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Lindsay Post (1907), 27 Nov 1908, p. 9

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ht all- kersey chevâ€" fancy els in- have I and S are weaves, lengths iSD arantee an 10 fifteen mel- and Wood and Iron with Brass Cylinder, V For any Depth of Well. Having secured a first-class experienced Pump Maker, we are prepared to supply first-class pumps promptly. Repairs will receive careful attention. SY EVESTER M’F’G Pumps ! Pumps ! Pumps ! :- . ' 1k“. mmmu;_ GENUINE The Kind You Have Always Bought ,STANLEY L. GILSON fifisfiitbmmum .n. n A ,El _- 1’ M. J. CARTER, 40 Kent St. 'he Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been ‘ in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his pet- W sonal supervision since its infancy. o Allow no one to deceive you in this. An Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as-good” are but E‘periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Childrenâ€"Experience against Experiment. and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulcncy. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panaceaâ€"The Mother’s Friend. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms "Progress Brand” falues that appeal to pogketbook; Suits and overcoats 10thes that appeal to y ’E’ eryandDentim-ys IANE'I VILLE. What is CASTORIA ill Our Own Office “was. .1 post. LINDSAY. mu. novnm‘ 21 In Use For Over 30 Years. urgeon and Dentist. "I can”). count". 7" .UIIA' men. lot. '0.“ cm. Sold ‘and Guaranteed by CASTORIA judgment “\k “\'l LINDRAY V‘ Ugluunuwv .v v..- v- BLOOD DISEASES. smmun. vmcocaLE; KIDNEY AND aucnca menses. Consnlb. ITon Fm. It unable to can, write for a. question Blank for Home Treatment Bxcesses an"? indisnrotmns are the cause of mom Sorrow and Mme: In: than all other (ha-35:5 comb-moi We Qee the victims of \‘icmus hu'uiu‘. on every hurt the ssllow. .imolcd face 11:21:; cu‘uled 95-5. stooping ‘orm. stunted dmeionmcnt. bashful. melanv ":ch countenance and funk: bearing ro- cZ-‘Ju to all :he world his foZKv and tong to lmzht Ms C xiswncc. Our treatment positive- lv cures all weal: men by overcoming and removing the eflcczs of former indiscretions and excesses. 1L stcos all drains and quickly tutu-es the victxm to what uature intended- n Int-ahhy ard happy man with physical. men- tal and nerve power complete. For over 20 years Dre. K. a K. have treated with the greatest success all diseases of men and women. I! you have any secret disease that is a worry and 9. menace to your health consult old established physicians who do not have to eXpefiment on you. We grmanteeto cure mucus 0281”", ..... -. I... 11- aunt-El ‘A If you are losing business a” small “Display Advt.” in these columns will help you find it. 33$. KEEEEDY KEBGAII flERVOUS QEBBLITY CiERED ADVERTISE : Sixccessors to V0111? your ~ ALWAYS Wednesday afternoon the students of the collegiate institute were ad- dressed by Dr. Walters, a missionary who has been in India representing the Canadian Colleges' Mission. He shows a very thorough knowledge of the movements of the great eastern powers, particularly Turkey, Uhina, and our own dominions in India. He said that China was very anxious to get a knowledge of western methods and civilization, so much ,so that three years ago Chinamen seeking government positions had to have a thorough western education. Before that time such questions as “ What did a certain writer say was a man's duty to his parents ” etc, were ask- ed. Now it is such questions as “How should coast towns be guarded? ” "What is the secret of England’s greatness ?” A Hindu in India (and he was not a Christian) said to Dr. Walters that England's greatness was not in her army or navy, but in the fact that the bible was a book which was studied in all the homes. A person could be kept busy reading the bible from morning till night to interested bodies of men. In referring to Turkey, the speaker said it Was the only country that had a paper edited by women for women. He also mentioned other movements to advance the condition of the peo- people, and altogether showed that he had a thorough knowledge of his subject. Dr. Walters returned home from India in January. but expects to go back again very soon. Ae!-_ A committee from each for: canvass for E tions. Just as saunas you are uuuc tan- ing the healthy stomach commences to ahum‘the food around and mixes it thoroughly with the juiCes of the stomach. . L ‘ IL 1‘.”â€" a w.» â€"...â€" ‘ 1f the £005. is not churned it lays heavily on your stomach, turns sour and causes all kmd's of distressing s'ymgtoms, sudh as headache, indiges- tion, stomadh pain and dyspepsia. Mi- o-na. beta the stomach to properly mix the food. ,- __ _ L Address on India ,PNCKY 14“!“an and the Far East; Takes Painful Ride Dr. Walters. Addresses the Students of the Collegiate Institute mix the food. . John S. (May, of Isabella. street ! Bellevi'lle, Ont , “For over x seven months I was in constant ag- ony withs a case of nervous dyfiepsia Mr. B. 'A. Wood, William-51L. had! water service for two month: end only :aid $1.25. ~I1‘he secretary was cm';oWered to collect for the quarter- CONTRACT SIGNED and indigestion that medical skill could not relieve. I was weak and The secretary next read the con- had lost‘mudh Weight through 1083 Of U 2101:, clanse by clausé, entered into agxetite and suffering MY 1119813 between the Light, “Heat and Power would fill me With gas; andl a [eeling Comt‘nmy and Water Comminaionera of extrusion across the stomach and regarding the installation of the elec- 311 “I; the left side, left me in a mis- . trio sump at the pump house- The erable condition. I was restless at 5'1 ovisions of the by-law and the am- night and as tired! and unrefrefihed endmenta suggested by thc commis- in the morning as (in 805518 to bed- aloners were dealt with in n crea A Choking Bensafim jn 3n! “"0933 ' vions issue, as well as a detailed- re- was always constant when WW fexenoe to the capacity or the new down, and my heart seemed to flnt- gump. \ '_ ~ . ter and around as though it were; On motion of Messrs. Beak and coming out through my nide- I was Sinclair the contract tvvaa aooe;ted benefited from the first two 3338’ ‘aud the agreement signed. .L 774‘, tâ€"A--_kfi use of Miâ€"oâ€"na. I began i0 leeL lune myself again, my. NPPé’tite returned and the dd;»ressive feeling left me. I can enjoy my meals without the least worry of after suiferizng, ’ I luve gained in weight and can sleep the night through in comfort. Go to Jugy 8: Gregory, the drug- gis'ts, arid get a 50 cent box of Miâ€"oâ€" na Tablets. Money back it Mi-o-nar -T11e best tea. can be utterly sgoil- ed by ergosure to contaminating in- fluences, as bulk teas so otten are. The sealed lead {gaCkets of the "Sal- ada" Tea Comgany give you my fresh and fragrant from the gardens to the tea-cu;.â€" ,. - k FOUNDED 1885. Largest and most popular Business School in Eastern Ontario. Widely ex- perienced, broadly educatedhsympathetle, attentive stafi. The synonym of smog”, Graduates eminently successful, The very essence of modern, living Business Systems, Stenogrsphy, Tele- graphy, and Commereisl Courses. Pre- psraeory course for those whose early education hasheen neglected. Indiviinu instruction. Enter any day. Write for handsome catalogue. 8E0. SPUTTON, - - Principal PETERBORO Business College Asa: m m ,m Kind You Have Mags!“ .1 u the Stomach Rebels Headache. Indigestion and Nerve Pain Follows~fli+nn Brings Rehef STOMACB COMFORT cure. ttee - with representatives form will be organized to at and receive contribu- 3 you are done eat- stomaoh. commences mail to feel. like await: returned This circumstance goes to show the trials that a lumberman meets with in the northern woods, and should gain for these heroic men more sym- gathy than they are now being ten- dcred by their more fortunate breth- ren of the town where the trans- ;ortatinn facilities are or more mods: ern tyge- : 81: miles on box-aches]: ' with u brokeri ieg was the painful exper- ience on Monday of Mr. Jack Phil- 1253. a joung lumberman, employed in the McDonald estate lumber cam; in Buueigh. Phillipa. unfortunately, had his ins broken below the knee by the {allmg o! o 108 on it, nen; the lumber oamuz. This ‘occurrcd. about noon on Monday and in order to gut to his home in Chandos, Philflps had to ride on horseback a distance of six miles to Mr. Mcflmle'a resi- dmce‘on‘vhe" Bu’rxeéghâ€"Aps‘myâ€"m Dante the intensepain :he pluckily finished his journey from where he was driven by Mr. Bert Moll'lmoyle through Ageleg to his home. A meeting- of the water commis- sionexs was held Wednesday after- noon at four o’qlock. There were {:re- sent Messrs “J. D .Flavelle, (chair- manf, His Wot-3110;:- Mayor Bees, '1‘. Brady and D. Sinclair, ; WATER STATEMENT The monthly statement firesented showed that thirteen million gallons of waterh ad been pimped, which was 500,000 more than for the same :eriod last year, wit); 1 1-2 :tons less of 'coal consumed. _ ‘ 1): .Bell. of Apeley, was summoned and round that his ‘lez had swollen so badly by hanging downwards that it Was almost impossible to set the frac- ture. . 1 Contract Signed for 0pmtim3Works by Electricity Travels Six Miles on Horseback with a Broken Leg PETITIONS A";etition for an extension on 'Re- gent-st. was received and was not granted because of the fact that the nearest hydrant was 700 feet away. Commissioners Were in Session Mr. D. Curtin, of the east ward asked for a half year service. His re- quest was granted, but on the con- (Etion that should he turn the wa- ter otf the serviCe \would be can- celled. 1 (I: Mr. B. ‘A. Wood, William-3L. had In the éiscussion it was brought: out that the commissioners will be sugplied Wit-h 660,000 gallons of ma. year. The commissioners next took up for consideration the hy-law. to fix and provide for levying la apedal frontage rate upon lands in the town of Lindsay {routing on streets, lanes and alleys u; on which water mains are laid. I According to the _!;roposed by-law, the Lindsay water commissioners shall .have power t9 levy and charge a. agecinl rate upon the several lands 10‘s, or garts of lots, whether occu- gied or vacant, fronting or abutting upon all streets, lanes and alleys in the munifimlity upon which water n'nins, from which the commissioners are willing to amply water, are laid, such szecinl rate to be an annual. rate according to the fronting of the said land's, lots or carts of lots and not to exceed {our cents u;er toot for such frontage and to be subject to the same discount for [prompt pu- mmt as shall be allowed in ~res;ect of ordinary water rates for Ilomestio ‘use, and to be payable at the time ior times during each year, fixed by the water commissioners for |;ayment therPJ'o < The water commissianers have de- cided to fix the said agecial rate at four cents per too:- for each (dot of frontage (In-said stneets, lanes and alia-ys, and to make the name my- able on the same days and times as ordinary water rates are payable un- der the by-lawa of the said commis- sionersf ram drug to time in force and effect. i I I l - This by-law practically means that citizens taking Water are ndt called daily or 240 million gallons 8. ,W'ATERW'ORKS BYLAW" of the water oounmis- ’ hpld WM after- l Deputy-reeve Eyres also spoke to the toast and made eulogistic refer- ’ences to the business ability of the _warden and county councillors. ' The toast. “0111' Host.” was fit- tingly honored, and was responded to by His Honor Judge McMillan, who reviewed county municipal matters, 'praised the council and county om- Icials, especially Mr. J. R. McNeillie. In reference to the town of Lindsay he said it was a good town. The taxes were somewhat high, and what the town really needed was more factories. He eulogized Warden Mason and Mr. McNeillie, whom he said, made the work comparatively easy for the council. Reeve Watson, of Mariposa, paid a very warm tribute to the warden, whom he held in very high esteem, and whom he said had guided the al- fairs of the council well. Warden Mason 0! the county council was the host at a very enjoyable banquet Friday evening in Taylor's restaurant tendered to the members of the county council, the county of- ficials, the mayor of Lindsay, and several other invited guests. The shit was a splende success in every respect, and those around the festive board spent a most enjoyable evening. The chairman of the evening was His Honor Judge McMillan. and the duties of toast master was ably 1111- ed by Reeve Geo. A. Jordan. Members of County Parliament Spend Very Pleasant Evening The first toast honored was that o! the king. the company singing the national anthem. “The Legislature" was responded to by Mr. S. J. Fox, M.P.P., who. in expressing his pleasure at being present, eulogized the county coun- cil and the county omcials. The work of the provincial legislature in upbuilding the country was also re- ferred to. rm by-lnw will be submitted to the electors at he acpmching mu- nicrtul election County Councillors Dined by Warden The next toast was that of "Our Town," and Mayor Begg in a brief speech thanked the warden for the privilege of being present. He con- gratulhted the county council on their record, and paid a warm tri- bute to Mr. J. R. McNeillie, the ef- ficient county clerk. awn to bu the tux and. W pro- perty owners are not dbflgcd to m on those ctreetu where mains tre not laid. The rate to 'be levied will. not cxoeed one mill on the dollar. The warden, on rising to speak, was warmly received. He told of the embarrassment he experienced when he was elected warden. He tried to do his duty to the county, and was proud of the loyalty and assistance ‘1 A-‘j r vvvvvv - , given by the councillors. He closed his remarks by paying a warm tri- bute to Mr. McNeillie. The toast, “The County of Vic- toria," was next honored. and 1‘ r. Taylor Parkin, of Fenelon. in a brie! speech eulogized the warden. and re- ferred to him as a man oi probity and honor, and who had rendered ex- cellent service to the county. Mr. J. Graham, of Garden. said he was pleased to be present, but re- gretted that the warden and Mr. Parkin would not be in the council next year. He paid a warm tribute to the council. and expressed him- self as proud of the county. He was also interesud‘ in Lindsay, but felt the taxes wexe too high and that the streets were in bad condition. He claimed that ii the town had local option conditions would change. He admired the warden's style, and thought he was an ideal oflicial. Reeve Howk’ins said he had always endeavored to do his duty to the council. He referred to the excellent services rendered the county by Mr. McNeillie, and expressed his pride in ; the county. - . ____, Mr. J. R. Mch treasurer, is a mo ed the gathering pressions. He W to the toast. and a word of tribute and praise to We warden. “The Learned Professions" brought neat speeches. replete with witty sal- lies, and warm tributes to the warâ€" den and council 1mm County Engin- eer Smith, County Solicitor F. A. ,»_L-_ McDiarmid. and D'- physician. OASTORIA. ‘L .1» Kim! mum Amw R. McNeillie. clerk and is a modest speech thank- thering tor the kind ex- He was glad to respond M. and to be able to. say tribute and praise to the Wood, county and A form of by-law from the depart- ment of public works, Toronto, for the use of municipal councils desir- ing to take advantage of government aid for the construction of public roads. Report from Dr. Brown, M. H. 0., stating that Ops was almost entire- ly free from inlectlous diseases dur- ing the year now closingâ€"there be- ing only a. few cases of typhoid, and one of scarlet fever, Iron: which the patients quickly recovered. A report from the chairman and secretary of Ops Board of Health for the year ending November 15, 1908. Communications. A letter trom the treasury depart- ment, Toronto, stating that the sum of 8159.52 would redeem tile drain debentures N033 33 and 38. for which the west half of lot 4, con. 1, is 11- able. A report from the sanitary inspectâ€" or of Lindsay board of health, stat- ing that some of the slaughter hous- es adjoining the town were not in good condition ; also enclosing a letâ€" ter from the town clerk calling the attention of Ops council to the same. All members were prwent. The minutes of last meeting were read by the clerk, and on motion of Mesa-s. O'Loughlin and Hawkins, were confirmed. A certificate from the township en- gineer, stating that the work on the Jewell drain had been completed in accordance with the award as amend- ed by His Honor Judge Harding. A regular meetihg of Ops council was held on Monday, November 16. The healthy condition of the townâ€" ship as given by the M.H.O.'s re- port. and the precaution taken by the people of the township generally in removing nuisances were a source of pleasure to the council. The reports were received and filed. The report received from Lindsay board of health in reference to the slaughter houses, etc.. were related to Ops board 01_ health for considerâ€" ation. Moved by P. Hawkins, seconded by S. Coulter, that the treasurer be authorized to accept $159.52 to re- deem sale debentures Nos. 33 and 38,‘ and that he forward the same to the provincial treasurer.â€"-Carried. Messrs. L. Minthorne and J. H. Copeland, of Mariposa. addressed the council requesting that a part of 4th quarter line crossing the first concession be repaired. The council instructed J. O'Longh- lln, commissioner, to attend to the matter and make such repairs as on really necessary. The iollowing accounts were then passed, and on motion of Messrs. Wilson and Coulter, were paid as fol- lows : Wm. Crowley, work on JeWeu's drain $3.15. M. Porter, work on Jewell’s drain. $5.60. Wm. A. Wilson, work on Jewen’s drain. $1.50. Theodore Calvert, work on first quarter line, 88. S. J. Fox, for drain tile, 87.52. Thou. O'Neill, tile, 9th com, lot 18, $4.25. J. R. McNemie, (or stone crushing. $16. McLennan Co., hardware sup- plies, $18.28. Dr. Brown, services. ELI-1.0., $10. 6 Timothy Collins, (or gravel, 810. F. Armstrong, (or livery hire. and driver to enable Toronto engineer to view Stony Creek drainage survey, $3.26. Molomo Frank J. Cheney nukes to! the firm of P. in the cilyo! To donnid. 9339 that. the a -. -~‘v“n- by the us'e of Half: lerh Cum. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before we and mbucn‘bed in my pres- ence. this on: day of December. A. 0.. 1886. A. W. GLEASON. (Set!) Noury Public mm cant-d! Cure Ks taken humanly, and mu; dinctlv on the blood and mucous surfaces of the lysun. Send for micron“: free. 1'. J. CHESEY a 00.. Toledo. 0. Sold by w mm 7 ‘- me am: Emily Pill! {or BlaCk Watch Black PM The Chewin Tobacco of 033 W- IN THE â€"ROU6HEST WEATHER ABSOLUTELY AND 0W )% \WATERPROOF ”8 COUNCIL :1, of Toledo} Lucas Conn” Conttipatioyr on J ewell's Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment in Plank‘s hall, 1.0va, on Saturday, Nov. 7th, at the hour of eleven o'clock sum. Members all pre- sent, Reeve Hawkins and Councillors McFadyen, Spence. Robinson and Mcâ€" Qnarrie. The minutes of the former meeting of Oct. 14th were read. Moved by Mr. MeQnarrle,seconded by Mr. Spence, that the Minutes as read be amended as follows : The account of "Division Court, William Hopkins vs. Township of Eldon" read "Wm. Nicholls vs. Township of El- don," and that the minutes as amended be adopted.â€"Carrled. Annie McRae waited on the coun- cil wanting to know if they intended to build the sidewalk to their house this (all. She stated that she had waited on the council at a meeting in July asking for this sidewalk and complained that the-fact of her wait- ing on the council was not reported in the papers under report of "Coun- cil Proceedings." On motion at Henry. Wilson an! Hawkins the council adjourned tin Tuesday, December 15th, next, when- the statutory meeting will be held. The reeve explained to her that part of the material was already on the ground and they had arranged to commence building the sidewalk on Tuesday or Wednesday next. John lIcEachern waited on the council re school debentures for S. S. No. 3, being raised on his prop» erty, east half 'of lot 6, con. 6, and stated that this property was not included in the by-law for raising said debenture fund. The reeve in- structed him to pay the inn amount of his taxes and the amount of the school debenture rate would be re- bated to him. Communications were read as fol- lows from the following :â€" Mrs. Sarah Taylor, asking to have her taxes for 1908 abated, as she was not able to pay same. A report from A. G. Cavana, town- ship engineer, stating that all part- ies of the Hector McFadyen award drain had completed their portion, and were therefore relieved. in so far as work was concerned, from further responsibility; and he presented his account re same of $24.10. A. C. Cavana's certificate that the portion of the Budd drain alloted to ehe township of Eldon had been com- pleted in a satisfactory manner and that the corporation was hereby re- lieved from further responsibility in G. B. Rennie, Clerk of Marinosa, enclosing a. money order for $2.25 as hall of the money exper fled on the townline Mariposa and Eldon, in 1906. R. Connolly, pathmsster on road division No. 95, presenting an ac- count ior work done filling in a washout, 83. Clerk of Maripose, stating that Hessrs. Rodgers, Michael and him- self, were appointed a committee from the township of Eldon, to ad- just the expenditure of moneys on ‘_2 the boundary between Mariposa and Eldon. The following communications were left over to be dealt with at the next meeting: Mrs. Sarah Taylor's, Clerk of Penelon, and James Jack. The post omce order of the treasur- er of Mariposa was not cashed until such time as the expenditure on the town line between Mafiposa and E1- don could be adjusted. There was no committee appointed to meet a committee from Max-£90m. the rev; wishing to interview the reeve and deputy-reeve at the first meeting of the county council. Thos. Robinson, removing Jan. (Rnshton to the House of Reâ€" fuge $4.05; and freight on cement bags, 36 cts. ......... $4.40 Percy Robinson, removing tile ' moulds ........................... 1.50 R. Connolly, work done on washout on road div. No. 95 $3.00 Carried. Moved by Mr. Spence, seconded by Robinson, that we adjourn to meet in McKenzie‘s hall, Kirkfield, on Tu- esday, December 15th. at the hour of ten o’clock am. It Ottawa will vote $10,000 for a Publicity Bureau the Board a! Trade will give $5,000. B. STACEY. Clerk ELM! COUNCIL W. F. O'BOYLE, Clerk PAG'BNINBi

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