Chartered by Act of Parliament 1882. Western Bank of Banana LITTLE BRITAIN great Britain my require JAMES LOW, Savings Department. Deposits of $1.90 and upwards received, upon which interest will be paid or com- pounded four times a. year, at the highest current rate from date of deposit to day of. withdrawal. ï¬nns'AY BRANCH. - - Farmers’ Business makes special attention in the line of (ï¬shing or collecting 3318 notes. making mvanccs for the purchase of stockers, etc. promp Wain LflAN AND snvmus cow. Rents C. S. THOMPSON, Manager BANK 0f MONIREAI Rest - - - Sl|,..00000000 ummeu Pmflts $699, 96988 Fetal Assets 365 234. 268. 85 HWY A â€/1,†D VICTORIA COUNTY B ANKING Bmwhm at all important mm: in Canada and in Lon- Deposiits of SI and upwards received; interest apowed at current rates and paid quarterly. The depositor is subject .to no delay Whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portwn o! the deposit. â€" - _ --.‘nnn" “-n-l‘fl‘ Newflxuudland $1.00 0PM AN ACCOUNT .‘sgvings Department. Deposits of $1 and upwu-dsmreceived. on which the behest amen: rate of interatis mound. No Del-vs In waldo: W lntamtaddedfonrmayw WM Win Connection with dl W EYul‘y description ofa Bank- ing business transacted. Interost allowad on doped“. “d compounded quarterly. ‘ Formér custoï¬ers of the Ontario Bank Branch will be Wommodated as heretofore. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE In soliciting your patrODng we can sure mm of courteous treatment and mm: ezm on to your business require- amen A1 5- â€*Jgoodtimeto start. Newtamopena th. Write for outlast», at}: M Manama other «Inn 1111 M" BRLTISH CAN m.“ ’- WLLEGE, Y†and HG- IANAGER LINDSAY BRANCH- Notice is hereby given that â€a dividend at me rate or has this day been ï¬ve-and-one-half per cent. per annum declared on the paid-up Capital Stock of the Company for the halfâ€"year ending 3Ist December, inst., and that the same will be payable at the office of the Company, Kent-st, Lindsay, on and after 2nd January prox. Lindsay, 7th Dec. 1907- 3 Bank, with its 123 branches and :ies in Canada, United States and ‘ Britain, is in a. position tomeet requLv-ement in the line of legiti- “‘2 Tm. I. F. Loo-omen. Mango:- 3chnts mo A‘r cum! Ann woonm WALKER, President . LAIRD, General Manager IRELAND, Superintcndent of . B. BLACK ESTABLISHED 1817 gm!) omen. xenon-m AFTER XMAS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS PAPER onscoumo: SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 91 Open from 9 .. New York. Chl- skaue. Maxim and Manager. roughont Canada, and in the United States and England DIVIDEND No. 24. By order of the Board, :ST. LINDSAY. FRIDAY. DEC. 20th, ‘07 LINDSAY BRANCH mm "73 that a dividend ththe_ rage of Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, - - - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 THE FARMERS’ BANK OF CANADA, Dranc'roasâ€" Rt. Hon. Viscount Temple- ton, Hon. President; W. Beattie Nesbitt, President; Col. James Munroe. Vice- President; Robert Noble, Allan Eaton, W. G. Sinclair. John Gilchrist, R. E. Menzie, Burdge Gnnby, A. Groyev. LONDON COMMITTEEâ€"Rt. Hon. Vis- count Templeton, Sir Chas. Euan Smith, K. C. B.. C. S. I. 0., Henry Higgins. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. NEWTON SMALE, lembors of The Canadian Bankers Association and The Toronto clearh Ing House. Conneï¬e. e a receive pmmpt attention ninht. OFFICE-=48 P912152, between Batman and Curling my“ BROAD NEWTON VETERINARIANS, nuns", - - ONTARIO. Lindsay Poultry Association Meet The Ila Show Will be Held Jaw m flit. IN «I 83d. Muoll enthusiasm was mauswawu the other evening when the poultry raiser: at the town gm! vicinity came together to formulate plan: for the third annual winter exhibition un- der the auspices of Lindsay Poultry and Pet Stock Association. It was decided. after some pro- ï¬table (1130113381013. to hold the Show on the same days as last year, Tao:- day. Wednesday. and Thursday, an 22:16 and 23rd. Jan. Arrangement. 'ware also made for an ample sup. on the same days as may yual. hm.- day. Wednesday. and Thursday. 215t 22nd. and 25rd Jan. Arrangements were also madae .for an ample sup- ply of A1 OOOPS- ' Applications tor entry blanks have already been received from many of the [curling breeders of the province, and it is regarded as a. certainty! u I L- 4... “Unli- that. last. year’s success will be du- plicated and perhaps doubled. . Mr. Johnston Ellis was again elect- ed president. 'and Mr. C. A. Frost. pqcretnry. . to 4:30 p- ml - OAS-ronxA- z m ,m Kind You Ham AME Graduates of JAMES LOW, Manager. Incoporated by Special Act Of Parliament. R: TRAVERS, General Manager. T. MORSON, Manager ESTABLISHED 1881 ‘ the town ,and Vicinity same to formulate plans for the anal winter exhibition un- the Ontario Veterinsry HOUSES Assistant. do; or Bo Methoda of Education. Anoth- ‘ or subject that would mm ito merit: , attention is Mary. In the mat- to: 0! grammar we gave: it M our. 5 View that the old style 0! teaching - it seemed to ml to the more: in reason. uraciwlly an 1‘de the earlier phea- en 01 it. It hum called: tho-spar:- rot style in derision. but there on some things that meet! Ito be burned : into our mind. and we doubt it any' .way has boon mutated yqt, than: is crdenable. or show: better results, than that gained by constant ‘1‘qu- tition. Now. in the matiten otghisé- Itoxy. we think (the retry: oppositq course is the proper one. except in the case of dates. and- yet it would seem that it is taught; joy tho teachi- er and learned by the scholar very‘ much as one .would teach a parrot n ; [ow phrascs. \Ve don’t wish our. ‘ readers to think are are puflting forâ€" rward these views entirely as 01111 own. Some of the brightest minds. in this town have 9,1:er athemk and as the r coincidfl in a large moat sure with our own. we feel less hesiâ€" tar-cy than we otherwise would in [piliKll’Lg them before our readers. ,It seems that the history [mason is learnt off and repeated the same as if it were a :poem. ._ Show-d that your gster be interrupted in the rope- tition. it is out completely, and the thread being broken. the mind ‘oer times a blank, whether from excite-l ment or (org-attainess. it is hard Ito say. It does seem as it the children should Ibe encou raged to tell. \whether in speaking or nvriting. the. story in their own words. and in their own way, and when they drop \into the parrot style. it would be delioeratcé- ly interrupted. Another subjedt tint is a heartaburn-inz to anyooq .who has to put up ~with it. and'it'is yrosheéoly the worst Iea'ture in our schools anywhere, is writing. There have been numfoerlogss opinions ex- .prased during the past 20 years as to the cause of the poor writing of our echoilars at the day. -)?V"o would not care to venture an opinion as to whether the writing is worse 30â€"day. in a given number of scholars. than it was twenty, thirty, or forty“ years ago. but all will agree that it is bad. It might surprise us, were ..We shown that it has not deteriorated, 'but rather improved, but me hardly think that can (be the case. 2 ' 0009000 £ By "The Smlkr." Mon†“wowwomww NVe rather imagine that wnuug, 9- cont: adlstictï¬on to grammun islett off: too soon as a. aï¬son. .,-.. to be the object aimed. at now. Speed is very good and very nosasasarg-u but should only the an after c‘onsldaration. and a. very after one at «that. The first and only aim 01111116 teathetrl showld be to have the ghild form its ietters properly. not only in the writ- ing lesson. but in every ., desâ€" son and in the scrhbolin; book. as Well as the eopy book. That is not done today, we are sorgy to say, and as a consequence, the child gets mp into the higher forms. where we teaching of writing is dropped. . a careless, slovenly writer. There docs not seem to be may 'grcater su- m....:c:.m nr .w.ritinz in the higher 'l‘t "wvu- vâ€" foxms than in the lower. Ionmus. and thus .we have boys and girls {assing irto the Collegiate whose {tap era ought to be thrown out cpmpletely, singly for the wretched writing. Some of the examiners must surefly ‘30 to bed crOSSPgrained.if not cross- eyed. nftet vwadimg through some. of thoipavpers they are cbmpollcd to wade tm ough. We were tweaking with n gcnblaJ. man the othe; day who- is supposed to know whereof he struts. and ho ï¬nve it as his orinion that there wasndh erongh taught in our public achoola; {but we could very well abolish the fir?" form in the. Collegiate and transfer it to the public schools m. mason mun. that as 85 upor cent. o! duldren. wimially bum. ï¬nish their mhoul education at «the mum. “tool. “'9 do not do «our duty by them in sending them out into Ma 1 hmt Mimi in â€no WM‘ we do; mm: In in am: “we in this we mm wan}- ‘shf law ï¬x vermin: helmet nmwmm any at the uwwaxww whamm- Mu! “mum pawn: n altuiuum (la- mam at mum. an they my maple BOOK at dwaflmh If (ha Man in to mm an! bright mandates. um aa' to haw them alum ax: oazuzellaliwm in a wwoundini (lat-knew. than our mutant Bantam is eminently ï¬tted for it. We rather think. howawr‘ that the Ignat majority 01 our pitizwd buns a different idea. :wh'talx is that. cduation is and should ha .ro: 113d benefit of the greatest numoermnd as the .zreatqst number have aahool 1n manly life. the system thamwould enable them to be properly. ï¬tted to» the ‘bmtblo or lito would! seam to be the pieferdnlo onO. flown-mind. ovu- ory W. in‘a mam h :1 MM bl the state and should Intake}: in hull by the Islam and Igivqn such as educa- tion as will ï¬t them for their plan in life. This. of course. is supposed to be the Jam today. W it Is mod 'honozed. in the [bu-each than in thq cbsonanoc. fro be done mommy; mm a mango :class. of scholars. i-b .would be necessary to £M‘bhem. alt {least partially, and in some. inseam plathn' than. I! we can; inculcate in imagine that writing, 5}) on to grammun islett 02!: a. :lï¬son. ,‘Speetd seems wt aimed. at now. Speed and very nwasasary. but -e an after c'onsidexation. [tar one at that. The [V aim of ;the teachetn their minis [L hi3 xonship than the! have, with their IF hugs. our outlay compound intarcst. is very tune. but'tn much shares of oithe tho other country. in 1 beta as there is o! .ci ll||II'\ c v ‘ -. Ma. [or H mm arm «A mmhtm WNW the MN. and um “mun: w Mun: um mm mm ward w'm. IUD: but. u!‘ «cm-e. m the mm at "wir- Mihwm \w mum haw a . ma tame and tlwloumuw «and. I‘M «male Hounds in um um» W m was out their own sweet) with. IR- RESPEOTWE at tbs ram at thalr I'd-shunts. lumetting dxogqther the gcildou rule. and have V! have the I‘Lh'M‘IJ an! injustice til»; nut wt of thin; on‘tafla. d‘ho this “at H but uhpwd to maid up all rupep‘fl ou'.‘ neighbor: right: is thq one we M0. far it men «em Now use 4mm. MM M “NH mu their mu m M“ ul‘ out-rm to Nun mlihmm Viï¬ Â«mm tam and Motion!“ I much “mode ii um Intuition. Our umbm‘dov .ar. Mr. kaenxie King. ugly settled the mullet! no; t riot: to «the â€auction“ 9. mil youtho Wt to not fly put out of «ï¬ght. for: the l- (The latest oontfln- no Question. to one by Mr. [nit-h. In fl‘ho Wonk†Sun. can!†that Manned! idl- o'blo cosmopolitan in who He amzucs tram tho .poiut: Lin and prm are alike... :0 rumination to ammo: en- - country of :tho dthel' In __i a 2:. higher ideal‘ .9! oiti- are afllfl'. "Name" and his Social- an they. would otho‘rwiaa ism. triads think it an 1» method L their 0mm nurround- from the autumn â€" we 9100' t. that h outlay «would return men .all (he dittoren'oe than in between - >7-~ 1' -_ A, "Abhti‘ ’ Use Shiloh‘l Cure 3 Sim- the worst C014. theehatpest cough â€"try it on aguar- antee of your money back if it doesn’t actually CURE Quicker than anything you ever tried. Safe to take,â€"â€"-nothing in it to hurt even a baby. 34 years of success commend Shiloh's Cine- , 50¢.81'. :16 from tho waldo â€" we non’t. that in all the difference there in Wood usamoxdy I. nonunion 0! method. "Ncmo"’tnka navorat jobs at us. much no My according to .Hoylo. Bu new us 0! taking delight in honing a "dig" .t tho ,Boohlhn'nnd that m "clout" mr'tho‘u' upturnlnz in Blitnin. and bu -ol m IMO but. ï¬t. thnt. which no sandman- buccxnin'z to on: o! "Js‘emo's" sund- lna. Me h on. oohh Ln whuh tho stoinliatn am not doing womanho- Mioo. And that. In in! claiming ton thomndnn the honor at \wxnninz. In men ddunntinc. the poop“ up go tho dogma ot knowlodco they now have. on snhjentn ouch u puma wnornhjp ct public utilities had other‘ kindardd subject». Mun unable men who onuuot he mended as Socialism. 1o.- lleved and ndvmatodl theâ€, thin“ long ago. before Socialism mus ov- er known. As Ion; â€(man in man them will be men whose _mind will xun [mm the utmost conaervaltlsml t) that of tho extremal: radicalism and we would. venture the: assertion that m any body. at Sociaï¬svs (here un-v. -â€" -7, '_ win toe views as. divergent as the. got-3 as to how lax .tbqy ought to go it. every suojabt the: take no. Some mkds are 60 years ahead .0! their. time, but nevdr grow. and it themivp Nong‘cnough. the times catch In: to them and have them in the urea“ Other minds start in. seem‘ingle 10c- hind the times, but mythcy grow they devoiup. ann‘ occasionally lcnve thew behind them who. when they started out together. were away ahead. j We soc this remarkably illustrated in the 035:» of Bright and. Gdadstonc. \When Br'ght started out. he man considers! a dangerous radical. today we ‘knew that he was slmpf‘v a man 0‘ zood common sense. rwho saw “the a. dangerous radical. Today we knew that he was slmpfl'y' a man at gwd common sense. rwho saw the evils that were running rampant; in 11‘s country. He lived to use than evils rut-moved. (their removal dino- cloaod othens which reunited atten- tion. but he could not qec them. and died a Comervative in feeling. it not in name. Gladstone. on tho other! band. opened his puidic life as tho "hop' 0! the nnbendina 'l‘or'y," but as his mind dsvd'qzdl' he saw and evil after another and removed: than; and when he died M’al twenty onthir- {y you: in advance of “his times. The Socialists have. and will always have. these :two clan-sea at people to contend avith. as well as than great clean of Bourbon» "who never learn and never forge " â€" the dyed-ingtheb M'odl Tory. . i "Name" asked .why we were not. de- manding from the part3 in power tho carrying out of the planks M'aa' advccute. What in the world; have we been doing these many 11:00:15,! We know We have Sir .W'iglrid'a ear. but he in only om of 210. Dr. ‘81â€" ‘shovp. in a sermon reported in ‘tha same issue. said that the M pre- mier Canada ever had was down on the iiquor traffic and yet supponted and legalizui it. We. think (the Doc- tor meant to use another word than the .word "supported". He no doubt “rezulated‘ it. but that in not "snip- pcxtinz" it. Here again. this ‘J’w mior was only one of 90, and at ienat. 46 of that ninety had to back him up or he could do nothinz 'tagginoie. As we have remarked oclorc..Govern- ment is largely a matter pt comm-(F misc. (rho most popular [Premier go- ing cannot get all pg manta-A I! he is a With statesman he will take all he can get, and lay law for the next ccnenient opportunity. A premier win: would deliberately wreck his government because he could not car- ry all he wanted. even if it was (on: good. would show Rack of construe- LLH: “3313;13:1th . "‘ u a . County unghtrate Moore 1101:! riderable interest. to a number of South Maripou people was dealt court Tuesday. when n one of con- wilh. Nclnon Stokes. the llclumhnl. was charged with assault. the nom- plainaut helm; Ell Short. The allalr m the ultermath. ot a horse Jul. Short hum; clues and mum! lulg. men: tor u balance 9! ".1 Later on allot-t mu enticed from Ills home one mum and threatened u; Slot-3m The mu» mlmuml we con m m ouml. Mu [M untangle washed a utuomm at um towns in um um he mm. 1w ‘us n «mum to «mm a am Now. “Moll M “\9“ M “0‘ with mum cumulus m min mm mm new flu: \Memlam wan likewl-o mgulwd to give mm: M mum good Mule». . I! winking wank! act it. you walk! “my lave a good “noticed but luvs «Mutton. Warhe- 1m" worth 154 It h work that W. You .wbh you were a utonqxrwher or a bookkeeper. «waiving a good salary. walking mablo balm. a um manta! o! m tirm‘n an“. dearer not make you one. What you ouzht to do is to mica up your. mind toen‘ tor our mhool at than manning. Jan. 2nd. 1908. bananas than business firms have lwrndd um: own is the bed: school tram which to obtain their! stenazmphora and. bookkeepem. Let up bar from you tartan and talk the mug: out with us. FEDERAL mamas 005L368. Lima]. Ont. .M “a: ‘ DAVID HARD! EPISODE. Mon! Business Cullen. Groceries, Kent. China Hall. William-st. : Do You Want Male or Female Help ? Mr. Morgen Johns, median Government Employment Agent, will take eppllcatlone from these mulrlng farm help or domeetlc servants. The help la expected be come meetly from England and Seatlend. An mm W mum: to Adana pm“: for 1‘0le mm or Mmuah atria will plan and vino Ir. Johan, at Ma residence, 99 Lindsay-It» His Hand Caught Thumb Sliced Off Main! Accident in c Tova Factory Lat Wat. ' ' Euning Post 6chc. 12 A nan-km» accident took plawyue «(my morning at Cam’s oox two- to: y. whoa Wesley Poll-1nd. who was [writing a. machine. known to the trade it! a SW. huhhis left hand drawn into tho rqidly mvolviuz hive: of Ithe machine. which comp \ \ aotthand. , 4! ' ov‘ Nudmmydunoufln ;;w,mmhmdmww MDhm‘ulH: u ‘2 A ’XMAS SALE OF [A .3 @ @3653 wages §EE EUB. L. MORGAN, _- IA‘RI A. n QTAM" “Thistle Brand {Currants and Ruth: excel :11 orders. Don’t accept other brands supposed to be equally as good. Our Mod Rnlnlnn an tho ï¬nest procurnl Select Table Raisins, Oranges and Malaga Grapes. Rocqunfort, sultan and Cream Choose. Also prime cuted Canadian Cheese. FINE, BRIGHT COMB HONEY. Out stock is couple}; “‘1 The christmas Cake, Plum Pudding . . or Mlncemsat . . We no agents for Weston's Toronto Breamâ€"fresh dolly. 'I'HE ARC-LIGHT SHOE STORE. Store' open from the sale. low prices. DON’T FORGET THE PRACTICAL SHOE HAN. Directly Opposite the Post Office. The Great Reduction Sale we will offer for sale the ï¬nest line of Dressed Dolls ever shown in Lindsay, at about ON E-HALF regular price. 35c, 40c and 5°C Dolls for 25c. 75c and $1.00 Dolls at soc. All beautifully dressed and sleeping (111 separate cardboard boxes.) Everything as stockings. at The Arc-Light Shoe Store On Monday, Dec. 16, at 9 a.m., The reliable store for best quailty and A full line of Ebony and Fancy Good: at Bargain . CAMPBELL, PHON E No 10. NOW GOING Nuts, F igs, Dates, etc. ..m. till 7 p.m., during TIMI IDMI. GIIRITI’IAS SUBBIfl'IOIB. “10 â€0-01.. adder. CALL AND an rm. robbed. M. B. ANNIS, Oph. D.. Cook'swmnmwnpount en in Candied Peels, "mm W â€Kent-n. (OmdNom‘IShoo 80c.) Lind It: â€"'rhe Evening Post is for me «all min: at Joe. Ctrroll‘s.‘n. m. of; mi at LC. mam 851 u I. c. Barte'l mu. Broken In... m-st. - a Plus m 8; 3â€"0 h ‘5 g ‘ 5.03. w . 2' O999.009.9..QQOQQQQQ§9§§§§§OQ â€999,099990090099990099999O