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Lindsay Post (1907), 8 Nov 1912, p. 8

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rm “GET. Georgé Jackson; Auctioneer W. A. Fanning, Prop. A 25 cent bottle of a. simple wash stops the itch and will surely con- nce any patient. This wash is composed of mild and soothing oil of Wintergreen mixed with thymol and glycerine,etc., and known as D D. D. Prescription. It years old. 25 steers two past, well bred. 35 head rising two years .old. 4 months’ credit on all cattle. 12 horses, all classes and workers. 5 driVing horses. 60 days' credit on all horses. 70 horse blankets given away. 40 sirsingles, extra good, any price. 60 cattle, no reserve, got to be sold. 4 setts single harness, new. 6 Bishop robes, new, large size. 12 heaVy halters, for horses and colts 12 halters given away at first sale. 2 doz. new rawhide whips. 24 rubber lap rugs, any price. 4 new Canada carriage cutters. 4 months on cattle and cutters. 1 new single bed, springs and mat- tress. 2 new milk cows, young. 70 horse blankets at your own prices. 15 sheep. 1 Leicester ram, two years old. 2 setts second hand harness. TERMS 4 months on cattle and cutters, Sixty days on horses, on approved notes, on all sums over twenty dol- lars. Twenty dollars and under, cash. A discount at the rate of 7 per cent. allowed for cash on credit am- ounts. Does it not seem strange that 86 many peophe suffer year in and year out with eczema? Sir James Whitney, in commenting on ‘the result in East Middlesex, says the Lbndon Advertiser, speaks of “.Mr Bowen’s apparent persistent de- termination to protect and keep open the liquor shops of the pro- Vince.” The Prime Minister of a great ~pro- vince is expected to be ordinarily truthful. Under his own legislation shop licenses may be abolished with barroom licenses by a three-fifths majority in any municipality. Under Mr. Howell’s proposal, shop licenses may be abolished in any municipal- ity by a simple majority vote. Sixty head of cattle slaughtered re- gardless of price. All steers, year- lings and. two Year olds. Sale starts at 11 a. m. o’clock. 60 head steers rising two and three Horse SALE NOV. 9 The ten thousand dollars I am spending for the compounding of my medicine is only a part of the money I am devoting to this cause. for the package of medicine I send you will be fully prepaid at my e se. From any standpoint you View it, Y U incur no expense or obligation. Just tell others who you know are sufiering who sent you the medicine that cured you. . .1 am promising to give away ten thousand uollars’ worth of medicine, and I will do that; I am promising to send any sufferer who writes me a. box of this medicine and full directions free of charge, and I win do that. ?I Am Willing To Prove ’ :ICan Cure You " gTo Theftw End I Am Giving Away $10,000; Worth of Medicine For twenty-five yearsâ€"a quarter of a cen- turyâ€"I have been trying to convince the uh. lie that I have something genuine. somet ing better than others have for the cure of stub- born. chronic rheumatism, for torturing kid- ney backache. for annoying calls to urinate. But it is hard to convince people-they try a few things unsuccessfully and give up all hope and refuse to listen to anyone thereafter. Happily. I am in a position now to demon- strate to sufferers at my own expense that I have a medicine that cures these diseases. 1 don’t ask them to spend any money to find out; I don’t ask them to believe me, nor even to take the word of reliable people, but all I ask is that they allow me to send them the medicine at my own cost. That is surely fair. .To this end I have set aside ten thousand dollars, which will be used to compound my medicine. Much of it is ready now to be sent out. all of it fresh and standard. There win be enough for all sufferers, though there be thousands of them. And anyone who needs it can get some of it free. But in order that I shall know that you have a dis- ease for which this medicine is intended. I ask you to send me some of your leading oms. If you have any of the syn: toms in the list printed here you need my me icine and if you will write me I will gladly send you a box of it free with full directions for your use. Look the symptoms over. see which symptoms you have. then write me about as follows: “Dear Dr., I notice symp- toms number”-â€"here ut down the numbers, give your age, full ad ress. and send it to me. My address is Dr. T. Frank Lyuott,887 Franklin Building. Toronto, Can. In order to show beyond all doubt that I am in possession of a medicine that will cure kidney trouble, bladder trouble or rheumatism. I will this year give any ten thousand dollars’ .worth of this medzdne, and anyone sufienng from these diseases can get a box of it absolutely free. All that is necessary is to send me your ad- dress 0] don‘t mean that you are to use 3 ft of it or all of it and pay me if cured. mean that I will send on a box of this medicine absolutely free ofy charge. a gift from me to the Uric Acid snfierers of the world. so I can show them where and how they may be cured. I will not expect fayment f0: this free medi- cine. nor would accept it now or later if you sent it. It is free in me real meaning of the word. TRUTHFUL JAMES 25c. to Stop that'iltch attle Sale Miss Clara. Barton, founder of the .Red Cross, was filed in the Probate [Court at Wonester. Mass.. yesterday. An estate valued at $20,000 is to be I Jividad amnna robin-Iva: l' Written in leadpencil, the will of w-â€" v- r"""” wing to the large number of requests. I have had ten thousand more copies of my medical bookfrinted. This book is new and up to date an contains com lete descrigtions, symptoms. causes. effects an cures of kidney. bladder and rheumatic diseases. All who write for the free medicine will be sent a copy of this grand illusttated .medjcal bookâ€"the largest ever written on these dxseases for free an general distribution. If you need medicine such as I have, if you are anxious to be cured and don’t want to spend any money LOOKING for cures, write me. Read the symptoms over and let me hear from you today. is not certain how long the D. D. D. Laboratories will continue the 25c offer, as the remedy is regularly sold only in $1.00 bottles and has never before been put on the market in Ca- nada on any special 05ers. I can say further that this medicine has been vouched for according to law as complying in every detail with all requirements. It will stop rheumatism. it will stop pain and back- ache, it will stop too frequent desire to urinate: it will heal, soothe and strengthen. You will be better in every way for having taken it. There is not an ingredient that can injure; not one but will benefit. All that I as}: is that you use it yourself so that you. may be personally convinced. If you want relief at once get a. bottle at 25c. from your dmggist or direct from D.D.D. Laboratories, Dept. P.L., 49 Colb-orneâ€"st., Toronto. E. Gregory, druggist. who is giving away 810.000 worth of meaiciae. How then can Sir James Whitney truthfully say that Mr. Rowell is de- termined to protect the liquor shops? Sir James cannot truthfully say it. He merely says it. The Whitney Government says that three votes for a shop license are as good as five against it. Mr. Rowen says one vote to get rid of a. shop license is as good as a vote to keep it‘ t ._ “Our engineers aie w'orking on plans for double-tracking of the C. P. R. from Saskatoon to Suthe11and,” was the news that. General Supt. Taylor of thg _Saslggtchewan division gave out. ON WEDNESDAY, NOV. 20th by W. F. Marquis, auctioneer, auction sale of farm stock and implements, the property of S. Hancock. half a mne‘gnorth of Woodville., lot 3, con. 3. Sale commenced at one o’clock, sharp. As I have sold my farm. ev- erything will be sold without re- serve. Gharles Acheson, a railway brake- mm, was killed at Kamloops. B.C.. Sunday night by a revolver shot from an unknown hold-up man. Acheson‘s parents live at Edgeley. iOnt. John Hurd, C.P.R. night operator at Fraxa Junction, slipped while handing an engineer his clearance pa- pers Monday night, and had his right foot so crushed that it had to be am- putated- ban, auctioneer, credit sale of farm stock and - implements, the property of Jas. Cunning-ham, lot 15, con. 8, Ops. Sale at one o’clock and without reserve. Ottawa Orangemen celebrated Guy Fawkes’ day yesterday afternoon by laying the corner-stone of a new $50,- 000 OrangeAHall. 7 An Austrian military airman was killed yesterday morning. He fell from a considerable height, owing to the collapse of one of the wings of his _eerop_lane. Albert Gingras, the Maissoneuve re- turning oficer accused of making false returns to the Government after the election of 1911, was acquitted at Montreal yesterday. TUESDAY, NOV. ’ZGâ€"By J05. Mee- These Are the Symptoms: 8-Pain or corneas under right rib. 9â€"Sweiiing in any part of the body. ] oâ€"Constipazion or liver trouble. 1 lâ€"Painimtion or pain under the heart 12~Pain in the hip Joint. Iiiâ€"Pain in ihe neck or head. liâ€"Pain or soreness in the kidneys. lsâ€"Pain or unveiling of the joints. 1 6â€"Pain or swelling of the muscles. 1 7â€"Pain and norenesfi in nerves. laxâ€"Acute or chronic rheumatism. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTORIA 1â€"Paln In the back. 2-1‘00 frequon: desire to urinate. 3â€"Burnln: or obstruction of urine. 4â€"Pain or soreness In the bladder. 5â€"Proomtic trouble. 6-639 or aln In the stomach. gâ€"geper debillty. wqaknpeg. digflncm l LLEHHAPHIU BRIEFS. DR. '1'. FRAN K LYNOTT SALE REGISTER mm“? Butchers. 'Cholce butchers mm at $6 to $6.25, and one load at $6.35: good. $5.75 to :56; me- dium. $5.15 to $5.64); common. $4.25 to $4.75: inferior, $3.15 to $1: cows. $3 to $3.15: buns. 83.23 10.84.73: canvas}: 10 $2.50. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 5.â€"-Wheatâ€"Spot dull; 2:0. 1 Manitoba, 85 1d; No. 3 Mani- toba, 85 1d. F1 turcs easy; December, 75 8,51, March 75 wéd. Comâ€"Spot easy; American mixed. new. kiln-dried, 63 116. Futures easy; Docen- ber Gs 034d, January as 035d. ’ Flourâ€"Winter paten‘ts.._295 Ed. ,.\ 9' I- ~;. -.cv .vw- -_.__. Gas Quiet. and the f'eeiihg in 08.15 is Weaker. A weaker feeling ha}; develoged ;n the market for spring wheat grade- 01 flour. and prices have declined mo per barrel, but winter wheat grades are firm. owing to the scarcity on spot. Mlllfeed is fairly active and firm. Demand for butter is good at firm prices. Cheese is quiet. Eggs active. Cornâ€"American. No. 2 yellow, 670 to 88¢. Oatsâ€"Canadian western, No. 2, 52¢; ex- tra. No. 1 feed, 51c. Barleyâ€"Manitoba feed, 610 to 62¢: malt- lng. 70c to we. Flourâ€"Manitoba "VHF? wheat mtems. firsts. $5.60: seconds, 35.10; strong bak- ers'. $4.90; winter patents. choice. 35.35; straight rollers, $4.95 to $5; do., bags, $2.35 to $2.40. Rolled oatsâ€"Barrels, $5.05: do., bags, 90 11m, $2 40. Millreedâ€"Bran, :3; shorts. 32.6 to :27; mlddllnzs. $28 to $30; momma. m to $35. Hayâ€"No. 2. per ton. car lots, 81: to finest eastems. 1239c to who. Butter-Choice“ creamery, 2956c to We: seconds. 28%c to 29¢. Eggsâ€"Selected, 3°C to 310: No. 2 :10ch 21c to fie. Potatoesâ€"Per be 3:. car lots. 7239c to 78¢. Dressed hogsâ€"Abattoir k‘iled. $12.26 to $12.50. Porkâ€"Heavy Canada. short cut mes. barrels, 35 to 45 pieces. 3429.50: thort cut backs. barrels. 45 to 55 weeps. ca. Lard-Compound threes, 316 lbs., $9.50: wood pails. 20 lbs. net, :10: pure. flex-cu, 373 lbs. $15.50; pure, wood pails, 20 lbs. net, 316. 313.50. Liverpool Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 5.â€"Beetâ€"-Ex1ro. In- dia mess, nominal. Hamsâ€"Short cut. 14 to 16 lbs., 645. mem cm. 26 to 30 lbs., 68:: Gear bellies. 14 to 16 lbs., 645; long clear middles, light, 28 to m lbs., 735; do.. heavy. 35 to 40 lbs._ 725; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., 685; shoulders, square, 11 to 18 lbs. 645. _ V Lérdâ€"Prime western. in tierces, American refined. 565 86. Cheeseâ€"Canadian, :inéét white. 645: col- ored, 65's. Union Stock Yards. TORONTO, Nov. 5.â€"Receipts of live stock at the Union Yards were 166 carloads, cmnprising 3020 cattle, 1443 hogs, 2983 sheep and lambs and 020 Beef cattle $4.50 to $5.50. Creamery butter 32c. Butter 29c. to 30c. Barley 48c. to 60¢. Buckwheat 48c. to 55C. Bran $1.25 cwt. New cheese 18c. Cream 15c. to 30¢. Celery 5c. bunch. ‘ Chickens 14c. to 18¢, Ib. Ducks 60c. to 80¢. each. Eggs 27c. to 30¢. Flour, Manitoba, $3. Honey 10c. to 15¢. Ib. Hens 150. to 18¢. lb. Hogs, per cwt. $7.90 to $8.00. Head cheese 12c. 11). Hay $10 to $12. Clover hay $8 to $10. Lard $18c. to 20c. Lamb 15c. to 200. Oats 35c. Oats, rolled, $2.75. Potatoes 15c, peck. Peas, large, 90c. bus. Peas, small, 75c. bus. Rib roast 15c. to 17¢. Tb. Rye 65c. Sirloin steak 20c. Ib. Wheat, fall, 90c. Wheat, goose, 85c. Wheat, spring, 85c. Wool, washed, 20c. to 21¢. Wool, unwashed, 12c. to 130. Tomatoes 50c. basket. Peaches 60c. to 90c. basket. Cabbage 5c. each. Apples 1'5c. to 30¢. peck. Grapes 25c. to 30¢. basket. Jindsay Market Weekly Quotations the calGos. mm 343;, 3c? 335,99 325 2% 31% 31%S TOrnnIn Grain Market. CATTLE MARKETS. Finest waster-nan 13¢ WANTED-A Protestant teamer for U.S.S. No. 2, Eldon. One with exper- ience preferred. Duties to commence on 3rd of January. Apply to Mal- come McArthur, Grass Hill, Ont. STRAYEDâ€"Spring lamb came to my place, lot 25, con. 11, Eldon. on or about Oct. lst, 1912. Owner can have by proving property and pacing ex- penses. Geo. H. Taylor, Victoria Road, Out. Old Chief Virites to Liberals of Con- stituency Urging Them Not to Bon- 'cht the Election of Hon. Louis Coderre, But :3 See First What the Naval Policy of the Borden Government Will Be. Montreal, Nov. 6.â€"-â€"There will be no contest in Hochelaga. unless the Nationalists make a fight. Sir Wilfrid Laurier wrote to the local executive yesterday, strongly urging them not to mike 23 fight in this division on the naval policy of the Government until that policy has been announc- ed. and his advice will, of course, be acted upm. The letter Sir Wilfrid sent is, in put, as follows: "Before his departure for London, and since his return to Canada, the Prime Minister has declared that, after consultation with the Admiralty, he would make known his naval policy to the__people of Canada. “We do not know as yet in what this policy consists, and notwithstand- ing the resignation of one of his col- leagues, we do not know more than imperfectly the real cause of this dis‘ agreement. The session will open in a few days, and the Government will have to acquaint us with the negotia; tions that have been had with the Imperial authorities, the program agreed upon and the divergence of opinion between the Minister who has resigned and his colleagues. - “I recognize the desire of the Lib- erals of Hochelaga to oppose the can. didature of the new Minister and to Show once more their allegiance to the Liberal cause. Our naval policy is known. It has not changed since March 29, 1909, but would it be oppor- tune to take up the fight before know- ing what is the new policy of the Government? I have said many times since the last conference at London that I would await the explanations o! the Government before discussing their naval policy. “WAIT FOR ANNOUNCEMENT” GET IN on some of these investâ€" ments while.business is brisk and en- joy the prosperous conditions that now prevail. Farm lands wanted. We also have any class of houses and other city property to buy, sell, or exchange that you could rlesire. The J. G. Eyres Realty. No. 894 Bath- :zrst street, Toronto. Phone Colleze BROWN'S MUSIC STunm, Kent st., Lindsay, is the place to get all sorts of musical instruments and all sorts of musical supplies, and on the easiest possible terms. Gerhard Heintzman pianos a specialty. 0r- ders taken for expert piano tuning. A‘- cordial invitation is extended to anybody to call. Sir Wilfrid Advises Against Con- test in Hochelaga. “It is before Parliament that the naval policy may be announced, and in my opinion it is there that it must be judged on its merits and combatted if there is need.” Ottawa, Nov. 6.â€"Railroad cartage companies in Eastern Canada will not be allowed to raise their rates from five to ten cents per ton on November 11 as they intended. The Railway Commission yesterday afternoon ordered that the new sche- dule of tariffs be set aside until judg- me..t. has been passed upon them. The case will come up again for hearing on December 17. COUNSELS PATIENCE The case came before the board towards the end of the day and when it was called the strongest array of legal counsel, representing railroad and cartage companies. Boards of Trade in Montreal, Toronto. Hamilton and Ottawa, filed up to the commis- sioners’ bench to argue for and against the proposed increase. Col. Stark of Montreal, representing Line Dominion Transport 00.. told the board that during the last few years the company has been seriously af- fected by the increase in the cost of living. Wages to teamsters have ad- vanced as much as 25 per cent. Japanese Royai Composers. The imperial family of Japan, like the Hohenzoiierns. has produced some musical composers. At the reception given by the mikado in 3804 to ceie‘ brate his silver wedding a dance was played which. according to the pro- gram. was “composed 1,300 years ago by the Emperor Yomer. It represents the joyous flight of a bird of paradise in the golden age. “ Another dance Was ”composed 987 years ago by Prince Ateumi." Cartage Rates Must Stand. THE LINDSAY P081. STRAYED WANTED FOR SALEâ€"In the beautiful Village of Kirkfield, one frame house with good stone cellar, soft water cistern with pump, and an acre of land, sta- ble for two horses and a cow, 4 hen pens well wired, six beautiful maple shade trees in front with property adjoining worth two thousand dol- lars. Just the spot for a retired far- mer. Three churches, large school and good stores, and a, good doctor in village. For price and all particulars, a clear deed with property, 3p- ply to H. Lacey, box. 35, Kirkfield, Ont.â€"-wtf. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT â€" Lot 4, con. 8, Emily, one and one half miles from Downeyville, 100 acres, eighty acres farming land. bal- ance in first class pasture, well waâ€" tered, good buildings. For full par- ticulars apply to D. Winn, lot 2, con. 8, Emily, or Downeyville P. O. B‘ARM FOR SALEâ€"200 ACRESâ€" â€" Lot 27, con. 5, Ops. Well under drained; 2% miles north of Lindsay. Good grain and dairy farm. Bank barn 52 by 72, cement floor all thro’; hen house and pig pen; three wells; small hardwood bush; 13 acres sum- mer fallow. Eight roomed house, 1; story with furnace; young orchard; pasture with access to river. Apply to W. R. Helson, Lindsay P.O. or on the premises. “Sure” Clothes THE UNDERSIGNED has a number FARM TO RENTâ€"100 acres, 85 clear- of good ewe sheep to let on shares. ed and in good state of cultivation, For particulars apply to Frank Web- lot north half of 3, con. 10, Emily, 6 ster, Lindsfl-Y. R.M.D. ‘ miles from Lindsay, two miles from â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-§ church, school, post office and two FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT __ 2 stores.“ Leading road from Lindsay. Lot 4, con. 8, Emily, one and one : Buildings on farm medium. For par- half miles from Downeyvill-e, 100 “Mars apply to W- O’Neil. Lindsay. apron m'ohfv an»: farmina 1mm he]- Ont.â€"wtf. Serviceable Overcoats AUTO ULSTERS FOR YOUNG MENâ€"Made with Military Collars, Storm Cuffs, large patch pockets. Smart, comfortable coats that give splendid service and defy cold weather. As many styles of fabrics as many weights, as many prices as will suit any man. $8.00 to $25.00 CHESTERFIELD OVERCOATS â€"The Chesterfield Overcoat is the name of the Overcoat worn by the average man. It is medium length and, this season, is cut just a trifle form fitting without being tight. There’s nothing freakish about the Chesterfield. Its always right in style. $6.50 to $20.00. Step in and see our Fall Suits and Overcoats â€"-they’ll tell their own story and you’ll be quick to see the difference. FARM FOR SALEâ€"In the township of Verulam, 241‘acres, more or less, on the Peterboro road, well built on, double frame house, frame barn with stone foundation, log barn and sta~ ble, two orchards, two wells, well fenced, and stoned, fourteen acres valuable bush. This land runs from the Peterboro road to the lake shore, one mile from school and church, four and one half miles from Bobcaygeon. suitable for family of two, can be. bought for $7000 on easy terms. For further particulars apply to P. Brick, 131 Queen-st., Lindsay, or J os. Mee- han, Lindsay. half, lot 17I con. 10, Mariposa, choice clay soil, well adapted to grain, al. sike, etc., 17 acres alsike fresh seed- ed, also 11 acres fall wheat, buildings and fences in goos repair, frame house hip roof barn, 42x64, stone basement. wind mill and grain track, also a small barn. hog pen, hen house, and implement shed, small orchard, good well at house and ham, telephone FARM FOR SALEâ€"Two miles from village of Oakwood, 100 acres, north and R.M.D. Immediate possession to plough. Chas. L. Rogers, Oakwood P. 0.â€"-Wtf- ‘ The Man we Clothe v. 1”] feel outclassed in any compam sell the sort of garments he ca “’sure ’of and never have one 1 ents anxiety about their abs correctness. A man Wants a Suit of (Roma. that will last past the time when fig needs it. 'Half the Men you meet are well dressed at the beginning of mg season and poorly dressed at the em? of it. Isn’t it true? The new Fall Suit Mode-15 unusually attractive. Suits range $6.50 to $20 The reason is simple. The beau“. was only skin deep. This store studies the stock it buys as the Student Wouic‘: study his books, It studies every par; from fabric to finsh. We are m was of our business and that is why Our garments have the Tailor-made look, LINDSAY, FRIDAY k, a frame house, stone 101 lar and cistern. 10.5, never failing sprin; Spring creek, 5 cm: nearly 50 acres see lots are free from stum acres of good timber, fa: State of cultivation. “: 11 on property at.’ par c921 0! years. Apply to John on premises. Fenelon Fa E16938. Animak. 153m ficual Eyes. Taxidex'mxsf and Flower Guide BOOK =15;â€" " EDWEN ELCOM‘ Heads of Deer, Moose, etc” our Specialty. FARM FOR SALEâ€"200 ac: half of 101' 23 and 24, con. 1011, 4 miles west of Fenelw 160 acres cleared on lot 23. house 22 x 30, kitchen 18 x shed 12 x 20, good collar 3 tern, one half acre orchard. -51, large cistern with ,2"; stable, firs: (Ins; x: i: mill on barn, “ell fenced. C FOR SALEâ€"Pair a:‘ rising 3 years old. ‘A team. Apply to H. 2’. con. 3, Ops township livery No. 1. Clothe will never l"‘eterbcroug'll Taxiderm C3D swings n1 P91 LU ist or 44.: : : amwm IBulgadxn v quite confiden‘ I would mart: the undue; ' pay checks 1' native tan THREA we lymllata Egan Ax '33. Its ,ys Few 0N

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