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Lindsay Post (1907), 10 Nov 1911, p. 6

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“iii ”fl iégFURS Fiisié‘iamy SURVEY OF PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE EASTERN RAILWAY WILL TOUCH LINDSAYE the Post has been informed that the mveyors are making a preliminary survey of the route of the proposed Eastern Electric Railway, which it is aid, is financed by McKenzie and Ham: and which will run through a. number of the Lakeshore towns includ mg 0922313 and Whitby and will take h Lindsay and. Peterhoro as well. It The presance o! a stat! of a survey- ors in Lindsay and district during the gut fortnight has caused consider- .fle comment. and any enquiries have been made regarding the reason lint their presence here. :Eâ€"an Overcoat so unique, so different, so good, that the Canadian Government )granted letter patent No. 124, 098 for this special :‘Trogress Brand” design. O’Loughlin McIntYre a. VINEBERG £150., LIMITED, - : MONTREAL PAGE 2 . GAMER, 40 KENT-$12, LINDSAY In Pelt-i211: Lamb, Bur-'- Wuif. isaireiia 170)“. American Opposum Mink-Marmot, Alaska. Sable, Persian Paw, Fisher, Muskrat White Woit, Ger Squirrel Grey Lamb, White Thibet, Natuzaé Coon, Black China Fox Laaies’ Fur-fined Coat, 50 and 52 inches Eang, Canadian and American rat lining with .-")H‘a!‘ and laneis of Canadian Mink and Alaska. cable and Western Sable. In Sets and Separate Muffs, Stoles and Neck Piages. Ladies’ Fur trimmed Coats, made of good quaiity Kersey cloth. plain and quilted lining, Western Sable collar and lapels. Luuglulu 0L mumyl c @3 CASH AND ONE PRICE .éfl W53 ®'®W@® ®®fi . @2 EC EC 52(6).” EC EEC 57C ӣ11 bf) @@ SOLD WITH A GUARANTEE BY MADE AND GUARANTEED BY consider- 10C. W e guarantee to give absolutely the be st value for your money with every possible advantage as regards style and quality. We can demonstrate to your entire satisfac- tion that it will pay you to buy your Furs from us. We have a very large and well selected stock for you to choose from. It is also rumored that the sur- vey means that the C.N.R. will touch Lindsay. The town: is on the route of the proposed electric line audit is the intentions of the promoters to push it to a. speedy completion. is understood that a stafi of survey- ors are working htween here and Petâ€" erboro. Miss Ethel Neelands is on a. visit to Cobalt, theguest of her brother, Mr. E. V. Neelands, Manager of the Har- grave and Dmmmond mines. THE “93% MEETING OF IIORTICULTIIRAL SOCIETY ,. DR. NE EIANDS IS ELECTED PRESIDENT The annual meeting of the Horticul- mence 1912 with. tural Society was held Mooday eve-n- ; The officers for 1912 are:â€" ing in D. A. McKenzie’s office, Kent- 2 Presidentâ€"Dr. J. Neelan-ds st. The Secretary’s report showed re- First Vice-Pres.â€"T, Connolly. ceipts of $190.91ma/de up by balance Second Vice. Presâ€"T. J. Tilly. from last year of $49.11. Legislaâ€" Auditorsâ€"«James Keith andD C. tive grant $72.00 sale of plants 88c. Trew. Expenditure $103.03 made up of Directorsâ€"Messrs. Ed Armstrong. J $11- for meetings and printing;Period- O'Rielly. W. M. Robson. W. Jollifie, icals $37.62; Plants and bulbs $49.20. IT. J. Frampton. S. Balfour, C. Hugh Secretary and Treasurer $25. Workâ€" g an. Dr. Pogue and John Smith. ing expenses $7.21. Leaving the Socie- ; Secretary. pro ternâ€"F. J. mep- ty with a balance of $80.96 to com- ton. HORN BROS. WANT FIXED ASSESSMENT BRIGHT OUTLOOK FOR THIS FIRM (From Tuesday' 3 Post) At last night' 3 Council meeting the following communication was read, and referred to the Finance Commit‘ tee for consideration. "To the Mayor and Cotincil : Gentlemenâ€"On January 10. 1910, we interviewed the Council in regard to certain extensionsin our plant and machinery. and requested a fixed assessment for a term of 20 years. “The Council reported favorably, and referred the matter to the Fin- ance Committee. Tlfe Finance Com- mittee wrote Jan.v19th and recomâ€" mended the Court of Revision to grant us a fixed assessment for ten years. The Court of Revision met on June 6th and unanimously passed a resolution fixing the assessment at $13,000, the amount of our assessment and recommended that this be contin- ued for a period of t'en‘yesrs. "Since that time it has been dis-t covered that the Council has no legal right to fix the assessment without'a I THIRTY-FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS IS ESTIMATED DAMAGE AT BETHANY FIRE (Peterboro Examiner) Thirty-four thousand; dollars is the estimated damage caused by a. fire which wiped out fully Oneâ€"half of the hamlet of Bethany last night. The tire was first discovered in the harness making establishment of Alex. Monk and in a very short space oftim‘e the flames had spread rapidly both east and west on the south side of what is known as King street. The entire fire equipment of the village, which. consisted of two hand pumps and a couple of short lengths of hose, was. brought into requisition, ‘ and with the splendid aid'rendered by the emplby~ ees of the Toronto Construction Co., much Valuable property was saved: from the devouring flames. A tempor- ary tank', which isuscd'. tovsupply wa- ter to the construction engines and which is fed by a hydraulic ram from a nearby creek was kept in constant operation throughout the night, and was of very material assistance in checking the flames through the med~ ium of a hand engine. any chances of injury to his appaxjat- i Salvia 18 a non-sticky prepar 8-1-3103. us. He, however, wen-t himself via, C. and is the ladies favorite. A large gen- P.R. freight to the scene of the dis- erous bottle 50c. The Scobell Drug Co. aster, which is about fifteen miles St. Cathar-ines, Canadian distribut- west of here, but when he got there ors. Bucket brigades and salvage corps were formed and the workers heroicâ€" ally endeavoured to save as'much of the contents of the doomed buildings as possible. They piled the goods out in .the middle of the road, and by strenuous efiorts succeeded in saving many hundreds oirdollars worth of furniture. etc. Hairbreadth escapes of the fire fighters were many, and miraculous; one man, while attempt- ing to extinguish the flames or. the roof of a two-storey buildings, fell to the ground and was reodered uncon- scious. Fortunately medical aid was near at hand and his injuries were at- tended to.He recovered about an hour later. very little the worse for his mishap. About 12.20 the fire had assumed such alarming proportions that Mr Preston, the member for East Dur- ham and resident of the fire stricken. burg, called Peterboro and endeauour- ed to get in communication with the Mayor. with a View to securing help. In this he was unsuccessful, as the Mayor was out of town. He next comi municated with Fire Chief Howard and the latter volunteered to take an‘ engine and hose wagon out, provided he sechred a written order from the, Chairman of the Fire Water and Light ‘ committee, and that the municipal I authorities of Bethany would guar- antee the expenses of the trip. Both of these requisites being forthcoming; the Chief made hasty preparations to springs UP. to the a . . go to the relief of the town. A C.P.R. ,lieh’c of the user. The hair 19 engine, flat car and crew was soon to- para. 5". liull ”V'V'ul Has the Article and Guarantees it to Grow Hair or Refund Your Money. Hickingbotham, your druggust back d up b; the manufacturers of Salvia, the great hair grower, guarantees it o grow hair. Salvia destroys hair in ten days. Salvia. destroys dandrufl in. ten days ’The roots of the hair are so nour- hed and fed that a new crop or hair. mazement and de- made tions, .Salvia is daintily paertum- gather, but before the apparatus was soft andI fluffy. Like all American pre- loaded it was ascertained that there ’ed. It is hard to find an actress who was no way of unloading it at Bethâ€" any. The trip was then abandoned as f take no other. Chief Howard did not care to idoes not use Salvia continually. Ladies of Society and influence use vote of the people, and We would i therefore ask your honorable body to pass a by-law to be submitted to the electors at the municipal elections in. January' next to carry out the agreement made with the Council of 1910. We might add that we have ful- filled all the proposals we made to the Council and much more. In addi- thu to them we have plans now pre pared for further extensions which will give an additiOnal floor space or over‘ $55,000 square feet. It is quite possible that ayear hence from 150 to 200 hands may be employed by our firm in Lindsay. If the Town Council, the Board of Trade and the citizens grant this by-law and by their cheer- ful assistance we will be greatly en- couraged in our labor of building up what we‘trust will ere long be one of the largest manufacturing plants in the Dominion of Canada. HORN BROS. WOOLLKN CO The request was referred to the Finance Committee. - the fire was under coutrOL The Chie‘ was- enabled to render much valuable assistance. He returned via. G...T.R. or the: 8 o'clock next. morning. All communicatmn with the outside world was cut off by reason. of the tel ephone exchange falling mprey to the flames One of the instruments was ; dragged out of the burning buildingi but as some of tl'xc- poles amt wit as at- ‘ tached wexe» burned, itwas at no ser- S -â€" The fire. which started in the centre of the block 011‘ the 3.081335%].80: the street swept both ways the invincible march of the» flames licking up the small buildings in a short time but spending a. longer :eriod in the devour ing of the larger and mere substan- tial-brick structures shooting its long tongues of fl'ame Skyward and throw- ing sparks and Cinders in all direc- tions. The country around was illumâ€" mate-d‘ for'miles, and the whole made a very spectacular scans The village’s winter supply of coal, which was stated at the rear of the burning buildings, also fell a victim to the fire fiend. and atan early hour this morning was'stil‘. burning fierceâ€" ly, there being no means of extinguish ing it. Mr. Preston rendered invaluable ser- b'rce in the town's dire hour of need. He urged the volunteers to greater ef- forts in their endeavour to get the fire uncler control, following which he and Dr. BreretOn served coffee and sandwiches to the hungry workers. The )Ladies or Lindsay May Now Have Beauti- ful Hair Higginbottam Has the Article and Guarantees it to Grow Hair or Refund Your Money. The damage to the buildings wili.‘ THE LINDSLAY POST run in the newlghborhoodr 01 $21,000, “usage to Stock $5,000 and about $1- 000 damage to the furniture stock. which was removed from the buildings added to this about $7.000 for the town hall property, which gives a. total of about $34,000. These figures were secured from alocal contractor and therefore are: approximately cor- rect. About one half is covered by in- surance. The progress of the flames was checked at Preston Bros. grain oflice. Dr. Grenfell Lindsay citizens who are acquanit- ed with Dr. Grenfell and his noble life work aswellas those who have on diflerent occasions rendered him substantial assistance, will regret to learn of the loss of his yacht. As the Toronto News says, the brave doc- tor's work out-he inhospitable Labra- dor coast engages the sympathy of ev4 eryone who knows about it'. By devotâ€" ing his life to, the inhabitants of those bleak shores he had relieved the sui- ferings and brightened" the liVes of thousands formerly beyond the reach of medical aid or religious comfort. It is a question now whether or not Canadians out of their plenty, should not furnish the heroic G‘renferl with a. new boat. Vandalism at Public Library During the past feW" days several magazines have" been‘mutil'atai and destroyed at‘ the~Pub1io~ Library by‘ vandals. presumably young people. They have deliberately cut pictures from several standard'periodicals on the tables, and been: to have aprefer- ence for reproductions «distinguish- ed characters. This is not onry contemptible on the part of the perpetrators but is. also a heinous oflénce."1'fie Libranians; are leaving no stone unturned in ord- er to apprehend’thb guilty ones, and if they succeed,’ punishment will be meted out of such'wa-nature as to de- ter others from-committing the offence- in future. *Colborne, Nov. Sâ€"Rev"; Henry Thom- as, Methodist Minister, died here yes terday evening. Deceased had been a, minister of the Methodist Church for the past 38 years and at the time of his death was in charge of the Salem circuit. The funeral will take place at Millbrook on Tuesday at 2.30 pm. Las‘t Meeting of the Cheese Board (From Tueshay’s Post) The regular meeting of'the Limbar Cheese board was held‘thiis morning). The following factories boarded as- follows : Star - -. - - - - 53 Dunsford - n .- - .. 65 Mariposa - -A - _. .. 85 N. Verulanrsâ€"â€" - - - - '50 N. Ops -‘ .. .. - .. 32 Reaboro -- -. - .. - 40 N. Harvey - .. - .. 25 Bobcaygeona -, - - - - no RedRockâ€" - - _ _ 58 The bidding was as follows: F137â€" elle 13gc; Thompson, 13£c ; Gillespie 132’c ; Flavellen 1‘3 1'3-16c for selection, Thompson, 13%“0: for selection. (From Monday’S Post.) To-day at noon fire broke out in the G.T.R. round house, burning a por- tion of the roof. The fire Caught when one of the engines was getting up steam. thereby setting the roof on fire also. The employees had just left the shops for dinner when one saw the fire and blew the whistle. The men soon had it under control, the only damage being to a. portion of the roof. The President said there wasa. re- serve bid: Hewamtcd 14c. Mr. Thompson called several” factor- ies, but‘ they refused to sell}. Mr. Thompson-then ofiered 14c and took the following: Star, Dunsford, Mari- posa, N. Vérulam, Red Rock. Mr Fla- velle took N“. Harvey at 14c. The rest refused to sen. Those who refused to sell on the board got a sixteenth more fortheir cheese from Mr. Flav- elle. Aged Minister Passed Away Small Blaze at G. T. B. Show Suffers Loss? 10 The following is Chief of Police Chil. film's report (or the months! October. In. it. it will be noticed. he recom- mends that the curfew try-law be an:â€" ended having the bell ring during cer- tain. periods of the year at 7.30 o'- clock instead of 9 o'clock, the oflicer giving his reasons for suggesting such nzhange. Ald. McCrae gage notice of motion that he would introduce a by- law so the next meeting amending the curiew by-law. CURFEW BYLAW TO BE AMENDED CHIEF CHILTON MAKES A SUGGESTION Fifty persons, mcst‘ly foreigners. were given shelter inwth'e lock-up one night. The Chief recommended that the council amend Curfew by-law, hav ing the bell ring at 7. 30 pm" from Sept. 1 to last day of April instead of nine o’clock as at present. The nights are dark at the present time and many burglaries are committed by boys, who are permittwd-‘to be out at that hour (9 o'clock). which would not be the case if they were unéer the con- trol of their parents or guardian. Total ....................... . 22 Conviction in all cases but damage ‘60 property. Fines and penalties imposed amount adto $24.50; paid by imprisonment. none; paid to Liquor License Departâ€" ment $122.55; (mandatpenalties col- lected $102.90; Countyfbes collected. $48.00; Cab license $5.; ton rents $8. Total paid to town Treasurer $163-90. Also that thenég-n‘t Constable‘s du- é ties continue from seven o’clock in x the evening until? 1? in the morning dur} LIST OF OFFENCES Drunk and disorderly .. Do You Own a, “ PARKYTEJ 0R ARE YOU A SLAVE To iLL-HEALTH, u: day, and lasts a lifetime. Endorsed by the leading phxsicians and hea th ( :; i; the most prominent architects, and adopted 0) whole nut Over 15000 hav: been installed In Canadian horses 2 year. Ask your dealer for priCes. The Parkyte Sanitary Chemical Coset is mad: PARKER~\VHITE LIMITED, Winnip-z, Man. Breach of Liquor License Act Drunk aod incapable ............... Assault ........... . .. Causing disturbance ........... Wilml damage to property ...... D 'CINNAMON - LINDSAY Branchesâ€"Toronto, M antrcal, Calgazy and \‘anco W. R. WlDDESS, Canada Life Assurance Co .n..l QOW~OO . “It pays to have a policy in The Canada Life.’; Canada Life policies? are ex- tremely simple, safe and pro- fitable. They are world-wide, indisputable after one year: automatically non-forfeitable after three years in force un- til- value is: exhausted. They provide for 30 fdays’ grace without interest for payment 0f premiums, and contain generous loan and cash val- Bestgon the Continent. Sanitary Chemical Closet in your hume is the strongest kind againSi the germs of disease. I: is against epidemics and contagion in and an a'moiute necessity the year r Requires neither water nor SCWCY2'1( placed m any part of your home; cols Lmsn', m“, ing th ‘ mm; 2““ mm d of nit-3111.5 to 6' in maost‘:Wing to peedsim. awful nature gaging my t trus- Also that the cells in. th: lock. repaired so 3.5500 keep prisms their respective piaces. Petetborc‘; Nov. 4â€"‘1‘he Last case on the docket at the assims here was an action Ior damages by Grace Heme: a‘g-aimt the Canadian. Chicle Company for compensation for injuries wk: the workmis company compensation act. In dismissing the action Without coats. Sir;Wn:. MM sail: “Th plaintifl cannot recova inthisactim onaccount of the conditionsot the law." Hi: then called the Many}; Director of the Company before him and urged upon him. as his duty. that he should giVe the girl suficient compensation for the injuries thathad maimed: and disfigured her for lite. The Manager promised. and Mr. D. O’Counel course for the Company, was urgedto see that the promise 1 was‘ carried out. Mulock Pleaded for the Girl Damages for Calf Yaaterday reference Was made to a shunting afiray 1": South Ops when a farmer living in that district lost a calfon Thanksgiving as arosult of someone shooting iz. Commute Thornbury secured damages for the farmer to the extent of $15. ADVERTISE I}: THE 9081‘ General Ag?“ LINDSAY {DIRK 0' 1050mm Drevenmm. )3 eCIfied Summer “Pbe me -W. /Sll / at» h- n (DSTâ€"On ‘ fiction “I. a pnir 0 Fly to 300: PW? good frame shed. For f' m1: Wm 1. 1912. '. F01

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