Cal-load ï¬rst-class young Cows. -Guaranteed under seven‘years and in 20 New Armstrong Cutters, (10 mths credit). 50 Horse Blankets, 6 doz. Strangle: 10 Fancy Woollen Rugs. 6 doz. whips E Robes, (Bishop’s and Berlin.) Registered Holstein Bull, two past. 7 Sheep, all young and in good con- dition.‘ 10 MONTHS’ CREDIT ON ALL COWS AND YOUNG CATI‘LE. MISCELLANEOUS. ~’ Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McElroy were Cr dirr: rnd )zhcrs having chims _ 333m . â€(.7 but“; Of “j 5; Simgo, m5 guests of Valentxa friends on Tuesday Hfzhe We: of Kirkï¬cid, in thev Mr- and Mrs Dan Campbell. of Counï¬v of \-gr’tof§a’ (faxriage Maker, Glenarm visited his brother, Mr. An- dereawd. “hr. dird on or about the gus Campbell this week. 5th day of Sptem'tr, AD. 1911, aref Mr. and Mrs. N E. ‘Weldon and he- eny notiï¬ed. pursuant to Revised daughter, Zella, spent Tuesday in Statutes of Ontario, 1897 Chap. 129. :Yalentia. ‘ to Scnd in th» 1r ciaims du‘y veriï¬ed,f tothe undersizred on or before SAT-é Miss S. Jarvis, of Toronto, who URDAY, NOVEMBER. 25th, _191}. ihas been visiting friends in town and after which date the admlmstratnx wxll 5country for the past few months reâ€" distribute the Estate having regarditumed to her 11 . . ’ , . : ome 1n the at 13 only m the dawns of whxch she shall ~ 5! th . 2evening. then have notice. . Dated a: Woodvxlle thlS 26th day Of 1 w.“- ming in mg mm. m- ohmla Ham. 5 Head Scrubs at a bargain. Should sell readily. 25 Yearling steers expected. All good Registered Shorthom Bï¬ll. 1oâ€"mm. old. FURNITURE. Sideboard, Secretary and Book case Bureau and Two Centre Tables con- signed. New milker, seven-etgtns Holstein breed, sound udder. New Milker, 5-years-old, calf by side 7 Choice Steers, two past, dark red Durhams. TERMSâ€"10 months on Cows and Young Cattle, also on cutters, on ap- proved joint notes. No interest, but a discount at the rate of seven per cent will be allowed for cash on cred- it amounts. All sales of $20.00 and under, cash. Horses will besold on 60 days with the usual interest, un- less otherwise arranged on day of sale. 10 Horses. Workers and Drivers. CA'I'I‘LE. Carload of young Cows, all under seven years, all guaranteed in calf. Pair Matched HeaVy Fillies, rising two years. Mr. M. A. Lynch, Bethany, was in town today. 29,909 A.T.R.. by Kinkom, 19,390, by Kremlin, 2.07%. This Marches gone miles lin 2.28 over the Lindsay track this summer and she is only four years old. To be sold at high dollar. Span of Mares'by Hague, imported ï¬ve years old past, sound and very well matched. BroWn gelding, eight years old and sound. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liper Tablets do not sicken or gripe. and may betaken with perfect safety by youngest child. The old and Iceble will also ï¬nd them a. most suitatie remedy for aiding and strengthening their weakened digestlon and regulat- ing the bowels. For sale by all deal- Fanning’s Repository, Lindsay SAT. NOV. 25, ’11 Provincial Elections Dec. 11 MEETINGS COMBINATION SALE MEET I N G. Sf Mr. Hiram Rogers returned home iafte'r spending a few days with Toron- ‘to friends. ' Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rich were C. E. W E E K Sf‘he guests of Mrs. J. Coad. We have had a fall of snow this Liberal Candidate West Victoria week and the merry sleigh- bells are heard again in the interests of ‘ V I . Dalrymple ..................... Nov. 27 Sadowa Nov 28 Kirkfield ..................... Nov. 29 Balsover ........................ Nov. 30 Brown’s ........................ Nov. 27 Black’s......... ......Nov. 28 Kenny’s ....................... Nov- 29 Jackson’s .................... Nov. 30 Murphy’s ..................... Dec- I Mr. C. E. Weeks and others will speak DR. WfliTE A. J CAMPER]. ctobcr. A. D. 191 I NOTICE TO OR? DITORS PAGE 8. SALE AT ONE 0’ CLOCK GOD SAVE THE KING Solicitor tor Mrs. AHCC Slingo A 2‘ mi nistratrzx . will be held as follows : k’res . MNNNNNNND C. E WEEKS GEO. JACKSON. Auctioneer ccxctan‘ 3 3 Mrs. Ropert Weldon, of Lindsay, 27 {visited her sister, Mrs. W. Terrill. 28? Mr. Robert McElroy purchased a {fine team of horses this week. 291 Mrs. J. C. Coad spent Friday in 30 iToronto. 27; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cory, of Browns 23 ,were the guests of Mr. W. Sluggitt. 293 Mr. Ernest Wright and sister, xiiss zLena Wright were guests,at Mr. J .W. 30 , ,Hancock 3. .y Mr. and Mrs. Brokenshire visited at Mr J .P. McEery’s. I l Miss Gretta Campbell visited her cousin, Miss May Jewell, of Eden. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jewell attended 'Mr. Wes Jewell' 5 sale at Valentia on 5_Tuesday. For pains in the side or chest dam- pen a. piece of flannel with Chamber- lain’s Liniment and bind it on over the seat of pain; There 15 nothing bet- ter. For sale by all dealers. Mr. T. Heard returned onTuesday from Peterboro. Mrs. L. Hinton Visited with Toron- I to friends last week. I Mrs. Fraser spent the week and in I Kinmount, the guest of Mrs J Austin I Miss Agnes Potts left on Tuesday ‘ tar Toronto. I Mrs Dr Mason spent a few days in Liadsay, returning on Saturday. Miss S. Martin returned on Mon- day from a. visit to Toronto friends. Mr. J. R. McNeillie of Lindsay, spent Saturday in town on County Court business. Mrs L B Hartle spent a few days in Toronto this week. Mr Jas Lord, of Detroit, spent a few weeks with his parents. Mrs McDiarmid spent Tuesday the guest of Mrs (Dr) Graham. Mr A Pratt left last week for Orilâ€" lia, where he has secured a position with the Tudhope Carriage Works.K Mr J H Brandon and Miss Brandon returned on Saturday from Peterboro Miss Heard spent a. few days in To- ronto last week. Mr. and Mrs F Rutherford and child returned last week from a._ visit with Windsor and Toronto friends. Misses F and M Potts left Tuesday for Moosejaw, Man. Mr B Chambers of Bancroft is vis- iting his parents in town Mr. and Mrs. Robert McElroy re- turned home after af-ew days visit with Lindsay friends. Mr. Thoe. Robson returned last week from hunting at Clegr Lake. He was fortunate in securing aldeer that weighed 250 pounds one of the ï¬néstr ever taken out of the wood. Arthur gave a sketch entitled, The In- , dian in the West. Miss Robertson spoke on the work in, Korea and Miss i McKendry on Formosa and China. j Mrs. E. A. McArthur rendered a, solo ‘ at closing. ’ Mr. Geo Martin spent Friday in ‘ Lindsay on business. 2 Mrs Dr Gould returned on Monday from Toronto. 5 The annual Thanks oï¬ering meeting of St Andrew’s W.F.M.S. Was held am Thursday of last week. Mrs. (Rem) McLenn-an, of Toronto, spoke on Home Mission Work in the West and gave an admirable address. Miss Mc- St. Andrew’s A. B. 0. held a suc- cessful social evening on Tuesday of last week, The following short pro- gramme was given. followed by the election of ofï¬cers for 1912 : Solo, Mr. Thos. Guy ‘ recitation, Miss Marjorie Demill; solo, Mrs J. Northey. Ofï¬cers, on.-Pres. Mr. A. Sutherland, President, Mrs F. A. Robson, teacher, Rev. C. S. Lord; assistant teacher, Mr J as Hickson; treasurer, Mr S Mason; secretary, Mr Norman Martin. assist.â€"Sec., MrThos Guy; Organist, Miss V McKendry; as- sistant organist. Hiss Hazel Sharpe After the close of the business nzee- ting a dainty lunch was served by the social committee. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Campbell spent Sunday at T.. Ferguson’s at Glenarm. Jottings From Penelon Falls Linden Valley News Items Mr. and Mrs Marts, Lindsay, visit- ed friends in town oVer the week end. . Miss Myrtle Brunker returned to her ;home in Woodstock on Friday last af- ter spending several months with her uncle, Mr. David Tait. Mrs. Tait ac- companied her to her home and will gremain for a. few week’s visit with her sister, Mrs. J. J. Brunker. Word was received here on Monday 30f the death of one of our farmer res- :idents, Mr. Frank Sm‘allword, at his home in Roland, Manitoba. on Friday Nov. 30th, after an illness of one year ‘from Asthma and heart failure. His Emany friends learned of his death 1 with regret. l Miss Evelyn. Cameron and Mr. O. Wakely wn‘e guests of Mr. and Mrs. iJ. J. Rich at Little Britain on Sun- '_ day. The Women’s Institute helda very interesting meeting at the home 01 Mrs. Bertram Graham’s on ll’ggdnesdasyl Nov. 15. A reading was given. by Mrs. Jas. Taylor,on "Christmas,†which was much enjoyed. Mi-ss Jessie Goad gave two pieces of instrumental mus- ic, and music was also furnished by Miss Florence King. Miss Inez Mc.- Cullough. of Lindsay was present and gave an excellent recitation, which was appreciated by all. Mrs. W Ghan- non presided over the Question Draw- er. The President Mrs. A. C. White, was unavoidably absent and Mrs. R. G. dester. the fermer President a-b- ly occukied the Chair. There were thirty-five members present and sev- eral visitors. At the close of the meet- ing Mrs. Graham treated the ladies to candy. Miss Pearl and Elsie! Goad spent Sun day with friends in Toronto. Mr. Wm. Thorndyke arrived home from his hunting trip on Friday (bring ing with him a very rare specimen of white deer. Mr. Coad has purchased it and is having it mounted in Peter- boro. Micc Inez M(Cullough, of Lindsay is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Webster. Mr. Stephen Washington is at pres- ent enjoying a. visit with his son, Mr‘ W. J. Washington. in Toronto. Mrs. (Re-v.) Limbert left on Monday morning to visit her brother Mr Wer- ry, of London, who is at present ve- ry 111.. Mr. F. P.. Coad. of Coad 00., madea business trip to Toronto dur- ing the past week. Three of our young ladies had an experience that they will not soon forget. As they were driving a. couple of miles east of the village the horse began to kick, breaking the cutter, harness etc. However, the ladies es- caped without any serious injury. The Ladies Aid will hold their meet ing at the home of Mrs. Caleb Weldon on Tuesday of next week. Messrs. Geo. Wilson, of Woodville, and S. Wilson, of _Toronto, visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wil- son on Sunday. Miss Alice Dale was the guest of Mrs. Dr. Dale tor afew weeks. Rev. Douglas Dixon, of Carnarvon, is in the Ross .Memorial Hospital suf- fering from apendicitis. His many friends hope er his speedy recovery. Alarge number of our villagers en- joyed the good sleighing on Sunday, it being the first of the season. Miss Lilyan Webster is at present the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Routley, Toronto. Messrs L. Pascoe and J. Bruce, of Lindsay, visited friends here on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. “A Davies visited Reaboro friends on Tuesday. North Ops Cheese Factory The annual fall meeting of the North Ops cheese factory will to held in the factory on Monday, Nov. 27th, at the hour of one o'clock p.m., to ï¬nish up the season's business. Thos. Flynn, President. Weeks Doings From Oakwood I)rugzist, â€"such ahot water bottle as may be selected from our stock. We have only the genuine rubber, strong, tough, durable kind. All prices Instead of dangerous drugs. try heat for relieving toozh- ache, headache, neuralgia, etc. Apply it by means of a HOT VJATER BOTTLE A. HIGINBOTHAM ADVERTISE TN TH?) POST Lindsay Mr. Chas Bno’wnlee" returned to tpwn after spending a few days in Peterboro. and other points. Mrs. G. W. Stevens, of Coboconk, was in town on her way to Carnarv- on to visit her daughter, Mrs. J oh‘n Cowan, Jr. Miss Ida Noice came home one day last week, but in answer to a tele- gram returned to Toronto next morn- ing. Stampâ€"In Anson township, Sun- day Nov. 12, to Mr and Mrs Oscar Stamp a daughter Items of Interest From the Northern Wine in Patagraph Form. NEWS OF MINDEN Gough’s S a 0 rifice Sale $800 Men’s Overcoats made with storm collar, Sacriï¬ce Sale 44 95 Price $10.00 Men’s Overmats, made with velvet collars. Sacriï¬ce 6 49 Sale Price. , . Taking Quality and Price into consideration, we can give -:- -:- you the best value for your money in town -:- Sacriï¬ce Sale Price $16 Men’s Overcaats. made with convertable «Mar. 83 c- 10 49 riï¬ce Sale Price ............ g e mi-ï¬tting. Sacriï¬ce 12 98 SalePrice..................... . $25 Men’s Fancy Tweed Overcoats in the newest brown and olive shades, velvet or college collars, hand tailored goods. Sacriï¬ce Sale 17 98 Price- ........................... ' 10 dozen Boy’s Pure Wool Sweater Coats 1n the newest colors, beautifully ï¬nished, regular $1.75 each Sacriï¬ce sale price ........... $15 Men’s Fancy Worsted Suits, all new shades Sacriï¬ce 10 98 .Sale Price†$18 Men’ S Imported Worsted Suits, handtailored goods Sa- M13 48 criï¬ceSale...... Boy’s Sweater Coat Special $12 Men’s Suits in fancy worsteds- Sacriï¬ce Sale Price ............ 7 98 ........................................ Q $10 Men’s Tweed and Worsted Suits Sacriï¬ce Sale Price ........... 4 98 ........................................ . Men’s Overcoats $12 Men’s Overcoats, college style, $10 Men‘s Overcoat» velvet collars, ................................. Men’s Suits A GREAT Iï¬RGAIN EVENT 75 each, oooooooooooo . “Where the Good Clothes Come Frem 3 The Minden branch of the Women’s . Institute held a. very successful meet» éing at the home of Mrs Small, but [the stormy weather prevented some g of the members from attending. A gvery pleasant afternoon was spent. IN OMEMEE ON MONDAYS Over Gregory’s Drug Sune Moderate Charges Dr. V. E. Hart, Depends upon the care of YOUR HEALTH YOUR TEETH ones imagination, and as a bargain event, has not been mated by the MONEY-SAVINGS in it. We will stake our reputation that price is not everything, that controls and dom. g inates this Phenomenal Sale QUALITY IS A MEGHTY FACTOR in' its success. The HIGH QUALITY of the NEW 5 FALL sums and OVERCOATS gives it an impetus and an Z inspiration altogether its own. INVESTIGATE the QUALI â€â€3 TIES at these prices and you cannot be skeptical. ; equalled. The measurement of a bargain can only be e33- OUR Great Sacrifice Sale 18 satisfying the loft iest outreach of Men’s all Wool Sweaters, made in medium weights, some have open necks, regular $1.25. Sacriï¬ce sale pnce 990 25 doz All Wool Underwear, regular 75, Sacrifice Sale .................. 490 $1 All Wool Underwear, Sacrifice Sale price..... 690 75c Fleece Lined Underwear, Sacri- fice Sale price.................. 496 50c Fleece Lined Underwear, Sacriâ€" fice Sale price ..................... 39c 40c Boy’s Fleeced Lined Underwear Sacrifice Sale price ............... 25c so doz Linen Collars. Sacrifice Sale pric .................................... 3c $1.25 White Shirts, Sacrifice Sale price ................................. 696 $1 Colored Shirts, Sacrifice Sale price .................................... 990 Men’s Sweater Coat Special $60 Men’s Rat Lined Coats, lamb collar, Sacriï¬ce Sale . . $50 Men’s Rat Lined Coatc, lamb collar, Sacriï¬ce Sale Men’s Coon Coats. regu‘qr $75, Sa- crifice Sale price ..................... 52 Men’s Coon Coatc, regular $80. 83-- crifice Sale price ..................... 62 Men’s Coon Coats, orifice Sale price ..... crifice Sale pr3ce.. Men’s Fur-Lined Coats TOWERS ABOVE ALL OTHERS Men’s Fur Coats Men’s Coon Coats, regular $5:. $2- Furnishings Dentist ................ morning. Mrs. (Rev.) Davey of Halib spending a week with her 1 Rev. Mr. Hie. Rev. Mr. Gandier, the new conducted services for the ï¬r in St. Andrew’s church on A large number attended Mr Hay‘ garth’s sale on Tuesday of last week. ’ Mr. E. Lytle, Sn, has been spend- ind a week in Omemee. Mr Harry Nichol is home ronto. The heaviest snowstorm ever Wit. nessed in Minden' visited here last week. Hunters bring the report that the snow is almcst four feet deep in the Woods. regular VICTORIA ROAD ‘.) Davey of Haliburton is Persian Persian 150 pairs Men‘s Tweed Trousers in medium and dark shades. fail and wmter weights, all sizes, reguIar $175 and $200. Sacnï¬ce sale 1 39 price... ° . .o... 75c Boy’s odd Vests, Sacri - ï¬ce Sale Price....... 25C $2 50 Boy’s 2- -plece Suit: (1011516 and single breasted, Sacriï¬ce] Sale Price 9 $4. to $5 Boy’s Browne 1 8 Suits, Sacriï¬ce Sale Price“ $4 Boy’s 2-piece Suits, Sa- 2 49 criï¬ce Sale Price ................ . nephew, 75c Men’s Caps. fur-lined. Sacriï¬ce Sale Price ............. $I.50 Hard and Soft Hats. Sacriï¬ce Sale Price ......... $4.50 Grey Lamb Caps. Sacriï¬ce Sale Price............ $5.50 Boy’s 3-piece Suits. Sacriï¬ce Sale Price ............ $4 to $5 Boy’s Black and B Suits. Sacriï¬c Sale Price from To- $4 75 and $5 Boy’s Over- coats. Sacriï¬ce Sale Price $2 Hard and Soft Hats Sacriï¬ce Sale Price... .. $7.50 Bov’s 3-piece Suits Sacriï¬ce Sale Price ........ $3.75 Boy’s Overcoats» Sacriï¬ce Sale Price.. $2.50 Men’s Hard Hats, Sacriï¬ce Sale Price ......... Hats and Caps Boy’s Clothing Men’s Odd Trousers say P. O.-â€"w3. 'râ€"u tau» â€"v â€"â€"- _- -â€" and white steer. Owner cannula by Proï¬ng property and PM“! ‘3‘ penees. GEO. A. SLUGGm'r. 1.“ 95‘ the undersigned, Lot u. S'rmxnuâ€"un w um yuan-aw- Ops. about the 25th of 06mm LINDSAY, FRIDAY TUESDAY, DEC. 5.â€"-By Geo. son, auctioneer, credit sale of stock and implements and 13 hold furmture, the property 0! Howard Metherell, south half 17. C011. 4' Mariposa, Sale 31 o’clockâ€"Wm TRAYEDâ€"On to the premise- AD'CEI‘ VERTISE 1.\' THE SALE ........ 1.99 f? 1.25 STRAYED H†99c “d“ 49c ;â€â€˜Z.75 REGIST: 2.79 3.99 4.95 2.99 3.49 H.“ or. cowl: “1’28 M56 1:101: