uilding Sale Bid for Your Business is the unparalled bargains, reliable in every way. Regular prices will receive a severe jolt. We are UR $38,000 stock must go. The money must come and and prices d add (tiwenty-ï¬ve fefttto our storei In not going to give you any souvenirs. We won’t h b t 1 t1 1 , h h , , or er 0 0 so we wan oconverta arge , , . ave een cu re en essyw1t t at aim in â€" part of our carefully selected stock into have any florets" We wont have any musm. Vlewo The bargains below are only afew . ready cash. Then what Will we have ? of what you will find here. No woman who manages a household "lat 5 the purpose 0f ““5 sale 5 Cut Prices ! Can afford to miss this sale There will be no half measures, no quib- bling over prices, no thoughts of proï¬t - . Values unsur- Not Jllbt a few, but hundreds and hundreds and passed. We must realize $16,000 in six or cost. MARK WELL THE DATE. . hundreds, all over the store, and cut prices that are weeks. Come Often duringthis sale, which FrldaY’ NOV' 6th out to the bone. We are going to sell, so come! begins Friday, NOY- 6131!- Every item radiates with rare, un- There will be stirring times. This page es ttract' e 0 ts f0 1 d- i is crowded full of good news. Remarkable fur V311} ° A 1v 0a 1’ a les matchabie savings. COME. and misses. A magniï¬cent assortment to select from. ' 2 . IT is our intention in a few weeks to ___________________â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" SPECIAL B ARG AINS Three Remarkable Specials Men’s Underwear, Hosiery and Shirts In underwear and HOSIGPY Men’s Plain Knit Underwear, in grey and stripes, regular 50c, sale ............................................. 40c Ladies Vests and Drawers, in white and natural, regular 27c, . _ . 860 The MOSt AStonIShlng sale on Fleece Lined Underwear, regular 55c, sale 43c; regular 63c Building Sale 21c; regular 55c. special 44c; regular 80c for .............. . .......................................... \‘Sc. sale 69c; regular 1.10 sale ........................... 'lEl’ecord Heavy 1-1 Ribbed Underwear, regular 85c for 69¢; Penman's Unshrinlrable Vests and Drawers, regular 85c, sale regular 1.10, sale... . . . .................................... 69c; regular 1.20 lines for 89c; regular 1.40 lines, 1 1 8 Buildiiio Sale Price ................................... . . 90 La . , . . . , _. ‘ a .. die 3 tweed coats in large plaids Misses Skirts from 10 to 15 years, 1" , ’ . me Vt 001 Underwear regular 1.40 sale 1.18' reoular $5 regular 2.00, clearing at ......... 756 q 00 sale ' i 2 23 1 50 -. , .................................................. . 1 Children's White Wool Vests, slightly soiled; regular 20c, sale from 7.50 to 12.50 on sale, each... 10c: regular 2"c lines, sale 21c; 30c lines 'for 24¢. Maid’s - v - Brown and Red Beaver Cogï¬na, re ular _ ‘ Ladies 50 inch beaver and broadcloth 1.50 sale 119. Black rectaular g Boys’ Wool Shirts, no drawers to match, odd sizes, 2 , ’ h 98c regular 50c, sale ............................................. 50 Vest. 22c lines for 17c; 23c lines for 18c; 25c lines for 20c. mantle in navy, myrtle, brown Little Children-s Drawers, 18c for 14c; 20c lines 32 and black reg. 1500 gale . . . . 12.00 1.40, sale .................... . c Brown, Green and Navy Coating, regular Men’s and Youths’ All Wool Bicycle Hose, regular 50c 2 and 75c, sale. . . . ............................................. 56 16c; 25c lines 20c; 23c lines 18c; 42c lines for ......... , . . _ Loose, semi and light ï¬tting mantle in 2-50, sale 1.90, regular 2.75, 2-25 Black Cashmere Sox, 50c for 40c, 25c for 20; 8 makes 200 Ladies‘ Cashmere Hose, 28c sale 21c: 40c lines for 31c; 45 black. navy, green and brown 50c lines for 40c: 60c lines for .............................. c reg. 11.50 and 12.50 sale ......... 9.25 for """""""""""""""""" Extra Specialâ€"300 remnants, half yard of heavy wool sox, regular 25c, sale ................... . W- 1 W gt 1 H ~ , 1 r 28c f 22c: r;orular 25 odd mantles other seasons at le umen g ors 8L Obe regu a or (b 440 ranging from,$5 to 7.50 salon?†75‘: each, black and colored velvetecns, 7c, Heavy Work Shirts, 55c lines for 43c; 80c quality 10c, 15c. 200 sets of Dress 00011131 for 65¢; black sateen and drill, 55c lines for ............ 43C 55c lines tor .................................................. . . , . . ,. . - _ Ladies' skirts all new styles in black and . . . 241: 29s W09 .-..m... .- -~-r C9 0 9 ------------------------- 9.00 for6.50, 5505011425, 4.50 88° . °“ ° ° ’° c’ c’ â€9‘ 83c; 80c lines for ~- ....................................... 3.25 We are charmed to tell you, there is Soft Front Regatta Shirts, these sizes only: 14’ 14:, Ladies Tan Cashmere Hose, plain and ribbed, regular 27 for 35¢, sale ------------------------------------------------------- 6 Ladies’ short spring and tall coats in fawn something of interest for everybody dur- 15, 15.; and 16. Regular 55c, sale ........................ ing this 5319' Many things that cannot 1.00 Mocha and Kid Gloves for 75c, 75c lines for 50c. 40‘; ed Cotton Hose, for children of from 4 and tweed and black “-00 lines . _ ------------------------------------- 9-00 be mentionedin “113 Spam 50c linesfor Ten dozen Ribb for .. to 7 years, regular 10c, sale _________________._ . . ammo nuns Twnnn PANTS annxxn'rs 1,, â€0 "1510.333 Boys'OddOver- 2 00 Fun AND FUR LINED COATS 1.25 10-4 Flanelctte Sheets, reg: coats. from 3.75 to :4. sale ...... 1 ' ' - 31.7' 1‘ f ...... . ....................... lAttmcnve LISt of Dress ems do‘z/Srlicibs‘gsd olriasiflse ilgrdpdilys-ii-ii‘iitfiioé $3.; 13111:: 1%: if.†82.5011ncs for 1.85 pr., sale 85C, â€-4 sale 1.15, 12-4 1 35 M ' ‘5 50 d 86 (I) Tweed 4 on . vcra s or ........................... 78° sale .................................. . en 8 . an . ' 6 onl Lad' . F l' . _ .. , . _ y me ur- incd Coats, in green. black - Ovcrcoats. “6“ styles. for and brown shell, extra ï¬ne broadcleth, neatly 5c 0nd ......................................... 81.25 Overalls for ........................... 980 White \Vool Blankets, . M . T d O 0 ts . ' ' c , . . en s “cc \cr 3 strapped With natural Alaska sable collar and 81's}; P" 1; dc Soic Dress Silk, 1169352 ' ' . . . J '1 21"" RC?» 145' 531‘: ----------- 75c angmbmideriesatperyard3c,5c 1 06 _ Men’s and Boys’ Odd Vests, medium snlc 2.65, 4.50 sale 3.75. 5.50 d 8 ~70 l 206 Sizes. cleanmgaseach .................. 500 LACE CURTAINS ““12 'fin'csthaver , muskrat lining. Reg. 65.00, sale 49 50 price, while they last .................. . '5 pieces black and colored soft Taffeta 44° Corset _Cover lSmbroidcries, 5:11;. reg. 60c. sale ........................... reg. 45c, 33c, and 23c, for ......... TABLE LINERS 50c lines for ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, {40 reg $15 sale ................ 890 ' ' """"" Ladics‘ Astrnchan Jacket. with blouse front â€1' CR Bic " Silk. "ll Ot Cut. re ular 25C lines for ................................. 200 $1.25 lines for ................................. bgï¬g buiztngxsalg‘.l..n .............. g ......... 6 8c TQWELPIN’rGS. . 38C llncs for ................................. 28° $l.75 llnCS for .............................. 1.85 WHITE BEDSPRELDB “-cstcm sable collar and TCVCTCS. 1’ "‘Ch men oweling. red border, 50c lines for ................................. (00 31.50lincs for ............ . ................. 1.18 311!) lines for ................................. 7 Regular 60.00, sale ..................... 48-00 31-25 lines for Men's Rat-lined Coats. otter collar, 60 00 cnctian.shrunk and un- regular 10c, sale 7c; regular QC, 616 Bleached Linens. 85c lines for 65¢, .3001in for . 2 61.20 lines for 89c, 50c lines 40c $1.501incs for . beaver cloth shell, reg. 75.00. sale 92.001incs for .............................. 1 60 Men’s Natural Canadian Coon Coats, heavily soottu'r‘lc finish, in black, navy and 75c sale ..................................... ‘ 'ialonly. ch.1.00. sale ........... 65c Flannelettcs for SC, 13c Sclincs for ' 1 on Table Napkins.$l.50 for $1.18. 1 35 15c lines for Big drivel igkwmppcln::l 36 mgr. furrcd. nicc dark shades. ninc only. Regular . rcg. 15C. 83 C i “8- 1 c --------- c 96010:" $48: $70 for 56: and reg. 64 00 c . - - - ,- for ............................................. “£5331:Freigï¬aï¬â€˜fgos"55. 13.231: B1.....T....111.. 1292922222. .1- 1.. ................................. com cons of 7 i ‘ LADIES' KID GLOVES 880, Building Sale price ............... 1 Men's black and brown detachable 3 0’0 h I 200 yards Priestley's V 17‘ n eat-x :o-t, NIGHT Gowns UNDERSKIRTS 2.25 lines for ................................. 1.75 MEN‘S CARDlGANS Colored Kid Glove-i, reg 50c. sale £30 Fur Collar, rcg. 4.00. snlc ............... \Vaics. Serge, Venetian and new strzpi- effects, :ill pure wool. regular 46 6 Cotton Night Gowns, 85c lines for 45¢. Black Sateen Underskirts, . ' ' for 75c, 1.20 for ........................ 91.001incs for ................................. 790 Black and Colors. reg. wc. sale ...... 88¢ Men's Black Lamb Collars, reg. 6.25 ...... 5.00 90c lines for 68C, 81.50 lines 1 .1 5 Blue Moreen and black Sateen, 31.35 lines for .............................. 1.00 31.05 lincs for ................................. 89¢ _ ‘ Men's Dogskin Gauntlets. reg. 5.00. sale...4.00 "~il‘ l ~13 1s 51-2 s 74'. ‘1 - 2 '. - for ..................... _ ....... g . . Us ‘ mm Flannclcttc nght 1.10 for .................................... $1.501incs for............ ...........:1.18 81.251incs for ‘ I Brown and black Moreen, 2 38 82.11) lines for .............................. 1.60 31.35 lines for . Men 5 Neutral Beaver Gauntlets, 95 for...4.80 . ’1'1f‘1fls. :1 splendid cloth for S _ _ .7 119.2111- Conzs. rcg. 55c, sale ......... lc allc; 1111.31.10, 87c . . 3.00, sale ................................. 5-4 Table 0115, reg. 25c, sale ............ 210 8211) lines for . V """" sale ......................................... ll Stirring Sale of Furs Great Values in Carpets and Oilcloths Natural Alaska sable muff large empire style, regular BUGS CARPETS lli‘owii Coney set, stole and muï¬' regular 5 20 ‘ .~ (5.50, building sale .............................. . _ 12.00, building sale 9.60, reg. 14.50 sale 12 ‘0 marmot set, regular $11900 building 8 80 a ........... . 3 ï¬x 4 muscle regular 18.50 sale ............ 1 4 50 One piece crimson and green all wool carpet- (‘96 ' b .1 d 31 ................................................ . ing reg. 90c for ................................. 0 . . . _ - . 111 1D" 3 6 Pnce ' O ’ 11 wool een with crimson flowers 0 e . - d '1 _ l lock throw tie and Empire 5 . . ne piece a gr 2.21.2.‘1223335....1. ............... Mm-m-9.wes1emem- 40 - -92 .1. , 706 ’ E“ 1 . muï¬' reg. 9.25, building sale ................ . . One piece wool, olive shades, -... ~ . . . Large black thibet stole with empire mufl' 0 M15383 lmltamn ermine throw to match reg. 23.50, sale ................. I 8.8 20 per cent 01‘? Brnsse re'r. 5.00. buildina sale ' . †' n . White thibet throw tie and muï¬" re . 13.50 . Mink mannot, throw ï¬les, reg. 6.00 88.10 4.80 reg. 8-00 building sale g 1 0.80 ‘ elvet rugs 3X3; â€gill†22.00, 8818 . . . - 1 7.00 not listed. S‘V-W - .00b'1d'“~ale ------------ . ............................................... 3‘8 6 40' reg 9 m m†S 7.20 Alaska sable stole 60 inches long trimmed 9 60 ’ . . . with ten tails, reg. 1200 building sale ...... . 2 only “P83“? rugs 233% regular 6-29 “18 thltls “flute Thlbet get, muï¬â€˜ and StOIe’ liegular 4'25 Alaska sable ï¬tOle 72 inCh rec 17 50 l i ................................................... a 2 0 , ' 1 . ea e 5.00 ................................. ............. 14.00 1.,5..0¢48. as??? or c, or c, russe remnan s _ c 7.50, building sale .............................. . , . Ladies‘ German mink set, scarf and mufl' trimmed Childrens grey lamb cap, nch curl reg. 3.75 3 00 y ds long for .............. with head, tails and claws, reg. value 21 80 building .5319 $26, building sale price - Men’s Nam“ beaver caPS. 3-85 sale ------------ 3 10 Floor oilcloths regular 30c sale 24c, 35c sale 29c 50c l German mink 'tipet and mud, tab and tail, trimmed, """""""""""""""""" _ """" ' ----------- I linoleums for 40c, 78c linoleums 05c, union wool Men’s astrachan and seal driver caps reg 5.00 4 80 and hemp remnants 3 to 8 yds in piece 9, of regular . } regular $29.00, building sale the “t 23 20 .1 400 reg 600s 1e I s e _ , a, _ a ........................ for ............................................. ' x .. ~ Wren“ __ ., '" he. Jew-rum»,- Wyn,†. . “mum... ~_.,,-._M....~..vw 1V.m.ml'- “9'12" :-