{HE WEEKLY POST. LINDSAY. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER "3-) , ‘ ‘ “... _â€"_________________._r~ . _.---â€"~--â€"â€"â€"---“â€"'†"by Demand Dr. Shaw‘s. Ttké £0 lllliiliSllNG PARAï¬RAPll S... ‘ ‘ ..cogd shagging weather. Are you ’e’laa of offences. such an assaultdl av children. Mile bentem, and am at that intermitvdhut abomid have a lush sentence emptied. as We†no the time in arm. 4.4018170 surf ...a--......â€".__â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" ...... cocoooooooooootvooo : $01112 Remarks on 1 taking advantage of it! -It is time to sharpen PEG L .1110 (col .3! GATHERID BY P087 REPORTERS ,,Mantlcs and Skirts.. Our Mantle Stock must be cleared out at once. Notions Two doz. Peaznl Buttons for 2 papers Toilet Pins, one blank and 1083‘ The pm" one colored, tor ... ..:......» 50. 2 head Necklaces nor ...... f... .........100. Chasing DOW- Pearl and jet Hat Bind for. 5c. each 4 bunches of Tape 20r -.... ............ , 5c. er ofy our “L 4 papers of Pine for ...... {,7 ............. 50. 3 fancy Childm‘s Hnndkerchieï¬s for .......................................... Sc. greater. Be that hesi- tates now will We want all of our friends to get their sure Of the 50. g o o d things we will offer lar was never this week. Mantles and Coats 5;; use; T-Ilntles. overcbe-ck, 50 inches long, reg. $7.50, sale '...$5.00 GD’JTS Overchcck {tweed Mn‘ntles, 1;. $9.50. sale ....\ ... ......$6.75 ,_,. Ovcrcheck Mantlles. reg. $11.00, sale 1;... ............... $ 8.50 1.191.132: v; Ego-3‘3 1143,1312? Coats, mg. $12.00. 58110 ... ............ ...... ... .. . .. ... 5039.00 3, 33:3: 2 Crown Mnntlcs. reg. 313.50.75310 ......................................... $10.06 53m onjy Green Coot, reg. $17.00. safe $12.75; mg. $16.00, sale 512w; reg. $13.75. sale ...... ...mdoo glam-b01135 Black Beaver Coats. trimmed with draw 'omiid, sem- ':;‘~.r.:. rcg. $11.00. sale ....‘..; ............... $8.00 -. 3):]: Cuts. self strapped. mgr. $15.50, sale $12.00: reg. $12.50, snic....$9.00 Misses’ and Children’s Coats .' ...SSDO a to 1‘.‘ years. Fancy rrwccds. reg. $6.75, sale ~... .. .... ......$4.40 From S to 12y ears. Fancy lolues. reg. $5.75, sale 2:11: Grey 3-quurter 003* . reg. $10.00, sale... ... . ......$5.00 '7 L .....4 .....J .. 3 Fort-five Inch Plaid Ruin Coats. heavy tweed, rag. $5.00, we ...$2.50 :75 Ladies‘ Odd Mantles, not; this. season‘s, Imaging from $6.00 to J .......... .5100 each SSW'. all for ............ x ........................................... ‘ _ '- T‘Nei1l Esters, ladies’ sizes. from $5 to $10, for ..... , (...... ......90c. each " Skirts. in navy; will not spot or cookie, 002. $3.50, safe $2- L,.di¢5 insure ...... ......... $2.25 Clark Ludo; Clorh Blouse Skirt. reg. $4.50. sale 1.. 5::ijul and Plain Skirts, reg. $2.00, sale ...... "$1.25 --:_»: Skirts. ire; $5.00, sale ......w .. .,_ ........ , 1., $2.50 in this list. .-.â€" went. off all mantles and skirts not mentioned Ladies’ Fur Coats '_ on». ‘ SV'L‘LCIL Coats, $12.00 .and $15.00, sale ‘ ' " ‘i 3 51-11? Seal Jacket. size 36, reg. $40.00, $3.10 ...... .. . . pour ‘ 540359 From \Vestern Sable .Trimmcd Jacket, frag. $45.00, sale $135.00: .1. $55.00, 63-10... ............ . ...... .. ;... .....- ... "$42.00 ; . z;,..‘ Fur-lined 50vinch Jackets. reg. $40.00, sale . . ...$30.00 - _ Ax... ' z. 7 cont. off all fur not mentioned in, this (list, for seven days. Wrapperette and Flannelette if! (or: glvccs of wrapcrrettc, .re'z. 10c., sale ....................................... Sc. 4 7180‘s of Li; ‘3 and Dark Pris t. reig. 11c., sale ............ g .................. 8c. 1 1:520:15 of Curtain Net .and Muslin. with border, rug. 15c. and reg. v x All ...-c '\-. 5.1 £3475 of Lndics’ Cream Grey and Block Knitted meers, 7.1- ,v Nut’ . ... ....40c. . .........40!:. _ ............. 80. More Woo. Shirts and mec-rs. (reg. 500. sale .. 5;i‘;£rs of Stripcd and Checked Flannellettc, reg. 110., sale Ladies‘ \‘v'ru'; pcrs. fancy patterns, reg. $1.10. sale ...... ...‘.,, ......750. 3. plan". hurl; Fimnolctte, reg. 103.. sale ............... . ........................ 8’1-2c. 53:10:11 1‘20» Berlin and Zophyrs. 0'20; 8 1-52., sale 2 .oz. for ............ 15c. “Flirts. in soft and stiff fronts. reg. $1.00, sale ............ 75¢. .\ UK Fax» -. . 1- ...r ...L..,l. Ladies' \‘Jorstcd Hose. reg. 350. €1.16 250; reg. 500., sale .................. 400, Elem; F..ctur_v Yarns, in reg. black tun tones, mg. 600. 1b., sale ......... 48c. 51.52:: Dress Goods. suitable for children and house nvenlr; ~". 31’)“. and 350.. 5.110. ..-.. ... ... ...... .. 00.511. .1' ’2‘}. :iclud and l‘nblt-zlchcd Table Lint-n. Tog. 500., stiler ............ 39c. Fancy Dailies for Holiday Gifts Dollics. '2 for 52.. 5:. cool", Sc. and ............................. r10c. each 3?)- , Centre Pieces. reg. 450. sale . 1“»:3.‘ Dollies. 1%.. 15:. and" .. ' â€...-251:. Cushion Cords. 'Fanzv 'Stilks. suitable for funny: .work. off all carpets and oilclothé bargain days. 53.--? ’- 1 'lwg‘s. T 2 jc-r' cant. i. W. Mc‘GAFFEY Opposite [Terry’s Restaurant. BOARD OF EDUGA nun. v. Position of Classical letter at Collegiate Filled Another Resignation. Ev‘ening Post of Nov. 27 A special meeting of the {School board was held last evening, in the Council chunibcr to receive the rc- por‘L of the Advisory committee. to whom the applications for the p0o sition of Science Master for the Collegiate Institute were referred Then- “ore proscrit Chairmas Stevi- nrt and Messrs. D. Anderson. J. \V. Anderson. McIntyre. Fluvclle. Jock- . and Urs. Blanchard and White. - Advisory committee reported will} to lucAL PRINIERS 1 Is: Duty. Not now by Iony in This and Other Tom r...'ivu.:-‘se,l’ for some .Toronto‘ 1. Loose is. calling on our 3113- LLLN: fly!“ Lind no doubt he, like many $0110? of his ilk. m‘ll secure orders A nun who have rdceived -- from - ...ud indebted to the {_ loco-'11 -.' :‘ constant efforts to improveâ€" E:.«.~.s in, a '1 can: thin; in return 1 IInvitations wore imund to many g .;ound to give the local: 1 '. chance to compete with the L from the outside. The; 1 . with the local printer is 4‘1 “‘1’. if) his stuff of 'men and says. ; :4": “‘4: t-Iided oy them on their VM- : 911$ 2.121‘1‘. it is thus kept in circulaâ€" hon 1rd everygody is ocnefittpd. The â€us-inc». 111211 who leaves his order I'A 11h rm outside priwtlnl; house its (10’ In; ‘... littlo past to :make rl‘omolto 2: 501m; Other city ‘o'ugzgar. and more .r 31913.17an and my War. Its M riszé-nship. _____â€"â€"â€"===== Honest RW- (Detrdt manna) Zing Mr. .1. [11:11 112;; had carefully 0011511131111 Eh, 1i':\'i‘1‘.ll applicants for the posi- ' 13.01. ,zll'l ltlt justified in rucomuygu-J- \V. Dunklc-y. of Ordnanâ€" viii.-~ for the position. . Movcd by Dr. Blanchard, secondz-d by; Mr. ï¬vl'cl-ntyrc. that A. '\‘.'. Dunk- IL‘Zy'. of Orangaville, be zippointci to tlr. position of Classical Muster [or the Collegiate Institute at the initial salary of $1,200, duties to commcnoc Jan. lat 1908.â€"Carried. The secretary was instructed wire Mr. Dunkley of his .ment. , ' _ 1H“.- n-nicrvatiol' of Miss Isabel Rich- ardson, of the public school. staff. was to Appoint- ‘ ! received and laid on the table. The W Pikesâ€"Lady, could yer. MP ' Board than adjourned. I MT Ina-n dat has jostt‘ 1.00mi a as!!!“ 1’30 Pack.) ;1- or indigestion tablets! flatlyâ€"How can I help you? .‘imdy Pikesâ€"Why, you mm give em solid mead oi rhh tomb: 60 an '39! de indigestion me I halos ' .-.- igLAâ€"w" and mdh ( l up-to-dato Photos for Christ- mas. Vlo have them' at all orloos, but only one quality; that’ is the but, at u.- oumrs swam. 0|! THE"! DAILY llOllllBS Ibutlsuappenlnslnfownnndmo country About Ila. â€"Furs repaired. remodelled and cleaned. F. Mullctt, over Boxull 3; Matthies. nearly Opposite post ofiioc. ~d4'w3'mo. 5W 8:. Mullen. who have. t ...... l l on your snow shovel. . â€"Too many dollars in a man‘s pocket has bum known to crowd the sense from under his hat, , -â€"It is easier for a. mm to keep his coin and his boy apart than it is to teach them to stick together. -Baker a: Go. shut down the“ large null on Tuesday for the season. bought 0‘“- J- G- Conan, “c havw A record amount of lumber has been the store front tastefully regulated and decanted. ', ~ â€"110 another column the 1R. Neill Shoe Store quows low prices for sea- emalhle footwear. Read the and â€hint the We. L r 1 â€"lt is the natural economy; of a woman that. causes her to out ofi 10 cents‘ worth of sleeve so tint she ‘u-uy wear $5 worth of glove. . -â€"A Bridgenorth youth claims to have sccn a wolf the other day close to the village. Might as well hill": made it :1 lmoose while he was at it. ~Mr. \V. ‘J. Morton has had the Symcetcr gas lights put in his confoc- tiosnery store. fl‘be clear, (white light is unite noticeable on the shout. and attmcts considerable amtnntion. «No longer now. "In God W; l'rust"â€"- ' The motto down wc pluck; 'l'nrec-quurtcrs of our fuith‘s in Tel, in; other fourth in luck. : ~ â€"Ncw' York Sun. «The staff of ltho Bank 0! lion. Scotia, Toronto. have decided to emâ€- ploy part of their spam timo in distï¬ our: work, fl‘hey, will edit, print. and publish quarterly (The Sova Sco- bian. 'a unique 34-19339. magazine. -â€"Mr. H. J. iLytIle, mamgyer of the Bank of Montreal], has purchased Mr. WWW’S .msidenoc, opposite the Co:â€" deglute Ipstitwte, and will ‘take‘ spocv iuon some time in Ream-bar. Mr. .We'ostcr rwiJl move «to his (am). in Martiposa. â€"-A nvhiskcy selling casc- was lacâ€" fore .Magistratc Moore Monday mornlinzg, when a man named Kes- 1ick, 0! Orwell, was ï¬ned $509.0 costs for violating tho law. (We, 'un- derstand the conviction rwns secured toy detectives. « -.The fact that the now [Sa‘yetyl theatre in moronto .will 500m open «is of decided interest to local! amuse-f about duvets. fI‘bn theatre will hoop,- ‘ l reï¬ned burlesque and read vaudeville in its extensive circuit. The new thmtre is {located on Richmondl-atb" west of 'Bay. ’ ~15 Mr. J. .1. “fight; of th': T)!- cuto Electric Light (or. who 1113‘ so ouch to say against, the provincial powrr scheme. the gentleman Who, at u cor-2t of over $400. advised Lini- 5uy citizens that sufficient pom-r could not bc generated at i’cnrrlon Falls to supply Lindsay's needs! If so. he may again. be talking without any knowledge of his subjcct. â€""l‘o check a cold quickly, get from your drmgizist some lime Candy Cold Tablets called Prevcutics. Drug- ;gists everywhere are now dispensing Preventics, for they are not only safea but decidedly; certain and prompt. Preventics contain no nuinine, nolax- ative, nothing harsh nor sickening. (Taken at the "some stage" PreVen- tics :will prevent Pneumonia, Bron- chitis, 1L0. Griptpe, etc. Hence the name, Prev entice, Good for feverish children. 48 Preventics 25 cents. 03110.“! homes 5c. Sold «by all dealcra. _ -â€"-“Doil the town water.†is the al- vicc given by our Commissionurs. till it is cznintmly justified by 1113 re- pcrt of tho List anulysis. Better he sun- lhun sorry. Onc..ol’ our mum-.33 n‘cr. win-z; :liscussmg Lhc mitt-:1; rc- nmrksd that if citizens. after boning 1h».- W‘lli'f‘. would placi- the quantity :I.-.~:ir.(l for drinking purposes :1: :1 ‘.\'1'.lc tum shallow receptacle. anal 91 low it 1.0 stand for some time. the origirnl pleasant tustc would bu: re- siorod by :h: process of aeration. Thc: [radical man added that although he belitvcd he had one of the best. wells in: town, he took no chances. every drop used for cooking or drinking ,heing boiled. . ~ The “At Ham", nmdor the auspi- ces of the Janetville .Ainusamenfl Club dots a decided success- on Friday. (rho Jam-etvillc 'Foratem’ 01011 wan prettily decorated for the occasion. and was an ideal place for such at pleasant affair. The Bethany or- ohesfm rendered first-class music tlrougbout the evening, and the gumbo all engrossed themselves that the Amuscmcnt Club were fortuua‘te 610 (procuring them for the mansion. in Harlow, but owing to the bud state of the roads, most of them more unâ€" able to attend. All are lookï¬ng for- .ward to 4 10 next wtertzmnment giv- en by_thu-.‘Clulb, and: hope that ' thq roads and weather will permit! their attendance. 1: . -.A tickling cough. from any cause, is quickly stopped by Dr. Shocgfu Cough Cure. And it is so thorough- ly harmless and safe, that Dr. Stump tells mothers everywhere to gave 1: without hesitation even to very young babies. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a. lung- healing mountain shrub, furnish the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough. and heals the sore and. sensitive brOn- chial membranes. No Opium, no chlor- oform, nothing harsh used. to 1115qu or suppress. Simply a resinous' plant extract ‘ctat helps to heal acaing lungs. The Spaniards call this shrub which the doctor uses, "The Sacred advt.‘ cox-c. handled dur’mg the Immune: Jon quality and durability the 'Nordhelmor' moo. of tomato. ox;- oda. One ct the-o [inno- oo view at Goodwin’s Art Boomâ€"M. whit. S. Bwitaer. ct Furnace Falls. Badminton Co, while killing 0. gig, had his lore finger Litton ofltut Ibo tint jO'uIt. «The inj‘m'dl finger was dncsed ot Binmmmt. â€"Canada‘a stallion! Piano in the Store and get cauldronâ€"diva. -â€"-.\1r. Herb Hopkins. son of Mr. Elil‘ldl‘“ Hopkins. Ops. was a memo-2r of the winning Varsity second foot- bnll tuun in the game with the 'lznn .f‘lilh) Tigc-H of Hamilton on Sutur- duy. j â€"-Toronlo‘s typhoid death rmv is more than double that of Hamilton. Toronto's is Lil per 100,000 popula- tion: Hamilton's 10. Even ('nicizn‘s ‘5 only 18. Those figures plead for :L purer water supply. 1 -â€"‘v\‘hitc papcr is going up in priv’c, and American newspaper men are fooling tlzr pinch. The Detroit Free Pro-.5 him] had to advance its price from on: to two cents, and Outil"f$ will follow the example. I. â€"Tororto Star: The collapse of .1 water tank has caused thirty-flux thousand dollars damage in u Toron- to factory. But this argument shOuH have no authority in any district that is really sell on: local option. 2 â€"â€"l’ctcrboro gave Hartley .1 wwtlcoruc when he came back llo'u Toronto Monday night. Thcn- -.-.'-‘rv upon-hes .it the park. and .1 dinnvr was giun the pOpulux walker. 'lhut's the way to foster home ins'ituiiom ..uid Lulcnt. â€"'l'rial calarrh treatments are be- ing mailed out free. on request. by Dr. Simon. tacine, Wis. These tests at: prOVll'S to the mapleâ€"without l a pcnny's cosh-the great value of 3 big this scientific prescription known to 1101'. druggists cvcrywhore as Dr. Sum-9's Catnrrh Remedy. . ~Haunilton will scck to gialoiion 10 make LI gut loaf of brawl. If public opinion m4; ; be gauged by the press that feel-n1: seems to bx- strong throughout the country. There‘s a chance for some Lindsay hair-gr to make a hit by. Sold by all dealers. . h"- fdy to ochoo‘ hours, and such a thing 1 lbs. 1 he swirl-1:"! b“: . . O Imus In General . Q -~ 9 By "I’ll! 8m." : 00009900999900.6000 .30 item came up in the .-Schooh .1?on float memo; that may he alright. or it may not, two do not know. but. however; it will serve an n text for 131121ng- in; evil that is very noticeable in al- most oVery walk at life. A“: think ti‘c carcinknr had done coma own work. or had done his work rxtra wall. a" something at that cont. and one of the mm {>er that he be paid :1 hours. .Now. we do not know anything about this particular cue. but «We do know that; i 15!, very difficult to [get wood, to do' a. turn over and alcove mhat he or she con- sider their gloom work, .witnou‘ti looking for extra remuneration. The. hours are net. and such a thing as working most the time is cult: of tho quwtion. In a. large office; or Inc- toTj it is not 50‘ ‘md no in 0 small or. an! those um tho kind that con- stitute FL“ bulk of Lindsay‘s indus- tries. the factory handu drop in .m anywhere from one to five minutes late. Everyone is all washed. up and ready to break (or the door. at the tin". breath of the whimlc. I'l'ho, of- fice hands are not much better. fl‘hc stonomhers mm mm do take cne hour for dinner. out: taking; the to get storm up to5ton :work. If any extra rvvork is proportd or comes. along that necessitaltm overtime or a 5purt. the looks are 000 as pleasant as when they am told 121:: .can hove “halt a day {or the circus, or cxhiai- tion. In the factory. on course. all overtime {has to lot. paid for, no mat- ter how much tine may“ have Iowan tï¬ttored many during the rorulun In a longer concur: it In very difficult 00 get one clcrk .10 help another dork who any 1.x: 510w. Each has this dittle 9'0.) to do. and 0v crimp- ;ing is foreign to his nature. - If ex- tra. work is done of 000115 is 4001511 Someone accumd teachers; the oth- er day of confining themscchs close- as dropping around to the. house-s of the slow mtolam occasionally. and .gi\ ing them a. lift, was unhui'rd of. Caretakers can hardly loo [got to .do evun their duty. and thus we )hnvg with jokelets aloout the madman" s .xuvanct- of lns_ fellows in this i:.vl..ch clocks and' other lode-oiiornc: ing in l flatter. ‘ . . -A great man: Englieh unmi- grants settled in Oshnma. during the summer, hoping to get «work in the industrim them. There has Deon more or less destitution among them all summer, and things and now at.an acute amigo mving to a number or the men having been discharged. rl‘bcy threaom to steal unless they are furnished work, and the Council are in anuandasry. \ â€"-Bob. Independent; As it was: il- legal mailer the Game Act to kill towns, on Inapeotor was on handat Lindsay ï¬nd wreck when the hunt- or»: came out from the woods. and a number of them'cwere summarily tin- ed from $25 to $100 ...... Our, potent is muintormed. So far as we .11an 09.01 able to discover. no conviction has yet been mode in the cases rc- formed to. Game M'nnrden Bradshaw informed 1Tb: Post. last week that the matter rented (with the Department ‘in froronto. l -â€"\Vhen the Stomach. Heart or Kil- aro moved nvithout disturu'mg {tho cloak of nature's Llano that‘ some- tirzms is allowed to nettle on :them', so that when we manic-n to run as runs. one tint is extra. camtul, or extrzu thoughtful. and who puts in .‘1 coil in time to {Tenant a. admit .fvlllin: down, when he might put in .a irr- nuisition for a. mentor, or who put: in a ï¬ght of 31:15:- vvhcn Wosu‘ry, although it was not in fthc bond. it is very Mu-shinr. fro the progno- sue, .go-ahend man or woman this hanging back for extra emoluments is very aggravating. We all know upper tendom of good thing< in this :world are those who did not stick at an extra [hour or two without the 513:th miticopmtion of mon- pay, and yet their commit- does not seem- to lizz on us worthl a cent. There are tow bosses who would not evenâ€" tually notice disintematcd (work of that kind and remand it, but they 9am very tow and out of the ordin- ? ary. .The vast majority of- employ- Be-V nerves get weak. then â€"59 or- let's Will note thus: in theï¬n emplov, gens always fuil. Don’t drug Lll‘: stomach. nor stimulate the hurt or kidneys. Tint is simply a makeshift. Get a prescription known to drug- gista everywhere as Dr. Shoop‘s Re- storative. The Restorative is prepai- ed expressly for these weak iueulo| nerves. Strengthen these nerves. build them up with Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative .-tablcts or liquidâ€"and see now quickly help will come. Free 5.10.- glc test sent on request by Dr. ShOOp. Racine. Wis. Your health is surely worth this simple test. 50!! by all dealers. fl [INDSAY'S ABDUB'I'IOI CASE. Kldmppor cave Assumed Home In Hod. soy-low in low York. The Montreal Herald, in an article reviewing the Lindsay kidnapping says: \ Mrs. Conroy, or to give her pro-v per numc. Mrs. May E. Max-via, got clinn' away to Montreal junction, reaching there Friday morning. She is no“ believed to be cithcr hiding; in Montreal or in some place at how York State. Mr. Marion is in Montreal and camc- accompanied by Chief of P0- lice Vincent, of Lindsay. with. a avar- rant' for the arrest of Mrs, Marvis. . ihe woman had been living at 1?. $6 Bordcaux-st, a house occupied by L. A. Young. Detective .RiOpel. of Chic! Carpenter’s staff, Chief of Police Vin- cent and Marion visited the house. Young did not deny that. the‘womun had lived in his‘housc but said if the officers wanted her they, would haw. to go to New York. ‘ . Until recently the mother of the child was employed as a. model ill 5 Montreal cloak manufacturing house. , ,,. . , _ .... i-‘ 4 ..who are no: photo of doing :1. little more than they anngaimsd for. and when the tin» comes for a :promo- bion, those are the ones who get it. iautitdoesnot dotohemlwnyshimfl in; and asking 1501' extra pay '.â€"- it takes that out of it that appeals moo! to the employer looking for. the. best that is in man. . ‘ There Were some very queer docil- aims given the other day: by a judge. whose wisdom was terminly not at that order that would commend M.- etiI to a thinking public. L 1.: 0111 $0.1m, on far as we can loam. that) some young French-Canadian 111. north tall in love with his niece. tho name [being rotiproclted. u’l‘hï¬y do- tcrmined on marriage, but \vere sur- grised on pwting themlvcs to the wrist, to find that the marriage, «Lupus. 20. 11. Anderson 13, L. Ron! 0. auntâ€"R. Hardy. 0. Jamal, J. A, Paid:â€" got, ’1'. O'Loughlin, M. Mark; (3. M. one. for in the. largnr ones 3': time. clock can lot. and in mud. and ovary- oue docked or fmprimanded for. '1 loan- otiime. In the smaller ones. ho'Wev- that the people .who have rewind k gmfltoben olamdmen, closelyl and to the We. whose conscience can only be mind through than hidgnnd mud: on itanny gram 0 Mac to inflict such a. sentence, M ought always to bear it; in mind. To Mart to the comparison ollho above mourns-5 by the one judgemnd that seeming inequality. it «would look on it this judge .1100 «:31qu been unduly influenced by the priest who canted the meat. or that: his burn: of judgment was snfly out of kilter. .Wtflnt not wiring to minimize the scrim or {pox-jury. and the more serious crime of mrr’irgc ol prohi- bibod relations. we must not overlook the surrounding circumstances of the ease, and from all account: it mum that the young man was unaware that he was braking a (law of the land. fl‘here was nothing of a dew- lish nature about it, such as in the case of the thing thnIt‘ assaulted the child. and yet he got ï¬ve yam, whilst the more ham and degradi- ed sinner got off with 070. It only gets to prove that a judge i500 more free {mm the luck at common sense, which after 0111 is the .choiccï¬t gift we mortals can have, than anvotll; or man. When n man is raised to the bench. it seems to up that no needs a guidance, that all the law in the world cannot supply, but which can only come from the great Judge, whose minor for the time liming be "If (OllEGIAlE lNSlllUll _â€"â€"..â€"â€"v “PORT OF "AIDIIG AT THE USER" EXAIIIA‘I’IOIS. Form 3|. Algebra. ---,11. Phil»; 100. llmkmhire 83. G. Mitohull )1. c. 72, .v. um 72. n. 'J. magnum .72. M. Fania 69. P. Perri!!! 60, M. Knowlsoo 00. B. (Fouls 60, E. Mcmwn 68, NV. melsm 5b. 11. G. Filavelle 55, A. PM 55, R. C. Nugenvt 52, L. Wood 19, A. Jackson 46, O. O’Neill 435 W, 0. more 43. R. 1?. Wilson 43, w. K. Anrt demon 43. M. molmie 40, K. Millar 40. IF. 31:38:10 40, r. N. 5mm 88, J. Murphy 38, C. E. Sutclllfo 38, J. M. lilahap 32, L. Rogers 26, D.’ W. 8.; l‘uffo‘r 26. M. 01'..J500 20, E. Gralnm All- Poe... M. “15.15007. for!!! 35 Algebraâ€"“X 'R. Srroulc .100. E. Mo- Duuold 90. E. Mnyboc 80, . W. A.’ 3,an 62. J. L. FJJchUe 60, L. “'th wide 55, M. D. Snyder 45. f. Callaghan 46. N. Pool :51. N. h. Davey 31,, A, flakes 28. v. fl‘om'in 28. v. 1v. Pardon :3. M. Pepper 20, 0‘. Reed 17, J. 0'â€" Comietl 13. D. ’McQuarric 13. J. ‘5}â€" do 10. Abbcntâ€"J. Urulmm. M. .lor- dam. M. Cinnamon. Form 1 Drawingâ€"ll. Mercer 68‘. M. Wray 68, S. fluvelle 63, L. Yagmold 58, B. Cinnamon 58. W. McMahon 52, (B. Mason 52. N. Marsh 49, C. John» Con 46. A. Hughm 45, ll. Nayior 43, 11'. throw 43, 1F. Gillis 42, I. Pu‘rkin 41. M. Carroll 40, E. 31050.00 39. E. Parks 37, N. Edward-0 36, S. Paton 35. H. Guiry 35, N. Callaghan 35, 0. Vamooe 35, Frank Bridel 34. N. Arm!» strong 34. L. {Brion 33, Fred Briddl 33, M. Parkin 33, V. Mercer 33. L. l'nliis 33, 0. Mark 33, v. 01110:†:50, J. MoCu’lioch 28. M'm. Robertson 28, \V. Andcraon 27. 1V. )Iclntyr:-. 0, 8.. Thurston 0. C. M'allcr 0, S. Fee. 0, T, U'iiiclly 0. G. C. Thomrson 0, D. SIT-11,1. 0. E. “Watson 0. R. 60181ch L'. .V. Thurston 0. M. Bog; 0. ll. Jackr- son 0. A. Srroule 0. K. Lu'wrméc o, C. l‘rimenu 0, .L. Kim; 0, G. C21 rroll (L mold Form, Seniors» E:‘.g;.lisll.â€"â€"R. 810311 66. L. Armt strong 62, A. l‘rcstm 62, J. Mudf- son 55. G. admin 49, w. U‘l’tl)’ 47; 11. Duck 31. (F. Hutton 16. economic! Fol-III, Micro. -Er;_2ilish.â€"M.A.1V:ireoe 82“]. Kenny 75. A. 18:101an 65. H. Hunger-ford. 57. W. T. Memes 56, G. Wi-lkinsont 5t. Hazel Good 53. L. Lamont 53, W'. :1?me 52. V. Witty 51, .W. Mo'- Carly 49. R. Ackert 47, .B. M'oldon 47. E. Abbott 44. L. .Waugner 43. L. N. Brown 42. G. Koyl 42, J. M; Simp- son 39, H. G. Good. 36. M. Ingmm 35'. A. K. Hm wood 35, ‘F. .thzshnw 33, M. W 32. 5. Duck 31, R. Rich 2:, W. MeMullen .17. G. Hutton 15. Form ll branchâ€"L. Clarke 95. 0. “'illiums 92. C. {Bough 91. G. P115145 90, J.‘ McDouzgwll 86, J. Graham 84, 6.85.111- . TEN DAY’S 1111111011013 . W There is much to be saved if you are in a po- sition to share in these offerings. So much in fact that it will be worth your making a special effort to get here during this ten days’ sale. The beneï¬ts are the best of- fered by any store, nor. alone in low price but the class of goods aï¬ect- ed by the reductions. Actual needs at after sea- son prices. on Sale. commencing Saturday Morning, .. November 3011... Table Linen, 250 Yd. 56 inch, heavy, strong, bleached Table Linen. Special per yd ............... . Table Linen, 45c yd. 70 Inch Table Linen, three quarter bleach. Worth 60c yd. today. Now -.- ....... ‘50 Wnpperottcs at 60 Navy and blue ground Wrap- perettes with neat spot and ï¬gure patterns, also some Tartan plaids. Regular Sc yd for... 30 â€"a! S UT C [IFFE’S 4-00 Silks for 250 jap Silk. 27 inches wide, var- iety of colorings. Regular 40c and 50c yd for .......... 250 600 Silks for 35¢ Fancy Waist or Dress Silks, variety of good colorings. Rrg. soc and 60c qualities for... 350 â€"â€"a! SL'TCL/FFE‘S. I xcelda Handkerchiefs, 10c Men’s Excelda Handkerchiefs with blue and fancy borders. Special each ............ 100 Children's litts, 15c Children's Mitts with Mocha face and wool curl back, all lined with shaker flannel. Regular price 250, now for. . ...... 158- 200 Collars. 2 for 250 White Linen Collars, with fancy satin stripe, almost invisâ€" ible, W. G. 65’ R. make, double bond style, four fold quality, I 1-: and x 3-4 inch heights, sizes 14 to 16. Regular 20c, now 2 for .............. 256 500 Caps for 253. Men’s light and dark tweed (loll and Motor Caps. Regular 50C, for ................ 25c. â€".11 SI 'I‘CLIF/‘YS’S. 5'9 Furs for 55 Ladies" furs in Slolcs, Caper- ines and Mulls. The furs are Electric Seal. Imitation Stone Martin, Dyed Opposum. Blue- and White Thibct. Regular prices $9 and 8.00, your choice for ................... .-. $5 . Lamb Collars. 55 Grey Lamb Collars. we‘ll made and regular $7.50 each (on. 5 â€".7r SUTCLJI'FE'S. Kid Gloves. 250 Ladia’ Black Kid Gloves, sizes 5 3-4 and 6. Regular 75c. for .................... 250 Pearl Buttons, 5c Always needed but seldom so low priced. 24 fresh water pearl buttons for .............. 50 Windsor Ties, 50 Ladies’ and Boys’ Windsor Ties in navy blue and a variety of colorings. Special price So cwing to the consanguinity of «the rpair, mm out of tho goo-am. (this. homeveir, did not dampen the mrdor of the young man, nvho hiod. him to a Protestant preacher. ï¬rst having:- grocumd a licence. 1!: mnkim55‘the necmxy qplicntion. he swore that the Miteâ€"to-lbe was not in the prohi- bited «list. and this constituted Itbol offence. tar (which he had .to stand trial, being arrested at the indign- tiou 01 the priest who that M to m him. ' ' was contained to tive you: at Kingd- ton. At chem anmtvflw causedtzhedmbhof Mommas“- W to one year’s mm and n villain who assaulted 0 child. 1we'wed two years fl‘bin last clap o! odes-coo are becoming; altogether Alain 83- C. Young 81- $3- Kimfleyl too common, and (we are glad to one 07. D- W 61. A» Smith 53. that some judgesnrc rennin: tou- Buoy.-W. PUF- 68. C. Young am in mm ermi- o. 00. B. m 52. on who u. elm! 82, II. Burn 80, A. Stewart 75. F. Pratt 73. F. 'l‘oulchabrum n3 ,A, Greer 73. 8. Newton 72. .11. Burton 71, .R, lVillinmson 70, W. Marshall 60', S. Srmtt 58. (N. Nedï¬t‘t '58, \V. R. Johnston 64, G. McLaughlin 50, F- Brahma-shim 44. G JVrooman 42, II. 11033 42. 0. Maroon (1, E. Tomckim Si. "L. Stacey 87, 0. Anderson 21, 0.; Stewart 19. M_D~ Edwum M. Fisher. . .- W Form. Irenoh.- R. Broad 89, 1A. Preston 35. L. Armstrong 62. Iv Hinton, Elam-J. Boss 81‘. G- Knowl: con 70, W. Phelus 63. ,, Modiaevnil.â€"K. 110th 87. N. 600 Chiffon. 250 40 inch Chiffon in white, cream. sky and black with white spotâ€"also black with. blue spot. Regular 60c yd. for . . . . 250 â€"at SUTCLIFFE’S. $11.50 [outlet for $7 90 Ladies‘ grey and fun Tweed Manda, ioose and semi-ï¬ning, long styles, velvet collar nd ‘cuï¬'s. Regular $10 and 5n so for ...-...~o~s.....-. ’5†I uh life’s LINDSAY - OSHAWA