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Lindsay Post (1907), 20 Nov 1908, p. 6

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OOO§§§O§§§O§O§QOQOOOQ§ .990969099999906‘ Baden in $11 kinis of Foreign and Do LITTLE BRITAIN - ONTARIO. nestio Marble and Granite Monuments ; ‘ . “3., of the latest dqaigns and best work- 7 Graduate of Toronto and Trinity Uni inn-hip. A can Iohdtod. . . vanities. Special sttentian to 31! 'oms Intending purchasers ogn‘ 1139:7161 fir. of rupture and palsy-zed. neck-feat”). hmfiin 7 pmchaaersbminterview Mr. W. W. Jwgmmm will is still WILLIAl-ST., Opposite St. Andrew’s{Church. P. 0. BOX 217 w. R. WIDDESS, . O O : Agent Canada Life Assurance Go. 9 0 ‘0900660 For Lindsay and Victoria County. ‘ O 0 § 0 O O O 6 O O O O O Q Q 6 0 O O Q O O O O O O 9 g Q 0 O O 9 O O W. H. CRESSWELL, Prop. Iflf CANADA 1le ASSURAME (0. prooooo-oooo do claim Has Icon MWrThe Canada Life has a record of sixty years of honorable dealing, during which per- iod no claim has been contested on account of a technicality. In fact. no record of any such action appears in the entire history of the Company. 3115 For EM 8100 Paid lib-The Canada Life since its inception has paid or credited to its policy-holders $115.00 for every $100.06 paid bv them. This is conclusive evidence 3f successful ma nagement: ley Cremen 8: Jordan. We want you to come to our store for your heavy clothing and winter under- wear. We are handling some fine brands of all wool, natural wool, mixtures, and fleece lined wears. See our heavy vest, special value at 25c; also the nicest line of Men’s socks, and Women’s hose as well. Best value in the market. NOVEMBER BlEAK WINDS SUGGESTA (flANGf 0f (lOIfllNG, D0 "in N01? We wish to give you a timely word about Furs. ‘ It’s no use of being in doubt about it. We carry the best shown in the Lindsay markets. Some are born better judges than others of fur goods,. and the verdict has gone out in our favor. Let us fill your order and you'll have great satisfaction. While speaking of Winter’s approach think of your blankets â€" ours are a thing to dream under. fl’Loughlin Mslntyre IMPORTANT FACTS CASH AND ONE PRICE. CONCERNINGâ€" Our regular stock is eomplete in high class new goods at very right prices ard terms and in addition we are anxious to clear 1 Kara Piano, regular $350.00 at $245 00 1 Earn Piano, regular 325 00 at 225.00 1 Bell Piano, regular 3‘25 00 at 230.00 These are not second-hand goods but slightly marked through being out short times. 10 per cent. discount for cash. 71 English Ifisne at _$100.00. Pianos, organs and Sewing Machines 2 High-grade Bicycles at cost. 'ABBEN Ofieehonrtho 11mm. 2 .‘o4 15.1. 7 to 9p. m., or any time by appointment. THE CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY Lindsay and Victoria County. OFFICERS: Hon. Presidentâ€"W. L. Her-rim, M.D. Presidentrâ€"J. A. White, M.D. , lst. Vice-Pres.-â€"-J Rogers, Principal Sap. School. 2nd Vice-Preaâ€"Aldermu Geo. Rea. 3rd Vice-Pm;-3Mrg_. (33:0. A. Eng-Io; _ .. Lâ€"mxen n Eng-Eel 87 fair Ave Lindsay i. W. HALL Successful: Hunt“ EzEAfter EtheIDeer Jmtville Pam win Out with Sixteen -WiJaon, Lewis Fitz. Andrew MoGill, James Armstrong. B. M06611 om! J amen Henry arriVed in town Tneddfl' morning from V. the, hep: hunting ground on the shore of Big Pine Lake, Monmouth townshtr. This par- ty was one of the Jamie“ on the hunt and brought back with them sixteen deer. 'Ehey are an vetorm hunters, and BVory'onO knows Jim Henry, one at tige exert book [1th us, the man with the steady 2.5m. Then there was Lewis Fitz, the first man to bring down game, and Geo. Wilson, the wood ranger, who could not helmet. Jimmy Armstrong bad the distinction of hacking the baby her. Husband and Wife nun-ling them to our friends." Inns Wriites Mr. {Ernest L. Archibald Tmzo, N. 8., who further says; "In my own case I hgd been subject. to dizzy headaches for oVer a. year, and thee boxes of the mills completely cured me of the trouble. About at year ago my wife began to complain. She seemed to be mlete): run down; was very gale mull weak; nbe could not walk upstaim without stop- ping on the way to get breath, and lath Restored to Health by Dr. Will- iam's Pink Pills "Both myself and my {fife can truthfully say that Dr. NVilliama ka Pills have been at great benefit to us, and We are constantly recom- , -.__ :_:_..‘-l'.. " 'l‘nna ins. She tried several tomes but re- ceived no benefit. Then I gercnall'ed her to try Dr. Wdlime’ Pink Pills and got her a half Men boxes. AI- ter she had med a couple at boxes hcr acpetite began to improve and the color to return to her face. 811: continued using the Pills until she had taken the six boxes. and today ehe is perfectly well, feels stronger and loéks better than she ha: done for some years. While she was tak- ing the Pills she gained .twelve poundsi n {weightf' i -Several. youths, stole a horsg be- longing to Mr. ‘Wm. Agnew, of 0:5, vfrolnl tbeBenson lfiofise sheds Thfirn- (la-r while that gentleman was at- tendmg the Sheffield: choir concert. It was a‘trtegwards' tom in the shed; of the Queen-st. Mgthodm chin-oh. ;uti'mately she grew so weak she could not sweep a floor without rest- Vitus danCe, general weakness, and those ailments that only women folks know, with their attendant back- aches and headaches and irregulari- tiai. Dr. William’ {Pink Pills are a sure cure wten given a. fair trial, because they enrich the blood. and thus reach the root of the disease. Sold by all mediqine dealers or ‘by mail atmowtqatnxora‘xx-boxes for 93.50, from The Dr. William“ Medicine 00., Brookville, Ont. _ Dr. Williams’ Pills cure troubles like these because they are rooted in the blood. Bad blood is the cause of all common diseases like anaemia, rheumatism, indieation, neuralgia, St. No matter whethgr baby is sick or Well, Baby’s Own Tablets should alâ€" ways he kept; in the Ehouse. They. not only cure the minor dosOrdeh of childhood, but preVent them, and should be giVen whence:- the little one: show the slightest signs of ‘ill- ncss. Children take the Tablets as zeadily as candy, and they are ab- solutely safe. Mrs. Geo. Howell, Sandy Beach, Que., says; "My baby was greatly troubled with! colic and cued night and day, but after giv- ing Ihim Balu’e OWn Tablets) the- t1 ouble. disappeared. 'I adViae all mo- thers to use this medicine." Sold'by a]! medicine dealers or by mail It 25 cents abox train The Dr. William Medicine 00-, Brockville, Ont. Peterboro, 'Nov. 13 â€"- Roland 'Ay- qtte, a ten-yeu-old box living in Harvey township was Thursday in.- tall-y jxnjured in a shooting accident, according t_o Information received here this morning. ‘ . Poultry Association A again! meeting of the Poultry Association was held. last Tuesday in Mr. .F. B. Reed's office, win): (.324 sident. M}. B. L. McLean in the chair. when a number of matters or inter- wt to the members was considered. Mr. J. P. Ryley‘. was elected secre- tary owing to the resignation of Mr. C. A. Frost. _ The society’s fioultry show on Jan- uary 26th, 27th: and. 28th grammes to be a most successful exhibition and the members are working energeti- cally with that object in View. me boy, nth another hd of the same age, was returning from school the latter carrying a loaded shotgun. In some way the (pica: wuidiacna‘rs} -_ ’vâ€"v “-1: v‘_. -_v _ ed, and the contents entered Anne's chest. The companion went for help and when it arrived fig, boy was dead. The detaids an to how the accident Mpened are meagre. 'A Janetvme hunting cart: consist- uz or Messrs. thsn EB. Burn. 69. Ten Year Old Boy Shot KEEP BABY WELL Andrew MoGill, The Post has arranged to conduct a branch of the International News- paper Study Club. The questions will appear in this department every week. and all are invited to write out their answers and send them in to this ofioe. Any information re- garding the contest will also be glad- ly given at any time to those who ask for it. It costs nothing to join. ,AL ”5‘ wrrrrrrrrrrr ffffl“ ffffl'fi‘t" I , .. Persons may join me Ciuu a. a... time during the year. but must of course answer the 52 questions to qualify for the prizes. It is however desirable that the questions be uns- wered us the lessons are studied. This club is for the purpose of 1- o- moting in an unfettered way among the masses. a wider study of the Bible and the babel truths of Christ- ianity. It is composed of all those who join 3 local club, and take up this month's course herein outlined. barring only ordained clergymen. We have the systematic co-operation of the latter. but it is not consrlxed (air to have them compete lor the prizes. Sunday school teachers. Isible class scholars. and church goers gen- erally, belonging to the Newspaper wOlub, also non-church goers of ell shades 0! opinion. All such who have not joined ere warmly invited to do so. and to compete for the prizes. g'lwa Ul- vvu - ‘agâ€"v be answered m writing “by the memâ€" he take in the Uriah- David-Bethshebn hers of the club.) I matter? (Sec II Sum. xii; 1-137) Are unusual good looks and ability‘ Can we usually judge the right- generally a W10 or a hindrance ‘10" eouanees at 9. Gauge by the aha-tote: oi the men who advocate it! I! Absalom and Adanijafh 'hnd not Do eVe‘n good men sometimes have been pampered an!!! petted b! Wei-1': to he remindedot thelr. promise” father 1nd mother, bathed been {1‘0" Ls a. 53m nude Mr «a: of earl-y trained, want won!!! 'have been. any greater morn m m .- Verses 1-4. - How 01d Was David, and «he'd be any right to be a de- crepit old man at such» .an age! M'bat can we 88'! 0‘! the advisers of the old king marrying him with “one foot in the grave," to this young and fair maiden! v Was God in these days eVer cleased with things which grieve him in these da'Js' L' ' .Veroea 5-10 â€". How do you ex- Q'lailn the fact that Absalom and Ad- onijwh. sons of the same mother and very thandaoine men, {both turned! tumors to their father and to the A- -5 Elm-ls of God! (This question he answered in writing by the beta of the club.) 1. Each contestant. or his or (wily. must be a subscriber to paper during the continuance of contact in order to qualify for n hex-ship in this Local Club. 3. Each question must be answer- ed separately. and the paper written on one side only. No answer must emd 200 words in length, and my belees. Itwmbeaconvenience i! students Club must answer each of the writ- ten questions tor 52 consecutive weeks. commencing Saturday, Aug. 22, 1908. and the answers must all he in the pomesstou of this paper by‘ August 30. 1909, which allows two weeks grace after the close of the CONDITIONS ________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"i BflYS’ SUITS 31.50 “138.00; BUYS’ EVERGBHS $2.50 Ill $10.00 It's a good idea to go 1 reputation for selling good cl You'll be safe it you cor back if anything goes wrong. MENS’ SUITS $5.00 10 $22.00 IMENS’OVERWMS$5.0010$E4.00 “PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHING " contestant in it costs 110th *0 3“!" ma are well worth ?he join the club at any on THE comer. Leap FrOg, Hockey, Coasting, whatever the boys want to play, they can do it in. Every Garment is built for CARTER Lindsay :ion must the mem- it you come here, for it's money Fourth series â€"- The hoax Heart of Christinnity," price $1.50, to each of the next thirty-ave con- testants. ° Filth seriesâ€"A developed mind. an expanded imagination, a richer exper- ience and n protounder knowledge at the Bible. and 0! We, to all who take this eonree, whether winning 3 letter paper. size about. a. menu u, 14 inches. 4. Each anaver must have the name and addrees oi the writer at thebottomoleachanawer.ooitcan be identified, giving a number. regis- tered, andthenthenamecntoi! so the examiner can know it by the number only. 5. Students should be eerelnl to understand the question belore ena- wering. To do this the lesson text must be read and especially the verse 6r verses upon which the question 6. The question iron: the Local Club must be delivered to this oflce. and they will be collated at the end of the contest and forwarded to the headquarters of the International Newspaper Bible Study Club for in- dependent examination by competent examiners. The prizes will then be awarded according to the highest number of marks, and those won by members 0! this local club will be given out from this once. THE PRIZES. First seriesâ€"A gold medal to each of the first five contestants. Second seriesâ€"A silver medal to each 0! the next five contestants. Third seriesâ€"A teacher's Lible. price 85.50. to each of the next five contestants. . Does Gd expect us to use as mudh skill and diplomacy in carrying out his I r.urpoaes as though we were un- aided by up“ ‘ A ‘ Here are two griests, one on the side of the neuter and the other on the side of the constituted kingly succession; is it thinkable that they were both men of God? Would it have been gmsible then as it is gossible now, {on a true 101- lower of God to take sides with those who are 11me the plans of God! Verses 11-12 â€"â€" Who was Bath‘aheba before she was the wife of David! Notwithstanding the circumstances of David's marriage to Bathsheiha, is there any renaontothink that she had not been a true wife to David. M a. good mother to his children! Vases 22-31 - Wt was the char- act- 1' of Nathan and mtgt part did paved. giving the name or the win- ner, and lot what it is awarded and in like manner each bible and book will be inscribed. All who can write and have ideas are urged to take up their studiesre- gardleas oi the degree of their edu- cation. as the papers are not valued from and educational or literary standpoint. byt tram the point of view of the cogency of their reasoned ideas. 01' not. was" isaasasaxiaa yer size about 8: inches by to a house that has clothes. :sxsaxxssga will be suitably en- the name 0! the win- Int it is awarded and each bible and book --'l'he book um Dr. Linseott 1°! SCI'VICC. What land, for U» mt put been ! W” W“ '°"" "“‘"'-"""‘- fhe character at Dania rem” ‘ FOR W _ 9‘ acre mm for n73. What can m at? 001100111318 Da- '1 .t “by, in the towmhxp of Fe; Vida parting untrnouom to Solo- don. good gag bow parfly pg. moo concerning the rewan’h which hated and partly boarded 'ms‘de [he wanted tobe mare!!! New tramebnm50x65 with” o Lesson for Bud-1,311”. m.1908 wall and stable. extra wc‘l {Em -NVoer's Temperance Sunday â€" ed. Close to school un-i blackmixh [saith xxviii;1-13. ; shop. 6 miles from Cambray 8m \ â€"â€"__â€"â€"-â€"-_=: , tion. Cameron and Grass (ML 4 miles from Cambmy. 3 mila from Chap. II; 1-12 â€" Is righteousness a sure guarantee of Incoeu to ever: in- dividual, uweflutoatkinggndh'a Leople' .W‘hnt notwitm all his un- bitiona in life, will be a. man’s Chic! calmer]: at death! '. Itaaonhnaailtheqmlitiesfora tuition, does Gd disqualiu him [or any sin on the (art of Naparentat cWhiohisthewi-erwutokiuan insurrection with medal methods, or to stamp it out with ulna t [moraine Without an oath! Vs'm 32-53 â€"- Why did; God th'oogh David select 891mm for the future king! (I (In-on. nii; 8-9.) -Mr. J“ H. Delamere and Mrs Deliberg d Killian; were in town todlvfi' " (A x x . Keep the Bacon Industry Alive 3t" ha been let to the well known firm of Williams Bros. The front will be built of native red stone trom the Burnt River quarries. similai‘ to tut used in the Post’s handsome nay building; and when completed The contract for erecting a new front in the emcee shortly to be occupied by the Victoria Loan Savings Co.’a omcea near William- will reflect credit dike upon the Vic- toria. Loan and upon the builders. When Price of [logs m: Low it is the 36'! Time to Get Large Stock It has been 3 matter of common experience that when the price of hogsistelltng,thetisthet1me to stay with the business. end even to land up more heavily with hogs. The producers who heve stayed by this business through its times of adver- sity are the ones who hove made money out o! hogs. They have learn- ed the gnme well, and when the price of hogs goes down. they are not the ones that wear the long tece and cry down the business. When their neighbors are in such spirits. these men are actively engaged buy- ing in the hogs which their neigh- borsametoomedytoseuetasecâ€" sees todny. and while it is sometimes diacult to figure out a direct prolit from the hogs. especially when prime are declining and feed bills are high. still, on the long average, the pro- duction 0! bacon is n profitable bus- iness. It has done much for our farmers and for our country. It is capable of doing as much, or even better, in the future. Let us stand by this great industry, that has built up at considerable cost, in seasons of adversity as well as in prosperity. By doing so, we will all share the profits which. in the past, have been realised mostly by those who babe learned to stay with the business. The bacon industry has reached a point where it is of great importance. It is largely accountable for the ready money which our farmers posâ€" age some producers. Especially at this season of the year when hogs ere inclined to drop in prim. this feeling becomes marked. There is 3 growing inclines-once on the part 0! may to have but little to do with bacou production. The price (or the finished product being somewhat unstable, tends to discour- age some producers. Especially at (From the Canadian Dan-yuan) Victoria Lou's New Office .1 you. man, mm”, 1 FARM FOR SALEâ€"100 “rant,“ clay soil. Terms to suit. 9% Inquire of John Arnalg, or i ‘ Putâ€"mt. ‘ FOR SALE -â€" Lot 1 uvauvu, “‘6'" __‘___ Hid black ash swamp, balance [IV-'- lsnd, 110 were: extra g00d {all thfllt M good fun. 600d brick house, . . Stone stsbling, pxg. pen . driving shed 24x40. 331,11?de M ARM FOR SALEâ€"70 act joining the village of C: cloned. 50 acreu :illable, bola: inane house and kitchen, f! 30:50. with a 12-foot lean; mbling full size of burn : 601% trees. upplos, pears and plum: we'els School, church, stores. fihops, post 0509, grain market mill :1 d railroad station, all I'I' wds of farm Eight miles fro‘ and the wane from Fenslon F: chance to purchase a well sim F-‘r further particulars apply BOWES. Real Eston- Agent, 20 ACRE FARM FOR 51! Con. 1, Marizvosa “1‘ William F. Rogers; 150 were tintion. eight acres WW0“ and buck uh swanky: 10 ACRE FAR! FUR SALEâ€"Lot 4: con. 10, Township of Ops, til poverty of Alex. Nugent. All cloud. Meat home. two fume barns, {Iii tron ochml, 8 miles from Reshoro Gnu I‘"“‘,, 5:0”. Pug Ofice, Chm,*:y V got-es. 75 cleared. 7” 3.3” . balance second Prune and 102 be good fume house: mm (0.081 and uteri-d by ‘ One mile from school an miles from Little Britain ARK FUR SALEâ€"Being coupon“! themhhslfoflotsfimdfi. wt 7, Hhriposs, known as the Minthon: hw- M. There is shout 100 acres and! cultivation, good buildings and orchud. M plowingsll done, 10 acres FsllWhnll. 8m Alsiku and 8 acres Red CW sown Poue‘sion given at once. For full racial»: apply on the precise! ortoG. H. HOPKXNS. Lindsayâ€"mid? returnâ€"to India». Soil. clay loam. us- . For further particulsm up}! “ ERAS BOWES, real estate agent, Ind PAM FOR SALE 176‘ Shfion. Easy V with interest at 4 per mainly rppiy to BL Agent, Lindsa Maw 2. M on the thtle Britain M Thane miles from the town a m . All clean-d. Good [tame bl with first-class ce‘llar and Iod- Ihcd. Good 103 barn and fl Good frame driving nod and h .Lcnd a clay loam. wen 1“ Good well. orchard. For [firth particulars apply to Bliss Ben real comic agent. Lindsayâ€"g“. or 168, lot 12, con. 4, Marina. 90 acres cleared, 85 acres plow 1‘ balance paSture and second gm Good brick house and first-d8 frame barn, 50x65. hip roof. wall and good stabling; wind . driving and; hot; pen: hen house: 3 mm; wen fenced and in good» par. 1 1-4 miles from Link Bri- ttin; 3 1-2 miles from 31er sum; good orchard. The pres» ty of W Wesncm. For forth! pal-update apply to Elias Bo“ real estate agent, Lindsaypwci Gianna. wm be a good name. Want Apply to Elias Bo agent. Lindsay.â€"w WHE POST (tom P“ MISCELLm/WEOU RX FOB SA] I907 the village of Wm“ w tillable,bt1fll°° P!” “d kitchen a 12-foot 16821;?“ - , but BALEâ€"In W noun“ 118 chop?!“ m s to! 1‘10! } “ti “V8

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