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Lindsay Post (1907), 17 Nov 1911, p. 8

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if WEEKLY MARKETS (Lndit rs ard others having claims agamst tne estate of W. S. Sliugo, late ef the Village of Kirkfield, in the County of Victoria, Carriage Maker, deceased, who died on or about the 5th day of 5: ptember, AD. 1911, are hereby noufied, pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897,Chap. 129. to send in their claims duly verified, to the undersigned on or before SAT- URDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 1911, after which date the administratrix will diatribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice. ‘1 Dated at \\ oodvilie this 26th day of ctober, A.D. 1911 - 5 Head Scrubs at a. bargain. Should sell readily. 25 Yearling steers expected. All good Registered Short-horn Bin. 10-mths. New milker, seven-eigths Holstein breed, sound udder. New Milker, 5-years-old, calf by side 7 Choice Steers, two past, dark red Durhams. Car-load first-class young Cows. Guaranteed under seven‘years and in calf. __ Registered Holstein Bull, two past. 7 Sheep, all young and in good con- dition. 10 MONTHS’ CREDIT ON 'ALL COWS AND YOUNG CA'I'I‘LE. MISCELLANEOUS. 20 New Armstrong Cutters, (10 mtlis credit). 50 Horse Blankets, 6 doz. Surcingles 10 Fancy Woollen Rugs, 6 doz. whips e Robes, (Bishop's and Berlin.) Pair MatChed HeaVy Fillies, rising two years. 10 Horses, Workers and Drivers. CA'I'I‘LE. Carload of young Cows. all under seven years, all guaranteed in calf. Brown gelding, eight years old and sound. FURNITURE. Sidebcard, Secretary and Book case Bureau and Two Centre Tables conâ€" signed. Dr. J. W. White leaves to-nigtt for Ottawa, where he will deliver before 001., the Hon. Sam Hughes, M. P., Minister of Militia and Defence, and“ the Militia Department, an address on “Military Training in Schools.” READ THE POST FOR ALL LATEST NEWS. Fast pacing Mam by Lightning Dick 29,909 A.T.R., by Kinkom, 19,390, by Kremlin, 2.07:. This Mare has gone miles lin 2.28 over the Lindsay track this summer and she is only four years old. To be sold at high dollar. Span of Mares xby Hague, imported five years old past. sound and very well matched. Si deb car (1 Secretary and Book case! Hon. Mr. Matheson, financial chief Bureau and Two Centre Tables con- Of the Whitney government, who jug- signed gles the revenue from the Capital into the current account, w 8 once bitter SALE AT ONE O’CLOCK . a . a . jassailant of the very: practice, ‘Wthh TERM S.-â€"1 0 months on Cows an d‘he now invokes to save his govern- , men from what would otherwise be a Young battle, also on cutters, on apâ€" . . . proved joint notes. No interest, but ‘Startlmg dehc‘t’ a discount at the rate of seven per: Hon. Mr. Mathseon once hate-d suc- cent will be allowed for cash' on cred- cession duties. To him they were Oh- it amounts. All sales of $20.00 and horrent and meant legislation, which under, cash. Horses will be sold on ‘practically robbed the dead. This 570 days with the nsIJal interest, un- iwas in opposition. NOW Eli-Ion. Mr. 159 otherwise arranged on day of Mathsecn rejoices that such legisla- gale, tion, passed by the Liberals, ga've GEO. J ACKSON, this province over a million dollars in Auctioneer succession duties in 1910. SPEAKS BEFORE MILITIA DEPT. Fanning’s Repository, Lindsay SAT. NOV. 25, ’ll COMBINATION SALE Flour, best Manitnba. $3. Rolled oats $2.85 Bran $1.25 Fall wheat 86c. Spring wheat 78c. Goose wheat 78c. Buckwheat 55c. Barley '.'0 to 80¢. Rye 85c. Oats 40c. Large peas $1.10 Small peas $1. Ray 815. and $16. Eggs 26c. to 28¢. Dairy butter 26c.â€"27c. Cream. 15c and 30c. Chickens 13 to 14¢. Ducks 16c. Geese 12 and 14c. Turkeys 18 to 20¢. Hog-s $6.40 Bee! cattle 34 and $5. Hides 36110 $10. Potatoes, £1.25 bag. NOTiCE TO CREDITORS PAGE 8. Solicitor ior \1r.~. A! ce Slingo Amuauu. HORSES. C. E. WEEKS Mrs. A. J. Matthews will receive with Mrs. Geo. Matthews on Friday afternoon, at 116 Kent street. Mr. Thos. S. Begg left this man- ing for Toronto to spend a. few days with his son, and take in the Horti- cultural, Exhibition. The “Princess Alice” will be a, fine addition to the Canadian Pacific Railway’ s Pacific coast service fleet, of steamships. It has been built es- pecially for the service in which it will be entered, and is beautifully fit- ted up and furnished. on the way from England to Vancou- ver, has reached Coronel, oh the South American coast, according to word received at the local Canadian Pacific Railway headquarters yester- day. The new steamship has evidently weathered the trip around Cape'Horn safely and will be moored against the docks at Vancouver soon. the spending powers of the Whitney Government have more than kept para with the revenues of the province, and the sums secured from the rapid de- pletion of timber wealth. In other words Sir James Whitney and his co- horts are drawing annually on On- tario's ban-k balance for current ex- penditures, much of which is occas- oned by the demands of party patron- age for increased salaries. (Brantford Expositor), The rather startling announcement has been made- by Hon. Mr. Mathe- son, financial chief of the Whitney Government, that he only hopes to balance the accounts for the past fiscal year. An even balance sheet for the past year, means, in brief, that ers of the province to the limit, rob- bed the dead, and has used the capit- al account of the province for cur- rent expenditure is not a creditable remit of seven years’ stewardship. An even balance sheet by an extra- vagant government which for revenue purposes has squeezed the license hold- Montreal, Que., Nov. 14.â€"-The Can- adian Pacific Railway’s new steam- ship, the “Princess Alice,” which is on the way from England to Vancou- m., and is supposed to have it origin in the still room. There Was no wind- blowing, otherwise there would have The. loss is believed to be covered by insurance. I Revenue from the liquor trafiic was likewise abhorent to the financial lcritic or the former Whitney opposiâ€" Etion. It was likewise wringing money from the impoverished poor, and the dissipation of the 1-cople. But the brute majority 01 the Whither govern- ment has produced a change, and a pride that always goes before a. (all. ’ith expenditures *rising on every hand the government no-w mulcts a direct percentage tax on bar-r00m receipts. This hits only the "bi-g cities of the province, but the fund is emptied into one common channel of provincial ex- travagance. It is only natural that Ontario elec- tors should expect Ho-n. Mr. Matheson to put into practice what he preached while in opposition. The truth is, however, that the Whitney Govern- ment secured in 1910 a revenue of $8,831,001, all of which, with the ex- ception of the comparatively small amount of $300,000 was derived from sources provided by former; Liberal legislation. (From Wednesday’s Post) Fenelon Falls, Nov.14.â€"’I‘he Stand- ard Chemical Company's mill on Cam eron Lake Shore, at the foot of Fran- cis street, was destroyed by fire to- night. The flre started about 5.30 p. The juggling of prsvincial finances only goes to show that the Whitney Government was elected under false pretences, and such being the case had to fall back on the very experience ad- opted by the Liberals for revenue pur- NEW STEAMSHIP FOR THE C. P. R. been danger to the dwellings nearâ€" by. About twenty bands will b: thrown out of employment. STANDARD CHEMICAL CO’S PLANT BURNED AT FENELON FALLS LAST EVENING .s reacned Coronel, off the American coast, according to aceived at the local Canadian Railway headquarters yester- JUGGLING ACCOUNTS ZIMERRY JINGLE Canada not for forming a large estate, but he is anxious to have settlers, not tenants. His insistance on this point is perhaps forthcoming, because a prominent Liberal paper expressed fears that the duke’s action if copied by others might lead to the establi:l:- ment to: a Qanadian Sendai system. No Feudalism Intended. London, Nov. 15.â€"(C.A.P. Cable.)â€" The Duke of Sutherland emphasizes Lhe cht that he ha_s bought land in Chasso Switzerland Nov.15.â€"The report of the Italian Government shuns that there were 153 cases of cholera and 81 deaths in Italy from Oct. 29 to Nov. 11 inclusive}.’ The towns of Naples. Genoa and Rome were immune. The Province of Naples reported one case and the Province of Genoa two cases and one death. There were three cases but no deaths in the town of Palermo and one case in the province. THE CENTRAL PRISON. To the Editor : Sinâ€"The Whitney manilesto says: “The erection of the new Central Prison has been commenced at Guelph." Just so; but why was it commenced just there, when that place already has a large Govern- ment institutionâ€"the Agricultural College ? Usually these Government 1 works have a large commercial value‘ and have generally been placed in dif- ferent parts of the country. Lots of other towns have not been so favored and some have quite as much right to Government institutions as any one town has to two. Lindsay would have been an ideal place for 3 Cent- ral Prison, and besides the County of ‘Victoria sends two Government sup- porters, or has. It will be to the in- terests of the voters of these constit- uencies to consider the matter of lo- cating the new Central Prison at _ Guelph. Then, too, there is North On- With last night’s fall of “the beau- tiful” King Winter has once more been ushered in. This morning the merry jingle of sleigh bells could be heard on all the streets, putting gladness into the hearts of the peo- ple, calling to mind- the delights of a Canadian winter. A frequent expres- sion on the streets this morning was “Isn’t it good to see the snow and hear the sleigh bells jingle once more.” There promises to be a run“ on the livery stables for horses and cutters, said demand being created by the young people of the community. There are still a number of the fuiir wheeled vehicles on the :oad, cut with the weather man’s promise of more snow they Will soon disaopear, to return no moreâ€"not until next spring, when Nature will once more put on her green garb. men was B. Terry’s barn. They were each fined $2.00 and costs. JazmesBameslenrich- ed the Town Treasury to the extent of $8.65 while Fred Willia paid over $6.50. The arrest of the last fiwo This morning two cases «were tried. Fred Willis, Emily and James Barnes. of Mariposa, farm laborers, were charged with being drunk and incapa- ble near a public place. to wit, Mr. A. charge of stealing an overcoat from Harry Applebaum. The coat was not found in his possession, but was seen or: him. A thorough search was made for the garment. Last night an Italian was fined in the police court for being drunk and disorderly. His first name is George The Magistrate assessed him $2.00 and costs for his little spree, which amounted in allito $6.50. The arrest was made by Chief Chilton. Ocean Liners Day: Late. Montreal, Nov. 15.â€"Of the five lin- ers on the way to Montreal, one is as much as five days over due, but all are reported in the gulf, except the Pomeranian, which is two days late in reaching the gulf. No anxiety is felt however, as it is usual at this time of the year. The vessels behind hand are: Cor- inthian three days late; Manchester Importer. three «lays; Cassandra, two days; Pomeranian. not reported; Montreal, five days late. tario just on one side and Peterboro on the other, both of which would have been benefitted to a certain ex- tent. had the Central Prison been lo- cated up this way. Lindsay, however, did get something. What was it, and how has it panned out ‘? Yours, etc.. GRANDFATHER. Where is the Coat? This afternoon Chief of Police Chil- >n arrested James Murphy on a POLICE COURT COMMUNICATION 0F SLEIGH BELLS made by Constable Short. Cholera In Italy. Messrs. L. R. Brennan, F. L. Mc- Callum, and H Miller, Welland, were Mrs visitors to town taco-day. rontc ' A farewell banquet was tendered The Direcotors oi the Winter Fair Warden and Mrs. Callan on Friday Association will hold a meetin-gin the evening last at Coboconkq on the eve council chamber on Monday evening got their departure from that place. next at 8 o’clock for the purpose of They intend residing in Toronto. electing officers and making arrange- ” ments for the annual fair to be held Mr. S- A. Fagan, Allandal'e. tran- in December. A full attendance of the 38-th 13119111999 in town to-day. citizens. and more especially the mer- Mr. Dan McPherson and Mrs W. J. chants of the town is requested. All McPherson, Lorneville, were in Lind- ‘are asked to take an active part in say to-day. the business of the meeting. 1 WARDEN CALLAN WINTER FAIR LEAVING COBOCONK DIRECTORS MEET $15 Men’s Fancy Worsted Suits, all new shades Sacrifice 10 98 .Sale Price. $18 Men’s Imported Worsted Suiis, hand tailored goods Sa- M13 48 crifice Sale... .. 3§E§§§§T§i.i.§?f’.‘.j.sfn”Sf 13.48 ' 5:153:63:33523.???2.75 I “2553:1612:§::r%;::<;i:w ; '53” Taking Quality and Price into consideration, we can give -:- -:- you the best value for your money in town -:- -:- $12 Men’s Suits in fancy worsteds- Sacrifice Sale Price: ............ 7 98 ........................................ . $10 Men’s Tweéd and Worsted Suits Sacrifice Sale Price... A no GOUGl-I’S SACRIFICE SALE $8 00 3131's Omrcoats made with storm collar, Sacrifice Sale 4 95 Price .............................. . $10.00 Men’s Ovechatc, made with velvet cokars. Sacrifice 6 49 Sale Price. . $12 Men’s Overcoats, college style Sacrifice Sale Prica ....8 40 ........................................ $16 Men’s Overcoats, made with convertable collar. Sac- 10 49 rifice Sale Price ............ . $10 Men's Overcoats, velvet collars, Semi-fitting. Sacrifice 12 98 Sale Price ..................... . $25 Men’s Fancy Tweed Overcoats in the newest brown and olive shades, velvet or college collars, hand tailored goods. Sacrifice Sale 17 98 Price. ........................... ° Men’s Overcoats Men’s Suits D )0 CUT INTO PIECES ARE THE PRICES “Where the Good Clothes Come From. Mrs. Dr. Noelands is visiting in To- ronto tor a few dam 75c Men’s Caps, fur-lined, Sacrifice Sale Price ............. $1 50 Hard and Soft Hats Sacrifice Sale Price ......... $2 Hard and Soft Hats: Sacrifice Sale Price..... $2.50 Men’s Hard Hats Sacrifice Sale Price ......... 75c Boy’s odd Vests, Sacri- 25 fice Sale Price ................... c 52 50 Boy’s z-piece Suits, double and single breasted, Sacrlfice 1 29 Sale Price ........................ $4. to $5 Boy’s Brownie 1 85 Suits, Sacrifice Sale Price. 4’Boy s z-piece Suits, Sa- M2 49 crifice Sale Price. $4. to $5 Boy’s Brownie 1 85 Suits, Sacrifice Sale Price” 4’Boy s 2-piece Suits, Sa- M2 49 crifice Sale Price... $4 to $5 Boy’s Black and Blue Serge Suits, Sacrific Sale Price . ..2 79 1.; ...................................... $5.50 Boy’s 3-piece Suits, 3 99 Sacrifice Sale Price ............ . $7.50 Boy’s 3-piece Suits 4 95 Sacrifice Sale Price ......... . $3.75 Boy’s Overcoais. 2 99 Sacrifice Sale Price ......... . $4.75 and $5 Boy’s Over- 3 49 coats. Sacrifice Sale Price . The opportunity to save Money on your Winter Clothing, Furnishings, Hats, Caps and Furs is knocking at your door to-day. ‘X’Qu are sure to require some of the lines we have in our stock. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED. When you are brought face to face with the facts, there is no getting away from them. It is a fact we will give you the bargains as advertised in this Great Sacrifice Sale. Investigate the moneyâ€"savings in this advertisement, then grasp the Oppor. tunity and SAVE. READ ON Hats and Caps Boy’s Clothing A Money-Saver To You penses. GEO. A. SLUG-GE'I'I‘, say Po 00-w3. STRAYEDâ€"On to the premises of - the undersigned, Lot 25‘, con. 1, Ops, about the 25th or October and and white steer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying ex "â€"A -7 Â¥ Chamterlain’ s Stomach and Lipex Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and may be taken with perfect safety by youngest child. The old and feeble will also find them a. most suitatfle' remedy for aiding and strengthening their weakened digestion and regulat- ing the bowels. For sale by 9.11 am]- f??? 1.99 E??? 1.25 ‘f?’ 99c 49c STRAYED $60 Men’s Rat Lined Coats, Pc'Sl n lamb collar, Sacrifice Sale $48 $50 Men’s Rat Lined C0315. Prrshn lamb collar, Sacrifice Sale ...... 38 Men’s Coon Coats crifice Sale price.... Men’s Coon Coats, rPgu}ar é::. Sa- crifice Sale price .................. $42 Men’s Coon Coats. regular 5‘75 Sa- crifice Sale price .................... 52 Men’s Coon Coats, regular #8:. 53 critice Sale price .................... 62 25 doz All Wool Underwcar. regular 75, S3.crifice Sale .................. 49c $1 All Wool Underwear, Smrifice Sale price ......................... 69c 75c Fleece Lined L'nderw iice Sale price.................. $1 Colored Shirts, Sacrifice price................... Men’s Fur-bed Coats Men’s Fur Coats Liper ,1 For pains in 1‘ and ‘pen apiece off :y by lain's Liniment sable ;the seat of pain :ahle‘ I ter. For sale by Furnishings LINDSAY, FRIDAY Moderate Charges IX OMEMEE ().\' Dr. V. E. Hart D ntist 7 553‘ Deguends upon YOUR HEALTH YOUR TEET} Over Greg reg ular “I“. zorv he car 49c 72 S‘C dart- ("- - in additi def yo‘. F8 in a on ulstr‘

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