<+ a \ l . i . i g i g i g f i i i i 2 1 mm: ............... .3 12 , leg .. "Ti tlh‘e roll from the clerk. The W N ANNOUNCEMENT“ We have frequently been ask- ed the guestion, “Are you oing to_ continue business here 9’ We wish to announce to announce to the people of Lindsay and sur- rounding country our answer; “Y ES,†WE ARE HERE TO STAY and take this opportunity to thank the public for their es- teemed patronage, during our stay so far, and to solicit a con- tinued patronage from the people of Lindsay andsurrounding conn- try in the future. WE ARE THANKFUL, and below are our ThanksgivingBar- gain oï¬'etings,â€" â€-â€"_ AWAY GO HIGH - GRADE BOOTS BEST FOOTWEAR OFFERINGS OF THE YEAR Yes, we can truthfully say, the om chance in ' for this lot includes the highest grade of P" mother and winter weight, box calf, vici kid and velour calf, and you need only can care this price with such high qualities to realize the “W: of your savtnas. Pentectly ï¬nished inside â€a outsd-‘I: altl ï¬grtiodoyebar wetleg, newest fall ,, mp 1' ea 'ers. ‘izes5 - to ll- ?ogih 4.50 to 5.00, at .......................... ’ 3l98 Women’s :ne boots for 1.98 â€"boots good on- {0 may with the ï¬n: st street costume, in light and heavy soles. pointe‘ or medium wide nice. 53;. :1 Di. ity of viciâ€"kid and box calf, high ' w bee s: on many you are saving the price ouch nee-ounce clone..- ...........« .Iwwc one-actoooeouoo . . 031 , . . ,5 moths" pair. it’s a big sacrifice and we advise hopping for the best choice. Sizes 31.3 .o 7: price only ,,.......... 1-98 Meg‘s gmuine leather working boots, solid. See them............... 1-98 Women‘s solid leather wearing boots 3075‘ sciid leather school boots and foryoggh wear................. 1.49 Girli’ school boots, strong and service- 98 this. New .. from 50c to 1-25 patio: top'seep only reliable goods. No shady goods can give satisfaction go wearer. “ 9’ BUBBERS m GRANBY : RUBBERS J. MCCULLOUGH 93 i? 5.. the comfor‘ kind special ..................... 1'39 Children's- the best values selling at our space is too small to mention, come and see themâ€"but it is our in- OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE TREASURER’S SALE OF LANDS IN THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA. FOR ARREARS 0F TAXES, TO BE HELD IN THE COURT HOUSE, LINDSAY, ON TUEeDAY, FEBRUARY 9th, 1909, AT. 11 O’CLOCK A M. 1 TOWNSHIP 0? CAR‘ EN. I con’ir sxn PATENTED cars as oa‘xorr LOT CON. ACRES AMBS PUBLICATION TOTAL PATENT†18 G 203 871.10 S 4.13 $ 75 23 Not Pat’d I TOWNSHIP OF DALTON. l 12 1 50 9.84 2.60 11.64 Net Pat’d 28 10 100 25.66 2.99 28.65 Not Pat’d 5O 8 64 2.60 1 L24 Patented 100 4.78 2 60 7.38 Patented 13 97 16 53 2.76 19 29 Patented 13 97 16.53 2.7 19.29 Patented TOWNSHIP OF DIGBY. 31 4 100 17.50 79 ï¬lth half ................ 18 ll 50 6 O5 .60 TOIVNSHH’ OF EMILY. ICE-out quarter... 9 5 50 5.25 TOWNSHIP OF LAX'I'ON. Fuzhou of East half 1 7 50 22 17 2 90 TOWNSHIP OF SOMERVILLE. D A 119 54.54 3.71 A B 43 7 53 2 60 , . 10 13 175 13.60 2 82 Earth in: ............... 3 14 100 9 65 2 60 by I: James Richardson McNeillie. Treasurer of the County of Victotia, as directed ““18 Warrant of the Warner of the County of Victoria, dated the Fourth day of - Venber, AJ). 1908, will proceed to sell each and every of the above mentioned 3368.13 of lauixfor the arrears of taxe now due upon them respectively, as abovvI set gammy with costs, {unless the said arrears of taer and costs are sooner paid), his: Court House in 1.0 . g 1.2.- (1 Lindsay, in the said County of Vict ria, at Eleven k 111 the forenoon on Tuesday, the Ninth day of February, A.D. 1909. J. R. McNEILLIE, Countv Treasurer. l I v _â€".â€"â€"â€" 0 P13! 0? LOT 93 WT Ilthhslf ............... . 17 12 29 30 2029 Not Pat’d 2.6.) 7.85 Patented 25.07 Patented '- Patented 10.13 Patented ‘ 21.42 Patented 12.25 Not Pat’ d 582$ 3"“? Treasurer’s Ofï¬ce, W1. November 4th, 1908. \First published in “The Lindsay Postâ€, November 6.211, 1908.) We ._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"._'-.__â€"_ , “HELD" COUNCIL Moved by Conn. Tglmie, seconded 11! Conn. Moynesâ€"That tlhe clerk Write to Mr. Bay for curti-culnrs of the , work of gravelling done by him. Moved. by Conn. Palmer, seconded by Conn. Greggâ€"That the following bills be paid; N. 'Pnrrington, for 83 loads of gravel, $4.15; Jno, Jackson, for extra road work, 92.50; E. D. Hand, printing notice ofgposting vot- Sers’ list, $.00; C. D. Barr, for reg- istering bylaws and deeds of Cooper’s road, 34.50; W. Petlhic, for 47 load of gravel, $2.35; Jno. Eadie, for 15 load of gravel, 75s.; .W'. E. James, for culvert and gravel forh in best, 311.40 at“ Wire fences this season to Peter Hewie, work on culvert on his ‘11 the number of rods built. g beat, $1; W. H. Culhs, 101106331: for he following motions â€awed the' above culvert, s2; 1W. Parrinston. kiwi °‘ Conncn ; {or ~ . can ‘21 05' Conn. Tolmie. seconde"?l by .. ’ mGenâ€"That. tbs: clerk write to 0"“ met :ursuant to adJourn- :2“! its members :resent; minu- Hudhfl meeting read and. a;- 3'3" A letter was received. from 13‘ stating that he had: procured a 2:3 °I GYKVel from. the lake for , crector) and. asked. the council ,1, r . ï¬erILi‘m 30¢. a. load or‘ $38-40 for . . ( n. collector, Mr. '1‘. H. Smither‘ :11?“ I:resent and signed his dece- ‘m of office. also his bond, and “-81 - k We instructed. to ask â€1°99 Shire, for 151 load of grand. 37.55; k, W'. B. Feir, for use of 0. ball for h 11er of Eldon asking :3}, for meeting, 32:111. Wood, forboltc' for h 9131‘. of cu1Vert built .by B. ‘ bljdgea, $2; J. T. Palmer, trap , m“ “the Victoria Road.s2.sq;l Roeedsalle. c '; A- F- 01183, Wt‘ 121 » at?“ 00st of extra. work. by Wm,l ing ponds . 33.50. total 35., mar-comic budge, 311. buï¬dmg bridge on this heat, 314; Thus E. Cam 1:0 of hatwwlk- i " 1 003W“ OII W4 1.. ‘ " wwrm'rv'vvrvvvvv WV 1 Rommel for * Your Dumb Frlonds There has in recent years been marked im- provement in the reme- dies prepared for animals. There are many of very high value on the market. . We give special atten- ‘ - l tron to this line of goods I, i ' and, therefore, when You need anything for your stock you should come and see us. You will find many preparations here that you can’t get else- where in this Iocatlity. I. HIGIIBMHIII 999W. Nearly opp. post ofï¬ce. Lindsay EYES THAT FAIL TO DO THEIR WHOLE WORK Would You Know Why? You’ve had your eyes tested, and you wear glasses. But they don't suit. That’s what’s the matter. They don’t suit because the testing was faulty. Only the specialistâ€"and one of large experience-can rightly diagnose and suc- cessfully reach all the points of eye trouble Your eyes are safe in our care s. B. ANNIS, O‘ph. D.. EYESIGIIT SPECIALIST 92 Kent-st. (Over Nem’s Shoe Store Lindsay. Examination rrec. E e Glasses Repaired Correspondents’ Newsy Letters BURY’S GREEN . l 1 (Special to The Post.) Turnips all in is the people's ,Verâ€"‘ dirt in the fall trials. ' l Miss Etta Southeran, of Toronto spent a. few days under.- tme parental roof. A ' The'excitement of the deer hunt has called; quite a number to the tall tim- bers. g I ‘. : . The 'Pogue {party has again located near M‘mden, where a goodly number of deer usually comes their way. Mr. John Southern is convalesCent after a week's illness with' tonsilitis Mr. Sam Skuce has returned from a- visit. to Wilberforce, where he re- ports "dear†to be plentiful. A number of young people attended. -Monday eVen'mg. -_ We reret to hear of the illness of Miss J. Southern, but hopes are en- tertained of her recovery. , , . FINGERBOA-BD . (Special "to The Post.)' t" ‘ Mr. Patrick Lyons. of Markdale. spent a few days visiting with. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Badman and Mr. and Mrs. Frank King. 1 - Mr. Ambrose King has returned to Toronto, after s;end-ing a few weeks with his parents, Mr. andl Mrs. Al- fred King. . 1 Mr. Bert, Clouke, of Little Britain, s;ent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Thus. M0388- l ( Mr. Russell Martin 3::ent Saturday and Sunday in Port Perry. 11:. and Mrs. Thou. Moose. jr.. aunt Sunday with M1. and Mrs. 0. Mouse, Pleasant Point. , . WOODVILLE t. | (Special to The Post.) \. Mr. and. Mrs. Oliver. of Sunderland spent a few, Klaus tibfs week with ï¬rs- J. Rum. 1 t 1' Mr. Green, of mm was the guest of Miss Lena For’bert on Bun- . day. I , .' . I 1 Miss Elda Mflhattam has returned after ï¬endï¬ng a numlbcr of week. with friends in Picton Miss Lily Bay is home again after attending 8.00113 holiday in the Nat-th- wat- I I I. \ Mrs. Hodgms. of Cannhgton wt; Tuesday alt title bane of Mrs. ’3’. Run. Miss 1131113ka and Miss Bruce Cf Lornevï¬lle, went SW†at Mfg-g. belle. . H l . ( Miss Lily Gilchrist entertained a number of liter friends at an old [adh- i-oned paring bee on Friday evening I l l 1 Mr. and Mrs- B; NW. W’ scent and bridge, *2; T. Perkin, Saturday in I... I .- 1 Mr. 'Allf Florbert and: N3 mother! ' Dim over San; it Mira .Gus Praise were: u. tili¢ Mum! ‘ . convention .r “W. and not to rw;pear till the , \ ' ' ‘- 1 . Miss Mario M mt em with Miss Flora“ Hour. clued success. 'nb church In mm. ed wonderfully elegant. Rev. Mr. Stewart, d M l l NIGERIA ROAD the hunting season has unwound almost every man capable of bearing nuns has gondto the woods. We; can easily count the few remainim. Last Friday strangers from on»: points began to arrive in detain ments and after mending the out in Uphill, pushed forward next. day into the with and became lost to 15th of November. I . l Tbc‘flrlt could that greets our ears upon awakenim in the webbing is the hum of the bounds, uncle faithfulo lime-rm of Ilhe dc . , er. Judging from The .Mietllo‘lh‘t m M an the number of hunters in each tit?†" l' ' M were lull on - ï¬rmfw and proved seden- . the 9!" will have to be cut an .by the rule of long division, but perhaps they M W have that trouble. Uzhlll is an unusually «healthy place but this Week there have been a few morning and «- I’M both vegan cases of sickness. Mrs. A. McOsugb- edatcdhyall. swam-ands. good. programme of Toronto, Miss ‘ vqnartette and. a ~ . were given by Mr. Stewart. :ort an excellent! tine. [ Dentistâ€"One of the firm of Nee- lande 8r. Irvine, dentists, LW, Will be at the Queen's hotel, Woulville. on Tuesday, Nov. 10th, and Cannibal“: hotel, Kirkfield, on Wednesday, 11th.- Call in forenoon if cmsible. [. . W OAKWOOD. (Special to The Post) Inspector Stevens and Mr. Cornish, of Lindsay, spent a few hours in our village last Tuesday evening. Mr. Wm. Thorndyke left on Thurs- day evening with the Sinclair-Ellis hunting party. They will hunt at Long Lake, Anson township. Mr. A. McKinnon, of Woodville, called on friends here on Wednesday. Mr. Leigh R. Knight was in our village on business on Thursday. Rev. G. R. Clare, of Millbrook, was renewing acquaintances here ‘ last week. Dr. E. Keys, of Toronto, spent a couple of days at his home here re- ccntly. Mrs. Cranston (nee Miss Jennie Northcote), of Halifax, N.S., is spending a. couple of weeks with friends here, after an absence of 12 years. Her many friends here are pleased to see her again. Miss Ruby Champion, of Manilla, was the guest of Miss Gertrude Ray- mer on Friday. Miss Joyce Pogue, spent Sunday with her uncle, James Taylor. Mrs. L. McPherson spent with friends in Cannington. Miss Lizzie Biddlecombe, who has been living with Mr. and Mrs. S. Walters, left on Monday for Peter- boro. Mrs. (.Rev.) A. F. Webster, of Anâ€" caster, is spending a few days in our midst, the guest of Mr. and Mn. C. C. Perrin. Mrs. Webster has many friends here who are giving her a cordial welcome. Mrs. Green and daughter Martina, spent Sundayat the sonage, the guest of Mrs. (Rem) El- liott. Mr. Pyne, of Lindsay, rendered the â€I heard the voice of Jesus," Sab- of Lindsay, Mr. Sunday Edith, of par- solo, in the Methodist church last bath evening in ï¬ne style. Miss Gertrude Raymer entertained a number'of young people on Satur- 8 65 N“ Bad the fowl corner at Fenelon Falls on day evening last. Dot Macpherson left on Wed- nesday for Winnipeg to visit her sis- ter, Mrs. L. Ward, who has so far recovered as to be able to leave the hospital. Miss MacPherson expects to return about Christmas. The Oakwood branch of the W.F.M. 8. held their thank-offering meeting in the Presbyterian church on Thurs- day evening of last week. The meet- ing was addressed by the Rev. . J. Ferguson, of Glenarm. The ad- dress was very practical, proï¬table and instructive. Miss Evelyn Cam- eron rendered a solo, “Must I go, Miss and ethY'mdw-H in 3 very ac- , colt. no your old 2nd prize, all ccptable manner. Mrs. chv.) Mun- ro and Miss Cameron also sang “Somewhere,†which was well ren- dered. The scholars of the fourth class, with their teacher, Mr. G. B. Bonnie, and friends numbering about forty, celebrated hallowe'en in royal style at the school house Saturday evening. Games were indulged in, and magic tor lunch was served. all repaired to their homes. having spent a very pleasant evening. _____.â€"-â€"â€"--â€"â€"______â€"-â€" hotel. Kirkfield, on Wednedhy, men Call in forenccn if gamble. 1 times! lions at Kirkficld Harvest home services will be held in the Kirkï¬eld Praibyterian church on Sunday. Nov. 8th. at 2.80, and 7.30 p.rn. On Thankiglvlng a fowl supper and entertainment will be givâ€" Thc Maple Leaf quartette of Orillil will furnish the greater part of the programme, con- sisting of duets. solos, vocal and trombone. Supper will be served by t y l lantern views siven- M' . ey is Ila-mm recovering tram; a sharp and sudden attach of illness. The playful youth of Uphill forgot that Saturday was Hallowe'en, no we have nodamage to life oi'-t:roperty 1' °' to report. but joking apart, it a a pleasure to think that this place is so free from taint girit o! rowdyism so grcvalent in some parts of the country. How often the enjoyment o! a public meeting, concert, yes, even church, service is; marred by the dis- orderly conduot of a few ccrsons of bad taste and manners who mistake ill breeding for cleverness. 00 MM UNICATIONS We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our curreapunuenta. -â€" PENELON FALLS AND LOYALTY (To the Editor of The Post.) Dear Sir, â€" The elections are end- ed and with them has censcdt one of- the most interesting contests in the history of our (air Canada. The result in general is what most {eagle expected, but in detail in some cases the result is rather dis- heartening. In our own county, Victoria, we have men who boast of their "loyal- ty' to the cause of free-dun, to their fellow-men and so on, and yet we find those some men lacking sadly when their faith is put to the test. As an example we quote Fcnelcn Falls and its support of Dr,. A. Wil- son. The village has ever found Dr. Wilson its friend, a man who was ever willing to Riel: the needy, and ever really to "boost" the town's best interests. What does Fcnelon Falls do in return for its most excellent citiZeni It gives him a mere majority of nine over 001. Sam Hughes. We ask in all fairness was this loy- alty i We are afraid the answer must be in the negative. 011 the other, hand, Lindsay, a town which gave the former Liberal a majority of tycenty, turns around and given its citizen a majority of one hamdred and forty. There 8 an exam}: of loyalty to your own man. We do not with to draw cornstar- iaons, but the figures gel-k for themselves, and we do not. think that the citizens of Penelon Falls and Pension tcwm. and especially the members of thine Methodist church lived up to the W ideal d oi- t'Zenahip 13' not makiw the doctor’s majorty larger. In conclusion, we Col. Hughes and bqe he will, tune, reg-resent his ridirg in an mratulate in fu- Ideal d Kb own and H'ï¬ own received. m hat." Yours, etc. OOMJIENTATOR. Oakvood Fair Corrections We are muentd 1y Secretary Weldon of the Oakwocd fair to an- nounce the followim corrections in the prize list; . Durham bull, one year old, 1st. J. F. Dixy- ~ Draft col, 2 years old. lat grin; draw team, and Erik; agricultural to Frank Goad, - Crock of butter. 20 the, 2nd trite to Mrs. J. B. Terrill; and to ï¬re. John Pinkhuu. l funeral of In. Perkin The funeral of the late Mrs. Fred. Parkin took place this afternoon from the residence of her' parents, Mr. and In. Oliver, Cambridge-st, to Riverside cemetery. =_â€"â€"____â€"==== Nearly a Scrim'Accilest What mu. haVe been a oer-lone ao- cilurl: occurred this morning about. halt-past eleven. Hr. Campbell's but- cher rig was coming along Peel-st, and on account of the sewer the driv- I‘UB SA 15 UK In LEL R RENTâ€"225 acres, consisting of lots 10 and 11 in the 8th con- cession of Emily, about. four miles north of Omemee; about 125 acres temlx. (2.161). iKeswick, 5 years old. 1 bay gelding. "selling under lien. 1 bay ' Thanksgiving Specials No need of our going into details regarding the merits of these special offerings. bring rush business. 813% Kantian 1 1.49 Ladies' good qualit . ï¬ne black beaver cloth mantles? bod and sleeves hned' with good talian lantng; 48 inch lengths, loose back style, trimmed with velvet 001â€" Ian. condmg’ . silk braid and but- “ W ms"11.49 for .............................. Children's Hantlea 3.95 Children's plain beaver cloth coats in navy and fawn, loose back with shoulder cape and cums 1pcd with velvet, sizes 8, 10 an 12 years. Regular 84. 4.50 and 95. All one 3 95 price........... . “1! Dress Skirts 3.93 Ladies' victtnna cloth skirts in black, navy and brown, some pleated styles trimmed with straps and buttons; other styles with :trapping .nd buttons. fine war-m tires 3 36 regular 4.50 for .............. Silk Blouses at 3 39 Ladies' silk blouses, J :tpan taf- feta quality, black and whit». open front. and long sleeves. trimmed with silk embroidery and lace insertion, also a few in silk, open front, 2 sleeve and tucked front and back with fancy Japanese sleeve effect. Regular 3.90 and 4.503 39 qualities for ................. $1.85 GolfJacketa $1 Ladies’ all wool golf jacketsin navy, black and brown, plain and combination trimmings. Regular 1.85. 1.50, 1.3;, one price ........................... Long Kid Gloves 1.50 Ladies' long kid gloves in black and brown, imported qualities. Special per pair...... Short Kid Gloves 756 Ladies' kid gloves in colors of brown, 11 navy. dark red. black, w ite and grey. Allsizes t ". Re ' 1.25 1.311, ..:i‘:‘:'..‘.’fff’f ........ 75C The prices are such as to 91.40 Drea- Sllka 89¢ FanmPaï¬s cord and - feta or also Dresden ilk: in short tengths, some long enough for waists, ood colorings. Bag- ular 1.40 an 81 a yd. ...... 89c 91 Hand Purses 50c ‘ Indi'a hand purses ' bloc brown and n, goodn " Elastic Belts only 250 IAdJes‘ black, brown, green and navy, elastic belts. 2 inches 'd , . - iii in??? .‘Tiil‘iiiff? 250 91 Harris Tweeds 68c _ All-wool Harris tweeds, 54 inches wide, short lengths, good Colorings. also one piece em- broidered black box cloth, 54 inches wide. some lines of all wool mixtures. 31 lines for Good Sable Mufl’s $10 A special purchase of v’urs from an overstocked manufacturer brought these muffs to us at a big) saving. 'lhey are natural so. le,9mpire shape, down ï¬llâ€" ings. ï¬nished with cord. large sizes. Very special ......... $1 0 Sable Rufl’s only $12 Natural sable ruffs. 50 inches lon . head and tail trimmings. dou le collar, real glossy and Well furred. Regular 615 value for ........................ $12 Fur Ties, Special $3 Ladies†and Misses Orenbe r Mink ties, satin lined. good Pg?“ length and width. ' Mufls to match at each $4 College Over-coats $13 Young men’s college style overcoats, 50 inches long, double breasted, fancy oufl' , brown and green colorings, Special 1 3 value at. . .. . J. SUTCLIFFE SONS LINDSAY AND OSH b '9 SALE mum. ______________.____â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" WEDNESDAY, NOV. 25.â€"By Elias Bowen, auctioneer, credit sale of valuable farm stock and imple‘ ments, the property of Peter Mc- Intyre, lot 7, con. 11, Marlposa. Sale commences at one o'clock.â€"w3 SALE NOV. 7th 15 horses, all classes. 1 bay horse by Keswlck, full brother to Harry 1 chestnut horse, by mare. heavy, extra good worker. 1 fast pacing horse, sound, good lookcr. 20 head young cattle. 10 pigs, feed- ers. 1 new milch cow. and some ex- tra good steers. 1 pony phaeton, nearly new. 1 old buggy in good re- pair. 1 old cheboygan sleigh, must be sold. 6 wagon jacks. 1 milk wagon, consigned. 1 new organ, imust be sold, consigned. 4 new sets single harness. 1 old set. 1 new flight team driving harness“ Arctic robes. 2 bishop robes. 6 rugs. 6 rubber lap rugs. 4 old halters. 12 dreingles. 50 new kerecy blankets. 6 woollen ones. TERIS AS USUAL. funeral of In. Gilloaly The funeral of the late Mrs. John Glllogly took place on Wednesday from the residence of her aon-lnâ€"law, Mr. I. J. labor. Rnssoll.st., and was largely attended. 7 ' lass dc requiem was dianted at St. law's diurch by Von. Archdea- con Casey. and during the service Ir. J. Gillogly, nephew of the de- ceased, sang the De Profundis, and O Salutarls. Theeortcgeproocededtotbe 80-. man Catholic cemetery at the con- clusion of the service. The pallbear- . Jas. Haber, . D. Garth, J. Flnrey. The following relatives of 69068804 were in attendance at he funeral from outside places M. Joseph Gillogly, Buffalo; John Gillogly, Toâ€" ronto; Mrs. P. McFadden, Victoria SewickleI. Peâ€" andme and «Barrie, and inert m an. AHA a lcnuncni FOR SALE BY TENDER The undersigned will receive ten« ders for the Isle of Hebron church, situated two concessions east of Mount Horeb, up to six o'clock on Thursday, November 12, 19â€. It B a. frame building, and must be removed within six months from date of sale. Thirty per cent of the put-f chase money must be paid down and balance may be arranged. W. 0. GBANDY, Mount Horeb ?. 0., Oct. 17, 1908. section No. 8, Fencion. to A. E. Here, Fenelon Falls, stat- ing salaru eXpected. Duties to comâ€" mence lst of January, 1909.-d1w3. TANTED.-â€"Teacher for 8. S. No. 1, Verulam, for the year 1909. Apply with references, stating sel- ary, to R. Robertson, Sec-Treas., box 122, Bobcaygeon, 0nt.â€"dlw3. EACHER WANTEDâ€"For S. 8. No. 13, Fenelon, duties to com- menee at the ï¬rst of the new year; salary 8300 per annum. Apply to J. H. Thurston, Secâ€"tress, Fenelon Falls, 0nt.â€"d.1w3. ‘NIANTED.â€"L young man between 20 and30 years of age bolearn the electrical business; one who has a few hundred dollars. Good wages from the start. Apply to O. I. Do Guerre, Electrical Contractor, Osh- awa, Ont.â€"w4. THE CRADLE MARSHALL â€" In Mouser, on fmea- day, Nov. 3rd 19%, to M;- anfl Km John Marshall, a daughter. BRADBURN â€" At Janetvillc on Oat. 18th, the wife of Baht. Geo- Biadburn, of a daughter. _____________.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" MARRIAGE. _______.__â€"â€"â€"â€"- TOMPKINS â€" WELDON â€"- At the Queen-st. parsonage by Rev. J. 3. Womanâ€. Nov. «In. Mr. Miss Eva. ________..â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" son took place this afternoon. downfall of “the beautiful" corn- menced at three o‘clock, and brought joytotheheartofthssrnallboy. â€"8ir Wilfrid Laurier in plum . l 1.1; u. ax. .. ’ we . . 4... ‘ , _ .11, .‘ ~31. A_ . . . , .earfyzr...-i- ‘ _ ,. ~‘vx‘: . 2...; .1 .t i 1-. -. .eg.‘ 1. .n a-.. 3 stir-4: we. x ...~,.L.,:j:§1;;‘;: " wave“: moon-4.9....» .. 1;. 1" ‘Lif't1-tï¬yiigrg ,1 (*1? 1