“main Oakwood, having spent days with bet parents, Mr. In W. P. Wright. ‘ from here attended the fun- dï¬e late Mr. McPherson, at on Sunday. thn. «Manna. who has gm months in this Vicinity {we ghd to be able to annonnc ken: rural mail delivery m REE: Weed on Nov.1 and hen the route are glad to have Man’s Coon Coats pm Are Exfra Good E 3m Ami... of m by her cousi E W, 111'. H: t‘ t: . -vn- ~-nâ€"â€"â€" __-, ,- Scam“) ’ " “ HER: . outing tor the youngpe weighs. Ahce Sungo sum“. attamflad mm ‘ mi' I mStmm' peron Monday evening. ho her home on Wednesday. 3mg Wright. of Victoria. E thegneat other cousins, aes Wright here. V Mink Marmot Stoles f [hm Inaâ€"Wolf Set at $38 die freight or express charges We?" to 525 and over, to your (I .II W I .52 With “ESS FOR SALE Mer WEEK .t 83 f u? EVG run rde. of Toronto, ae- t cousin. Mrs Wm. 11:. spent. a few days Mr. Hy Whetter, of n W g DROP IN AND SEE THEM. ,, 55.50. $6 and 53- iizv _ “1;qu in the new bolster style with .3 I. 31‘.» show m extra qaalitv in these muffs in: mun-:1 nice md our price is only (1 C) my, xoVEMBER 10 -_v x-.-.~m[iful quality of Mink Marmot and “.1 N ..‘.Inpml hacks. head and tail trimmed. M. :r'ixmuvd with beads and tails. $10 Izzy .md verv special at each ........... U. 191:, 3:8 m to Rcvised 7. Chap. .129. duly veriï¬ed, » utfvr ynu a good Conn Coat from the h-«z manufacturers Those who have ;-:‘ ~:-:ls‘(‘ns have been convinced that Anyway previous satisfactiqn by m-d our judgement in securing théxxx. :' Kit-Hits“ will recei ring claims Siirgo, late 151, m the wcted any ith. For ) Mrs Alice tratrix) or Liville. her 2w. v \I value in grey lamb. extra nice even .; \ im-hes lung and the muff is Empire ~- mything like. these else- Q‘ C): Mm? with head and large «brush tail sirr'lfllilnty of Blue Woif wnth iarge ~12. .131 hmtd and tail trimmed. G90 sarï¬ice , John ing in Collingwood, I was attacked : Some of our young men are going with neuralgia, which became so bad to Oshawa to seek employment for that I was frequently unable to go Ithe winter. We wish them ever! suc- to work. The pain would start over ‘ cess in their new line of work. my right eye and would then spread ‘. A number of hunters are on our to the whole face, and cause me the busy little lake looking for game. It greatest agODY- I was “Edit the Care is reported that they succeeded in se- of a good doctor. but his treatment 'curing 50 ducks as a result of 500 did not do more than give me t'flnpor' shots fired. Who can beat that. ary relief, and I was therefore an al- 3 ‘ A number of our citizens were pur‘ most constamt sufl'erar. Acting on the suing the fox when the recent snow advice of my Wife I finally decided to lasted, but sly Raynard was too fast give Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills a trial, for them and I am profoundly thankful I did so, as in the course of a few weeks I began to improve, and after a further use of the Pills the trouble disappear- ed and I have not since had any trace of it. I may also add that While tak- ing the Pills, my weight increased by nine pounds, which shows that the pills are a body builder as well as a nerve restorer. ' Our ThanksgiVing dinner was a de- cided success. The attendance was larger than usual and everybody ap- peared to celebrate the day in the true spirit of Thanksgiving. Though the crops aroung here were not what might be desired, still we have enough and to spare. The evening entertain- ment was an intellectual treat as ev- -__. “-4. ...-.. .....n “gamma ..A A: nu itimes, steady. at others, spasmodic appear to be well pleased with their [and darting. headaches and a feeling business prospects and social surround as though the forehead was a band of iron. Medical authorities agree that neuralgia is a cry of the nerves for better food. and purified and enriched the trouble will disappear. This is the reason why Dr. Williams Pink Pills cure even the most cases of neuralgia. They actual- ly make rich new blood which feed the the tired starVed nerves and thus cure the trouble, at the same time leav- ing the suï¬erer in better halth in ev- ery way than was formerly enjoyed. In proof we give the case of Mr. G. Brooks. of Aurora. Ont, who says: “About two years ago. while working if the blood is . ings in Markham, Mr. and Mrs. Moï¬att spent Thanks- lgiving in this vicinity. Miss Jennie Swain is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Casey. : The boys are returning from the beautiful wheat fields of the west. The weather conditions were not very fav- orable for harvesting and threshing, out there this season. 3 Mr. Wm. Hore has been improving his commodous dwelling house by plastering it on the outside with cem ent. This will no doubt make it much warmer. From a collection of Furs so large as carefully chosen and reason- ably priced as ours, there will be no trouble selecting yours. You :19 new holster style with extra qaalitv in these muffs 1nd our price is only $12 3 . do not need to be an expert 1n 4'23 order to get value when you buy :rvy 1:11:111. extra nit‘c‘ L‘ven ngnnd the mutf is Empire 3 fromareliable store. This is how like‘ these 9159- , . .. , $4.25 lb we are amnng to buud up a big K § § â€2's business. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents abox or ?ix boxes if»? 3.2.50 from the Dr. Williams’ Medi win (30., Brash 113, Oct LINDEN VALLEY Rev. T. Brown, of Lindsay was the guest of Mr. J. C. Coad on Tuesday. The W. I. branch held their meet- ing at Mrs. C. L. Rogers home on Thursday Two excellent papers were given by Miss Alice Anderson and Allie Weldon ,also a readinE by Mrs. Alex Anderson. The question drawer Mr. John Emmerson, of Milton vis. ited his brother, Mr. J. Ammeraon over Sl'mday. Fowl suppers seem to bequite an outing 101' the young people. Quite a number attended tho Woodvillo suP‘. The trouble is usually seated in the face and head. {glowing the course of some nerve. but it attacks other parts of the system as well. It is characterized by acute pains, someâ€" I Miss Lulu Carpenter. of Toronto. ‘ Neuralgia is one of the most painâ€" iwa's the guest of Mr. and Mrs Mark at m1 maladies that afllicts humanity. ï¬ns placel This Painful Trouble is Bu: to Poverty M the Blood Neuralgia Cured ~h :EL H {I}, "Q 1 A Big Range of Small n01 d0} 0rd. fro: e maï¬ï¬gï¬ w §SPLENDID QUALITY FURS § § PRICED RIGHT FOR YOU é The fullowing prices \Yl‘l be found wry attractive indeed hey are attached to thoroughly reliable qualities and adv up in the teason s most approved manner and styles. Our Thanksgiving dinner was a de~ cided success. The attendance was larger than usual and everybody ap- peared to celebrate the day in the true spirit of Thanksgiving. Though the crops aroung here were not what might be desired. still we have enough and to spare. The evening entertain- ment was an intellectual treat as ev- ery part was well rendered and of an elevating nature. MANSE GR’)VE~â€"ELDON Rev. G. M. Young, “'80 has been pas tor of the Presbyterian Church for the past seven years has se‘Vered his con- nection with the congregation, and. took his departure on Friday last for his new field of labor at Homfield, Manitoba. Before leaving, Mr. and Mrs. Young were presented with an address and a well filled purse by the congregation. Mr. and Mrs. Young will be much missed but we wish them God’s speed in their new field to which they have gone. Among those who Vlslted here dur- ing Thanksgiving Day .were the fol- lowingâ€"Miss Bell McArthur, of Brampton; Mrs. Wm. McLean, bf Tod- morden; Mr. Burkholder, of Markhamf Miss Helen Fisher, of Toronto; Miss M. E. Smith, of Parry Sound,; Mr. Foster, of Linden Valley. The boys are returning from the beautiful wheat fields of the west. The weather conditions were not very fav- orable for harvesting and threshing, out there this season. Rev. Mr. Oke, of Toronto occupied the pulpit of St. Andrew’s Church On Sunday last, speaking in the interests of the Dominion Alliance. Mr. M. McLean, merchant, of Eldon Station, and Mr. McEachern, of the same place. called on friends has last Mrs. Grandby is spending a. few days with he: sister Mrs. J.M.. Swain Dr. A. Y. Home and wife and (laugh- ‘ter, of Markham spent a few days un- der the parental roof last week. They. appear to be well pleased with their busin‘ess prospects and social surround ings in Markham, Valentia News Of Interest YOU PAY LESS HERE “mi N. A. FANNING Sutcliï¬â€˜e’s Department Store LIN DSA Mr. Laking occupied the Chair Revs J. M. Whyte, of Minden; Rev. De Le.- Lom, of Donald, J. Bedfosd of Fens- lon Falls; Rev. Mr. Hie. 01 Victoria Road and Rev. Wilkinson of Wilber . force, all delivered splendid addresses The pastor, Rev. Davey opened c the meeting with prayer. The choir sang a beautiful chorus, also a solo by Rev Mr. Dickson. of CaernarVon, and two solos with guitar accompaniments by Mr. Pethrick. Piano solo by Mr. Tom- ikst, of Donald. Piano duet by the Misses Walling Miss Beatty. of Can- nington gave two splendid recitations and also gave the Amazon drill in inimitable style. 15 TERMSâ€"Ten months’ credit on all approved notes, on cutters and cat- tle. No interest on all sums over $20. $20 and under cash. E The new Methodist Church was form attended the $819 gally opened and dedicated on Sunday 0‘ Balsam Grove. :It is a large building and well tiniehâ€" Mrs- E. Moynes ed inside and out. Rev. Jno. Bedford, giVing after spend of Fenelon Falls preached two excel- the home 0‘ her ‘1 lent sermons. The Bazaar given in on, 0‘ Whitby. the town hall by the Ladies Aid on . It was quite a 81 Monday afternoon was well patroniz- 2605 Of Zion to W ed. In the evening a delicious supper morning and find was served in the Basement of the snow 00 the groun hall followed by an excellent program ,in’gf On Friday In one of the best ever given in Halibur- People here had th ton. ireport very good 5 1 0 MONTHS’ CREDIT SALE IO 40 IO Sale Nov. ll,’11 Mrs. Davey. I Mr. Wm. Perkin attended council Miss Reid. of London, spent the 5 meeting at Cameron on MODdSY- ho,iday at Mrs. Burgess'. : Miss Ethel Pethic returned home Rev. J. M. White, or Minden, and on Wednesday last after having spent Rev. Wilkinson. of Wilberforce were a Very pleasant week visiting her uncle here over Monday and assisted in the Mr. Par kins, Of Utbï¬dg‘e- Entertainment on Monday night, Quite a few from this neighborhood Rev. Mr. Hie. of Victoria Road was also a guest therefrom Monday to Wednesday, and Mr. and Mrs. Petrick spent Thanksgiving, Day with Mr and Mrs. Davey. HALIBURTON (Special to The Post\ Rev. Mr. Bedford, of Fenelon Falls, Miss Beatty, of Cannington and Miss McCordick of Victoria Road, were were guests of the Methodist' parson- age from Saturday to Tuesday. At the Sunday evening eervice, Miss ONE PRICE STORE Head young Cattle, 10 months. Twoâ€"year-old steers, 2 3-yrs-old. Two-vear-old heifers, well bred. Yenrlings, nearly all steers. Horses workers and drivers. New cutters, all ten months. 'Sett new single harness. Sett new double team harness. I; inch sett new platform sleighs Brood sows, in pig, (consigned). Cows, all young, supposed calf. Doz. Kersey Horse Blankets. Doz. fur-lined horse blankets. Doz. girts or sirsingles. Head all kinds of young cattle. 'Robes, all new, (6 interlined with rubber.) Doz. Sweat pads, all sizes. Doz. Raw hide Whips, new. Family Mare, 7-yrs..old, true. Bay gelding, II years old, true. Colt, 2, past, broken single. Bishop robes, high-class fur- robes THE LINDSAY POST Buying from the very best Fur manufacturers, in large quanti- ties as we do, places us in a position to give you better values than are generally procurable. However we want you to see 0/] ’HLâ€" 1 them-«to compare them-«you will be convinced that our claims are not over rated in the least. quality and popular neck places .. . .. Mink M'u‘mot, Lies and cross overs. choice $3 50 . .... .. . n... 0 Alaska Sable )[uffs of a very desirable quallty and size. nmdo with genuine down beds and vonl carriers. 13 Very spvcinl ouch .............. . ....... ....... ........... You will be surprised at their genuine. good qualities at such low prices. Mrs. E. Moynes returnedon Thanks Lim giving after spending Wednesday at â€W the home of her daughter, Mrs Brant- 1°“ on, of Whitby. bï¬d It was quite a surprise for the citi- F051 zens of Zion to wake up on Thursday 120 morning and find about 6 inches of cum snow on the ground and it still sn01w- end in'gf On Friday morning some of the 19.1 ‘ people here had their sleighs out. They report very good sleighing and it was a pleasure to hear the bells ringing ’ 0n once more and not to hear the stones lows scratching. ard- f l s I Each season briOgs its share of grief and woe and grief is never gone. It is just as hard to shovel snow as it is to mow the lawn. PLEASANT POINL The recent snow- fall has called a halt to out-door workâ€"such as plough ing roots etc., fora while. However, some sleig hs have been rigged up and and their tracus could be seen wind- ing off toward «the woods. The cheese factory of North Ops has closed for the season. The cheese maker made free cheete for the. pat- The league service was not held at Zion on Thursday evening on account of the storm. tons on Monday. Flour, best Manitoba $3. Rolled oats $2.85 Bran $1.25 Fall Wheat 88" Spring wheat 80c. Goose wheat 80c. Buckwheat 58c. Barley 70 to 85¢. Rye 700. Oats 42c VIrs. Allen and son, of Hampton, spent Thanksgiving with their rela- tives in tgis corn-er, Mr and Mrs Jno Ayres ami- family. H'allowe’en was passed quietly here. Then were only a few from here at- :en-dod #hz fowl supper at Dunsford on Mond‘sy 9vm"n::. :1: Miss Leta Brien of here attended the Epworth League convention, held at Cameron last week, as a delegate fram the Dunsford Methodist Church Mr. Wm. Robertson was successful in securing a large white owl recent- ly, which he is having mounted. Mr. F. Achahey 1nd 3 ploughing bee last T-lgursday at which some six teen or eighteen teams were present. ‘Reid, of London. and Mrs. (Rev.) Dav- : ey each sang a beautiful solo and Mrs. ‘ Walling sang a pretty solo at the [morning service. Quite a few from this neighborhood attended the sale at Mr. C. Everson's Large peas“ 90c. Small peas 80c. Hay $15. and 816. Eggs 27c. to 30¢. Dairy butter 26c.â€"27c. Cream. 15c and 30c. ZION FENELON Mr. Taylor Parking. of Uxbridge is spending the week at the home 01 his son, Mr. George Parkins. Messrs Cecil Brown and I Mark were to Lindsay on Friday. Chicken! 15 to 16¢. Ducks 16¢. WEEKLY MARKETS 015. Ch )ice -$3- 50 This Coat is a The bride entered the drawing room leaning on the arm of her father while Miss Lulu Philp sister of the bride, played the wedding march. The grooms gift to the bride was a handsome gold locket and chain. Am- ong the other presents received was a granite shower from the members of Nestleton choir, of which she was a leading soprano singer. On Wednesday. Nov. 1 at “The Wil- lows" the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard- Philp. of Cartwright, was the scene of a pretty wedding when their second daughter, Rhoda Louise, was united in the holy "bonds of matrimony to Charles Harold Pofteous of Nestle- ton station. The bride was handsomely gowned in a white embroidered marquisette over silk and wore a- wreath of flowers Her travelling costume was blue “broad cloth with white hat. Mr. and Mrs. Porteous left on the 5.15 train for Toronto, Hamilton, and points west. amid-st a shower of con- fette. A number of the guests accom- panied them from Nestleton to Burke ton Junction, Where they saw them safely aboard the Toronto train, amidst another shower of rice and con fette. Ontheir return they will reside at Sunnyside, Ne-stleton Station. Their many friends extend their congratula- After the ceremony the happy couple with the assembled guests, sat ‘down to a wedding repast, prepared by the bride’s mother, whim was thoroughâ€" ly enjoyed 'by' all. ,Jns and wish them long life and prosperity. Only the immediate friends of the ontracting parties were present. Rev. J. U. Robins, of Blackstock perform- ed the ceremony which took place. be- vireen the hours, two and~ three. Examiner: 'A quiet wedding; in which the contracting parties were Mr William E. Foster late of Birmingham Eng., and Miss Pearl Gwendoline Ida eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. .Peters, 0! the C.P.R. store, 120 Ayl- ’mer street, was solemnized on Wed- ‘nesday. The young couple journeyed to Lindsay, Ont., and there in the Me- thodist manse were united in wed- lock by Rev. John A. McCamus. The bride Was unattended. Mr. and Mrs Foster have taken up their abode at 120 Aylmer street, city, and their numerous friends wish then: a long and happy voyage on the matrimon- ial sea. that can change this. 80 mothers. to keep your baby happy, you must keep him wellâ€"Baby.s Own Tablets Will do this. Concerning them Mrs. 01133. Potnin, Causapatacia, N.S., write8!â€" “Baby ’3 Own Tablets have proved an excellent remedy for baby. I had been using syrups but they failed to help him and he cried constantly. The Tablets cured bin: and now he is a fat healthy child.†The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail tram the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Brock- ville, Ont. b -â€"â€"....____._. Mrs. Moses Webster, of Oakwood is visiting Lindsay friends. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of CASTOR IA Hoc- l6. Beef cattle $4 and $5. Hides $6. to 910. Potatoes, x125 bag. Geese 12 and 14c. Turkeys 18 to 20¢. For Infants and Children. WEDDING BELLS PORTEOUSâ€"PHILP F0 STERâ€"PETERS. This Lndies’ Fur-lined Coat is very special value. I: has a good outside and lined with good quality Muskrat. The collar and reveers are of Isabella Opposum. Leather arm shields to protect the fur where the sleeve is 37 50 sewn to the body. Very special ........................ $ 0 Bargain for You $37.50 This is a. genuine Canadian Muskrat, (feat of extra quality and a remarkable ï¬ne coat. Made in semi.ï¬tting styles with side vents or slaskes which give it a panel effect; and makes walking more easy, Nicely trimmed wi:h button, and the button loops are concealed. Either shawl n!‘ notch 65 collars. A leader at only ........................................ $ A Ladies’ Muskrat Coat On Sale at $65 This Coat has a real good quality shell on outside, has Alaska Shble collar and reveem and lined with extra. quality Canadian Muskrat. The styles are semi-fitting and $50 self strapped, Special ............................................. Women’s Fur-Lined Coat, very Special $50 Ever popular and bound to he even more so because of the great demand for this fur in foreign cities. We have a. par- ticularly nice range of them in Cravats. Ties and Stoles from the smaller sizes up to full shouler widths. Prices $17 range from $58 down to only Genuine Canadian Mink Furs are Good Buying Women's Institute Rest Room on Sean Entrances on both Kent and William WEDNESDAY. NOV. 29.â€"By Elias Bowes, Auctioneer, credit sale of Farm Stock and Implements, the uroperty of John Weldon, lot 3, con. 14, Mariposa. Sale at cued- clock. visiting Lindsay friends. Mrs. McDiarmid, of Fenelon Falls intends spending the winter in Lind say. I! Baby’s cry indicates distress-his smile; health and contentment" The ‘mother may be sure there never was a. baby who cried for the fun of it. Baby's disposition is naturally a. hap- py one and it is only distress such as may be brought on by a disordered condition of the stomach or bowels that can change this. 80 mothers, to keep your baby happy, you must keep him wellâ€"Baby.s Own Tablets will do this. Concerning them Mrs. Chas. Potnin, Causapatacia, N.S., writeuâ€" “Baby ’3 Own Tablets have proved an excellent remedy for baby. I had been using syrups but they failed to Depends upon the care of Dr. V. E Hart, IN OMEMEE 0N MONDAYS Over Gregory‘s Drug Store Moderate charges SILKLY BABIES CRY Safety Razors Shaving Cream Shaving Sticks Florida Water: Safety Bhde Sharpeners Mugs Brushes Lotions Talcums Styptic l Straps What Every Man Likes Immensely Is a compiete shaving outï¬t. You will ï¬nd everything here for the particular shaver. SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAY D R UG STOR E m SHAVER’S SUPPLY STORE You will always ï¬nd the big assortment at our store. YOUR HEALTH YOUR TEETH DUNOON’S SALE REGISTER HEALTHY BABIES SMILE Styptic Pencils PAGE 5 Dentist