lgééï¬g and 0“ng 631,3 «Danie: Cloth in grey, brown, naVy and white, $10 and $12.50. We Cloth Coats, $8.50, :9, and :12. am in black “310 and colors, last seasons make, splendid coats, «4 to $12. 50 to go at $6 50 caCh 31°“? 1“ Tweed and Fancy cloths, 14.50, $5.50 and :6. for am and Fayette Silk, $1 yd ! Pages 1 to 8 "a: at 35c. 50¢; and m†’0’ boys at 75c. :03“ 1°! erIs at 75c. ““10: Wm.“ (1 a Dress Goocis 3th Eighth year Splendid assortment of . Men’s Silk Ku'tt: ,gsfrom 1-2c per yard Tles 35c or 3 for $1.00. ’ 50‘: yard. Silk Ties 25c. 35c. and 5m '00! Dress Sergee, 356‘ Linen at 35c., 50c., 75c ï¬g‘oï¬â€™ ear Skin, Serge and P1 nah Coats, $3 and $4.50 eaCh land Wool Bonnets. 46c, 50c., 75c. and $1- .5OC-. 75c. and 31. Aviation Toques, 5012.. 506-. ‘ ’ 356-. and 50¢. each. L“. My brown a: 2.3c., 05c., 40c., and 7n trey and white, $1.25, $1.50 and n brown and ya. $10. $13 Very special, 2; yda navy woot sergeS. 00" Wrapperettes in navy, spots, red In which we extel. M1158 spots white and black spots, white and black hair, $2. 50 and $3. 5( mi, Err-x11 cream 83â€" and ““9 spots at 10° and 123° yd Mink Marmot plain Mufls, yd. In Plaids at 10c., and ugc. yd. :4 so and 35. 00. £5. 300 and 750- .V'd-. Kimona Cloth in floral and plain Fancy Mink Marmot Mutts ;e and Mantle Velvet, Pattern at 150- and 20¢- yd. tails. $7. $8, $9 $10, and $13. 5. yd. Children's Coating ii: white and 11an Seal Pillow Muï¬s, : ‘1 “.09 b’ue grey grey bear cloth. Sale $1.50 per yd. and $8. 35c. and we. yd. Black Fox Mutts, $9. 210 and : mVy wool sergea, 50c ‘iiks payettes, yd. wide. 'u for girls, so: and $4.50 each in white at $3 0-. and 75¢. each. at 750., $1.0 0, $1.25 at 75C., $1.0 0, $1.25 â€3-. $1.0 0, $1.25 and 51.50. 5c.. 81.0 a, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. , $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.50 up to $5. mesaeline Factory Wool Twilled Sheeting, 72 in. wide, spatial 60c. yd. Grey Flannel: 18c., 20¢., 25c., and 35c. Finer qualities at 13c., 15c., 18c and 20c. 34 in. white and colored, sale 10c. yd- \ and $15. FlanneYette Sheets W’l‘apperettes Wool Blankets F iannelettes . $5.50 and $6, for ages , $3.75, and $4.50 each furs and 75c. Ku’tt 3d Frllling and lace collars $1.00. Linen Eaton, Dutch, Rob- . and 500 respiere Collars. “LIV-L LUV- Min‘r trimmed coat, Muskrat lin- ed, sale 369. Curtain Muslim Astrachan jacket, $28, $33 and $40. 200-: 25°- and 35° 10 per cent ofl regular prices on have Curtain a): furs not mentioned. $1. $1.25 and $150 Ladies’ Coat, Muskrat lined, Alas- ka Sable collar, $65 each Linoleums-, 50c., and 60c. sq. yd., 2 and 4 yd. widths. Floor Oilcloths, 27c. to 28c. sq. Smaller Carpet RUgs $7.50, $8.50 and $9 Ladies’ Vests and Drawers, 25c., 35-2. 50c., 75c., $1, and $1.25. Boys' Fleeced Underwear at 35c. and 45c. Men's Fleeced Underwear, 50c., 75c. Wool at 75c., 31 and $1.25 Tapestry Carpet Rugs, 3 n 4 yds, $10 $12.50, $15 and :13. VeIVet Rugs, 3 x 4 yds, $20, $25 and $23. ‘ Fur Lined Coats, with Western Sable Collar, $35 and $45. ï¬cYS' Cashmere Rib Sweaters, 756., $1, and $1.25. Children’s Underwear. vests at 130., 20c., 25c.,, 35c. and 50c. Drawers in natural, 18c., 206., 25.., 35c., 50c.. Black 1ong tights 75C., 31. Boya' Heavy Wool Sweaters in brow Boys' Cashmere Rib Sweaters, 75c Children's Thibet Setts and $6.50. Mink Marmot Scat-Is, $7, $9, $10 and $12. Fur Scarfs, $9, $10 and $12. Children’s White setts, $2.50, $3, $4 and $5. Muskrat Mufls, $8 and $10 Ladies’ Fur Trimmed Coats In which we exca. Mufls, brovm 18c., 20c., 25c a nd black hair, $2.50 and $3.50 each A to Gingha Mink Marmot plain Muï¬s, 33.35, p n m 1AA __.I 10‘- eater Coats for Men, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.50 to $5, in variety of colors. Furs . 310 and $15. ‘2 $2.50, $3, $4 Tapestry Cushion "‘ L w . $4.50. $5.50 UNDSAY . ONTAREO, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 14 $4. $6 With FanCy Dailies, 5c, i'c ., in 1311., 2, and 2; yd .2, blue and red at 50¢. each. Lace Curtain specials, 50c $1, $1. 35 and $1. 50 pr. Cret-omres and Satin: 10c., 12§c and 15c. ‘ Prints and Ginghams 125c. Prints Ginghams Stamped Linens for at all prices. and 50c. Cushion TOPS, in c-"vnvaa, 12‘5c and 50c. Fine assortment of Carvers Cloths, Table Cloths, Sidebm Dresser Covers, aWay below prices. Curtain Muslims and Laces, 18cc Shetland Fioss. Berlin and Germgny, town wool and fingermgs. 100- and 12:,c. Linen Cushion tops Guest Towels Table Cloths, Sideboard aIId and 350. each , , bot my below regular L Ops, 25c. 55c. and 50c. "dered and plain dths. . 10°. and 12gc embroid'ering, at 106., - and Men’s moves and Mitts 50:: 753 $1.90 and $125 at 50c†75c. , 25c Mr. Lee L. Sedgewick, mail cl'erk on the Lindsay- -Hali’burton train, shot a moosner buck at Clear Lake, ' - L ~ 1..., ‘Iaubur .021 L mm a; , The proceeds of the evening aâ€" mounted to $96. MATE, CLERK Sï¬ï¬‚flTS MONSTER EEEER The an: I Rev. Mi. Bryden, of Woodwije, had; charge of the Sunday services, and {despite the inclemency of the weath- Ier a large number were present. Mr. IBryden will always be welcomed to ‘Glenarm. On Monday edening a hot fowl sup- per was served. The Orangemen kind- ly allowed their hall for the‘ purpose. I Although the weather was very un- Ipleasant a large crowd was present, IAfter all had done ample justice to the excell ent supper provided by the ladies, all went to the church where Ia. concert was given. The Rev. Lord; :0! Fenelon Falls, Archer, of Wood-3 'villem'. Watt, 0! Oakw,ood were pres- Ient and gaVe excellent addressesl, [Miss Dynes, Elccutionist of Whitby,I "an Several well rendered eelim'tions. I Cambray male quartette was alsoI present and their singing was muchI enjoï¬ed. Mr. and Mrs. Osborne andI daughter, of Peniel, were also pres- ent and delighted the audience with their music. Special music was given by the choir. Mr. Steel ï¬lled the _ chalrIia his usual capable manner. I ' I I I I I I 0 IV E a b I» e: The G-‘lenarm congregation held their ahnual anniversary and fowl supper cn Sunday and' Monday 02 this week. at three o'clock yeeterday afternoon! without damage. The Alberta. left; Whiteï¬sh to cross Lake Superiorl westbound at nine a..m. The local} wireless station at 3.30 11.113. reeetv-g ed a report that wreckage of the; steamer Waldo had been picked up‘ at Keeweenah Point on the southi I shore of Lake Superior. PGWL SUPPER Hurom’c Safely Relaxed. ‘5 PORT ARTHUR, NOV. 12. â€" The , Huronic got off the bar at Whiteï¬sh f at three o’clock yeeterdav aftnrnnnn a Gecr ge Willmott, -n Englishman, who had been in Collingwo ad but a hsrt time, was another member of the crew. He had charge of the stew- ard's department. Mrs. W'llmott W553 with him on the vessel. 1e, with his wife. contemplated return- ing to Bristol at the close of the sea~ son. was on the Wexford last year in the same position. Richard [vague J. assistant en- sincer, had aiso 1L1 same years' ex- perience and 1nd :2 spied positions on diiferent boat 3 on the lakes. He was married to Miss Dickenson of Ccllingwocd. Allan Dodson, watchman. Orrin Gordon, watchman, was a young unmarried man, a son of Charles Gordon of this town. He James Scott, chief engineer, had been“ on the lake steamers for sev- eral’seazon. Scott was married and leaves a {$in of time cuikiren in Collingwood. " 4 . ,“__q ArchibaJd Brooks. second ofï¬cer of the chfcrd, we. 3 a young man and had sailed for several seasons Last 3ear be occv ed the same posi- tion on this boat. Captain Bruce Cameron, who was; Ome'mee, Nov. 12 â€" Guy Fawkes master of the ill-fated steamer, be-i; . . ' longed to a family of mariners. He 3mg“ has c°m° and m. and 10118 was the second son of the late Cap- gwlll it be remembered by many. tain Alex. C. Cameron, and was born : .- _ . in Colllngwood about twenty-six years E St‘ angers Who were 1n oln' town on ago. He had sailed on the lakes dur- lthts occasion woué‘d tthk it quite a lag the past ten years, and bad suc- liVel 8? t cessl‘ully ï¬lled various positions on! y ’0 ‘ different steamers sailing out of this; Small children and grown um 39â€" port. He was'married last spring. :‘peared 0n the stree 'n Archibald Brooks. second omcerlcostu'me d t 1' maSqueralEe of the \chfcrd. was a young man ' an some 0‘ them mm: and had sailed for several seasons. {WW laughable indeed. The calithum-i Last year he occv-.ed the-same post-1 {vi-an parade tank mm». ru- n... _-_., I Ti.e bodies of ï¬ve drowned men, all with lifebelts on, four of which had marked on them "Wezford," and the other "London," were found on Lake Huron beach, ï¬ve miles south or St. Joseph, according to 'ad- vices from that village yesterday, by Robert TurnbuH, a farmer. The bodies were not far apart. A11 the men were young. COLLINGWOOD, Nov. 12.â€"-The news of the loss of the lake freighter Wexford, which was received here yesterday afternoon, has shrouded the town in a sadness such as has not prevailed for many years. So many wives and families have been bereaved that the whole town mourns. The crew of the steamer in- cl'u ded six or seven from this port, all being vigcreus and experiences.“ mariners. Crew ofili Fatéd Wexford Lived There coumwoon 18 m ms EYES IN momma! WERE DESTRQYEB AT CHEF-153%? last Saturday. “M3 Flavelles Ltd. have just received one car Pulpstone. Woodâ€"Fibre, Hard Wall Plastcr. This is one of the best preparations on the market today, all ready to mix and apply in 100 “i. bags. Has no equal for repairing. Many contractors are finishing housâ€" es throughout with this material. fIU’l‘TONâ€"In Lindsay Nov. 11, 1913, to Mr. Hutton, Sussex-st, a l i The ofï¬cial ï¬gures of the ï¬nanced édepartment in regard to customs reâ€" , venue for the past month are at Var- {iance with The ï¬gures given a few Edam ago by the customs department {to the conservative press. It was then stated that the decrease in cus- toms revenue for the month was so-zne thirty. thousand dollars under the million mark. while for. the ï¬rst seven months of the ï¬scal year the revenue still showed a. gain of over one million. According to the ofï¬cial ï¬gures 01 the ï¬nance department the decrease in customs revenue for Cc‘ tober was $1,061,133,vcbi1e for the seven months the net increase has been only $333, 858. ï¬ Â§ OttaWa, Nov. 11.â€"During October :the net public debt of the dominion lincreased by $1,540,262. 'During Oc- tober ' of last year it decreased by !$4,022,098. The diflerence of these ï¬g 1ures indicates the accelerated spend- ing ability of the government. At Buï¬ders and Piusterers, 51123593 the ï¬end of last montï¬z the net; ’debt stood at $301,127,537. the PUBHC DEBT 1Man parade took place on the main istreet, after which the crowd follow fed to a. Vacant lot to the south of [King street, where Guy Fawkes was £01161: more burned to death. : When the people had nearly 2.1: Edispersed to their respective harms, the cry of “Fire" Was raised, andit :was not long before a goodly number had gathered at the so: n3, wh ch Was the residence belonging to Mrs. A. T0019 to the west of the Village, op posite the station corner. W'*h r * a t th rt. 4 [enter the m , v ‘ a 1‘ ‘ ' 1 gm e° m 5"†clThis,ineï¬ect the young men, the sta- .e was saw, iv u out ed, but the dwelling was burned to g e . . tan. who, 11: ‘ the ground. The cause 18 a mystery, ‘ r, , F It as the hOUSe has been unoccupied for 10‘1“â€an 0 «name ‘ir‘e. ‘ Qulves' RESEDENCE BURNER) cf the plate struck him in the tape, lacerating it in a terrible manner, and both eyes were destroyed. In aadi- tion, the right arm was broken, the band torn and other injuries inflictei. He was removed to the hosbital. Cooper has a. wife and grown up family of niï¬e children in Montreal. in breaking up some large plates, us- ing dynamite. He had DiaCGd two charges which did not go off as quick- ly as he expected, and as he wont to the plates the caps exmoded. Pieces of the plate struck him in the face. BELLEVILLE, Nov. 12,â€"Thomas Cooper, an employe of the rolling milis here, was yzsterday the victim of an accident which In all probability will prove fatal. He was assisting Believilie Workman Was Frightfï¬ï¬‚y injszreé Ycu need not make a special trip to {awn to cash a cheque. maisadepmit or draw cm: money. L‘s: the mails instead. You wiil find 1::- syntem of Banking 5;: M31} a safe 2mm†of transaqing :31 y n banking "*‘MW ‘h-JQnA\-*v 8m EDMUND B. OSLER. 51.9., PRESIDENT. w. D. MA‘m-it-zws. mm C. A. BOGERT. General Manager. @335 BR“ 95m nae. E. â€PAWS“ £13.-» ilLt.r(l . U385 n5 Wu Baum nun numb 5:me 3. 3. Hum £93» Ea Roam»? GROWING Rig? EELY 89R}! Use The Mail For Banking rssteraay Int:- Victim tab In all probability He was assisting :me large plates, us- He had paaced two AT OMEEEEE on Tuesday, and Mrs. T. son. All the latest winter miliinery of the very best quality now on sale 2!- Miss Mitchell’s. ‘zwes moved a few (Days ago. We all {hope for a. Speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Na! Grey and famiiy, :0! Lindsay, were the guests of hit. iThos. Endicott, cf Lakeview Farm- {.mtely ' Miss Eva Greer, of this place spent a few days in town recently- The cold, wet, wintry weather has almost put a stdp to the ï¬eld work {0‘ this year. However, most of the farmers are well up with their wort: and can now aflord to lie off. 1' I I at the present ti Ross Memorial H- ses and wagons. The effect of the mayor’s announcement is that the hotehnen, dignsted with the increas- ed price of milk, have practicalky de- daed to 31M 8 milk department to the mineral water eompany. J. L. Counsell, the company's solicztor, is applying for authority to increase the capital stock by 340,000, and it is the hotelmen's intention 1’50 use!» part. of the increased capital to stars the milk branch of their mineral watâ€" :8; The party in question hired a horse 2, ’at Isaac's livery ,or the pcrpose oi .dudriving out to a dance in West Ops, : held in honor of a ' ' horse thief and was getting away with’the goods. No the was ,lost in I taking the outfit from the Lindsay in: the Terpicorean art were 80 rudeâ€" lny disturbed, is not known. He did gynat Show up at th dance, anyway. We be mken for a horse thief is bat! Eenough, but to b. daprived of the Epleasure of tripping the light fantas- Eu’c was the unkindest an: of an, Determined nct Per quart for min keepers have Dram: IFf {MEL m [N er of a local grocery delivery last. evening. Water 892nm: and Sale Pages I to 8 iiiï¬Ã©ANT P‘éï¬Ã©i (Ema! to the Post) 5 30m *0 hamthat kitfle have practically milk business them: in turn. secured the from the hotclman EEK the hotclmen the 3 Pa? Zia: cents Hamilton hots;- I-fly 'ccided to was themszivee- the iï¬ormation I by Mayor Al~ scared the news cut of all- Vol 24