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Lindsay Post (1907), 20 Nov 1908, p. 9

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Wood and Iron with Brass cylinder, For any Depth of 'Well. Ha‘x'iflg secured a first-class experienced Pump Maker, ve are prepared to suppfy first-class pumps promptly. SY LVESTER M’F’G 00* Y .INDQAY czuums The Kind You Have Always Bought BLOOD DISEASES in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his pet- W sonal supervision since its inihncy. . ' Allow no one to deceive you in this. All counterfeits, Imitations and “Justus-good» are but Bxpcriulonts that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Childrenâ€"Experience against Experiment. __-.-A\uu. DCWCLLO Ul- IUVV._r-VV._- . Orreiiabiiity. Drs. K. K. have beenestabhshedoverz sag: QURB Nervous Debility, Varicooelg, Stnctu: - Diseases. Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Con d Unable ta call write for a Question List for Home Repxirs will receive carefill attention. P”- Hichig’an Q Griswold Sts. (“maria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pure- 30"“ Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pieesnnt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic pub-mum. its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms ".1 allay». i-‘everishuess. it eures Disrrhmn and Wind (.‘nlii‘. it relieves Teething Trouble!» cures Oonstipetion and i-‘iumluney. It assimilates the Food. regulstes the mama: and Boweis. giving hesitiiy and natural sleep. no Children‘s Psnseeeâ€"‘rhe Mother's Friend. If you ever had any contracted or hereditary " blood disease, you are never safe until the virus or poison has been removed from the system. You may have had some disease years ago, but now and then some symptom alarms you. Some poison still lurks in your system. Can you afford to run the risk of more serious symptoms appear- ing as the poison multiplies? Beware of mercury or mineral drugs used indiscriminatelyâ€"they may ruin the system. Twenty years experience in the treatment of these diseases enables us to prescribe specific remedies that will positively cure all blood diseases of the worst character, leaving no bad effects on the system. Our New Method Treat- ment will purity and enrich the blood, heal up all ulcers, clear the skin, remove bone pains, fallen out hair will grow in, and swollen glands will re- turn to ainormal condition and the patient will feel and look like a difl’erat person. All @595 we accept for treatment are guaranteed a com- plete cure it instructions are followed. . FRceHa‘Adefiif in doubt as to your condition, youean co ’1’:er :Rtm. Beware of incompetent doctors who have no re ‘ --7 ‘dbhltv. Drs. K. . K. have been OStablishedover 20 years. ‘ 3 Rlnnfl gnd Guaranteed Cured or No Pay. nary TY Surgeon and Dentist. JANE] VILLE. What is CASTORIA I‘JLLY POST. LINDSAY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30 "Progress Bran ” Clolhing In Use For Over 30 Years. nrgery and Dentistry 3 7H1 ennu- mum. Y? IUIMV mun. ”I'm cm. Sold and Guaranteed by . CARTER. L. GILSON â€"â€"â€"the brand that is sold with the unconditional guarantee of satisfaction 0r monev back. CASTORIA If you are losing business a small “Display Advt." in these columns will help vou find it. ADVERT! BE 40 Kent St. :uvvux av ’vâ€"w-v Stricture. Blood and '5. Consultation Free. rflome Treatmen‘c Detroit. Mich. ALWAYS Cylinder, Those interested in the missionary work in our own Dominion would have been given probably a new sub- iect ior thought ii they had heard this omeer's address. which . al- though but little advertised. was listened to by a good audience. the majority of whom went away with the story of an Indian tribe oi whose very existence they had before been ignorant. The Kitsians dwell in the north- ern part of British Columbia. The population is estimated at 4.000 souls. To reach their territory one must travel 700 miles north oi Van- couver and then up the Sheena River 180 miles. They are not redshins like the primitive Hurons or Iroquois. but are of yellow complexion. They are also of comparatively small stature, their average height being about five feet. From their general appearance Adjt. Thorkildson believ- es that primarily they were of the same stock as the J apanese, having crossed from Asia by way of Behring Straits. Industry is one 0! their good qualities, and they are also peaceful and law abiding. A tribe speaking the same language is found on the Naas River. about 25 miles from the Sheena, and an- other is found along the Pacific Coast. , _ vvsâ€"v. Their history reveals the fact that in bygone years these three clans, as they may be called, were at contin- ual war with each other. They were not brave fighters, and seldom (ought pitched battles in the open. Adjt. Thorkildson stated that they would sneak up on each other’s villages, and if they succeeded in catching the villagers of! their guard would fall upon them, killing the men and carrying ofi for servitude the unfor- tunate women and children. At times the Naas River and Sheena River tribes would he engaged, and lat_g_r those from the coast would conflict State of Ohio. city of Toledo Lucas County }”" Frank J. Cheney makes oath tbs: be in senio" gunner of the firm of F. Cheney a Co., doing usiness in the cityof Toledo. County and State aforesaid. and that. the above firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for cube and every case of Catarrh that mums be c by the use of Hall‘s Cataxrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to 'efore we and subscribed in my pres- ence, this 6th clay of December. A. D.. 1836. A. W. GLEASON. (Sean Notary Public Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally. and acts flrectlv on theblood a_nd ULugou'n surfaces of the .- .vw- those from the coist would conflict with the victors. As fighters their predominant characteristic seemed to iAâ€"AJ r .......... be to slay from behind, using a sort of bone tomahawk, called a “ de- stroyer." When not in use it was kept in oil. The adjutant had two of these which with great difficulty he had secured from the Indians. While , not large, they were very heavy, and backed by a strong arm Attired in the complete regalia of an old chief of the Kitsians, a tribe of Indians dwelling along the upper Sheena River. British Columbia, Ad- jutant Thorkildson. of the Salvation Army Mission at Glenvowell, a little town in the country of these people, gave a most interesting lecture on the habits. history and character of the Kiteians, a race almost unknown to the people of Eastern Canada. in the Salvation Army barracks Thurs- day night. would cause death by a weu (urccwu blow. Two-thirds of the Kitsians are Christians, the rest being still in their heathen state. 'The English and Methodist churches ‘have missions established throughout the country, as well as the Salvation Army. There is but little friction between the Christianized and heathen na- tives, the latter at times trying to coax their brothers back, but in this they are unsuccessful. Referring to the primitive method of disposing ol the dead, the adjutv ant stated that the bodies were bound in a sitting posture and cre- mated all except the heart, which was cut out and buried. Now they all adopt the white man's method. Adjutant Thorkildson Tells of Aborigme Life in British Columbia Interesting Lecture l on Indian Life; “-uvâ€"n. . -..V system. Send fr): test. in «mials { FOUNDED 1885. August and most popular Business Seton-".i'Efistem Ontario. Widely ex- perienced, broadly educated, sympathetic, m‘ntive etafi. The synonym of success. Gradua es eminently succesufnl, The very essence of modern, :iving Bumness Systems, stenography, lug- graphy,'snd Comm-emu! Connect. Pro- paratory (some for thoee whose euly education has been neglected. Indiviiual instruction. Enter any day. Write for handy-me catalogue. BED. srmmu, - - Principal PETERBORO Business Boliege Sold by all druggiata. 75?. Take Hall’s Family pm. for Conatipaflon‘ [if Efi'imfif'é '60.. Neda. 0 era where other diseases have got in and caused these. The black rot canker, on the other ),hand, is as 3. rule not distinctly Hyomei, the miraculous. antiseptic dry air treatment, will cure crow in either the first or second stage.- Ens- ib‘ inhaled, even when the brentll'm is irregular. it, reaches more crompt- Ly tha many other remedy the ter- nbely inflamed membrane of film Windfipe. Its swthim bah-mo ‘0‘ un- mediatel'y, the inflammation is all“- ed and the swelling reduced. George E. King, of 22 Wellth street, South Woodstock, says; "We would not think of km“ house without Hyomei. It hm wax-dad off colds, crouzp, coughs, and: sore throats for all or our three children many About uneven yeen no he purcha- ed o Peterhoro com. which he etill um. The Kiteim ere hunters and fishermen. “though to o alight ex- tent they pnreue agriculture. As yet they have not crown grain. They grow potatoes and fruits. increasing their yield every year. They have also a steam saw mill which turns out the lumber need in their franc houses. The Kiteians never ‘ need tents. their original dwellings being of logs Don't Let the Child Choke to'jbmh While Waiting for the and many a ‘time. When a. Chili! breathes badly, ami, through ‘ the‘ mouth and the glands around the eyes and nose commenée to swen, the his the time that we fin dthat. Hyomei_qyi¢_krIy_Aremov% the irouhle They are an intelligent race, and easily Chris-tanned, although the first attempts were unsuccesslul. One ‘old chief after conversion still re- tained his ceremonial dress, which proved a constant temptation. Fin- ally the ndjutant Prevail“! upon the chic! to give them to him. and he acquiesced on the condition that the omcer should never sell them. In this manner Adjutant Thorkildaon came into pmeuion of the head decoru- tions. rohe'a, belt of beads. circlet oi beue' claws and all other tokens and chums. which gave the old chic! hie eppenrnnce of wild pomp end minty emoug his heathen people. Honey could ucnrcely buy the robes and ehnwle woven iron the wool oi the Rocky Mountain cheep. end then veetmente which were {or religion:- end ieetivnl weer, have brought my oner- oi lune em. but the ediut- out reiueee to port with them. Hyomei (pronounced Highâ€"o-me) is guaranteed by Jury a; Gregory to cure catarr'h, coughs, colds, asthma. bronchitis and crow; or money back. and gets t'R-b‘i'znohial'tnbeér lungs and throat cleared 113;.” A cmlete outfit, including, a neat. hard rubber casket inhaler, costs onâ€" ly $1.00. An extra bottle of Brunei it afterwards needed, costs but 50 cents; \ ‘ Many Ontario apple growers have complained that an unusually large number 0: branches are dying on their older apple trees and not a few of the younger trees have been killed outright. The trouble has usually been attributed to sun-scald and oy- star-shell scale. Investigations this autumn, however, have shown that Prof. Caesar Discusses the Pests Which Trouble Apple Growers the greater part of such damagecan be traced to cankers, caused either by a fungus disease known as black rot or a bacterial disease known as pear blight, fire blight, or twig blight. The black rot attacks also the leaves and fruit, causing the latter to rot. On the surface of the rotten fruit little black pustules or pimples al- most one-third the size 0! a pin- head appear after a time. These pimples containing spores which when set tree are carried by the wind from tree to tree and help spread thedisâ€" ease in the summer. Either kind of canker may cause diseased areas on the trunk and large branches or at the main crotch. It is not easy to tell in every case to which disease a canker is due. A blight canker, however, often be- gins by attacking a water-sprout and running down it into the trunk, crotch or main branch and forming a large dead area there. This time of year such areas caused by blight than {tom probably all other causes. They succumb to the inevitable call in spite 0! all the eflorts done to stem its advance- are usually distinctly marked of! from the healthy bark by a crack between the two, and by the diseas- ed bark being darker brown in color than the healthy bark and slightly sunken. As a rule the surface of blight cankers is fairly smooth. not rough, checked or blackened, and is free from pimples except in old cank- The white p188“ has scour strong grasp on these people, more people die (rom this (1 ‘Iarious Cankers 011 Apple Trees GROUP QUICKLY HIRED child Remedlee: Where e tree 1e too bully stacked to give eny hope 0! lte recovery lt ehould be cut down end burned u eoon u poeelble, for otherwlee the dleouo wlll epreod 'rom It even though the tree null he deod. In the eeme way deed or dying hrenehee ehould he cut. all end burned elther this tell or curly next eprlng. um; peruculer pelne to ed me. All cute thus made should he didnlected in the manner describ- ed below end then pointed. I: this is done the front will not injure them. Wherever a healthy stub is left after cutting 01! the cankered part of a branch 11: can he cut flush in the spring and grated. Where the centered areas are not too large, especially on the trunk and crotchee, they should be neatly cut out with a. knife or some sharp gets into the wounds. The best du- lnlectant to use is corrosive subli- mte ofthestmgthollpartolthls substance by weight to 1000 parts 0! water. Any druggm will supply the substance abd explain how to make eee that the cut in nude several inches below any trace of the due“- Both kinda of centers my live iron: year to year and continue to increase in else. This is especially true of black rot ennker, though ol- ten this no well an the other may die out at the end at the first year. Thedieeuednren mayhemllin either kind or ngnin it may include the whole of the trunk and put of the hunches. or may run for never- nl feet nlong n tingle branch. In old trees only the bunches ere attacked. spring must be used instead 01 iron or tin. especially 1! more than a year old, is usually somewhat swollen and the bark is rough, hack and checked. On part of the smoother surface there will nearly always be loond numérous little black pimples or pustules about one-third the size of the head 01 a. pin. These are the places where spores are produced that spread the disease in the sprlng of the year. marked 01! by a crack between it end the healthy bark. The central part, 06 the trunks and main breaches, because, as said above, the blight disease often runs down one 0! these and starts the canker below. A few minutes will usually suffice to re- move all ordinary 3. The trees must be cad sprayed with bordeaux mixture spa-.131 pains taken to see the. -'__' V , special pains taken to see that the trunks and main branches are thor- oughly covered with the bordeaux. The first spraying should be done just before the leaf buds burst, the second a Iew days before the blos- soms open, and the third within a A prominent local druggist states that since the celebrated prescription of a distinguished specialist has be- come more or less known it is inter. faring with the sale of secret medi- cines, especially the patent or ad- vertised kidney pills. The prescrip- tion, which first appeared in a lead- ing health journal, is reproduced here. just exactly as originally written :â€" Fluid Extract Cascara ..... .. )4 oz. Carriana Compound 1 oz. Syrup Sarsaparilla .......... 6 oz. Directions: One teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. Any good druggist can dispense this, or, even better, a person can buy the items separately and mix them at home by shaking them well together in a bottle. It is stated that the ingredients being vegetable, are harmless and simple. It has a gentle and natural action, and gradually tones up the eliminative tissues, leaving the kidneys in a perfectly healthy condition. . A merchant well known in public afi'aiis states that this recipe cured his rheumatism. Save the prescrip- tron. PLAYING HAVUG WITH PATENT MEDIEIIES An Old-ffihioned. Hone-Made Mix- ture which Cures Kidney and Liver Ttoubleo. all the water-sprouts from any be carefully Important Ruling Regarding Indians Cornelius Ryan was churged before Police logistrote Bumble of that city with being drunk. although he week alter most of the blossoms have fallen. Hall a pound of park green shouldheaddedtoeachharrel of hordeaux and the whole kept well ag- itated while spraying. The spraying will then not only do a great deal to keep 0!! conkers, but will also kill most of the codllng moths (which cause the wormy apples), the cigar case-bearers, pistol case-bear- ers, canker worms. bud moths, and many other insects; and in addition will keep the apples iree from scab, so that orchardiate should thus get a return for the time and money spent in the tom of healthier trees and more and better lruit. Care should be taken in every case to see that the spraying is thoroughly done at the times mentioned. Orchards that are kept properly pruned and eprayed have been found to be very much less allected with canker than those that are neglected. A ruling 0! much importance. and one which will be 0! local interest was made by His Honor Judge Wel- ler. of Peterboro. on Wednesdoy. Inmate's Decision Reversed ; by County Judge Weller was on the "Indian list." The charge against him was made by the license inspector, and it was dismissed by\ the magistrate, who contended that the Ontario Legislature had no auth- ority to enact legislation of the na- ture under which the charge was hid. His opinion was that a. person on the “black list" found drunk could not be convicted unless he was found on the premises of a place li- censed to sell liquor. H1! Honor J udge Weller reversed the magistrates decision, and im- posednnne otuOnndcoete upon Ryan, stating that under the code he could sentence Ryan to one month's imprisomnent. The Ontario Bee Keepers' launch-[5‘45”u tion eleoted their board of directors gtrack Thur-day afternoon. .The following D8899 were chosen: Messrs. 'A. Dickson, times Lancaster: A. McLaughlin, Gumber- notia land; H. E. Eyre, Chantry; B. Low- Was : cry. Cherry Valley; James Storer, VCSti! Lindsay; William Cause, Streetsviue. Cam: J. M. Switzer, Orangevillc; W. H. The Bowen, Niagara Falls; W. J. Craig, morn Brantford; D. Chalmers, Poole. and succe W. A. Chrysler, Chatham. The seerc- the c‘ tary for the new year is P. w. Hog- word getta, Toronto, and the treasurer. sad 3 Martin Emigh, Holbrook, The constitution has been amend- ed so that no director can hold or: J0] (ice {or more than five years. At‘a meeting of the water 001:1st- sioncrs and oommittge at the whole city council of Peterboro on Wednes- day pight. A pmition! for a new waterworks dam was considered. and 1t was decided to secure (greliminary glans from a Montreal engineer of the waterworks property. The engin- ec: “‘11! also make soundings and sub- mit plans for a new dun before the Commissioners and council. The grim: Obrysanthemums estab- lished by Mr. 8‘ C. Front, of College- .st., Toronto. at Ithe Ontario Horticul- tural show at Tormto lhave been very kindly sent by that gentleman to Mr. McCullough, boot and shoe dealer, and are on erhifbition in the show window 0; his store on Kentâ€"st, L. CAESAR Agriculturd Comp. Guelph. Prize Chrysanthemums in Town the big black plug chewing tobacco. A tremendous favorite everywhere, because of its richness and pleasing flavor. Get acquainted with Black Watch New Dam at Peterboro Mario Bee Keepers BTQHIA. ATM Kmd Yunnan Atmw m, sober and industrious. and of n genial disposition. He was a native of Scotland. and come to this coun- try about three yea-I 0.39. He has a sister residing in Toronto. and an enort is being made to locate her in order to notify her of the myster- ious death of her brother. Brotherhood of Btilwey Trainmen. and, it is understood, was also a. member 0! other om. Mr. John Campbell, a G. T. R. brakeman, who boarded at the resi- dence oi'Mr. Wm. Eskimo, 25 Albert- st., Lindsay met a terrible death in a. mysterious manner at 12.30 o'clock Friday morning in Orflua. A freight train. which had been- made up in Midland and eastward bound, in charge oi Conductor Aus- tin, wu in the yards at 0mm do- ing some switching. Campbell was attending to his duties u brakemen, end some of the train bends in go- ing back over the M were horri- fied to and his liieleee body between the nut. The true crew were immediately housed. end the rennin ol the un- fortunate young men were men to the cation. An inane-ti was held 1: Orillis tom. No particulars were sent regarding the nature 0! the W "”9““ by the unfortunate brat-nun, and it 18 thought tint the cause at his death willfoeemreluinsm- Lindsay Man was Killed at 0rillia The new: 0! Mr. Campbell's dent]: wu received with genuine regret by his {finds in town. “Scotty,” as he wu (3:111!me celled. we a gen- eral tavorite with the local employees 0! the G.T.R. He was a model young Brahman John Campbell fleets with Mysterious Death Addition! mm he been re- ceived regarding the ounce of Conn: hell's death. It aw that“: thingwas wrong witheoonpling on. one of the an. and the young nu.- stepped in between to adjust the- chain pupa-rater! to coupling the cars. The air brake, it is stated, was disconnected and the engine and the ears came tagether. crushing Mr- the cars come together, unsung m’. Campbell's head, and killing him in- stantly. His body was laid on the track and a locomotive and csbooae passed over it. it is claimed, several times. A train hand from Allandale noticed the remains and thought it was a pile of Cinders, but upon in- vestigation it was [cud to be poor Campbell, horribly mangled. The inquest was held at 9.30 this morning in Oriuia. His friends here succeeded in locatinx a brother of; the deceased in New York city, and word was sent to him concerning the sad accident. John Campbell’s Body Brought Home- Two Sisters of the Unfortunate Young In Have Been Located The remains of the late John Campbell, the unfortunate young brakeman who was killed in the Grand Trunk railway yards at Oril- lia Friday morning arrived in town Friday night in charge of Conductor Art Seaton, and were removed to Anderson Nugent's morgue. The young man's features were pretty badly disfigured, and there are also several cuts on his head. Anenorthasbeenmadetosecure the addms of his sister, who, it is said, resides in Toronto, but with- out success. The many friends of Mr. L". McIn- test will regret to learn that he. is seriously 11!. m Pail: earnest?! hate. {or his speed! reoow'ery. -- The date of the funeral has not yet been arranged, as those in charge of the body are expecting a brother of the deceased from New York; and expect to locate his sister in Toronâ€" to. The funeral will be conducted by the Brotherhood at Railway Trainâ€" men. of which deceased was a memâ€" men, 0 Mr. Wm. Keith, with whom young Campbell boarded, informed The Post this morning that in searching through his correspondence, they se cuter the addresses of two of his sisters residing in Winnipeg, who have been notified of his death. They failed, however. to secure the ad- Ir. 1.. Iclnmh Ill New York

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