M xeoaxmnxeeaxmaxwequX'L'Zelgzalgg 4 ‘ lvfoflle‘)? 33:41.10 ooo 0+ ear-10+". ~** ‘0'. 4* sausnezndsousnevorearwhrsadï¬ï¬‚hanzwptone;n;.. noxrgvsreoargrgnxe'axgg iillF' lilElllL ’llllL who couldn’t get here in time, and others who have purchased go There are still thousands of high grade Suits and Overcoats SALE SIX DAYS MORE. actual value, to please and ï¬t every man. boy or child, no matter how large or how Lindsay. NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE YOUR DOLLARS Do Below we quote a few prices: states absolute facts, the truth. The greatest sale of Clothing ever given In DOUBLE DUTY. Note these great values. Come before too late and get your share. v Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Ollillllls Slaugntued ' aw small. Read carefully every word of this ad, it Six More Days of Inimitable Bargains Before the Public. portunity That Appeals to You. MHNWM000000000 This Gigantic Sale will abound wit ments that will truly prove a tonic to 0v We caution you to corn days more. Everything runs of the kind that has ever occur occur again. In order to prove made we have men he ofl‘ered. 1.000 diï¬'erent articles we can not mention you to save this and bring it with you so chance of your not getting Satisfaction guara Merchants from f this stock ï¬ce must be ary bargains that will exactly the goo tioned a few of the extraord here. that there will he must call between 9 and 10 am. all other hours must be reserved for retail trade. 0". ffln.‘._._.‘._..._. .. ._..__ 0000000000000 lili 013nm , '____________â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€" Told "I Intercoms '0'!" H TM 0000000000000000000 ' win. daughter, Vivian, ' itie and was opera of Little Britain, The fowl supper held unkn- auspices of the Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening. 20th, was a decided success. Supper was served in the basement of the Methodist 'eral ministers of the district. .' The boys are anxious for. a freer-e up. as they want. to start the rink. which Will be a great boon to the millage. - . A Our public library is in a. flourish: ing condition. New. members are beâ€" ing added daily. Many more are nee-l ed. Everybody in the district should help it along. The fee is low. 2dr. Munro. the new Presbyterim minister. was visiting his flock here last week, and is making a good im- pression. Miss Mary Brandon. Canningtou. was the guest of Miss Webster 1331 ï¬'e‘ko L \ A public meeting under the armpi- ces of the Women’slnotjtote will be held be Monday, the 2nd. afternoon and evening. Special speakers from a dirtance will address 1 n.» Epwovtb League hfld fevery night in the ~ Methane: tho Irisht correspondent. of 3 Foot at tho Variouo ooooooooooooooeoooo we emu um and; «ion» is mu- in min. house and lot to lir- Ziun. and intends to move dren are m high glee thinking of the Christmas tree some time in December. 0 “fl"..o . our: will lo tent to it: utmost â€9.“in [linen lays. whirl: wed; to allow that good work in being tilei‘tr- dent Mr. flout. Tompkins has rentel his Mamas. of to Cau- r. and Mrs. Tompkins have . been good neighbors and their depar- wnd Bum ture is greatly to be regre (tel: Sunday school chil- Tlie Methodist these (lays Mrs. Wes. Terrill was at home to rnber of your peOplc on Fully ""nd. A very pleasant time on was spent. Mr. TWm. Arksey' wears a pleasant smile these days. Reason. another young blacksmith. _.-.._..â€"-.-â€"- LINDEN VALLEY : (From Our Own OorreSpondent.) . In- Anna Backus. oi Aylmer. Will lecture under the auSpicesol' the W0- man’s Institute at Lmden Valley. on Saturday. November 30th. at 2.80 p. m at the name 0-‘3 Mm E. Rt Rag are. Her topic Vwrll be “Hygien: in its Bane. and Aids in Nursing.“ In the escmng at. the home of Mrs. J. G. 001115 at 7.30. her subject; will be “The Horse; its Use and Abuse.†Not only members of the Institute. but all women are invited to attend ne afternoon session. At the even- ing session a lunch 'will be served, provided by the ladies. Both men and “omen will be made welcome. Russell Giles lost three young car.- tle by his strawstack falling on them. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Terrill were at home to a number of their young friends last Friday evening. An en joyahle time was spent by all. Our neighborhood is well supplied with telephone services. There is the Bell Telephone in the post office. then Bogg and Lylel‘s in connection with the Mariposa. ela- valor, all their drainâ€"buying stations, their grain elev or diets. and. the . residence of J. '1'. Birohlrd. Then means least. is the uilt and owned ox- the meetings. . A Money Saving Op- h money saving induce- erworked pocket books. as this sale will last only six t go rapidly. This is the ï¬rst sale red in this town and may never to you what a tremendous sacri- Bear in mind that there are We adv ds mentioned in this nteed in every instance or money the city or country Wishing to pur- _.'â€"â€", .4, private line ,' - Clothing Prices Smashed to Prices only 10 Days. come Men’s Suits and Overcoats A ï¬ne Suit of Clothes. This garment is positively worth $7.50, or money refunded during this sale . . . . . . . 3.98 Men’s splendid Scotch Cheviots and Vel- our ï¬nished Cassimers, all sizes, nothing reserved, worth $12.00.. 5.85 Men’s extra ï¬ne Dress Suits and Over- coats in all the latest styles and shades; some heavy Silk and Satin lined, allgoat... ................ . 7-98 Men’s ï¬ne Dress Pants, worth $2 or money refunded, at ........ . 980 in- ise to $3.50 at.. Z . no as Hughes. Iwho complimented the difâ€" ferent boys at their ability. lmtl than not [meet to stand up for lovr ally nund u'izzhteouonm and be able in look everyone et'milzlit In the for" ; will fol-low Um example at our How- iuur‘n teachings. on he (the colon: oil) had unharmed in do throughout his mm mm“ .l. J. dmm‘n m widow» in fw-l “will“: mulelhm. and will we who of the uni lli‘lllfl mm“. .L M ' Claimant. mum. l4- ilw mmlhwlm. Mal- one! mile I‘M WW an Hem “will Ii Milli 3mm MM in wall from M can. will triad- in â€W â€M“ will once it the potty bu any oleimnhem. I.MIOptlw in «II the rage. wold!!! to hear A connection with. lint ling: There is no isululum there is liytle liIlC. of farmers Hi this virility. , 4“ i l SWITCH LINE (From Our Own I‘nrrrspon-Ienl) 'l'iu: lmilll turn of the wallwr is welcomed It; n grind many when rp. I in at on high A "ï¬llffl: ,_ Mt. ‘l‘lmu. Kennedy has l-vwnlla ‘ in oulwnml lmm MI; llmmlol mm: only in» liliyfurml form. We lwlm: aloud a good prim: m:- lvulllwlt ‘l'iw patron» and shurohuldflfo 0' ma ï¬ler Cheese Watery iwlil than annual meeting last week. Genome-r- able business was transacted. The duiryluen of this section were 'eill‘orded a (real. in the line of an able address by Mr. mamrville. mun- ager of the Government cold storage at Brocltwlle. The smaller dwelt at ‘ ’ some length on the cold. curing room “um and the care oi milk. ' Donald Wagon we of the lwdr ll 'l'the service at St David's Sunday, in; nlngom of «the Domimon. '3, a)- as “as .withdrawn on necouubo. him!“ M m m“ on January lot. the anniversary scrwces lzel'ig CW] ohumh was lit up 1m Sum preached morning and evening at ‘day evening with 3100“? light lun- Dunal'ord. ‘ I . . ' an!“ be vellnl . lunt. It was A large number attended the fowl :1, II at R p ‘ supper at St. John's English church y ' ' on“ Monday. .__.â€".â€"â€" (MEMEE. ‘J v . l tho mlr __,_.+â€"__ COBOC‘ 0N3 . (From Our Own Correspondent.» ‘ (From Our Own Corrapondentql John Sheridan. of Toronto. was lll'l'e (m Ines-lay last on. buniucs s. . Won. is 9611 con- ï¬ned *0 We house and not mush A. c. maxim. of Victoria no.1 M an enterma‘ned 101' WEGGOVI' transazed business in town on Fri- elry. day“; 0" last week. ; Dr. Corneal! has J. H. Carnegie seq“ LL P. F» was unproved until label ' ' dsay on k‘riday of an .ttack cl {alga-Slope. The health of the village was nev- er better than rat present. Boob. Bradley has returned toOmc- moo. after spending the lamest lex- ' burden in Manitoba; ‘l town on Friday on busineSS- 5003135 Mantis“), am of Goo- Mor- Miss F. Kennedy spent last. week risen, an. is home visiting .his 13th, visiting friends at Dulrymple. Hie Honor Judge Harding. r.._ .l. or. and may not mature liter , some I tame. being or the opinion that is“ McLaughlin. K. C.. l. 31 Wild the some :time' belolmumilmy Diarrrid pulsed: matters irevive in. the Wm", their way to Is. States. when: he has been perform- ; C. H. Moore npcn . . ins Wt duties on Mn Jitter} last week netting With his out w . K _ Mrs. A. core. l‘roservln. . . “'9 (have N very few dmnkdl '1'. C. Birchard was a visuor â€W or theft: My Lindsay on Saturday. . . ï¬rm â€were and other ' have i The G. T. ‘lt. payl special made Its ' - I . Cobooonk on sat-2râ€" . '~‘.(:.l returned last. week, a couple oi mow. is I aftcr 9} weâ€; in Toronto. i. - . '1. Vinson. of Cannington. was m for Toronto has accept Bu m’ were looked My buried ‘oy the my (be; G. W. Staleâ€, fact!“ in Dom 0“" Wm†lad Lirm‘z'r Co. spent the we M marries . 3 Nu? m. ï¬ll-0, iv Mme Bertha W on. oi The Gull River ear in town. of ~Btlsom Smithereens Quickly Before too __________.__._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 5’, Boys’. Children’s Clothing Our finest Suits and the best band tailored or Overcoat, in this sacriï¬ce, at. . Men’s ï¬ne Dress Trousers. in worsteds and stripes, worth $5 . . Boys’ Suits, all ages, worth up Our ï¬nest Boy's Suits in this sacriï¬ce sale, worth up to $6 . . . . a Suits of ï¬ne all wool Cheviots and Thi- ' bets sizes 13 to 20, worth up to $10: lit, ........ 3098 Us cello! at I this wine I At These Late Men’s finest winter Underwez Men's best qual Overcouts, equal to $23 50 Suit £3.85 Men‘s Hats, latest Dunlap and Knox Men’s fine Suspenders, worth 500 for . Men‘s W001 250 Socks at ............. ..... IARKET REPORTS. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Higherâ€"Live Stockâ€"- Latest Quotations. ‘ Tuesday Evening. Nnv . Liverpml wheat future! '1"le m~duy loci In Win up. f‘orn. WI in "ted in: Al l‘hienun, December wlwol rinsed Z‘r‘ higher. December ern No higher. “or «mum mull In higher. Winnipeg Option, following are llw r-luolnz quotation: v n Winnlm In mime-- louder WHOM.- :nv Ila“ Iold. â€or 8104 not“. “or II IN Md “‘Mu’ â€NV 0‘» bid, ,. m tnul’m" m. lIIUIIIlH -.m.p.in\ ivu v-znpingnl I†121-†mulls ll"l| durum: -l' \ Ivll< (ll 3H III"lI. le l9‘~ uimvr 4"» ‘lw'hh lluu illil anginamenl in ill" - numb v or Inn-la in :h . l‘lopalllmn-z liv lin. Hun luv-\l " I|I|rllllll_\ «if my. Nil. this pmlum u? Ill" llmflrllll'llu -.' c‘wug mm H» rump. .“l'li u. ‘i.n.‘< 'i. Ln, _1!.V iv in! nipple ul \\ hit-ll tun: Him! in ii. “ml. 5: ilnlvi Ill h “'4 HI: \rli-I ll)‘\'l|*"l ~ in lllnulmall mil in M H" l'olllv Iwuw HID \‘I‘Illuwll , lu-c llll all vlny. and M l‘liupim a \‘wluli-I Illiml. um Tllnln'l“). “i (an wl. 'Ili bat: an aid, Hay Toronto Groin Mort-oi. Groinâ€" Who“. lprllll. hush Wheat. full. boonâ€. . . ., Wheel. loo-o, hush ........ on Wheel. red, bull: ........... loo Pen. boon. ................. o . Buckwheat. bush. ......... 0 70 florid. bulb. ............... 0 70 Unto. hush. ................. 0 50 Toronto Dairy Market. Butter. dairy. lb. rolls ...... on Butler, lube .................. 0 27 . Butter. cronmcry, lh. rolls†0 31 Butter, «mery, boxes. . . . :8 -W. - ,n llUliOAYUEUN. , ' 1 (Hum UM ()wu CUll‘mpfllldl‘liLr The contractual of the W small at Links 150" lave quid o lung:- rang. at work. (The whole foundation in "will; thoroughly cleaned out. Multan. the construction of at can be rualmd nLrJd during the .w'mtor and sfring. It in fining built uncut) (an rods beâ€" low the old dam. and this will {.vive F18“. "WI-11M. dozen ....... El“. cold storage. down†" a grower hcud and mom ammr. «(ghee-e. urge. lb ............. ms - ' b00015. (Vln. lb .............. l"I TԠW hww" “UN,“ mm" ““3“ Honey. extracted. in ......... 0 iii" 0 mt,- vvwok. and all the fal‘tla fmmthm Li . aim and district. mum on new ""°°' Gm“ "" "â€6"“- : . _ ° LIVERPOOL. Nov. xâ€"Cloolncâ€"Vk'heat mum! and the hunting good. . A .7890! quit-pg;I No. 2 red winter. western. large number of deer more killed in ï¬mnh‘d’. utm ‘gf‘zgi Doc. " 1““. the BtuWo district. Winninght Comâ€"Spot quiet; prime mixed. Ameri- that many or the deer m' " “‘L “Wm ï¬rm; Dec. 5‘ 54. have come Jm_ 5. M from the north. as they Lare no'w, gksmnéï¬n?ï¬itm on. . ï¬r“â€â€˜â€œâ€˜â€2:ï¬:f .{ ...Wnrsrzuorrxeï¬i Enid Maui pen to . . . easy. so; no Robinson or this piano in: M. 3â€" m 5°" â€mm“ “m- who has been working for! the (land 411; dish umber W7. He was “- skidding in the moods. sold tboohain, by wlioh the logs are! :pu‘lldd up our NEW . - : the slum vay. broke. nod lot aneuy $.22?"- “M†m- ï¬rm Donald. breaking‘his ‘ thigh and ' ' consul, Willem «F. to Wm ironclad. where the limb was at. Moor la careful enminar‘ Cables sumâ€"cm": are Weaker at the Chicago Market. tier). it won than? 11 mt 1†“’3‘ “We LONDON Nov as undo cabla injured internally It is ‘mwdhe ï¬rmer at iossc io 13c pernm. (ll-eats will be all right as soon as theibrokl. "all“: refflterlwr beet I: quoted at roe W lb. . u . Some 01 the 1’ rs 0‘ this locality-l TOROJToSon: Live Stock. . are at the ploughing again U105? fine! of live stock stézlieséitâ€"Thxgarricmpm days. I‘l‘he." 1-70 “tidied With “16.; â€Ported by the railwayys 311303332: weather. as it ia'lotï¬hgl them finish 69 carloads', composed all their ploughing ' ' ' “Wk the grivillm 01 Fine Dress Shirts, worth $1.00 and $1.23) at shapes worth $2 980 ............. 190 Men's Handkerchiefs at .............. r at less than cost of production. ity heavy Working Shirts for...... 390 690 3C ............. __________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Fur Coats and Caps at 50c on the Dollar F‘ptlv‘t shat-p gnM ‘- Hlms and culls, 3.". 9/. "2‘ .. ’0 :90 lo ‘5 I...» pFI I WI Hogs. "on were q'lnlml at «m inwm M“ "f â€l! “ï¬lth “v Harri: sprains ï¬llfll‘" r“! and Walnrnd, ill ‘3 in" r'i Elsi Buflnlo Cattle Mot-ht. I'ZAlfI“ III'I"VAI,4v New gr. A‘niflt.'!’ 'Flr'll. m hood. slow iuul MM), MW umlomul Veal. 'lwpl: bloody. D in In 2:. "hit llorulp'e, mm haw! plan [not] '0 ‘0.“ ’llllirl_ villu'lrâ€" ii engde loin MV‘ and "“0â€, “I: in P. if ymbmn on“. lull “ m ‘0 u 3, 'UMII:_ ’5. .1) in u ‘v 11ҠIt lo “5 elm. In: MM “luv and Lamb- lir- Mflch, nice-l: alt-adv iumlle {a MW' ’N'IV‘= '0 lu “‘0 u. 'i e you you'll“: “-3 w “.w, (‘hllunlu .nllibb “- i“ “‘ New York LIVC Stock. NEW YURK.Nuv 3. MM mr hem.“ w: DO Iradlnu hf inipmlamr Y†m- Export: lurllu), m ualllt and. qum 0! Def, Urmurf‘ufl, w aW' torn. ‘ Calmâ€"Receipts. :99. fun rte-ray ‘ to 9.75; culls. 84 giseeem, “Ivan. $4.5. l0 s; .e 83in and l‘llllbbg -‘. steady: ' 1;!) head urllvt on Hogs; Receipts. prime mu huge, Si TC. Chicago Live Stock. CHICAGO. Nov, ‘.~‘ cc estimated at shout slow; steers. $3.80 to 84.5; heifers. $2.30 to valves, :3 to M" , .1 :9.» to 34.69._ , «Allin-7m 'I“C|I .: :6 ID 03†Eli‘s {fr-4h, per doz . Butter. per lb...... .. Lard .. . Nkeys. per i.) _. Ci.l-Cken>. j<~l' pair Gabr. gwr i.) Hons. are? pair . . l Bent Manitoba Pat- ! out flour .. - Straight rolled flour... ‘ Ail.) L“. mi. ...... Potatoes. ,v.‘ be .1 . ,, Apples, per nu; ......... Godot. who: .. 5‘91an \N 3;(".'. Full wile-.11. Outs 19-; 1' ll? 3' . Parley. Hurley. Barley. .\::. I limkwlx-zt , . n 9" a l) “21‘“?le [hair Peae, Prince Albert ..... Buckwheat Red clover seed . par ‘30. XI]. ' . \u. it , . .... .u no. u. on... «motor ‘ï¬â€˜. '3.“ mow-“en ’ SSSS - ‘ :39!ng “33833 3393‘33 i . . ‘05-?“ ,. - " 1“" a .V'ï¬ ; 1,. ‘r' "I“ 53.39:. ,9. 55k . illicit liitér if ii- ll S .Ps: l '8’; Egg 5:9 if ‘5 fl: