.1. Same] Lewis writes:â€""I used three bottles of D.D.D. Prescription and now my skin. once a mass of ï¬re and nation. is as smooth and soft and now my skin. 0 and irntation. is a. ass child‘s.†0! all remedies H but we can 93% 3.1111. Prescription mild. soothing wan ridge here. Mrs. Thos. Robsgn, of ?enelon Falls, spent Thwtksgivmg 'ith herdaughter, Mrs. H. Hailey. llr. and Mrs, Chas. Goohhand 8-35 lam: Freeman spent Sunday at Mr. George Goodhandzs. Mr. McDiax-mid will occupy the Pm- ?it in the Methodist ChurCh here next My in the interests of Temper- ance. , I z 333. rp. 'reshed~all burning and itch. ed to 'Caygeon on Thanksgiving to _;; zone ‘ )attend the lowl supper in connection ‘axuei ems writes:-"I used with the opening 0! the new Method- . 5 tree betties f D. D. D. Prescription iSt Sunday 3‘1th 1’00!!!- 133 new 2:: sit. a. once a mass of ï¬re Mr. Frederick Eaton. of North Da- ;: 1mm: ‘3. s is smooth and soft kota. visited Mr. John Copp last :53 6.3}; -. week. Mr. Eaton ison his way to all remedies for the skin that we England» “There his brothers “tide- new we cm :x‘pecx any recommend to “Sit them. 133 ..eecriptlon tor eczema. Just The new Methodist Church. Fenelon 1:152 5001': ng washâ€"but it cleanses ‘ Falls. will be opened Nov. 12th. A 3-.i cools the skin as nothing else can , fowl supper will be held here on Mon- sad ;: Lakes aWay the itch instantly 13th Nov. The new bell arrived last We would 11:? to tell you more abâ€" week, and already the 71118861? are :n D. D. Prescription if you will becoming acquainted with its ï¬ne. a; L, w: {a the D pm iLaborator- mellow tone. It is a bell of some size, .23. Dep.. p. L, 49 Colborne-stq Tor- ‘ too weighing 2 732 lbs and measur- tztc. and get 3 free trial bottle. 133 54% inches 33089 ‘ E. GREGORY. Local Agent. Mr. and Mrs. W, E, Austin spent lies Ruby Butler from near Wood. V319 Spent a week in Baddow renew- ing acquaintances. "smAMAssor FIRE BADDOW. (Special to The Post) It. Bert Robson. Lindsay and Mr. A. Robson, Fenelon Falls, spent the Thanksgiving holiday shooting part- Eicrï¬slc tortue pain ungndurableâ€" 3:3 when the whole body seems to ‘32 mm: g upâ€"long nights of sleep- ;ess agonyâ€"thenâ€" L INSTANT RELIEFâ€"ï¬ne skin cool- ».i and refreshedâ€"an burning and itch â€OI-onto ‘ n.-. .Hhi .‘FN‘v Bum Weather sured ii you gei one of 001' Nees Q} U ties Ai'; 333:5 fur Men or Women. The? are: Wail made, with cht Czaznois. mveru’i with felt. from Cit-ï¬n Will new "“1 a guaranme '9“ againstï¬Ã©ss. Arts Cour-s Hot Water CHAMOIS VEST$ roteczxon againï¬ cold is DUNOON’S THE REXALL STORE These Coats Are Cheap W1: mo $1.50 ,‘ Suits At Less â€freight OI’ OW†nu“ purcu8|e8 .- 2, $25 and over. to 5,: Railway station FRIDAY, ‘SO’VBMBER 3. uaran:ec that protects s: 4055. It is If one n'wranteed Hot Water ’our‘vd to be. impelf Ct m on: :ctwo years (ac- ) mm: of rubber) we ‘qlv Â¥erdace it with a I’ i, - .rnm $1 to 2 50 _\1?»r~‘SHitsnf all wool diagonals in gzev :Iml unnthest colorings, some m >izes. semi-ï¬tting styles. well- 1.... ism-go range tn select from. Regu- 1 1.3, but for big selling we have ï¬t. r.u‘ti leaves to-night for :5 taking the Gen- at St. Michael’s Prices Bottles “'omcn s‘ all wool Kersev (‘lnth Goats in black. navy. green and brown. \Varm m-mimo garments in semi. ï¬tting styles. threefluarter h-ngth. These are regular $16) and $12 gamnents but as tlxm' :u-v 'Lnnther seamm's ,mck \ve-un- making a Three day special price $4.95 Good Coats for Children Three day special price $10.95 Uhildrvn'sUnats in strung warm Cheviot cloths. and vulm's navy. green and brown ï¬t ages 4 ta )4 yams some have military collar. others have shawl (-nllar. (rmmwd with velvet. The pl’l’ces Iamgr from 4 year old size at 32 up to 14 vcar old size at $3.75 and $4 ! Mr. Archie Clark, of Woodstock 'Roysl College, spent Thanksgiving with his relatives at the Falls. -) Mr. Geo. Martin made a business gtrip to Peterboro and Lindsay on iFriday. } Mr. Ernest A. Pearce left on Mon- .day for Camrose, Alta... where he has i accepted a position. His many friends :here wish him eVery success in his ; new spherei Jottings From- Feuelon Falls The Misses Agnes and Don Dickson returned on Friday from Toronta. Mr. and Mrs. W, E, Austin spent Saturday in Lindsay. Mr. Archie Menzies takes the posi- tion left vacant by his removal. Messrs. Percy Paley and Chas. Webâ€" star, of Toronto, were home for the holiday. Mr. Ray Burgess, of Toronto,. speot the holiday with his garents in town Dr. D. Gould is spending a few‘ days in Toronto on business. Miss M. Abbott returned last week} from a visit with Peterboro friends. : Miss Vivian Kerr, of Belleville Bus‘ §iness College, spent Thanksgiving at! her home in town. ' Miss Emily N-ie visited Trenton friends over the holiday.†M 35 Nora Ellery, of Vancouver is I visiting her relatives in town and § vicinity. , Misses Gonsvievn. and Mar-caret? ‘:wcmey, the are attending Loretta i Abbey, Toronto, spent Thanksgivingi at their home here. 3 Miss Alice Hand returned on Sat- urday from an extended visit to rel- atives in Rochester and Buflalo. Mrs. H. Hunter of Niagara Falls, who has been v siting relatives in. towo\,-Ieft‘ on Saturday for ‘Bobcay- geon. . Mr. H. Puiey has returned from a trip to the .West. Miss Lillian Connell who is attend- ing Peterboro Business College spent T-hanksgiï¬ng at her‘home in tom. Mr. Willie Ingram, of Cobalt spent a few holidays with friends at the Falls. Messrs. Norman Martin, Wm. Shane . C. Calder, and R, Nevison motor- friends over the holiday, . Miss Efï¬e McMillan. of Lindsay Mrs. Thos. Cashore and her sister, Spent the holiday at her home here. Miss Seymour, spent a few days this; Mr. R. Moran was in town Satur- week with Pcterboro friends. 'day. ’ FRIDAY, SATURDAY ANI) MONDAY A w hole-sale travellers samoles of wings and sprays .mostly in colors. that would sell at regularly 75c. to $2.50 each Very Fashionable Dress Velveteens “To have u very cmuple-te mngv of dress velveteens which ie how the most, fashionable dress material. I‘hv 'rnlm-sgare hmwn. green. grey. urdinnl, navv and black. thew are a very close “wave and al silk ï¬nished pile. Taï¬'etta and Duchess Silk Ribbons, all good shnées and In widths known as Nos. 70 and SD. A vety populm w ndth and regulal 35c 21. ymd American Kimona Cloths The newest American Crepe Kmmna Cloths in plain with fancy haulers also small all-nven patterns. A nice cloth :mdsuitahle for Xmas gifts. Three Day Special Half Price A Ribbon Bargain fdr You A niv-v range of centixxg velvets wt I-nrn $l tn $3 pt‘r yard. Millinery Wings Half Price (Mating Sealettes in a. vex-y ï¬ne import ed quality and mag mg in price- from $4.52! a yard up to ngi Mr. Alex McNab'b has just complet- ! (d a new straw barn. This addition xi makes his barns and stables the most 131- ‘ comnlodious and uP-to-date in the ’ country. ' [13, The season’s threshing is almost in ï¬nished in this section. Mr. Neil Mc- y. iArthur is working in the Southern part, while the hum‘ of Perry Teel's machine can be daily heard in the [northern part Of our land. my? Mr W McMillan returned frOm Elâ€" I ,3. eat don station on Friday, where for the past two months he has been instruc- nt :ting the youths of that town in the th, {ways of knowledge. ‘ Inspector Stevens visited our school eek I on Thursday last and found it in a. ls. |nr.ost flourishing condition under the 3‘13 I able management of Mr. Eyres. Three day special price per yard 25c Mr. Stuart Meson spent Thanksgiv- ing Day in Toronto. Miss ‘A. N10 of Dunsford, spent the holiday in'town. Miss Scott. of Peterboro,‘ was the guest of her friend, Miss L Cornwall on Thanksgiving. Rev. A. Cooke has returned from attending the Baptist Association. held in Montreal. Rev. Mr. Hughes of Lindsay, omciated in his absence. Mr. J. H. Staunton took' a. busi- ness trip north last week. Mrs. M. Brandon left ,ast week to parents, Mr. and Mrs. G 60. Hardy ov renoer specmi musrc. nus servxce was spend the winter months the guests er Thanksgiving. postponed last Sunday because 0! the r . her daughter, Mrs. W. R. Roberstan. Mrs. Neil Black. 0! BeaVertom, spent tune al that afternoon M.Rbt.D 80.3! .D onand Rev. C. S. Lord left on Monday for Sunday with her sister. Mrs. Robert Misges oEmil 0:3: Chfisstians spent Toronto. McIntyre. ‘ y . . Thanksgiving at Mr. Geo. Hardy’s. MY- Vernon LON: 0f Lmdsay 001‘ A number of our ladies attended the ! Our teachers are holidaying at their legiate Institute. spent the holiday October meeting of the w. 1., at Mam- ',espective homes, with his parents in town. illa on Wednesday. g Miss May Ellery spent Friday in Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Webster of Oak- ' Lindsay. wood were the guests of Mr. J Brown. BreVi‘ ies From Miss Norma. Mason isat present un- Mr. Colin Melanie and sister, Miss dergoing treatment at ROSS Hospital. Mary are in Toronto attending the i Burnt River Lindsay. Her many friends hope for marriage of their brother. Mr. John. her speedy recovery. McInnis, of Haileyborough to Miss Mr. E. C. Calder of Toronto spent the week-end with relatives at the Mr. Allan Terrill returned from business trip to Toronto on Friday. Miss E. Power, Downeyvme gnd Miss A. Power, 0! Cobourg, arethe guests of their sister, Mrs. Wm, Mc- Carthey. ‘ Miss Martha Quibell returned on Campbell, of Toronto. We extend our Fr day from Toronto, where she vis- heartiest and best withea to Mr. and i-bed her sister, Mrs. Kelly. Mrs. McInn-is. ' Capt. Wakeï¬eld and'Lieut. Gooc‘u have arrived. are in charge of the local corps of the Salvation Army. Miss S. McCallum of Toronto spent Thanksgiving withirelatives at the Falls. Miss Margaret Wilson, of L. C. I. spent Thanksgiving at her homehera Miss Kathleen McDougall is visitâ€" ing friends in Lindsay tï¬is week. PALESTINE (Special_to The Post) The 0.13.3. are busy baliasting the road throngh this section. The gravel is obtained from the pit on the ninth Quite a number from here attended the shooting match‘at Glenarm or Thanksgiving Day. Three day special per yard 50c Women's Institute Rest Room Second Floor Three day special Price 25c THE ONE PRICE STORE. YOU PAY LESS HERE LINDSAY l - Mr. John Awde. of Toronto, and 3 sons, Messrs Milton and Russell, are spending the holidays at Mr. Whet- lt ter's High Hill Farm. Mr. John Hardy, of Victoria. Uniâ€" versity, Toronto. is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hardy ov er Thanksgiving. Mrs. Neil Black, 0! Beavertom. spent Mr. Wm. White and Miss Bertha. White, of Oakwood. also Messrs Chas. Hardy, of P-eterboro and Ralph Harâ€" dy, of Scugog and Miss Mildred Harv dy, of Oakwood, spent Sunday at Mr. Geo. Hardy's. (Special to The Post) ' Miss Hilda Coolidge is speeding a few days withï¬ioodviue friends. Mrs. 'I‘hoe. Osborne is the guest of bar‘son, Mr. Moore Osborne, Toronto for the holiday. Miss Birdie McLean has returned from spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Prouse at Brown‘s. Friday. Saturday and Mon- day are going to be days of special value giving at this store as the many items mentioned in this advertisement go to show. There will be every reason for your coming here and getting the best values any store offers for your money. We are aiming to make November the best one we have had. In fact every effort is being put forth to wind up the year with a record busi- ness. Special offerings will do it. Peniel Doings Several from this vicinity attended the Oakwoc'd and Cann‘ngton fowl suppers last week. Miss Gertrude Bagshaw spent Sun- day with Lindsay friends. On Thursday last. October 26th.. the-re passed from this life to the life eternalwnnd her reward thereâ€" ‘The service was canducted by our pastor, Rev. W. H. Defoe, who gave a most earnest and heartfelt talk, which appealed to all 'present. The Choir also rendered acauple of very suitable select-Lone ~. After the service they proceeded to McIndoo' s cemetery for interment. Mr T Nancekievellm land the family,-the one of our best known and loved lad- ies in the person of Mrs. '1‘. J. Nance kievell, er. Nancakien‘e-I has been ill for some months but had lie-pt up and around always cheerful and uncamplaining, until within about ten .days of her death. ' She will be greatly missed in our Church here, of which she has been a. faithful and useful member for many years and he 3 always taken an active Dart in every good- work concerned with itâ€"but while she is missed here we know . that our loss is heaven’s gain. The funeral service was held in Pen- iel Church on Sunday Oct. 29th., and a large congregation of friends and neighbors gathered there to mourn for her and to show by their presence their sympathy with the bereaved Ones. ’ ma 18k .155†mm Of Interest ï¬sons, Messrs Richard, Fred and John 3°! this place, and daughtersâ€"Miss iMary, at Peniel and Mrs. Will White. of Tyneca‘stle, Seek†have the sympa. thy of the entire community in their sorrow and bereavement " ’ The fowl supper which was given on Friday evening last was a. great sucâ€" cess in every way. Quite a number tfrom Kirmount, Coboconk and Bad- ?dow attended, and all went home well gsatisï¬ed with their supper and also ithe entertainment which was much an fpredated. The proceeds amounted to about $50. I Several of the people of our village 5attended the funeral of Mr. Yeoman E Smith, of Bury’s Green, who died on iFriday morning with cancer on the I stomach. Owing to 'the Quarterly Communion service for this circuit Being held at Salem, we will have only one service at Peniel in the afternoon at 5 o'clock On the next Sunday, Nov. 12th.. the Sunday School wi,1 be held at the us- ual hour, 10.30 3.111., our Thanksgiv- ing service oflering will be conducted by our pastor, Rev. W. H. Defoe, who will preach a special sermon suitable for the occasion and the choir will render special music. This service was postponed last Sunday because 0! the funeral that afternoon. (Special to The Post) There were quite a number of visi- tors in this village during the hou- Mr. Ed. Britnell and friend, «. Mr. Armstrong. of Toronto are out for a few days’ hunt. MLF. Budd and young son, Ken, of Toronto, are visiting at Mt. Sudâ€" da-by’s. For pains in the- side or chest dam- ‘ pen a. piece of flannel with Chamber- lain's Liniment and bind it on over I the seat of pain. There is noth'ng bet- }ter. Fnr sale by all dea!ers. Miss Edith Smith, of Janetville, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers. Miss Elsie Graham of Dunsford, is here renewing old acquaintances. Thanksgi‘ ing services were held in the Anglican Church on Sunday morn ing, Rev. Mr. Hocksey preaching- a ï¬ne sermon. Miss 01a. Townsend was home thru' the holidays from ‘Peterboro Normal School. Mr. and Mrs. Lee of Toronto, are visiting at the home of Mr. F. Hodg- son. Mrs. T. Martin and little girl are visiting her brother Mr T. English of Toronto. A flock of wild geese passed over here on Sunday. We may look out for snow. ' :md hlm-k. xilws 5-} m 7;“. These gloves are 3" mnve quicklv zlud tn warrant it have made a. F tilled Pillow Cases, Cheap Hemstitchcd. frillt-«I .md tucked Pillow Cases made Get a Rain- of extra quality cotton and close with a button, tPgu lnr 330 and 350 vnhu-s. coat NOW A Hustle Price on Kid Glaves Buy These Velvet Ribbons V chet 1ihhnns m grew 11, navy vuml Mm k.†-2 inches wide and suitable {m hat or dross trimming. Three Day Special Price per yard 10c Here Is a Chance to Save \Vhite m gnu: m“ Harm. el cotton Blankets in the largest, sizeand homiest “1532M. very Slightly im- pex'fm't. but not vnongh to both T about, Ladies†Kid Gloves in tan. Wisteria, taupe. green 1d him-k. xilzt'sffl f0 7'“. These gloves are going 120 Entrance William Streets Three Day 59:63] {’rice P"r pair $1.47 Three Day Special Price per pair 75c Kent Three Day Specie! Price each 291: on Kid Gloves in tan. Wisteria. taupe. green 7;. '1‘hcscgloves are, going tn nun-nun?- {9 11-190 nun".- u Men's rubber- ized Rain Coats with plaide lining fawn coin? mfly. Special Three Buy Price $4.75 Our Spezial Long Corset This Curset comes in dove and white and sizes 18 to 30, has four hose sup- porters and is extra good value. Three Day Special Price perpait75c A very pretty wedding took place ‘ at the home of thebride’s parents, 3 on Wednesday October 25 when Mien 1 Annie Amelia daughter of Mr and Mrs ' Wm. Stamp was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs Jonathan Cox. The Rev. Mr. White of the Methodist Church performed the ceremony. Miss Elimoe Stamp, sister of the bride was bridesmaid and Mr. Clarence Trumbull assisted the groom . Mr. J. G. Staples and Miss R. M. Sisson, our public school teachers arc spent Thanksgiving at their homes at rm Bethany and Llflord E a, lead 11‘: rif] He wh ed. hit an Master Fred Sourard. who Is Mund ing school in Peterboro span: Thanks giving with his parents 141‘. am Mrs H. SOWal‘d. Miss Katie Benson and two létt‘le ‘ Mr- S. W Welch was in Lindsayon nieces. Irene and Laura Ransom spent business one day last week. , Thanksgiving with friends in L-x (1- Mr- 0-~ A. Pogue spent Thanksgiving say. with friends in Tomato. Messrs. A. Robinson F. C. and Fred Noice of Toronto were in town for a few days partridge hunting. Items of Interest From the Northern Vxllage in Pangnph Form. NEWS OF MINDEN (Speaal to the Post.) Canada Life Assurance Co W. R. AWIDDESS, Canada Life'policies‘ are ex- tremely simple, safe and pro- fitable. They are world-wide, indisputable after one year, automatically non-forfeitable after three years in force un- til value is: exhausted. They provide for 30 5days’ grace without interest-for payment of premiums, and contain generous loanIand cash val- “It pays to have 3. poiicy in The Canada Life.’g Besti‘on the Continent. Southdnwn Wool Blankets in Size 60x80 and weigh- ing 6 ibs, either pink or blue bor- ders, mixed bor- ders. A union blanket of excep~ tional value. Wonderful Blanket Values Three day special price pair $2.85 Men’s Semi-Ready made Overcoats of all wool Cheviot, Tweed and Cheaterï¬eld in colors of bran and green mixtures and green and grey mixtures. New fall styles with velvet coilar, button through fronts. Regular 320. Save On Overcoat: Avery complete cook bookhuboet prepared the Women's Institute and will soon be for sale. Everybody should have a good cook book. Mr. Wm. Nichols jr.. 0! Halibut-ton was in town last. wnk. Mr. Arno: Ramon. of 1.1an Spent Thanksgiving with friends in Linden. Mr. S. W Welch was in Lindsayon SHOOTING ACCIDENT Fenelon Falls, Nov. lz-On Monday Thanksgiving Day William Miller. a lad about fourteen years of age, who lives south of the river took a. small rifle and went out partridge hunting. He had not gone very far from home. when, on taking aim, the gun explod- ed, breaking the stock and striking him in the face with such force that an ng 1y wound was made over and around the right eye of which he car- rowly escaped losing the ï¬ght. Dr. Graham was summoned and dmsaed the wound. which required a. good many stitches. Th‘a patieht as well as could be expeote-t Three day sale price only $16.50 Su‘tcliï¬'e’s Department Store ATTHEFALIS Genera! Agent LINDSAY PAGE 5