Pure Linen Towelling, good weighty cloth. red border. reg. 10c yard. . Annhersary Sale 7 5‘ Handsome Imported Paulette Silks, 20 inches wide, in shades o‘i Navy. Sky, Cream, Tuscan, Myrtle, Brown. Cardinal, Peach, Grey, White, Black and Copenhagen, reg. 75c. 51 value, anniversary sale ....... C Broken lines of Black Panamas, Diagonals, Vicunas and Creueryls. all imported stuffs. These sell regularly at 75c yard, an- 5] niversary sale .................... C Odd pieces of Colored Dress Stuffs in Serges. Homespuns, Amazons and Tweed effects. sold regularly up to $1 yard, anniversary sale. 516 Fifty-one years is a long time for a ï¬rm to have been continuously in v business in this town, and it is to herald this fact that all over the store the 51 cent price has sw'ay du ing our great Anniversary Celebration for two weeks, commencing SATURDAY, NOVEMBER llth: and ending SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25th. _ ._~ , Ever since the establishing of this business we have been planting the seeds of “bestness†in the fertile soil of the people’s appreciation. Our business policy is a policy moulded by laudible ambition. a policy of liberality, of strict integritv, of highest aims, of pluck and push, a policy whose alphabet spells only SUCCESS. ° We want you to join the thousands who will visit the store during this Celebration. The welcome will be cordial even though purchases are not intended. A choice musical programme will be rendered daily. We have space here to mention only a few of the hundreds of except- Manufacturer's ends of Table Lin- en, double damask, handsome pat- terns, lengths are from 2 yard to 3 i .9368. 111 $1 ard, AiliveraaryregSagg ........y ....... 516 ~12: 75¢ per yard, anniver- sary sale ...... ‘Handsome Satin Striped Voiles. in shades of Sky. Champagne, Pink and White for evening dresses, regu- Ladies’ Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, iinch hams, regular 15c 51 each, anniversary saie 6 for c ional Values that we offer to celebrate this event. 2,000 yards of Fancy Embroider- '~:~s in pretty open patterns, 4 to 5 aches wide, regular 12:} and 150 ' er yard, Anniversary Sale 51 1'2. yards lor ...................... C Ladies’ Pure Wool Cashmere Hose in pretty embroidered and plain ef- fects, all sizes, regular 75c 51 Value, Anniversary Sale ...... c Laï¬ts' 9nd (‘hildrcn’s Heavy Win- ter Kid. Gloxcs. bust. English make, regular up to 85¢ pair, An- 5‘ niversary Sale ......... c " There are two photos in 3' YEAR our window : one of the ate Mr. \Vm. Cluxton. and the other of the late Mr. J. R. Dundas. These two gentle- man. 5|_ycurs ago. foyndcd this business, the anmversary of whxch we are now cclc- brating. PAGE 4 Colored Dress Stuffs ‘nd 16 spools Good Sewing Black Dress Goods Pure Wool Hose Sewing Cotton Striped Voiles Paillette Silk Handkerchiefs Table Linen Embroidery Towefling Kit? Cloves .. o...---.-.aoo¢ 510 510 Ladies‘ Eiderdown Dressing Sac- ques in Cream, Grey and Green, trimmed with satin and braid. regu- sarv Sale ...................... 51 say: Sale $3.50 ................... . Ladies’ Black Sateen Underskirts with plaited flounce, sizes 38, 40, 42, regular 75c value, Anniver- 5] sary Sale c Imported French Tapestry Table Covers, 2 x 2 yds, in pretty com- bination colorings, reg. 89c. 51 Anniversary Sale ............... c Frilled Bobbinette Curtain Nets, reg. 20 and 25c yard, An- 5] niversary sale 3 yards for... c Tapestry Table Covers A large assortment of this sea; sun’s Hats in all the latest styles. Note these special ofl‘erings for our Anniversary : $5.00 Hats for 3.51. $6.00 and 6.50 Hats for 4.51. $8.00 Hats for 6.51. Excellent. quality of I‘lannelette, 34 inches wide, fancy stripe pat- terns, all colors, reg. 12§c yard. Anniversary Sale 6 51 yards for ............................ c Here is a golden opportunity : Ladies’ Net Waists in Cream and White, trimmed with heavy lace in- sertions and medallions. Note theSe anniversary prices : $3. 75 \V aists for 2.51. 85. 00 to 6.00 \\ aists for 3.51. 810. 00 to 13.50 \\ aists for 5.51. Untrimmed Shapes in all the lat- est styles for our Anniversary at. the following prices: 32.00 and 2.50 Shupcs for 1.51. $3.00 and 3.50 Shapes for 2.51. Imported rTapestry Carpets, 27 inches wide, in pretty floral, con- ventional and Oriental designs, reg. 65c and 75c value, Anni- 5] x'ersary Sale ........................ c LINDSAY Untn'mmed Shapes FlFITY-fRST Dressing Sacques Curtain Nets Underskirts Flannelette Millinery Carpet 5 Waists 1860 9W km DUNDAS, FLAYELLES LIMITED . Mink Marmot Muï¬s in Empire style, trimmed with head and two tails, Anniversary 4 51 Mink Marmot Throw Ties, satin lined, stylish and up-to- 55] Anniversary Sale ................ . Ladies’ Genuine Russian Pony Coats, made of soft pliable hides, long semi-ï¬tting style. rolling shawl collar, large cuffs, handsomely lined with black Skinner's satin and edg- :initxirtSZz-iruglslacï¬ Frag. 59. 51 Ladies' Muï¬s in Electric Seal and Astrachan, Empire shape, soft, pli- able pelts, large size, Anni- 4 51 versary sale ........................ . Ladies’ Fur Coats made of best Canadian Muskrat in dark or light shades, 50 and 52 inches long, large storm collar and reveres, lined throughout with best quality Skin- ner’s satin, Anniversary 1‘ :1 Ladies: Suits made of ï¬ne Puna mas, Venetians and Serges in shmEgb of Navy, Myrtle, Grey, Brovm and Black, trimmed with wide fum‘y braids, coats semi-ï¬tting,e fsilk lined. skirts in straight line efâ€"l 4 5-! feet, Annixersary Sale ....... Ladies' Fall and Winter Coats in Tweeds. Plain BeaVers and Diagonal Sergos, loose and semi-ï¬tting styles, high or low neck, all sizes, 3 53 Anniversary Sale ............... . Children’s Coats Children’s Fall and Winter Coats, made of Friezes, Beavers and Chev- iot Serges, in shades of Navy. Myrtle, Grey, Brown and Cardinal. Anniversary prices 3 to 5 years, 4.51. 6 to 8 years. 5.51. 10 [0123132113, 6 51 German Hare Muï¬'s, Empire style, large size, a very easy mufl‘ far the price, Anniverdary Sale ..... f) :1 Sale ......... . Ladies' Fall and Winter Coats. made of Black and Colored Chev- iots, Vicunas and Tweeds, long semi- ï¬tting styles, high or low neck, all sizes, Anniversary Sale. 6 5] I Ladies’ Suits Ladies’ Coats Fur Coats ., Anniversafg 74.51 1??! THE LINDSA‘v POST Men’s Australian Beaver Coats. deep heavy fur, quilted liningS. shawl collar, 3. strong p1 actical $5325??? 37"â€; my M19 51 Men’s Fur .lined Coats, good Mar- mot Collar, coon skin lined, ï¬ne all wool beaver shell, barrel but- tons, very special at .......... 30 51 Men’s Heavy Tweed Iflstcz‘s, warm, comfortable coats, strongly made, lined, high collars, convertible c01- lars, very special Anniver- 9 1"] sary price ........................... .3 Men's Scotch Tweed Conx'ertible Collar Ulsters. double breast, 50 in- ches long, best. quality of linings, a warm snug coat, very spe- 13 51 cial at .............. . ................ . . Men’s ï¬ne all-wool Fancy Worsted Suits, ï¬ne wool serge linings. hair cloth fronts, shoulders well padded, up to the minute styles, very special, Anniversary] 3 5] Sale ................................... a Men's HeaVy Black Bib Overalls, sizes 34 to 44, regular 71 price $1, Anniversary Sale. 0 Men’s strong, dark color Tweed Suits, 'good linings, weil made, siz- es 36 to 44, Anniversary 7 51 Sale ................................... . Ladics’ ‘r‘ur ’i‘xlmmed Coats made Hf Imported Bezner Cloths, strapped vith self. The Shades are Navy, Hex-:11 and Black, collars and reveres of Westexn Sable lined throughout with heavy Italian cloth, L24 5! Anniversary Sale ......... Ladies' Fur Trimmed Coats in shades of Brown, Myrtle, Navy and Black English Beaver Cloth, the Collars and reveres are of Western Sable These coats are lined Lhroughoue with heavy Italian Cloth .'.-\nni\ersaryl4 5 Sale ................................... I Ladies’ Fur-lined Coats with shells of imported black broadcloth, strap- ped with self high collars and re- veres of Alaska Sable lined with muskrat, regular price $50 M39 51 Annhersary Sale Ludies' Fur-lined Coats, shell is made of best imported chiffon broad- cloth in shades of navy, black. myrtle and brown. The collars and rex'eres are made of the best quality (,‘anarlian mink or Alaska Sable, the lming is ï¬rst quality full furred muskrat. These are magniï¬cent £32“??? ......... .‘.“T‘.‘.,‘..°.‘f???r‘.’..74. 51 Fur Trimmed Coats Fur Lined Coats Men’s Section Men’s ï¬ne all-wool Beaver Over- coats, lined with wool kersey curl line, ï¬ne dark marmot fur collars, wool wristlets, 52 inches long, sizes 36 to 44, very special anni-I versary price ...................... 4.5] Men’s Sheepskin Lined Coats, can- vas shell, wool wristlets, corduroy collars, clasp fasteners, very special anniversary price .................................. 4.51 Men’s Fine Worsted Dress Trous- erS, made of West of England Wors- teds, smartly cut and well trimmed, waist measures 32 to 40, 3 5] Anniversary price ............... u Boys’ Sweater Coats, combination colors, bodies Greys, Blues and Brown, trimmed with reds, cardin- als and navy, pearl buttons, pock- ets, special anniversary 1 price .................................. .5] Men’s strong Tweed Pants, well and strongly made, in meat dark patterns, sizes 33 to 42 ,‘i 5] Anniversary price Men’s ï¬ne soft front Dress Shirts, in neat patterns, fast colors, sizes 14 to 164;, special anni- versary price ...................... 5‘ C Men's Scotch Knit LToderwear, na- tural colors, sateen trimmings, siz- es 34: to 44, special an- 51 niVersary price ...... .......... c Men's all-pure Linen Handkerchiefs, plain or hemstitched edges. good size, Special Anniversary price, 6 for ........................ 51° Men‘s extra heavy Furred Coon Coats, dark, natural, selected skins. long length, best quality, quilted farmer satin linings, Very ".69 5‘ special anniversary price . Men's Blue Flannel Shirts, collar attached, good large roomy bodies. well made, special anniver- 5' sary price ......................... c Men's ï¬ne all-wool Coat Sweaters, in choice combination of colors, pearl buttons, two pockets, sizes 36 to 4-4, very special Anniver- 2 5] sary price u Men's Selected Coon Coats. Very choice been; furred skins, quilted linings, leather arm shields, shawl collars. natural coons, v?rv59 51 special anniversary price . Collar Buttons. all shapes. strong and reliable, special Anni- 5] \‘ersary sale, 1 doz. for ...... c ON‘TAR‘EO Men’s Section 1911 You will notice during the celeb of this our Fifty-First Anniversary C0unt. lcss articles of merchandise which yOu km“ to be of greater valueâ€"now priced at 5| cents. We do this to emphasize the fact that this business has been gromng in Lindsay for ï¬fty-one. years, for wt. are naturally proud of thlS lcng period of de- velopment. ration Stock of Men’s Muï¬'iers Heckwear Fancy Cashmere Hosiery Smoking Jackets Dressing Gowns Umbrellas N ew Shirts N ew GlovesJined and unlined Fur Caps Fur Collars Complete New Boys' Smart Overcoats. made for boys from 3 to . \ears, of ï¬ne a11- wool tweeds and kersey cloths,wa1m linings and properly {ailored col ors Browns Greys and Blues, wer} special Anniversary price... A ‘1 Boys' Ulster Overcoats made from solid strong tweeds, in warm rich colors of Browns and Heather mix- tures, made with the popular con~ vertible collar straps on sleeves good ï¬tting, Very special 5‘5 anniversary price Boys' 2-piece double-1m made with bloomer kni stylish cut, long to with vents, apeCial at . Boys' 3-piece Suits, double‘nreast- ed style, plain pants, good strong tweeds. well lined and wen made Sim 30 to 35, Anniver- 5i sary price ...................... 5- Early Suggestions for Christmas Smart Attire for the Younger Generation MEANING OF Slc LINDSAY, FRIDAY, 4.51 3.51 me universal a: Slinky eve 0! the Weather gains on Mon mathe bourg Meade. ha homein Rat's the REM- in thei Several (to: Waste {Admini Very mm mm 5‘.“ Nb\ .r- on frie‘ â€CIN the