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Lindsay Post (1907), 6 Nov 1908, p. 6

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.5 _ . ale-H.120”. mosey, mm“ 110 t, ....r , ,. “'3' ., . - . . , , .. . _ , .. __,_,_ lElmer"irritating a mAflawd 11in ; , W Filtration Plan Hat Saved His Life 3 ‘ I: U R LAN D l -â€"â€"+â€"â€"- â€"+â€" Ozoniution was [ml to be as Perfect e Ines Werde has a Thrilling Experien- es Possible ce with s Inddened Animal f...â€"â€"â€"-__â€"â€"â€"â€"_____ main part of the (cadence. VB!!! is pretty badly burned. the flames eat- ing their way to the roof. The fire- men, however, (ought valiantly and prevented its and destru' ction. The house, which is a white brick one, was formerly owned by the late Mr. James Logic, and was purchased by Mr, Ranson, who formerly resided in Minden. There was an insurance of $750 on the building. When you ask your groc you the best flour, he sends youâ€" 1113 best. When you know the best flour and order by the name, the choice is not left to the grocer. Many grocers handle Royal Household Flour as their leader. They have found it the safest flour to recommend because its results are sure and its purity is unquestioned. Ii your grocer’s best is not Royal Household, insist on his getting it for you. The benefit Will be mutual. Mr. James Wards. of South OPS. near the swing "bridge, has a hat which was the direct means of sav- ing his life. and which should be valued highly by him. A few dare eeo a bull bolonxmeto, him strayed into Mr. Thomas Hut-l ton's field adjoining the property of Mr. Wards. The latter proceeded tat" drive the animal back, which seemzd inclined to so without any trouble. In the twinkling of an eye, however, and when Mr. Wards least expected a _ demonstration on the bull's part, the animal suddenly became maddened. and attacked its owner. Mr. Wards . was knocked down, and in falling he turned his face to the ground in an endeavor to save himself from the animal's onslaughta, in the mean- time throwing up his hand for the purpose of trying to catch the ring: in the bull's nose. The animal, how- ever. caught Mr. Warde on its horns and hurled him in the air a consider- able space. When he alighted he at- tempted to make his escape, and in running he fortunately dropped his, ..-,. m ‘ hat. The frenzied beast, attracted by " STOLE ”1° headgear, 9‘09?“ and surveyed it ' Of Mink Marmot, sixty-eight inches long. with :w, head: an instant before charging on it. and six tails, satin lined. ‘ This gave Mr. Warde an opportunity , to take safety, which he was not long i 82 l in taking advantage of. He was seâ€"l ‘ THROW TIE verely bruised in his encounter with . .. . . . . . . the animal, and has no hesitation in Of Mink Marmot. brown satm lining, SlXtyâ€"(‘Zght inches long a I" Spec1a1 at 6.75 Yesterday afternoon at four o'clock the ozone filtration plant was start- ed in Operation for experimental pub poses in order to ascertain if all the minor details in connection with its installation had been attended to. Mr. Daniel Dunnigan. an old and faithful employee of the waterworks, and who waisted in the installation Mom“! mm: Mild“ oftheoldplanteomeltyearsago. - . wasgiventhehonorofturning on WMflNlhwl the canoe filtration yesterday. The of M“ plant ran all nisht. Mr. N. D. Valpey. of Lynn. Mass.. who was present on the occasion, se- curedsemplesofthewaterindifler out forms, and he informed the Post last evening that the osonised sample secured was as nearly perfection as possible. Owing to the shallowness of the water in the river at present-the wa- ter passing through the mains mixed, filtered and ononined. It must not be understood that the ozone filtration is in permanent run- ning order. Experiments are only be- ing made at present with the object ‘ Eldon N0. 3 .................. 102 in view 0! remedying whatever slight : Eldon NO. 4 ............... 100 defect might be noticeable in its op- ‘z WW“ â€"â€"_ ‘ erations. It will only be a matter of : MW” 67 ’ , a. few days before the plant will be : M3” .76‘ ” furnishing the citizens with ozonized ! MP0” ! ”.1â€" rived. m, to wn- a few days ago tromTo- water in sufficient quantities without { mm route to reside with her parents, who the slightest danger of lessemng the 5 Mar' have moved to town from Uxbridge,“13133311?e in the mine for fire ' “”5“ pro. 2 Was in excellent health, and on Sunfltection ourposee. figfifl .'.. day was in the best of swiritsi This] The fame of the ozone filtration é Ops No 2 ................. 47 morning she was seized with a fit .plant is certainly Spreading. This . Ops No 3 ............ 39 47 of Vomiting and Du. Wood and‘ er- week the town was visited by two ? Ops No. .4 """"""" 32 63 man were speedily summoned. EVEI‘F prominent newspaper men, anxious? O s No. 5 """""""" 90 37 effort was made to allay her suffer- to secure information concerning the? OP No .5 --------------------- 53 45 ing which finally culminated in the plant for publication in their 10mg 1 wrodville No "-1 ------------ 39 48 bursting of a blood vessel in the nals, and tomorrow two officials nomgmnm E w No...1 ...... 72 7o “3‘1 “’0‘“ 63° ”'53 m0min8- Lynn, Mass, Massachusetts, will vis-‘ mm, E'W'No°z‘ """ sz 96 3 'Mr. and Mrs. Oliver are grief it the plant and will makeathorough Lindsay 8. w. N . 1 35 59 stricken over the loss of their inspection. These gentlemen are Mnl deny S. W. N0- 2 ...... 117 53 daughter, who was their only child. A. G. Woodleigh, city solicitor, “1le Y S. W. N013 ------ 71 59 Her husband predeceased her about Mr. G. I. Leland, ciry engineer. Lindsay S. W. No. 4 ...... 90 100 sixteen months ago and her remains city of Lynn is just at present grap- Lindsay N. W. NO- 1 ----- .- 83 78 will be interred by his side in River- Dung with me water mum” prob Lindsay . o. ...... 51 side cemetery on Wednesday after- 1am and these oflcials intend prepar- 55 boon. 'l ’ “ ing an exhaustive report of their in- 29 The late Mrs. Parkm was of a spection to the city council on their 11 kind and lovable disposition and ’ return to Lynn. her sudden demise has brought and- ness to the hearts of her many friends I ‘ f l STOLEB _ Assorted lengths and styles in brown, grey and bi“ COOney, good lengths with four and six tails. Special at 2.95, 8.25 and 3.95 \ COLLAR Of black Agtrnchnn, very nett curl, long front, four talk and chain fastener, with good deep collar. s s - Q -m”--- .“ if E .5 RUFF . _ Of fine quality American Sable, seventy-two inches 10.?! l l four full furrsd tails. Special at 7.50l â€"-â€"â€"_"â€"_‘â€"‘-_'" ' \ RUFF . ' ‘ Seventyctwo inch rufi‘ of Opposum thh 5.3}; 0mm“, and six tails, fulled furred. o SPeCial at 7.95? Dalton No 1 Dalton No 2 .................. Eldon No. 1 .................. 91 Eldon No. 2 .................. 91 10 .il 55" 20 57 Special at 7.95 ,._. _. ,7.â€" -f-.__-â€"â€"‘ 88 ; saying that it was his hat that sav- ed his life. MUFFS _ ‘ Of grey, black and brown Cooney. CUSlllUn styng. wt; made Special at 2.50 M288. JOHN GILLOGLY. Seized with a sudden illness after finishing her eyening prayers and dy- ing in the arms of her daughter, was theclosingsceaeinthslifcof the late Mrs. John Gfllogly, a lady who has been a well known andhighlyre- spoofed resident of Lindsayand dis- trict for nearly a century. The deceased lady was in excellent health Monday and had attended morning mice in St. Mary's church, receiving holy communion. In the evening when preparing to retire she was seized with a slight attack of sicknea which lasted about twenty minutes. and which resulted in her death at 10.15 o'clock. The late Mrs. Gitlog'ly, whose mai- den name was Bridget Masterson, was born in County Gavan, Ireland, . sixty-eight years ago. She came to ‘ , , . Canada, when she was about four 3 Women's Ilssmnary Meeting at 0:- years or age. She resided in Ops bridge township about forty-five years her . eceasilu ’ . The general meeting of the W0- 161:2!)er m ago.g g; 8’32ng l men’s Home Missionary SOC-10W of the mourn the loss of a generous hearted Presbyterian church of the Lindsay ‘1'. mother four daughters and one son ' 'Presbytery was held yesterday in U!- Mrs J Green Owassa Mich . Sis: . bridge. The attendance Was very large t ' ‘ ' ' ' - l and an enthusiastic meeting was-'he}d- er Mary Ethelreda, of Loretta Acad-, A Prabyterial society was mam,” emy, Hamiton; Mrs. Jos. Maher, ed by Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Goob- Lindsay, with whom deceased resid- ”me of the Teronto “A Mrs. Gould dorsing the publication of the Sun- ed, and Mr. Joseph Gillogly, Buf- of Uxbridee was elected Eiresident day lessons which appear weekly in falo. A daughter, the late Mrs. Wm. ’ and it was agreed that the agecrnl The Post, will be of interest to our Bibby. died a few years 880- I work of the moiety would be to term readers :- llrs. Gifloslr was a lady possessing an auxiliary in each or the churches The Court of Appeal. many noble qualities. Of an intense- in the Lindsay greshytery. A stirr- Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Out. in religious character, her whole life ing address was delivered by Mia's My Dear Dr. Linscott: was devoted to doing good, and of McLeod, of Wakaw hospital. Saskat- I have been very much interested alleviating the snfierings and lightcn- chewan, touching (m the great work in your Newspaper Bible Study Club, in: the burdens of those with whom which is being done there. Miss Me- and your Socratic method of bring- she came in contact. Leod is a Very modest, self-denying ing out salient points in the Inter- Her funeral “11 take place Wedâ€" lady, and kem the closest attend“! national Sunday School Lessons. needay morumg at 9.45 o'clock from . of the assembly. The plan is a unique one, and I am very much pleased to learn that McLennan represented St- Andrew’s it is extending so rapidly. The ques- ehurch at the meet“ 0‘ the ”dew“ tions are so suggestive that they cannot but prove very helpful, and they appear to be admirably calcul- ated to set people thinking, and thus enable them to help themselves, which Discussing the series of Bible gues- is one of the most profitable methods tions which are now annearins in the of instruction. columns of The Post, Rev. G. J3»- I notice that “The News" of this Welsh of the Lindsay Baptist church, city is among those who publish your has written the Rem 13- 14- Linscott, questions, and a large number of of Biantford, as follows: teachers here will be reached through communication it. is to Funeral of the late Iiss Whales The funeral of the late Ellen M. Whalen took place this morning from the family residence, Ops township, and was largely attended; The cortege proceeded to St. Mary's church, where mess dc relule'm was chanted by Von Archdeaeon Case!- lTnexc was a hrge congregation cre- aent, wthich included the friends of the deceased young Indy, who had learned to love and 'resgect her for $10.00 SABLE MUFF Extra good quality, fine Alaska Sable. 11cm cushion style well made, satin lined. . ,. new-pon’sw, c - -. .4. Special at 10.00 “You are Invited” «gut .Wasv: her many amiable qualities of heart and hand. I 15 - After the services the funeral fire- 12 ‘ cecdcd to ‘t‘he Roman. Catholic Com- etcry. The call-bearers were; Messrs. * My . P. Greenan, P. O. ‘Murrmly, \V. Fox, .1. Cur-tin, A. Cunningham” and. Leo. Cunningham. 20 49 24 15 44 67 38 26 10 35 28 a. -dvnb‘ ‘. ‘ , . ., ‘1 an... . e . ~c.- - â€"/~ , _ . . .. ,. .‘ . . "t «neeâ€"é -“maâ€".s.w- Awwleém - W. -t‘lfl - . .. More Appreciation of Sunday Lesson ___+__. Justice lacLaree of the Court of Appeal Approves of Their Publication .3: . u" 0.... BRITTON BROS, Foot of Kent-st. - LINDSAY. covers '1 that hr. 1 tool: a it did 1: iber got llama P them I time i 1 1 was . health, color a . If you trength Pills, A no". G: - Ellen; or six . Willi .. . "It. ..-,~ .. ... Catholic Literary Society The apical!!! met-lira of the Catho- lic Literary Society was held. in the parish hall last evening and the aft tcndanco was most encouraging. 1n the absence of the president, Mr. P. Kennedy, Mr. T. Burke, vice-@re- sident, occupied the chair. An excellent paper was read during the LVeniIc by one of the members on "The horrors of war," and. Mr. Jug. Gillogla, jr., also rendered a vocal so. in goal yolce. The management oommittec yrs? seated. a report regarding a system of heating the rooms of the society and also on lube craioscd improve- ments to the gymnasium. A discussion folloWed as to the best means of increaalm the membership of the society and it was decided to inaugurate a contest with that end in view two disks haw been selected to be ca;lained by the president and” vice-lzrcsident respectively. The mom- bershir; contest will close on Dee. lst when it is expected a banquet will follow. - . The society has a bright future ahead of it, and itb chooves the young men of the parish to become identiâ€" fied with it and share in its bene- fits and adVantages. - gs «n. “manâ€"«sun‘ . . - lute... Watch Chains for Gentlemenw These goods are of fine quality and gun. auteed to give satisfaction. They are made of heavy rolled plate, in all styles and patterns. PRICES $1.75 to $15.00 Watch Chains for Ladiesâ€" These are made in all bright Roman and bright platinum and bright goid and have heavy, gem set slides. PRICES $3.00 to $15.00 VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME. .. ..<.-»....n..a.w..... _._ .. 21 14 Hughes. Wilson. 49 59 33 58 65 78 32 The following letter warmly en- Fenelon N0. .â€".... Fcnelon No. Fenelon No. Fcnelon No. Fenelon No. 5 ............... 64 Fenelon Falls No. 1 ......... 60 Fenelon Falls No. 2 ...... 74 Somerville No. Somerville No. 61 Somerville No. 45 Bexley No. 1 28 Bexley No. 2 16 Laxton No. 1 .................. 27 Digby No. 1 .................. 17 16 Lutterwm-th No. 1 ......... 48 24 Anson No. 1 18 Minden No. 1 ............... 150 43 Minden No. 2 ............... 13 10 Snowden No. 1 ............ 57 29 Snowden No. 2 ............... 25 Stanhope No. 1 ............... 4‘2 18 Stanbope No. 2 23 10 Sherbourne No. 1 ......... 25 8 Glamorgan No. 1 ......... 50 40 Dysart No. 1 97 Dysart No. 2 .................. 37 8 Dysart No. 3 .................. 20 0 Monmouth No. 1 ............ 73 37 ‘ . tie «on. .m- 3..., mg“ -‘ . Y‘s. - . ‘ «- m4 ngfihh... .. 121-. -. . n , . ~.M‘ a... . . . Ow--. Ann-3-..:u w... . . . .-. . ... 1-..... Joseph Maher, corner of Russell and Huron-abs, and will proceed to St. Mary’s church, thence to the Roman Catholic cemetery. any. n»?- IlNlSTERlAL COMMENDATION young: sows I vea EXOEPlllllllllY 0000 800 _â€"_____â€"_â€"-â€"-” QUEEHUNALLY [9.0-005 . .1.-.- MRS. N. A. RINGLAN'D. There passed peacefully away at H Killarney on Monday. Oct. 26th, 1908, 0K1- Nancy A. Brown, relict of the late Robert Ringland, at the advanced age of 71 years, 5 months and 6 days. The deceased was very highly esteemâ€" ed and beloved by all who knew her, florticulurdl and Vegetable Growers Dear Sir, -â€" Your Yours sincerely, she being of a cheerful and christian character. In early life she settled with 'her husband in Eldon township, where they resided many years, rearing a large family. Later they moved to Grey county, where her husband Uas called away. Shortly after she jour- neyed to the west with part of her family. She leaves to mourn her loss eight sons and three daughters: Robert, John, James, Edward, Ernest of Kil- laruey ; William of Winnipeg ;, George of Vancouver ; and Thomas, of Lind- say; also Mrs. W. Spicer, of Mac- Leod, Alberta; Mrs. J. McMillan, of Dundalk, Out.. and Mrs. J. Copeland of Mariposa. The funeral took place from the home of her son Edward to the Me- thodist church for divine service, winch was very impressive in its char- .aracter. The remains were then then Iborne to their last resting place by liter sons. The family have the lym- 7patuy of a large circle of friends in . their sad bereavement. F...â€" l l - z",_ MRS. FRED PABKIN g l ’ Death cause with unexpectedmud- denness to the horns of Mn and Mrs. William Oliver, Cambridge-8L, ' morning and claimed their daughter, Karin Belle, widow of the ' late He. Fr“ Perkin, in as entry- tdirdyesroflherqe. ' . . : The deceased My, Wished 0111!. er- the residence of her son-in-law, Mr‘ Mrs. Thomas Stewart and Mrs. J. this only study questions hand. I think the Newsgaper Bible Study Club is an ex- cellent idea. It appeals to me as an excellent newspaper proposition 1 pm glad to see that many news;apers are awaking to the fact that there is a large constituency of the more intele ligeut and more mOral People to serve. and. that the "yellow journal” type of :eople with its morbid. appetite for the exceptional and the "outre" is not the only kind that it, will pay our liewap-a‘pers to cater to. Besides. the papers lhaVe a moral and religious missions as Well as the gill-pit ,aud I am glad to find many are recognizing it. “ ‘ i think the Questions are excellent for the purpose. They are popular in style but not frivolous; they ar- rest the attention, stimulate thought and ihaVe a Err-notice}. bearing on everyday-lids. . i ; i Wishing you all success, Sincerely yours, 1‘ -. - , G. R» WELSH; M ‘â€"â€"â€"- -A glass of iced "Salads." Tea will be found most refreshing this warm weather. -Aa cooling as 'a summer. breeze.-â€"56. ‘ '. i l i re bible â€"Some neophe look “9°“ m u ‘ mere drink. at an accent: noon the “coupons the motion tea. "Saladl" ll'ea' h' a, delicious anll‘ mm“ 03. m in high wind blowing at‘ the time. refreshing bent-age. Sold only sealed lead rattanâ€"55. . JOHN J. MACLAREN. Residence Burned in‘the East Word , â€"â€"+â€"â€" William Hanson's Residence Destroyed by Fire Today Monday a disastrous fire took place at the residence of Mr. Wm. Ransou, corner of Russel and Logic-sts., cast ward, and before it was checked had completely destroyed the outbuild- ings and kitchen, besides practically gutting the residence. The fire is supposed to have origin- ated through sparks flying from a small fire which had been burning during hogâ€"killing operations. The firemen were quickly on the scene, and were obliged to -lay about 1200 feet of hose from the hydrant in front of J. R. O’Neill's grocery in order to efiectively play on the fire. In the meantime a heroic effort was made to . save the household eflecbs, Ransom'fiearly all the effects 01 , '0' Catch! No. 1 ............... 3 10 Cardifl No. 2 ............... 39 16 Card“! No. 3 ............... 4 2 Majority for Hughes, 1038. Division Court Tries Molly Cases .___+_.._â€" Disputes Adjudicated llpsn by Ilis Honor Judge Herding Division court was held Tuesday be- fore His Honor Judge Harding- The following cases were on the slate for the consideration of the :court :â€" Moynes vs. Duggett. Bank of Toronto vs. Ross Staples Bank of Montreal vs. Ross Staples and Lindsay Lumber Co. Correy vs. Sanderson. Gannon vs. Butler. Parkin vs. Anderson ; Weldon, garn- ishee. Philp Greenway vs. Weldon. gunk-hoe. Scott vs. Scott; Baker. garnishee. Weese vs. MeQnade. Sylvester vs. Wilson. Mansfield vs. Bone. Helonnan n. Morgen. Nicholle vs. Broad. Sylvester vs. lattice. Laidley ; Associations ___,_ The annual convention of the On- tario horticultural association, which is the central organization of the horticultural societies in the prov- ince of Ontario, will be held at the city hall, Toronto, on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 10th and 11th, commencing at 2 p.m. A very inter- esting programme has been arranged, bearing on all phases of horticulturâ€" al work, and a large attendance is expected. On Thursday, Nov. 12th, the On- tario vegetable growers’ association will hold its annual convention in the city hall, the first session start- ing at 9 pm! Both these conventions are being held during the week of the Ontario horticultural exhibition. when single ratessreinforceoaalltherellways in Ontario, thus enabling delegates and all others interested in horticul- tural and vegetable growing to be present at a minimum expense. leached its Destination The new lentil of brick from Fox's brick yard, which had such a hard time navkatinc the Beugog on ae- sount of low water, last week reach!- ed BobeIUIeon wharf on Tuesday last. The brick is to be used by theecutree- tore in the em ed the Hill Croft sehhol. 1‘ 3 . We have a full assortment of FALL and WINTER PANTINGS, wens-r- J. J. RICH, LITTLE BRI 1‘le . S. STE WAR T. (\ Propr c.07- Eliaâ€"WW 'Phi1111 Accident at Illdlnd Mr. W. Bowie. 51. and an“! it; midi" borer met with h serious 8 £03 the new residents being em I M~ .Mauiy Chew on Pride! “5" (it! appears they were working up" roof anu’ while thus engaged ‘ W; er with a load of sand “Ck‘fi‘ . gon into one of the wright: a“; log the scarrold. gushing i: “d - “l sition. When the men C113" “do u. SUITINGS- at the right prices. EDS, SERGES. Best in the market. n. :cned the scaffold g fell to Lhcground. 3 20 feet. Mr. Bowie had his wrist broken end was badly shaken up; The 9‘“ 32.11;. Wis very badb' ill-l“red mun ed to tend the sick- lsrehant Tailor, - ONT. \ . m ‘00 . fl '1. "in ,.

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