Wood and Iron with Brass Cylinder, For any Depth of Well. Having secured a. ï¬rst-class experienced Pump Maker, we are prepared to supply ï¬rst-class pumps promptly. Repairs will receive careful attention. SY LVESTER M’F’G 1n vase for over 30 years, has and has been made under his pet- ‘ m sonal supervision since its infancy. 0 Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as-good†are but Experiments that trifle with an d endanger the health of Infants and Childrenâ€"Experience against Experiment. Pumps ! Pumps 1 Pumps ; M J. CARTER, - 4o Kent-St. GENUINE The Kind You Have Always Bought Castoria is a harnilessWSubstitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacwâ€"The Mother’s Friend. LINDSAY’S LEADING JEWELtEBS. Auvusu a USCG! muv.v 'â€" for a present we do not hesit'sze i5 recommend any of the following pieces of Art Silverware as the correct thing for a gift, being modern in design, ornamental and useful in any home :â€" H IGH-GRADE ART SI LVERWAR E. Though a. cheap artiglp of Silverware is out 0A,A_ L- _--A__nâ€" of dute and unsuitable J an" A. {Fun fnnnwzna Bra, Jewellery Boxes. Table Mirrors, Coffee Setts, Tea Setts, Fern Pots, Olive Setts, Nut Bowls, Bon-bon Dishes, Servers, Candela- FOR CHRISTMAS In Use For Over 30 Years. TN! CKMIUI COI'IIV. 1'7 IDIMY 11mm. I" '9“ CITY. 7N: otu‘rnul cog“!!! BRITTON BROS†Foot of Kent-st" LINDSAY, - ONTARIO. LIN'DSAY of good clothesâ€" THE LABEL Trm'r PROTECTS. “ Paying for the name†wise, or otherwise. It all depends on the name you are paying for. has a. value, on a Suit or Overcoat. It guarantees styleâ€"and wearâ€"and satis- faction. Look for the sign Cressw‘ell and Jordan, DIALERS IN FOREIGN MID DOMESTIC mum AID IARBlE IOIUIENTS, DIEM)- STOIIES, PLUIBERS' SUP- PLIES, ETC. All work and material strictly ï¬rst class. Being a new ï¬rm our stock is well selected and of modern design. Prompt- ness and satisfaction our motto. Ofï¬ce and Shop 14-7 Kent-st, Nearly Opposite Public Library. BITAHIU MARBLE WUHKS. W. W. JORDAN. ALWAYS "0 :ooooow‘oizozio2:30:33: ooooooo: ) . 4th Vineâ€"Miss I' naygeom 51,1; Viceâ€"MIS- Stx": Twasâ€"MT- Lindsay. . iNEWSOFTHEGHURGHES 00000001000004 “Suffer little children m coma unto him for of such u the Kingdom 01 Heaven.“ Representative outive. Rcv. W- Q“. n. 52nd Viceâ€"Dr. Olive Rea. Lindsay. ( 31d. Aniseâ€"Miss Edna “'o'ostdr.Cam- iomy. ! - I "VJâ€"LL “5", AT ST. MARY’S. ;" \ - Evening Post .of Dec. 16 11121; mass at St. Mary’s yester-\ day was celebrated 0:; Vet). ‘Archdea- con Casey, M’hoae presence was; a Source of. joy to the: elmrga congrega- tion, indicating as it plainly : did' their pastor’s recovery from a recent painful indispou'tion. The set-mod was delivered by~Rev. Fgr. CollinEL't-he cunts who, although young in and cxiathood. is showing commanding abilities as a apdaqu. Bis sï¬ajï¬ct was in keeping with thlq penitential it was her gratitude which prompted herâ€"nothing was too good for him. So it is with God. His boundless love prampts all the seeming prodigdlity of nature. His love prompted Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross. anzl by the same lavishness and prodigality or love Christ’s redeeming blood is in- exhaustible. Although there is room 'in Christ's heart for all. millions go down despite CaIVary. and all that God can do. . a We need the loving nun and. voice 01‘ Christ evinced by God‘s love, on! God counts 0. soul redeemed worth’ the price of love paid. God: himself is love and everything which seems such waste and prodigality of good is prompted ’by love. Some giving is disowned. in heaven "becnuse the giver ,is thinking not 0‘! love buti of self; God’s "way is love in- this world: and everything is for good. AT ST. PAUL'S Evening Post of Dec. 16 The sermon last night at St. Paul’s church was taken from the eighth verse of tnc 26th chapter 0!: St. Mat- thew. The scene was laid. at Beth- any, and Mary has anointed Christ. The disciples have found great fault. with‘ her for her wastefulncss. but. I spirit of «the Won 0! Advent, be- ing 'bspp‘g on‘ the modagquep by. thp THE RELIGION 0F DONT'S. .;«' At thn Baptist church toâ€"morrmv. mowing the pastor. Rev. G. R. \Valch. will continue his scrim r-f di-«oumas on "The Model Prayer". area-kin; on the subject, "Heaven. of God’s Dwelling Place." The subject for the evening will be.".'1‘hc Way to Heaven.“ L, I Don Quixote: has sailed into the wmdmill with the result. already re- corded. â€"’l‘he Canadian Peace Socictv. of which Sir William Mulock is Prom? dent. has issued an appeal to the nut- Lawn» and officials of 3111 rthc church- es-in Canada. to dis-ewe. the Sunday puczdinz Christmas as Peace Sun'- cay. In this appeal it 63 raid that tno one act: a time of pcabe on earth and good will towards men. k «That their smplioos were made by awewtcd launch a speaker at Eng te: Diocesan Conform informed the low. clergy. Many cumulus. were gwen in that diocese to halibutarvcd girls rwho stitched. stitched. stitched through long hours to earn a miscrâ€" ..'ole pittance. 'Ihc clergy “we hm- plowd not to buy such an ticlcs in the chempst market. ‘- - “The portion of the enrth where we Ike. British No: Lh America, has on»- joyed the blessincs ol‘ {once since 1812. almost one hundred yegrs." The. Society must have forgotten about the Fenian Raid and the. Biol rehab- lien. However. no better tim coutjd be belectcd [or a peace Sunday than \ But his famous steed Rosinante rc- IuE-ed to be a party. ta any further disturbance. and the affair ended in favor of the windmill. â€" Chicago L “I'll tackle you again," he sput- tered, gathering himself up. "when I get my second wind,†Trib une.‘ Congas Erma! and Intern! Went for umor ox lnnnu. Chfldren. and Ad 4:: con- Iml of Cancun 80:9 to cm the muni Cutll‘cgnl‘: Ointment!» Hen mam.mmucun (ortnthe mmot Chocobw eoama Panda v15: at any) to Put" the Blood. Bold mm m- worht Potter Ignaz a cum. com. 800 my... ML!!!†man-“.- nnh no. mm digs. pear, anci- withm ten weeks tbs 01111 was absolute! well. and his 5km was smooth and w ice as never before. I“. Bola-nth, President of the C. L. Rpm-ugh Company. Manufacturers of Silk Robbons. 4 to 20 Rink Alley. South Betylehem. Pa" June 5. 1905." ulo v vâ€"v -vvâ€"v v_v_- ; t ' Fwith Cuticum 838.15. Ointment, and Resolvent. and within ten da _ or two weeks we noticed a dedd 111111; pmvement. Just as quickly as t sickness bad appegzjegi i; also belggn‘fl um, mw-u WV â€"â€"'...._.4, we soon saw a mingle. ours_ spokg allow, Cutlg‘um. III-l†Imvy ouyuuu “av-.1â€" ___._ H We ï¬nally thou ht nothing could help. and I had 0 up my mind to send my wife with the child to Europe. hoping that the sea air might cure hum otherwise he was to be ut under good medical care there. ut, Lord be blessed, matters ceme_din‘ez;e11_t[y, 3m} “w. n. for his mouth was covered wit. crustaas thick as a ï¬n and when- they be ever he opened the mout . to bleed_ and suppumte. as d L-.- x egg. Hands. arms. chat, and back, in a ort the whole body was covered over and over. We had no rest by day or night. Whenever he was laid in his bed,wehadto inhishandsdown otherwise be won! scratch his face and make an open sore. I think his face musthaye _i_tche_d mpst fea‘rfully. u “When my little bog was six months old hehad ezoema. T e sores extended so quickly over the whole body that we at once called in the doctor. We then went to another doctor. but he could not help him. and in our despair we went to a. third one. Matters beâ€" came so bad that he had regular holes in his cheeks. large enough to put a ï¬nger into. The foo_d_ bad to_ be given thl} Extended Over Entire Body -â€"Mouth Covered With Crusts as Thick as Finger Which Would Bleed and Suppurateâ€" Disease Ate Large Holes in Cheeksâ€"Hands Pinned Down to Stop Agonized Scratch- ing-Three Doctors’ Best Efforts Failed to Give Relief. BUT CUTICURA WORKS A MIRACULOUS CURE BABY'S DHEADFIJL CASE OF [CZEMA WWII: I u-nul'e‘ï¬â€˜m. Caucus-a Book «chasm. Omissions of History. y F:- ‘ cannula III! M! Tu \ , wu euin; 1 W)â€, 4‘ inch ccaeï¬. .md. .n :r â€â€˜0; 1 Bdii‘tu' mam:~ : 1W“? ‘1 [than ’eum w I mzn whoa their datumâ€. mun)†to Mr. J. II. I «he: .1. N.\'.. and (In Margaret Niven to Mr (I! Linda-1y. the Rav. Jw mm ax. More an. A wry qulut. but (was): Mt†took {dam a“ ï¬n Mr. and MN. Alex. Gum-m A wry I-retty wedding was soiemn- ired at. the how of Mr. and Mrs. Luau: llJf'.‘. Pleasant. Pomt. on Means“). hov. 27th. when $1191.†"harm-"t duugllter. Mary Janet. and Mr. Robul Sampson. were unite! in .-..',' “Nu, m matrimony. The cere- moa) was performed by the Rev. Mr. SmJn o.‘ Loocaygcon. The bnde. who “as 3 \‘c0 away by her fathomwvoae a \'-.-.'y putty gown of soft blue cloth trznzmcd with silk and embrois- dvrnl cliilon. and carried a bowel. u A representative of The Post found time to call last evening just before 0.0'clock. when the throng of cal- lers had dwindled to a few who seem- ed reluctant to depart. Mr. A. L. Campbell. the proprietor. was {ounl devoting his usual s‘uppcr hour to saw a. few minutes to the scriow coneignment or goods. but cheerfully devoted a. few minutes to’the ~acribc, who was shown about the premises and told many interesting things about the large and varied stock, Quaint cups and saucers. etc., lnnd decorated. came from Japan; lovely designs in vases. salad dishes. cups and saucers, etc.. from Germany. showing the exquisite transger “on: in which the designers of that land excel: tea and dinner sctts from the famous English pottcnca. than “aich no finer 30013 are produced the world OVer; fragile but intensely beautiful Limoges China [mm Frarce; colored glassware from lla- hemin. cut glass. from Engiunl and the States: toilet ware. lamps. anJ general staple lines in great uriety. Taken'as a whole. the exhibit is .I most comprehensive one. and it ls lit. tle wonder the ladies love. to visit and contemplate it. and make sen-r.- lions therefrom. Mr. Campbell says but ï¬les so far have far exceeded last year’s record. but that is no: to be wondered. at when one natus the compictenm of the atock car- ried. Whether the gift be a pretty article nt ‘10c.. ora. really- ambitious one at am. it represents the host of its kind Mble ‘1'. the price: Questioned as to tho briskaess or trade in hxs grocery and other de- partments. Mr. Campbell said that every 'mcmbe; of his staff w» "on the jump! . !_ .. H . . .. _. u . Last Wednesday a very pretty little weddmg. attended ouky by the most. immediate friends and reh- tives. took place at. the bride's mo- ther’s home near Brown‘s school,- honse. Mariposa, when Miss Jhss‘ic McCorvie. daugntcr of the late I’c.:cr McCorric, was united in marriage to 31:. Wm. Cruws. son of the 1.1m John S. Cruc-ss. M. I‘. 1’. Miss McCorvixof Toronto. :1 SISLC‘Y to the buds, act. ed as bridesmaid. while Mr. Norm-w Shier. Cannington. a. nephew 0: Mr. Crates. was groomsunn. o' c'. mtons and terns. Miss Alma M's-lace. the little maid. of honor, “as unnnly attiredin white silk an-l (‘0fl‘.cd the ring on a silver Lny. M153 Maggie smith. of Lindsay. reu- dcred the music. A tcr the ourcmony the friends ten- dered oongntulstions. and m sat dawn to a dumty dckuner. l'he gin from the gnom “as a handsomz gum watch and. chain; to the maid of hon- or 3‘80le ring. The weddmg presents “ere handsome 3nd uscrul. showmg the high csccem in which the brilc was held. Mr. and Mrs. Sampspn left that evening {or their future l;o.n-.. Their tnends wish them many happy days. \ The happy couplc iest 13% night. onh ’trx; west. Mr. and Mrs. Cue-.5 will take up 'cnur resilience at. the old homestead at. Linden Valley. The Fine Display at China Hall Beautiful Goods From the Orient, Ger- many. England and America. WEDDING BELLS Enning Post of Dec. 1:). Campbell's China Hail may prepcrly be included in the town's list of viuw places. because (cw. ladies km to pay the store a visit when down town. This 13 particularly true just now, when the selection of Christmas gifts in engaging the attention of so many. k tum Sampsonâ€"lion. Keller-kn“. [mm-«Who. Cruessâ€"lcCorvie k piano at ï¬n home a. Alex. Oathru. Lind; dank“. Jmct‘. ‘I Mr. J. 11. K (3:3. 0‘ .. and thr dumb Lmn to Mr. B. Batu hue-HRS. W:- CI:;'. 0! Rol- r Multan n. antenna-n. . Wallace 0!- :runony Mm. hum dau ï¬e RS Won Honors for Victoria County. The Famous “Fainicv†Herd of Shropshire: Again at Top. fl‘ho “Fairviow†Shropshitos were exhibited an Md at the ‘Inltcrna- {Banal and Ontario “Hater Fair.1win- ning out handsomely.. At Chicago. sheep were shown in Wang and {at wethor nation. (he total winning-s famous; than we're (on: champion- shim} amounted to more than (the Ito- lnm at any three of the competing flecks. In several instances “Fair- View" ored sheep and lam.†won over iEWflish uni Mb bred Shropshirw. which were. at the (all State (a .m. winner: of {its prizes and champion:- mhipa. [he shag) from "F nirview" we“ o openly and generally credited by the expert American sheep orccdem. with lacing the be“ fitted sheep on oxhwition. . . -;~:essimg With vigor. It will now be in wder for Cal. Sam. Hughm to claim that hi8 inflxnnoe am! gepresenr tetions scanned the and: For *the pzmwon of work on the s‘l‘re‘ntt Canal tho sum bl $1,000.13“ is voted. end for 9 aw. in gt Mining‘s; A xesolution.to the Government looking for some protection for sheep xaiaars. that would make it Ipossiole tn 33am engage in sheep raising in this country. was talk!!! of. {out no. «dc-finite action was taken. Many of the farmers in’ Lindsay vi- c‘x.-21y have suffered 1mm the visits of pxmvling dogs. and finally were «mailed to go out of the sheep in- dustry. . Mn- .Jiunes Conley was put to great trouble in ordan .to protect his flock during last season. and ms (45313011 to drive them 1110 a wire: Protected enclosure every night. a , 1n the Dominion Govcrmncnt esti- mates. {Wished latelv. our citizens mu note uibh much pleasure {the ap- {ragtime or 1 sum of 380.000 for a rew flock ind (hm at Lindsay. for which Mr. B. U. McLaughlin gas boen At Guelph last rwoek the flock met with unauudkd smog-n. Entries won made in all sections of the Shropshire and Short Woolled grade chem. In our: secticn but on¢.zhe ï¬rst 151125. and most of the sesonds. with all tho ï¬rst flock quexnluma. were awarded. to our county's gheop. The last contest in cheap dcpanth mcut was tho awarding o: a $250 sil- ver cup (to be won thrnc times) for (bu woe-st pan 0! five lambs. bred by exhioitor, all breeds competing. Sev- cu [tucks entered the tin; The "l‘mrviaw' flock won. a decision loudly spprovod 05 from the ringside At an ouster mpar. 3in ‘oy the Campbell’s to the sheep 'amcders qnd many friends. their winnings in gen- eral. and tï¬at of the silver cup in (articular. were endorsed in words full of cordial good will. and in a manner sure to encourage Ontar'm a! up breeders to do better and sti‘ll better; . 5 i many «were unven our. 0!. guns Drama of “oak misin-z. " ' fl'ho guilt was largely laid at the door of th: hounds that are. kept. in the towns for hunting purposes. and which were said to come .out at nizht in droves. causing immense loss and damage. One man said he thought the hounds M'CJ‘G [ed nothing from the close 01 the hunting season totho quirninz of the nut. and they were cruised ta hunt (or a living. frhe gen- exau'ly expressed idea was along the lina of the. Wm 01 dogs to the genuino sport at door stalking. and thc‘ determination to make short work of all dogs caught red-handed wcx ryinz steep. Bu't Farmers Are Afraid to Raise Them Owing to Dogs. Great Profit in Sheep Raising At the accent meetlmz oi the Far- mas' Institutes throughout this sec- tion it was wtahlished that. .on the whole xery tow farmers were pngag- in Joining sheep. The cause . was found to be in most cases that of dogs morning the animaï¬s. a nuis- ance that had become so and than many Mere driven out at _this branch if you with to retina ‘ the mm: New Dam at Lindsay. a Surprise an: .wnnr mar: in! 0mm: of I an furnishing tree Trial Box: Ida this becaus (hurrah Cure w Dr. Shoop’s Catarrh Cure Structure Just Completed~LWI Firms Will Benefit. cut in Catarr 9091' A ï¬ne nc pow rcpiuce Townsend’s down which Peterboroa The dam Kmelloul. Maxi that apeedlly bring of youth. Those ‘- and: of men uni w you hnvc given up {ha youthful vim 1 member no welL cc Hammond's Nerve securely sealed. all‘ NERVE and BRAIN PlllS Iiiâ€"6r in boxes {or lilac. I L‘s Free Hammond’s The F. E. KARN c0 m.cuaumom srs. match-lama. and Errata (cf-4 Price†When 81310535 ‘ winceâ€. Said by all GIT-Ki plat; pkg. on race: of 'mm â€Mira. 7050 HI cows-k "’o‘culand INhMY To prove um: A delicious drink and a sustaining food. Fragrant, nutritious and economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist winter’s extreme cold. Sold by Grocers and Storekeeper: in i-lb. and {nib Tins. ill-(1:01 Doctor secure You cannot possibly have a better Cocoa than “ALL DEALERS†I.“ mmu 3“.“ S‘s-Ba Euwamflr no .22 aw a {I‘mmnHWSQWRJ UAW 3“ ND, ‘9 | “emu no Tones and m nervoqs FT-s Blood 12) old it Limited “din 06.60 Chi Bel EVE‘ - m