I’hc follouing officers were electa’ dzPresident. Dr. -White; Viceâ€"Pres, Rev. Fr. Comm ; Seq-{Irena Rod Por- ter. The Executive committee will consist of Lhe above-mentioned offi- cers and one representative from each hem entered. The Executive will Lam full power to (11 with grievanv “mic. An entrance fee of twodou- hla per team was debided‘ upon. 0. 15A. miles mu be adop-ted._ In flow of the fact that the Bank!â€" era has 5: “er men umically, .from with to choose, than has in; othen, team. the; were given the \ special PXiVilege of playing any bankers (in- cluding 0.H.A. intermediate) enem- ;What is Occurring in the Town and District, and: Vimandasnapg 1!.iiil3 ' And a rubble and a. bubble. -. ‘ Andasis,boom.baih5| .* And an 001.. yah, yah’t Lindeay. Lindsayâ€"Rah. Rah: Bah! LISDSAY’S GROUPJ; At a meeting of tba'repmn’ta'tiv†0‘ the intermediate clubs of District I“1 2- com‘prising Cobonu'g. Port Hope. Way. I‘ctorborou-gh and Whitby, in Port Hope. the tollorwing mule of games was arranged; , 1J3“ lâ€"Whitby at Co‘aourz. Peter- mg Koyxl Rczistration of players will close 1“-10th,1908.{ Where“ Is now now reason why the “M1! Il'oun League ahowld not go QOOOOOOQ09§§§§§§§¢§9§§+§OOQsO§EO€§§§§O§OO He THE FIELD OF SPORT "‘6 a; Lindsay. 1 l 1 hi 8â€"Lindsay at Cobourg. . Jan, 13 â€" Lindsay at 'l’etenh'orw {1“le at For: Hope. L “in. 13â€"Lindsay at Whitby. c Ia“- 14â€"Peterboro at Co'oonrg. ‘: '1’“ 17â€"Port Hope at Peterboro. :1"th at Lindsa:_ V .‘ ' x _.‘ “’0 at Port Hope. i, ’ Jan. 3â€"Co‘boumg at Whitby. .~, Jan. 6â€"Port Hope at Whitby, CO" " N- "ml; [HOV " 24~Pctcrboro at Lindsay, Part ’3’ Cobmzrg ( 7 OAS-ronxA. ï¬- Jma ma You Have Ami: W for 1 ather Son, Brother, Relative or Friend, in everything that 15 useful, exclusive, and yet reasonable in price, form the wheel. This Men’s Store is the “ hub †of that wheel for Lindsay. 20‘ Cobourg at Port Hope. Per 1: Whitby Linds Dundas Flavelles, Limited. Christmas Givings See what we are showing. POST. LINDSAY. FRIDAY. BBQ with. ’07 Clothing and Furnishing Department. VARSIIIY COMING EAST. Queen‘s University hockey bunch mu play a game in Peborborougm smile Lume ochre Christmas. and New Ya: rs. fl‘he students have been mak- ing the trip an annual. affair, and: ‘we eL ggusm that in order to make the journey thoroughly enjoyaole Linda 32y bhmfld be included. - g - INTERMEDIATE GROUP 3. ‘ At a meeting at Ux’oridgei lastiweek to axrange games tor group 3, inter- m d'ate series» the following sche- (1qu mas formed: ‘ '2 Jan. 3â€"Cannngton at Port Perry. Jan. 7â€"Cannington at Uxoridge. J an. 8â€"»Toronto R.C. at Port: Perry. Jan. 13â€"Uxoridge at Cannington. ton f - LOSING A! GOOD MAN K Bill Crowley. of Peterborough. who is a hockey player of note, has ac- cepted a position with the Canadian Machine Telephone .Co. at Edmonton, Of course he will join Whitcroft's tag gregation. LiLdeay's first home game will take yaw on Jan. 6th, and. M33 will havq [our home 8:11:15 oeioro the season clams. . - x ‘ Bush! The Gall: Reporter man is busy making predictions. He thinks the senior team. of that town should have little trouble in winning the district. \ Peterborough mll lose “Giidy†Miller. he havxng agreed to play ch‘t wing with the Brantfordpros. He Copper Ciiff will put a team In the ir termediate series, which action wug doubtless coax the Sturgeon Falls bunch to reconsider their decision to dmsOIVe for lack of opponents so â€a“. is a smart mover and will sacrengtnun the Telephone bunch. l Stratford Beat back in the 0. H. diate- team. '.We ahead with Lint Port Rape in th : Wally Bern. the Stratrord hockey- ist,’ who is the proud possessor of three 0. H. A. championship medals â€"jwaior, intermediate and senior â€" will play: mionallx for his hon]! an. 24-Ux‘oridge at :Toronto R.C.( Jm 27â€"Ioronto RC. at Uxoridge. Jan. 28â€" Cann‘mgton at Port Perry. Jan. 31â€"Port Perry at 'Toronto J an. Jan. 21â€" Uxoridge at Port Perry. Jan. 22-T1‘0ronto 11.0. at Gamma,â€" 13â€"Uxoridge at Cannington. Iiiâ€"Port Perry a’t Uxoridge. 17â€"Cannington at Toronto E Beacon; ‘Peterboro is (1H. A. with an intermeâ€" '.Wo can forsec breakers Lindsay, Peter‘ooro and in the same group. .yr “Giia‘y†the. Bay race, and thinks he can beat Coley at a shorter distance. though 0.;ch has trimmed. him several Limes 'ar. {we miles. Adams beat Coley in 1 10 miles at the Martin :gwe last'New ‘Ymr's day. and Coley would’ like to complete the wiping out or thatblot ‘on 1213 record by trimming Adams; at lthc same distance. ;, CHAMPIONS \VILL MEET. Stu ; where will be a battle royal ' at Hamilton Christmas Day it George f Adams, the Hamilton Y. M C. A. dia- ‘tanee man» and Tom Coley. the I. C. ‘ A. C‘s great distance man. get *ogcthr er in the Herald's mumfle road race. ,Coley. xwho a month ago announced his zetLremon-t from training for a imouth. is taking light work in pre- Iraxatwn for the Martin Electric Road race at St. Catharina :Neth ,Year’s Day. and. may be entered. in the Hamilton event. Adams willibe there to. Adams led Coley‘ 1dr 1‘ miles in the Hamilton Herald around Trotting PICRED A GOOD UN. . c Hr. .W'. H. Simpson has gqld Joe Allen, his fast trotting horse. Ito Mcssas Burns and Shepherd. 0! Tot- xcnto. [ou- the handsome sum of $450. .Thev intend to use him rut tho Dub Icun Bark matinees. nley say, they had the choice of théibest horas for this work «in Canada, and phone Joe Ahen «because 01 his good $9,110er- m1%- ; , s .‘ f L HAS HIDDEN 703 WINNERS ; Danny Mahcr, the American jockey. rode his hundredth winner in Eng- land during the season at Gatwick recently. Tue mount on which he rcached the century mark was Per- einus. This success marked. his seven hundred and second winning mount since he began to ride in England. a record that has hardly ever been surpassed- ‘ u Peter'ooro [Turf Club met M0043“ whw it was decided to hold the ana- nuai’nvinter meeting on Tuesdayand. “Wednesday, Jae. 2131: and 22nd. Dr. Johnson was elected president. ‘ For Christmas gifts you can get no morn suitable gift than a nice piece of Furniture. You can get any thing you want In this line, reasonable at I. E. TANGIIEY’S. opp. Beacon muse. Curling. unmet VILLAGE SKIPS At a meeting of Fenelon £31113.ch- lers the other evening the following were elected skips for the ensumg season; Messrs. 1'. Graham. R. M. Hamilton, J. H. Staunton. H. Rob- son, E. G. Hand and Thosfl Cashore. The Duke of Portland. whose wm- nings on the English turf in 18:29.. “Lexi-.1! w about. $360,000. was a rccord untni eclipsed this season by Juma R. Keene. won in 1907 less than $8,000 on the English turf. club this semqon. if required. but wit! not be one of the regular players or the team. { Running . “'lLL IMPORT A RACER a Rumor has it that. Mr, Fret Dec:- man, of Kinmount. who is a! horse- man from his boots am is about to import a track perforate: (mm the states.'1‘he mompanying mark 33 paid to be 2.11. . l CHAMPION P161502; ‘ At the twenty-seventh annual muting of the International Federâ€" ation 'of American Homing Pigeon Fanciers. the best. record for the year was awarded to Tornado. belonging to Fred May, of Minneapolis. with! a. flight of 600 miles In 15 hours. An- other record (light was by a mri owned by Dr. John Schilling. Fort Wayne. Ind.. which covered 1.000 miles in 37 hours. - Boston ’Iraveller: 0n the whole. we are rather glad. that Swartmore Col- lege has refused to accept that be- quest: of $2.(I)0.000. wmch carried with it the obligation of abolishing all manner of intercollegiate nth- letia from its student life. The value or worthlessness of these nth- letics is not the question; what in at stake is the moral liberty‘ of the ï¬netimtion. ., Al. last the Kelly dpiaodo i! ï¬nished and gum-in attention may take. ,up some other mam. Manager Jen Kelley, late or the Torontos, haseiznp ed a trwo year contract with Boston Nationqb. . V. . .. . l: is said to be practically certain that Mike Kelly, of Minneapoliamvil! be me new captain of the (tomato ball team. \ , Odds and Ends of Sport. ONCE POPULAR. NOW. ILLEGAL Cock-fighting. which is now illegal in most countries. was a sport. of great antiquity. It was popular in Greece. was carried to Rome. and. is said to have been introduced to Grout Britain by Julius Caesar. It. was a brutal Sport. enough. yet. it was no: so bad as some others. because “gain..- cocks are naturally prone to antag- onize one another. without the in- terference of any third party to in- cite them." The Complete demorali- zation of cock-fighting was attain- c'l when for the natural spur of the bird one of steel was substit.uted«’ "it. is diliicult." says a. \sporting. “riter. “to deride which commands our admiration the more“; the in- genuity of the contrivunw of cruelty or the dexterity with which the game-cock learned to use it. Some- times needed but one stroke of this prul’icial wcapon to pierce an an- tagonist, clean through the brain." \ “VORTH' MORE THAN MONEY His Ida. . Policemanâ€"“Young man. trouble brewing for you.†‘ Trampâ€""Maybe so; but looking for the brewery.†there a] In Finest Ever Seen in Lindsay. Evening Post of Dec. 16 A three year 011 Durham heifer of truly mammoth proportions was ex- hibited this morning in front of Adams Bros’ meat market. and was ‘8;in admired by all passer-s by. The animal was raised and fed by Messrs. Daniel Sinclair Son. .the man known Cambray stock feeders. and tipped thescales at. the huge bulk of 1690 lbs. After being photographed several times by Mr. .Wilfred. Pepper. the: animal was led away to be slaughhtered. and the carcass will go to swell Messrs. Adams Bros. fine at» sortment. of Christmas meats; Mr. Braund. who is in charge. of their shop, .snys he has other good. one: for. delivery. this week. . . ‘ The University of Tononto Athletic Club has voted to take up curling It’s safe betting htat Ross Hat-stone, 012 this town. had. something to do with the decision. The rinks will be chosen in the course of n few days. The fees, to be paid by players this asason are as lows: lst and 2nd players. $5. “cc-Skips $7. and skips 88. - A number of accounts were read and ordered to be paid. Ihe report of the Medical Health Officer and Board of Health. showing the health of the village to be in excellent condition. was read and ordered to be filed. . .Ihe Clerk road a detailed stato- ment of the receipts and expenditures and assets and liabilities (or the ytar, showing a balance on ban} of $148.72. .with some small accounts to be paid out, which will leave a clear balance of $100 in cash. In addition the corporation have the Spring lots. the ruin shelter and. :he water front. all paid for in full, and there are no other liabilities. On mo- tion the statement was adopted. and ordered 'to be printed and distribut- ed as required by statute. GATES AND ELECTIONS The question oi putting gates on the Fenclon Road was then discussed. and on motion the by-law, was pass- I Annual statutorx meeting. helzl 0 36th day oK December, at the Clerk Office. ' ‘ ‘ . I \ ' Nominations and Election to be Held Early in July. at the Point-Corpor- ation's Financial Standing is Satisfactory. Sturgeon Point Council Changed Time of Voting ain‘t hav‘ng now been dealt. with. the txeasumr presented an inoomplde statement, of the year's receipts uni expenditures. and stated that he thought account: would about bal- prceâ€"if not. the deï¬cit. would be a 9118'! one ‘ _ w L4" mutt-wad $70. price w cover work aï¬uuy done. \ .'- 1'.“ ‘ A deputation from the Poultrv As- sccimion was heard asking [or « a grant or $50. a. guarantee. am! the use of the Council chamw and mar- ket mom for their coming shw*.-Reâ€" oommundai to incoming Council , \ About an hour was spent. in discus- sing tab. mourplow contracts. Fin- u'lv John Kmm was ennui qcon- tmot for east man! all: 3100; H. 8. Armstrong. avast part of south mud. 390; J. Reynolds. and parcel i 1'1"? 'f‘boris of the sanding oom- mittees were rad and adopted. . Members of the Court of Revision wcre authorised to draw, $21 each for seven meetings held. . The treasurer was instructed to re- ceive taxes until Jan. 4th without interest. Mayor Vroounan thcn vacate! tho chair. which was taken by, Dep-roeve Jordan. On motion of Aid. Eyres, seconded by Reeve Begs. he was uk- ed to accept the sum 0!: $100 so a slight recognition of his valued ser- vices during the year. General [clicio tations followed: . ' The annuatmeport of tho chairman of the Board or Health was present- ed and will be printed. in accordance mu: a motion to that enact. Mr. MnWatten asked that!“ his 1906 tax roll be referred .to the Fin- a.;.:>o commune. with pWel‘ to act. â€"Granud. Committee will meet; on Saturday night. ‘ Dr. Burrows was heard in relation. to bid x'equelt {or a ,mduotion in his taxes owing to the proximity 91 Fan- ning‘s éable. Dr. Simosou was also bend in Monaco to the nuisance. Tho matter rwas mtcrrred to {the Board of Health for a. two“ on the sanitary condition of the stude- \ with LOCAL APPLICATIONS. as they annot reach the tee: o! the dieeue. Cearrh i- n blood or conetltntionei disease. and in order to cure it you mm take interns! remediee. Bell‘s Ceterrh Cue in token internelly. end not. directly on the blood end mnconl enrteeee. Hell's Cot-uh Cure isnot a. quack medicine. It In pteecribed by one o! the bout ph iciene in this country ior you: end is e prescription. It is com- o! the beet tonic- known. combined with he be“ blood puriï¬ers. actlng directly on the mucous ant-twee. The perfect combinstion u! the two ingredients is whet .ioee ench vendetta] munitions-in: Conn . send for methionine (tee. F J. CHENEY a 00.. Props†Toledo. 0. Sold ell 75c. Toke sir-Fen tornadoes-ion. The town «legal bi'l for the year an- oaaung to $296.25 was ordered toba paid to the adieitom-Mems. Mcâ€" Laughlin. Peel Futon. It includ- od $200 costs incurred in defending the Brandt me. ~ ( 051N311 1 cm Md Did. in Mirkham. on Friday. Dec. ‘ sending 0‘ 6:11. Nu. "J. Kallett. inland \ wile present t or John Kallett. of Markham. . 1;». I and the; toned at the cemetery there .on Sun- ' day, Dan. 8th. She is amt-viva! by sea her (husband. John Kellett. Guelph; - Mr. Sin Chas. Kalle“. Mrs. Snake and Miss; ver gray 3-,!th all 0! -Mrkhun. She was lett. a se born and. brought up in Lindsay. and: cently. E r o‘d ' and is shi w mmnxyem awhcrmut- land. win 3.33% a e :-,s u. U ummlxmm “at. Routine bushels was Maw and all anal-ages conned away pre- paraiouy to leaving 1 clog: awe! for tho incoming Council. Mr. Kylio‘a resignation from tho Pundit. Liana-y Board and erd’ .0! Bcn'lh rwas amen-ten. . Ewening Post of Dec. 17 The annual statutory mating of Council was held at evening. Mum- Vrooman and :11 members being .pre- layer Vrooman Voted Honomium of One Hundred Dollars. Town Council’s Little Love Feast was no provision for extending the voting until 7.30 in Village: as than; is in cities. On motion the by-llw was passed fixing the election for i908 tobe held in the rain shelter in Sturgeon Point. nomination: the first Monday in July. elections the meow: Monday in July. ed conï¬rming the putting on o: the gates. the am to be closed bctwem the first of Sept. and tha ï¬rst of J uly each year. or ’85 may be directed by the Council. As showing the ne- ocssity for the gates. Mn J. W. An- derson. Councillor. stated that when he was down at the Point this fail be counted over thirty cows on the ma! outside the gate between the gate and the first turn in the roul. An Opinion was read by Mr. 110p- kins stating that if the Council in- tended holding an election nexc June it was not necessary to hold an alas. tion this January. but they could: do so if they saw (it; also stating that the voting wouli have to take place bctween 9 and 5 o‘clock. as mere mmthom usual batch or accounts dealt With. The Knights of Columbus Order Annual Election of Officers Held Thursday of Lat Week. M u»; .Ilagt regular meeting 9L Lindrq (Email No. 112‘. Knizhtdol Cclumbus. this following ofï¬cers. worn o'eotdl tor the aligning (can. Grand Knightâ€"«Bro John Rogers. Deputy Grnnd Knightâ€"Bro. Rev. W. J. (Idling. \ Chancellorâ€"Bro. T. F. Callaghan. (l‘oronio. ‘ Advmate â€" Bro. Martin Roach éBxccnin.) . 1‘ wtmrâ€"Bro. L. V. O'Connor.» _. mannerâ€"Bro. B. J. Gouda. ‘ Eihtnchl Wary - Bro. J. .J. MacDonelL ‘ . . Recorderâ€"Bro. L. A. Primeau. I \ ‘ .Wa "Ionâ€"Bro. 11155. Brady. at. Unuidb Guardâ€"J. O’Bmlloa‘an. h-side Guardâ€"F. MoClou'y. - » Inmatesâ€"Messrs. B. P. Spratt. J. Kiilen. M. II. McGeongh. Chaplainâ€"Bro. .Ven. Archdeacon Caz-01.. . n‘h' Counbfl is in a prosperous con- dution and (h; members are planning to hold n mowtor initiation ceremony in Linda†next May. similar \tp than one bald on May 24th.1905 whet! “ending otï¬neu‘a and Knig hm were present 1mm many purl-.38 at Canada and the States. . \ . . Secured Valuable Fox Pelt. Mr. Simon Marshall obtained a sil- Vet gray tax-skin from John Kel- lett. a. settler north of Mindan. ro- oently. He paid $80 for the skim. and is shippxng‘ it to a firm in Eng- luad. who have ordered four, such era Is Iron tree from am, air or foreign substance fused with carbon. Carbon gives toughness stcngth, kccncss and life. W. G. DUNOON. Local Agent i0 HONING -N0 GRINDING *W“ wwwm M†W 0’Luughï¬n MeIntyre’s. Lawn and Silk, fancy or plain, also waists lengths in silk and fancy fabrics. Blankets. Underwear. Golf Jackets, Petticoats, Clouds and Fascinators. Table Cloths and Nap. kins, ï¬ve o’clock Tea Cloths. Bureau and Side Board Scarfs. Tray Cloths Dailies and Towels. Ladies’ and gentleman’s Fur Coats, Fur lined Coats Ruï¬s, M 11 KS, Gauntlets ahd Stolcs. We are ready for the holiday rush. We have made big pre- parations for the Xmas trade and have bought many useful and fancy novelties. As our space is small we can only give you a few suggestions. mus/sum m “Qwr CHRISTMAS GOODS. WO0LLEN 80008 WAISTS LINENS CASH AND ONE PRICE. FUBS SASKATCHEWAN (heap feed Wheat, extra good quality. I Cars of this on the way to Man'- Fposa and Cam b ray stations. 7 Samples can be seen and price :obtatned at either Place. Faye: ,requmng feed Will ï¬nd thus a i blrgain. Alsike, Red Glover and Timothy Seed. Highest market values paid a the time. HUGE 8: LYTLE Salt, Steam and Hard Coal ant! Cement at Mariposa ; Steam and: Hand Coal at Cagxbray Station. J.G.[DWARDS 8t (0‘. CROSS CUT SAWS. BUCK SAWS. AXES, Window Glass. MNTERNS’ COAL SIF‘I‘EBS. CORINGERSo BREAD IIXBB. - FOOD CHOPPER; Ties, Scatfs and Muff- lers, lined and unlined kid and mocha Gloves, Ring. wood. Gloves, Handker- chiefs in plain and initial silk, white linen and color- ed Exc Ida, white and colored Shirts. Are your doors or windows dnfly?,- If they are, get ‘some WEATHER» SIRIP. Sold by 1.6.[DWARDS M0. LINDSAY. SIGN OF THE ANVIL. Belts, Veilings, Collars, Handkerchieis. Pin Cush- ions, Cushion Tops and Forms. Fancy C o r d s, Combs, Beads, F ancy Lac- es and Braids and Ribbons in all shades and widths. ‘N ADVI. In â€ï¬g rm P815 Kid, Mocha. Silk. Ring- wood and Cashmere. Always in the market {Or MENS FURNISHINGS LIMITED Mariposa Station. NBVELTIES IN Extra heavy andtclw; BLUVES HANDLER