(Specm to The Post.) Hallowe’en passed by in out V'il" lag: very quietly. A social evening is: held in the Baptist Church hat WMy evenâ€" ning. It was given by the members at thew omen's Institute. {Refresh- Falls friends last Friday. Miss Bertha Beech took in the con- rived last Satutday evening from a visit last Friday. Miss Alice Oswald Hated her sis- ter, the mount Branch 0! the Wm’ B Insti- tute mu be held on Tnesday after- noon next at 3 o’clock, at the home of Mrs. Bain. ? AGE m. (Special to Thu Post) Mr. Sam Squires has med work alter having been laid of for several days through an attack of qtrinsy. We are sorry to report thFat Mr. A. McLean, sr., is guite ill. Miss Alice Osborne and sister, Mrs. Dan. McPherson, have returned from spenzfing 8. £ve days with Toronto friends. Mr. W. J. Wright spent Thanksgivâ€" ing with Peterboro triads. The Misses Budd. of Bolsover, are the guests 0! their brother, Mr. John Budd. . Miss Gerti: Copeland is visiting atl Lindsay. 12-. Arthur Squires is spending the: was}: at Kirkï¬eld. . A 1-3.: ge number from here attended the services in connection with the. re-opening 0! Marina Church on Sunday and Monday last. Mrs. Rich Barry and Mrs. John? Hamill, of Manilla. 3180 Mr. Mac-i Corxie, 5n, and Mr. Ed. MacCorvie,‘ oi Oakwood. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Turner on Thursday. I and. mrs. 11105. “mm. W. -....-_ Our sympathy is extended to and Mrs. John Copeland in the Owing to the my Communion Service held at Salem the only serv- ice at Penial was Sunday School in the afternoon. The shingles have been put 011.0111“ new church and tort is progressing splendidly under the auspices of Mr. Taylor who with Ms 1'39 £3 residing at Peniel now. 1 Mrs; John Copeland in the 1055 their infant 901! who died recent- KLWOUNT MSTREE'E HWS Oswald Hated her sis- m. neat Fall’s. during meeting of thï¬ visited Fenelon fs Insti- north Mrs. Susannah Rogers, Mrs. Rogers, Mr. Edwin Rogers attended the funeral of Mrs. ‘Clarkson Rogers at Pickering on Wednesday. Mr. Fred Gorrill, of the L. C. 1., Lindsay spent. the week end at his any--- . ‘ _ Messrs. Hirém and Fred ROgers turned to her home, haVing Spent a ï¬ew days with friends in our neigh- borhood. Mr. D3711 Ila-gr: returned Home on Friday them a “it's monthsâ€" flat with his we, L'r. 02:39.!†L. Rogers. at Edmom. Alta. Several from EB“ “ï¬eended Woodâ€" ville anniversary services (Specml to The Post.) Mr. John 'Mum‘o visited in OTillia, last week.- Mrs. J. W. Coad spent a few days in Toronto last week. spent the week dressxl the 'n.. .4... Society on Wed« nesday afternocn 1381:. Her subject was woman and the child. Her ad- LAmerica. : Miss R0133 331:2: 1:35. ck is the new I Librarian ; ‘33 1.. La: public library spent a boconk. sttuctive. ito ï¬ll t: â€â€™ â€2.:13; emsed by the reâ€"| lsignatio- - -.-.aa uni-uhde Walton. ,_ Mr. and Mrs. French have returned to their home in Ottawa after a vis- i: with relatives here. A number frOm town motored_ to Beaverton last Friday evening to at- tend a dance in the town hall: All report having had a delightful time. I fling: McKay lmnf. Monday In Camington. (Speciai to The Post.) Mr. Wilmot Cook, of Keswick, was the guest 01 Mr. Roy CooErl'ast Sat- urday. Rev. John Linton, a returned mis- sionary Irom South America, preach- ed.in the Methodist Church last Sun- day and gave a very interesting talk on his missionary 'experiences in S. ’ er a. ; friends I wick. Something went wrong with the elâ€" ectric'dlght plant here last Saturday night. The lights were out most of the eveningl and many of the public buildings were left in darkness. Mrs. Wayman Prosser, of Keswick. was the guest of Mrs. J. F. Cook from Saturday to Tuesday. Miss Robie McCordick is home aft- er a. week’ 8 pleasant visit with (Spedal to The Post.) UNBEN VALLEY 3. S. Walters, of Oakwood call- Mr. A. A. Birchard’s on Mon- was very interesting and MOUNT ALBERT. . D. MacLean and children, week (mi in Lindsay. Mitchell and Miss Fraser few days in Toronto last, :ek’s pleasant visit with at Roche's Point and3Kea- 3 secret ary, ad- Sunday in Co- (Spec’ial to The Post.) Arrangements are being made for a rest room for travellers, both adies and gentlemen in toyn‘ doing busi- ness. A Warm and comfortable place will be provided by the t'eW'peranca people in a short time. Mr. Knox of Orono was in town last week in connection with the 1 of Mr. W. McPherson’s residence sale which was so‘nd to Mr. T. J. Early. last week Mr. Mann Was in Toronto on business. _ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shier were vis- iting friends in, Toronto last week. Mr. Pat McGar is visiting his son, Mr. Geo. McG-ar for a few weeks. ‘ Mr. Howard Keelick left last week ‘ with a party of Peterhoro friend-3’ for Hawke Lake, thirty miles from Coboconk, on a. hunting expedition. Mr. Will Owens left Monday last ifor two weeks hunting. L A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday, 8th in St. Clement’s lR. C. church, Galt, when Rev. Fath‘ er Gehl unitéd Miss Jean McDonald, of.'I‘or0nto and Mr. Frank Kelly. of Cannington, Opt. Mr. E. H. Williams of Bowman- Ville swat last week with his family. The Mission Band of Knox church will have a tea room with apron, and home made candy sale in con- traction in the basgment of church cn Fridar aftemwh, Nov. 7th, from three to six o “clock Everybody wel- come. In the evening the Mission Band will hold their usual concert. Admission silver collection. Miss Annie McPhersOn spent last week wit-h her mother. Mr. 'Roblt. Wallace was in Toronto last week buying goods. Mr. Dixon J ewett was in Lindsay last Wednesday. Mr. John Robinson, of Beaverbon, was in town last week. Mr. James Maybee is visiting his son in Lindsay. Mr. W. T. Smith was in Toronto for a few days last week. Mr. Newman, of Lomeville is tak- ing charge of the Brock creamery in Mr. Owens’ absence. Mr. James Fitzsirmnans was in town over Sunday. Mr. Will Mullon is in Whitby this week on the jury. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lane, of Toron- to, are spending their vacation with 'his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. 'Lane, of the South Wafd. Mrs. A. P. Mark is visiting friends 3 in town. Union services of the Methodist. and Presibyterian c’ofxgregations next Sunday, Nov. 9th. A number from town took in the fowl supper at Woodville last Mon- fowl suppe day night. Them is military drill in the drill shed on Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday nights for the young men of the town. (Special to The Post 3 Miss Lottie Sharpe, of Uxbridge, is spending a few days under the par- ental roof. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Howard Grills is leaving this district having accepted a sttuatioa in Osha- wa. Still his many hiends and as. soclates join in wishing him every success in his new surroundings. Mr. Howard Glanny and Mr. Rich- ard Suggitt. of Nestleton. were re- newing cld' acquaintances on Sunday. We were sorry to learn that Miss Vivion Glassford, of the L. C. I... is on the sick list at present. Stall we trust that she will be able to resume her studies in a few days. The apples and roots are again' stored away for tm winter and our ,_ agricu,turalista are busily engaged! completing their plowing and preparâ€"g ing {or the storms of winter which’ must shortly appear. Turnips are a good crop this seas- on. Mr. R. S. Swain produced one that weighed 21 lbs. How is that for‘ Mariposa? ‘ A few flocks of wild geese’have been seen migrating southward inch teacies us that rougher weather may be expected in the near future. Five out of six of our representa-l tives attended. the Telephone Union‘ meeting at Little Britain on Hallow- e’en night. The children had a few innocent pranks but nothing harmiul to man or beast occurred. In regard to our telephone system some im- portant legislation was enacted. From Nov. lst till May Ist the ex- change is open from 7 a. m. till 9 p. m. and from May 1st till Nov. 1st. Central is open from 6.30 a. m. till .930 p. m. The Sunday hours iare from' 9â€"10 a. m., from 2â€"4 p. m. and from 8.30â€"9 p. m. Sunday hours 'wtll be observed on Xmas Day. The Little Britain Central is open to calls from the Bell line any hour of the day or night. but an extra teem! 10 cents will be charged for lany call that is out of the regular hours. At our Quarterly board meeting CANNINGTON VALENTIA THE LINDSAY POST . Our Sale of Floor Coverings and Draperies wiEE be mntinuefl until Saturday Nev 22 In order to let our patrons take the fullest ad- vantage of our Sale of Floor Coverings and Draper- ies we shall Continue it until Saturday, November 22nd. If you have not yet taken advantage of this extraordinary economy opportunity, you may do so any time within the next two weeks. EN NR Monday evenjng 0m to our pastor» The i118, an unanimous . for the third year ‘ accepted. (Special to Tho-Post.’ Miss Oswald of Kinmount and Miss Mary Oswald, of F'zll’s Station spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. S. J. McKendry. Miss Vera Sharpe entertained a number of voung peoble at progres- sive euchre om Hallowe’en. Mrs. L. Townley and Miss Townley a'rso entertained a number of frien ls the same even‘ng. Mrs. Dan Nicholson of Carringvton, North Dakota, arrived at the Falls 3 c English "Bx-1:95:15 Carpets m floral nan-d conventional designs, suitable for any room, 27 inches wide, some with borders to match. Reg. $1.00 and $1.10 per yard. Sale price 79c. -.â€"v __ v, Mrs. Dan Nicholson of Garr'mgvtorn, North Dakota, arriVed at the Falls last WeeV. and will'probably spend the winter wit-h relatives htre. Mr. Nichoison expects to arrive during the hoiiday season. This Sgle offer§ a great stoc Rugs, Draperies, etc., 111 the newest at remarkably low prices. .Mr. Penman and Mr. Yutosky of Toronto. m‘oyed a few days’ duck hunt in this vicinity during the WOEk- 1 Mr. Roy Powell of Toronto. traâ€"i veller fox the Shuttleworth: Drug 00., spent Tuesday in town on business. St. Andrew's choir song service cn Sunday evening was well attend- 9d. the music hating much appreciat- =d. The antvhem. “Praise ye the :Lond" was we‘l rendered, Miss K. ‘McT ntcsh tmaking the solo. Mrs E. A. ".0 Arthur and Miss McKendry ren- dCT€d a. dust. “The Beautiful Land. " Solo, “Rock of Ages," by Miss Kathâ€" leen McIntosh. Anthem, “Sure Re- nge. " by the choir. Cuartette “In Thy Love, " Mrs. MCAI‘thUI‘, Miss McKendry, and Messrs. J. J. Lee and H. Copp. Enzlieh Tapestry Carpets, m bright clear patterns, in-co1ors rt Green, Fawn, Reds and Browns, 27 inches tide. some with stair Carpets to watch. Reg. 55c. and 602. Sale price ..; 47c. Best quality Tapestry Carpetq, in floral and conventional designs to shit, all rooms, also stair carâ€" «Mr i'n match. Reg. 650., 70c. and to shit all rooms, a‘. ref. 30 match. Reg. 6 75¢. Sale price ...... Miss Rita Amold left on Tuesday last for St. Louis, to resume her du- ties at St. Louis General Hospital. Messrs. Russel Howe and Percy Sharpe, of Lindsay, spent Sunday in town. Mr. Jack McPherson. of Orillia was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Ro‘: ertson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spiers, of Toronto, spent a few days in town, the latter Leaving 011‘ Monday for Ha lburtcn. on a/ hunting trip n...“ ‘., Mrs. D. Tripproï¬ Bancroft, spent a few weeks the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Havery. Mwsrs. Bert and Arthur Robson. Spacial Values Seamless Tapestry __ in Carpets , Rugs FENELON FALLS ng our ofï¬cflals tendered ', The Rev. J, M. Rob- .nous inviiaï¬on to stay year whxch hegcordially on Twas-d ay 19.00. of Lit; dsay Fans. Mr. Grover Kerr, of Lindsay Was in town last week, owing to the sarâ€" ‘Incss of his father, Mr. F. J. Kerr, postmaster, who has been ill for se‘fera.1 weeks’. His many friends will be pleased to learn that he is recovering. St. Andrew's adult bible class held a pleasant social ewning, the open- ILng one of the seast’a, in the lecture room of the church, on Tuesday evâ€" ening. There was a large attendance; and a splentlid programme was giv- en. as followsj Hymn, “All Hail the Powrr of Jesus Name." Solo hw Mrs. Jno. Norther; reading, Miss McKen- ‘dry; solo, Miss Kathleen McIntosh; reading, Miss F.. C. Brandon; solo, Mr. Jack Gordon; reading, Mr. Bob- ertson; 8010, Miss D..Townley. The {following ofï¬cers wene eleg‘bed: Hon- orary president, Mr. A. Sutherland; president, Mr. Leslie McKendry; lst vice-president, Mia Oswaldtlmrie; 2nd vice-pres†Mr. Dalton Het-her'lng'tovn; secretary, Miss Viola McIntosh; treasurer, Miss V. McKendry; organ- ist, Miss McKendry. ReeVe Tiers3and Mr. Geo. Armâ€" strong are deer hunting at Otter left last week for the northern hunt- ing grounds, Messrs. Martin Haskill, {'J. Barber and Jae. Bowhey leaving [on Thursday for Halibut‘bon district, and $12.00. 3; ydsu x and $14.00. 4 yds. x 4 4 yds. x ReeVe Ticers'ia'nd Mr. Geo. Arm- strong are deer hunting at Otter Lake. Two other parties of hunters left last week for the northern hunt- ing grounds, Messrs. Martin Haskill, J. Barbzr and Jae. Bowhey leaving on Thursday for Haliburbon district, followed on Saturday.by a party composed of Messrs. G-co. Wilson, Jack Jones and Mac MacOanum. Mr. C. Henley, 01 Toronto, spent Monday in town. Mr. H. Sharpe is spending a few days in Buï¬a-lo this week. Mr. and Mrs. Reeves left on Mon- dav‘ï¬or Toronto ’to attend the funer- 9.1 of a relative. Mrs. W. H. Robson and Master Donald left on Tuesday for Toronto. wheoe they intend to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Robson will be much missed, and their departure from’. the Falls is regretted ‘by a large circle of {ï¬ends and acquainv tances. Miss yds. ! :43)? d5 $10.00, Children Cry rm: “mum’s :AS‘TORRA yds. x ladys Pearson. oi Bobcay- visited relatives in town on spent Sunday at stock of Carpets, Curtains’ vest designs and patterns 4 yds., $12.00, $13.00 yds , $16 00 and ‘7 '0 1; yds $17. 50 and U! $413., $20.00 and $11.00 reg. 90c. Sale price ......... ’s Scotch Heavy quality Nairn Sm h-and block printed Lin‘oleum. all colors and designs. A large range to chOOSe from. g 4 yds. wide. per sq yd." SEC. 2 yds. wide, per sq. yd., 49c. Best quality printed Linoleum, in tiles. blocks and floral d'edzgns. 4 yards wide. per sq. yd, 45c. 2 yards wide, per Sq. yd.,'35c. Best quality Oilcloth Mats for putting under coal stoves, etc. 2 yds. x 2 3768, $1.75 each. 1} yés. 11; yds., $1.25 each. Mr. Ross MacPhsrs-on and his mo- th‘ 1', Mr:. T. A. MacPh'erson, have returned home, after having spent a few days with Toronto friends. Mr. F. G. Sandy was in Lindsay on business last week. Miss May Fee Was a visitor to Pe- tarboro on Wednesday ast and at- tended the Slugeittâ€"Wilson nupxals. Mr. Norman Laidley has arrived home from the Western Provinces, and is the guest of his parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Deith Laidl'e'y. Sturgeon- ist. Miss JesJie McQuade has returned home after a pleasant visit with friends out of town. ' Rev. Mr. Cree, of Norwood, occu- pied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath, morning and eVening. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cornwall were in Lindsay on business last week. Mr. Havelock Fee, of Lindsay. visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fee. over Sunday. Mr. George Weir, of Keene Was the guest of his brother. Mr. J. Weir, during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Brooks visitedat the home of thir daughter, Mrs. G. Magahie last week. Miss Bert-ha Nichols, of Lindsay, szent the week end with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Nichols. Mrs. Wallace left last week for her home in Indianapolis after spending a. two months’ vacation [with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Doran, [Sturgeon-st. Mr. J. Magee, of Lindsay was in town Saturday renewing old acquaim tances. Miss Greta 351115, of Lindsay was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Mills, over Sunday. Miss Thurston. of the public school staff. visited friends out of town on Sunday. ReV. Mr. Johnstcn. of Milibrook, will occupy the pulpit in the Presâ€" byterian church next Sunday morn- ing, service beginning at 11 o‘clock. Mr. G. Grimm was in Lindsay on business last week. Mrs. Shepard, of Goldwater, is the guest ~~ her grandmother, Mrs. Cur- nie. Kingâ€"at. Mr. Kenheth Grifï¬n, of Lindsay is (Special to The Post.) OMEMEE Inlaid Lin- sq. yd., . 79c. de- LINDSAY, FRIDAY. N From 9 to 12 a. of his brother, Mr. Wm. Robinsun. Mr. Walter Lawrence Was in town cn Monday renewing 01d acquaintan- Children's Grey Lamb Collars. Stoles. Gauntlets ~and Caps. Reg, $4.50. $5.00 and $6.00. Take your choice at half price. Good q-Jality “shaker" {launch asset: e-d patterns. Per yard Ge. Grey Cotton. 34 inches via, ï¬ne eve-n weave, free from specks. Per yard ...................... 6 l-2c. (38$. Anniversary 82n'ic'ee will be con ducted next Lord's Day in the giican church, also a fowi 83131! will be given on Monday evenin: Nov. 19 in the basement of t! church, followed by an organ Mm Mr. SteWart, of Gavan, W visitor to town cu Sunday. We are glad to hear that it ert Newman is feeling none the after his narrow escape from! ing on Friday last. RE-OPENING 0F MANELLA CHUR Aid who labored so iaithfun! their part or! the Work and oontfl ted to the lighting of the chard! donating the seven gasoï¬ne ï¬ght Mr. and Mrs. P. Patterson. of '1 onto, presented the churCh “it beautiful pulpit bible. L'Aâ€" 0a the choir and Pu three puipit Chair from Mr. Webster, 01 donated a. generous r Proceeds from 53: were $24, entertainn were 53%. en 5111, together making 8. gm? amount rwill no 6“ very rapidly. It “in to-date church. an and pe0ple “‘37 wishjor them the Heaven; QTRAYEDâ€"From Long ’V sam Lake, on Nov. :2 colts. Reward oï¬ered covery. Write or telephon’ Glenny, Little Britain. Box 1‘ Saturday Morning Continued from Specials .o chairs and Duck Shootins may be In he richGSt will the“ Drona rfltem] Arm WOT jsale Charme Black .oocou at $5 iIMin (Specie: TSE EC