ham. N3 town. Savy Green and Garnet. Shaken Dress Goods. :m2. 350.. sale "y. Garnet; Brow}: and Green Venetian. mg. 60c.. Christmas ggle Dress Goods and Silks Belt Caught Arm Man Badly Hurt n1, Nafy, White am}. Brown and wine Green Eclienne. reg. 31.15.341.19 hm"! Nmowly Averted at One Of 3,: 0“! Busy Factories. ' ‘3’"? Lamb. reg. $3.85, «sale L. ...................................... W519 Buffs, full tufted. good colors. rag. $18.00, pale EFM Harman Muff. reg. $5.00, for... b?" and Astrachan Duperines. with doe; collar, mug. 3, “I†Lamb Ca‘perine. «Jag. $1150. sale. ........ , ................ hugs White Tibet ,Ruff. 13;. $5.25. an ........... . ......... \ White Tibet Ruff, rag. $225. saflo‘ ............ “'5 Astxachan Fur Collars. $4.75. 8010 ... ~- 5‘9’5 Brown Mat-moth, «reg. $6.00, same: ...................... .v.‘,_._ ._A. Waite and Black Sit}: Sim Blouses. fine tucking. (talent! in back. 02.50 tar..;...... . . mm a, a Black Ja‘pan 1mm. Silk mouse. mu. tupkini'oack and mums. $8.75. (or ........ Wu. Suvy. and Buck mum Waist. reg. 85.50. ml. ... ....... . .............. ....... modem! Cream rum. Cloth (Blame. nag. 33.50. tor ..... . ......m ...... ‘ .. ............. Mme Flam-lathe Waist! 10!“ Hons. What, 5%. am} ......... . .......... . ........................... . mack Sateen Blousai. 81.00 and ...... ... m‘ ......... ...... ... ..4 nut Sntoen Skirts. bought tor Chï¬a‘mm $1.00. $1.25. 81.75 nnd ...; . Buck ’l‘affetecn Skirts. mg. $2.25. «An 02.00. amazing. 81.25 for (..s ........................... .. Cut-«1 I'ndemkirtxx in grey and lqrowu and navy momen. mag" 81.40, sale ................ .. . .......... Law Knitted Wool Underakim, blue and red amigo. m3, 91.76 for â€4.... "(a ... /;'IRST CHRISTMAS In our NEW STORE we want to too you. I; :22..ch MARCH TIME if you do yonr shopping In the time loft. Ii" __ .- ll----- E-.. LI.‘ DAIAA and Girls Bear Boats, ““3138 Post of Dec. 18 ‘ Kr r4501! Gretchen was the via- “ of an Butcrtunam Wt, te- 9 \‘OHG 1». 6t 7U LE-T'l DE 1907.. «50: . 3 extra. .,. 75c“ $1. 00 and .......... 1.3125 Christmas Veilimgs. 80¢. 0.60o n’I {‘an Wmdmr “3:0 2“. L155 "i‘ï¬hgï¬vea r. 'tloeoed Handkerchief; ftp: Gift; fqr [Aggflljgmem childrebn A.â€" .4 -1 m' .. ur Gauntiets. near seal, ire; $5.50, sale ‘ ey, reg. $3.50, salq ,. u“ ................. 0c..75¢..90¢.1nd. Camerines. 75c. and: $1 775 $2. 25. $27 45 an: 3 sizes. tor .. Imitation Grey Lani) Gloves med \Iocka. Gloves. rag. .;l0 reg. $1. 40. 5.1110 1.25 Muffler. 35c. and" ..50c Led ulOVï¬, $...00 $2.50 ... .. .. a†.3300 Giovéé. 85c. 31. 00, $1. 25 .3.1. so Lined 3I11Ls,“ 5013., _75_c. Christmas Braces. 30d Gloves, red.br0\vn. and blank ........... ~ 250. Green dud Black Lad- costumJes, al’nama fin- ‘0 for ............... $1.25 Voiles and Panama, Slzw. 1w ...................................... ‘ ' litation Gney Lamb Gauntlets and Conamgaumlets ck .gaunflots. 503., 75:. am ............................. . ...... LY POST. LINDSAY. mun. mac. 30th. '07 Gloves. 250.. 35°- .ys, Dolls. Games and Notlous bought at almost ONE in our Mantle room upstairs. Blouses, Dress Goods _;and_ Under 8klrts reggslm. blored Kid (51on 1 \Mittz‘u, T613 OME AND SEE trey “In our u udcrskirta roluo and red stniqa. Vre; $1. 75 for â€.4 .............................................. Bear Bonnets, Bear Gauntlets and Gaperlnos . C15 OPPOSITE TERRY’S. 35¢. and "$1100 Furs for Xmas Gifts 25c. 500. 65¢. Fancy Christmas Veilimg's, 20c. to 25¢. 4 auch :Taffeta. Ribbon, in frown, car- dinal, vpin. navy for ......... 15-0. yd. Rally and Drenden (Baby Ribzons. .- auk. Satin Baby :Ri'ooon. ‘1 Handsome Lanes for fancy work from EC. to .................................... 15:3. Emlwoidemd Callus, 10¢, 15c. and 20c Silk Collars 25c. and ...... 5-." . ........ 390 . Ladies’ Silk Belts. 250. ant! .,. ...... 500. been/aces from So. to, ........ . ..... 60c. Side Combs. 10c., 150. and; .. 25c. Back Combs. 20c., 25c. and .......... 50c. Fancy Hat Pins. 50,. 100.. 15c... and 250. Man’s Ties. Skirts and Mufflers. - Four-infland Ties. new patterns, 20c, 25m, 350. and ......... -' ............... 500. Chrunmas Ra Uta. Shi a. 3 ayocimls, 500.. 75c. ...31.00 Beak-own fries. 200. and ...... , ..... 335:. Benin Zephym and (Floss. 7. 1:20. 0:. Chiidren‘a and LM’ Clouds. 250.. 4‘ AA Toques. 2.. 40c. and ...... \ ......... 50c. Mitts. 25-3.. 350. and 50c. Laue Children’s ‘Wool {106e, 15c. 19 Toques‘, Mitts. Hosiery Lamas Cashmere Hose. 3 mecpeciajxs. 25c. ‘2‘» ant! â€4* CLEMTG'RS 150. to ... .. FIarm-lettc Nught Crowns, Ladies’ Heavy 'Wool Hose. 25s.. QM†Ladics’ Kmued tntLarSWear. from 25:. $1.00 and ........................ 3‘113 Drawers, 303.. 50c. axd ...... . ......... 75c. ‘raagper-s, $1. 00 for 75c.; $1.10, $2.00 Golf Jackets. navy, red. white and ibzue, rag. $2.25 for ............... $2.00 Heavy W 001 'Shalwls, $2. 00, $2. 50 and ............................................ $3. 00 Cream and [green shades, with 51839 50c. 75c. and ‘ ........ “$1. 00 Laaxcs Silk Parasols, $1. 25, $2 00and day. at Kennedy's mill. At the end of the noon hour. just as the ma- chinery was being put in motion again. he was putting on a hen, and in some manner managed to get, his arm caught between the belL aai £11.,- pulley. The arm was flung around with the revolving wheel and badly cn'shed by ‘the pressure or the hen. Dcspite the intensa pain an! tun flow. oi blood from the injured mem. her, the plucky fellow walked so tug doctor's. Later he was taken to the hospital under the influence of mar. hine to have his arm properlx at- ftsdedto» . x 5 .. ‘ g? ith hmtiï¬c ing. .1-2 mu. m 90:, tag. .2. .w, my .. ..., v .75“ ads, 850.. 5 and ....... . ............ . ............... . ........... , ............. 2 ‘3’ mg' 20. Ella ..., In- an «- ...: n... .m 9‘ «on. on"... ..... o oooooooooooo lno ......... 2†L_ Handkmhiets. 3 for 35s., 2 afar......... .. -. ................. “ï¬g." ..4 ............ ‘ ....... . ............................ 20¢. each £5. 252.. 350 and." ................................................................. 600. l snows. 16¢..15c... 20°. and ........................ 2 ........... _. .2 ..25o. 2mm. ........................................................ _. ............ d ......... 250.. ‘C . 2 for 50.. 50. and p. ...} .......................... ‘ .................. 1 ._ ..... , ............ 80. c. 50.. 80.100. and .......................................... a , ....... 2’. ................. 32 1-20. 44.â€" may u. 00‘ McGAFFEY Neckwear Tau will nut 4b; disappointed. 50c. ., 752., . $1.2 ......................................... u . on ‘uâ€" .......................... 75am $1.00: mum $1.25 a“ QIIM : fag. .100, sank; ...... _.,. â€do oacpco gnu"..- “Jo-o.- .Tzubxe Napkins. 5-8. $1.75 (or $1.50; S: 00 for $1.75; $3.00 {or n,...._a';2.50 Lwcn fl‘abel Cloths, 10-4, reg. $1.25, sale $1.00; 1211. reg. $5.50, ale $4.50; frag. $3.75, sale .,. ...$3.25 W mte Damask {fable Linen. 65 jpch. reg. $1.30. safe $1.10; meg. 31.10.5ale 852.; reg. $1.60. sale ............... $1.25 Pillow Shams. 503., 75c. and. ..... $1.00 Fancy Donia frenel'iï¬e. 2 lot 5c..5c.. 8c.. 130., 15c. and. ... 25c. BaLLen'bungs. 10s.. 15:. and ...... 250 Bad Len'burgg Uentre Pieces. 250.. 400. A1km aao ...... . ............................ ...“... .v- Eula“ Forms for Cushion. 503. ... .750. Hemmed Pillow Cases. ...v 15:. each Cloemlle .Ta-bie Covers. â€$1.001“ $1.500 01's, .................................... , ....... Handbags. 25c.. 50c. and .' ........ 75c. Peggy Bags, 500.. 775e, and{ 1 ....... $1.00 Beauty Pins, 5c. and ..... _ ..... v. ..... 1 0c. Fancy Brooches. 10c.. 15c. and -:- 25c. Sea Shall Novelties. - Q ' Wave and Handkerchiel Boxes ...... 25°. Fancy I-‘in Cushion Box. Hand ‘Mir- rcr. Butterfly Box, {Heart-shaped; nua‘ Lea! Box. (or ............ 250. each Dag Kernel and. {Photo Emme. \ ‘ Lift» Childmen‘s Sewing 8035....250. Cnudron‘s 6 O'clock {Tea Seth. 0E- ‘th Ladios' Comets. 506» Chudron'u 808901140“ 1'6er 'éeii'tférr ' m Chenille and map- esuy Curtains, _ ., Roman Suiyed Damask for pansy. 00111013, mg. 70c. {or ............ 60c. Cu shion Tops. Cords and. girdles. Cotton .B‘Iankets. 89c.. $1.00. $1.25 and ...... 1 ............ $1.50 .0... on ... u... H... ................... Phnt') frames. 10:... 15c. and. ...... 250. Far dogs for chddren. on wheel-n, 25°. and W600. deim' Comets. 5013.. 75c. .;}351__...31 90 Chfldren's Shell Pumas. sounnir Lmdsay, X53. anqu ... 1 Children’s Beaded Chagtrens. 3 q sale $21.50 Purses, Hand Bags , Two dozen fancy, check Horse Cov- ers, shaped. straps and. buckle, re, duced to $2.00 each. ._ Snow .white Blankets. blue border, $2.50 to $3.50 per pair. . Some bargains in men's wpol un- dersL-ilts. .. THE HORN BROS .WOOLLEV : .00.. LIMITED. Nice soft. gray Blankets. made to wear. $2.50 to $335. Blankets $3.00 ("Lu on A USEFUL PRESENT. ; r813. .HALF PRICE ..... $5.25 ‘ ' Lissa oo ........... 34:00 L.) "£31100 ...... 81. 25 ............ .81. so ......... $4.50 ........ 31.59 $10.50 ...$4.50 .. $2.50 â€$8.50 $10.00 $60.00 $35.00 $60.00 $4.75 31.30 $1.60 cal- 25:. â€"11 girls .who want to act ma: would Athenian for hounds womdn t t". to burn god} and - he wise .womnn shops can-1v. The clerks hand her down thexr ch) :eet bargains. 9nd say nice things about. her when she depart; . I‘ooerborouzh city tubers twill'oe- gin the new year with an overglralt o! 5110.39.43. Unsold debentures ac.- count [on a large paruol the sun. â€"A girl was asked to captain why" men never, kiss an}: other. while we» men do. She replied; "Men have «mum; better to km; woman haven't." . ~Anothor damper has been pinned on New Yorker- 'zdtting noun-er .tq haven. no one «being unwed horo- aflu‘ to em Inï¬thinz higher than : 20 atom‘ MHZ- «These am the days when a more man had better not go poking his nose a-wund too much in drawers and out. at the may places. I! he does ho may unmrth the goods .which ran in cold sthagwe .waiting far -Bam:a iNTERESTING PARAGRAPHS .1 â€"-Mr- L. J. Ross, 3 Rochester. ca- rpitaiist. has men engaged in proa- pectins for mineral: in Enlibunon vicinity. . ( -Fura reputed. remodelled and cleaned. F. Mnllett. over 802111 a: Matthias. nearly. opposite post ofï¬ce. â€"d4ew8mo. â€"-The Ontario Provincial Board 0! Health ha§ decided to {tame toga» nations to control Itho milk supply: vâ€"v____, \ â€"-I‘eterborougn is feeling the pinch of dull tima. and the City Council has decided to purchase 100 cords of stone and have it broken by hand. The Review says; There is‘ little dovbt but that the city will have to support a. number of unemployed men and their families during the winte“, and it is felt that they‘ might as well be given work. . ‘ . n L â€"-AZ‘1word-with you! .f __ . I 1 â€"have you selootéd them yd?! ,‘._ â€"II not. isn't it time to get hm! â€"Read the Weekly Post ads“ than go ahead. .L . â€"'nhe jingle of the sleigh bells re- main: with ml, ( --Rea1d the Christmas ads. in: and Post and thenâ€"unholy unly. â€",'\Vhat are you going empay hr your Christmas turkey! Don‘t. be atampcdedâ€"goose tastes good. vor. it. What is Humming in Town and the Country Round About Us. â€"'Irial catarrh‘ treatments are be- ing mauled out free. on request. by Dr. snoop. Racine. Wis. These test: are provwg to the peopleâ€"without a penny's coatâ€"the great. value of this scientific ï¬rmription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Sum-9's Catarrh Remedy..Sold by :11 denlern. '*'â€"‘r \ â€"Specinl kins in Rockers. Arm Chairs, Couches, and all kinda of up-‘ bolstered goods. at. M. E. Iangney'a, â€"!1‘he Post man reproduces the talloMing from the Peterboro Examr met with a. feeling of grim aatiatact tion: It may be that newspapeni would he more appteniated it they did 31 nttle more 'knocking,†had told. thou: thin-gs an they really were. in- stead of trying; to cover up M1019 sins and mistakes The W Inlet may be tried me day. -, . --A tickling cough. from any cauv, is quickly. stopped by Dr. Shoop‘a Cough Cure. And it is so thorough- ly harmlus and safe. that Dr. Shoop tells mothers everywhere so save it without hesitation even to very young babies. The wholesome green leaves ani tender atoms at a lung- heahng mountain shrub, furnish the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calm the cough. and heal: the sore and sensitive bron- chial membrwes. No opium. no chlor- oform. nothing harsh used. to injuce or suppreus Simply. a resinous plant extract MM. helps to heel Main: lL-ngs.v'Ihe Spaniards call thin shrub which .the doctor uses, â€The Sax-ad Howe. or Janetviue. a well to a. depth of dive feet. where he‘ and and was unable to ns, 3 Rochester. ca- Kan-w: City| Journfl. wavnt to lot mlfl'ifli Heia Pl a couple on Clue . one dM‘ 1d duzks they ‘ --â€"1‘he tomb in the country am re- ported to be pretty badly drifted. especially those to the north nnd south or the town. â€"For quality and durabilitY. tho Newt-elm Piano. at Toronto. ex- 0-54. One or these cianos on View at. Goodwin's Art Stoutâ€"41w“. ~Note the distinction clearly. And let the words be headed; A genius. my son. is merely A crank who has succeeded. - Exchange your old instrument Xcr a Fuadmcr.’ A liberal allow- nme mm be made Elton-ï¬ance) on new at Goodwin's Art étorgâ€"dwvtl. -A fine skating rink is being manu- tazned on the river near. Boar: tan- nery by the boys of the neighbor- hood. and it is well patronined every - Given may. a beaumul Bronzed Packet with every pond at Boston Luxury Canoe. In}: is tho richest blend 0! coffee known to the trade. Youcanonlynzet thinprescnttfltho Oak Front (invertâ€"mm:- Herb." Deanna Dr. Shoop‘s. Ink: co oiher. Sold by :11 dale“. â€"Se1eral WEI! known tuners. {1'- mous for their bospitality. wll re- ceive visits from driving parties this week. -I-‘ctc.rb'oocro City Goumu ,willnak Mr. Andrew Ctrnegie {or a grant of 395.000 to build 3 {me spiral-i0 lid-l r311, l .. â€"'Ihe suggestion bu been med. that as many ladies will vote at the coming municipu elections. the pres- tioe of making and spitting in the minus booths shoal} be prohibited by the ‘hputy returning otticeu. â€"Potorborouzh Knight: 01 Colum- bus 5:wa an edduss and 9 pair, c: gunmen to Mr. .Williun Craw- by. tho lootbull and hockey wort, Mn is a manner a: that order. on the eve at his departure {or Edmon- â€"'lhos. Kow. the degenerate unmp‘ who set out to tire ell the hams along the Kingston road becauw he had been chased out of one 0;! the owner. .wu sentenced to five years in Kingston penitentiary. -'lhe Christmu concertâ€"with tree at! Santa Chan'sâ€"of the Queen-at.- aunday school. will be held thus year on the evening of Monday, the 33rd inst. and not on Christmas night. as â€"fro chunk 1 cold quickly. But 1mm your dammit-om um Candy Cold Tablets called Mention. Dru?- ngisu "anathema no now Wu; mutation. to: any are not only cute. but “My certain and mm. Months contain no nuinim. nonz- Ltivn. Mina harsh not sickening m at th- “neuo um’ Pann- tics will W W1. Bron- ohxtk. u Grinch m. Hmoo' an Lump. mam Gobi! (on: until We have still a good assortment of Ladies’ Mantle: and while they last we are going to put money in our cus- tomers purses in the way of actual saving. Don’t put 05 any longer but get your new mantle before Christmas. Now there's no reason for further delay as prices have struck the lowest notch. $800 Coats, now only 5.00; 10.0.: Coats now only 6.50; 15.00 and 13,00 Coats for 10.00. Children’s Coat are also greatly reduced in price. Bring the little ones in. SHOP EARLY. Clearing a lot of Mantle: at Prlces Much Below Their Real Value. Always a big range for you here, al- ways the new sty!a, always the best in the trade, always the lowest prices, always come here for your gloves. Short lengths per pair. $1.00, 1.25; Elbow lengths, per pair, 82.00, 2.50 and 2.7 5. 9 Hematitched Lawn Handkerchiefs, 5 Lace Corner Lawn Handkerchiefs, 6 Lace edged Lawn Handkerchiefs, 3 ï¬ne lace edge Lawn Handkerchiefs, 3 hemstitched Lawn Handkerchief with em- broidered initial ; 3 hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs, 3 Handker- chiefs with embroidery corner and hemstitched inner; 2 ï¬ne embroi- dered Handkerchiefs. 2 ï¬ne scalloped-edge Handkeschiefs, r all. pure linen initial Handkerchief, hemstizched; r handsome Swiss embroidered Handkerchiefs, r lace trimmed ï¬ne line Handkerchiefs. Now here is a splendid opportunity to buy something that is sure to be apm-ecxated and a something anyone never has too many of. A Handkerchief Sale of Great Importance. I 10722" hqe taught my yoqthï¬tf’ friend Ladles’ Gloves A Great 28c Offorlnz '. ~SUTCLIF‘F‘E vvâ€"«‘ .4 .30th te‘hde' s'ént ybuf , Though it s uld serve nae ither Than just a kind momenta WISH YOU ALL A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS. LINDSAY . SUTGLIFFE SONS SONS Lindsay and Oshawa J. SUTCLIFFE SONS. â€"When the Sbomnch.'flalrt or Kid. ney nerves get weak. then these or- gans always tail. Don‘t drug the stomach. nor stimulnte the heart or kidneys. Thst is simply s makeshift. Get n prescription known to drug- gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop‘s Re- storative. The Restorative is prepar- ed expressly (or these weak inside nerves. Strengthen these nerves. build then: up with Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative .- tablets or liquidâ€"and see how quickly help will come. Free sam- ple test sent. on request by Dr. Shoop. Racine. Wis. Your health is surely wox th this simple test. 501:! by, sll (lenien- Training School for Telegraphers ohildm £8 Pmtia 85 gent: (Emma. 8036wa â€"-Don‘t target. we htvo amy- thirc you. LIQJOUO [or your Christ- mas cooking. .u high grad: good; Como tnfl seeâ€"I mnranteo you .yvon't Lindsay's lode] Institution Has a Bright Fumeâ€"Ina] Applications. ha - disappointed. Spacial Mam Gaga. Navel Oranges. Barr-does. Sue!“ and Sweet Cider. LIB. FLUREY. Oak Front Grownâ€"“'14:. ‘K ‘ ‘. \‘ ~â€" . . Mr. .W. W. Ashold. aupt. of Tcle< graph {or the Grand Trunk systems, An ived in town last. evening to con- fer with Mr. Pal-ton. Principal. of the National School of Ielegraphy. in matters pertaining to students and school. Mr. Ashold is so well plena- ed. with the School and. the work it is 'doing that he will at once have Ir. Paton supplied with all the nrioun forms used by the Rsilway Company. including train order blanks. dc. It in aid that the Canadian roads alone “'1“ require 5000 railway op- erators the coming summer. This looks like an Opportunity for the young men of this or any other dis- trict. Tha School now has a complete freight department. n passenger de- portment. and all forms used in the movement of trains. full knowledge of which. including telegraphy. each pupil in given for the one tuition fee. Wanted the Sam. 1 "All. Robert." 'slx'd a temperance worker. sadly. meotxng a former oon- Vert. "I'm atnid you've been dam:- ing‘ again. I/ can smell it in your breath. L"Jay not give it up alto- gether! You never smell the oior of liquor in my breath." "No. sir; I never did.†was Robe:t‘a reply. than. in I most union tone or voice. he added; “What d‘yq 4a.: In:- 25c and 35c Collars 15¢; 40c and soc Collars, 25c; 60c and 75c Collars. 35c , 75c Collars, 50c; $1. 0° and .1. 25 Collars, 75c; $1.50 Collars. 1. oo. They are a very special oï¬'ering simply to clear before Xmas is why the prices are so low. All are very late styles and in almost all colors a person could desire while the designs are equally as variedâ€"all must goâ€"so CASH AN D ONE PRICE ONLY Clearlng a Manufacturers lot of Sample Collars at About Half Price. â€"Burn8. OSHAWA 11 your hat mm on thc aidd of the (we. The; Lp a'.to- sw-ho'le side of his hand was aeverelyï¬ 1e oior salad cud he had to go to~ n doctor. tobcutteudedtm Beisdqbtobo Robe:t‘a awund tit-dos. dthwzzh he is in ; cone of comidetahle pain. It Iva hokt 11m Mint himtlltbdithIQ-lmlm ,I aim abundant a- m... .1.= ‘ H Special D85. 8.. amouâ€" Eflpofl... .03.: 33K 03 8.. can: 89¢ canton .5 ad dwmuov 36.580 v0.8.8 aismguï¬vï¬xï¬aï¬sauï¬q “in? 33.580 083 White N et Waist: with Val. bee and insertion trimmings, lined through- out with silk, 3-4 slave, open but. special each ............ .33.?! Threeall-lincn Handkerchiefs, hand- drawn, hemstitched edge, for... 506 Buy a Waist Length A splendid range of pansola, suit- able for Xmas gifts. Fine Taï¬'eta and Gloria Tops, steel frames, pearl and assorted hanndlet. A good variety in the range. Japan Taï¬'eta Silk Waist: in black or white, ï¬ne embroidered panel. trimmed with lace and tucks, 3-4 sleeve. tucked and lace trimmed cuï¬â€™s. open back. only ..... . .... .. . . . . 83.00 Silk Walsts, $3.00 Embroidered Silk, 30 inches wide. nice for gift giving: Special perjgrd Net Walsts, 83.75 Parasols, always good Workman Scalded At Box Factory Stream of Hot Water From Broken Pin Plan! on Side of End. , Evening Post of Dec. 13 Yesterday anal-noon. as Mr. Alex. Richards was thin; some work about. th». engine ct Cnmw'e box Isuzu-3" tho machinery :ccfaentauy moved in mnamutopmjnotnmmot JEWELRY BUYERS’ ADVICE. Having purchased the jewellery business of J. 5. Petty, Kent-st, I am oï¬'eriag great reductions during the Xmas trade. Would be very pleased to have you call and see our new, complete. up-to-date stock in all the lines. Ifeel assured that if you see our complete line of Jewellery it will bean easy matter to satisfy your wants Xmas Presents. I only handle, sell and ad- vise flrst quality gbods that give to the wearer perfect satisfaction. C a 11 a n d A. S. WflSMAN JEWELLER - OPTICIAN. Successor to J. S. Petty. §§ï¬Â§Â¢ MUBNINGS IS BEST.