormomy occu- yial by Mrs. Gama-by. Mrs. W. Short. of P911301. is. Hundâ€" \ 4 in; tho muck at Mr. 'J. l“. Cunninr‘s. , ‘ The .Woman's Institute hold tlioirlSMI‘T-uâ€"I" Lind-say, monthly meeting. at the home of Mrs. A. 0. .llorg. 'l‘ho delegate tn;â€" vpointod to attend UN: convention cut Guelph was Mrs. Moses Wooster. I Amt thirty ladies more present. and ‘0’ .'.1 very enjoyaolc time was spent. The r..~.1i1uto malt ugnin on Inset-imam '2r.d. m the home. or Mn. 1-:. G. 1.... tlo. at 2.30 p.111. when . Dr. Anna; Backus. o! Aylrucr'. will addrcm the mwcinx. All members and ladies in- tuastcd «will be welcomed. A . very interesting; and profitable evening was spent. '_ . ; Il‘ho (Faxmcr‘s Institute 'wi‘i be. held on December 2nd in the r, «11 lull. afternoon and evening Willis. Spe- oim music in being prcmrml tor the evening muting. . Rev. D. R. Clare. B.A., “.11.“, ad- dressed the young people- in tho Moâ€" thodist church on Movement." 1 Mr. Gordon Kinlz. is in "l‘rmntoon Lineman. ' , Our constable. Mr. .\'. Hill, had a' quick run on Thursday mormn-zz of last week to arrest a young man alt Muipoaa station. charged with tak- ing a fur coat from Mr. E. Z. Yercx. 01' Little Britain. He took his prior- oner by' train to Lindme and hand- ed him over to the police there. Rev. J. H McCoom'bc. the Irish cvâ€" augolist will commence revival scr- viccs in the Methodist church hero on Simday. December 8th. Every- body (welcome. ~â€" BARGAIIS Ill DAMAGED BLAIKETS Ollshtly W In 00M“ mo. Those are pure lamb’s wool. and warranted to giVe satisfaction. “"1 have a line assortment. men's 1.2!}- able knitted underwear. plain and fancy ribb. Canadian and Scotch wool. both line and heavy weights. Also .1 :lew dour: shirts «only! which were used for samples. l'riccs to clear. 35c" 50c. and 75c. each. rcgulcr $1 to $1.50pr THE HORN 1130.5." ' r- 1.3.1; 00.. mmno. “00" "The l‘um'lrd; “’ED\ESI).\Y. Nm. :7. 1907 and Oak-wood friends. I. , Mr. Wm. Newman. of Wgodvillr. :mdrernod the Worth League-m on Monday evening. He W1! the socket. "Becoming Acquainted W311: lied" wh'nb was very math enjoy!!! lay all. The Mm hqic Mr. Nem- mm will .vis't tho 1:03.310 Noon; again. ' ' ‘ -...â€".â€"â€"â€" lll'NSFOhl) (From Our Own Correslxirnlc-r.i-3. Armin-wary services m-r; 111ml m Hr:- .\l.*thoiist.zrnd English church's last Sunday. In tn.‘ morning the Rt". Mr. bluish. of l‘ctsrboro. .lx-liu-rwl .1 ur) intrrvszing N‘TnlJil in the Meth- churr '.1 r.) Liirly con- ;ngdlirm. ln thr- uitrrnmm. lL-v. l". Burl“.- prrachvwl 11 mm! {Acting sr-Ynmn .11 Slulnim‘s. Mr. [hulk-1 101k :k\l, â€(lath-01‘ 1111: fr r115. 2L: 110.11- mug. lost." 70» (3.11111. lillul lo 1'.‘~ 1.1,).11:11_.. [11 at Mch u‘lun l1; abuttâ€" Llf“. Lia-int of rill-1"~\'f- 1201:. , 0 list .1 l’nlg‘l" “’5 1115 up 7'- lr' \\ \l.‘ (.1' k\‘ 11..»5 ~. ‘.'..;~ llri'i 1:1 ill. I\..' luv ‘ '. o7.:~1:u:~(.,11_'.. v.1. .~_.‘i1_;1-r'1. ' :5 ..l’,’“ 413.}. 1. '2 Xv i. _ ALHL‘ '2, 1.1 Ull:J‘AIU-'l: S .11;.')'...'. 511‘». list , . . u. A..!‘. I \ f 1.1 31.3.3131“ 41.13 LUDCLAi “as $.31 " . Hull 11110111111; Ill!“ Eliglra‘h Mun-l3) mghl. Tl'r‘ v.1".- crown, 'izurcll Ins; iilgl' including ‘OlUL from lk.bru;.g.on and \1.1~. 1r 1.".~; and :1. In 1‘3: '“ "'L" 1.,luinl3. 11.1» pros,‘1rt.'l'llo-.v .11 claim? 01' 1.11- uriuir or.» wall pillagll .5111: the insults of their vfions. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson. Kay. spent Sunday. .\'u\. U, .11 Silas Thurston’s. fur. Jnu. Hark-5.. iwmug with Mr. of 3.1M- Mr. of Linda), yep-ct l“. Wool- Mon-1.1) l1] rd. mm UB:€SON.‘-At St. Caflnï¬nos. m Tumday, Nov. 19th, Richard Low Harem. son of the late «Thoma 1W. of Port Hm, is his 70m $83!. on Nov. 20th; Mary Jane annon. wallet 0! the late John Smith. aged 73 years. \ BIITI8 ROACllE.--hi Ops, onl‘lov. 2nd, 1901. term and Mrs. Jamal Roacbo. :1 daughter. CARROLLâ€"In Lindsay. on Nov. 21, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (br- Iull. a son. ' . - -.â€"-~_.â€" BALE REGISTER. O.\ I'lil'7.\‘1)A\'. DEC. Filip-Dy Ems Bones. auctioneer, on lot 25, con. :3. ()ps, Farm Stock and Implemcurs rlzc prom-my of Mr. Robert. Moor-x . :1‘. on.‘ o’clock shurp.-â€"-w3. Oh ‘\\'£U.\'ESDAY.'.\O\' 311:1 B; Lllas Boar‘s. auctioneer. on mo 14, (-01). 1).. Mariposa. Farm Stock an-l implements. the property 0" Mr. J- .W. 5.11150. Sam commences 21L one t-‘cicxku Sul‘ >- Ev John [1. Wilson. auctioneer. unr-u served credit sale of Farm Static and implements. the property of Mr. .Willinrn Skucc. lot 1. con 7, 01-5. Sale, at one o’clock, and. “ctr:â€" out reserve. 'l'l‘ESUAY. DEC. By Joe. 11w- llan, auctioneer. unreserved crud-.1 of valuable Farm Stock amt Implrms-nts. the prolierty of .lnu- .J. Sullivan, lot 7. con. 10, ‘81. D0“ - rzcyvilic.) Sale commences at 1 0‘- clock slurpâ€"“’3. :‘ATLJIDAY. NOV. 30th. 1907 -â€" By; Elias Bow-=5, auctioneer. the house- lxold furniture and effects of tho late Colonel Deacon. at. his late ro- sidenoc on Glcnelg-st. in the lawn 01 Lindsay. 5311.: at ten o‘cgosz sharp and without. rcscrve. Reset :6: bid on the pianos. : HURSDAY. NOV. 23th - By Elias Bower. auctioneer. on lot. 11. con 1 7. Ops. Farm Stock and (Imple- ments. the property of William J. Bryans. Sale at one o'clorzk and . without reserve.-w2. ~ WEDNESDAY. DEC. 18th. 1907-By Elias Dawes. auctioneer. on con. 2. Penelon. adjoining thiiocvif: loge of. Cambray. Farm Stock and . Implements. the pmnertty of J. 1' , Brokenshirc. Sole at one o‘clock"; ¢)'\ _,) .â€" sale T o